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Academic Statement

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decided to be”
Full Name: Asadullah Aria
DOB: March 26, 1984
Passport Number: P03725080
Electronic National ID: 1400-0503-71516
Tazkira Number: 109306

This statement is about my academic background and interests which includes four sections: 1. Education; 2. Teaching; 3.
Research, compilation and translation; and 4. Administrative and management experiences in academic departments.

1. Education: After the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, I have graduated from Ghulam Haidar Khan high school in
2005 which is a public school in Afghanistan. In 2006, after successfully passing the general entrance exam (Concours), I
succeeded in the Department of Journalism at Al-Beroni University. In 2010, I have graduated with honors. From December
2011 to 2013 and in this durations I have worked for the Ramin Shakori Business Corporation which had contract with U.S
government Entity: U.S Army, therefore, I have worked with U.S Special Force, Combined Security Transitioned Command/
NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan NTM-A/CSTC-A CJ2 PROGRAM- Defense Security Service (DSS/PSS) as a biometric
specialist in KMTC and several provinces of Afghanistan.
I am holding a Master Degree from Shandong University in China on 2020. I have graduated from the Department of
International Relations. The title of my master's thesis was the impact of Afghan media on relationship between Afghanistan
and China (case study private media), which was defended with A grade.

2. Teaching: I started teaching informally (voluntarily) at Al-Beroni University in 2011 part-time. Then, I was
officially hired as a professor in the Department of Journalism (Media and Communication Studies) at Al-Beroni University,
in 2014. But I also taught at Mwj-e- Kawsar Institute, Mashal University, Tabesh University and Fanoos Higher Education
(they are private universities) and as well at Mediothek Afghanistan in Kabul. The topics I taught in Journalism and
Communication are four topics: 1. Investigative Journalism; 2.Afghanistan Media History; 3. Journalism Analytical Genres;
4. International Relations; 5. World Political History.

3. Research, compilation and translation: In addition to my master's thesis, I successfully done two articles (papers).
You can find these on Google Scholar. In total, I have supervised more than more than 100 undergraduate monographs. I am
the author of several academic chapters for the journalism and communications students such as: journalism analytical genres
Afghanistan media history, introduction to the Afghanistan media system, magazine journalism and mass media. In addition,
I have published two paper and as well submitted one which is under review, they are below:

1- EU Trade Policy amid U.S-China Trade Confrontations

2- Explaining the new neighborhood China diplomacy in Afghanistan

3- Advantage and disadvantage of China new diplomacy toward of Afghanistan

4. Administration and Management in Academic Departments: I was the Clarke of press Department at faculty of
journalism at Al-Beroni University, from October 2020 to December 2021. I haves also been a member of Exams and discipline
from 2020 till date. In addition I was member of defense committee for monographs.

I am interested in research and study in the fields of media management, communications, public relations and International
Relations. These areas are relevant in my research and studies, my master thesis which I wrote, as well as my teaching
experience. In this sense, I can work better in the specific areas which I mentioned in above and I want serve humanity through
this channel and your honorable institutions.

In particular, I look forward to working as a research assistant to a distinguished assistant professor at your esteemed university
or institutes in the fields of international relations, communications, journalism, media studies, and public relations that aligns
with my future academic role, and models through the research and innovation. Therefore, I sincerely and keenly wait for my
application to be accepted with a scholarship and financial aid.

Asadullah Aria
Assistant professor and senior lecturer at the department of Press,
Faculty of Journalism, Al-Beroni University, district #1, Kapisa, Afghanistan
Contact No: +93779133849

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