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INTASC Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration.

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for
student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals,
and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Reflection and Rationale:
The first artifact is a set of notes that I took during a 504 meeting with a parent. The
meeting was held because their student’s grades had significantly dropped in recent weeks and
the parent wanted to know what was going on. I was acting as the student’s math teacher, and it
was an opportunity for me to get to work with the parent to put together a plan on how we could
hold the student to better account for their homework. This artifact demonstrates my
collaboration with students, their families, and colleagues, as it was a meeting aimed at
promoting the improvement of the student’s performance and growth in the classroom.
The second artifact is a letter that I sent home to the parents of one of my students at
ICSV (personal information has been redacted). This letter was sent to initiate contact with the
parents in introduce myself to them. I believe that initial parent contact should be positive as it
will prove invaluable to have a positive relationship with parents in the future. Creating a good
positive and collaborative relationship with parents is essential to a productive teacher and this
letter demonstrates my continued dedication to collaborating with families to ensure learner

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