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Titration level 4


In level 4, you'll analyse iron tablets to find out whether they contain the correct amount of iron. You'll perform titration
experiments to work out the concentration of iron in the tablets.

In each activity you'll be able to collect points. At the end of the level you can restart to improve your skills.

Video 100 Points

Comprehension 90 Points 2 Attempts

In a redox reaction both a reduction and an oxidation reaction occur.

When a species is reduced it gains electrons.

Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidising reagent.

The oxidation number decreases as you add electrons.

The presence of excess MnO4- ions act as an indicator in the redox titration because they turn the solution pink at the

Balancing equations 50 Points

MnO4-(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) + 8H+(aq) Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(l)

Number of iron tablets required: 10.

Iron tablet preparation 100 Points

250.0 cm3 iron II solution prepared.

First you ground 10 iron tablets to a fine powder. Then you dissolved the powdered iron tablets in distilled water and
transferred the solution to a volumetric flask. You then made the solution up to 250.0 cm3.
Preparing for titration 100 Points 1 Attempt
Iron solution added to the flask: 25.00 cm3

First you rinsed the pipette with iron solution. Then you transferred 25.00 cm3 of the solution into a conical flask.

Burette setup 100 Points 1 Attempt

Burette setup

First you rinsed the burette with distilled water and then you rinsed it with the potassium permanganate solution. You
then filled the burette with the potassium permanganate solution.

Then you removed the funnel.

Finally the burette was filled below the tap by running out some solution.

Titration experiment 90 Points

1st 2nd 3rd

Trial accurate accurate accurate
titration titration titration

Final reading
30.50 27.10 28.75 26.65

Initial reading
10.60 8.65 10.10 8.00

Volume added
19.90 18.45 18.65 18.65

Mean titre

The results of the trial and 1st accurate titration were excluded from the average volume calculation.

Average volume added: 18.65 cm3.

You performed titration experiments on the iron solution prepared using the crushed iron tablets.

You performed a trial titration first to get a rough idea of the amount of solution needed.

You then performed three accurate titrations and calculated the mean titre.

Titration analysis 90 Points 1 Attempt

Concentration of MnO4- solution = 0.002 mol dm-3.

Mean titre = 18.65 cm3.

Amount of Fe2+ = 1.86 × 10-4 moles.

Mass of Fe2+ = 0.0104 g

Amount of Fe2+ per tablet = 0.0104 g.

The amount of iron listed on the label of the iron supplements is not correct.

The amount of iron is not within the allowed error range of ± 0.5 mg.

The mass of iron in one tablet, determined by titration, is below 100% of the daily value.

You correctly determined the mass of iron in one iron supplement tablet.

Titration process 100 Points

Steps for performing a titration calculation:

1. Determine the amount of substance (mol) in the solution of known concentration used in titration using n = c × V /

2. Determine the amount of substance (mol) in the unknown from the stoichiometry of the equation.

3. Determine the concentration of the unknown using n = c × V / 1000.

Steps for performing a titration experiment:

1. Prepare a standard solution using a volumetric flask.

2. Rinse and set up the burette with the solution of known concentration.

3. Using a volumetric pipette transfer a solution of unknown concentration to a conical flask and start the titration.

4. Calculate the volume of solution added from the burette to the reaction flask when the end-point is reached.

The concentration of the standard solution in the volumetric flask should remain constant.

The burette is rinsed with the solution before use so that it is free from contamination and accuracy is maintained.

In a titration, a suitable indicator that changes colour must be present to detect the end-point.

Readings from the burette scale should be taken at the bottom of the meniscus.

Things I did well on:

Things I could improve on:

When determining the concentration of Fe2+ ions in a tablet using a redox titration, what other factors might influence
the reduction and oxidation reactions taking place?

other elements involved in the reaction that might cause a pH change as well as inaccurate reading of "known" solution

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