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ASO 205








This is a project cycle was done in kwa babu area. The main focus for the project was dealing
with food crisis which was found out that it was caused by high levels of poverty. We did a
context analysis and represented it on a transect map. The area map was taken from Kwa Babu
area which is a small area with a large population of people who are generally poor.

This is the process of project identification.


Here we did a context analysis and came up with a map of kwa Babu area. We identified all
features in kwa Babu area and represented it in the map. The map description is as follows

When you enter kwa Babu area you will see a cattle dip as the the first thing, and then when you
walk past the cattle dip, you you will find a junction going to different places 1 road directly to
the market the other directs you to different town Besides the junction there is a forest called
Matamu Forest.
Past the market there is a school called Benedict's School which is opposite Kwa Babu markets.
When you walk past the Benedict's school there is Benedict's hospital and Benedict's Church.
Beside the church there is a main road that runs through khalifa City and the other side of the
road there is river Osugo that runs from the West to the Northeast of a kwa Babu area. On the
same side there is also yakobo bridge and a forest and three hills.
On the Eastern part of kwa Babu area there is a village where people live there are a lot of huts
and small houses people are so squeezed.

The following is the attached map.


1.3 Problem identification

We did a problem identification to ascertain the problem that are faced and also to know which
problem required faster intervention. An overview of the problems faced in Kwa babu are and
the ranking were as follows;
Kwa Babu area faces a lot of challenges including increased poverty, teenage pregnancies and
high levels of crime. Our projects aimed at solving the problem that require faster intervention
and hence we did a ranking of the three problems and after the ranking we found out that poverty
required faster intervention as compared to teenage pregnancy and high crime rates.

After settling on poverty, we did a problem-solving tree to identify its causes and effects.


1. Increased poverty -A
2. Teenage pregnancies -B
3. High crime rates -C


A 

B 

C 


Increased poverty -2

Teenage pregnancies -1

High crime rates -0

Causes and effects. A problem tree was designed to help in knowing the causes and effects

Insufficient health Insufficient food Low agricultural

facilities productivity

Poor health Poor diet Inadequate food

High death rates malnutrition Increased hunger

Increased poverty

Low literacy levels unemployment High crime rate

Less number of schools unemployment

High population

Poor governance High birth rates Lack of skills and


1.4 Livelihood analysis

We did analysis of the seasonal and daily activities for people in kwa Babu area.

The following seasonal calendar was to identify what activity is done at what time of the year.
We found out they mostly do small-scale farming of food crops and also small-scale fishing from
the river. In January and February they prepare land and also the do small-scale fishing, on
March and April they plant crops and then harvest from August another plantation is down from
November and harvested in December.
1.4.1 Seasonal calendar

Month Activities

January Land preparation

February Land preparation and digging and small-scale


March Planting of crops like maize and beans

April Planting maize and beans

May Weeding season and also uprooting of

unwanted plants from maize and beans

June Harvesting and drying of beans

Selling of beans is at high level

July The second weeding season for maize

August Harvesting and drying of maize and selling

September Drying and selling of maize

October Land preparation and small-scale fishing from

river Osugo.

November Planting of vegetables like spinach, kales and


December Harvesting of vegetables

1.4.2 Daily activities

This is an overview of the daily activities for people in kwa babu area. Women wake up before
men and start preparation for the family, mostly women do house chores and the cleaning of the
house and cooking and men do other outdoor jobs and providing for the family Both men and
women are free in the afternoon hours from 4 to 6 p.m. and then sleep from around 10 p.m.

Time Men Women

5:30-7:00 am Asleep Waking up and preparing

breakfast and kids for school.

7:00-8:00 am Waking up and taking Doing house chores and any

breakfast and reading other home duties

8:00-10:00 am Working Going to farm to weed or

plant some crops

10:00-11:00 am Taking tea and resting Taking tea

11:00-12:00 pm Working Working

12:00-1:00 pm Working Preparing lunch

1:00- 2:00 pm Taking lunch Taking lunch.

2:00-4:00 pm Back to work Going to Chamas and groups

4:00-6:00pm Resting and taking evening Resting and making stories

tea with fellow women.

5:00-6:00 pm Reading newspaper Washings kids uniforms and

small house chores

6:00-7:00 pm Resting as they wait for Preparing supper for the

supper family

7:00-8:00 pm Watching news Watching news

8:00-10:00 pm Taking supper Taking supper

10:00-5:30 am Sleeping Sleeping


Gender analysis is conducted to know the existing situation is manageable

Productivity of goods and services Who does the work Frequency of activities

men women
Preparing land yes During season

Planting of maize yes Yes During season

Planting beans Yes During season

Weeding Yes During season

Drying maize Yes yes During season

Fishing Yes Seasonal

Planting vegetables Yes Throughout the year

Selling cereals yes Throughout the year

Household tasks Who does the work Frequency of activities

women men

Washing clothes Yes Daily

Collecting water Yes Daily

Cooking Yes Daily

Constructions Yes As required

Feeding the family Yes yes Daily

Fetching firewood yes As required

Community tasks Who does the work Frequency of activity

women men

Attending village meetings yes Yes Occasionally

Attending chamas Yes Occasionally

Doing charity Yes Yes Regularly

Attending trainings Yes yes Occasionally

Constructing latrines Yes Once

Constructing churches yes Once


resources Who has access? Who has control

women men women men others

Tractors Yes owners

land yes yes owners

Boats and hooks yes owners

Hired labor Yes yes Yes yes

Jembes and pangas Yes Yes

Title deeds Yes Yes Licensing agencies

Businesses Yes Yes

Family labor yes yes yes

benefits Who has access Who has control others

women men women men

Maize, beans for household Yes

Cereals sales Yes

Income for sales yes Yes

Agricultural knowledge Agricultural association

Maize for storage Yes


On arrival at kwa babu area the government and private researchers met various people in the
area beginning from those at the lowest level to those at the highest level. This led to
identification of the following stakeholders:

levels Nature of the problem Stakeholders

Macro Poverty Government bodies responsible for

State of national economy poverty management, ethics and anti-
legal provisions corruption officers, international NGOs,
environment policy private sectors, national NGOs

Intermediate Infrastructure (market, transport, NGOs, private sectors (retailers,

electricity) distributors) district officer, the area
chief and the deputy chief, business
Institutions (schools, churches) organization the kwa babu market
Services (trainings, health) council and loan saccos.

Micro Household and community work Individual residents; men, women,

children. households
Access and control over resources
and benefits. Communities

Once preliminary stake holders’ analysis was done with, the groups concerned agreed on the
following work plan:

Interviewing the community members that is a section of them within a period of 4 days.

 Doing research on the causes of poverty in the area within a period of two days.
 Consulting bodies which can assist in reducing poverty levels in the society.
 Preparation of the work plan.


Objective tree

Here the problem statements (negatives) are turned to objective statements (positives)

Low birthrates

Low population

Increased employment rate

Reduced poverty

Increased employment rate

High population

High birthrates


A logical frame work aimed at reducing the levels of poverty in kwa babu area

Project structure Objectively verifiable Means of verification Assumptions


Goal: To lower levels Percentage of Records from private By 2030, the

of poverty for people employed people in investors. percentage of
in kwa Babu area by kwa Babu area. unemployed people
2030 Records from local will reduce.
Percentage of people organization
who are unemployed By 2030, the
in kwa Babu area. Records from NGOs percentage of
structured interviews
schedule employed people will

Objective: To reduce Percentage of Interview schedules By 2030, the

unemployment rate employment per Records from percentage of
for people in kwa household in kwa previous projects employed people will
Babu area. Babu area. increase.
Records from NGOs

Output: Reduced rate The number of Records from By 2030, the

of population growth. children per population survey percentage of
household. reports population growth
will have reduced in
The rate of birthrates Health records the kwa Babu area.
per year.
Records from

Activities: 1 to Percentage of women Records from By 2030, a bigger

reduce high birth who are using hospitals percentage of women
rates contraceptives and will be using family
family planning Maternal records planning
1.1. Educate people from health sectors. contraceptives
on contraceptives and Number of people Records from survey
importance of family who come for the reports By 2030 there will be
planning. contraceptive’s higher turn out for
lessons. Records from trainings
1.2. To offer free interviews
contraceptives to


The project falls under health sector.

Nature of support.

To curb poverty through curbing high population which leads unemployment and later leading to
poverty. The nature of support is through loans and grants from well wishers, national and
international donors.

Desirable attributes
Community members are involved in active participation and there is input from local
community to ensure the project aligns with their needs and aspirations.

Sustainability aspect

There is human sustainability aiming to maintain and improve human capital in the society.
Different groups have immersed themselves into the community in order to understand the
community members.

Visible impacts within life of the project

The visible impacts include the improved way of life by most community members due to
increase in employment rate, reduced rate of population growth

Linkages with ongoing activities

The project is linked with ongoing activities in the society such as land preparation for farming.


Board of directors

CEO of the project

Project directors

Project managers


Community members

Transparency of the project

Its transparency has been achieved by creation of a project management system in which all team
members can access all relevant information about the project easily and efficiently.

Nature of the project

The goal of the project is to reduce poverty levels in kwa Babu area. Its objective to increase
household income for families living below poverty lines (poverty focus). The target populations
are families affected by poverty in the area. Interventions and strategies made include offering
training and free contraceptives to help in reducing population, economic empowerment through
provision of loans and grants. Collaborations and partnership have been established with
government agencies and private and private organizations. Research and assessment have been
done through surveys to understand the causes and effects of poverty in the area. The field
coordinators have raised awareness among residents of kwa Babu on the goals of the project.

Beneficiaries and other stake holders

The beneficiaries of the project include low-income families in the area and the employed youths
in the area. The stake holders include local government authorities, non-governmental
organizations, community leaders and representatives and private sector businesses.

Work plan

The project life is estimated to take 5 years and starts on 15th November 2023 to 15th November
2028. The goal of the project is to reduce levels of poverty in kwa Babu area by 2030. The
project plans to offer free training and contraceptive and any other support that can help reduce
levels of poverty. Our estimated budget is 2 million Kenya shillings. The project is expected to
be funded by donors from both national and international agencies. The project is expected to
build new institutions like markets and also social hall for gatherings and trainings, new
hospitals, increase the number of contraceptives

The following is the list of requirements and deliverables and estimated due dates.

Stones for construction- by January 15 2024

Cement – by February 15th 2024

Metal grills, windows and doors- by march 15th 2024

Contraceptives- by December 15th 2023

Wood- by January 15th 2024

Building foundation and constructions to begin by march 2024, supply of contraceptives to begin
from November 2023.
The project CEO overseas the project, the project director is responsible for all communications
to the relevant groups, the project manager is responsible for the performance if the employees
and writing reports and the employees are responsible for hand jobs

Gantt chart

Gantt chart to represent the work plan and time lines. Deliverables are represented by the month
of supply all the way. Other deliverables will be done in phases and which is also represented in
the chart.




metal works



0 5 10 15 20 25

november december january february march

Monitoring and evaluation

 Purpose
The project is continuing swiftly according to the work plan. All inputs are always
made available on time and are utilized correctly.

 Focus
The project is showing impacts on target groups
 Responsibility
This can be achieved by the community itself by giving the community a chance to
analyze and identify solutions which in turn strengthens their commitments to the

II. Evaluation
 Purpose

Evaluation during implementation to to provide feedback to the management to

guide the existing project.

 Focus

donors prepare checklist to guide the focus of evaluation studies

 responsibility

since evaluation is led by people external to the project management e.g. funding
bodies there is institutional strengthening



In terms of technical aspects, the project is Up To date. The project has put to account the trading
and price aspect. Being aware of fluctuations in market prices and the project has put to account
that aspect to avoid getting lose. Also, all the project data has been updated in the system for
back up in case of any lose and is protected by passwords.


The project is worthwhile since the cost for project development is nothing compared to the
benefits. The project will be financed since there are insufficient funds to cover the expenditure
of the project. The project budget will be as per the current market price of product and also give
some allowance In case of fluctuations with market prices. The project will have a good cash
flow to sustain and grow the investments.


The project will be beneficial to the economy at large in that it will bring revenue to the
government through text collection from different purchase of goods and services. The project
will benefit the society’s economy by creating opportunities for people to earn a living and
develop themselves. The project has put to account factors affecting cash flows, including
depreciation and tax effects, price level changes, and treatment of risk and uncertainty.

Social and gender

The project will benefit all groups of the society at all levels from individuals, household and
community at large. The project will impact women by giving them opportunities to participate
decision making also by empowering women to stand on their own and build themselves through
income generating activities. The project will impact men by creating opportunities for them to
get employment where man power is needed. The project also has social benefits of bringing
people together to work as a team.


The project supports the existing institution such as school, businesses and churches also help in
improving the standards of existing institutions and also develop new ones to meet the required
standards of service needed. The project also has permits from the government institutions and
hence operates within the policies of the society.


The project has little effects on the environment only when it comes to finding materials for
construction of new institutions. Materials like bricks and wood for construction have to be
extracted from the land and trees cut down. There are measures that have been put in place to
reduce the effects on the environment for example afforestation and reforestation for any tree
cut. Afforestation and reforestation will help in restoring the environment structure and make it


The project fits national, regional, and sectoral plans and policies since it got approval from
government institutions before commencement. The project has the necessary documents to
prove approval from government institutions.

Sustainability and risk

The project is not 100% out of risk but the risk that may come about do not really affect the
project on a large scale. Measures are there to curb any risk that may come about. This project
offers a long-term benefit and hence it has benefits beyond the project life. It's benefits will be
felt by generation to come.

I confirm that the project is complete, all review have been done and documentations
complete.i believe by 2030 the issue of poverty will no longer be an issue in kwa babu area.

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