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Importance of Informed Decision-Making: The transition from Grade 10 to Senior High School is a crucial

period where students need to make informed decisions about their academic tracks and strands.
Parents play a significant role in guiding their children's decisions. However, there may be gaps in
parents' awareness and understanding of the available academic tracks and career pathways.
Investigating this topic can shed light on the level of awareness among parents and identify areas for
improvement in providing information and guidance.

Impact on Students' Future Success: The career paths chosen by students in Senior High School can
significantly impact their future academic and career trajectories. Parents' level of awareness and
support regarding different academic tracks and strands can influence students' decisions and ultimately
affect their long-term success. Understanding parents' perspectives and knowledge gaps can help in
developing targeted interventions to ensure that students receive adequate support in making informed

Contribution to Educational Policy and Practice: Research on career path awareness among Grade 10
parents can inform educational policies and practices aimed at enhancing parental involvement and
support in the academic decision-making process. By identifying areas where parents need additional
information or resources, policymakers and educators can design initiatives to improve parental
engagement and empower parents to better support their children's academic and career aspirations.

Relevance to the Community: Investigating career path awareness among Grade 10 parents is
particularly relevant to the local community, as it directly impacts the educational experiences and
future prospects of students in the area. By addressing this topic, the research aims to contribute to the
improvement of educational outcomes and opportunities for students in Senior High School.

Overall, the choice of this topic was driven by its significance in facilitating informed decision-making
among Grade 10 students and the potential to make a positive impact on students' academic and career
trajectories through enhanced parental involvement and support.
"What is the level of career path awareness among Grade 10 parents regarding the
academic tracks and strands in Senior High School?"


1. What are the current perceptions and knowledge levels of Grade 10 parents
regarding the available academic tracks and strands in Senior High School?
2. To what extent are Grade 10 parents informed about the potential career
pathways associated with each academic track and strand?
3. What sources of information do Grade 10 parents rely on when making decisions
about their child's academic track and strand in Senior High School?
4. How do socio-demographic factors such as parental education level, occupation,
and socio-economic status influence career path awareness among Grade 10
5. What are the perceived barriers or challenges faced by Grade 10 parents in
accessing information and resources related to career paths and academic tracks
in Senior High School?
6. How do Grade 10 parents perceive their role in supporting their child's decision-
making process regarding academic tracks and strands in Senior High School?
7. What strategies can be implemented to enhance career path awareness among
Grade 10 parents and improve their ability to support their child's academic and
career aspirations in Senior High School?

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