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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Political Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the political frame
2. Apply the political frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

In April 2022, The Walt Disney Company fired its CEO, Bob Chapek, giving him$20
million as part of his leaving package. This study looks at why Chapek was let go, focusing on
what he did well and where he fell short. It also explores how the other leaders at Disney made
this decision. Furthermore, the study explores the appointment of Robert Iger as Chapek's
successor, Iger's incentive package, leadership style, and his current achievements and
shortcomings. The Walt Disney Company, known for it's remarkable successes, has also faced its
share of failures. This case study aims to highlight how companies can learn from missteps and
ultimately thrive when sound decisions are made. As an administrative assistant at Disney, I see
how these changes affect everyone on the team. This includes changes in rules and how we do
things, and also how much time we spend on our work. My job lets me see how decisions made
by the big bosses impact everyone, including me.

2) Describe how the politics of the organization influenced the situation.

In April 2022, Disney's CEO, Bob Chapek, was fired, and he received $20 million when
he left. Many people wondered why this happened and looked at what he did well and where he
made mistakes. The decision to fire Chapek was influenced by the opinions and actions of other
leaders at Disney. They chose Robert Iger to replace Chapek and gave him a big incentive
package to take on the role. Iger has a different leadership style compared to Chapek, and people
within the company have been happy to have him back it seems, playing into the dynamics of the
political frame.

People at Disney have built relationships with Robert Iger that may influence how they
view the change in leadership. These relationships can create a political environment where some
individuals may favor Iger over Chapek. Personal connections and alliances formed with Iger
over the years could lead to biases or preferences in supporting him as the new CEO. This
political framing of favoritism towards Iger has obviously impacted the decision in making the

swap back into power more obvious . It's important to recognize how relationships and personal
dynamics can shape organizational politics and leadership transitions.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational politics for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

To use organizational politics differently in this situation, I would work on getting closer
to team members who have mixed feelings and different opinions. I think I would make it a mark
to listen to their thoughts and understand their concerns from an outside perspective. This means
showing real interest in what they have to say, which could help build trust and openness. Then,
I'd use my connections with other members of my team to gather support and advice on how to
handle any challenges that come up.

Being able to openly discuss things with the team in meetings and causal conversations
would be key. By being understanding and asking for their thoughts, I will build stronger
relationships and make sure we're all on the same page. This approach is about respecting
everyone's viewpoints and finding common ground to work together better. Using organizational
politics like this would focus on building connections and making decisions together to create a
more united team, and it ends up being ethical too.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Given what I've learned about this situation, I wouldn't do anything differently because I
personally believe that bringing back Robert Iger was a smart decision. I felt that Bob Chapek
wasn't performing well, and I worried that the company might start declining under his
leadership. Iger has a proven track record of success here at The Walt Disney Company and I
trust that he can lead the company in the right direction. It is important to recognize what works
well and Iger has proven to have this ability.

I believe it's important to acknowledge when organizational changes are needed to adapt
to problems and circumstances. While not everyone may agree with replacing Chapek with Iger,
I really believe that this decision was best for The Walt Disney Company's success. Looking
ahead, I am committed to supporting Iger and his vision, I am committed to embracing the idea
of what works, works.

Reference or References
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