Weekly Journal Entry 7

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Jasmine Harrison

Weekly Journal Entry 7

This week was very busy for me, and I had a lot of assignments to complete. On Monday,

I double-checked some of the Cardiff data. On Tuesday, I had a weekly check-in meeting with

the BOLD team to go over a wide variety of topics. I talked to my supervisor about the next steps

for the CARDIFF data because all of the data had been cleaned and was up to date. Hopefully, I

will be able to start mapping the data soon. At the meeting, we also talked about an opportunity

to add additional questions to the National Core Indicators of Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD)

survey regarding dementia. I was in charge of going through each state's yearly report on the

survey and sorting out the indicators and domains that were related to dementia. Our goal was to

find out if any states were asking any important questions related to dementia that Georgia could

implement into its survey.

This took me Wednesday and Thursday to complete because there was a lot of

information to go through. I organized all of the information in an Excel file for the team. I spent

the majority of Wednesday and Thursday reading the reports to find where we could improve.

Friday was my busiest day of the week. My supervisor needs email updates for Cardiff, so I was

tasked with pulling the number of records we receive each month from our partners. This

required me to look back at data within the last year to create a table with important information

that others can update in the future.

I spent a while working on this, trying to record the data we received and information like

demographics. On Friday, I also had a meeting where I updated the BOLD team on my findings

from the NCI-AD indicators. Most states were only asking questions such as, Do you have any

unaddressed memory concerns? or Have you discussed forgetting things with a doctor? We were

then able to draft up helpful questions for the survey that would be beneficial. I also helped to

Jasmine Harrison

categorize the questions into one of the nineteen pre-existing domains because I was most

familiar with examples of other indicators that fit. I also helped to go over a survey from UGA

and gave some feedback about using frequency Likert scale responses to better fit the question.

Jasmine Harrison



Monday 9:00 AM 12:30-1:00 PM 5:30 PM 8

Tuesday 9:00 AM 11:00-1:00 PM 4:30 PM 5.5

Wednesday 9:00 AM 12:30-1:00 PM 5:30 PM 8

Thursday 9:00 AM 11:00-1:00 PM 5:00 PM 6

Friday 9:00 AM 12:30-1:00 PM 5:00 PM 7.5

Total Weekly 35


Total Hours to 196



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