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Gustavo Alejandro Reinoso

Submitted in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for the degree o f

Doctor o f Philosophy in the
Occupational Therapy Department
College o f Allied Health and Nursing
Nova Southeastern University

December, 2005

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This dissertation, written by Gustavo Alejandro Reinoso under the direction of his
Dissertation Committee, and approved by all o f its members, has been presented to and
accepted, in Partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of


December, 2005


Ferol Menks Ludwig, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, GCG

Carol Niman Reed, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Em a Imperatore Blanche, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

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The purpose o f this study was to determine i f structured observations were associated
with the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT). Structured observations have been
utilized in sensory integration for many years to assist therapists in assessing children
with sensory integration dysfunction. The sample fo r this study consisted o f 21 children
ages 5-8 treated with a sensory integration frame o f reference in a treatment and training
center in west Los Angeles. Sensory integration dysfunction was tested using the SIPT
and a set o f 10 different structured observations including the supine flexion postural
test, prone extension, slow motions, postrotary nystagmus, diadochokinesis, finger-to-
thumb opposition, fmger-to-nose, the modified Schilder ’s arm extension test, and the
heel-to-toe measure o f balance. Results show a small degree o f association and highlight
the complementary role o f both measures. Data reduction indicated that a few structured
observations better described two profiles o f the SIPT; the low average bilateral
integration and sequencing and visuo-somatodyspraxia. Three factors best described the
most common structured observations in the group o f children with low average bilateral
integration and sequencing disorder and included aspects o f motor planning and
bilateral sequencing; vestibulo-proprioceptive and cerebellar aspects o f speed,
acceleration, and trajectory. The forward linear regression analysis indicated that
structured observations could only predict a small portion o f the variability o f the
different measures o f the SIPT.

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I would first like to thank my dissertation committee for their continuous dedication and
support through this long process. To my mother for planting the seed o f curiosity, and to
Thomas for his long hours of editing and insightful comments. To Mariel for all her help
and support. To the directors and staff o f Therapy West, Inc. for their flexibility and help,
and especially to all the families and wonderful children who were part o f this project.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction.........................................................................................................1
Introduction o f the Chapter.......................................................................................................1
Rationale and Need for the Study...............................................................................1
Theoretical Framework.............................................................................................................4
Statement o f the Problem......................................................................................................... 7
Purpose of the Study................................................................................................................. 7
Significance o f the Problem........................................................................................ 8
Significance and Relevance to the Profession o f Occupational T herapy............ 8
Research Questions and H ypotheses...................................................................................... 9
Research Questions...................................................................................................... 9
Research Question # 1 ..................................................................................... 10
Research Question # 2 ..................................................................................... 10
Research Hypotheses................................................................................................... 10
Hypothesis #1................................................................................................... 10
Hypothesis #2................................................................................................... 10
Limitations o f the Study............................................................................................................ 11
Definition o f Terms....................................................................................................................12
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 14

Chapter 2: Selected Review of the Literature.................................................................. 16

Introduction to the C hapter.......................................................................................................16
Neurological Soft Signs and Structured Observations..........................................................18
Insights from the Adult Literature..............................................................................19
Patients Diagnosed as having Schizophrenia...............................................19
Patients diagnosed as having Obsessive Compulsive D isorder............... 23
Patients with Bipolar Disorder...................................................................... 25
Cohort Studies.................................................................................................. 26
Homicidal Men with Antisocial Personality............................................... 27
Studies Involving Adolescents....................................................................................30
Conduct Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity D isorder............ 30
Adolescents Diagnosed as having Schizophrenia.......................................31
Studies Involving C hildren......................................................................................... 32
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity D isorder....................................................34
Academic Achievement and Learning Disabilities.................................... 35
Emotional D isorders....................................................................................... 36
Congenital Muscular D ystrophy................................................................... 36

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High R isk ......................................................................................................... 37

Psychiatric Vulnerability............................................................................... 37
Sickle Cell D isease......................................................................................... 37
Mainstream P u p ils.......................................................................................... 38
Summary..'..................................................................................................................... 38
Sensory Integration Theory......................................................................................... 40
Structured Observations Within Sensory Integration............................................. 43
Contemporaneous Research on Structured O bservations......................... 49
Measurement Considerations.........................................................................51
Objectivity........................................................................................... 52
Structured Observations in this Study........................................................................53
Supine flexion postural test 53
Prone extension...................................................................................55
Postrotary nystagm us.........................................................................56
Slow m otions......................................................................................62
Finger-to-thumb opposition..............................................................65
Modified Schilder’s arm extension te s t.......................................... 67
H eel-to-toe.......................................................................................... 69
Jumping jacks...................................................................................... 71
The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT).................................................... 73
Contribution o f this Study to the Literature........................................................................... 76

Chapter 3: Research Design and M ethodology................................................................ 81

Introduction to the Chapter...................................................................................................... 81
Specific Methods and R ationale..............................................................................................82
Specific Procedures...................................................................................................... 82
Threats to Internal V alidity......................................................................................... 83
Maturation E ffect.............................................................................................83
Random Sampling........................................................................................... 89
Threats to External V alidity........................................................................................ 89
Study D esign.................................................................................................... 90
Correlational Research....................................................................................90
Tentative Factor M odel...................................................................................90
Forward Linear Regression M o d el...............................................................91
Subjects.......................................................................................................................... 91
Inclusion C riteria............................................................................................ 92

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Exclusion C riteria........................................................................................... 92
Characteristics.................................................................................................. 93
Recruitment Procedures..................................................................................93
Ethical Considerations....................................................................................94
The Research Setting................................................................................................... 94
Independent and Dependent Variables Operationalized.........................................96
Data C ollection.............................................................................................................97
Data Analysis................................................................................................................ 97
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (S P S S )................................... 98
Reliability and Validity................................................................................................ 99
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 101

Chapter 4: Results....................................................................................................................103
Introduction to the Chapter.......................................................................................................103
Research Question # 1 ...................................................................................................105
Space Visualization..........................................................................................105
Figure Ground Perception..............................................................................106
Finger Identification.........................................................................................107
Localization of Tactile Stim uli...................................................................... 108
Design C opying............................................................................................... 109
Oral P rax is........................................................................................................ 109
Sequencing Praxis.......................................................................................... 111
Bilateral Motor Coordination........................................................................112
Standing and Walking Balance...................................................................... 113
Postrotary N ystagm us..................................................................................... 114
Relationship between different structured observations and the SIPT ... 115
Research Question # 2 ...................................................................................................116
Domains o f Function.....................................................................................................116
Close fit to the Low Bilateral Integration and Sequencing Prototypic Group.... 116
Close fit to the Visuo- and Somatodyspraxia Prototypic Group............................117
Theoretical and Tentative Data Reduction M odel................................................... 118
Structured Observation as Predictors......................................................................... 120
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 126

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Chapter 5. Discussion......................................................................................................... 129
Introduction to the Chapter.......................................................................................................129
Individual Relationships between both M easures.................................................... 130
Space Visualization......................................................................................... 130
Figure Ground Perception...............................................................................132
Finger Identification.........................................................................................133
Localization of Tactile Stim uli...................................................................... 134
Design C opying............................................................................................... 134
Oral P rax is........................................................................................................135
Sequencing Praxis............................................................................................136
Bilateral Motor Coordination......................................................................... 138
Standing and Walking Balance...................................................................... 139
Postrotary N ystagm us..................................................................................... 140
Association with prototypic groups............................................................................141
The low average bilateral integration and sequencing prototypic group 141
The visuo- and somatodyspraxia prototypic group..................................... 142
Theoretical and tentative data reduction m odel........................................................143
Forward Linear Regression M odel.............................................................................144
Implications for Practice........................................................................................................... 145
Implications for further Research and Recommendations................................................... 147
Limitations o f the Study............................................................................................................ 151
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 152

Appendix A F ly e r...................................................................................................................... 155
Appendix B Data Collection Instrument.................................................................................157


Copyright Perm ission.............................................................................................................227

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List of Tables
Table 1 Structured observations, their nomenclature, name, type, and level o f
measurements (Appendix C) p. 161

Table 2 The sensory integration and praxis tests, their nomenclature, name, type, and
level o f measurements (Appendix C) p. 161

Table 3 Sample characteristics (Appendix D) p. 164

Table 4 Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables

(Appendix E) p. 165

Table 5 Space Visualization (SV) and its correlations with the Slow Motions (SM) and
the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) structured
observations p. 99

Table 6 Figure Ground (FG) and its correlations with the Prone Extension (PE); Finger-
to-Nose, right (FN-R); Finger-to-thumb Opposition, Total Score (FTO-TS)
structured observations p. 100

Table 7 Finger Identification (FI) and its correlations with the Slow Motions (SM) and
the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) structured
observations p. 101

Table 8 Focalization o f Tactile Stimuli and its correlation with the Finger-to-Nose, Right
(FN-R) structured observation p. 102

Table 9 Design Copying (DC) and its correlation with the Prone Extension Quality (PEQ)
structured observation p. 103

Table 10 Oral Praxis (OPR) and its correlations with the Finger-to-Nose, right (FN-R);
Finger-to-Nose, left (FN-F); and Diadochokinesis, Total Score (DIA) structured
observations p. 104

Table 11 Sequencing Praxis (SP) and its Correlations with the Slow Motions (SM),
Finger-to-Nose, Feft (FN-F); the Modified Schilder’s Arm Extension Test (SAT),
and the Jumping Jacks, Total Score (JJ-TS) structured observations p. 105

Table 12 Bilateral Motor Coordination and its Correlations with the Southern California
Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) p. 106.

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Table 13 Standing and Walking Balance (SWB) and its correlation with the Finger-to-
Thumb Opposition, Non Stress Condition (FTO-NS) p. 107

Table 14 The Postrotary Nystagmus (PRN) and its Correlation with the Southern
California Postroatry Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) p. 108

Table 15 Total variance explained p. 112

Table 16 Rotated Component Matrix p. 114

Table 17 Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPN) and Jumping Jacks,
Total Score, and the Variability o f Space Visualization (SV); (Appendix F)

Table 18 Heel-to-Toe Eyes Open Soft Surface (HTT-O-S), Prone Extension Quality
(PEQ) and Finger-to-Thumb Opposition Total Score (FTO-TS) and the
Variability o f Design Copying (Appendix F)

Table 19 Finger-to-Nose, Right (FTN-R) and Left (FN-L) and the Variability o f Oral
Praxis (Appendix F)

Table 20 Diadochokinesis Non Stress (DIA-NS) the Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus Test and the Variability o f Postrotary Nystagmus (Appendix F)

Table 21 The Heel-to-toe Eyes Closed (HTT-C-S) Soft Surface and the Prone Extension
And The Variability of Standing and Walking Balance (Appendix F)

Table 22 The Eleel-to-Toe Eyes Open Firm Surface (HTT-O) and the Finger-to-Thumb
Opposition Total Score (FTO-TS) and the Variability o f the Graphesthesia
(Appendix F)

Table 23 The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) and the
Variability o f the Finger Identification (Appendix F)

Table 24 The Slow Motions (SM) and the Variability o f the Sequencing Praxis
(Appendix F)

Table 25 The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) And the
Variability o f the Bilateral Motor Coordination (Appendix F)

Table 26 The Finger-to-Nose and the Variability o f the Localization o f Tactile Stimuli
(LTS, Appendix F)

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Table 27 The Finger-to-Thumb Opposition Total Score (FTO-TS) and the Variability of
Figure Ground (Appendix F)

Table 28 The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) and the
Variability o f Manual Form Perception (Appendix F)

Table 29 The Heel-to-Toe Eyes Open Firm Surface (HT-O) and the Variability o f Motor
Accuracy (Appendix F)

Table 30 The Finger-to-Nose, Right (FN-R) and the Variability o f Postural Praxis
(Appendix F)

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Introduction to the Chapter

Occupational therapists working within a sensory integration frame o f reference

often utilize a number o f assessment tools including standardized testing, questionnaires,

clinical observations, and interviews in order to understand the child’s sensory integration

difficulties affecting movement and behavior. However the relationship between these

assessment tools is not well understood. This is particularly true in the case o f different

structured observations and the sensory integration and praxis tests (SIPT). The following

study explored how a specific group of structured observations correlated w ith the SIPT

in a sample o f 21 children with sensory integration dysfunction.

First, this chapter describes the rationale for the present study, its theoretical

framework and purpose, and its significance for clients and clinicians. Second, the study

hypotheses, limitations, definitions of terms, and a summary are presented.

Rationale and Need fo r the Study

In sensory integration, clinical observations are a group o f structured and

unstructured observations o f sensory processing and its effects on movement and

behavior originally described by Jean Ayres (Ayres, 1963, 1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1969a,

1969b). Dr. Jean Ayres developed a set o f structured clinical observations that

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supplemented standardized test results or became the primary assessment tool when

standardized measures were not appropriate.

Theorists and clinicians use the term “clinical observation” to refer to objective

data collected during an assessment. In contrast, the term “structured observations” is

chosen when a clinician controls environmental factors and organizes a task for the child

to carry out while noting salient aspects o f his or her performance. Therefore, structured

observations are similar to test items and their utilization often requires the clinician to

follow a protocol for their administration and scoring. The information collected by

means o f observations is often used as complementary information in the process of

sorting out the underlying deficits in sensory integration and are assumed to be related to

the functioning o f different sensory systems as informed by evolving theory and research

in sensory integration.

Numerous theorists have secured the role o f structured clinical observations in the

assessment process o f children with suspected functional difficulties (Adams, Jenci, &

Estes, 1974; Alsworth, 1978; Dunn, 1981; Fisher, 1984; Fisher and Bundy, 1982;

Imperatore Blanche, 2001; B.N. Wilson, Pollock, Kaplan & Faw, 1994, 2000). Although

it is true that most clinical observations are not standardized assessments, research in

sensory integration has determined the responses o f typically developing children when

performing different observations, as well as those with known or suspected dysfunctions

(Dunn, 1981; Gregory-Flock &Yerxa, 1984; B.N. Wilson, Pollock, et al., 1994, 2000).

Analysis o f children’s performance on different structured observations is

important because it provides the therapist with information regarding the nature o f the

child’s existing problems. Theorists have described the performance o f children in

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different observations with movement components such as balance, postural control,

coordination, and skill development (Gregory-Flock &Yerxa, 1984; Shumway-Cook &

Horak, 1986); functional performance and sensory integration dysfunction such as those

present in children with learning disabilities (Ayres, 1972); high risk infants and young

children; visual deficits and blindness (Smith Roley and Schneck, 2001); cerebral palsy

(Imperatore Blanche & Nakasuji, 2001), autism (Mailloux, 2001), and reading disability

(Silver, 1960; Silver & Hagin, 1952). Systematic data collection by means o f structured

observations allows clinicians to hypothesize the nature o f a child’s problem. Thus,

structured observations may be interpreted according to sensory integration theory. These

interpretations guide further assessment and clinical reasoning during intervention.

The potential benefit of the present study is to help clinicians in the field of

pediatric occupational therapy to better understand how a group o f specific structured

clinical observations relate to each other, what underlying factors they represent, as well

as their specific relationship to sensory integration. In addition, this study explored how

common structured observations related to two common prototypic groups o f the SIPT,

the visuo- somatodyspraxia and the low average bilateral integration and sequencing.

The role o f different structured observations in identifying sensory processing

deficits in children has been outlined by several writers (Blanche, 1999; Blanche,

Boticelli & Hallway, 1995; Gilligan, Mayberry, Stewart, Kenyon, & Gebler, 1981;

Gregory-Flock et al., 1984; Haack, Short-DeGraff, & Hanzlik, 1993; Harris, 1981;

Izraelevitz, Fisher & Bundy, 1985; Magalhaes, Koomar, & Cermark, 1989; Silver &

Hagin, 1960). Furthermore, at least three clinical protocols are being used in pediatric

clinical practice to formally assess different sensory processing deficits in children

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(Dunn, 1981; Imperatore Blanche, 2001; B.N. Wilson et al. 1994). These protocols will

be examined in more detail in chapter 2. The selection o f structured observations for this

study was based on these protocols. However, only those structured observation that

reported scores in typically developing children were selected from the literature for the

purposes o f comparison with the sample studied. Thus, a group of 10 structured

observations was selected.

Structured observations have been proposed and revised to assess the functioning

o f different systems and underlying skill performance. Pivotal are the works o f Ayres,

1963, 1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1969a, 1969b; Dunn, 1981; Fisher, Murray, and Bundy, 1991,

2002; Imperatore Blanche, 2001; and B.N. W ilson et al., 1994, 2002 who have attempted

in several studies to unravel the importance o f different structured observations as part of

the information gathering process when assessing children with disabilities, utilizing a

sensory integrative framework. In addition, structured observations are also

recommended in most standardized pediatric occupational therapy assessments that

clinicians use in their daily practice (Ayres, 1989; Bruininks, 1978; Miller, 1982, 1988).

Theoretical Framework

Sensory integration as a frame o f reference evolved out o f the clinical work and

research of Dr. Jean Ayres in the 1960s. Sensory integration refers to both a way o f

viewing the neural organization o f sensory information for functional behavior and a

clinical frame o f reference for the assessment and treatment o f persons who have

functional disorders in sensory processing (Parham & Mailloux, 1996). Sensory

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integration takes into account an individual’s neurobiological ability to process and

integrate sensory information and considers how that ability allows the individual to plan

his actions to enhance participation in a wide array o f environments (Ayres, 1979, 2005).

Jean Ayres’s sensory integration theory is a developmental theory based on

principles o f phylogenetic and ontogenetic development as well as a hypothesized

development o f the sensory integrative process throughout life. Currently, pediatric

occupational therapists use a sensory integrative frame of reference with diverse

populations (Smith Roley, Imperatore Blanche, & Schaaf, 2001). Some examples are

children diagnosed with autism (Ayres & Tickle, 1980); cerebral palsy (Imperatore

Blanche & Nakasuji, 2001); Fragile X syndrome (Stackhouse, 1994); hearing impairment

(Schaffer-Pullan, Polatajko, & Sansom, 1991); mental retardation (F.A. Clark, Miller,

Thomas, Kucherawy, & Azen, 1978; Kielhofner & Miyake, 1981; Sowers & Powers,

1995; Storey, Bates, McGhee, and Dycus, 1984); premature birth (Anderson, 1986);

prenatal drug exposure (Stallings-Sahler, 1993); and visual impairments (Smith Roley &

Schneck, 2001).

Numerous studies have described the increasing recognition and importance of

sensory processing and praxis in children’s performance o f occupations (Baranek et al.,

2002; Baranek, 1998; Cermak and Daunhauer, 1997; Daly, 2000; Dunbar, 1999; Dunn,

1997; Dunn & Bennett, 2002; Dunn & Brown, 1997; Dunn, Myles, & Orr, 2002;

Imperatore Blanche, 2001; Johnson-Ecker, & Parham, 2000; Kay, 2001; LaCroix,

Johnson & Parham, 1997; Lewerenz & Schaaf, 1996; Mulligan, 1996; Ottenbacher, 1982;

Parham, 1987, 1998; Poissons & DeGangi, 1991; Rife, 2000; Sears, 1994; Watling,

Deitz, & White, 2001; Wilbarger, 1995). These studies have determined the nature and

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extent o f sensory processing deficits in children with several diagnoses. Furthermore,

these studies have highlighted the relationship between difficulties in sensory processing

and decreased occupational and functional performance.

From its inception, sensory integration has been interested in creating theory as

well as in identifying accurate means o f assessment for the identification o f the nature

and extent o f the deficits presented by the recipients o f occupational therapy services.

Several factor analytic studies conducted by Ayres (1963, 1965) identified groups o f

children with clear and distinct difficulties. More and more children are being identified

as having difficulties related to sensory integration. Some researchers have mentioned 5%

to 10% of typically developing children (McIntosh, Miller, Shyu & Hagerman, 1999). It

is also interesting to note that new research efforts with larger samples have found

patterns o f sensory integrative deficits that are consistent with A yres’s original findings

(Mulligan, 1996; 2000).

Since the time when Ayres devoted herself to the creation o f the Southern

California Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests and their revision, the Sensory

Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) (Ayres, 1989), observations have been described and

their utilization recommended. Recent publications have carefully related different

observations to interpretations that guide clinician’s clinical reasoning during the

assessment and treatment of children with sensory integration dysfunction (Imperatore

Blanche, 2001). This line of inquiry will assist clinicians in making sound evidenced-

based associations between difficulties during structured observations and their correlate

on standardized testing. This is particularly useful for those situations in which

standardized procedures may not be practical.

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Statement o f the Problem

Although commonly utilized in clinical practice, no one has ever researched the

relationship between structured observations and the SIPT, a standardized assessment

considered the “gold standard” (Windsor, Smith Roley, & Szklut, 2001) when assessing

children with suspected sensory processing deficits. Research in this area may clarify,

complement, and refine the assessment and intervention process aimed at improving the

functional status o f children with sensory processing deficits.

Purpose o f the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine how different structured observations

relate to each other by means o f correlational analysis and to determine their specific

correlations with the different measures o f the SIPT (Ayres, 1989) in a group o f children

with identified sensory processing problems while receiving clinic-based pediatric

occupational therapy services utilizing a sensory integration frame o f reference. In order

to further the understanding of structured observations, the present study proposes to

analyze their intercorrelations to reveal if and how they group together by means of

exploratory factor analysis techniques. Factor analysis was conducted for illustrative

purposes to determine if structured observations that share commonalities would group

together in children with sensory integration deficits.

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Significance o f Problem

Clients referred to occupational therapy services who are suspected o f having a

sensory integration dysfunction, would benefit directly from the results o f this study. On

one hand, although the SIPT is the most comprehensive test in sensory integration and

continues to be widely used, it has its limitations. Some o f these limitations include time

and financial constraints as well as its feasibility with diverse populations (Spitzer, Smith

Roley, Clark and Parham, 1996). To meet the challenging and changing demands o f

present clinical practice, other assessment tools have been generated. Structured and

unstructured observations are examples o f how clinicians make meaningful

interpretations o f the client’s interactions with sensory stimuli. Observations possess the

flexibility to be used with all populations, in all settings, and within various time

constraints (Spitzer, et al.). Determining how the child responds to tasks such as

sustaining extension in prone or performing diadochokinetic movements relates with the

SIPT, is of great interest to clinicians. The nature o f these relationships will provide

diagnostic and descriptive information and may aid the clinician when interpreting the

results o f structured observations.

Significance and Relevance to the Profession o f Occupational Therapy

Elucidating specific deficits in sensory processing as they directly impact the

performance o f specific task performance, is o f most importance to clinicians. Therapists

rely on this information to design accurate treatment protocols that target children’s

occupational performance at home, school, and in the community. Numerous children

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may not be suitable to be assessed with standardized testing such as the SIPT because of

difficulties related to the nature o f their deficits such as lack o f attention, poor

organization o f behavior, increased motor activity, or lack o f financial resources.

Clinicians usually rely on different observations which are more appropriate in these

situations. In addition, it is possible that structured observations tap into different areas o f

performance and provide additional information to the SIPT. Therefore, structured

observations have the potential to greatly contribute to the assessment process of children

who are not suitable for highly structured standardized tests or to supplement the

information collected by those means.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

Two research questions and two hypotheses have been postulated to be researched

in the present study. The research hypotheses establish a tentative answer to the research

questions formulated by this study. These hypotheses have been formulated in order to

determine the direction o f the relationship among the dependent variables. The direction

of this relationship has not been determined after reviewing the literature.

Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated after the review o f the

literature on structured observations or neurological soft signs in children, adolescents

and adults. There have not been any attempts to correlate different structured

observations with the SIPT in children with sensory processing difficulties. The

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following research questions were formulated and will be answered in chapter 4 and then

discussed and contrasted with the existing state o f knowledge in chapter 5.

Research Question #1.

What is the relationship among a specific group o f selected structured

observations and individual tests of the sensory integration and praxis tests?

Research Question #2.

How do scores on a group o f selected structured observations explain a specific

single score or a group of scores in the SIPT profiles?

Research Hypotheses

Two research hypotheses were proposed for this research study. As follows:

Hypothesis #J.

There are no significant relationships between scores in a protocol o f structured

observations and scores in the SIPT in a sample o f children with sensory integrative


Hypothesis #2.

A group o f scores on different structured observations could describe SIPT


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Limitations o f the Study

One of the most important limitations o f the present study lies in the use o f its

methodology: correlational research and exploratory factor analysis. Results o f research

using this methodology may not be entirely valid, stable, or clearly interpretable. In all

likelihood, the results o f a first attempt to achieve this will reveal a variety o f problems;

e.g., attributes which do not represent factors as intended, the occurrence o f unanticipated

factors, the absence o f anticipated factors, etc. Correlational research has a very

important cumulative effect (Stein & Cutler, 1991). However, the result of correlational

research is not sufficient to be conclusive. It is very unlikely that such phenomena can be

avoided in an initial study in a domain, simply because o f the lack o f knowledge about

the nature and dynamics o f the underlying factors (Kim & Muller, 1978; Tucker &

MacCallum, 1997;). The advantages and weaknesses o f both methodological approaches

will be further explored in chapter 3 and discussed in chapter 5.

Another limitation of this study is its small sample size. The sample size used in

this study cannot be assumed to be normally distributed and therefore is better analyzed

and understood by utilizing non-parametric statistics. External validity o f non-parametric

statistics is weak and requires careful interpretation and replication studies.

The most significant limitation o f this study is the diversity from which the scores

were derived when scoring all structured observations. Most structured observations

scores were derived from different studies that included different samples and that were

tested by different theories.

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Definition o f Terms

The following is a list o f operational terms used in this and the following


1. Sensory integration: “The brain’s ability to filter, organize, and integrate masses of

sensory information” (Ayres, 1968a) and “the organization o f sensations for use” (Ayres,

1979, p.5).

2. Clinical observations: Non-standardized assessments by the therapist of particular

neuromotor behaviors, reactions, and functions (Spitzer et al., 1996). Clinical

observations can be understood as structured or unstructured tasks that represent the

foundations and functioning o f specific neuromotor behaviors. Clinical observations refer

to general observations o f specific functions during functional performance.

3. Structured observations: The observation utilized in this study. This term refers to a

clinician controlling environmental factors and organizing a task for the child to carry out

while noting salient aspects o f his or her performance. The group o f structured

observations selected and utilized in this study are: a) supine flexion, b) prone extension,

c) finger to nose, d) slow motions, e) diadochokinesis, f) fmger-to-thumb opposition, g)

extension o f the arms or modified Schilder’s arm extension test, h) heel-to-toe, and i)

jumping jacks. The postrotary nystagmus test (Ayres, 1977) was also utilized.

4. Supine flexion: This observation consisted o f having the child hold his or her head,

arms, and legs flexed and off the surface on which the back rests.

5. Prone extension: This observation required the child to raise his or her head, arms,

upper trunk, and legs into an extended pattern.

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6. Postrotary nystagmus: This test measured the duration o f an involuntary, rapid, back-

and-forth movement o f the eyeballs followed by rotation.

7. Finger to nose: This observation required the child to touch the tip o f his or her nose

with eyes closed.

8. Slow motions: This observation required the child to bring in his or her hands toward

his or her shoulders slowly.

9. Diadochokinesis: This observation required the child to quickly pronate and supinate

the hand and forearm o f both upper extremities together.

10. Finger-to-thumb opposition: This observation required the child to rapidly and

smoothly touch the tip o f each finger to the tip o f the thumb in sequence, beginning with

the fifth finger.

11. Extension of the arms or modified Schilder’s arm extension test: In this observation

the child is asked to stand with his or her feet together and his or her head centered, and

then to stretch out his or her arms, palms downwards, for twenty seconds with eyes

closed. The head is passively rotated to the right and left.

10. Fleel-to-toe: A structured observation for the assessment o f balance and postural

control. The position was tested under four different conditions: a) eyes open, b) eyes

closed, c) eyes open standing on a soft surface, and d) eyes closed standing on a soft


11. Jumping jacks: In this observation the child is asked to perform a series o f jumps by

abducting and adducting his or her arms and legs.

12. Sensory integration and praxis tests: A group o f standardized tests, designed to assess

several different practic abilities; various aspects o f the sensory processing status o f the

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vestibular, proprioceptive, kinesthetic, tactile, and visual systems; and the major

behavioral manifestations of deficits in integration o f sensory inputs from these systems

(Ayres, 1989).

13. Correlational research: A type o f research in which the investigator compares the

relationships between variables and populations by measuring differences (Stein &

Cutler, 1991).

14. Exploratory factor analysis: A type o f research analysis that seeks to discover simple

patterns of relationships among different variables. In particular, it seeks to discover if

the observed variables can be explained largely or entirely in terms o f a much smaller

number of variables called factors. It has also been described as a statistical method to

categorize data into identifiable factors. The procedure is an extension o f a correlation

matrix where a set o f variables are correlated with each other (Thorndike, 1978).


The following study was designed to explore how structured observations

measures commonly used in sensory integration, correlate with the SIPT, when assessing

children with sensory integration dysfunction. The sample is constituted o f children with

sensory integration dysfunction and receiving occupational therapy treatment with a

sensory integration frame o f reference. The observations utilized in this study have been

described as structured observations, in which the examiner controls environmental and

task factors. Some distinctive responses in these observations by typically developing

children have been described in the literature. However, whether specific correlations

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with the SIPT do exist is unknown. Researching these relationships may add knowledge

for the assessment and intervention process o f children with sensory processing deficits.

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Introduction to the Chapter

The purpose o f this study is to determine how different structured observations

relate to each other and their specific correlations with the SIPT in a group o f children

with sensory processing deficits. Thus, the intention o f this literature review is first to

examine the state o f knowledge o f different structured observations and their correlate,

neurological soft signs in patients with different diagnoses. The emphasis is on how these

observations are related to different areas o f dysfunction in adults, adolescents, and

children. Second, a brief description o f sensory integration theory and the history o f how

structured observations evolved is introduced, as well as their relationship to the theory

and practice of occupational therapy using a sensory integration frame o f reference. Last,

the measurement properties o f the SIPT and the contribution o f this study to the current

professional literature is explored.

Different types o f structured observations have been utilized in different

disciplines; in the medical literature these observations are often referred to as

neurological soft signs (Wilson et al., 1994, 2000). The presence and severity o f these

neurological soft signs in children are directly related to their difficulties in functional

performance during, play, school, and other activities o f daily living. The medical

literature infers from the presence and severity o f these signs the loci

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that produce a specific deficit. For example in neurology the presence o f neurological soft

signs may indicate compromised cerebellar integrity, an extrapiramidal component, or

central nervous system immaturity. In sensory integration theory these neurological soft

signs or observations are hypothesized to be related to poor processing of sensory

information or a neuromotor component which guides further assessment and


The first section o f this chapter presents a review o f how the fields o f neurology,

psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation, and special education have utilized observations

for the purpose o f detecting, determining, diagnosing, and discriminating among areas of

function and dysfunction in adults, adolescents, and children. Next, an historical review

o f the theory and research literature on the topic o f sensory integration and the SIPT is

presented. Finally, the contribution o f different structured observations in identifying

different patterns o f sensory integration dysfunction is described.

In chapter 1 structured observations were referred to as situations in which a

clinician controls environmental factors and organizes a task for the child to carry out

while noting salient aspects of his or her performance. Structured observations have been

utilized as part o f the assessment process that provides objective data that could be

identified, measured, and interpreted by clinicians. Neurological soft signs are

characterized by abnormalities in motor, sensory, and integrative functions (Lindberg,

Tani, Stenberg, Apperlberg, Porkka-Heiskanen, & Virkkunen, 2004).

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Neurological Soft Signs and Structured Observations

Although neurological signs have been consistently reported in populations of

patients with different diagnoses, their clinical relevance, and the actual impact of

treatment or their evolution during the disease have not been well clarified, possibly

because o f the methodological limitations o f the available tools (Pine et al., 1996).

Growing evidence has been placed on neurological soft signs as being characterized by

abnormalities in motor, sensory, and integrative functions in a person without a

neurological disorder which can be determined as its focus (Guz & Aygun, 2004). B.N.

Wilson et al. (2000) reported that neurological soft signs have been studied in different

fields, particularly in neurology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation, and special

education. In the occupational therapy literature, and in particular pediatric occupational

therapy, different authors have referred to neurological soft signs as clinical observations,

formal observations, and informal observations.

Neurological soft signs have been studied in adult populations with several

disorders including patients with schizophrenia (Dazzan et al., 2004) and patients with

bipolar disorder (Negash et al., 2004) to name just a few. Neurological soft signs have

also been researched in different samples involving children. Thus, some studies have

explored neurological soft signs in children with academic difficulties and learning

disabilities (Poblano, Borja, Elias, Garcia-Pedroza, & Arias, 2002); children with

emotional disorders (Pine, Shaffer & Schonfeld, 1993) among others. Research has not

yet fully addressed the study o f neurological soft signs in adolescents.

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The following sections will present how neurological soft signs have been studied

following different lines o f inquiry by presenting relevant studies that have examined

neurological soft signs or structured observation in adults, adolescents, and children.

Insights from the Adult Literature

The research literature regarding studies focusing on neurological soft signs in

adult populations was extensive and includes, in decreasing order o f importance:

1. Patients diagnosed as having schizophrenia

2. Patients diagnosed as having obsessive compulsive disorder

3. Other disorders: including patients diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, at risk birth

cohorts, and homicidal men with antisocial personality.

Patients Diagnosed as Having Schizophrenia

Neurological soft signs were extensively studied and described in subjects

diagnosed as having schizophrenia. Neurological soft signs have been described as

nonspecific indicators o f brain dysfunction that were found to be in excess in patients

with schizophrenia (Dazzan et al., 2004). These included poor motor coordination,

sensory perceptual difficulties, and difficulties in sequencing complex motor tasks (Das

et al., 2004).

Eleven studies performed between 1996 and 2004 had described different

neurological soft signs as characteristic o f patients with schizophrenia. Lane et al. (1996)

claimed that 98% o f a sample comprised o f patients with schizophrenia demonstrated at

least one neurological soft sign. In addition, these neurological soft signs appeared to be

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o f a stable nature. Following a trend that considered neurological soft sign constancy

among diverse populations, Smith, Hussian, Chowdhury, and Steams (1999a) proposed

that neurological soft signs are trait-like and therefore scores on these measures should be

relatively stable over time and should not be related to changes in patients

psychopathology or medication. The neurological soft signs measured by Smith, Hussian

et al. were very similar to those described in the literature o f children with sensory

integration deficits. Some examples included: (a) convergence, (b) Romberg, (c) tandem

walk, (d) rapid alternating movements, (e) finger-thumb opposition, (f) rhythm tapping

copied and spontaneous, (g) stereognosis, (h) graphesthesia, and (i) two-point


Although sharing the view o f neurological soft signs as trait-like, Whitty et al.

(2003) findings were somewhat different. They followed a group o f patients with first-

episode schizophrenia at presentation and 6 month follow-up for neurological soft signs

and psychopathology. They found significant improvement in overall neurological

function, primarily in motor-related and cortical signs, which were associated with

improvement in psychopathology. Therefore, they proposed that neurological soft signs

evidenced state-like characteristics that varied with clinical course, while harder signs

evidenced more static, trait like characteristics that were more related to a

neurodevelopmental base.

Other lines o f inquiry had included the study o f neurological soft signs in

subgroups o f patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. A study by Bersani, Clemente, and

Gherardelli (2004) explored the relationship between executive functioning, neurological

soft signs, and psychopathological features in a sample o f 26 adults with schizophrenia.

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They found that patients with lower executive functioning showed greater severity o f

neurological soft signs. However, no significant differences between the groups emerged

for any psychopathological features. These findings seemed to be suggestive o f a

common neurobiological abnormality that could underlie cognitive deficits, especially

concerning executive functioning, and minor neurological soft signs but appeared to deny

that such dysfunction correlates with the psychopathological features o f schizophrenia.

Supporting this view was a study conducted by Mohr et al. (2003). They

examined a group of first-episode schizophrenic patients for neurological soft signs and

neuropsychological functioning. Morh et al. (2003) found that when patients were split

based on their high or low performance on neurological soft signs, they differed in the

level o f neuropsychological performance but did not show differential deficits. They

concluded that neurological soft signs influenced neuropsychological performance and

were correlated to a generalized neuropsychological deficit rather than to any specific

neuropsychological functions. The findings o f these studies suggested that the severity of

a disorder could be correlated with greater severity or amount o f neurological soft signs.

It remains to be determined if a significantly lower performance on measures of

neurological soft signs positively correlates with greater deficits in the functional

performance o f occupations. In addition, this relationship has not been explored in

children with sensory integrative dysfunctions.

Just recently the relationship between brain structure by means o f high resolution

magnetic resonance imaging and neurological soft signs was investigated. Dazzan et al.

(2004) found higher rates o f soft neurological signs associated with reduction o f grey

matter volume o f subcortical structures, particularly the putamen, globus pallidus, and

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thalamus. Signs o f sensory integration deficits were additionally associated with volume

reduction in the cerebral cortex including the precentral, superior, and m iddle temporal

and lingual gyri. They found that these signs and their associated brain changes were

independent o f antipsychotic drug exposure. No hypothesis had been generated regarding

the validity o f these findings and their possible reversibility by means o f interventions

based on neural plasticity. Could neurological soft signs reflecting poor sensory

integration in adults with schizophrenia whose origin seemed to be based on a volume

reduction o f grey matter be responsive to sensory integration intervention? Is high

resolution magnetic resonance imaging a feasible method to measure changes in the

structures responsible for sensory integration? If sensory integration intervention is an

efficacious method for facilitating brain structure changes, what specific morphological

changes will occur in children with similar diagnoses?

Another group o f studies attempted to determine if neurological soft signs could

discriminate between a specific disorder and healthy individuals. A study by Krebs et al.

(2000) utilized a scale o f 23 neurological soft signs in 161 subjects including controls and

patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and recurrent mood disorder. The results o f this

study indicated that on the total score, significant differences (F 2 , 49 = 37.4; p < 10'4) were

found between healthy controls (mean ± SD: 5.0 ± 2.5) and both schizophrenic (14.6 ±

8.5) and mood disordered patients (12.0 ± 7 .1 ). The discrimination o f these items was

also examined by the authors and found to be significant between patients with

schizophrenia and controls with the exception o f tongue protrusion, homogeneity o f

lateralization, and mirror movements. This study also explored neurological soft signs

that are commonly reported in studies o f children with sensory integration deficits such

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as (a) heel-to-toe balance, (b) finger opposition, (c) abnormal movements or posture, (d)

asymmetry, (e) stereognosis, (f) drawing a cube, and (g) graphesthesia. It was interesting

to note that Krebs et al. was the only study that shed some light about the most

appropriate level o f measurement (i.e. nominal, ordinal, etc.) when examining

neurological soft signs. They suggested that these should be measured on qualitative

rather than all-or-nothing scales. Principal component analysis found five consistent

factors as follow: (a) motor coordination, (b) motor integrative function, (c) sensory

integration, (d) involuntary movements or posture, and (e) quality o f lateralization.

With the exception o f Cuesta et al. (2002) no study has attempted to determine

threshold criteria that could distinguish between normal individuals and patients

diagnosed with psychosis or to investigate the predictive power o f neurological soft signs

for cognitive impairment. They assessed 56 patients diagnosed with psychosis and 26

controls and found evidence that supported neurological signs as having greater

predictive power for cognitive impairment than psychopathological dimensions.

However, although neurological soft signs were highly efficient predictors o f the

presence of severe cognitive impairment related to psychosis, their ability to discriminate

between individuals with psychosis and normal controls was modest.

Patients Diagnosed as Having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Research in adult patients diagnosed as having obsessive compulsive disorder

(OCD) have demonstrated an increased number o f neurological soft signs (Bihari, Pato,

Hill, &Murphy, 1991) as well as neuro-anatomic abnormalities detected with modem

imaging techniques (Nickoloff, Radant, Reichler, & Hommer 1991).

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Contradicting this view, Thienemann and Koran (1995) performed a study with

21 outpatients diagnosed with OCD and studied the presence o f five neurological soft

signs before and after 10 to 12 weeks o f treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Patients showed a mean o f 1.8 soft signs, the most common being agraphesthesia, mirror

movements, impaired cube drawing, adventitious movements, and finger-to-finger, in

that order. This study found that neither the presence o f specific neurological soft signs,

the number o f signs present nor a combination o f signs and test abnormalities predicted a

poorer response to pharmacological treatment. In addition, Thienemann and Koran

reported some evidence about baseline neurological soft signs that disappeared at

endpoint in medication responders and non-responders but with no clear pattern of


Few discriminative studies have attempted to support the view that neurological

soft signs could differentiate between a specific disorder and a control group o f healthy

individuals. Guz and Aygun (2004) identified abnormal scores in graphesthesia and two-

point discrimination. In addition, total scores on neurological soft signs were significantly

higher in the group with OCD than the control group. There were no other significant

differences in neurological soft signs between the patients and the control group.

Mataix-Cols et al. (2003) investigated neuropsychological performance and

neurological soft signs, and found evidence that supported that patients with OCD

presented with more neurological soft signs than controls on both sides o f the body, and

were impaired on the free recall and organization scores o f neuropsychological

performance. Moreover, nonverbal memory deficits in patients with OCD were predicted

independently by organizational strategies and neurological soft signs. The authors

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proposed that two variables appeared to be independently mediating nonverbal memory

deficits in obsessive compulsive disorder as follows: (a) a cognitive organization and

planning component and (b) a complex motor regulatory component.

Nickoloff et al. (1991) reported a study in which more specific neurological soft

signs were examined in patients diagnosed with OCD. This study examined smooth

pursuits and saccadic eye movements o f 8 patients diagnosed with OCD and 12 normal

controls using infrared oculography, computerized pattern recognition software and

measures of soft neurological signs. Study findings revealed that despite having an

increased number o f neurological soft signs, the performance o f patients with OCD on a

variety of measures o f eye movement was not significantly impaired. N ickoloff et al.

concluded that patients with OCD did not have prominent oculomotor dysfunction and

that eye movement dysfunction and neurological soft signs were not inextricably linked.

Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Negash et al. (2004) examined the extent to which neurological soft signs were

associated with bipolar disorder cases compared to healthy controls, the possible

relationship between neurological soft signs and the clinical dimensions of the disorder,

and the association o f sociodemographic characteristics with the occurrence o f

neurological soft signs. They found that patients with bipolar disorder performed

significantly worse on items related to sensory integration and motor coordination items.

The highest difference was sequencing o f complex motor acts. No significant

associations were found between neurological soft signs, clinical dimensions, and

sociodemographic characteristics.

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This study adds to the growing evidence that supports the presence o f

neurological soft signs in patients with different diagnoses. “Sensory integration” items

were related to discriminative function o f the tactile system. They closely resemble the

tactile tests of the SIPT. “Sequencing o f complex motor acts” items resemble some o f the

items in the bilateral motor coordination, sequencing, and postural praxis subtests o f the

SIPT. It would be interesting to know if patients in this diagnostic group show evidence

of sensory integrative disorders similar to those observed in children with sensory

processing difficulties or if they are responsive to sensory integration treatment.

Cohort Studies

A study performed by Leask, Done, and Crow in 2002 reviewed medical

examinations on over 12,000 members o f a cohort at ages 7 and 11 years. The study

investigated the possible associations o f adult-onset psychosis with neurological soft

signs and common infectious illness in childhood. Leask et al. measured the following

neurological soft signs: (a) hand control, (b) coordination, (c) speech difficulties, (d)

bowel control, (e) tics, (f) twitches, (g) enuresis, (h) incontinence, (i)

coordination/balance, (j) neurological problem, (k) speech defect, (1) dysarthria, (m) left

handed, (n) left thrower, (o) left kicker, (p) clumsy, (q) unsteady, and (r) convulsions.

Leask et al. (2002) performed factor analysis of the measured soft signs and found

seven factors consisting o f more than one measure as follows (a) left preference, (b)

clumsy and unsteady, (c) hand control and speech problems, (d) general coordination and

neurological, (e) tic/twitches, (f) speech problems, and (g) incontinence. These factors, in

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general, represented meaningful clusters o f related soft signs, suggesting a common

neurological origin.

Homicidal Men with Antisocial Personality

Followed by a trend in assigning neurological soft signs to neurodevelopmental

dysfunction and as evidence of central nervous system defect resulting in considerable

sociopsychological dysfunction, Lindberg et al. (2004) conducted a study aimed at

examining neurological soft signs in an adult criminal population. They compared a

group o f 14 men referred to pre-trial forensic psychiatric examination with a history o f

recurrent violent acts, a group o f patients diagnosed as having schizophrenia consisting o f

8 age-matched men, and a group o f healthy controls. Lindberg et al. reported that

neurological soft signs in antisocial offenders were significantly increased compared with

those o f the healthy controls; whereas no significant differences were observed between

the scores o f offenders and those o f patients with schizophrenia. W hen comparing the

group o f offenders and healthy controls, the items that were significantly over­

represented by the offenders were blunt/sharp discrimination, tapping rhythm,

dysdiadokokinesis, blink reflex, and complex motor acts. Thus, Lindberg et al.

speculated that neurological soft signs indicate a nonspecific vulnerability factor in

several psychiatric syndromes.


Observations have been utilized in different disciplines to determine the nature

and extent o f a hypothesized dysfunction in adult patients with several diagnoses. These

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observations have been denominated by neurological soft signs in different fields.

Linderberg et al. (2004) has defined them as being characterized by abnormalities in the

motor, sensory and integrative functions. These signs and their significance have been

studied in persons affected by different diagnoses and utilizing different methods of


This review o f literature has been organized in three categories: studies involving

adults, studies involving adolescents, and studies involving children. In the first group,

studies involving adults, the information was organized describing: (a) patients diagnosed

as having schizophrenia, (b) patients diagnosed as having obsessive compulsive disorder,

and (c) other disorders.

In adults diagnosed as having schizophrenia, it appears that m ost patients in this

group present with at least one neurological soft sign (Lane et al., 1996). Bersani et al.

(2004) and Morh et al. (2003) provided evidence that neurological soft signs are related

to cognitive and executive functioning in this group. Patients with lower executive

functioning showed greater severity o f neurological soft signs. The neurological soft

signs described in adults with schizophrenia fall in the following categories: (a) motor

coordination and sequencing, (b) sensory integration, and (c) developmental reflexes.

Krebs et al. (2000) found four factors: (a) motor coordination, (b) motor integrative

functions, (c) sensory integration, and (d) involuntary movements. A cohort study by

Leask et al. (2002) studied the relationship between adult onset psychosis, childhood

illnesses, and neurological soft signs. They grouped neurological soft signs in seven

categories: (a) left preference, (b) clumsy and unsteady, (c) hand control and speech

problems, (d) general coordination and neurological, (e) tic/twitches, (f) speech problems,

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and (g) incontinence. Most of the neurological soft signs examined in this study were

designed to capture information related to coordination skills and may have provided

information related to vestibular and proprioceptive functions.

Other studies have attempted to pin point a neurological substrate for these

observations. Dazzan et al. (2004) utilized imaging techniques and found increased rates

o f neurological soft signs to be associated with reduction o f grey matter volume o f

subcortical structures, specifically in the putamen, globus pallidus and thalamus. Krebs et

al. (2000) found evidence that supported the assumption that some neurological soft signs

could discriminate between a specific disorder and healthy individuals. In relationship to

clinical course, neurological soft signs appear to have a stable nature in adults with

schizophrenia that is independent o f changes in psychopathology and neuroleptic

treatment. Whitty et al. (2003) proposed state-like characteristics that varied with clinical

course. The opposite may be true for patients with OCD. It is unknown if neurological

soft signs that are present in childhood would remain through adolescence and adulthood.

However, it is most likely that they will subside if patients are treated with selective

serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Thienemann & Koran, 1995). It is known that patients with

OCD do not appear to present with prominent oculomotor dysfunction (Nickoloff et al.,

1991). Moreover, they appear to represent some form o f impaired sensory processing

related to the tactile or proprioceptive systems (Bihari, et al., 1991).

The term “sensory integration” in different studies examining neurological soft

signs is obscure. The most common uses refer to discriminative functions o f the tactile

system. The most often cited are stereognosis, graphesthesia, and two point

discrimination. In addition, most neurological soft signs described in the literature are

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related to the visual, somatosensory, and vestibular systems (Bersani et al., 2004; Boks,

liddle, Russo, Knegtering, & Van der Bosch, et al., 2003; Das et al., 2004; Dazzan et al.,

2004; Dazzan & Murray, 2002; Gourion et al., 2003; Krebs et al., 2000; Lane et al., 1996;

Malla, Norman, Aguillar, and Cortese, 2003; Morh et al., 2003; Niethammer et al., 2000;

Smith Hussian, et al., 1999; Whitty et al., 2003; Yazici, Demir, Yacici, and Gogus, 2002).

The literature on neurological soft signs in patients with bipolar disorder suggest a

possible connection between the disorder and deficits in functions related to sensory

integration, specifically, the performance o f tasks requiring sequencing o f complex motor

acts (Negash, et al., 2004). Lindberg et al. (2004) found an increased rate o f neurological

soft signs in patients with a criminal history. It is interesting to note that the most evident

neurological soft signs in these as well as in other populations, such as patients with

bipolar disorder, appear to be related to a praxis component.

Studies Involving Adolescents

The research literature on studies focusing on neurological soft signs in

adolescents has just begun to be explored. The few studies examining neurological soft

signs in adolescents have concentrated on the diagnosis o f ADHD and schizophrenia.

Conduct Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Patients with ADHD have been shown to have a high prevalence o f comorbid

conditions, including language disorders, learning disabilities, graphomotor dysfunction,

and impairments in fine and gross motor skills. Some o f these conditions have been

studied under the general category o f soft neurological signs (Spreen, Risser, and Edgell,

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1995). Aronowitz et al. (1994) compared neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological

evaluations performed in adolescents including three groups: subjects with conduct

disorder (CD) comorbid with ADHD versus CD only, all subjects with ADHD versus all

non-ADHD, and all subjects with CD versus all non-CD. The CD and ADHD group had

increased left-sided soft signs compared with the CD group.

Similarly, Vitiello, Stoff, Atkins, and Mahoney (1990) examined the relationship

between neurological soft signs and disruptive behavioral disorders in 31 boys 6-13 years

o f age with disruptive behavior disorders and 45 age-matched boys without pathology.

After being corrected for age, neurological soft signs correlated positively with

impulsiveness responding in different measures but not with intelligence quotient or

clinical impulsivity scores. The findings o f this study suggested a relationship between

neurological dysfunction/immaturity and performance on specific tasks requiring

response inhibition.

Adolescents Diagnosed as having Schizophrenia

Obiols, Serrano, Caparros, Subira, and Barrantes (1999) compared 140 normal

adolescents with 162 at risk individuals on neurological soft signs, IQ, frontal lobe

function, and schizotypy. They found associations between neurological soft signs and

attention deficit. Furthermore, subjects with higher scores on neurological soft signs were

characterized by lower IQ scores, poorer performance on frontal lobe tests, and greater

problems with social interaction. There was also a trend for an association between male

sex and both left-handedness and neurological soft signs. These studies have found

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information consistent with neurological soft signs in the left hemi-body which are

suggestive o f right brain dysfunction.


There is a lack o f research examining neurological soft signs in adolescents with

different diagnoses. Neurological soft signs in adolescents have been examined in

individuals diagnosed as having attention deficits, conduct disorder, and schizophrenia.

Research studies seem suggestive o f an increased incidence o f neurological soft signs in

adolescents with attention deficits, conduct disorder, and schizophrenia. In adolescents

with schizophrenia, neurological soft signs appeared suggestive o f right brain


Studies Involving Children

Although systematic correlations between neurological soft signs and

characteristic symptoms o f certain adult disorders have been controversial, partial

evidence suggested that the opposite may be the case when examining neurological soft

signs in children. The existence o f brain dysfunction manifesting itself in both the

neurological and behavioral dimensions has been the focus o f many studies. Different

research studies have emphasized different domains o f function. M ost o f the symptoms

described by those studies included clumsiness (Gubbay, Ellis, W alton & Court, 1965),

visuomotor and visual perceptual difficulties (M. Walker, 1965), delayed maturation

(Illinworth, 1968), and increased amount o f associated movements (Abercrombie &

Tyson, 1964). More recently sensory integration and sensory processing difficulties were

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proposed in diverse populations (Smith Roley et al., 2001). These studies proposed

different ways of examining children to determine the nature and extent of their

difficulties. However, the examination o f structured observations or neurological soft

signs remained common to all o f them.

In the assessment o f children who present with functional performance

difficulties, occupational therapists have relied on both standardized and non­

standardized assessments and on different observations. Structured observations within a

sensory integration frame o f reference entail the child performing a series o f tasks

demonstrated by the therapist that reflect intactness in the central nervous system. Ayres

included these observations as items in her factor and cluster analytic studies (Ayres,

1965; 1966a; 1966b; 1969b; 1977).

The field of neurology, neuropsychology, rehabilitation, occupational therapy,

and physical therapy have examined neurological soft signs in children for quite some

time. Although no universal system has been adopted to examine children with minor

neurological irregularities or delayed maturation o f the sensory or motor systems, most

studies included similar assessments. They have included, but have not been limited to,

examination o f the child in different developmental positions such as sitting and standing,

different parts of the body such as head or trunk, examination o f the motor system

including muscle power, passive movements and range o f movements, and examination

of reflexes (Touwen & Prechtl, 1970).

A review o f the most recent studies involving neurological soft signs revealed a

renewed interest in the subject since the 1960s. Thus, some studies have investigated the

nature and significance of neurological soft signs in children with attention deficit

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disorder (Guftafsson Theralund, Ryding, Rosen, &Cerdblad, 2000), Gilles de la Tourette

syndrome (Smerczi, 2000), academic achievement and learning disabilities (Poblano et

al., 2002), congenital muscular dystrophy (Mercuri, Dubowitz, et al., 1995), convulsive

disorders (Hara & Fukuyama, 1992), emotional disorders (Pine et al., 1993), children at

high risk (Pine Wasserman, Fried, Parides, & Schaffer, 1997), psychiatric vulnerability

(Diaz Atienza & Blanquez Rodriguez, 1990); sickle cell disease (Mercury, Faundrez, et

al., 1995), and mainstream pupils (Fellick, Thomson, Sills and Hart, 2001). Most o f these

studies have also incorporated more accurate measures such as photon emission

computed tomography EEG, cerebral blood flow (Guftafsson, Mercuri, Faundez, et al.),

and magnetic resonance imaging techniques (Dubowitz , et al.).

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Guftafsson et al. (2000) examined a group o f children with ADHD hyperactivity

disorder using single photon emission computed tomography and EEG. They found that

some o f these children had abnormal distribution o f the regional cerebral blood-flow and

some had abnormal EEG findings. The authors performed a factor analysis on the

regional cerebral flow in different regions o f interest and found two main factors. A

factor with low regional cerebral blood flow in the temporal and cerebellar regions and

high regional cerebral blood flow in the subcortical and thalamic regions that was

significantly associated with the degree o f motor impairment and results on cognitive

testing. Another factor consisting o f high regional cerebral blood flow in the frontal and

parietal regions had a significant negative correlation with the degree o f behavior

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symptoms. In addition, Guftafsson et al. found a negative correlation between the

regional cerebral blood flow in the right frontal regions and the degree o f behavioral

symptoms and the number o f minor physical abnormalities in the frontal lobes bilaterally.

These authors concluded that in children with ADHD there were at least two functional

disturbances, one specific neurodevelopmental disturbance o f the frontal lobe, especially

the right hemisphere, related to behavioral disturbances. The other was a disturbance o f

the integration o f the temporal lobes, cerebellum, and subcortical structures, related to

motor planning and aspects of cognition.

Academic Achievement and Learning Disabilities

A study conducted by Poblano et al. (2002) collected data in a group o f 778

children ages 6-12 years mainly from low and middle economic strata and diagnosed

with specific reading disability. The study collected data on age, gender, diagnosis,

school grade, food intake, maternal complications during pregnancy, perinatal and

postnatal neurological risk factors, neurological soft signs, and handedness. They

concluded that a high frequency o f perinatal risk factors and neurological soft signs were

common among the sample studied.

Proponents o f outside sources o f information have claimed that the examination

o f neurological soft signs is o f very little help in diagnosing children with learning

disabilities. In a study by Brunquell, Russman, and Lerer (1991) 119 questionnaires were

sent to children’s neurologists who were asked to rank the importance o f 8 different

sources of information. All pairwise comparisons o f the eight sources revealed significant

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differences except for psychological reports and medical histories which were ranked

equally. Analysis o f the six remaining sources demonstrated the following: teacher’s

reports were deemed more helpful than the mental status examination, and questionnaires

distributed to parents and teachers were more useful than findings on the remainder o f the

neurological examination. Social services reports took precedence over soft signs which

were considered least diagnostically helpful.

Emotional Disorders

Pine et al. (1993) performed a prospective epidemiological study that found the

combination o f childhood neurological soft signs and anxious behavior to be a strong risk

factor for adolescent emotional disorders. This study found that the at-risk subjects were

shown to exhibit a persistent and specific pattern o f both motor abnormalities and

anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, or depressive symptoms over time. Pine et al. (1993)

recommended that children who present with anxious and depressive symptoms be

examined for motor soft signs.

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy

Mercuri, Dubowitz, et al. (1995) examined 22 children with pure congenital

muscular dystrophy in which there were not structural changes in the brain or severe

mental retardation. The researchers tested for neurological soft signs related to white

matter changes. The group o f children was divided into two groups for analysis

depending on the presence or the absence o f diffuse white matter changes. A significant

difference was found between the group with congenital muscular dystrophy with normal

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magnetic resonance imaging and the group with diffuse white matter changes. The results

demonstrated that perceptual motor difficulties and minor neurological soft signs were a

consistent feature in congenital muscular dystrophy children with diffuse magnetic

resonance imaging changes, but not with normal magnetic resonance imaging (Mercuri,

Dabowitz, et al., 1995).

High Risk

Pine et al. (1997) studied the stability o f neurological soft signs and their

association with psychiatric symptoms in high risk young boys. They found that

neurological soft signs exhibited marked stability across the one-year period. The authors

concluded that performance on neurological soft signs examination is stable over a one

year period and that this examination correlates to both internalizing and externalizing

symptoms in young boys.

Psychiatric Vulnerability

Diaz Atienza and Blanquez Rodriguez (1990) conducted a study with 60 children

ages 4-15 years and found a significant quantity o f neurological soft signs with regard to

the gravity o f the psychiatric disorder. They recommended their evaluation to determine

the child’s neuro-maturational condition and psychiatric vulnerability.

Sickle Cell Disease

Neurological soft signs have also been examined in their ability to predict medical

complications. Stroke, one o f the most frequent complications o f sickle cell disease and

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occurring in 7-17% o f children, motivated Mercuri, Faundez et al. (1995) to study 14

children diagnosed as having sickle cell disease. They questioned if minor lesions

observed on imaging could be associated with soft neurological signs not detectable on

conventional neurological examination. Eight o f the 14 children scanned showed lesions

on MRI but only 3 were abnormal on standard neurological examination. However, all o f

the eight children with MRI lesions also showed abnormal signs. All the children with

normal MRI were normal on all the tests performed. Mercuri Faundez, et al. concluded

that neurological soft signs may reliably identify the presence o f even minor MRI lesions

and may also help to identify the population at risk for developing strokes.

Mainstream Pupils

When neurological soft signs were examined in a sample o f mainstream pupils

Fellick et al. (2001) found that after being assessed with a measurement o f six

neurological soft signs, motor skills, cognitive function, and behavior, those children who

presented with higher scores in neurological soft signs performed worse on the other

three measures. Specifically, they concluded that a soft sign score above the 90th

percentile had a sensitivity o f 38% for detecting cognitive impairment, 42% for detecting

coordination problems, and 25% for detecting possible attention deficit hyperactivity



Research studies that have examined neurological soft signs in children with

different diagnoses appeared to suggest different manifestations. Behavioral disturbances,

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motor planning, and cognition appear to be more significant in children with attention

deficits (Guftafsson, et al., 2000). A high frequency o f neurological soft signs has been

reported in children with specific reading disability (Poblano et al., 2002). On the other

hand, Brunquell et al. (1991) advocated against the diagnostic value o f neurological soft

signs when compared with other sources o f information such as parent questionnaires.

Neurological soft signs have been reported in children with convulsive disorders (Hara &

Fukuyama, 1992).

The predictive value o f structured observations or neurological soft signs has also

been examined. Pine et al. (1993) suggested a relationship between these signs and

anxiety in childhood as a factor for later emotional disorders.

Some studies have concentrated their research efforts on how neurological soft

signs could identify or even predict risk factors. This line o f inquiry offers pediatric

occupational therapists with important information, as the examination and correct

interpretation of some neurological soft signs may indicate a progressive or degenerative

disorder. Following this line of inquiry Mercuri, et al. (1995) examined neurological soft

signs in children with congenital muscular dystrophy. This examination was able to

differentiate between children with structural changes confirmed via imaging techniques.

Similarly, Mercuri, Dubowitz et al. (1995) detected children with m inor MRI lesions but

normal neurological examinations in children with sickle cell disease, a population very

susceptible to stroke.

The diagnostic value of neurological soft signs or structured observations appears

to be o f more weight than those found in adult patients. These signs appear to be stable

even across a one year period (Pine, et al., 1997) and be related to the severity or gravity

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o f a psychiatric disorder (Diaz Atienza & Blanquez Rodriguez, 1990). Fellick et al.

(2001) presented evidence on neurological soft signs sensitivity in detecting cognitive

impairment, coordination problems, and attention deficits.

Sensory Integration Theory

Sensory integration theory was introduced by Jean Ayres as a neurobehavioral

theory (Ayres, 1972). The core concept o f sensory integration is that neural integration of

sensation is an essential component o f movement and learning. In addition to the visual

and auditory sensory systems contributions to movement and learning that were

emphasized in Ayres’s time, the role o f the vestibular, kinesthetic, proprioceptive and

tactile systems are highlighted by sensory integration theory (K.F. Walker, 2004).

Ayres’s theory development proceeded from the examination o f children with

learning, movement, and behavioral problems without a known neurological insult. In an

attempt to alleviate some of the problems that children experienced, Ayres proceeded to

develop test instruments, conduct factor analytic studies to refine a typology o f sensory

integrative dysfunction, design a therapeutic setting to treat these problems, and conduct

efficacy studies (K.F. Walker, 2004).

Some important aspects o f Ayres’s theory included the notion o f sensory

information as nourishing the central nervous system, making meaning through

integration o f sensations and developing through a series o f adaptive responses or goal

directed responses to sensory experiences (Ayres, 1972). Important contributions also

included a formulation o f how sensory integration developed from infancy to middle

adulthood and the importance o f sensation in the understanding o f how the brain works,

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including how different types o f sensation were processed and integrated at different

levels o f the central nervous system.

Departing from how the processes o f integrating sensation occurred in normal

individuals, Ayres proceeded to describe what constituted sensory integration dysfunction

including their symptoms and causes (Ayres, 1972). She mentioned the possibility of

hereditary and environmental factors and a process that she described as “internal sensory

deprivation” (Ayres, 1972 p. 51). Using this term she hypothesized that children with

sensory integration dysfunction could have experienced normal sensory stimulation but

somehow these sensations did not nourish every part o f the brain that needed them.

Since its inception, sensory integration theory has expanded, and most o f its

principles have been revised and reformulated. These revisions have incorporated more

contemporaneous visions o f the central nervous system, human development, and how

sensory integration contributes to daily occupations. Thus, research has furthered sensory

integration theory as well as its relationship with how children perform a variety o f

occupations (Spitzer et al., 1996). Contemporaneous scientists have correlated sensory

integration functioning with arithmetic and reading achievement in school aged children

(Parham, 1998); play skills in preschoolers, (Schaaf, 1990); deficits in tactile modulation

with rigid or inflexible behavior, repetitive verbalizations, visual stereotypes, and

abnormally focused affections in children with developmental disabilities (Baranek,

Foster, & Berkson, 1997); sensory defensiveness with negative emotions such as

annoyance, frustration, and fear when encountering occupations that involved various

sensory stimuli (Kinnealey, Oliver, & Wilbarger, 1995).

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Current research in sensory integration theory has not refuted the initial principles

o f sensory integration theory originally proposed by Ayres, but it has increased its

importance. New avenues of inquiry and methods o f measurements have promoted newer

discoveries and conceptualizations including a syndrome o f sensory modulation

dysfunction (Miller, Reissman, McIntosh, and Simon, 2001); specific deficits in

proprioceptive processing (Imperatore Blache & Shaaf, 2001); wider views o f praxis

(Giuffrida, 2001; Imperatore Blanche, 2001; May-Benson, 2001) and praxis and

organization of behavior in time and space (Imperatore Blanche & Parham, 2001) as well

as the application o f sensory integration principles to the treatment o f diverse populations

(Smith Roley, Imperatore Blanche, & Shaaf, 2001).

The theory of sensory integration has devoted great efforts in developing

assessment tools to capture sensory integration deficits in children and adults. These

assessment tools have the purpose o f documenting the nature and extent of sensory

integration dysfunction. Several o f these assessments are currently available to

occupational therapists including sensory histories such as the sensory profile (Dunn,

1999) and the Evaluation of Sensory Processing (Parham & Ecker, 2000); clinical

protocols that include observations o f neuromotor behaviors (Dunn, 1981; Imperatore

Blanche, 2002; B.N. Wilson et al., 1994; 2000) and formal assessments such the SIPT

(Ayres, 1989).

Sensory integration theory was selected for this research because the children who

participated in this study had documented sensory integration dysfunction in their clinical

charts. They were being treated using a sensory integration frame o f reference after a

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formal assessment by a pediatric occupational therapist with formal training in sensory

integration linked the presenting problems to inadequate sensory processing.

Structured Observations Within Sensory Integration

Within a sensory integration frame o f reference, structured observations were

defined as situations in which a clinician controls environmental factors and organizes a

task for the child to carry out while noting salient aspects o f his or her performance. The

structured observations had, as neurological soft signs, been utilized as part o f routine

examinations to provide objective data that could be identified, measured, and interpreted

by clinicians. In this respect, when examining Ayres’ early publications, it became

evident that she was looking into different means for measuring the nature and extent of

dysfunction in the perceptual motor domain. In her early studies she used different

structured measures that provided her with information regarding children’s perceptual

motor abilities. Some o f these observations were not standardized until later when she

received her doctoral degree in educational psychology. She expressed “I needed to

develop tests in order to really get at the problem, and in learning situations, problems are

not easily measured, determined, even recognized. When I started out, there weren’t any

really good tests for looking at dysfunction in children” (A. J. Ayres, personal

communication, June 29, 1981 as cited in K.F. Walker, 2004).

Ayres conducted numerous factor analytic studies in order to construct and refine

typologies o f sensory integrative dysfunctions. Ayres established her first typology in

1963 and refined it in 1965. In 1963, Ayres published a paper titled “The Development

o f Perceptual Motor Abilities: A Theoretical Basis for Treatment o f Dysfunction”. This

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research was Ayres’ first attempt to explain the presence o f taxonomic categories or

syndromes o f dysfunction in children with known perceptual motor dysfunction (Ayres,

1963). She was inspired by the trend in the use o f factor analysis in the social and

medical sciences and thought that factors o f interrelated observations o f perceptual motor

function would emerge from her research in children with learning and behavioral

problems. Aware o f the factor analytic limitations, she pursued her research, thinking that

the children she encountered in her clinical practice would parallel those

neurophysiological processes, such as spasticity or athetosis that accounted for the

behavioral manifestations o f children affected by cerebral palsy (K.F. Walker, 2004).

This original research study identified five major syndromes, which emerged from the

analysis o f factors, and the mean or actual factual loadings o f observations in the

perceptual-motor area o f functioning. Different syndromes were represented by different

constellations o f deficits o f function. As a result o f her research, Ayres (1963) named the

following syndromes: (a) apraxia, (b) perceptual dysfunction: form and position in space,

(c) deficits o f integration o f function o f the two sides o f the body, (d) perceptual

dysfunction: visual figure-ground, and (e) tactile defensiveness.

In 1965, Ayres conducted a similar study with a larger sample that included

typically developing children in addition to those with suspected perceptual motor

dysfunction and a larger number o f tests. She ended with five major factors interpretable

as hypothesized behavioral correlates of patterns o f neurological dysfunction. Ayres

named and described the factors similarly to those identified in her research study

conducted in 1963 (Ayres, 1965). This classification scheme, presented in her Eleanor

Clarke Slagle lecture (Ayres, 1963), provided her with a framework for test development

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and theory building in sensory integration (Ayres, 1963, 1965). Because the five discrete

syndromes identified by means o f factor analysis were not found in the normal subjects,

it was clear that Ayres achieved her goal o f isolating areas o f dysfunction that were not

typical of normal development (Ayres, 1965). In these early studies, Ayres (1963; 1965)

utilized several non-standardized and non-norm structured observations as follows: (a)

graphic skill, (b) kinesthetic memory, (c) localization o f tactile stimuli, (d) eye pursuits,

(e) skin designs, (f) manual perception of form, (g) standing balance I and II, (h) hand

test (i) motor planning: gross, (j) right-left discrimination, (k) finger identification, (1)

strength o f unilateral hand dominance, (m) degree o f agreement between eye and hand

dominance, (n) body visualization, (o) crossing the mid-line o f the body, (p) perception

o f joint movement, (f) fine motor planning: wire-grommet device, (g) fine motor

planning: string winding, (h) two point tactile discrimination, (i) superimposed figures, (j)

time and rhythm, (k) freedom from tactile defensive behavior, and (1) freedom from

hyperactive and distractible behavior.

In addition to different structured observations she utilized two o f her own tests,

the Southern California Motor Accuracy Tests and the Ayres Space Test (Ayres, 1962,

1964), a test o f visual perception o f verticality, five subtests o f the Marianne Frostig

Developmental Test o f Visual Perception, a test o f two-point tactile stimuli, a test of

Gestalt completion, and the Pacific State Hospital Number Concept Test.

Some of these structured observations laid the foundation for the development o f

more refined tests. Between 1962 and 1965 Ayres published two psychological tests: The

Ayres Space Test (Ayres, 1962) and the Southern California Motor-Accuracy Test

(Ayres, 1964). From a careful examination o f these tests it seemed reasonable to assume

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that Ayres was using structured observations. Moreover, the similarities o f the problems

experienced by her clients lead her to the development o f more refined observations and

testing items prior to their standardization. In a personal communication, and referring to

children with learning disabilities, she expressed “they have certain conditions,

responsibility for modification o f which I assume; therefore, I must learn what I need to

know to ameliorate their condition” (A. J. Ayres, personal communication, June 24,

1981; as cited in K.F. Walker, 2004). It seems reasonable to believe that some of these

structured observations were not explored further and therefore clinicians continue to use

them to supplement their standardized testing findings or as Imperatore Blanche (2002)

points out: as the primary assessment tool when standardized measures were not


In 1966, Ayres conducted another research study on 64 adopted normal children

ages 4 though 8 years. The comparison o f the factor structure o f the scores o f this normal

group with previous factor analytic studies helped Ayres to clarify differences between

the two groups. The clearest difference between the factorial structure o f the scores from

the normal children and a group with dysfunction was the failure o f the dimensions o f

praxis and form and space perception to appear as separate factors in the normal group.

Ayres was not able to formulate a comparable hypothesis about the previously proposed

syndromes o f integration o f function o f the two sides o f the body or tactile defensiveness.

From the results o f this research Ayres elaborated on the advantage o f the use o f tests

which tapped into areas o f function which showed little variation in normal children but

considerable variation in children with disorders (Ayres, 1966a). In later research Ayres

compared her group o f perceptual motor tests to valid and reliable measures such as the

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Gesell, which were scales known in her time to reflect the degree o f integrity and

maturation o f the nervous system (Gessell & Amatruda, 1947). In this study, Ayres was

able to demonstrate correlations between the Gesell developmental quotients and the

perceptual motor scores as significant at the .01 level (Ayres, 1969b).

A. Jean Ayres developed a theory centering on the developmental progression of

sensory integration in the central nervous system. Although the terms “sensation” and

“integration” appeared frequently in Ayres writings it was not until 1968 that she

combined these terms into “sensory integration” (K.F. Walker, 2004). Ayres used these

terms to describe the brain’s ability to filter, organize, and integrate the masses o f sensory

information (Ayres, 1968a). She viewed learning as a function o f this neuropsychological

ability and proposed that certain types o f learning disability could therefore be interpreted

partially in terms o f dysfunction within the brain’s integrative functions (Ayres, 1968b).

Ayre’s 1968 writings laid the foundation for the development o f her theory as she

introduced phylogenetic and ontogenetic developmental principles related to sensory

integration, linked learning and sensory integration, posed dysfunction in sensory

integration as being related to learning disabilities, and identified and related evaluation

and treatment strategies (K.F. Walker, 2004).

Later in 1969, Ayres pursued a research study using Q-factor analytic techniques

in 36 children with educational handicaps. In this study she attributed two major patterns

o f deficits associated with low academic functioning in the areas of: (a) auditory,

language and sequencing and (b) postural and bilateral integration. These deficits were

differentiated from apraxia and tactile defensiveness (Ayres, 1969a). This study seemed

to have finalized Ayre’s search for different types o f sensory integrative deficits among

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children with academic and behavioral problems. Her later work appeared to be related to

the refinement o f her measuring devices and assessment tools. Some o f the testing items

used in her early research, mainly because o f their discriminative nature, became part o f a

later battery, the Southern California Sensory Integration Tests (Ayres, 1972) and the

Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (1989). Contemporaneous research studies have

consistently ended with similar factor structures as those originally proposed by Ayres

even when the sample size has been as large as 10,475 children (Mulligan, 1996).

In 1976, Ayres was appointed adjunct faculty member to the Department o f

Occupational Therapy at the University o f Southern California. In 1977, she opened the

Ayres Clinic, a private facility in Torrance, California. In this carefully designed

environment for sensory integrative therapy, she provided therapy for children;

conducted research; and developed tests, instruments, and theory. An evaluation form

that listed several structured observations and that was utilized in the Ayres clinic

included several liberal estimates for different age groups o f typically developing

children drawn from the literature. However, most o f these observations were not

standardized for their administration or interpretation and lacked normative information

from the performance o f typical children or those with dysfunctions. The observations

included: (a) writing hand, (b) handwriting, (c) sighting eye, (d) eye movements

(pursuits, midline crossing, range, head movements, and convergence), (e) thumb-finger

touching, (f) associated reactions, (g) slow (ramp) motions, (h) finger to nose, (i) tongue

movements (to side o f mouth, to top o f mouth behind teeth, lick lips all the way around,

to bottom o f mouth behind teeth), (j) chin movements (to side, move down on command,

close mouth on command, move forward, move backward), (k) muscle tone, (1)

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antagonist muscle co-contraction, (m) forearm rotation, (n) choreoathetosis, (o) arm

extension test (p) supine flexion, (q) prone extension, (r) heel-toe walking, and (s)

vertical writing of Fukuda.

In 1982, Ayres elaborated on the use and interpretation o f structured observations

when assessing sensory integration dysfunctions. In this manuscript she elaborated the

significance and interpretation o f the following observations: (a) tonic neck reflex, (b) co­

contraction, (c) forearm rotation, (d) eye pursuits, (e) prone extension, (f) supine flexion,

(g) usage of the non-preferred hand, (h) standing balance, eyes open, (i) standing balance,

eyes closed, (j) postrotary nystagmus, (k) protective or parachute reactions, and (1) neck


Although Ayres’s original clinical observations continue to be utilized in clinical

practice (B.N. Wilson et al., 1994; 2000), a number o f contemporaneous studies have

examined the role of different observations in children with sensory integration deficits.

Contemporaneous Research on Structured Observations

The expansion o f the sensory integrative frame o f reference to the assessment and

treatment o f diverse populations has challenged pediatric occupational therapists to

design valid and reliable assessment tools, screening, and measuring devices. Thus,

parent questionnaires, sensory histories, standardized testing, and structured observations

have been described to some extent (Blanche, 2002; Blanche et al., 1995; Carrasco, 1993;

Dunn, 1981, 1997; Dunn & Bennett, 2002; Dunn & Brown, 1997; Fisher et al., 1991,

2002; Gregory-Flock & Yerza, 1984; Haak et al., 1993; Harris, 1981; Izraelevitz et al.,

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1985; Johnson-Ecker & Parham, 2000; Kay, 2001; LaCroix et al., 1997; Magalhaes et al.,

1989; Rife, 2000; Silver & Hagin, 1960; B.N. Wilson et al., 1994).

At least three clinical protocols that include observations o f neuromotor behaviors

have been used in the field o f occupational therapy to assess different sensory processing

deficits in children (Dunn, 1981; Imperatore Blanche, 2002; B.N. Wilson et al., 1994,

2000). Earlier versions of structured observations included several items that represented

different domains o f function such as two-point discrimination, writing hand,

handwriting, sighting eye, choreoathetosis, crossing the mid-line o f the body, and

two-point tactile discrimination among others (Ayres, 1963, 1965). More recent clinical

observations have concentrated on items testing postural stability; coordination, rate and

quality o f movement; ability to inhibit primitive reflexes (B.N. Wilson et al., 1994, 2000);

classic neurological, motor coordination; and motor learning based observations as well

as observations that included free play and play experiences; reactions to sensations and

praxis (Imperatore Blanche, 2002); and classic observations o f postural stability,

coordination, co-contraction, reflexes, motor planning, equilibrium, and eye movements

(Dunn, 1981).

Most publications about structured observations have focused on three separate

aspects: objectivity by examining research reliability and validity and other aspects of

their standardization, their developmental characteristics by determining the responses of

typical and atypical children, and their interpretation by elaboration o f different

observations as they related to different disorders in sensory integration.

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Measurement Considerations

The notion o f measurement has been involved in all aspects o f validity and

reliability assessment. According to Carmines and Zeller (1979) measurement is most

usefully viewed as the “process o f linking abstract concepts to empirical indicants”

(p. 18). When examining the desirable qualities o f a measurement device such as different

structured observations, reliability concerns the extent to which they yielded the same

result on repeated trials. On the other hand, validity dealt with what the structured

observations were intended to do, in other words, to measure what they are intended to

measure; therefore it referred to the relationship between concept and indicator

(Carmines & Zeller, 1979).

Information on several structured observations and the responses o f typical children

has been published in the literature contributing to their validity and reliability (Ayres

1972; Deitz, Richarson, Atwater, Crowe, & Odiome, 1991; Denckla, 1973; Dunn, 1981;

Fraser, 1983; Grant, Boelsche, & Zin, 1973; Gregory-Flock & Yerxa, 1984; Harris 1981;

Imperatore Blanche, 2002; Kaufman, 1983; Longo-Kimber, 1984; Magalhanes et al.,

1989; Shumway-Cook & Horak, 1996; Silver, 1952; Silver & Hagin, 1952; and B.N.

Wilson et al., 1994) and they were often part o f the assessment process in pediatric

occupational therapy.

A compilation o f different structured observations have been collected from the

literature and organized in a protocol for the purpose o f easy administration and data

collection. The selection of different observations for the present study was based on the

following considerations: (a) studies that included a large sample size as reported in the

original research study, (b) observations that provided an individual rather than a

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composite score, (c) observations that provided norms or criterion references to typically

developing children, (d) observations that could be administered with ease by clinicians

and that did not impose major challenges to children under testing conditions, and (e)

observations that did not include sophisticated administration procedures or equipment,

and therefore, were impractical for clinical applications.

The following was the group of nine structured observations that were selected to be

utilized in the present study: (a) heel-to-toe (Deitz et al. 1991), (b) prone extension

(Dunn, 1981; Gregory-Flock & Yerxa, 1984; Harris, 1981; Longo-Kimber, 1984), (c)

supine flexion postural test (Fraser, 1983), (d) slow motions (Dunn, 1981), (e) jumping

jacks (Magalhaes et al., 1989), (f) finger to nose (Dunn, 1981; Touwen & Prechtl, 1970),

(g) diadokokinesis (Grant, Boelsche & Zin, 1973), (h) finger-to-thumb opposition (Grant

et al., 1973), (i) modified Schilder’s arm extension test (Dunn, 1981; Silver, 1952; Silver

& Hagin, 1952). In addition the Southern California postrotary nystagmus test (Ayres,

1975) was also utilized.


Reliability of different measures has usually been reported using several methods

such as retest method, split halves method, and internal consistency method. Validity has

usually been reported as criterion-related (or predictive), content, and construct (or

congruent) validity. Other procedures that were taken to ensure objectivity o f structured

observations as a method o f assessment have included standard instructions, position of

the child, additional equipment needed, and a uniform recording system. All observations

utilized in this study had acceptable criterion-related evidence supporting their concurrent

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validity as they were tested in normal and dysfunctional children. Given the similarities

between the structured observations selected for the present study and other observations

reported in the literature, validity was assured. In terms o f reliability, most o f the

structured observations selected for this study reported adequate inter-rater reliability.

Although no studies have compared structured observations to the SIPT, some

observations have been correlated to well known measures o f performance. B.N. Wilson,

et al. (1994) studied the relationship between children’s performance in structured

observations and the Bruininks Otzerezki Tests o f Motor Proficency Standard Score (n =

251; r = .561, p <.0001); Bruininks Otzerezki Tests o f Motor Proficency, Subtest: Upper

Limb Coordination (n = 252; r = .331 ,p <.0001); Bruininks Otzerezki Tests o f Motor

Proficency Subtest Visual Motor Control (n = 252; r = .344,/? <.0001); and the

Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (n = 202; r = .403,/? <.0001). Other

studies (Parush, Yochman, Cohen & Gerhon, 1998) have correlated structured

observations with the Developmental Test o f Visual Motor Integration (t = 5.39,/?< 001)

and the Test o f Visual Perceptual Skills (t = 7.43, p<.001).

Structured Observations in this Study

The following is a description o f the selected group o f structured observations

selected for the purpose o f this study.

Supine flexion postural test.

This observation consisted o f having the child hold his head, arms, and legs flexed

and off the surface on which the back rests. The supine flexion posture appears in an

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ontogenetic sequence as the first pattern in a series o f motor control patterns. In this study

the length o f time that a child was able to hold this posture against gravity was noted

(Fraser, 1983).

It has been proposed that the child’s ability to assume and maintain a supine flexion

posture is related to somatodyspraxia (Fraser, 1983), the processing o f somatosensory

information (Imperatore Blanche, 2002), and postural ocular movement disorder when

the child has difficulty flexing the neck while assuming the supine flexion position

(Fisher et al., 1991, 2002). Stockmeyer (1969) discussed Rood’s view o f the supine

flexion posture as a significant step in motor development when elaborating on the

withdrawal supine, a position o f supine flexion. In this postural mechanism the upper

extremities cross the chest and the backs o f the hands touch the face, ready to shield the

face or to ward off danger. Neck and shoulder flexion provide protection for the front of

the neck. The lower extremities assume a position o f hip and knee flexion. The

withdrawal pattern is a reciprocal pattern in which flexors are activated and extensors


The supine flexion posture requires muscle activation of the trunk, neck, and

proximal limb muscles. Integration o f the tonic labyrinthine reflex (TLR) occurs as the

withdrawal supine position is held. Voluntary contractions leading to flexion are utilized

in spite o f the reflex facilitation towards extension. Since TLR facilitates extension in the

supine position, flexion achieved while in this position indicates that the reflex is under

higher control (Stockmeyer, 1969). Ayres (1977) demonstrated that children with

dyspraxia often show signs o f poorly integrated primitive postural reflexes, particularly

o f the supine flexion posture. In this investigation, the supine flexion observation was

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administered following the recommendations and procedures described by Fraser in


Reliability measures were reported by Fraser (1983) by utilizing the different raters

who concurrently rated 10 selected subjects. The extent o f the relationship between

corresponding scores obtained on each subject by the two raters was reflected by the r

statistics of .99, p = .001. Test-retest reliability was .96, p = .001. The time between the

two administrations was 1 week (Fraser).

Prone extension.

This observation required the child to raise his head, arms, upper trunk, and legs into

an extended pattern. The ability to assume and maintain a totally extended posture against

gravity has been hypothesized to require adequate processing o f gravity information via

the vestibular nuclei (particularly Deiters’s nucleus) down to the lateral vestibular spinal

tract and medial longitudinal fasciculus tracts to extensor motor neurons (Montgomery,

1985) that send impulses to the head, neck, and back; the head and eyes are lifted for a

horizontal visual orientation (Gregory-Flock & Yerxa, 1984).

Interpretations o f this observation have been related to the child’s ability to process

vestibular information from gravity receptors and neck proprioceptors (Ayres, 1972;

Fisher, 1984; Ottenbacher, 1978, 1982) and has also been linked to motor planning ability

(Imperatore Blanche, 2002), and as one indicator o f a postural ocular movement disorder

(Ayres, 1979; Fisher, 1991, 2002). In addition, this posture has been considered,

developmentally, to be one o f the first stability postures eliciting extensor control

(Stockmeyer, 1969). In the present study, the prone extension observation was

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administered following the recommendations and procedures described by Harris (1981),

Longo-Kimber (1984), Dunn, (1981), and Gregory-Flock and Yerxa (1984).

Construct or congruent validity o f this observation has been established when in one

of Ayres factor analytic studies (Ayres, 1965) the prone extension measure loaded with

other measures of vestibular function. In addition, Ottenbacher (1978) demonstrated that

the prone extension observation was able to predict a score on the postrotary nystagmus

test. The postrotary nystagmus test has been considered an accepted measure of

vestibular function (Gregory-Flock & Yerxa, 1984).

The reliability o f this observation has been reported to be adequate for clinical use as

the interrater reliability coefficient on duration and quality scores to be r = 1.00; test-

retest reliability coefficients on the duration score was r =.79, and on the quality score

was r = .77 (Gregory-Flock & Yerxa, 1984).

Significant differences among age groups were evident in all studies that included the

prone extension observation. Thus, Gregory-Flock & Yerxa (1984) reported that 5 year

olds were significantly different from all other age groups. Six year olds performed

significantly different in both duration and quality from all age groups. Seven and eight

year olds performed similarly in both duration and quality. Similar results were reported

by Harris (1981) for quality scores in children 4 year olds, 6 year olds, and 8 year olds.

Longo-Kimber (1982) reported similar findings in children ages 5 and 7 years o f age.

Postrotary nystagmus.

Nystagmus is an involuntary, rapid, back-and-forth movement o f the eyeballs. This

reflex movement results from one o f the following conditions: stimulation o f the

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semicircular canals o f the vestibular system, a certain type of visual input, or, in some

cases, brain disorder (Ayres, 1977). Although the interpretation o f this structured

observation or test has been related to processing o f some aspects o f vestibular

information (Ayres, 1989); its precise association with other CNS functions remains


The vestibular ocular reflex functions to help maintain a stable retinal image during

head movements (D. Clark, 1985). In the primate this appears to be primarily a function

of the semicircular canals. The generation of control o f the eye movements by canal input

is a complex task that uses several CNS pathways. The semicircular canals, and to much

lesser extent, the otoliths, detect head movements and through the vestibular ocular

reflex, reflexively move the eyes in the orbit at the same velocity as the head, but in the

opposite direction, in order to compensate for the head movement.

Several types o f nystagmus have been described in the literature. Thus, types o f

nystagmus are usually described as spontaneous, congenital, positional, optokinetic, and

caloric nystagmus. In the present study, the word nystagmus refers to nystagmus of

vestibular origin and as it is observed after rotation.

It would appear that sensitive measures o f nystagmus require highly sophisticated

equipment, not available in clinical settings. However, Keating (1979) compared the

duration o f postrotary nystagmus by means o f the Southern California Post-Rotary

Nystagmus Test and electronystagmography in normal individuals and found a high

correlation o f .899 (p <.01).

Research studies that have correlated a depressed nystagmus and other observations

continue to be controversial and reported subsequently. Thus, depressed nystagmus

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duration and poor postural mechanisms (i.e., hypotonia, poor prone extension, poor

equilibrium reactions) (Clyse & Short, 1983; Ottenbacher, 1978) have been found to be

common in children with learning disabilities (Ayres, 1969a; Morrison, Hinshaw, &

Carte, 1985; Ottenbacher, 1978); adults with mental retardation (Shuer, Clark, & Azen,

1980); children with Down’s syndrome (Zee-Chen & Hardman, 1983); articulation,

speech, and language disorder (Stilwell, Crowe, & McCallum, 1978), and adolescents

with idiopathic scoliosis (Jensen & Wilson, 1979); children who were at high risk at birth

(Deitz & Crowe, 1985); and deaf children (Potter & Silverman, 1984) have been

reported. Short, Watson, Ottenbacher, and Rogers, (1983) reported that in children with

depressed scores in the postrotary nystagmus test were associated with muscle co­

contraction, standing balance, supine flexion, asymmetrical tonic neck reflex, muscle

tone and prone extension as they accounted for 50% o f the variance.

In addition, several studies have been conducted and linked to decreased scores in the

postrotary nystagmus test with different skills such as visual skills (Haack, Short-

DeGraff, & Hanzlik, 1993); oculomotor skills (Ottenbacher, 1978); walking with eyes

open and closed, standing balance with eyes open and closed, muscle tone, and prone

extension (Clyse & Short, 1983; Ottenbacher, 1978); visuomotor skills and practic

management of two dimensional space (Ayres, 1989); and reading difficulties (deQuiros

and Schrager, 1979; Levinson, 1980).

In addition, normal nystagmus values have been obtained from various age groups o f

children. Eviatar and Eviatar (1979) tested vestibular responses in 121 newborn infants

and reported normative data from 0-24 months o f age that could be used to differentiate

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normal from abnormal responses. Tibbling (1969) findings suggested a tendency for

nystagmus parameters to decrease with increasing age.

There have been several explanations in terms o f what vestibular nystagmus means. It

is important to note that nystagmus following rotation is a normal adaptive response

designed to re-establish the original fixation on a visual field. Therefore, the significance

o f reduced nystagmus or abnormally prolonged nystagmus has been hypothesized not to

implicate the mechanisms to produce a stable visual field (Ayres, 1977). Normal

nystagmus has not been equated in any way to normal functioning o f the vestibular

system. Several explanations have been provided to explain the mechanisms that produce

an abnormal duration o f vestibular nystagmus followed by rotation. They have included

too much or too little cortical inhibition acting on the vestibular nuclei (Shimazu, 1971

cited in Ayres, 1977); over-inhibition o f the cerebellum could account for reduced

nystagmus and its under-activity or inadequate modulation could enter into

hyperresponsivity, or nystagmus o f prolonged duration (Wylie & Felpel, 1971). Other

factors such as excessive excitation or inadequate modulation from sensory systems in

children with autism; general arousability (Clark as cited in Ayres, 1977); deficiency in

muscle proprioception of the extraocular muscles (Bach-Y-Rita, 1971 as cited in Ayres,

1977); normal adaptive capacity to inhibit nystagmus such as those observed in athletes

(Dowd & Cramer, 1971); or photic stimulation or input producing optokinetic nystagmus

in the opposite direction have also been proposed because o f their potential to strongly

inhibit labyrinthine nystagmus (Bergman & Costin, 1970). Punward (1982) reported that

the duration of nystagmus from 3 to 10 years remained relatively constant, and the

duration is longer in adults (Keating, 1979).

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Some studies have reported the normative data for children o f various ages using the

SCPNT (Crowe, Deitz, & Siegner, 1984). Others have reported norms for younger

children as part o f a sensory functions assessment (DeGangi & Greenspan, 1982).

It should be noted that correlation o f postrotary nystagmus with other tests o f the

SIPT were known. In the normative sample PRN was not correlated with any tests o f the

SIPT. However, in a sample o f children with learning disabilities, postrotary nystagmus

had a significant negative correlation with praxis on verbal command and bilateral motor

coordination. In the matched sample o f dysfunctional and normal children, postrotary

nystagmus had significant positive correlations with design copying (visual space

management); and also with finger identification, graphesthesia, oral praxis, and

sequencing praxis (Ayres, 1989).

For the purpose of this study, postrotary nystagmus was tested twice, first as part of

the SIPT and second by means o f the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test

(Ayres, 1975). The reason behind this procedure was that PRN scores as part of the

SCPNT could be scored inexpensively. This was done to eliminate the financial

constraints that this test may pose when administered as part o f the SIPT.

In this observation the child is asked to sit on a nystagmus board with the head flexed

30 degrees forward from the right, vertical position (Ayres, 1975). The child is turned

around to the left and to the right 10 times in 20 seconds. The child is then stopped while

the examiner observes and measures the duration o f vestibular nystagmus. Either

excessive depression or excessive responsiveness is atypical and is suggestive of

dysfunction (Ayres, 1975). It has been reported that the average child did not lose his

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balance following the 40 seconds o f rotation, nor did his head balance show loss of

control (Ayres, 1977).

Reliability studies have demonstrated that the SCPNT was reliable when scores were

obtained by computing a correlation between two tests. Thus, Ayres (1975) reported r =

0.834; the standard error o f measurement for boys was 3 seconds and for girls was 2.6

seconds for the total score (sum o f seconds following rotation to the left and seconds

following rotation to the right). Kimball (1981) reported similar results.


This observation has been included in the examination of children ages 4 and older

but has been reported not to be reliable in younger children (Touwen & Prechtl, 1970).

Also, the sample examined by Dunn (1981) revealed that normal children ages 5 though

6.6 years o f age were expected to touch the tip o f their nose within 1.5 centimeters or

correct themselves if they were not accurate. Touwen and Prechtl reported that this

observation was appropriate for children as young as 4 years o f age. They found that even

slight difficulties in performing this observation (indicated by a high score) reflected

proprioceptive rather than cerebellar functions. However, they warned clinicians as high

scores could possibly reflect the first manifestation o f a progressive cerebellar disease.

B.N. Wilson et al. (1994; 2000) used this observation and provided norms for

children 5 through 15 years of age. The task involved touching the nose and then the

finger of the other hand, which was extended as far as possible away from the face. These

authors developed this observation based on the Jones and Monkhouse protocol

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developed in 1981. The recent version of the clinical observations o f motor and postural

skills requires the child to perform the tasks continuously and without stopping between

the eyes open and eyes closed conditions to facilitate the activation o f proprioceptive

mechanisms (Wilson, Pollock, Kaplan, Law, 2000).

Based on the research conducted by Dunn (1981) and Touwen and Prechtl (1970) it

was expected that children in this study performed the test without difficulties, as the

sample of this study included children 5-8 years o f age but did not provide separate

scores for the observations.

In this observation the child sits with extended arms abducted at 90 degrees and then

is asked to touch the tip o f his nose with his index finger with eyes closed. This

observation is believed to measure aspects o f cerebellar integrity or coordination

(Imperatore Blanche, 2002; B.N.Wilson et al. 2000); proprioceptive mechanisms (Wilson

et al., 2000); and the ability to process somatosensory information and to copy simple

actions that involve motor planning (Imperatore Blanche, 2002). In this study the finger

to nose observation is administered following the recommendations and procedures

described by Dunn in 1981.

Slow motions.

This observation was described by Dunn in 1981. B.N. Wilson et al. (2000) adapted

the administration o f slow movements by incorporating duration o f 6 seconds and scoring

symmetry, quality o f performance, and speed. In this observation the child was asked to

bring his/her arms toward his/her shoulders moving them slowly. It is possible that this

observation provides information related to the child’s ability to process proprioceptive

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information as this task requires slow, controlled, and calibrated movements of the upper

extremities which are functions often attributed to this system. Other interpretations have

included integrity o f cerebellar mechanisms (B.N. Wilson et al., 2000). Deficits in this

observation have been associated with somatodyspraxia (Fraser, 1983). In addition, it is

possible that this observation provided information regarding practic skills as it requires

decoding verbal information into motor actions. In this study the observation as it was

first described by Dunn in 1981 was favored because B.N. Wilson et al., (2000) did not

provide a way to score this item individually.


This observation has been extensively used in neurology and neuromotor testing.

Diadochokinesis consists of quickly pronating and supinating the hand and forearm.

Touwen and Prechtl (1970) tested children in a standing position at a speed o f 4

movements per second and noted associated movements in the contralateral extremity

and abduction-adduction of the arm in centimeters. They described abduction of 5-15

centimeters for diadochokinetic movements and marked mirror movements with/without

flexion o f the elbow in children younger than 5 years. At the age o f 6 and 7 they

described abduction o f 5-15 centimeters and marked associated movements. At age eight

they described smooth movements and decreased amount of associated movements. They

warned clinicians about associated movements in the legs and feet if the child was tested


Wolf, Gunnoe, and Cohen (1985) included diadochokinetic movements as one o f the

timed maneuvers and compared this and other neuromotor measures to psychological

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performance. They found that mirror movements accounted for a significant percentage

o f unique variance in reading achievement, verbal memory, and automatized naming

speed among young normal children. Speed o f timed maneuvers accounted for a

significant percentage o f unique variance in naming speed, verbal memory and reading

comprehension in first grade children. Denhoff and Siqueland (1968) have suggested that

a positive relationship exists between the child’s ability to perform diadochokinetic tasks

and her school performance. Grant, Boelsche, and Zin (1973) were the first to study and

delineate by age and sex the developmental pattern o f diadochokinesis. They included

four skill components: ability, uncontrolled slapping movements, hand elevation, and

symmetry of movements under two conditions, non-stress and stress. The slope o f the

curve for the development o f diadochokinesis showed a plateau between the ages o f 5

and 6 years. Additionally, the scores for ages 7 and 8 are identical and near the perfect

score of 8, suggesting that this function matures around the age o f 7 years.

In this observation the child is asked to rotate both forearms on his thighs

simultaneously. This observation may provide occupational therapists with information

related to how a child processes somatosensory information, cerebellar integrity and

motor planning (Imperatore Blanche, 2002), school performance (Denhoff & Siqueland,

1968), and is often included in measures o f coordination as part o f neurological

examinations o f children (Denckla, 1973). This observation is administered following the

recommendations and procedures described by Grant et al. in 1973.

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Finger-to-thumb opposition.

Finger-to-thumb opposition consists o f rapidly and smoothly touching the tip o f each

finger to the tip o f the thumb in sequence, beginning with the fifth finger. The hand that

was not tested was kept palm upward on the child’s lap so overflow movements could be

easily observed.

Hertzig (1981) reported norms for the finger-to-thumb opposition in children ages 9

yrs. 5 months though 15 years 6 months using a sample o f 198 children identified as

learning disabled or neurologically impaired and 36 age matched children. The

observation utilized in the Hertzig study differed from other studies as she tested

imitating the examiner in the opposition o f the thumb to fingers in the following

sequence: index, fourth, middle, pinky, pinky, middle, fourth, index. The child was asked

to repeat each movement before the next was illustrated. This study reported that

sequential finger-to thumb opposition was not stable across different examinations.

However, other studies using a basically similar examination reported that although the

overall number o f signs found in two examinations conducted on young adults 24-48

hours apart did not differ significantly, findings with respect to speech, finger-thumb

opposition, and graphesthesia were reliably replicated (Quitkin, Rifkin, & Klein, 1976).

Touwen and Prechtl (1970) examined children using this observation and starting

with the index finger in the sequence: 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. The child was asked

to complete five sequences to and fro. The test was carried out at a rate o f approximately

3-4 seconds for one complete sequence. These authors described three skill components:

smoothness of movement, finger-to finger transition, and mirror movements; and

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reported that the skill was easily achieved by age 6 with girls performing better than


This observation provides information related to cerebellar integrity as well as the

child’s ability to process somatosensory information and motor planning skills; manual

coordination and decreased maturation o f the nervous system if mirror movements are

present (Touwen & Prechtl, 1970). It has also been related to mental age (Strauss &

Carrison, 1942).

Denckla (1973) studied successive finger-movement in 237 children in order to

provide normative data. She found sex differences with girls performing better than boys

at all age levels, differences between the right and the left hands, and differences by age

level with this skill getting faster with increased age.

In this study finger-to-thumb opposition was administered following the

recommendations and procedures described by Grant et al. in 1973. These authors

described five skill components: able-unable, clumping o f fingers, contralateral overflow

movements, timing, and sequence under two conditions, non-stress and stress. Grant et al.

reported significant changes in this observation between the years o f 4 and 5, 6 and 7 and

7, and 8 but were not significant between years 5 and 6. Grant et al. reported descriptive

statistics for fmger-to-thumb opposition with standard deviations that were smaller than

for those in diadochokinetic movements which indicated greater complexity when

scoring diadochokinetic movements.

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Extension o f the arms or modified Schilder’s arm extension test.

In this observation the child is asked to stand with his/her feet together and his/her

head centered, and then to stretch out his/her arms, palms downward, for twenty seconds

with eyes closed (Touwen & Prechtl, 1970). The head is passively rotated to one side and

then the other side without discomfort to the patient (Dunn, 1981; Silver, 1952). The

amount o f trunk and upper extremity rotation to the sides when the head is passively

moved is noted.

Slight modifications o f this observation have been made by different authors. Touwen

and Prechtl (1970) repeated the test with the palms turned upwards (in supination) and

established scoring for the following parameters: deviation from the horizontal line,

deviation from the median line, spooning/forking or when the wrist was somewhat flexed

and the fingers hyperextended in the metacarpal phalangeal joints, and pronation.

It has been hypothesized that this observation measures aspects o f cerebellar

integration (Imperatore Blanche, 2002); upper extremity muscle tone; the integration of

the tonic neck and neck righting responses (Silver, 1952); sensoriomotor innervation

disturbances, unilateral coordination disorders, local disorders (muscle or joint diseases,

strong hand dominance (Touwen & Prechtl, 1970); and the presence or absence of

choreoatethoid movements, (Dunn, 1981). It has also been correlated to reading disability

(Silver, 1952; Silver & Hagin, 1952). Children ages 6 and older did not present with

deviations from the horizontal line or median line. They, however, presented with some

degree o f spooning, especially if they were slender, and pronation over 30 to 60 degrees.

It was noted by Schilder (1931) that in the absence o f peripheral orthopedic or

neurologic defects, the elevated extremity was the one with greater muscle tone and

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hence an indication of the dominant cerebral hemisphere. Because it has been commonly

reported that children exhibited “choreathetosis” in the fingers during this test, the

following distinction was made. Choreiform movements or choreatiform movements are

small and jerky movements which occur irregularly and arhytmically in different

muscles. The examiner was recommended to look for choreiform movements in fingers

and wrist joints and in the arms and shoulders. Athetotiform movements or athetoid-like

movements are small, slow movements, somewhat writhing in appearance, which occur

quite irregularly and arhythmically in different muscles and were better observed in the

muscles of the fingers and tongue. Choreatic movements or movements o f chorea consist

of rather gross jerky movements occurring irregularly and arhythmically in different

muscles. The patient usually has difficulty in keeping his/her balance because o f the

amplitude and intensity o f the choreatic movements (Prechtl and Stemmer, 1962).

In a very early study that began in 1949, one hundred and fifty children ages 8 years 6

months to 14 years diagnosed as having reading disability were examined using a variety

of neurological and perceptual integrative measures (Silver & Hagin, 1960). While the

neurophysiological nature o f this maneuver was unknown, it appears to have an

ontogenetic sequence o f maturation and is theoretically related to the postural orientation

o f the organism with respect to stimuli from the muscles of the neck and from the

labyrinth. All but seven o f the children with reading disability had abnormal response in

this test.

It was an interesting finding that the test described as Schilder’s arm extension test

elsewhere (Dunn, 1981; Fisher et al., 1991, 2002) was described as part o f several

postural responses and was originally described by Silver in 1952 and not by Schilder.

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Silver described the extension o f the arms test to observe a divergence o f the parallel

arms while the other arm was usually held higher than the other. When proceeding to the

passive movement o f the head in both directions, this test was called the “neck righting

response” and its main purpose was to observe if there was rotation of the shoulders and

hips on their longitudinal axis that followed the movements of the head (Silver, 1952).

This author described this test and its potential to bring out fine abnormalities in postural

control while revealing tonic-neck and neck righting responses. Clinically this test had a

maximum value in the child above the age of 5 years.

In this study this observation was administered and scored following the

recommendations and procedures described by Dunn, 1981; Silver, 1952; and Silver and

Hagin, 1952.


The assessment of balance and postural control is essential when assessing the motor

development o f children because o f its impact on the child’s functional tasks such as

play, dressing, and other common activities. When considering performance across

different age levels Clark and Waltkins (1984) found no significant differences in a group

o f 154 normal children between 6 and 9 years old on a test examining balance under four

different conditions: body position, size o f the base o f support, availability o f visual cues,

and leg used for support. Similar findings were reported by Morris, Williams, Atwater,

and Wilmore (1982) in 269 children between 3 and 6 years o f age. Ayres (1982) reported

significant differences between girls and boys in one foot standing balance in the 6.5 to

6.11 year ranges and 8.0 to 8.5 for eyes open and for eyes closed. She did not find any

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significant gender differences in standing balance with eyes open and closed for children

between 4.0 to 8.11 years.

Nasher and collegues were the first to report information regarding balance under

different sensory conditions (Horak and Nashner, 1986; Nashner, 1983; Nashner, Black,

& Wall, 1982). They tested balance under six conditions: (a) standing on a platform with

eyes open -a ll sensory cues available, (b) standing on a platform, eyes closed -visual

system eliminated, somatosensory and vestibular cues available, (c) standing on a

platform with eyes open and visual surround moving in synchrony with the subject’s

movements -visual cues in conflict with accurate somatosensory and vestibular cues, (d)

standing on the platform which moved in synchrony with the subject’s movement with

eyes open -somatosensory cues inaccurate, visual and vestibular cues available, (e)

standing on a platform, which moves in synchrony with the subject’s movement, eyes

closed - somatosensory cues inaccurate, visual cues eliminated, vestibular cues available

and (f) standing on a platform with eyes open, platform and visual surround moved in

synchrony with the subject’s movement - somatosensory and visual cues inaccurate,

vestibular cues available.

This measurement assisted clinicians in determining which sensory systems were

functioning appropriately and which systems were unable to trigger a balance reaction at

appropriate times (Deitz et al., 1991). Shumway-Cook and Horak (1996) introduced a

similar method to the one described by Nashner (1983). Visual conditions included eyes

open, eyes closed, and inaccurate visual input. The support surfaces included a flat floor

and a firm, high density foam that reduced the accuracy of orientation information. This

test was called the Clinical Test o f Sensory Interaction for Balance. In collaboration with

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Shumway-Cook and Horak; Deitz et al. developed a pediatric version o f the clinical test

o f sensory interaction for balance in order to assist clinicians to systematically assess

balance in children and to design appropriate treatment programs.

For the purpose o f this study only the heel-to-toe portion o f the pediatric version of

the clinical test of sensory interaction for balance was administered following the

recommendations of Deitz et al. (1991). These authors have also reported adequate

reliability between two independent raters and all raters participating in the normative

studies reached procedural reliability (Richarson, Atwater, Crowe, & Deitz, 1992).

The heel-to-toe test was administered under four conditions: (a) normal surface, eye

open; which provided the child with vision, somatosensory, and vestibular information,

(b) normal surface, eyes closed; which provided the child with somatosensory and

vestibular information and eliminated visual information, (c) foam, eyes open; which

provided the child with visual and vestibular information and compromised the

somatosensory information (inaccurate), and (d) foam, eyes closed; which provided the

child with vestibular information and compromised the somatosensory information while

vision was absent.

Jumping jacks.

Jumping jacks and similar motor tasks involve sequential and rhythmic changes in

limb posture that require complex levels o f bilateral motor coordination and motor

planning (Magalhaes et al., 1989). Different patterns o f jumps have been used to assess

bilateral motor coordination, motor skills, and perceptual motor dysfunctions (Bruininks,

1978; Hugues & Riley, 1981; Roach & Kephart, 1966).

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Ayres (1972) proposed that the process o f integration of vestibular and proprioceptive

sensations and the efficiency o f interhemispheral connections are the basis for good

bilateral integration of both sides o f the body. According to Kauffman (1983), good

performance on alternate foot tapping and on jumping jacks should be expected at the age

o f 7 years.

It appears that the acquisition o f motor control over the use o f the extremities follows

a developmental sequence that usually starts with control over bilateral, symmetrical

movements, then moves to homolateral or unilateral movements and finally proceeds to

reciprocal movements of the extremities and skilled bilateral function (Williams, 1983).

Magalhaes et al., (1989) suggested that after the postural abilities improve, elements of

this development recur during the acquisition o f new and more complex bilateral skills.

Interpretations of this observation have included motor planning or praxis (Ayres, 1972)

with low scores contributing to the profiles o f developmental dyspraxia and vestibular-

bilateral integration disorders (Ayres, 1972, 1979).

For the purposes of this study it was required that the subjects perform a series of

jumping jacks. This observation had two sections; one which emphasizes the child’s

ability to respond to the instructions given by the examiner and a second phase in which

the child’s performance was measured. This observation is administered following the

recommendations and procedures described by Magalhaes et al. 1989. These authors

have reported intraclass correlation index o f r = .99 for jumping jacks and test-retest by

using the Pearson correlation coefficient for the total scores which was r = .82 for the

jumping jacks scale.

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The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)

The SIPT are a commercially available group o f tests that provide diagnostic and

descriptive information related to sensory integration and praxis in children aged 4-8

years old. It consists o f 17 tests designed to assess sensory perception, sensory

processing, and aspects o f praxis. The tests are scored initially by the examiner, with

standard scores being computer generated (Spitzer et al., 1996). The SIPT include

measures of organization o f inputs from the sensory systems and also practic behaviors

associated with them, which allow the individual to engage in adaptive interaction with

the physical world (Ayres, 1989). The SIPT are the standardized assessments considered

the “gold standard” (Windsor et al., 2001) when assessing children with suspected

sensory processing deficits within the field o f occupational therapy.

Construct validity o f the SIPT has been extensively established by a series o f factor

analytic studies prior to its publication. In addition, the construct measured by the SIPT

has been further studied by analyzing scores from different populations. A principal

component analysis o f the 17 major SIPT scores from a national sample (n = 1,750; M =

6.92, SD = 1.13) yielded 4 factors as follows: (a) visuopraxis, (b) somatopraxis, (c)

vestibular and somatosensory, and (d) kinesthesia/motor accuracy.

There is some resemblance between these results and the factor structure from

previous factor analysis studies. The first factor to emerge was designated bilateral

integration and sequencing factor. Factor 2 was labeled praxis on verbal command;

Factor 3 somatosensory processing and oral praxis; Factor 4 visuopraxis; and Factor 5

somatopraxis. Factors 4 and 5 were quite similar in the normative and learning disabled

sample. Factor 3 was found in both groups but its composition was different; in the

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normative group the factor was associated with vestibular function and in the learning-

disabled group with praxis on verbal command.

Another factor analysis including a sample of children with learning disabilities

matched on age, grade, gender, geographic region, and parental education and occupation

(n = 176) with a group o f 176 normal children (incomplete data for 59 children) resulting

in a final sample o f n = 293 (117 children with learning disabilities and 176 children from

the standardization sample (M = 7 years, 4 months; SD 1 year, 0 months). This study

identified the following factors: (a) somatopraxis, (b) visuopraxis, (c) vestibular

functioning, and (d) somatosensory processing.

The SIPT have also been studied by means o f cluster analysis, specifically by using

agglomeration or joining techniques using the Ward method. This type o f analysis

answers the question o f whether or not the SIPT can accurately identify groups of

children in need o f different kinds o f remediation and services (Ayres, 1989). The same

sample that was used for factor analysis was utilized for cluster analysis. The results are

described to a great extent in the SIPT manual (Ayres, 1989) with the main clusters

being: (a) low average bilateral integration and sequencing, (b) generalized sensory

integrative dysfunction, (c) visuo- and somatodyspraxia, (d) low average sensory

integration and praxis, (e) dyspraxia on verbal command and, (f) high average sensory

integration and praxis.

Concurrent validity is usually established by comparing a test with another well

known or accepted measure. This process was determined inappropriate for the SIPT as

there are no comparable tests (Ayres, 1989). Therefore, the SIPT were used to collect

information on children with many known and different previously determined diagnoses

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such as learning disability and minimal brain dysfunction, language disorders, sensory

integrative disorders, reading disorders, mental retardation, traumatic brain injury, spina

bifida and meningomyelocele, cerebral palsy, emotional disturbance, orofacial cleft, and

exposure to Agent Orange.

The SIPT were also compared to scores on alternative measures. In a study by

Kaufman and Kaufman, (1983) both the SIPT and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for

Children were administered to a combined sample of normal (n = 47), learning disabled

(n = 35), and sensory integrative disordered (n = 9) children. In this study, the SIPT tests

that measured sequencing skills showed high correlations with the tests o f the Kaufman

Assessment Battery for Children that measured similar domains o f function. Another

study (Parham, 1998) compared a sample of children with and without learning

disabilities using the SIPT and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and found

that SI factors were strongly related to arithmetic achievement at early ages, but the

strength o f the relationship decreased with time. The opposite pattern was found between

praxis and arithmetic achievement (K.F. Walker, 2004).

The SIPT are the gold standard for measuring sensory integrative dysfunctions in

children. These tests have evolved as the result o f many years o f research that has

included several factor analysis and cluster analysis studies. The SIPT have been

compared to other tests, mostly tests related to educational achievement and they have

demonstrated adequate correlations with tests or subtests that measure similar domains of

function. However, this area o f research is still controversial because there are no other

tests that measure the same domain.

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Contribution of this Study to the Literature

The present study contributes to the literature in providing information regarding

how structured observations correlate with a known and accepted measure o f sensory

integration, the SIPT. In addition, how different structured observations correlate to each

other provides a solid foundation for selecting observations that measure the same

domain o f function when screening children for sensory processing deficits.

There is an existing gap in the literature as no studies have been conducted in

which structured observations were compared to the SIPT. The present study may help by

providing some answers to the current state o f knowledge. In addition, this information

provides useful data contributing to the evolving concurrent validity o f different

structured observations in measuring neuromotor and motor coordination skills in

children with sensory integration dysfunction.

No one has ever researched the relationship between structured observations and

the SIPT, a standardized assessment considered the “gold standard” (Windsor et al.,

2001) when assessing children with suspected sensory processing deficits. Whether

structured observations and the different tests o f the SIPT that measure a similar domain

of function are correlated is not known. A significant contribution could be made to the

existing literature if the correlational analysis does show high correlations between those

structured observations that are assumed to represent a similar domain o f function as

those in the SIPT. Conversely, if low correlations between both measures are found, this

could indicate different domains o f function. In this case, the complementary use o f these

measures could provide valuable information.

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The use o f a simple and inexpensive protocol o f structured observations with

quick access to normative scores for different age groups will be o f most use to

clinicians. This information is of most benefit for the purposes o f screening children with

possible neuromotor or sensory integration dysfunction and could utilize reliable standard

scores as a preliminary base for further and more extensive testing.

Elucidating specific deficits in motor control or coordination and their relations to

poor sensory processing as they directly impact the performance o f specific task

performance is o f most importance to clinicians. Determining specific deficits o f children

and the ability to compare deficits to standard performance will assist therapists in

designing accurate treatment protocols that target children’s occupational performance at

home, school, and in the community.


This literature review has described what is known about observations utilized by

clinicians as a way o f measuring dysfunction in children. Structured observations and

their correlates, neurological soft signs, have been presented in the context of populations

affected by different diagnoses including adults, adolescents, and children with several

diagnoses. Research has consistently shown associations between neurological soft signs

and difficulties in functional performance. Insights from adult studies have been mostly

considered neurological soft signs or structured observations as influencing factors that

determine a dysfunction or diagnosis in motor coordination or integration o f sensations or

cognitive domains. Adult studies emphasize how different neurological soft signs refer to

a particular area or loci of the central nervous system. Adult patients diagnosed as having

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schizophrenia have been studied in depth. Different disciplines are starting to examine

neurological soft signs in different diagnoses such as patients diagnosed as having OCD

and bipolar disorder among others. It appears that the neurological soft signs examined in

the adult literature have different clinical presentation, loci, stability, and prognosis.

However, they appear to equally affect the individual’s ability to perform functional

tasks. Although studies involving more advanced imaging techniques are increasing as

well as their ability to detect CNS changes, it appears that carefully administered

structured observations are sensitive to detecting deficits that correlate highly with more

sophisticated examination techniques.

The literature on adolescents is very scarce with more concentration of

individuals affected by conduct disorders, attention deficits, and schizophrenia. These

studies have shown that greater incidence o f neurological soft signs that correlate highly

with lower cognitive functioning, impulsivity, and right hemisphere dysfunction,

negatively impact functional performance. The opposite is true in children with different

diagnoses. The most common areas o f structured observations or neurological soft signs

include descriptions o f clumsiness (Gubbay et al., 1965); visuomotor and visual

perceptual difficulties (M. Walker, 1965); delayed maturation (Illingworth, 1968);

increased amount o f associated movements (Abercrombie and Tyson, 1964) and more

recently sensory integration and sensory processing difficulties (Smith Roley et al.,

2001). Other groups o f studies include structured observations or neurological soft signs

that are specific to a diagnostic group and those that are capable o f discriminating

between healthy and dysfunctional individuals.

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A brief description o f sensory integration theory and its evolution was presented.

This included Ayres’s original view o f the sensory systems and their contribution to a

variety of occupations as well as current conceptualizations in sensory integration theory.

In addition, the review o f the literature presented here shows how these

observations have been part of the assessment process that helps clinicians to identify

different disorders in their clinical practice since their inception when they were first

included as part o f factor analytic studies. These structured observations appear not to

have evolved significantly from their first inclusion in different studies; their

interpretation however, appears to be becoming clearer. Instead o f the loci or site

assumed to represent the basis for a particular disorder, sensory integration theory

appears to be more interested in their interpretation as representing deficits in sensory

processing, motor coordination, or as being related to a neuromotor component.

The gold standard in sensory integration measurement, the SIPT, was described in

terms o f its ability to discriminate among individuals with different profiles. This

measure has never been compared to structured observations that are commonly used in

clinical practice.

Part o f this review has also included three protocols that include clinical

observations and that are currently being utilized in clinical practice. None o f these

protocols has ever been compared to the SIPT. A protocol has been designed for the

purpose o f this study, this protocol includes nine structured observations including, (a)

heel-to-toe, (b) prone extension, (c) the supine flexion postural test, (d) slow motions, (e)

jumping jacks, (f) finger- to-nose, (g) diadochokinesis, (h) finger-to-thumb opposition,

and (i) arm extension test. In addition the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test

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(Ayres, 1975) was also utilized. These structured observations which are to be correlated

to the SIPT and to each other, will be used to answer the proposed research questions of

this study.

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Introduction to the Chapter

The purpose o f this chapter is to describe research designs and the methods

utilized answer the proposed research questions. The present study questioned whether a

relationship among a group o f selected structured observations and individual tests o f the

SIPT exists and proposed to determine if structured observations explained single or a

group o f scores in the SIPT profiles. The design and methods o f this study attempted to

answer these research questions while proposing that there were no significant

relationships between scores in a protocol o f structured observations and scores in the

SIPT, and that a group o f scores on different structured observations could describe SIPT


The first part describes research design as well as the specific methods and

rationale, the threats to internal and external validity and how they were addressed. The

second portion o f this chapter describes the subjects that composed the study sample,

inclusion and exclusion criteria, recruitment process, and ethical considerations. Lastly, a

description o f the setting, equipment, instruments, data collection, and analysis

procedures employed was included; the emphasis is on the measurement psychometric


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Specific Methods and Rationale

The proposed study utilized a descriptive, correlational, and tentative theoretical

factor analytic study as described by Portney and Watkins, 1993; Sapnas and Zeller,

2002; Stein and Cutler, 1991; and Thorndike, 1978. In addition, forward linear regression

was utilized to determine if different structured observations entered and remained in the

forward regression at 5% significance level and that explained the variability in the

different tests of the SIPT. This course o f action was taken because o f the nature o f the

research questions, the hypotheses proposed, and because the specific aim o f this study

was to identify significant relationships and groups o f similar variables. Table 1 and

Table 2 (see Appendix C) show each dependent variable, its type and level of

measurement. In order to answer the proposed research questions and because of the

suitability o f the dependent variables, correlational and exploratory theoretical factor

analytic techniques were utilized.

Specific Procedures

The families attending the treatment center where the study took place and staff

therapists were invited to participate via two advertisement flyers (see Appendix A).

Participating families provided additional information by phone or informal

conversations, when requested. The procedures o f the study were explained in detail

including aspects of confidentiality and Institutional Review Board procedures. Once a

family agreed to participate, the informed consent form that was part o f the research

protocol No. HPD-CAHN06130508Exp. was given for parents to review. After the

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informed consent and assent forms were discussed and signed, appointments were

scheduled so as not to disrupt treatment times.

Administration o f the SIPT and structured observation measures were completed

in two to three sessions. Parents were allowed to be present during testing. Additional

information was collected from the client’s chart and included: a) date o f birth, b) date at

which child began occupational therapy services, c) SIPT scores, if available, d)

structured observation scores, if available, e) medical/educational diagnosis, if available,

and f) reason for referral (Appendix B). This protected health information was part o f the

informed consent signed by the families participating in the study.

Threats to Internal Validity

Internal validity refers to the degree o f rigor in an experiment in controlling for

extraneous variables and error variance (Stein and Cutler, 1991). The most common

sources o f threats to internal validity in research studies have been described as

maturation, instrumentation, and lack o f random sampling (Carmines & Zeller, 1979).

Therefore, these threats were addressed individually.

Maturation Effect

Maturation effect threatened internal validity in this study because the subjects

o f this study were receiving occupational therapy treatment. Therefore, there was

potential for change in the subject’s status as measured by the data collection instruments.

Measures to minimize maturational effects were taken by decreasing the time

period between measurements during the data collection process. Total testing time of

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both instruments was 2.45 to 3.00 hours. All testing procedures were designed to take

between one and no more than three sessions which were conducted in a period o f 3-4

weeks. As it was described in the review o f the literature, structured observations and

neurological soft signs are stable in nature for periods o f up to a year (Pine, et al.,1997).

Although studies examining the stability o f different structured observations over time

are very limited, some evidence has demonstrated very high reliability between testers at

different time periods such as one week (Fraser, 1983). The SIPT have been reported to

be stable over long periods of time as these tests are diagnostic, descriptive, and

explanatory in nature (Ayres, 1989). In addition, data were also collected, altering the

order o f administration (i.e., structured observations were administered before and/or

after the SIPT and at random order).

It was concluded that in the sample selected for this study the maturational

effects were minimal. The selected subjects were tested using the SIPT; parents were

allowed to be present during the SIPT administration and some chose to do so. The

administration o f the SIPT usually took two hours but in some cases testing was broken

into two or three sessions depending on subject comfort with testing procedures. The

subjects were also tested with different structured observations. As with the SIPT

administration, parents were allowed to be present during the administration o f the

structured observations and some chose to do so. Structured observations were usually

administered within 30 to 45 minutes depending on subject comfort with the testing

procedures. Structured observations did not need to be broken into different sessions as

children tolerated them well and some o f them even reported them to be funny or silly.

Lastly, information on some children was available from clinical records and therefore

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data on these subjects was collected without involving testing procedures, to minimize

personal discomfort and treatment disruption.


Two instruments were used to collect data for this study, the SIPT (Ayres, 1989)

and nine different specific structured observations that were assembled for the purpose of

this study. The Southern California postrotary nystagmus test (Ayres, 1975) was included

in the protocol of structured observations. The SIPT are commercially available tests that

provide diagnostic and descriptive information related to sensory integration and praxis

in children aged 4-8 years of age. They are a group o f 17 tests designed to assess sensory

perception, sensory processing, and aspects o f praxis. The tests are scored initially by the

examiner, with standard scores being computer generated (Spitzer et al., 1996). The

structured observations consisted o f a group o f measures assembled together on a

recording sheet and are commonly used in clinical settings for which some norms or

reference criterion were available. Structured observations were scored with tables

generated by the principal investigator and derived from scores reported in peer-review

literature. Structured observations: These are a group o f observations collected by the

principal investigator that are commonly used in clinical settings and for which some

norms or reference criterion are available and were drawn from the professional

literature. They are usually non-standardized and are composed o f a different level of

measurements. The following is a brief description o f the structured observation utilized

in the present research study

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The heel-to-toe observation is related to the child’s ability to maintain a heel-to-

toe position and is used in clinical settings to assess balance and postural control,

(Shumway-Cook & Horak, 1986). The heel-to-toe measure relates to the child’s ability to

process visual, somatosensory and vestibular information and how they contribute to

balance (Shumway-Cook & Horak). This observation is administered following the

recommendations and procedures described by Deitz et al. in 1991.

The prone extension observation requires the child to raise his head, arms, upper

trunk, and legs into an extended pattern and the length o f time this can be sustained is

noted. It is believed to be related to the child’s ability to process vestibular information

(Ayres, 1972; Ottenbacher, 1978, 1982). This observation is administered following the

recommendations and procedures described by Harris (1981), Longo-Kimber (1984),

Dunn, (1981), and Gregory-Flock and Yerxa, (1984).

The supine flexion observation consists o f having the child hold his head, arms,

and legs flexed and off the surface on which the back rests. The length o f time that a

child can hold this posture against gravity is noted (Fraser, 1983). It has been proposed

that the child’s ability to assume and maintain a supine flexion posture is related to

somatodyspraxia (Fraser) and postural ocular movement disorder when the child has

difficulty flexing the neck while assuming the supine flexion position (Fisher, 1991). This

observation is administered following the recommendations and procedures described by

Fraser in 1983.

The slow motions observation consists o f the child being asked to bring his/her

arms in, moving them slowly toward his shoulders. It is possible that this observation

provides information related to the child’s ability to process proprioceptive information

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as this task requires slow, controlled and calibrated movements o f the upper extremity

which are functions often attributed to the proprioceptive system. Deficits in this

observation have been associated with somatodyspraxia (Fraser, 1983). This observation

is administered following the recommendations and procedures described by Dunn in


The jumping jacks observation requires the child to perform a series o f jumping

jacks. This observation has two sections; one which emphasizes the child’s ability to

respond to the instructions given by the examiner and a second phase in which the child’s

performance is measured. Observing children performing jumping jacks may provide

information related to their bilateral motor coordination (Kauffman, 1983), integration o f

body parts and motor planning/praxis abilities (Magalhaes et al., 1989). This observation

is administered following the recommendations and procedures described by Magalhaes,

Koomar, and Cermark in 1989.

The finger-to-nose observation requires the child to sit with extended arms

abducted at 90 degrees and then to touch the tip o f his nose with his index finger with

eyes closed. This observation is believed to measure aspects o f cerebellar integrity

(Imperatore Blanche, 2002). This observation is administered following the

recommendations and procedures described by Dunn in 1981.

In the diadokokinesis observation, the child is asked to rotate both forearms on his

thighs simultaneously. This observation may provide occupational therapists with

information related to how a child processes somatosensory information, cerebellar

integrity and motor planning (Imperatore Blanche, 2002), school performance (Denhoff

& Siqueland, 1968), and is often included in measures o f coordination as part of

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neurological examinations o f children (Denckla, 1973). This observation is administered

following the recommendations and procedures described by Grant et al. in 1973.

In the finger-to-thumb opposition observation the child is asked to rapidly touch

the tip of each finger to the tip o f the thumb in sequence, beginning with the V finger

(Denkla, 1973). This observation provides information related to cerebellar integrity as

well as the child’s ability to process somatosensory information and motor planning skills

(Exner, 2001 cited in Imperatore Blanche, 2002). This observation is administered

following the recommendations and procedures described by Grant, Boelsche, and Zin in


During the modified postural Schilder’s arm extension test, the child is asked to

stand with his arms extended, feet together, and eyes closed. The head is passively

rotated to one side and then the other side without discomfort to the patient (Dunn, 1981;

Silver, 1952;). It has been hypothesized that this observation measures aspects of

cerebellar integration (Imperatore Blanche, 2002), upper extremity muscle tone (Schilder,

1952), reading disability (Silver, 1952; Silver and Hagin, 1952) the integration of the

tonic neck and neck righting responses (Silver, 1952), and the presence or absence o f

choreoatethoid movements, (Dunn, 1981). This observation is administered following the

recommendations and procedures described by Dunn, 1981; Silver, 1952; and Silver &

Hagin, 1952).

The postrotary nystagmus test requires that the child be seated on the nystagmus

board with the head flexed 30 degrees forward from the upright, vertical position.

(Ayres, 1975). The child is turned around to the left 10 times in 20 seconds. The child is

then stopped while the examiner observes and measures the duration o f vestibular

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nystagmus. Either excessive depression or excessive responsiveness is atypical and is

suggestive o f dysfunction (Ayres, 1975).

Threats to internal validity by means of instrumentation were minimized by strict

adherence to the standardized procedures of the SIPT by a certified therapist and the

individual structured observations that comprised the protocol used in this study. In

addition, the primary researcher has extensive experience in testing children by means of

structured observations and is certified in the theory, administration, interpretation and

treatment using the SIPT as well as the sensory integration frame o f reference.

Random Sampling

The following study was not able to control internal validity threats by means of

utilizing a sample extracted from a target population using random procedures. However,

all information used in this study was examined to ensure it matched the inclusion and

exclusion criteria. Subjects in this study were selected using a sample o f convenience.

Threats to External Validity

Threats to external validity include the representativeness o f a sample and the

rigor o f an experiment for the purposes o f replication (Stein & Cutler, 1991). Although it

was not possible to include a random sample due to time and available resource

constraints, the specific steps for replication by other researchers have been outlined. The

external validity o f the findings o f this research study could increase by carefully

designed replication with a larger random sample, or cumulative effects. Correlational

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research external validity greatly improves by replication as it increases the power and

significance o f association between the variables under investigation.

Study Design

The proposed study utilized descriptive, correlational, and tentative theoretical

factor analytic study as described by Portney and Watkins, 1993; Sapnas and Zeller,

2002; Stein and Cutler, 1991. In addition, a forward linear regression model was used to

explain the variability o f the SIPT measures. The design of the present study, therefore,

combined several approaches.

Correlational Research

Correlational research allowed for relationship between variables to be compared

by measuring their differences (Stein & Cutler, 1991). The scores o f the subjects on the

structured observations and the SIPT were analyzed to determine their specific

correlations. Table 1 and Table 2 (see Appendix C) show each dependent variable and its

type and level of measurement. Comparisons were done by using the Spearman Rho

correlation coefficient formula and the corresponding p values using a 2 tailed test of

significance. The section on data collection procedures and data analysis describes in

detail the statistical tests utilized in this study.

Tentative Factor Model

A tentative theoretical factor analysis attempted to identify the underlying

variables, or factors, that explained the pattern o f correlations within the researched

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variables. Factor analysis has been used in data reduction to identify a small number of

factors that explain most of the variance observed in a much larger number of manifest

variables (SPSS, 1999). In this study, a tentative theoretical exploratory factor analysis or

grouping o f the variables under study was used to determine if a factor structure

underlying the structured observations used in this study shared similarities.

Forward Linear Regression Model

This statistical model o f analysis was utilized to determine if different structured

observations could predict the variability in the different measures o f the SIPT. In this

analysis all structured observations were used individually and as representing groups

that could account for the variability to single tests of the SIPT.


A total o f 27 families contacted the principal investigator to participate in the

study. A total o f 6 children did not qualify for the study because o f their chronological

age. A sample of convenience o f 21 subjects o f 5-8 years of age and receiving

occupational therapy services with a sensory integration frame o f reference was selected

based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. In addition, records were utilized to

collect information, when available and as part o f the informed consent signed by the

families participating in the study. Table 3 (see Appendix D) presents the participant’s

main characteristics.

There is great disagreement in the literature regarding the number subjects

needed for a correlational or factor analysis study (Cattell, 1978; DeVellis, 1991;

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Kerlinger, 1986; Kline, 1994, 1998; Nunally 1978; Thorndike, 1982). Researchers do

agree, however, that a researcher should have an adequate but not excessive number of

respondents to evaluate their findings. It has been further proposed that at some point,

additional respondents do not improve the evaluation o f the measures and waste precious

research resources (Sapnas & Zeller, 2002). Twenty one subjects was judged to be an

adequate number, as similar sample sizes for correlational analysis have been described

in the literature Arrindel & Van der Ende, 1985; Kauffman, 1983; Kimball, 1977).

Inclusion Criteria

The following inclusion criteria were followed to ensure internal validity and

objectivity o f all data collected.

1. The subjects were undergoing pediatric occupational therapy treatment with a sensory

integration frame o f reference.

2. The subjects were between the ages o f 5 and 8 years o f age.

3. The subjects demonstrated willingness to participate in the proposed research study.

4. Parent consent and child assent forms were signed agreeing to participation in the

proposed study.

5. A clinical record with the information necessary for the present study could qualify.

Exclusion Criteria

A child who met all inclusion criteria but because o f no cooperation, extraneous

distractions, anxiety, fatigue, and any other factors that would threaten the validity o f the

findings in this study, was excluded. If a child refused to perform a test of the SIPT or

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any o f the structured observations he or she was removed from the study as described in

the Institutional Review Board (IRB) consent and assent forms. Nine children were

excluded from this study for the abovementioned reasons.


Families and children who participated in the study were familiar with testing

procedures and comfortable providing the necessary information for the purpose o f this

study. Most children were accustomed to testing procedures o f some sort, even if some of

them were never assessed with the SIPT. Most children knew the performance of

structured observations as they are commonly used at the treatment center where the

study took place. It appeared that children were aware o f their deficits to a certain extent

as they would often explain that some testing items were hard for them.

Recruitment Procedures

The recruitment was done by advertising the study by means o f two fliers. One of

the flyers, the family flyer, was displayed in all waiting rooms and administrative offices

of Therapy West, Inc. (please refer to Appendix A). Some parents chose to call the

primary investigator and asked for detailed information regarding the purpose o f the

research study and testing procedures involved.

Another flyer, the therapist flyer, was placed in the mailbox o f the therapists

working at Therapy West, Inc. (please refer to Appendix A). Additional information was

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provided when requested by means o f informal conversations. A brief description o f the

purpose o f the study was presented at a Therapy West, Inc. staff meeting.

Ethical Considerations

Informed consent was sought for all subjects participating in this study. In

addition, children and parents signed the assent form prepared for this study and

according to the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and the Institutional Review Board

(IRB) ( The informed consent and assent forms

were signed before testing took place. Data collection was done using a string of numbers

to protect the confidentiality o f all participants. Thus, only the principal investigator

maintained a list o f all participants in a locked cabinet and in a computer file protected by

a password. The master list containing the names o f all participants was destroyed at the

end of the research project. However, informed consent and testing result copies were

included in the client’s charts following the requirements of the IRB. A brief description

of the test results was given to the parents and questions were answered when the parents

sought additional information.

The Research Setting

Therapy West, Inc. is a state o f the art facility providing occupational therapy,

physical therapy, speech and language pathology, early intervention, and consultation

services. Therapy West, Inc. specializes in the assessment and treatment of children with

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a variety o f disabilities as well as in the teaching and training o f professionals in several

methodologies, including sensory integration. This facility is located on the west side of

Los Angeles, California. Patients treated at this facility have a variety o f diagnoses such

as learning disabilities, autism, cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and genetic

disorders, among others. Therapeutic services are funded through a variety o f sources

including private pay, regional centers, California Children Services, unified school

districts, and health insurances.


The equipment utilized by this study included the materials that are part o f the

SIPT which included: (a) space visualization placement card, form board, blocks, and

pegs; (b) figure-ground perception tests plates; (c) standing and walking balance half-

round wood dowel; (d) design copying test booklets and scoring guide; (e) constructional

praxis preassembled model, blocks, and angle guide card; (f) postrotary nystagmus angle

guide card; (g) motor accuracy test sheets and line measure; (h) manual form perception

bases, forms o f various shapes, response card; (i) kinesthesia test sheet; (j) localization of

tactile stimuli pen; (k) shield; (1) centimeter/inches ruler; (m) two red nylon-tipped pens;

(n) masking tape; (o) test manual; (p) nystagmus rotation board; (q) stopwatch capable of

recording 1/10 seconds; (s) soft (No. 2) black-leaded pencil.

In addition, a centimeter ruler and a piece o f high density, firm foam was used to

measure the distance in centimeters during the scoring o f finger-to-nose and the heel-to-

toe observations, respectively. No other additional equipment was utilized during the


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Independent and Dependent Variables Operationalized

Sensory integration is operationally defined as the organization o f sensory

integration information in the central nervous system and its use guiding the adaptive

motor behaviors that make up occupational performance (Kielhofner, 1991). Sensory

integration can also be defined as a therapeutic approach to ameliorate sensory

integration dysfunction or difficulties in the process o f organizing sensation for its

functional use during the performance o f daily occupations. Sensory integration

dysfunction is operationally defined as a cluster o f meaningful and marked deficits in the

SIPT and in a group o f structured observations selected for the purpose o f this study.

Currently, pediatric occupational therapists use a sensory integrative frame o f reference

with diverse populations (Smith Roley et al. 2001). Some examples are children

diagnosed with autism (Ayres & Tickle, 1980); cerebral palsy (Blanche et al., 1995;

Imperatore Blanche & Nakasuji, 2001); Fragile X syndrome (Stackhouse, 1994); hearing

impairment (Schaffer-Pullan et al., 1991); mental retardation (F.A. Clark et al.,1978;

Kielhofner & Miyake, 1981; Sowers & Powers, 1995; Storey et al. 1984); premature birth

(Anderson, 1986); prenatal drug exposure (Stallings-Sahler, 1993); and visual

impairments (Smith Roley & Schneck, 2001). Studies on children with sensory

integrative dysfunction have included the SIPT as well as their performance in different

observations to measure the nature and extent o f their deficits. Dependent variables are

composed o f the different measures o f the SIPT and structured observations. All

dependent variables are described in Tables 1 and 2.

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The assessment instruments were composed of the SIPT (Ayres, 1989) and nine

specific structured observations designed for the purpose of this study (please refer to

Appendix B). The administration o f these measures was altered in random order so

different subjects received the SIPT or the structured observations first.

Data Collection

Once consent was obtained, data collection procedures took place. Data collection

was done first, using a Microsoft Excel spread sheet to collect general information on the

subjects as follows: (a) date o f birth; (b) date o f onset o f treatment; (c) SIPT scores and

date o f administration, if available; (d) structured observation scores and date of

administration, if available; (e) medical and/or educational diagnosis, if available; and (f)

reason for referral.

Based on the information collected from records it was decided whether

additional information needed to be collected. After this process, an appointment was set

up with the family and testing took place. All testing procedures were completed in 1-3

sessions within a total time of 3-4 weeks.

Data Analysis

All data collected were kept confidential in the front office o f Therapy West, Inc.

The HIPPA officer was informed o f the location o f testing materials and a disc containing

a file with the master list o f the subjects participating in the study. All remaining data

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were numeric in nature and was handled using the Statistical Package for the Social

Sciences in a computer with a personal password only known by the principal

investigator. The master list and the other files containing personal information were

destroyed at the end o f the research study. Data were inputted on a SPSS file using the

data editor for the following variable attributes: (a) name, (b) type, (c) width, (d)

decimals, (e) label, (f) value, (g) variables missing, and (h) variable’s level of

measurement. Once the data was collected on all the subjects available for the study, data

analysis followed. Data analysis proceeded according to the following steps.

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)

Spearman rho correlation coefficients were calculated using SPSS bivariate

correlations to compute pairwise associations between the different structured

observations and the different measures o f the SIPT. The results were reported and

interpretation o f correlation coefficients were made following parameters that are widely

accepted in health science studies (Portney & Watkins, 1993).

It was necessary to submit the correlation coefficients to a test o f significance.

This was done to determine if the observed values could have occurred by chance. Values

were located on statistical tables, and checked against those reported by SPSS for two-

tailed tests o f significance with n - 2 degrees o f freedom. The observed value needed to

be greater than or equal to the tabled value to be significant (Portney & Watkins, 1993),

so that value was not to be expected if the hypothesis that stated that no relation between

variables was true.

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Following the calculation o f correlation coefficients, a forward linear regression

model was run using all individual structured observations and the different tests o f the

SIPT. Next, a theoretical and tentative factor analysis by means o f principal component

analysis was performed on the scores o f children’s structured observations. This was

done to determine if observations that shared a common theoretical ground tended to

associate together. Factor extraction was performed based on the considerations made by

Thorndike (1978) and Cattell (1978) as to retaining factors with eigen values greater than

1.0 or by observing the plot o f eigen values and finding where they broke in the curve;

respectively. Construction o f a factor matrix containing the factor loadings for each

variable on each factor ranging from 0.00 to ± 1.00 was done. Visual inspection and

consideration o f the nature o f the variables to determine if factor rotation was necessary,

was performed. Factor rotation utilizing different rotation methods was performed to

maximize the orientation o f variables near the axes (Portney & Watkins, 1993).

Reliability and Validity

Considerable information on several structured observations and the response of

typical children has been published in the literature contributing to their validity and

reliability (Ayres 1975, 1989; Deitz et al., 1991; Denckla, 1973; Dunn, 1981; Fraser,

1983; Grant et al., 1973; Gregory-Flock and Yerxa, 1984; Harris 1981; Imperatore

Blanche, 2002; Kauffman, 1983; Longo-Kimber, 1984; Magalhaes et al., Shumway-Cook

1986; Silver, 1952; Silver and Hagin, 1952; and B.N. Wilson et al., 1994)

In this study reliability was ensured by following strict procedures in

administration and scoring o f the different clinical observations and the standardization

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o f the SIPT as they have been reported in research studies and test manuals (Ayres, 1975,

1989; Deitz et al., 1991; Dunn, 1981; Fraser, 1983; Grant et al., 1973; Gregory-Flock &

Yerxa, 1984; Harris, 1981; Longo-Kimber, 1984; Magalhaes et al., 1989).

The validity o f the findings in this study was warranted by years o f research in the

field of pediatric occupational therapy and sensory integration. Construct validity, or the

ability o f a measure to determine a specific theoretical construct o f the SIPT has been

extensively documented as related to the efficiency o f some o f the neural substrates of

learning and behavior (Ayres, 1989). Criterion-related validity, or the ability to predict

future performance based on the results of a particular measure are not applicable to this

measure as this test was designed for the detection, description, and explanation of

current dysfunction rather than the prediction o f other later criterion (Ayres, 1989).

Extensive concurrent validity data has been documented on the SIPT in different

populations based on the testing o f children with many known and different diagnoses

(Ayres, 1989). The sample selected for this study consisted o f children that were referred

for occupational therapy services using a sensory integration frame o f reference because

of problems with learning, behavior, motor coordination, or general development.

Therefore, the concurrent validity reported in the SIPT manual was considered valid for

the present study. Similar findings have been reported by Ayres, 1975, 1989; Deitz et al.,

1991; Dunn, 1981; Fraser, 1983; Grant et al., 1973; Gregory-Flock & Yerxa, 1984;

Harris, 1981; Longo-Kimber, 1984; Magalhaes et al., 1989 when examining the validity

properties o f the different structured observations utilized in this study.

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This chapter presented the methodology utilized for correlating the scores o f a

sample o f children with sensory integration dysfunction in different structured

observations and the SIPT. The threats to internal validity in terms o f maturational

effects, instrumentation, and lack o f random sampling as well as the measures taken to

decrease them have been outlined. They were dealt with by keeping testing periods to a

minimum for maturation and treatment effects as well as discussing the adequacy o f the

validity and reliability o f the measures used in this study. Threats to external validity

were discussed and identified as related to the lack o f a random sample. In addition,

measures to overcome these threats were discussed as related to establishing clear

guidelines for replications as well as the value o f replication in increasing the

significance o f correlational and factor analysis studies.

The study utilized a design that included descriptive, correlational, and tentative

theoretical factor analytic elements. A forward linear regression model was utilized to

determine if different structured observations could predict the scores o f the SIPT

individual measures. A sample o f convenience was utilized and composed o f 21 children

5-8 years o f age. These children were referred to occupational therapy services with a

sensory integration frame o f reference because o f their difficulties in learning, behavior,

or motor coordination. The specific inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as the general

characteristics o f the sample and recruitment procedures for the study were discussed.

The clinical setting in which the study took place was a state o f the art facility that

provides occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language pathology, early

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intervention and consultation services for children and their families. The equipment,

assessment instruments, and systematic data collection procedures were described.

Data analysis and the format o f reporting results were described in detail for the

purpose o f clarity and potential replication. More information regarding statistical

analysis will be provided in chapter 4. Analysis included classic methods for the

treatment o f variables submitted to correlational and tentative theoretical factor analysis

model. Mainly, they included a correlation coefficient matrix with control for outliyers, a

forward linear regression model, and a principal component analysis with a varimax

rotation to adjust for a better fit between the scores obtained. Finally, the psychometric

properties o f the measurement instruments as discussed in the literature was examined

and judged to be adequate for the present study.

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Chapter 4: RESULTS

Introduction to the Chapter

The following chapter will present the results o f the statistical data analysis. The

present study questioned whether a relationship among a group o f selected structured

observations and individual tests o f the SIPT exists and proposed to determine if

structured observations explained single or a group o f scores in the SIPT profiles. The

statistical analysis performed in the present study was conducted using the Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences software version 10.0. Results are presented and

described according to each o f the research questions. First, data analysis is presented to

determine all different degrees o f associations between scores on the SIPT and different

structured observations. Second, SIPT scores were separated and two subgroups were

formed based on the subject’s proximity to the prototypic groups a) low average bilateral

integration and sequencing and b) visuo- and somatodyspraxia as described by the SIPT

manual. Intercorrelations between different structured observations and these two groups

were explored. Third, two factor analyses attempted data reduction and established a

group fit for different structured observations. Last, a forward linear regression model

was utilized to determine if different structured observations could predict score profile

on the SIPT.

All statistically significant correlations at 0.01 levels (2-tailed) will be presented,

followed by those which reached significance at 0.05 levels (2-tailed). Chapter 5 will

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discuss these statistical findings in light o f what has been described in the literature of

neurological soft signs and structured observations and will provide recommendations for

further research.

The dependent variables were treated separately to include all sub-variables.

Thus, all variables were computed individually with the exception of the variables: a)

heel-to-toe, b) prone extension, c) finger to nose, d) diadochokinesis, e) fmger-to-thumb

opposition, and f) jumping jacks that included their sub-variables. These variables are

described in detail in Table 1 and 2 (see Appendix C). Bivariate correlations using the

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficient were calculated for all variables; significant

correlations at 0.01 and 0.05 levels were flagged. Table 3 describes the main sample


Table 3

Sample characteristics

Number Mean Age Measurement Reason for Referral


21 6.7 yrs. 3.5 weeks 01a, 02b, 03°, 04d, 05e,

06f, 07s

aFine motor coordination & handwriting. bDisruptive behavior. cGross motor coordination & sports.

dLanguage. eAttention. fHigh motor activity. gSchool performance.

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Research Question 1

What is the relationship among a group o f selected structured observations and

individual tests o f the SIPT?

SPSS was set to correlate all dependent variables using the Spearman Rho

correlation coefficient formula. This was done because the sample size o f this study was

small and it was not possible to assume normal distribution. All possible correlation

coefficient computations are described in Table 4 (see Appendix E). In order to determine

the specific degree o f relationship between both measures, a closer look at all statistically

significant correlation coefficients follows. These associations were organized following

the individual tests o f the SIPT that reached significance when related to different

structured observations and are now described.

Space Visualization

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observation: a) slow motions. The space visualization test of the SIPT also correlated

significantly with the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test. The extent o f the

relationship between these scores is reflected in the obtained values reported in Table 5.

Subjects who had difficulties with the space visualization test included 43% of the total

sample. Some children in this group presented with decreased scores in the space

visualization contralateral hand use, but average scores in the preferred hand use. A

shared reason for referral for all these children was a degree o f difficulty performing

tasks that require fine motor coordination and handwriting skills. The most common

activities named by parents in their reasons for attending therapy sessions included a)

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copying and using writing/art instruments, b) managing buttons and zippers, c) using

scissors, and d) opening food/snack containers.

Table 5

Space Visualization (SV) and its correlations with the Slow Motions (SM) structured

observation and the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT).

Variable SV

SM 0.43*

SCPNT 0.51**

* p < .05., ** p <.01. (two-tailed)

Figure Ground Perception

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observations: a) prone extension, b) finger-to-nose, right and c) finger to thumb

opposition -total score. The extent o f the relationship between these scores is reflected in

the obtained values reported in Table 6. Only 25% of the subjects that comprised the

sample in this study had difficulty with this test. From behavioral observations it is

possible that some o f these children performed poorly because o f unrelated factors such

as impulsivity, distractibility, or decreased organization of behavior. A shared reason for

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referral o f all these children was a degree o f difficulty performing tasks that require fine

motor coordination and handwriting skills as well as gross motor coordination and

sporting activities. The most common gross motor and sporting activities named by

parents as their reasons for attending therapy sessions included: a) climbing, b) safety

during playground activities, c) group sports, and d) playing sports that require ball skills.

Table 6

Figure Ground (FG) and its correlations with the Prone Extension (PE), Finger-to-Nose,

right (FN-R); Finger-to-thumb Opposition, Total Score (FTO-TS) Structured


Variable FG

PE -0.48**

FN-R 0.45**

FTO-TS 0.45**

** p <.01. (two-tailed)

Finger Identification

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observation: a) slow motions. This test o f the SIPT also significantly correlated with the

Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus test. The extent of the relationship between

these scores is reflected in the obtained values reported in Table 7. Subjects who had

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difficulties with this test included 24% of the total sample. A common reason for referral

of all these children, was a degree o f difficulty with general school performance.

Table 7

Finger Identification (FI) and its correlations with the Slow Motions (SM) Structured

Observation and the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT)

Variable FI

SM 0.44**

SCPNT 0.70**

** p < .01. (two-tailed)

Localization o f Tactile Stimuli

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observation: a) finger-to-nose, right. The extent o f the relationship between these scores

is reflected in the obtained values reported in Table 8. Subjects who had difficulties with

this test included 43% o f the sample. A common reason for referral for all these children

included difficulties with tasks that require fine motor coordination and handwriting


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Table 8

Localization o f Tactile Stimuli and its correlation with the Finger-to-Nose, Right (FN-R)

Structured Observation

Variable LTS

FN-R -0.52**

** p < .01. (two-tailed)

Design Copying

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observation: a) prone extension quality. The extent o f the relationship between these

scores is reflected in the obtained value reported in Table 9. Subjects who had difficulties

with this test included 43% o f the total sample. A common reason for referral o f all these

children included difficulties with tasks that require fine motor coordination and

handwriting skills.

Oral Praxis

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observations: a) finger to nose -right, d) finger to nose -left, and e) diadochokinesis -total

score. The extent of the relationship between these scores is reflected in the obtained

values reported in Table 10.

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Table 9

Design Copying (DC) and its correlation with the Prone extension quality (PEQ)

structured observation

Variable DC

PEQ 0.047**

** p < .01. (two-tailed)

Subjects who had difficulties with this test included 52% of the sample. There was not a

common reason for referral for the children who had difficulties performing these tests.

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Table 10

Oral Praxis (OPR) and its correlations with the Finger-to-Nose, right (FN-R); Finger-to-

Nose, left (FN-L); and Diadochokinesis, Total Score (DIA) Structured Observations

Variable OPR

FN-R 0.61**

FN-L 0.68**

DIA 0.50**

** p < .01. (two-tailed)

Sequencing Praxis

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observations: a) slow motions, b) finger-to-nose left, c) the modified Schilder’s arm

extension test, and d) the jumping jacks -total score. The extent o f the relationship

between these scores is reflected in the obtained values reported in Table 11. Subjects

who had difficulties with this test included 24% o f the total sample. A common reason

for referral o f all these children included difficulties with tasks that require fine motor

coordination and handwriting skills.

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Table 11

Sequencing Praxis (SP) and its Correlations with the Slow Motions (SM); Finger-to-

Nose, Left; the Modified Schilder’s Arm Extension Test (SAT); and the Jumping Jacks,

Total Score (JJ-TS) Structured Observations

Variable SP

SM 0.64**

FN-L -0.52**

SAT 0.45**

JJ-TS 0.44**

** p < .01. (two-tailed)

Bilateral Motor Coordination

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the Southern California

Postrotary Nystagmus Test. The extent o f the relationship between these scores is

reflected in the obtained value reported in Table 12. Subjects who had difficulties with

this test included 29% of the total sample. A common reason for referral o f all these

children included difficulties with tasks that require fine motor coordination and

handwriting skills

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Table 12

Bilateral Motor Coordination and its Correlations with the Southern California

Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT)

Variable BMC

SCPNT 0.51**

** p < .01. (two-tailed)

Standing and Walking Balance

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the following structured

observations: a) fmger-to-thumb opposition, non stress. The extent o f the relationship

between these scores is reflected in the obtained values reported in Table 13. Subjects

who had difficulties with this test included 81% o f the total sample. A common reason

for referral o f all these children included difficulties with tasks that require fine motor

coordination and handwriting skills.

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Table 13

Standing and Walking Balance (SWB) and its Correlation with the Finger-to-Thumb

Opposition, Non Stress Condition (FTO-NS)

Variable SWB

FTO-NS 0.44**

** p < . 01 . (two-tailed)

Postrotary Nystagmus

This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the Southern California

Postrotary Nystagmus Test. The extent o f the relationship between these scores is

reflected in the obtained value reported in Table 14. Subjects who had difficulties with

this test included 29% o f the total sample. A common reason for referral o f all these

children included difficulties with tasks that require fine motor coordination and

handwriting skills.

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Table 14

The Postrotary Nystagmus (PRN) and its Correlation with the Southern California

Postroatry Nystagmus Test (SCPNT)

Variable PRN

SCPNT 0.62**

** p < .01. (two-tailed)

Relationship between different structured observations and the SIPT

When all correlations were computed a matrix o f 17X22 was generated and 374

correlations were obtained. Out o f these 374 correlation coefficients 20 reached statistical

significance and were flagged as *p < .05. and **p < .01. This indicates a very low

degree o f overlapping between both measures which approaches 5%. This degree o f

relationship indicates a complementary function as both measures seemed to be tapping

into different domains o f functions or theoretical constructs.

The degree o f different associations between the structured observations and the

different tests o f the SIPT showed in this study offers only partial support for the first

generated hypothesis. This hypothesis stated that there were not expected significant

relationships between both measures.

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Research Question 2

How do scores on a group of selected structured observations explain single or a

group o f scores in the SIPT profiles?

Domains o f Function

To obtain a better fit of representations the sample of this study was divided into

two small groups based on their proximity to the six prototypic groups as described by

the SIPT manual. This was done by taking into consideration the D-squared values

reported in the SIPT computerized report. Following this procedure 2 groups that

included 17 children of the sample were formed as follows: a) a first group composed o f

children with a small value or one close to 1 D-square value indicating a close fit to the

prototypic group o f low average bilateral integration and sequencing, b) a second group

o f children with a small, or close to 1 D-square value, indicating a close fit to the

prototypic group visuo- and somatodyspraxia. Eleven and six children comprised the

groups a and b respectively. Followed is a detailed description o f which structured

observations were particularly relevant in each o f the abovementioned groups.

Close fit to the Low Bilateral Integration and Sequencing Prototypic Group

This group o f children presented with average SIPT scores but had low Z scores

on standing and walking balance, bilateral motor coordination, oral praxis, sequencing

praxis, and graphesthesia. Children with a close fit to the bilateral integration and

sequencing prototypic group presented with significant difficulties in different structured

observations. In decreasing order o f importance:

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a) none of these children were able to receive an average score in the prone extension

qualitative observation, b) all but one child received significantly poor scores on the

prone extension and diadochokinesis observation, c) significant difficulties in the heel-to-

toe observation and its sub-variables, d) significant difficulties in the jumping jacks

observation and its sub-variables, e) all but two children received very below average

scores in the finger to thumb opposition and the Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus test, and f) all but three children received below average scores for their

chronological age in the supine flexion observation.

Close fit to the Visuo- and Somatodyspraxia Prototypic Group

This group o f children presented with low Z scores on the design copying, finger

identification, graphesthesia, postural praxis, sequencing praxis, bilateral motor

coordination, standing and walking balance, motor accuracy, and kinesthesia tests o f the

SIPT. Children with a close fit to the visuo- and somatodyspraxia prototypic group

presented with significant difficulties in several structured observations and they were

characterized by: a) inconsistent scores in the heel-to-toe observation and its sub­

variables with a different pattern o f scores than all other children. This pattern was easily

recognizable as these children oftentimes scored poorly on an easy sub-variable and

better on a more challenging one, b) all children in this group presented with below

average scores in the prone extension observation. Similarly, all but one child scored

below average on the prone extension quality observation, c) all but two children

received below average scores on the supine flexion observation. The other two children

received borderline scores in this observation, d) all but one child received below average

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scores on the finger to nose and diadochokinesis scores, e) all these children received

below average scores in the finger to thumb observation and the Southern California

postrotary nystagmus test, and f) children in this group received inconsistent scores on

the jumping jacks observation and its sub-variables.

Theoretical and Tentative Data Reduction Model

Data reduction among the scores o f children with sensory integration dysfunction

on a selected group o f structured observations was inconclusive and unclear. However, a

tentative and theoretical data reduction using rotated factors was run in SPSS for

illustrative purposes and in order to assist in answering research question 2. The

structured observation scores o f children in the first prototypic group o f the SIPT were

submitted to this analysis.

Two or three rotated factors better described the group o f children with a close fit

to the bilateral integration and sequencing prototypic group and accounted for 40.45%

and 56.15% o f the cumulative variance as illustrated in Table 15. The first factor was

composed o f the jumping jacks observation and its three sub-variables together with the

supine flexion observation.

The second factor consisted o f the heel-to-toe eyes closed -so ft surface, prone

extension and slow motion observations. The third was composed o f the finger to nose

and diadochokinesis observations. This grouping o f variables, although theoretical and

tentative, closely resembles the individual observation score findings with the children of

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Table 15

Total variance explained

c Initial Eigenvalues

Total % a2 Cumulative

1 5.565 25.297 25.297

2 5.078 23.083 48.380

3 3.244 14.746 63.126

4 2.544 11.566 74.692

5 1.917 8.713 83.404

6 1.643 7.467 90.872

7 .831 3.779 94.650

8 .535 2.431 97.081

9 .438 1.989 99.070

10 .205 .930 100.000

Note. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis; C=Components.

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Table 15

Total variance explained (Cont.)

C Rotation Sum o f Squared Loadings

Total % a2 Cumulative

1 4.922 22.373 22.373

2 3.978 18.082 40.454

3 3.455 15.702 56.157

4 2.777 12.625 68.781

5 2.579 11.723 80.505

6 2.281 10.367 90.872

Note. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis; C=Components.

this group. Table 16 delineates rotated factors and their specific loadings.

Structured Observation as Predictors

The tentative factor analyses and their specific loading partially explained how

these measures tended to group together and how they were related to subjects with a

closer fit to the low average bilateral integration and sequencing and visuo-

somatodyspraxia. In order to determine if individual or groups o f structured observations

could predict individual scores o f the SIPT individual tests, a forward linear regression

model was created as this could further clarify the second research question proposed by

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Table 16

Rotated Component Matrix

Variable Component

1 2 3 4 5 6

H TT-0
-.132 .010 .115 .955 .132 .146
-.080 .632 .546 .304 -.363 .120
.197 -.054 -.303 -.023 -.248 -.823
-.292 .869 .117 .089 -.127 .080
-.422 .780 .025 .079 .013 .376
-.166 -.822 .091 -.090 -.333 -.100
.768 .320 .133 -.180 -.429 .053
.364 .835 -.240 .256 .054 -.127
.268 -.145 .794 .016 .209 -.118
-.185 -.127 .925 -.132 -.034 -.031
.394 .334 .731 .338 -.218 -.010
.339 .294 .697 .357 -.374 .134
-.085 .229 -.202 .732 .054 .534

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Table 16

Rotated Component Matrix (Cont.)

Variable Component

1 2 3 4 5 6

.553 -.355 .421 .038 .257 -.170
.183 .203 -.021 .292 .844 .195
.019 -.025 -.010 .094 .982 -.057
-.102 .352 .150 .807 -.049 -.269
.037 .195 -.369 .071 -.175 .852
.891 -.275 .165 .141 .181 .022
.916 .020 .085 .064 .033 -.246
.871 .107 .083 .142 .069 -.172
.847 -.179 -.164 .244 .066 .339
Note: Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis, Rotation Method; V arim ax; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = Components; H T T -0 = Heel-

to-toe, eyes open, firm surface; HTT-C = Heel-to-toe, eyes closed, firm surface; HTT-O-S = Heel-to-toe, eyes open, soft surface;

HTT-C-S = Heel-to-toe, eyes closed, soft surface; PE = Prone extension; PEQ = Prone extension quality; SF = Supine flexion; SM =

Slow motions; FN-R = Finger-to-nose, right; FN-L = Finger-to-nose -le ft; DIA = Diadochokinesis total score; DIA -N S =

D iadochokinesis, no stress condition; DIA-S = Diadochokinesis -stre ss condition; FTO-TS = Finger-to-thum b opposition, total score;

FTO-NS = Finger-to-thum b opposition, non stress condition; FTO-S = Finger-to-thumb opposition, stress condition; SAT = Modified

Schilder’s arm extension test; SCPNT = Southern California Postrotary Nystagm us test; JJ-L = Jum ping jacks, learning phase score;

JJ-P = Jum ping jacks -perform ance phase score; JJ-10 = Num ber o f jum ping jacks in 10 seconds; JJ-T = Jum ping jacks, total score;

SV = Space visualization; FG = Figure ground perception; MFP = Manual form perception; KIN = Kinesthesia; FI = Finger

identification; GRA = G raphesthesia; LTS = Localization o f Tactile Stimuli; PVC = Praxis on verbal com m and; OPR = Oral praxis;

SPR = Sequencing praxis; BM C = Bilateral m otor coordination; SWB = Standing and walking balance; MAC = M otor accuracy;

PRN = Postrotary nystagmus.

*p < .05. = *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2 -tailed); ** p < .01. = Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 -tailed).

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this study. This research question asked if a group o f structured observations could

explain individual or group SIPT profile scores. It was hypothesized that different

structured observations have that clinical potential. In order to better explore this research

question a forward linear regression procedure was utilized to determine if structured

observations that entered and remained in the forward regression at 5% significance level

could explain the variability reflected by individual SIPT scores. All these relationships

are detailed in Tables 17-30 (see Appendix F).

When the linear regression model was obtained, the power o f prediction o f the

structured observations was determined and judged to be low. This offers support for the

second hypothesis of this study that postulated that structured observations could not

statistically and significantly describe different SIPT profiles. A range o f prediction

potential was obtained and it was determined to be between 19% and 61% o f the total

variability. These are now described separately and in decreasing order o f importance.

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus test and the jumping jacks

performance phase score observation explained 61% o f the variability o f the space

visualization test o f the SIPT. Those parameters were both positive, which indicated the

tendency o f these measures to co-vary together and are displayed in Table 17.

The heel-to-toe, eyes open soft surface together with the prone extension quality

and finger-to-thumb opposition, total score observations explained 56% o f the variability

o f the design copying test o f the SIPT. In this group the heel-to-toe, eyes open soft

surface and the fmger-to-thumb opposition, total score, positively covariate with the

design copying test but the prone extension quality did so negatively. These relationships

are displayed in Table 18.

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The finger-to-nose right and left observations explained 53% o f the variability of

the oral praxis test o f the SIPT. In this group, the parameters were both positive which

indicated the tendency of these measures to co-vary together as they are displayed in

Table 19.

The diadochokinesis, non stress condition observation and the Southern California

Postrotary Nystagmus Test explained 47% o f the variability o f the postrotary nystagmus

test of the SIPT. In this group the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test

parameter was positive and the diadochokinesis, non stress condition parameter was

negative. These relationships are illustrated in Table 20.

The heel-to-toe, eyes closed soft surface and the prone extension observations

explained 46% o f the variability o f the standing and walking balance test o f the SIPT. In

this group the heel-to-toe, eyes closed soft surface parameter was positive and prone

extension parameter was negative and are illustrated in Table 21.

The heel-to-toe eyes open, firm surface and fmger-to-thumb opposition total score

observations explained 45% o f the variability o f the graphesthesia test o f the SIPT. In this

group the heel-to-toe eyes open, firm surface parameter was negative and the finger-to-

thumb opposition total score was positive as displayed in Table 22.

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus test explained 38% o f the

variability o f the finger identification o f the SIPT. The Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus Test parameter was positive and therefore they tended to co-vary together as

illustrated in table 23.

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The slow motion observation explained 30% o f the variability o f the sequencing

praxis test o f the SIPT. The slow motion parameter was positive and therefore they

tended to co-vary together and are displayed in Table 24.

The Southern California postrotary nystagmus test explained 30% o f the

variability of the bilateral motor coordination test o f the SIPT. The Southern California

Postrotary Nystagmus Test parameter was positive and therefore they tended to co-vary

together and are displayed in Table 25.

The finger-to-nose, right observation explained 27% o f the variability of the

finger identification o f the SIPT. The finger-to-nose, right parameter was negative. Those

values are illustrated in Table 26.

The finger-to-thumb opposition, total score observation explained 22% o f the

variability o f the figure ground test o f the SIPT. The finger-to-thumb opposition total

score parameter was positive as displayed in table 27.

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test explained 20% o f the

variability o f the manual form perception test o f the SIPT. The Southern California

Postrotary Nystagmus Test parameter was positive and these measures tended to co-vary

together as illustrated in Table 28.

The heel-to-toe, eyes open firm surface observation explained 20% o f the

variability o f the motor accuracy test o f the SIPT. The heel-to-toe, eyes open firm surface

parameter was positive and these measures tended to co-vary together as depicted in

Table 29.

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The finger-to-nose, right observation explained 19% of the variability of the

postural praxis test of the SIPT. The finger-to-nose, right parameter was positive and

these measures tended to co-vary together as illustrated in Table 30.

No measures were able to predict at the 5% significance level the kinesthesia,

praxis on verbal command, and constructional praxis tests of the SIPT.


The data analysis that was presented aided in the answering o f the proposed

research questions. When all the specific dependent variables degree o f relationship was

examined, it was found that the subjects that constituted the sample o f the present study

performed differently in each test o f the SIPT as well as in different structured

observations. Therefore, it was necessary to compare each group o f scores against the

total sample in order to build an argument to answer the question o f how all these

measures were related to each other.

As a group, children with sensory integration dysfunction presented with deficits

in the following SIPT measures: a) 83% o f the total sample had difficulties in the

standing and walking balance; b) 52% o f the total sample had difficulties in the oral

praxis test; c) 43-48% o f the total sample presented with difficulties with postural praxis,

design copying, space visualization, and localization o f tactile stimuli tests; d) 33% o f the

total sample presented with difficulties in manual form perception, praxis on verbal

command, and constructional praxis tests; e) 19% o f the total sample presented with

difficulties in the kinesthesia test; and f) 10 and 14% o f the total sample presented with

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difficulties in the graphesthesia and motor accuracy tests, respectively. A common reason

for referral for 81% o f the children included in this study was difficulty with tasks that

require fine motor coordination and handwriting skills.

A small degree of relationship was detected when exploring the generated

correlation matrix. A degree of overlapping o f approximately 5% between both measures

was found. Twenty significant correlations were found between the structured

observations and the SIPT and were mostly significant at the p < .01. level (two-tailed).

These correlations and their significance will be discussed in chapter 5. Because the

relationship between the SIPT and structured observations share a very small statistical

area they are assumed to be complementary as they measure different although related

constructs. However, the evidence found in this study was not sufficient to accept the first

hypothesis that proposed no degree o f relationship between both measures.

To further the analysis, and in order to answer the second research question, the

sample was divided in two separate groups which represent prototypic clusters in the

computerized report o f the SIPT. Children with a close fit to the low average bilateral

integration and sequencing group were best represented by deficits in the following

structured observations: a) prone extension, b) heel-to-toe, c) jumping jacks, d) finger to

thumb opposition, e) the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test and f) and

deficits in the supine flexion observation. In contrast, children with a close fit to the

visuo- and somatodyspraxia prototypic group were best represented by deficits in the

following structured observations: a) prone extension, b) supine flexion, c) finger to nose,

d) inconsistent scores in the heel-to-toe and jumping jacks observations and e) the

Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test.

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Data reduction among the scores o f children with sensory integration dysfunction

on different structured observations was inconclusive and unclear. However, tentative

and theoretical data reduction using rotated factors was attempted and yielded a clearer

structure. Three theoretical factors emerged after statistical rotation and were best

represented by the following observations; a) the jumping jacks and supine flexion

observation, b) heel-to-toe, prone extension, and slow motions; and c) finger-to-nose and


To finalize the data analysis, a forward linear regression model at 5% significance

level was only able to explain 61% o f the variability o f a single SIPT measure at its best,

with 20% representation at the lowest level. Three tests o f the SIPT, the kinesthesia, the

praxis on verbal command, and the constructional praxis were not predicted by any

structured observation when using a forward linear regression model at 5% significance.

Sufficient evidence was provided to safely accept the second research hypothesis

that proposed that different groups o f structured observations could not statistically and

significantly describe the SIPT profiles. However, it should be noted that these profiles

found a small degree o f representation in different structured observations, although not

reaching statistical significance.

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Chapter 5: Discussion

Introduction to the Chapter

The present study raised the question o f whether a relationship among a group of

selected structured observations and individual tests o f the SIPT exists; and proposed to

determine if structured observations explained single or a group o f scores in the SIPT

profiles. According to the results, there is a degree o f relationship between a group of

structured observations and the measures o f the SIPT. Because a number o f statistically

significant correlations were obtained between the SIPT and the structured observations,

the first null hypothesis that established no degree o f relationship was rejected. The

relationship between both measures in a sample o f convenience can not be compared to

other research findings because no other studies comparing structured observations and

the SIPT have been conducted in the past. First, in this chapter the results o f the

significant correlations between the SIPT and different structured observations that was

presented in chapter 4 will be discussed following postulates o f sensory integration

theory and the findings in the literature. Second, the fit o f a group o f structured

observations to two common problems in sensory integration: low average bilateral

integration and sequencing and visuo- somatodyspraxia will be elaborated upon

following the results o f two exploratory factor analyses. Third, different structured

observations sharing potential to describe single SIPT measures will be discussed in light

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o f sensory integration theory. Last, a discussion o f the implication for further research,

clinical practice, and a summary will conclude this chapter.

Individual Relationships Between Both Measures

The degree o f relationship between both measures was presented in chapter 4 and

described as low or approaching a 5%. These associations are now presented in all the

individual SIPT tests. Plausible explanations for these associations in light o f sensory

integration theory, similar underlying constructs, and other study findings are presented

in the following section.

Space Visualization

Almost half o f the sample presented with difficulties in the space visualization

test of the SIPT. Ayres (1989) described this test as one requiring motor free visual

perceptual skills as well as practic ideation and motor planning. This test correlated

significantly with the slow motions observation and Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus Test. Slow motions, as it was administered in this study, could be described

as a task that requires adequate processing o f somatosensory, visual, and auditory

processing. The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus test has been described as a

measure o f some aspects o f the vetibulo-ocular reflex which is related to the processing

o f vestibular information (Ayres, 1989). It is possible that the nature and degree o f the

relationship between the space visualization and the slow motions observations was due

to the practic ideation and motor planning aspects that both measures share. However,

this relationship needs to be considered carefully in this study as scores in the slow

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motions observation were extrapolated to older children. Recommendations for future

modifications of this observation by future studies will be provided at the end o f this

chapter. It is interesting that the relationship between space visualization and the

Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test occurred in some children who also

presented with decreased contralateral hand use scores. Ayres (1989) documented a

factorial linkage between space visualization contralateral hand use and low scores on the

postrotary nystagmus test which may offer additional support for this association.

Other studies have linked decreased scores in postrotary nystagmus to visual

skills (Haack, et al., 1993); oculomotor skills (Ottenbacher, 1978); visuomotor skills and

practic management o f two dimensional space (Ayres, 1989); and reading difficulties

(deQuiros & Schrager, 1978; Levinson, 1980). Most children who presented with

difficulties in the space visualization tests o f the SIPT also had depressed nystagmus. It is

not possible to ascertain if a relationship between the mechanisms underlying the

nystagmatic response is responsible for higher level space visualization aspects of

performance, however the possibility o f this relationship should not be discarded and

could be explored in further research,

Children who had low scores in the space visualization and slow motions

observation were reported to have similar functional difficulties as explained by their

parents. They included: a) copying and using writing/art instruments, a) managing

buttons and zippers, b) using scissors, and d) opening food/snack containers. There is

evidence to support the notion that difficulty performing these tasks are due to a certain

extent by a shared proprioceptive processing component as measured by the slow

motions observation and a degree o f space management and mental visualization as

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measured by the space visualization test o f the SIPT. The practic management o f a two

dimensional space described by Ayres as being related to aspects o f the vestibular system

could also explain the relationship o f the abovementioned task difficulty and the Southern

California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (Ayres, 1989).

Figure Ground Perception

Few subjects in the sample presented with difficulties in the figure ground

perception test of the SIPT. Ayres (1989) described this test as reflective o f visual

perceptual deficits and warned clinicians about its low reliability as well as its

vulnerability to chance factors. This test correlated significantly with the finger-to-nose

and fmger-to-thumb opposition observations. These observations have usually been

described as measuring aspects o f proprioceptive mechanisms (B.N. Wilson et al., 2000),

proprioceptive and cerebellar functioning (Touwen & Prechtl, 1970), somatosensory

processing and incorporating elements o f copying and sequencing that are typical o f tasks

requiring motor planning (Imperatore Blanche, 2002). There is no clear explanation of

why these scores appeared to covariate. It is possible that children who experience this

association may present with a more generalized dysfunction rather than it being the

result o f a sensory integrative deficit. This alternative explanation has some support in the

fact that the figure ground perception test is one o f the most sensitive measures o f the

SIPT to high level central nervous system integrity (Ayres, 1989). It should also be

considered that two out o f the five children who presented with difficulties in the figure

ground perception test also presented with very low scores on praxis on verbal command,

which further supports the idea o f possible higher level central nervous system

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inefficiency. Perhaps this finding is similar to the functional disturbance o f the

integration o f the temporal lobes, cerebellum, and subcortical structures, related to motor

planning and aspects of cognition described by Guftafsson et al., (2000) in children with

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The third significant correlation with the figure ground perception was found in a

statistically significant negative correlation with the prone extension measure. Although

this negative association was considered carefully it does not seem to represent a

construct that is theoretically or clinically important and may have occurred by chance.

Finger Identification

Children with deficits in finger identification in the study sample also presented

with deficits in the slow motions observation and the Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus Test, specifically with decreased scores. The relationship with the slow

motions observation is not clear. It is possible that inadequate proprioceptive processing

as indicated by the slow motions observation could motivate errors in localizing the

finger being touched during the administration o f the finger identification test o f the


The relationship of finger identification with postrotary nystagmus has been

documented in the past. In a matched sample o f dysfunctional and normal children Ayres

demonstrated that postrotary nystagmus had significant positive correlations with design

copying (visual space management), finger identification, graphesthesia, oral praxis, and

sequencing praxis (Ayres, 1989).

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It is interesting that children who had difficulties with the finger identification test

also had difficulties with school performance, specifically a) difficulties adjusting to

school, and b) poor academics. These difficulties could have been better explained by a

correlation o f the finger identification test and the fmger-to-thumb opposition observation

which has been associated with mental age and could possibly explain poor academic

functioning as discussed by Strauss and Carrison in 1942.

Localization o f Tactile Stimuli

This test is commonly interpreted together with other tactile tests due to its low

reliability (Ayres, 1989). This test did not correlate positively with any structured

observations. This was a surprising finding because almost half o f the sample presented

with deficits in this test of the SIPT. A significant negative correlation was found with the

finger-to-nose observation. The reason for this association could not be explained and it

has not been documented before.

Design Copying

This test o f the SIPT has been associated with visuopraxis functioning (Ayres,

1989). It correlated significantly with the quality aspects of the prone extension posture.

The relationship is possibly due to a shared motor planning skill component by both

measures. Most o f these children also had low scores on constructional praxis further

supporting a diagnosis o f visuopraxis impairment. This was also verified by parent’s

report o f their children having difficulties with tasks requiring fine motor coordination

and handwriting skills.

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It was surprising that this test o f the SIPT did not show associations with

observations that tap into more refined motor planning skill components such as the

fmger-to-thumb opposition and the diadochokinesis observations. This may indicate that

difficulties in assuming or maintaining a posture may have an impact on fine motor

planning abilities in children with sensory integration dysfunction. This is consistent with

reports in the sensory integration literature (Blanche et al., 1995; Smith Roley et al.,


Oral Praxis

This test o f the SIPT was significantly correlated to the finger-to-nose and the

total score o f the diadochokinesis observations. Children with low scores in this test of

the SIPT tended to show low scores in postural praxis, sequencing praxis, and

constructional praxis reflecting the concept o f central practic ability described by Ayres

(Ayres, 1989). Low scores in bilateral motor coordination were also common. H alf o f the

children in this group had low scores in the localization o f tactile stimuli test, indicating

possible poor tactile perception in the oral cavity. It is interesting to note that these

children were reported to have language difficulties, specifically those related to


The relationship o f the oral praxis test and the finger-to-nose and diadochokinesis

observations could easily be explained by inadequate cerebellar processing or integrity as

this organ is responsible for the coordination o f fine motor movements including those of

the tongue. The correlation o f these structured observations to oral praxis is most likely

related to decreased tactile and proprioceptive processing. These findings are similar to

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those reported in sensory integration theory as these observations have been related to

sequencing, the processing o f somatosensory information and the ability to copy simple

motor actions that involve motor planning (Imperatore Blanche, 2002).

The performance of diadochokinetic movements has been related to psychological

test performance in the areas o f reading achievement and verbal memory (W olf et al.,

1985). Denhoff and Siqueland (1968) have suggested that a positive relationship exists

between the child’s ability to perform diadochokinetic tasks and his school performance.

These associations have not been explored in this study but appear to be interesting lines

of inquiry for further research.

Sequencing Praxis

This test is often interpreted in light o f the results o f other praxis tests reflecting a

quality central to praxis (Ayres, 1989). Children who presented with deficits in this test

tended to have low scores in oral praxis, graphesthesia, standing and walking balance,

oral praxis, and bilateral motor coordination, therefore approaching the low average

bilateral integration and sequencing prototypic group. This test correlated significantly

with the slow motions, modified Schilder’s arm extension , and the total score o f the

jumping jacks observations. The association o f sequencing praxis with the slow motions

and the jumping jacks total score observation could be explained by the shared

difficulties in the sequencing aspects o f praxis.

The association of sequencing praxis and slow motions is similar to the one

reported by Fisher et al. (1991), Murray, and Bundy in children with somatodyspraxia.

Imperatore Blanche (2002) reported that in sensory integration theory the modified

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Schilder’s arm extension test is related to the ability to dissociate the head from upper

extremities requiring adequate vestibular proprioceptive processing. Perhaps difficulties

in the modified Schilder’s arm extension test were correlated to sequencing praxis in this

study because this relationship was describing the group o f children with a close fit to the

low average bilateral integration and sequencing disorder.

Parents of children that presented with difficulties in the sequencing praxis tests

of the SIPT also reported difficulties with tasks requiring fine motor coordination and

handwriting skills. It would be interesting to determine if these deficits are related to the

poor sequencing aspects of praxis or are found to be related to poor proprioceptive

processing as evidenced by their relationship to the slow motions structured observation.

The jumping jacks observation involves sequential and rhythmic changes in limb

posture that require complex levels of bilateral motor coordination and motor planning

(Magalhaes et al., 1989). This is consistent with the findings o f the present study as

explained by the correlation o f this observation with the sequencing praxis test of the

SIPT. Ayres (1972) proposed that the process o f integration o f vestibular and

proprioceptive sensations and the efficiency o f interhemispheral connections are the basis

for good bilateral integration o f both sides o f the body. This further supports the notion o f

the jumping jacks observation being a good indicator o f sequencing praxis and

integration o f vestibular and proprioceptive sensations.

Items related to sequencing o f complex motor acts, which closely resemble those

of the sequencing praxis test o f the SIPT, differentiate between healthy individuals and

patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder (Negash et al., 2004). An innovative line of

inquiry could attempt to determine if children and adolescents diagnosed with bipolar

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disorder present with sensory processing deficits and if they are responsive to treatment

techniques utilizing a sensory integration frame o f reference.

The statistically significant negative correlation of the finger-to-nose left hand

with the sequencing praxis tests of the SIPT could not be accounted for and probably is

not clinically significant. Future research should determine if this association has any

theoretical or clinical relevance in children with sensory integration dysfunction.

Bilateral Motor Coordination

Low scores on this test o f the SIPT were most commonly accompanied with

deficits in oral praxis, graphesthesia, postrotary nystagmus, and sequencing praxis

reflecting a profile of close resemblance to the prototypic group o f low average bilateral

integration and sequencing. This test significantly correlated with low scores in the

Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test. Ayres described this relationship to be

common as performance in bilateral motor coordination may be negatively impacted by

the conditions that contribute to low and high scores in the postrotary nystagmus test

(Ayres, 1989).

It was expected that there would be a significant degree o f relationship between

bilateral motor coordination and the jumping jacks observation, but this association was

not revealed in this study. It is possible that this relationship was not evident because

most o f the sub-items of the bilateral motor coordination test o f the SIPT require the

execution o f asymmetrical movement while the jumping jacks observation requires

reciprocal and symmetrical patterns. A future research study that includes a sample of

older children and incorporates the symmetrical and reciprocal stride jumps could clarify

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this relationship. These measures have been described by Magalhaes et ah, as maturing at

the age o f nine.

The findings o f the present study differ from those reported in the literature as low

scores in postrotary nystagmus have not been correlated with the bilateral motor

coordination test o f the SIPT in a dysfunctional sample. However, this relationship has

been assumed in theory (Ayres, 1989).

Standing and Walking Balance

This test was greatly affected in the sample of this study as most children received

below age expectancy scores. This test o f the SIPT significantly correlated with the

finger-to-thumb opposition, non stress condition observations. This association may be

explained by the shared somatosensory aspects o f both measures.

It was surprising that the standing and walking balance test o f the SIPT did not

correlate with the heel-to-toe observation and its different conditions. The findings

reported in the literature differ greatly in terms o f typical parameters according to

chronological age (Clark & Walkins, 1984; Morris et al., 1982); sex (Ayres, 1980), and

testing under different sensory conditions (Horak & Nashner, 1986; Nashner, 1983;

Nashner et al., 1982). It is possible that no correlation was found among these measures

because the heel-to-toe observation was not able to capture all aspects o f the construct of


Although the heel-to-toe observations tested under different conditions may assist

clinicians in determining which sensory systems are functioning appropriately and which

are unable to trigger a balance reaction at the appropriate time (Deitz et al., 1991),

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additional measures o f balance and postural control should be utilized. It appears that the

construct o f balance would be better captured using a variety o f structured observations

that represent this domain.

Postrotary Nystagmus

This test of the SIPT correlated significantly with the Southern California

Postrotary Nystagmus Test. The association with the Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus Test may support the notion o f stability o f this observation over time, as both

tests were separated by a mean time interval of 3.5 weeks. These findings are in

opposition to those reported by Ottenbacher (1978) who demonstrated that the prone

extension observation was able to predict a score on the postrotary nystagmus test.

Similar to data reported by Fisher and Bundy (1991) the present study did not find

significant associations between decreased postrotary nystagmus and the prone extension


Ottenbacher and Rogers (1983) reported that in children, depressed scores in the

postrotary nystagmus test were associated with supine flexion. This association was not

found in this study as supine flexion and postrotary nystagmus correlation coefficients

did not reach statistical significance. Depressed scores in this test have also been

correlated with poor visuomotor skill, practic management o f two dimensional space

(Ayres, 1989), and reading difficulties (deQuiros and Schrager, 1978; Levinson, 1980).

Similarly, all parents o f the children participating in this study that presented with

decreased scores in the postrotary nystagmus test of the SIPT, reported difficulties in fine

motor coordination and handwriting skills.

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Association with Prototypic Groups

As discussed above, different degrees o f relationships do exist among the SIPT

and the different structured observations utilized in this study. To further the

understanding o f these relationships, clusters o f observations and different groups o f tests

o f the SIPT have been outlined in chapter 4. However, in order to make more meaningful

interpretations, the associations o f positive correlations with the two prototypic groups,

low average bilateral integration and sequencing and visuo- and somatodyspraxia using

rotated factors was explored.

The low average bilateral integration and sequencing prototypic group.

By means o f Q-factor analytic techniques Ayres (1969a) described low academic

functioning as being associated with deficits in postural and bilateral integration. She

described this group o f children as presenting with poorly integrated postural and ocular

mechanisms, difficulties with bilateral integration, and a non-specific visual perceptual

deficit (Ayres, 1972). More recently these children have been described in terms o f their

scores on the SIPT as presenting with difficulties in oral praxis, sequencing praxis,

bilateral motor coordination, standing and walking balance, and graphesthesia (Ayres,

1989). In the present study, when children with this cluster were separated from the total

sample they presented with specific deficits in different structured observations. As a

group, these children were best represented by deficits in prone extension, heel-to-toe,

jumping jacks, finger-to-thumb opposition, and the Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus Test. In addition, some children presented with deficits in the supine flexion


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This association appears to be meaningful as these structured observations reflect

the processing o f vestibular-proprioceptive inputs and motor planning components. It is

unfortunate that none of these observations tapped into the feedforward mechanisms that

have been reported to be common among children with bilateral integration and

sequencing disorder (Fisher et al., 1991; 2000). Future research could attempt to establish

this relationship.

The visuo- and somatodyspraxia prototypic group.

This prototypic group was best represented by deficits in prone extension, supine

flexion, fmger-to-nose, and the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test and

inconsistent scores in the heel-to-toe and jumping jacks observations. This was not

surprising as some o f these observations share a common ground with the ability to plan

and execute non habitual motor tasks, a concept central to praxis (Ayres, 1969a).

Children with developmental dyspraxia have also been described as having minor

neo-cerebellar disturbances, usually bilateral, and/or o f vermian disturbance (Lesny,

1980). This may have been one o f the reasons for these children presenting with deficits

in the fmger-to-nose observation.

The performance o f these children as a group was difficult to establish on a

quantitative basis. Oftentimes they needed to be re-tested as it was common to get the

impression that they were not performing at their best. This may be consistent with the

description o f these children as emotionally labile and their tendency to present with

behavioral problems (Ayres, 1979). Most of the time testing problems were related to the

child being silly or inconsistent during their performance of an observation which made it

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difficult to ascertain a specific score. This was particularly true during the administration

o f the heel-to-toe observation in which these children tended to have very unstable

performance, varying greatly in different administrations.

Other types o f difficulties often observed in these children was a great degree of

difficulty in achieving the requested testing position. However, some of them were

observed to assume the correct position after the examiner finalized the scoring o f the

requested observation. When examining adults with schizophrenia Krebs et al. (2000)

described performance differences and instability and proposed that the most appropriate

level of measurement when examining neurological soft signs should be on qualitative

rather than all-or-nothing scales. Perhaps, the development of new instruments to

measure structured observations should reflect this line o f thinking to better capture an

unstable level o f performance that appears typical o f children in this group.

Theoretical and Tentative Data Reduction Model

Exploratory factor analysis techniques have long been used in behavioral and

health sciences. Many parameters that are standard in other statistical techniques such as

power, sample size and so forth are still debatable when using factor analysis (Arrindel &

van der Ende, 1985; Cattell, 1978). Therefore this technique has been utilized with as few

as 20 subjects with some degree o f success (Arrindel & van der Ende). When the

structured observations o f children presenting with a close fit to the low average bilateral

integration and sequencing were submitted to exploratory factor analysis for data

reduction, two main results emerged. They were represented by a grouping o f

observations composed of the jumping jacks observation and its three sub-variables

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together with the supine flexion observation. The second factor consisted o f the heel-to-

toe eyes closed -so ft surface, prone extension and slow motion observations. The third

was composed o f the fmger-to-nose and diadochokinesis observations. These factors may

represent three components that describe a) motor planning and aspects o f bilateral

sequencing, b) a vestibulo-proprioceptive, and c) cerebellar aspects o f speed,

acceleration, and trajectory. These findings need to be further explored and considered

with caution, and efforts should be made for their detection in a larger scale study. The

grouping o f children that were a close fit to the visuo-somatodyspraxia was inconclusive

due to sample size and lack o f adequate factor loading.

Forward Linear Regression Model

When the liner regression model was obtained, the power o f prediction of

different structured observations in relationship to different tests o f the SIPT was

determined and judged to be low, as expected. The Southern California Postrotary

Nystagmus Test was the most common predictor o f performance in different tests o f the

SIPT, although most structured observations that entered and remained in the forward

regression model at 5% significance level could only partially explain the variability of

the different measures o f the SIPT. Variability levels varied greatly with different

structured observations and were not superior to 62%. All the other structured

observations that entered and remained in the forward regression model at 5%

significance level explained variability levels in different tests o f the SIPT and ranged

from 19% to 56%. Kinesthesia, praxis on verbal command, and constructional praxis

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tests of the SIPT were not predicted by any structured observation at any level to enter

and remain in the forward regression model at 5% significance level.

Implications for Practice

To further the understanding o f the developmental parameters, deficits, and

common associations among different structured observations, these need to be used

consistently following similar measurement parameters. The use o f structured

observations provides clinicians with a simple and useful evaluation technique for

children with sensory integration deficit and other disorders. The behaviors observed

during the administration o f structured observations in children are particularly intriguing

because they appear to be stable in nature, may guide clinicians in their treatment

approach, and may be relatively unaffected in different social and cultural settings. If this

could be further investigated and demonstrated, this method o f assessment may be useful

for comparative evaluation o f development and deficits across cultures and provide a

relatively cultural and social free basis for the occupational therapy assessment process.

This method o f examination may be o f particular potential value for the screening

of children who present with deficits in fine motor coordination and handwriting who are

often referred to occupational therapy practitioners. These children may be at risk for

later school failure. Structured observations have been related to areas as diverse as

school performance (Denhoff & Siqueland, 1968) and as specific as mental age (Strauss

& Carrison, 1942).

Although it is not possible to ascertain what scores should be expected in the SIPT

given a set o f structured observations, clinicians should be alert to the degree of

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statistically significant relationships among different measures as well as to how different

observations partially explain scores in the SIPT measures. The same is true for different

structured observations, as the SIPT is not able to predict their specific performance.

Clinicians also need to be aware o f the true nature of correlational research and its

inability to establish causal relationships (Portney & Watkins, 1993). Its value is

accumulative in nature; therefore, future studies could add significant value to and

clarification o f these relationships. Clinicians should pay special attention to both

individual performances as well as to meaningful clusters of these observations.

The simplicity, swiftness, and flexibility o f different structured observations make

them suitable for most settings. However, an important conclusion to keep in mind is

that their interpretation is a very complex process. Errors in clinical reasoning guiding the

interpretation of these observations may result in findings that could be misleading for

further assessment and treatment planning.

A review o f all different structured observations, after their administration and

scoring, appears to warrant different levels o f validity and trustworthiness. At the first

and highest level, clinicians may find some structured observations o f which

administration, scoring, and interpretation have been carefully and systematically revised

in the literature. These observations include prone extension, prone extension quality,

supine flexion (Dunn, 1981; Fraser, 1983; Gregory-Flock & Yerxa, 1984; Harris, 1981;

Longo-Kimber, 1984), jumping jacks (Magalhaes et al., 1989), and postrotary

nystyagmus (Ayres, 1975). A second level is comprised of observations which have been

studied widely by several disciplines but whose scoring and interpretation is still posing a

challenge for clinicians. At this level therapists and other health professionals find

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balance measures (Deitz et al., 1991), diadochokinesis (Adams et al., 1974; Grant et al.),

and finger -to-thumb opposition (Grant, Boelsche & Zin, 1973). At the third and lowest

level, therapists may find structured observations whose clinical relevance and meaning

have been explored mostly at a theoretical level but no attempts have been made for a

systematic way o f collecting quantitative and/or qualitative information. These

observations include the slow motions, modified Schilder’s arm extension test (Dunn,

1981; Silver, 1952; Silver and Hagin, 1952), and fmger-to-nose observations (Dunn,

1981; Touwen & Prechtl, 1970).

The loci or neuroanatomical basis for most neurological soft signs continues to be

investigated mostly in adult populations affected by psychiatric disorders. Very few

conclusions can be drawn from these studies other than the fact that they appear to be

manifested by a reduction o f grey matter volume o f subcortical structures, particularly the

putamen, globus pallidus, and thalamus (Dazzan et al., 2004; Dazzan & Murray, 2002).

Even though it is possible that the same could be manifested in children, this research is

just emerging. On the other hand, signs o f sensory integration deficits were additionally

associated with volume reduction in the cerebral cortex including the precentral, superior,

and middle temporal lobes, and lingual gyri in adults with psychiatric conditions.

Implications for Further Research and Recommendations

From the findings o f this study it appears that two important lines o f inquiry

should be developed to improve the utilization and reliability o f different structured

observations. These aspects can be categorized as measurement issues, specifically

construct validity, and reliability during repeated measures.

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Future research efforts should concentrate first and foremost on appropriately

defining the construct validity o f structured observations. There are several problems

with existing protocols and they should be resolved to reflect current trends in the

examination and interpretation process in light o f more recent research findings in several

fields of study. A panel o f experts and pilot studies should carefully screen typically

developing children to ascertain normative performance. Secondly, a series o f studies

dealing with children with different functional deficits should be carefully planned. This

second group o f studies is lacking in the literature. This problem tends to generate

protocols and measures with adequate face validity that may not be reliable when dealing

with children with different types o f dysfunction. The great value that different groups of

observations offer to clinicians, highlights the need for a re-standardization process. This

could greatly assist clinicians in collecting information during the screening or

assessment process in an inexpensive and non-obtrusive manner.

If future research is to use similar procedures to the ones utilized during this

study, several problems need to be carefully thought through. As described earlier, few

issues exist with structured observations that have been described at the first level. Both

prone extension and supine flexion should be carefully reviewed to determine which is

the most adequate testing position. In addition, supine flexion needs a qualitative scale

that may capture different aspects o f performance. Furthermore, several criticisms have

surrounded the administration and scoring o f postrotary nystagmus, the most common

probably being the interference of visual fixation and lighting conditions (Ottenbacher &

Short, 1985). Perhaps the performance should be recorded under light and non light

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conditions, and a way o f determining a fixed angle to support the head during rotation

should be dealt with to increase the validity o f this measure in children.

Measures o f balance under different sensory conditions are ideal, but the

practicality o f their administration in the clinical setting needs to be further explored.

Perhaps the most valuable way o f utilizing these observations is through a composite

score that takes into account different postures and different conditions. The most salient

problem with these measures seems to be their variability in normal and dysfunctional

children. More refined instruments that incorporate computers or videotaping would be

ideal, but would also severely decrease their flexibility and cost o f administration.

Finger-to-thumb opposition and diadochokinesis have been described at length in

the literature and their protocols appear to be well developed. Adding components that

limit the number o f sensory systems utilized during performance may help to clarify their

interpretation. A non visual condition would be highly desirable.

Observations that have been described as part o f the third and lowest level need

serious revisions. Although there is no doubt that the slow motions, modified Schilder’s

arm extension test, and fmger-to-nose observations may help clinicians to identify the

nature o f a suspected dysfunction, their administration and scoring has not been studied

systematically. There is some uniformity in the belief o f what the underlying domain of

function is for these measures, and future research should carefully determine what

aspects o f these observations are worth measuring, as well as their interpretation. In this

regard, the modified Schilder’s arm extension test is probably the most complex as little

is known about the mechanisms mediating differences in its performance. Indication of

cerebral hemisphere dominance and a high incidence o f reading disability when

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difficulties in this observation are detected has been suggested (Silver, 1952; Silver &

Hagin, 1952). These, however, have not been the problems reported by the parents of

children who presented with difficulties in this observation in the present study. Sample

size factor interference needs to be considered as the original study included a larger

sample (Silver, 1952; Silver and Hagin, 1952).

Although neuroimaging techniques have not been used in children with sensory

integration dysfunction, the literature reported significant differences in brain structure

when several o f the soft signs were present (Mercuri, Dubowitz, et al., 1995; Nickoloff et

al., 1991). However, these studies have mostly been done in adult populations and have

been disorder specific. If this is the case with children who are treated by occupational

therapists in their daily practice, there is some evidence that well conducted neurological

examinations could match the findings o f imaging techniques (Mercuri, Dubowitz et al.,

Nickoloff et al.)

Clusters o f observations could reflect specific types o f occupational performance

deficits. This is an area o f research that has not been fully explored. Are particular

clusters o f deficits in structured observations more likely to affect different areas o f

activity? Associations between structured observations and activities o f daily living,

specific fine motor tasks, and specific areas o f school performance may assist clinicians

in designing appropriate types o f intervention. If decreased sensory processing is an

underlying cause o f poor performance in structured observations, and these observations

are related to specific task performance outcome measures, then evidence based practice

would be a logical end product.

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A specific cluster o f observations have been detected in children who presented

with a profile o f close resemblance to low average bilateral integration and sequencing

and visuo and somatodypraxia. These associations should be further explored using

cluster analysis and a sample size which could provide more adequate power. Similarly, a

factor analysis o f greater scale should be conducted to determine if a smaller group of

items are measuring the same domain and to assist in the development o f better scales of


Limitations o f the Study

One of the most limiting factors in this study was its sample size, lack of

randomization and especially the fact that all scores were derived from different studies

and samples. Small sample size studies, although suitable for correlational and

exploratory factor analysis studies may provide only tentative results and their strength is

related to cumulative efforts.

Another aspect to take into account is the sample characteristics; children who

present with sensory integration dysfunction may often present with other disorders.

Although there was not evidence o f this in the sample studied, this factor should be kept

in mind. In addition, the children that were part o f this study were undergoing

occupational therapy treatment. Although measures were taken to prevent maturation,

history, and treatment effect, they still could have affected the results. With the exception

o f children who presented with motor planning difficulties or a close fit to the visuo and

somatodyspraxia, subjects were cooperative. This could have also impacted the results of

this study.

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Limitations should also be considered in the measurement instruments,

particularly with the balance and slow motion measures, as extrapolations needed to be

conducted in order to score older children. For the most part this did not constitute a real

problem as those children in the sample performed well below their age expectancies,

therefore resembling the performance o f a younger child. However, future studies should

take into account that a child may perform at or above his/her chronological age limit,

therefore normative information may not be available.

Last, the results o f the tentative exploratory factor analysis should only be

considered for illustrative purposes as sample size may have negatively affected its

results. Sample size determination in factor analytic studies are subject to a great level of

debate among different authors. Addressing these issues of concern in future research is

highly desirable and perhaps sample size should be determined based on ratio sample to

expected factors.


Some degree o f significant associations was found between the SIPT and the

utilized structured observations which led to partially rejecting the notion o f no

relationship between both measures, the first hypothesis proposed by this study. This was

proven by reported statistical significant correlation coefficients between both measures

which was an unanticipated outcome. The degree o f overlapping was small and judged to

approximate 5%.

When a linear regression model was obtained, the power o f prediction o f the

structured observations was determined and judged to be low. This offers support for the

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second hypothesis o f this study that postulated that structured observations could not

statistically and significantly describe different SIPT profiles.

When separated into groups that approached the SIPT prototypic groups, the

observations appeared to assume a construct that theoretically approached the processing

o f vestibular-proprioceptive and motor planning aspects o f performance in the low

average bilateral integration and sequencing disorder and, not so clearly, a praxis

component in the visuo and somatodyspraxia disorder. Structured observations scores of

children with the most common profile o f low average bilateral integration and

sequencing disorder appear to group in three areas defined for illustrative and descriptive

purposes as a) motor planning and aspects o f bilateral sequencing, b) a vestibulo-

proprioceptive, and c) a cerebellar aspects o f speed.

The most important aspect for clinical practice is the flexibility o f the measures

utilized for this study, as they may tap into areas not affected by cultural and

socioeconomic factors. In addition, their utilization is o f great value for screening and

present to the child a non-threatening challenge. Low cost should not be taken lightly as

funding issues usually affect pediatric occupational therapy practice methods.

Important considerations for future research include specific delineation o f the

construct under study and establishing clear parameters for measurement o f qualitative

and quantitative aspects o f performance during the administration and scoring o f different

structured observations. This process and the value held by these inexpensive and flexible

measures calls for a joint effort in re standardization.

Several limitations could be identified in the present study, the most important

being those related to sample size, randomization, and the heterogeneity o f the samples

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that composed the typical groups from which all different structured observations

standard scores were obtained. Heterogeneity o f children with sensory integration

dysfunction is another important aspect as it affected the sample o f this study.

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Family Flyer

m m
Research Protocol No. HPD-CAHN06130508EXP.

A research study is being conducted at Therapy West, Inc. This research study is being
conducted by Gustavo Reinoso, OTR/L as part o f his doctoral dissertation research from
Nova Southeastern University (NSU). This study seeks to understand how a group o f
structured observations in a clinical setting correlate with a standardized assessment tool,
the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT).

If your child is receiving occupational therapy services and is between the age o f 5 and 8
yrs. he/she may qualify to participate in this study. If you decide to participate, your child
may receive the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) and a group o f structured
clinical observations at no cost. Should you have any questions or wish to receive more
information, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

Gustavo Reinoso, OTR/L

Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Therapy West, Inc.
(310) 337-7115 #165

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Therapist’s Flyer


Research Protocol No. HPD-CAHN06130508EXP.

A research study is being conducted at Therapy West, Inc. This research study is
conducted by Gustavo Reinoso, OTR/L as part o f his doctoral dissertation research from
Nova Southeastern University (NSU). This study seeks to understand how a group of
structured observations correlate with the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT).
Are you currently working with a client who is between 5 and 8 yrs. o f age? If so, your
client may qualify for this study and be tested with the Sensory Integration and Praxis
Tests (SIPT) and a group o f structured clinical observations at no cost. If you are
interested or want to receive more information please contact me at:

Gustavo Reinoso, OTR/L

Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Therapy West, Inc.
(310) 337-7115 #165

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Data Collection Instrument


1. Supine Flexion Postural Test (SFPT)

Item Duration (Sec.)
Flexion in Supine

2. Prone Extension (PE)

Ilem Duration (sec.)
Categories 1 Score
(0) Does not assume 0
(1) Segmentally 1
(2) Smoothly and quickly, all body parts simultaneously 2
(0) Face remains on mat 0
(1) Face raises less than 45 and/or position o f head varies 1
(2) Face vertical (>45) and held steady 2
Upper Trunk
(0) Shoulders remain on mat 0
(1) Back minimally arched and/or elbows forward o f shoulders 1
(2) Definite arch and elbows even with back o f shoulders 2

(0) Thighs remain on mat 0

(1) Barely off, paper can be slid under knees, but not much above 1
(2) Clearly o ff the mat, from midthigh distally 2
(0) Knees remain on mat 0
(1) Definitively flexed (50 or more) 1
(2) Slightly bent (45 or less) 2
M aintains
(0) Minimal effort due to knees remaining on mat 0
(1) Considerable effort 1
(2) M oderate exertion expended 2
Based on Gregory-Flock and Yerxa (1984) ©American Occupational Therapy Association
3. Post Rotary Nystagmus (PRN)
Duration Seconds SD
To the LEFT
To the RIGHT
Difference in s between L and R
Lesser duration L R

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4. Slow Motions (SM)

Item Score
Symmetrical movements 0 1
Hands reach shoulders together 0 1
Performance (smooth , jerky) 0 1

5. Finger to Nose (FN)

Item D istance (to the
n e a re s t 0.5 cm )
R arm
L arm

6. Diadokokinesis (DIA)
F or N o n -S tre ss, u se b e st o f 3 tria ls.
F o r S tr e ss, a sk th e c h ild to “ d o th e ta sk a s fa st as
you can” S k ills L ev el N on stre ss S tress
S k ill C o m p o n e n t ____________ _
A. A b ility ______________________________
Alternates supination and pronation each time
Fails to alternate 5 times per trial
Fails to alternate 5-10 times per trial
N o alternate movement
B. U n c o n tro lle d S la p p in g M o v e m e n ts
N o slapping
5 slaps per trial
5-10 slaps per trial
W ild waving o f hands
C . H a n d E lev a tio n
Smoothly and definitively picks hands up o ff surface
Barely lifts hands from surface
Rolls hands over on lateral edge without picking up
D . S y m m e tr y o f m o v e m e n ts
Perfect symmetry
Slight asymmetry
Gross asymmetry


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7. Finger-to-thiimb opposition
F o r N o n -S tress, u se b e st o f
3 tria ls. N on stre ss S tress
F o r S tress, a sk th e ch ild to S k ill C o m p o n e n t
S k ills L ev el
“d o th e ta s k as fa st a s y ou
ca n ” R R
A. A b le -U n a b le
Touches thumb with tip o f each finger in functional position
Touches tip o f each fmger flexed near the palm and pressed
Touches thumb with other than tip o f finger (based o I
D oes not attempt to touch finger
B. C lu m p in g o f fin g e rs
N o clumping
Clumping o f 2 fingers
Clumping o f 3 fingers
Clumping o f 3 fingers
C. C o n tr a la te r a l o v e r flo w M o v e m e n ts
N o overflow detected (0)_________
Slight m ovem ent o f 1 or 2 fingers
Movements o f 2 or more fingers or marked m ovements o f 2
or less
Movement o f fingers and hand m uscles
D. T im in g
Very smooth (no hesitation)
Slight hesitation (3 sec.) between fingers
Hesitation o f 3 sec, or opens hand between fingers
“Spastic” m ovements with inability to bring tip o f finger to
E. S e q u en c e
Touches each finger in order
M isses 2 finger or touches 1 finger tw ice in succession
M isses more than 1 finger or touches more than one finger
tw ice in succession
Touches fingers in random order


i. Modified Schilder’s Arm Extension Test (SAT)

Direction o f Rotation A m ount o f Trunk rotation Score
To the R 0 0
0-45 1
45-90 2
To the L 0 0
0-45 1
45-90 2

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9. Jumping Jacks (JJ)

Learning Phase
Item Score
.. 5 ... .... \ v 4m 3; L " =v : . - r a - ; .... ..
R esponse to Spontaneous Needs second Needs verbal Needs verbal and Unable to perform
Instruction dem onstration structure physical structure
Initiation o f Sm ooth and Does one to two Hesitates or Performs only with Is unable to perform
sequences uninterrupted; able false starts, but then interrupts between examiner or initiates different
to do five in a row is correct sequences m ovem ent pattern
Coordination o f Rhythm ical, lull Is awkward, Reverses pattern Coordinates only Jum ps in place with
arms and legs pattern incomplete, or slow after two or three arms or only legs no coordination
Performance Phase
Item Score
5 4 . 3: - 2: - 1
N um ber o f full > 10 9 to 7 6 to 4 3 to 1 <1
patterns in 10 sec.
Quality o f Rhythm ical Is slightly awkward Has two or more Is unable to keep Does only
perform ance uninterrupted full or has one interruptions or pattern; tends to do incomplete
pattern interruption; loses reverses after four incomplete jum ps sequences
or reverses pattern to five jum ps with after two or three
but corrects no correction jumps
Learning Phase Perform ance Phase Total Score
Score Score
Based on Magalhanes, Koomar & Cermark (1989). ©American Occupational Therapy Association

10. Balance: P-CTSI] 3 Heel-to-toe

Surface Normal I II Score
Condition 1
Condition 2
Surface Foam
Condition 3
Condition 4

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Table 1

Structured Observations, their Nomenclature, Name, Type, and Level o f Measurements

Structured Observations

Variable Nomenclature Name Type of Level of

Measurement Measurement

1 SF Supine Flexion Postural Seconds Interval

2 PE Prone Extension Seconds Interval
Prone Extension Raw Score Ratio
3 SCPRN Southern California Seconds Interval
Post-rotary Nystagmus
4 SM Slow Motions Raw Score Ratio
5 FN-R Finger-to-nose (right) Centimeters Interval
FN-L Finger-to-nose
6 Diadokokinesis Total Raw Score Ratio
Diadokokinesis Non- Raw Score Ratio
DIA-S Diadokokinesis Stress Raw Score Ratio
7 F inger-to-Thumb Raw Score Ratio
Opposition Total Score
Finger-to-Thumb Raw Score Ratio
Opposition Non-Stress
Finger-to-Thumb Raw Score Ratio
Opposition Stress
8 Schilder’s Arm Raw Score Ratio
Extension Test


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Table 1

Structured Observations, their Nomenclature, Name, Type, and Level of Measurements


Structured Observations

Variable Nomenclature Name Type o f Level of

Measurement Measurement
9 JJ-L Jumping Jacks Raw Score Ratio
Learning Phase Score

JJ-P Jumping Jacks Raw Score Ratio

Performance Phase
JJ-10 Jumping Jacks in 10 Raw Score Ratio
JJ-T Jumping Jacks Total Raw Score Ratio

Heel-to-toe, eyes open,

H TT-0
firm surface
Heel-to-toe, eyes
closed, firm surface
10 Heel-to-toe, eyes open, Seconds Interval
soft surface
Heel-to-toe, eyes
HTT-C-S closed, soft surface

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Table 2

The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, their Nomenclature, Name, Type, and Level of


Variable Nomenclature Name Type o f Level of

Measurement Measurement

1 SV Space Visualizations Standardized Interval

Figure Ground
2 FG Perception Standardized Interval
Manual Form Perception
3 MFP Standardized Interval
4 KIN Kinesthesia Standardized Interval
5 FI Finger Identification Standardized Interval
6 GRA Graphesthesia Standardized Interval
7 Localization of Tactile Standardized Interval
8 Praxis on Verbal Standardized Interval
9 DC Design Copying Standardized Interval
10 Constructional Praxis Standardized Interval
11 PPR Postural Praxis Standardized Interval
12 OPR Oral Praxis Standardized Interval
13 SPR Sequencing Praxis Standardized Interval
14 Bilateral Motor Standardized Interval
15 Standing and Walking Standardized Interval
16 MAC Motor Accuracy Standardized Interval
17 PRN Postrotary Nystagmus Standardized Interval

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Table 3

Sample Characteristics

Number Mean Age Measurement Reason for Referral


21 6.7 yrs. 3.5 weeks 01a, 02b, 03c, 04d, 05e,

06f, 07g

aFine motor coordination & Handwriting. bDisruptive Behavior. 'Gross Motor

Coordination & Sports. dLanguage. 'Attention. fHigh Motor Activity. gSchool


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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables

Variable SV FG

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient 0.11 -0.09

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient -0.21 -0.20

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.24 0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient -0.21 -0.42

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient -0.28 -0.48

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.03**

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient 0.27 0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SF Correlation Coefficient 0.15 -0.11

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.43 -0.22

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.05*

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SV FG

FN-R Correlation Coefficient -0.09 0.45

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.04**

FN-L Correlation Coefficient -0.12 0.31

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA Correlation Coefficient 0.04 0.28

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.08 -0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient -0.22 -0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient 0.21 0.45

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.04**

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.35 0.34

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SV FG

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient 0.25 0.37

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.21 0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.51 0.15

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.02**

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient 0.18 0.35

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient 0.31 0.21

Sig. ( 2 -ta ile d )

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient 0.26 0.24

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient 0.32 0.23

Sig. ( 2 -ta ile d )

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables

Variable MFP KIN

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient 0.13 -0.26

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient 0.01 0.20

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.35 0.08

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient -0.08 -0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient -0.20 -0.16

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient 0.05 0.01

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SF Correlation Coefficient -0.08 0.19

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.34 0.20

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable MFP KIN

FN-R Correlation Coefficient 0.09 0.30

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FN-L Correlation Coefficient 0.30 0.08

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA Correlation Coefficient 0.22 0.38

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.01 0.17

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient -0.08 -0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient 0.39 0.35

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.23 0.10

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable MFP KIN

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient 0.37 0.25

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.23 0.06

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.38 -0.11

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient 0.01 0.23

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient 0.20 0.30

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient 0.26 0.29

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient 0.05 0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables

Variable FI GRA

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient 0.24 -0.28

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient 0.28 -0.03

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient -0.06 0.01

Sig. ( 2 -ta ile d )

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient 0.30 -0.17

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient 0.34 -0.25

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient -0.13 -0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SF Correlation Coefficient -0.002 0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.44 0.19

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.04**

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable FI GRA

FN-R Correlation Coefficient -0.16 0.15

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FN-L Correlation Coefficient -0.11 -0.04

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA Correlation Coefficient -0.14 0.001

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.005 0.08

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient 0.20 -0.17

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient -0.15 0.35

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.15 0.10

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable FI GRA

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient 0.15 0.41

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.34 0.04

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.70 -0.16

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.0004**

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient -0.18 0.25

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient -0.10 0.33

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient -0.05 0.41

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient 0.04 0.15

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable LTS PVC

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient 0.35 0.24

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient 0.13 0.01

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.22 -0.14

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient 0.02 0.10

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient 0.17 0.15

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient 0.08 0.04

Sig. ( 2 -ta ile d )

SF Correlation Coefficient 0.13 -0.30

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.17 0.18

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable LTS PVC

FN-R Correlation Coefficient -0.52 0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.02**

FN-L Correlation Coefficient -0.19 0.01

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA Correlation Coefficient -0.17 -0.26

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.07 -0.003

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient 0.16 0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient -0.39 -0.06

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.07 0.24

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable LTS PVC

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient -0.06 -0.13

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.12 0.38

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.07 0.39

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient 0.04 -0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient 0.14 -0.20

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient 0.07 -0.15

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient 0.19 -0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable DC CPR

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient -0.13 -0.13

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient 0.38 0.03

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.06 0.05

Sig. ( 2 -ta ile d )

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient 0.02 0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient -0.16 0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient -0.44 -0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.047**

SF Correlation Coefficient 0.36 0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.05 0.35

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable DC CPR

FN-R Correlation Coefficient 0.23 0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FN-L Correlation Coefficient 0.25 0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA Correlation Coefficient 0.34 0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.11 -0.04

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient 0.22 -0.15

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient 0.29 0.16

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.03 0.23

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable DC CPR

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient 0.25 0.03

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient -0.22 0.25

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient -0.10 0.19

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient -0.07 -0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient 0.03 -0.04

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient 0.10 -0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient -0.13 -0.13

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable PP OPR

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient -0.03 0.38

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient -0.36 0.43

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.05*

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.23 0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient -0.01 0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient -0.11 0.19

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient 0.20 -0.08

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SF Correlation Coefficient 0.001 0.24

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.08 0.06

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable PP OPR

FN-R Correlation Coefficient 0.34 0.61

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.004**

FN-L Correlation Coefficient 0.08 0.68

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.0007**

DIA Correlation Coefficient 0.05 0.50

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.02**

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.14 0.22

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient -0.35 0.36

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient -0.03 0.27

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.11 0.09

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable PP OPR

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient -0.16 0.26

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.18 0.06

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.17 0.32

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient -0.17 -0.22

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient -0.18 -0.25

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient -0.30 -0.33

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient -0.19 -0.22

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SP BMC

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient 0.11 -0.14

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient -0.10 -0.14

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.16 0.09

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient 0.06 -0.14

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient -0.01 -0.11

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient -0.09 -0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SF Correlation Coefficient 0.11 -0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.64 0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.002**

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SP BMC

FN-R Correlation Coefficient -0.07 0.20

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FN-L Correlation Coefficient -0.52 0.04

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.02**

DIA Correlation Coefficient -0.23 -0.14

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.12 -0.10

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient -0.17 -0.31

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient 0.23 0.18

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.40 0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SP BMC

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient 0.08 -0.10

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.45 0.36

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.04**

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.21 0.51

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.02**

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient 0.23 0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient 0.37 0.06

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient 0.38 0.18

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient 0.44 0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.04**

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SWB MAC

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient 0.39 0.38

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient -0.36 -0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.13 0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient -0.35 0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient -0.12 -0.26

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient 0.39 -0.11

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SF Correlation Coefficient -0.28 -0.12

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.16 0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SWB MAC

FN-R Correlation Coefficient 0.08 -0.06

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FN-L Correlation Coefficient 0.01 0.17

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA Correlation Coefficient -0.02 0.25

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.07 0.03

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient -0.24 0.11

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient 0.24 0.26

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient 0.44 0.25

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.048**

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable SWB MAC

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient 0.06 0.14

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.26 0.11

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.12 0.20

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient 0.39 -0.19

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient 0.38 -0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient 0.29 -0.02

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient 0.42 -0.08

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable PRN

H TT-0 Correlation Coefficient 0.18

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C Correlation Coefficient -0.09

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-O-S Correlation Coefficient 0.21

Sig. (2 - tailed)

HTT-C-S Correlation Coefficient -0.10

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE Correlation Coefficient -0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

PE-Q Correlation Coefficient 0.06

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SF Correlation Coefficient 0.17

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SM Correlation Coefficient 0.16

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable PRN

FN-R Correlation Coefficient -0.09

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FN-L Correlation Coefficient 0.30

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA Correlation Coefficient 0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.18

Sig. (2 - tailed)

DIA-S Correlation Coefficient -0.23

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-TS Correlation Coefficient 0.04

Sig. (2 - tailed)

FTO-NS Correlation Coefficient -0.04

Sig. (2 - tailed)

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Table 4

Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficients among all dependent variables (Cont.)

Variable PRN

FTO-S Correlation Coefficient 0.28

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SAT Correlation Coefficient 0.08

Sig. (2 - tailed)

SCPNT Correlation Coefficient 0.62

Sig. (2 - tailed) 0.003**

JJ-L Correlation Coefficient -0.03

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-P Correlation Coefficient 0.004

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-10 Correlation Coefficient 0.05

Sig. (2 - tailed)

JJ-T Correlation Coefficient -0.07

Sig. (2 - tailed)

Note: H T T -0 = H eel-to-toe, eyes open, firm surface; HTT-C = Heel-to-toe, eyes closed, firm surface; HTT-O-S = Heel-to-toe, eyes

open, soft surface; HTT-C-S = Heel-to-toe, eyes closed, soft surface; PE = Prone extension; PEQ = Prone extension quality; SF =

Supine flexion; SM = Slow m otions; FN-R = Finger-to-nose, right; FN-L = Finger-to-nose -le ft; DIA = Diadochokinesis total score;

D1A -N S = Diadochokinesis, no stress condition; DIA-S = Diadochokinesis -stress condition; FTO-TS = Finger-to-thum b opposition,

total score; FTO-NS = Finger-to-thum b opposition, non stress condition; FTO-S = Finger-to-thumb opposition, stress condition; SAT

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= M odified Schilder’s arm extension test; SCPNT = Southern California postrotary nystagmus test; JJ-L = Jum ping jacks, learning

phase score; JJ-P = Jum ping jacks -perform ance phase score; JJ-10 = N um ber o f jum ping jacks in 10 seconds; JJ-T = Jum ping jacks,

total score; SV = Space visualization; FG = Figure ground perception; M FP = Manual form perception; KIN = Kinesthesia; FI =

Finger identification; GRA = Graphesthesia; LTS = Localization o f Tactile Stimuli; PVC = Praxis on verbal com mand; OPR = Oral

praxis; SPR = Sequencing praxis; BM C = Bilateral m otor coordination; SWB = Standing and walking balance; MAC = M otor

accuracy; PRN= Postrotary nystagmus.

*p < .05. = *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2 -tailed); ** p <.01. = Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 -tailed).

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Forward Linear Regression Model

Table 17

Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPN) and Jumping Jacks, Total Score

And the Variability o f Space Visualization (SV)

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR > F

Squares Square

Model 2 16.31401 8.15700 13.92 0.0002

Error 18 10.54897 0.58605

Table 17 (Cont.)

Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPN) and Jumping Jacks, Total Score

(JJ-T) And the Variability o f Space Visualization (SV)

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR> F

Estimate Error

Intercept 2.11987 0.62962 6.64352 11.34 0.0034

SCPNT 1.42593 0.29732 13.48034 23.00 0.0001

JJ-T 0.54943 0.17081 6.06377 10.35 0.0048

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Table 18

Heel-to-toe eyes open soft surface (HTT-O-S), Prone Extension Quality (PEQ) and

Finger-to-thumb Opposition Total Score (FTO-TS) And the Variability o f Design


Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR>F

Squares Square

Model 3 21.06689 7.02230 7.09 0.0027

Error 17 16.84503 0.99088

Corrected 20 37.91191

Table 18 (Cont.)

Heel-to-toe eyes open soft surface (HTT-O-S), Prone Extension Quality (PEQ) and

Finger-to-thumb Opposition Total Score (FTO-TS) And the Variability o f Design


Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept -0.59626 0.78159 0.57669 0.58 0.4560

HTT-O-S -0.92183 0.32318 8.06187 8.14 0.0110

PEQ -1.28225 0.30261 17.79121 17.95 0.0006

FTO-TS 0.63193 0.25312 6.17585 6.23 0.231

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Table 19

Finger-to- nose Right (FTN-R) and Left (FN-L) and the Variability o f Oral Praxis

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR>F

Squares Square

Model 2 7.46504 3.73252 10.02 0.0012

Error 18 6.70682 0.37260

Corrected 20 14.17186

Table 19 (Cont.)

Finger-to-nose Right (FN-R) and Left (FN-L) And the Variability o f Oral Praxis

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR> F

Estimate Error

Intercept -0.68854 0.16386 6.57933 17.66 0.0005

FN-R 0.22010 0.09969 1.81613 4.87 0.0405

FN-L 0.28191 0.12114 2.01777 5.42 0.0318

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Diadochokinesis Non stress (DIA-NS) the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus

Test and the Variability o f Postrotary Nystagmus

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR> F

Squares Square

Model 2 4.71208 2.35604 8.11 0.0031

Error 18 5.22724 0.29040

Corrected 20 9.93931

Table 20 (Cont.)

Diadochokinesis Non stress (DIA-NS) the Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus

Test and the Variability of Postrotary Nystagmus

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept 0.35025 0.42709 0.19531 0.67 0.4229

DIA-NS -0.17010 0.06590 1.93519 6.66 0.0188

SCPNT 0.66331 0.20437 3.05916 10.53 0.0045

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Table 21

The Heel-to-toe Eyes Closed (HTT-C-S) Soft Surface and the Prone Extension and

The Variability o f Standing and Walking Balance

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR> F

Squares Square

Model 2 12.26521 6.13261 7.76 0.0037

Error 18 14.22742 0.79041

Corrected 20 26.49263

Table 21 (Cont.)

The Heel-to-toe Eyes Closed (HTT-C-S) Soft Surface and the Prone Extension and

The Variability o f Standing and Walking Balance

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR> F

Estimate Error

Intercept -1.16648 0.57885 3.20979 4.06 0.0591

HTT-C-S -1.91364 0.52428 10.53039 13.32 0.0018

PE 1.10761 0.46176 4.54766 5.75 0.0275

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Table 22

The Heel-to-toe Eyes Open Firm Surface (HTT-O) and the Finger-to-Thumb Opposition

Total Score (FTO-TS) and the Variability of the Graphesthesia

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR > F

Squares Square

Model 2 11.82779 5.91390 7.24 0.0049

Error 18 14.70621 0.81701

Corrected 20 26.53400

Table 22 (Cont.)

The Heel-to-toe Eyes Open Firm Surface (HTT-O) and the Finger-to-Thumb Opposition

Total Score (FTO-TS) and the Variability of the Graphesthesia

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept 0.17163 0.74815 0.04300 0.05 0.8211

HTT-O -1.33692 0.48819 6.12726 7.50 0.0135

FTO-TS 0.73429 0.23149 8.22030 10.06 0.0053

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Table 23

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) and the Variability o f the

Finger Identification

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR > F

Squares Square

Model 1 12.50013 12.50013 11.65 0.0029

Error 19 20.38827 1.07307

Corrected 20 32.88840

Table 23 (Cont.)

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) and the Variability o f the

Finger Identification

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept 2.30326 0.79553 8.99503 8.38 0.0093

SCPNT 1.33827 0.3921 12.50013 11.65 0.0029

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Table 24

The Slow Motions (SM) and the Variability o f the Sequencing Praxis

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR>F

Squares Square

Model 1 5.50671 5.50671 833 0.0095

Error 19 12.56761 0.66145

Corrected 20 18.07432

Table 24 (Cont.)

The Slow Motions (SM) and the Variability o f the Sequencing Praxis

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept -0.27359 0.17797 15318 2.36 0.1407

SM 0.26817 0.09294 5.50671 8.33 0.0095

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Table 25

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) and the Variability o f the

Bilateral Motor Coordination

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR>F

Squares Square

Model 1 8.50620 8.50620 83)2 0.0107

Error 19 20.15406 1.06074

Corrected 20 28.66026

Table 25 (Cont.)

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT )and the Variability o f the

Bilateral Motor Coordination

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR> F

Estimate Error

Intercept 1.91604 079094 6.22485 5.87 0.256

SCPNT 1.10396 0.38984 8.50620 8.02 0.0107

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Table 26

The Finger-to-Nose and the Variability of the Localization of Tactile Stimuli (LTS)

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR > F

Squares Square

Model 1 12.91009 12.91009 6.87 0.0168

Error 19 35.70851 1.87940

Corrected 20 48.61860

Table 26 (Cont.)

The Finger-to-Nose Rigth (FN-R) and the Variability o f the Localization o f Tactile
Stimuli (LTS)

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept -1.24404 0.34194 24.87699 13.24 0.0017

FN-R -0.51265 0.19560 12.91009 6.87 0.0168

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Table 27

The Finger-to-Thumb Opposition Total Score (FTO-TS) and the Variability o f Figure


Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR>F

Squares Square

Model 1 5.00837 5.00837 5.35 0.0320

Error 19 17.77022 0.93527

Corrected 20 22.77858

Table 27 (Cont.)

The Finger-to-Thumb Opposition Total Score (FTO-TS) and the Variability of Figure


Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept 1.29291 0.62660 3.98193 4.26 0.0530

FTO-TS 0.55954 0.24180 5.00837 5.35 0.0320

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Table 28

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) and the Variability o f '

Manual Form Perception

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR>F

Squares Square

Model 1 6.63670 6.63670 490 0.0394

Error 19 25.75820 1.35569

Corrected 20 32.39490

Table 28 (Cont.)

The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test (SCPNT) and the Variability of

Manual Form Perception

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR> F

Estimate Error

Intercept 1.53734 0.89417 4.00735 2.96 0.1018

SCPNT 0.97513 0.44073 6.63670 4.90 0.0394

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Table 29

The Heel-to-toe Eyes Open Firm Surface (HT-O) and the Variability of Motor Accuracy

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR > F

Squares Square

Model 1 5.91916 5.91916 4.63 0.0446

Error 19 24.31382 1.27967

Corrected 20 30.23298

Table 29 (Cont.)

The Heel-to-toe Eyes Open Firm Surface (HT-O) and the Variability o f Motor Accuracy

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept 1.91250 0.75955 8.11320 6.34 0.0209

HT-O 1.28282 0.59646 5.91916 4.63 0.0446

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Table 30

The Finger-to-Nose Right (FN-R) and the Variability o f Postural Praxis

Source DF Sum Mean F Value PR>F

Squares Square

Model 1 4.25816 4.25816 4.49 0.0475

Error 19 18.01822 0.94833

Corrected 20 22.27638

Table 30 (Cont.)

The Finger-to-Nose Right (FN-R) and the Variability o f Postural Praxis

Variable Parameter Standard Type II SS F Value PR > F

Estimate Error

Intercept -0.85311 0.24289 11.69863 12.34 0.0023

FN-R 0.29442 0.13894 4.25816 4.49 0.0475

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