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Title: Quantum Computing: Current Trends, Challenges, and Applications in


Abstract: Quantum computing represents a paradigm shift in computational

capabilities, offering unprecedented potential for solving complex problems that are
intractable for classical computers. One of the most promising areas of application for
quantum computing is cryptography, where quantum algorithms have the potential to
revolutionize encryption and decryption methods. This paper provides an overview of
current trends and challenges in the field of quantum computing, with a specific focus
on its applications in cryptography. We discuss the principles of quantum computation,
highlighting key quantum algorithms such as Shor's algorithm and Grover's algorithm,
which have significant implications for cryptography. Furthermore, we examine the
challenges and limitations of quantum computing, including issues related to qubit
stability, error correction, and scalability. Despite these challenges, quantum
cryptography offers unique opportunities for enhancing cybersecurity and privacy
protection in an era of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. By exploring the
potential applications of quantum computing in cryptography, this paper aims to shed
light on the transformative impact of quantum technology on the future of secure
communication and data protection.

Keywords: Quantum Computing, Cryptography, Quantum Algorithms, Shor's Algorithm,

Grover's Algorithm, Cybersecurity.

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