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TASK: Read this group of stories and do the exercises given below:

Story 4

A bank worker in San Francisco decided to take his Siamese cat, Morris,
into work with him one day. While the man was speaking on the telephone,
Morris walked across the keyboard of his computer and accidently keyed in a
secret code that deleted files worth 100,000 dollars. As you can imagine, the
man’s employers were not amused.

Story 5

While traveling in the north of England some years

ago, my husband and I stopped in a quiet place for a picnic
and played some Mozart on a CD player. After a few
minutes we looked up and realized that we were surrounded
by cows who were listening to the music. When the Mozart
was finished, we put on CD of modern music. The cows
immediately turned round and walked off.

Story 6

People say that fish are cold, but this story proves that they
have feelings too.
A friend was moving to another country, so we took her pet
goldfish and put it in a bowl with our goldfish. They lived together
for six months, and the friend came back, we separated them again,
and she took her goldfish home.
I immediately noticed that my goldfish was behaving
strangely, banging against the side of the bowl. The next morning
he was floating on the surface, dead. Later that day my friend
phoned to say that her goldfish was also dead.
I believe they died of a broken heart.
1. Do you think pets like listening to classic music?

2. People become more responsible when keeping pets. Do you agree?

3. What do your pets do that is funny?

I. Complete the sentences:

a. If the banker didn’t take his cat to work?

b. If the tourists didn’t play modern music?
c. If the owners of the fish didn’t separate them?

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