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Use this presentation to answer the questions, please answer in a different color font.

1. Why do you believe the Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life?

I believe the supreme court justices are appointed for life because they decide on issues
that become national laws that affect everyone in the country.

2. What are the Constitutional requirements for the Supreme Court?

The Constitution doesn’t have specify requirements.

3. Why do you think that all the judges have had legal training?

All judges had legal training to experience the setting in case they got nominated.

4. Why is diversity an important factor in choosing Supreme Court Justices?

Diversity allows individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and points of view
to communicate and discuss cases, which makes it an important consideration when
selecting justices for the Supreme Court.

5. Why do decision often appear very political even though judges are supposed to keep
their personal views out of their decisions?

They are expected to apply the law as it is, not as the judge would have it, and to do so
equitably given the particulars of the case.

6. What is an originalist philosophy in regards to interpreting the Constitution?

Originalism is a legal interpretation theory that maintains that a legal document,

particularly the United States Constitution, should be read in light of the understanding
that existed at the time of its enactment.

7. How do the justices who follow the living Constitution differ from originalist?

Living constitutionalists argue that when conditions and values change, constitutional
legislation should also change to reflect those changes.

8. Which philosophy is considered conservative and which philosophy is considered


Libertarian or authoritarian, populist or elitist, progressive or reactionary, moderate or

extreme—these are all possible forms of conservatism.

9. Why would a conservative/liberal president attempt to place a justice on the court with
a similar judicial philosophy?

A judge’s judicial philosophy can often predict how they might decide a certain issue, so
generally, you’ll see a conservative president looking for a nominee who does not follow
the living Constitution theory
10. What are the steps of a Supreme Court Justice being confirmed?

The steps are you first must be nominated for vacancy by the president and then you
need to pass a majority vote from the senate.

11. Why do you think the framers wanted to have the President and Senate to be involved in
confirming supreme court justices?

The farmers wanted to have the president and senate involved because in the text it
states “ how the executive and legislative branches exercise checks and balances over the
judicial branch.”

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