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Title: Understanding the Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Academic

Achievement: A Case Study of Urban Public Schools

Abstract: Academic achievement is influenced by a multitude of factors, including

socio-economic conditions, which play a pivotal role in shaping educational outcomes.
This case study investigates the socio-economic factors affecting academic achievement
in urban public schools, where disparities in access to resources and opportunities are
often pronounced. Through a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative analysis
of student performance data and qualitative examination of socio-economic indicators,
we explore the complex interplay between socio-economic status and academic success.
By focusing on urban public schools as a microcosm of broader societal challenges, we
seek to identify the specific socio-economic factors that contribute to disparities in
academic achievement and educational attainment. Additionally, we examine the
efficacy of interventions and policy initiatives aimed at addressing these disparities and
promoting equitable access to quality education. The findings of this study have
implications for educational policy formulation, resource allocation, and intervention
strategies aimed at narrowing the achievement gap and fostering academic success for
all students in urban public schools.

Keywords: Socio-Economic Factors, Academic Achievement, Urban Public Schools,

Achievement Gap, Educational Equity, Intervention Strategies.

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