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reference n a mention of something: liên quan đến, nhắc đến.

Ex: Knowing what had happened, I avoided

making any reference to weddings.
I am writing to you with reference to the job
advertised in yesterday's newspaper.

a set of numbers or letters on a document such as

a business letter, used so that people know what it
relates to: tài liệu tham khảo
Ex: Please write with a full CV quoting the
appropriate reference number.

a letter that is written by someone who knows

you, often a previous employer, to describe you
and say if you are suitable for a job, course, etc.:
thư giới thiệu
Ex: I received a glowing reference from my
previous employer, highlighting my strong work
ethic(đạo đức) and excellent teamwork skills.
Entitle /ɪnˈtaɪ.təl/ v Trao quyền (làm gì đó…)
Ex: The employer is entitled to ask for references.
The voucher is valid (có hiệu lực) between July
and December and entitles you to 10% off all
overseas flights.

to give a title to a book, film, etc.: tên sách, phim

Ex: Her latest novel, entitled "The Forgotten
Sex", is out this week.
comprehension n Bao quát
encounter v to experience a situation, especially something
that is unexpected or unpleasant: cuộc chạm trán,
cuộc gặp gỡ, gặp 1 vấn đề (không lường trước,
không hài lòng)
Ex: This meeting will be the first encounter
between the party leaders since the election.
This is the first time I have encountered
racism(phân biệt chủng tộc) at work.
yield v to supply or produce something positive such as a
profit, an amount of food or information: cung
cấp hoặc sản xuất ( có hiệu quả, mang nghĩa tích
Ex: Favourable weather yielded a good crop. (thời
tiết thuận lợi mang lại vụ mùa bội thu).
Digital marketing that is more strategically
focused on the right people yields a better return
on spending.
aggregate Adj Tập hợp lại, gộp chung.
N Toàn bộ, toàn thể, tổng số.
V Tổng số lên đến.
Ex: They purchased an aggregate of 3,000 shares
in the company.
supplement N Phần bổ sung, phần phụ
V Bổ sung.
Ex: The doctor said she should be taking vitamin
The money I get from teaching eveningnight
classes provides a supplement to my main
Align (sth with sth ) v to change something so that it has a correct
relationship to something else: điều chỉnh cho phù
Ex: Ensure customer interactions align with
business objectives
excute v to do or perform(thực hiện, thi hành) something,
especially in a planned way:
Ex: The whole play was executed with great
Local authority officials will check that the work
is being executed according to the plans
The mayor Thị trưởng
Accreditation /əˌkred.ə v Công nhận, cấp phép.
ˈteɪ.ʃən/ Ex: The committee has established new
procedures for the accreditation of degrees.
Preeminent /priˈem·ə·nənt/ adj Lỗi lạc, xuất sắc, vượt trội hơn người.
Ex: He was the preeminent scientist of his day.
(thời bấy giờ)
safeguarding v Bảo vệ, che chở
Intellectual /ˌɪn.t̬ əl Vận dụng trí óc, thông minh, trí thức (để làm việc
ˈek.tʃu.əl/ gì đó).
Ex: She takes an intellectual approach to
decision-making, rather than just following her
instincts (theo bản năng).
I enjoy the intellectual challenge of the job
tackle v to try to deal with something or someone: giải
Ex: The president is clearly in a dilemma about
how to tackle the crisis.

tackle sb on/about sth : nói với ai về (một vấn đề

khó khăn)
Ex: I was determined to tackle my boss on the
way I had been treated.
dilemma n a situation in which a difficult choice has to be
made between two different things you could do:
tình thế lưỡng lự, khó xử.
Ex: She faces the dilemma of disobeying(làm trái
lời) her father or losing the man she loves.
foster v Bồi dưỡng, nuôi dưỡng (fostering the loyalty of
the customer)
synchronization n the fact of happening at the same time, or the act
of making things happen at the same time: sự
đồng bộ.
Ex: The first step is synchronization of watches.
The hummingbird migration depends on the
synchronization between the end of the relatively
warm winter in Mexico and the beginning of the
temperate summer in the Elk Mountains.
migration v Sự di cư
Ex: Christmas Island is known for its annual
migration of 50 million bright red land crabs from
the forest to the sea.
temperate n Ôn đới
folk n people, especially those of a particular group or
ex: Ordinary (bình thường )folk can't afford cars
like that.
Inclusive(toàn diện) adj An inclusive price or amount includes
Trái nghĩa: exclusive(độc everything:bao gồm toàn bộ.
quyền, ko bao gồm) Ex: My rent is $700 a month inclusive (of bills).
The house and grounds, inclusive of all
outbuildings, belong to my client.
iclusion n the act of including someone or something as part
of a group, list, etc., or a person or thing that is
included: bao gồm, toàn bộ, được đưa vào để
hoàn thiện 1 nhóm nào đó.(việc hòa nhập)
Ex: The book's value stems from its inclusion of
multiple viewpoints.

In this reading, you’ll discover why inclusive

marketing is important and how a company can
make inclusion(việc hòa nhập) part of their
marketing and advertising strategies.
authentically adv Chân thực, xác thực, đúng.
Ex: A company can positively and authentically
market to the diversity that exists in their
audience, and the world.
Unintentionally trái nghĩa Vô tình, ko cố ý, (ngoài ý muốn).
Purposely = intentionally Ex: Sometimes you might unintentionally
overlook certain aspects of diversity.
overlook v to provide a view of, especially from above:tầm
Ex: Our hotel room overlooked the harbour.

to fail to notice or consider something or

Ex: I think there is one key fact that you have
trait n Nét tiêu biểu, đặc điểm, nét
Ex: Arrogance is a very unattractive
personality/character trait.
classify v Phân loại
Ex: The books in the library are classified
by/according to subject.
Biologists classify animals and plants into
different groups.
lump v Xếp lại thành đống, thu gọn lại thành đống; gộp
ratio n Tỉ lệ
Ex: The staff to student ratio has increased
dramatically(đáng kể) in the last five years.
illustrate v to show the meaning or truth of something more
clearly, especially by giving examples: minh họa
Ex: The exhibition will illustrate how life evolved
from water.
Deficiency (/dɪˈfɪʃ.ə n Sự thiếu hụt
Ex: Pregnant women often suffer from iron
There were clear deficiencies in the standard of
service provided.

Drop off đi ngủ hoặc chuẩn bị bắt đầu đi ngủ

Ex: I don’t know why I kept dropping off at school.
( Because you have a sleep deficiency)

giảm sút, khi thứ gì, số lượng hoặc chất lượng của thứ
gì đó giảm sút.
Ex: According to pandemic in 2020, the number of
pop up stores(cửa hàng bán lẻ) in Ho Chi Minh city
dropping off sharly; nevertheless, this is the best
evidence of the pandemic affecting the economy in

đưa ai đó hoặc vật nào đó đến một nơi nào đó.

Ex: When I was in love with him, I loved how he
dropped me off at my house gently and waited for me
until I went inside of the house.
trace v Truy tìm
Ex: The police are trying to trace the mother of a
newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.

Truy nguyên, tìm thấy nguồn gốc của (cái gì)

Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood

Theo dõi, lần theo; phát hiện ra, tìm thấy (dấu vết..
First, you know that a journey map traces the
customer's path to purchase along specific

adopt v Chấp nhận, thông qua

Ex: A journey map adopts the customer's
perspective,but a funnel considers that same process
from the position of the business.
acronym n Từ viết tắt: ToFU (not the bean curd product) is an
acronym for Top of Funnel.
home fragrances Tinh dầu thơm phòng.
root v the cause or origin of something: bắt nguồn từ
ex: The high crime rate has its roots in unemployment
and poverty(extremely poor).
Tranquility /træŋˈkwɪl.ə.t̬ i/ n Sự yên tĩnh
Ex: I did love the peace and tranquility in the
countryside when I was young.
drive v to cause something to progress, develop, or grow
stronger:Thúc đẩy
Ex: This company is driven by customers and by the
markets in which we do our business.
We'll consider some of the things teams can do to get
attention from potential customers and drive
engagement effectively.
The firm said it would drive sales by switching into
larger premises while closing smaller stores.
record v to keep information for the future, by writing it down
or storing it on a computer:
ex: Unemployment is likely to reach the highest total
that has ever been recorded.

gauge v to calculate an amount, especially by using a

measuring device: đo lường
ex: Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.

to make a judgment about something, usually

people's feelings: đánh giá
Ex: A poll(cuộc thăm dò) was conducted to gauge
consumers' attitudes.
asset N Tài sản
Ex: But a brand isn't a physical asset, like a product
or service.
Perception n Nhận thức
Ex: We have to change the public's perception that
money is being wasted.
These photographs will affect people's perceptions of
attribute N a quality or characteristic that someone or something
has: 1 phẩm chất, 1 đức tính, tố chất
ex: She has the physical attributes to become a
championship swimmer.
Oganizational ability is an essential attribute for a
good manager.

v Cho là, quy cho, gán cho

Ex: It's the value consumers attribute to one brand's
offering when compared with similar products from
another brand.
identical Giống hệt nhau.

1. ETS Toeic 2022 Test 8

1. Current Posting
Bridge Inspector (B19253) - Take your career to new heights as a bridge inspector in
beautiful Smith County, known for its spectacular and varied(vary) landscape! The
geography of our county is large and hilly(having a lot of hills), necessitating the use of
our many bridges and tunnels by residents and tourists alike(similar to each other). The
position involves assessing the condition of existing bridges, tunnels, culverts, and related
road signs as well as proposing and overseeing repairs. We offer competitive salaries with
excellent benefits. For details On requirements and how to apply, please visit The deadline is January 15.
Incident / obligation
spetacular adj Đẹp mắt, ngoạn mục, hùng vĩ.
Incident n an event that is either unpleasant or
unusual: bất ngờ, sự cố.
Ex: A youth was seriously injured in a
shooting incident on Saturday night.
There is to be an official inquiry into the
obligation n Nghĩa vụ, bổn phận. /
Responsiblities(trách nhiệm)
Ex: If you have not signed a contract, you
are under no obligation to pay them any
Necessitate v Bắt phải, đòi hỏi phải, cần phải có
Ex: Reduction in government spending
will necessitate further cuts in public
tunnel n Đường hầm
Ex: The decision has not yet been made
whether to tunnel under the river or build
a bridge over it.
Culvert /ˈkʌl.vɚt/ n Cống nước
petite adj Nhỏ nhắn, mảnh dẻ (nói về cgai)
2. Reading book???
Readings begin at 7:00 P.M., and there is reception with light refreshments afterward.
If you are a published writer interested in reading for our series this July, please submit a
five-page example of your work as an attachment to
With your writing sample, send a one-paragraph biograpby(tiểu sử, lý lịch). Your bio
should mention your education and artist residencies, publications, readings, and
lectures(bài giảng), if applicable. The series welcomes both well-established and
emerging writers.
residence n Chỗ ở, nơi cư trú, nhà ở
Ex: She has managed to obtain a temporary
residence permit.
She took up residence in Boston (= began living
Many banks require proof of residence to open
an account.

Resisency: the fact of living in a particular place

Ex: our have to meet residency requirements (=
live in a place long enough) before you can apply
for citizenship (quốc tịch).
appicable adj Có thể áp dụng được, có thể dùng được
Ex: This part of the law is only applicable to
companies employing more than five people.
The company will help with moving expenses
where applicable.
expense Chi phí
Ex: It's silly(ngớ ngẩn) to go to the expense of (=
spend money on) buying new clothes when you
don't really need them.

2. ETS Toeic 2022 Test 9

1. N
Sky-High Roofing Workers doing construction or repair work on roofs face multiple
potential hazards. Ladders, skylights, and physical exposure to the natural elements
involve risks. Stay safe by using commonsense practices. Follow these guidelines.
Dress for safety.
- Wear long-sleeved shirts, even in warm weather, and keep your wrist cuffs buttoned
- Wear Iong pants without cuffs, as they can snag on roofing material and catch debris
- Wear work boots that cover the ankles, and replace boots when the soles show excessive
Use personal protective equipment.
- Wear gloves that cover the wrists, making sure there is no gap between the top of the
gloves and the bottom of the sleeve cuffs
- Use protective eyewear
Begin the day right.
- Review the work plan with all members of the team
- Check the condition of ladders and all safety equipment confirm that I have reviewed
and understood these guidelines.
skylight Giếng trời
commonsense Ý thức chung (chung)
snag v Làm thủng, làm rách; làm vướng, làm toạc
sole n Đế giày
Lòng bàn chân

In the past, Pennsylvania landowners were solely interested in the value of their trees as
high-quality timber. The norm was to remove the stems of highest quality and leave
behind poorly formed trees that were not as well suited to the site where they grew. This
practice, called ‘high-grading’, has left a legacy of ‘low-use wood’ in the forests. Some
people even call these ‘junk trees’, and they are abundant in Pennsylvania. These trees
have lower economic value for traditional timber markets, compete for growth with
higher-value trees, shade out desirable regeneration and decrease the health of a stand’
leaving it more vulnerable to poor weather and disease. Management that specifically
targets low-use wood can help landowners manage these forest health issues, and wood
energy markets help promote this.
Landowner n Địa chủ

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