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Use this presentation to answer the questions below: Please you another color font to earn points.

20 points

1. Why do you think the Founders divided the process into two steps (impeachment and conviction)?

They divide it in two steps so people have a chance to remove a president and to have some power to
check on.

2. How does the rule of law protect citizens?

The rule of law protects citizens by guaranteed rights for all humans.

3. Treason and Bribery have pretty clear definitions, but the Constitution never explains what “other
high Crimes and Misdemeanors” means. What kinds of problems do you think this could cause?

It can cause problems because no one would know what was incorrect enough to be regarded as a
high crime, doing something by accident can be regarded as a high crime.

4. Why do you think the Senate requires a greater percentage of votes to remove the president from

They require a percentage of voters because the senate is the actual trial and observes them whether
or not to kick the president out.

5. Why is it so difficult to impeach someone? Why should it be?

It is difficult to impeach someone because it could influence the stability of the government and
make it easy. It can also mess up the government if they keep kicking and kicking people out.

6. Refer to slide 9 to answer the following:

a. Which one of these examples surprises you the most?

Bill Clinton surprised me the most because he should have been convicted, especially for lying under
oath. Who wants a lying president and how are we going to be able to trust them if they are the ones
making laws. We should have a trustworthy government and president.

7. Of the 21 impeachments in U.S. history, 15 have been judges. Why might that be?

It is more likely to impeach judges than presidents because it’s the only method to remove judges.

Summarize the impeachment process: this must be at least one solid paragraph.

The impeachment process starts off by

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