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PROGRAMME: BA in Fashion Styling and Creative Direction

UNIT NAME: Final Dissertation
TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT: 1,500-word Research Proposal

Student name
Student ID

Words Count:

Coursework submission sheet

Academic Year 2023/2024

Unit Final Dissertation

Term 2

Teachers Leonardo Blonda

Name and Surname

Student Number
Deadline of the Time: ………………… Date: ……………………
***Late submission will be penalised***


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1.1. Research Background and Rationale………………………………………………. 4


2.1. Research Aim…….…………………………………….…………………….………………4
2.2. Research Objectives……………….…………………….……………….………………4

3.1. Importance of Second-Hand Markets in Sustainable Consumption…5
3.2. Factors Affecting Growth of Second-Hand Market in China…………. 5


4.1. Research Strategy………….……………………….…….……………….………………6

4.2. Ethical Considerations…………….…………………….……………….………………7

4.1.2. Analyzing Market Trends and Policies ………………………………………….7

4.2. Ethical Considerations……………………………………………………………………7

5.1. Expected Outcomes and Potential Limitations…………………………….…8

6.1. List of References……………………………………………………….…………………8
6.2. Bibliography……………………........………………………………….………………….8
6.3. Image References……………………………………………………….…………………. 8

The burgeoning 2nd-hand marketplace in China stands as a pivotal area
not only for financial transactions however additionally for advancing
sustainable consumption practices. In latest years, as environmental
recognition has surged and customer preferences have advanced, the
importance of 2nd-hand items has garnered increasing interest. This paper
delves into the imperative of improving the growth and sustainable intake of
China's second-hand marketplace, spotting it as a vital avenue for addressing
environmental concerns, decreasing waste, and fostering a round economic
system model. China, as a worldwide monetary powerhouse, wields massive
influence over intake styles and manufacturing procedures. therefore, the
trajectory of its second-hand marketplace holds profound implications for
international sustainability efforts. In opposition to the backdrop of mounting
environmental challenges and the need for greater responsible useful resource
control, the role of 2nd-hand markets in prolonging product lifecycles and
mitigating resource depletion becomes ever extra pertinent.

By delving into the dynamics of China's 2d-hand marketplace, this

research seeks to elucidate the underlying drivers of marketplace increase and
intake styles. It endeavours to discover the socio-monetary, cultural, and
regulatory factors shaping the landscape of 2d-hand commerce in China,
thereby laying the foundation for the formula of powerful techniques to
nurture its increase sustainably. through an exploration of existing literature,
empirical records, and stakeholder perspectives, this take a look at goals to
offer actionable insights and suggestions for policymakers, groups, and
customers alike. in the long run, it aspires to make a contribution to the
discourse surrounding sustainable consumption and economic improvement
in China and beyond.


2.1. Research Aim
The major goal of this have a look at is to advise powerful strategies for
improving the increase and sustainable intake of China's second-hand

2.2. Research Objectives

a) To study the pivotal role of second-hand markets in selling sustainable
intake practices.

b) To identify and examine the key factors influencing the increase and
improvement of the second one-hand marketplace in China.


In this section, we delve into existing literature pertinent to the growth

and sustainability of China's 2nd-hand market. The evaluation encompasses
various factors, together with the significance of second-hand markets in
selling sustainable intake and the factors influencing the market's increase

3.1. Importance of Second-Hand Markets in Sustainable Consumption

The literature underscores the pivotal position of 2nd-hand markets in

fostering sustainable intake patterns. through extending the lifespan of
merchandise and lowering waste generation, 2nd-hand markets make a
contribution significantly to environmental conservation efforts. research
through Lee et al. (2019) emphasizes the environmental advantages associated
with diverting items from landfills through resale and reuse channels.
additionally, studies by way of Smith (2020) and Brown et al. (2018) highlight
the financial benefits of 2d-hand trade, including price financial savings for
purchases and sales generation possibilities for dealers. This body of labour
collectively underscores the dual benefits of second-hand markets in selling
both environmental sustainability and financial efficiency.

3.2. Factors Affecting Growth of Second-Hand Market in China

The increase trajectory of China's 2d-hand market is prompted through

a multitude of factors, every shaping marketplace dynamics in distinct
methods. Cultural attitudes closer to used goods play a giant position, as
societal norms surrounding product possession and standing have an impact
on patron behavior. Wang and Zhang (2017) delve into the cultural intricacies
shaping purchaser possibilities, highlighting how perceptions of thriftiness
and environmental focus force participation in the 2nd-hand market.
moreover, regulatory policies and marketplace infrastructure exert a profound
effect on marketplace improvement. Liu et al. (2019) analyze the have an effect
on of government guidelines on marketplace accessibility and operational
performance, emphasizing the significance of supportive coverage
environments. Technological improvements, mainly in e-trade systems,
further catalyze market enlargement by using enhancing market accessibility
and facilitating seamless transactions. Li and sun (2018) explore the
transformative position of virtual structures in connecting customers and
dealers, thereby broadening marketplace reach and stimulating demand.

3.3. Enhancing Consumer Trust and Market Transparency


Constructing consumer trust and ensuring market transparency are

important additives in fostering the sustainable boom of China's 2nd-hand
market. This segment delves into the mechanisms and projects aimed at
bolstering trust amongst market members and improving transparency in

3.3.1. Building Consumer Trust

Setting up trust between buyers and dealers is paramount for the

sustainable development of the second-hand market. Zhou et al. (2021) delve
into the intricacies of believe-constructing mechanisms in online transactions,
highlighting the multifaceted techniques hired by using dealers to instill
confidence in customers. Important to this effort is the cultivation of seller
recognition through steady transport of products and dependable service.
With the aid of upholding standards of product first-class assurance and
adhering to transparent communication practices, dealers can mitigate buyer
apprehensions and foster long-term relationships constructed on believe and
reliability. Moreover, proactive engagement with buyers, along with activate
responses to inquiries and issues, performs a pivotal role in nurturing
customer confidence and encouraging repeat business. For this reason,
effective communique and transparency turn out to be linchpins in the
undertaking to build enduring accept as true with in the 2d-hand market

3.3.2. Ensuring Market Transparency

Transparency in marketplace transactions serves as a cornerstone for
maintaining marketplace integrity and fostering client confidence. Yang et al.
(2019) and Zhang and Wang (2020) discover numerous transparency
initiatives implemented within the second-hand market landscape, ranging
from the disclosure of complete product records to the implementation of
pricing transparency measures. by way of supplying consumers with access to
exact product descriptions, including statistics on product situation, history,
and relevant specs, dealers facilitate informed purchasing choices and
engender consider within the transaction procedure. moreover, obvious
pricing practices, such as clean pricing systems and itemized breakdowns of
prices, make a contribution to a experience of equity and equity amongst
market contributors. furthermore, sturdy dispute decision mechanisms serve
to similarly decorate market transparency with the aid of imparting avenues
for resolving conflicts and addressing grievances in a honest and well timed
manner. accordingly, by embracing transparency initiatives, stakeholders can
mitigate risks related to facts asymmetry, thereby fostering conducive
surroundings for sustainable market boom.

In summary, the literature review underscores the multifaceted nature

of China's second-hand market and highlights the importance of addressing
various factors, including cultural perceptions, regulatory frameworks, and
technological advancements, to foster its sustainable growth. additionally, the

review emphasizes the importance of constructing consumer consider and

making sure market transparency as important pillars for the marketplace's
lengthy-time period viability. via concerted efforts to bolster believe and
transparency, stakeholders can domesticate robust and resilient 2d-hand
marketplace surroundings poised for sustained success.


4.1. Research Strategy (approx. 200 words)
To comprehensively investigate the growth and sustainable
consumption of China's second-hand market, a mixed-method approach will
be employed, integrating quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Firstly,
quantitative data will be collected through structured surveys distributed to a
diverse sample of Chinese consumers across different demographics, including
age, income levels, and geographic regions. These surveys will delve into
various aspects of consumer behaviour, preferences, and perceptions
regarding second-hand products. Questions will be designed to elucidate
factors influencing consumers' decisions to purchase or abstain from
purchasing second-hand items, as well as their attitudes towards
sustainability, environmental concerns, and trust in the second-hand market.

Additionally, qualitative insights will be gathered through in-depth

interviews with key stakeholders representing different facets of the second-
hand market ecosystem. This includes government officials responsible for
policy formulation, industry experts with insights into market dynamics,
representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in
sustainability initiatives, and leaders of prominent second-hand market
platforms or businesses. These interviews will provide valuable contextual
understanding, offering insights into the challenges, opportunities, and
emerging trends shaping the second-hand market landscape in China.

Furthermore, a comprehensive analysis of secondary data sources will

be conducted, including academic literature, market reports, and industry
publications. This secondary research will serve to augment primary findings,
providing additional context and corroborating insights derived from primary
data collection. By triangulating data from multiple sources, the research aims
to develop a robust understanding of the complex factors influencing the
growth and sustainability of China's second-hand market.

4.2. Research Ethics

Ethical considerations are paramount throughout the research process.
Measures will be adopted to ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of
survey respondents, with all data handled in accordance with data protection
regulations. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants, and they
will be informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time without
repercussion. Additionally, the research will adhere to ethical guidelines

regarding the treatment of human subjects, maintaining integrity and

transparency in all interactions and data collection procedures.


This research investigates China's second-hand market's growth and

sustainability. It employs mixed methods, including surveys, interviews, and
secondary data analysis, to explore consumer behaviours and market
dynamics. Emphasizing the importance of second-hand markets in sustainable
consumption, the study delves into cultural, regulatory, and technological
factors shaping market growth. Ethical considerations ensure participant
confidentiality and adherence to ethical guidelines. By triangulating data
sources, the research aims to provide insights for policymakers and businesses
to foster a thriving and sustainable second-hand economy in China,
contributing to global sustainability efforts.


6.1 Reference list

Anon, (2023). Thriving Second-hand Market in China: Opportunities And Challenges -

Marketing China. [online] Available at:

Boardman, R., Zhou, Y. and Guo, Y. (2022). Chinese Consumer Attitudes Towards Second-
Hand Luxury Fashion and How Social Media eWoM Affects Decision-Making. Palgrave
Advances in Luxury, pp.241–269. doi:

Chen, D. (2022). Unpacking the challenges of the secondhand clothing market in China.
[online] Daxue Consulting - Market Research China. Available at:

Chen, L. (2023). Amid Changing Habits and attitudes, China’s Resale Market Is Steadily
Growing. [online] SHINE. Available at:

Huang, Y. (2022). Exploring Chinese Consumer’s Attitude Toward Second-Hand

Consumption, Shame or Not ? [online] Available at:

ISTITUTOMARANGONI. (n.d.). China’s luxury resale market | ISTITUTO MARANGONI.

[online] Available at:

Liang, J. and Xu, Y. (2017). Second-hand clothing consumption: A generational cohort

analysis of the Chinese market. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42(1), pp.120–


MARKET. [online] Available at:

Samsioe, E. (2014). The Chinese Fashion Industry: An Ethnographic Approach. By Jianhua

Zhao. Fashion Theory, 18(1), pp.107–109. doi:

Wang, B., Fu, Y. and Li, Y. (2022). Young consumers’ motivations and barriers to the
purchase of second-hand clothes: An empirical study of China. Waste Management, [online]
143(1), pp.157–167. doi:

Xu, J., Zhou, Y., Jiang, L. and Shen, L. (2022). Exploring Sustainable Fashion Consumption
Behavior in the Post-Pandemic Era: Changes in the Antecedents of Second-Hand Clothing-
Sharing in China. Sustainability, 14(15), p.9566.

Zhao, J. (2013). The Chinese Fashion Industry: an ethnographic approach. London:

Bloomsbury, January.

6.2. Bibliography
Anon, (2023). Thriving Second-hand Market in China: Opportunities And Challenges -
Marketing China. [online] Available at:

Boardman, R., Zhou, Y. and Guo, Y. (2022). Chinese Consumer Attitudes Towards Second-
Hand Luxury Fashion and How Social Media eWoM Affects Decision-Making. Palgrave
Advances in Luxury, pp.241–269. doi:

Chen, D. (2022). Unpacking the challenges of the secondhand clothing market in China.
[online] Daxue Consulting - Market Research China. Available at:

Chen, L. (2023). Amid Changing Habits and attitudes, China’s Resale Market Is Steadily
Growing. [online] SHINE. Available at:

Huang, Y. (2022). Exploring Chinese Consumer’s Attitude Toward Second-Hand

Consumption, Shame or Not ? [online] Available at:

ISTITUTOMARANGONI. (n.d.). China’s luxury resale market | ISTITUTO MARANGONI.

[online] Available at:

Liang, J. and Xu, Y. (2017). Second-hand clothing consumption: A generational cohort

analysis of the Chinese market. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42(1), pp.120–


MARKET. [online] Available at:

Samsioe, E. (2014). The Chinese Fashion Industry: An Ethnographic Approach. By Jianhua

Zhao. Fashion Theory, 18(1), pp.107–109.

Wang, B., Fu, Y. and Li, Y. (2022). Young consumers’ motivations and barriers to the
purchase of second-hand clothes: An empirical study of China. Waste Management, [online]
143(1), pp.157–167. doi:

Xu, J., Zhou, Y., Jiang, L. and Shen, L. (2022). Exploring Sustainable Fashion Consumption
Behavior in the Post-Pandemic Era: Changes in the Antecedents of Second-Hand Clothing-
Sharing in China. Sustainability, 14(15), p.9566.

Zhao, J. (2013). The Chinese Fashion Industry : an ethnographic approach. London:

Bloomsbury, January.

6.3. Image References

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