Practice Reading 2

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apply Ngoại Ứng dụng, áp dụng,.

V Ex: to apply a new method

Apply what you learn. Learning for the
sake of learning is great, but it's also easier
to stay interested in education if you
actually apply the things you learn.

Chăm chú, chuyên tâm

Ex: - to apply oneself to a task
-to apply one's minds to finding a solution
-you will only pass your exams if you
really apply yourself (to your work)
In advance Trước, trước khi, trước một khoảng thời
gian hoặc sự kiện xảy ra.

After an initial review, a select few will be

contacted in advance of each four-month
cycle for an in-person or telephone
remodel v Sửa sang lại
slight adj Không đáng kể
Ex: Spokesperson Jax Wu said RTC hopes
for a grand opening in May, with only a
slight interruption of the usual course
Performance N Sự thực hiện, thi hành. / Hiệu suất (n)
Ex: The performance of a promise
You able to control the website’s
hall n Sảnh
Fund-raising v Gây quỹ
assumption n Giả thiết
generate v to cause something to exist: phát ra, tạo ra
Ex: The title is used to generate the first
line shown.
Multilingual / Đa ngôn ngữ / đa quốc gia
consideration n Sự cân nhắc
representation n a person or organization that speaks, acts,
or is present officially for someone else: sự
thay mặt, sự đại diện
Ex: Can he afford legal representation?
(ông ấy có đủ khả năng để đại diện pháp lý

the way that someone or something is

shown or described: sự miêu tả, hình dung
Ex: He gave a talk on the representation of
women in 19th-century art.

Sự tiêu biểu cho, tình trạng là mẫu mực,

tình trạng là hiện thân của (cái gì); sự điển
hình của:
Ex: His behavior is the representation of
bad minors.
presentation Sự giới thiệu/ sự trình bày/ bài thuyết trình
implement v Thực hiện / Bổ sung
crucial n Chủ yếu / Quan trọng
progress n Tiến triển / Sự tiến hành
Skeptical: skeptical about / Nghi ngờ/Nghi ngờ hoặc tin là chuyện gì
of sth (adj) đó là đúng hoặc sẽ xảy ra.

Suspect (v) / Suspicious Nghi ngờ về một sự hiện diện, sự có mặt,

hoặc sự thật của thứ gì đó mà không có
bằng chứng xác thực.
undergo Trải qua
underway Tiến hành
reduction n Sự sụt giảm
Loan = lend Khoản vay, khoản nợ
reception n Sự tiếp nhận, sự tiếp đón
overview n Tổng quan / Sự khái quát; miêu tả chung,
ngắn gọn
ambience n Bầu không khí
Desirable = expected Mong muốn / Kỳ vọng
possibly adv Có khả năng
enable adj Cho phép
Recognize =
acknowledge= accept
Orginal: nguyên bản /
optional: tùy ý/ offical:
(thuộc) chính quyền
Vary v Thay đổi / Hay thay đổi
supervise n Giám sát / chịu trách nhiệm về công trình
nghiên cứu khoa học ,…
observe and direct the execution of (a task,
project, or activity). Like oversee / be in
charge of /
claim n Sự đòi hỏi, yêu cầu
Committee n ủy ban
Commitment Sự cam kết
committed adj Tận tụy, tận tâm
engage v Thuê / hứa hẹn / lấy (danh dự) mà cam
kết / thu hút (sự chú ý) / dành được tình
collaboration n Sự cộng tác
Appear (seem)/ resist /
exclusive (độc quyền)
Monitor v Giám sát
Ex: Monitoring the success of your digital
marketing campaign
How can we make the Tận dụng tối đa
most of the benefits of
digital marketing?
rival n Đối thủ, người cạnh tranh
appertizer n Món khai vị

1. News Organizations Team Up with AI Companies

Several major news organizations have teamed up with artificial intelligence (AI)
developers to find new tools to help journalists do their work.

AI developer OpenAI recently signed a deal with the American Journalism Project (AJP)
to use AI tools to support local news across the United States. OpenAI is backed by
American software maker Microsoft. The AJP is a nonprofit group that provides financial
assistance to local nonprofit U.S. news organizations.

Late last year, OpenAI released an AI tool called ChatGPT. ChatGPT and other so-called
“chatbots” have demonstrated the ability to lead human-like discussions and produce
complex writing based on short, written commands. Such tools are also known as
“generative AI” or “large language models.”
In its deal with the AJP, OpenAI promised to provide $5 million to expand the project’s
work and strengthen local journalism efforts. OpenAI is also offering the AJP an
additional $5 million to help local news organizations deploy the latest AI tools.

Sarabeth Berman is head of the American Journalism Project. She said in a statement the
cooperation with OpenAI aims to ensure that local news organizations can help shape the
ways AI is used in journalism. Berman added, the partnership seeks to find ways for AI to
improve journalism, “rather than imperil” it.

In addition, the partnership aims to support AJP’s efforts to “create healthier information
ecosystems” at the local level to fight misinformation in news. The deal will help create a
studio that can be used by local news organizations to experiment with OpenAI’s

The AJP’s deal with OpenAI is one of several partnerships recently established between
AI developers and news organizations.

Earlier this month, OpenAI announced it had signed a deal with The Associated Press to
license the news agency’s collection of news stories. OpenAI will use AP’s news stories
to train and develop its chatbot tool. No financial details of the deal were announced.

In addition, the two companies said in a statement they are examining how the AP could
use “generative AI in news products and services.”

The deal came after the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) informed OpenAI it had
opened an investigation into whether the company had taken part in unfair business
activities. The investigation reportedly centers on whether OpenAI violated trade rules by
training its language model on publicly available data. Theo như báo cáo, cuộc điều tra
này tập trung vào việc liệu rằng OA có xâm phạm vào các quy tắc thương mại bằng cách
đào tạo mô hình ngôn ngữ của nó trên dữ liệu công khai có sẵn hay không.

Some news organizations, book writers and other creative artists have brought legal
actions or sought compensation from companies that used their works to train AI systems.
The AP said it currently does not use any generative AI in its news story production. But
it has long used other forms of AI. This includes a system that automatically produces
corporate earnings stories and some sports reports.

U.S.-based search engine Google also recently confirmed it was in talks with major news
publishers about using a new AI tool it developed to help journalists report and write their
stories. The project was first reported by The New York Times. The tool is being tested
by the Times, as well as The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, the French
news agency AFP reported.

The Times said the AI tool – which Google calls Genesis – was still in early form testing.
However, a demonstration of the system reportedly left newspaper officials “unsettled”
when they saw the tool’s abilities.

A Google spokeswoman confirmed in a statement the company had held discussions with
news publishers on providing AI-based tools “to help their journalists with their work."
The tool being tested was designed to do things like help journalists choose headlines and
write in different styles, the Times reported.

The spokeswoman added that such tools were not meant to "replace the essential role
journalists have in reporting, creating and fact-checking” their stories.
Major adj Lớn (hơn), nhiều (hơn), trọng đại, chủ yếu.

Ex: Several major news organizations

All of her major plays have been translated into
These regulations and requirements have a major
impact on the research and development of new
Proposal n Sự đề nghị, đề xuất
journalist n Someone who writes and reports news stories
Sign a deal / backed: in this
seentence means “support”
Demonstrate V Chứng minh, giải thích
Demonstration N Sự biểu hiện, sự thể hiện, sự chứng minh
Ex: ChatGPT and other so-called “chatbots” have
demonstrated the ability to lead human-like
discussions and produce complex writing based
on short, written commands.
strengthen v Củng cố, tăng cường

Ex: In its deal with the AJP, OpenAI promised to

provide $5 million to expand the project’s work
and strengthen local journalism efforts.

reinforce means to strengthen via external means
whereas strengthen means to fortify the existing
item from within.
Examples: What is an example of reinforce?
For example, reinforcement might involve
presenting praise (a reinforcer) immediately after
a child puts away their toys (the response). By
reinforcing the desired behavior with praise, the
child will be more likely to perform the same
action again in the future.

Example of strengthen: The team has been

strengthened by the addition of several new
The winds are expected to strengthen.
Imperil v To put someone or something in a dangerous
Partnership n Mối quan hệ đối tác
Ecosystem n All the living things in an area and the way they
affect each other and the environment. HST
misinformation n Thông tin sai lệch
Ex: The group can also correct any
misinformation, erroneous assumptions: các giả
định sai lầm or clarify a complex issue.
Substance n Chất liệu / Căn bản, bản chất / đại ý / Của cải tài
train v Đào tạo

Ex: OpenAI will use AP’s news stories to train

and develop its chatbot tool.
violate v Xâm phạm / vi phạm
Ex: The investigation reportedly centers on
whether OpenAI violated trade rules by training
its language model on publicly available data.
Model n Mô hình

Ex: The investigation reportedly centers on

whether OpenAI violated trade rules by training
its language model on publicly available data.
Legal adj Hợp pháp
Produce v Trình ra, đưa ra.
Ex: to provide one’s ticket at the gate

Viết ra(1 cuốn sách), Xuất bản (1 bộ phim)

Đem lại (kết quả)

The soild produces good crop.
Từ vựng về pháp luật: Verdict: Lời tuyên án, phán quyết;
To appear in court: hầu tòa;
Lawsuit: Việc tố tụng, việc To bring a legal action against s.e: Kiện ai;
kiện cáo. To bring an accusation against s.e: Buộc tội ai;
(Legal) proceedings: Vụ To bring an action against s.e: Đệ đơn kiện ai;
kiện; To bring s.e to justice: Đưa ai ra tòa;
Charge: Buộc tội; To bring/press/prefer a charge/charges against
Accusation: Buộc tội; s.e: Đưa ra lời buộc tội ai;
To commit a prisoner for trial: Đưa một tội
phạm ra tòa xét xử;
To go to law (against s.e): Ra tòa;
To take s.e to court: Kiện ai
shape v Định hướng; quyết định bản chất của (cái gì); có
ảnh hưởng lớn đối vối (cái gì). / Tiến triển, làm
phát triển theo 1 hướng nhất định/ Khiến ai đó
trở thành

Ex: these events help to shape my future career.

She said in a statement the cooperation with
OpenAI aims to ensure that local news
organizations can help shape the ways AI is used
in journalism.
2. NASA’s James Webb Celebrates One Year of Science
The James Webb Space Telescope recently celebrated its first year in operation. During
that time, the orbiting observatory – operated by the American space agency NASA –
produced colorful, detailed images. It has also helped researchers make several new
scientific discoveries.

NASA has described the telescope as the largest, most powerful telescope ever sent into
space. The agency launched the Webb in late 2021 and released its first images in July

The Webb’s first full-color images were presented by President Joe Biden. One of the
images showed the clearest picture yet of the early universe, about 13 billion years ago.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson marked the anniversary with a statement. He said, "In
just one year, the James Webb Space Telescope has / transformed humanity's view/ of the
cosmos/ , peering into dust clouds and seeing light from faraway corners of the universe
for the very first time."
Most recently, NASA celebrated the Webb’s one year anniversary by releasing one of its
latest images. The image showed a cloud collection of 50 stars in the process of forming.
NASA said the image showed an area of space that is full of hydrogen gas and dust.
Scientists said the image was a good representation of this brief period in a star’s life.

At around the same time, researchers announced they had used data from the Webb to
identify the most distant, active supermassive black hole ever observed. Scientists say the
black hole sits in a galaxy called CEERS 1019. The galaxy is thought to have existed
about 570 million years after the Big Bang – the explosion many scientists believe
created the universe.

The black hole discovery and others that received help from the Webb/ were in part made
possible/ through the telescope’s infrared instruments. The instruments collect infrared
waves passing through gas and dust that can hide objects in space. The infrared system
also shows light from more distant parts of the universe.
The Webb’s instruments have also confirmed the distances of some of the farthest
galaxies ever observed, NASA reported. In addition, the telescope’s data has provided
more detailed information than ever before about the makeup of planet atmospheres. And
the instruments have also led to discoveries about the chemicals and gases that exist
around collections of stars and exoplanets outside of our solar system.

For example, the Webb helped astronomers observe the most distant molecules known to
exist in the universe and also led to the discovery of 12 new moons orbiting Jupiter

In a statement marking the Webb’s one year anniversary, NASA noted the telescope had
“resulted in hundreds of scientific papers answering longstanding questions and raising
new ones.”
Eric Smith is a Webb program scientist and associate director for research in the
Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. He said the Webb’s wide
abilities to support new science discoveries has already become clear. “Webb’s first year
of science has not only taught us new things about our universe – but it has revealed the
capabilities of the telescope to be greater than our expectations – meaning future
discoveries will be even more amazing,” Smith said.

NASA has said the Webb has enough fuel to operate for at least 20 years. It will soon be
joined in orbit by Europe's Euclid space telescope, which launched on July 1. Euclid’s
main goal, or mission, is to collect data on two of the universe's greatest mysteries: dark
energy and dark matter.
Orbit N Quỹ đạo/ đường bay của 1 vật nhân tạo
Ex: The earth’s orbit around the sun.
The spacecraft is in orbit round the moon.

Đi vào quỹ đạo

How many spacecarft have orbited the earth?

observatory n Đài thiên văn
cosmos n The whole universe
peer v To look through
form v Hình thành, Tạo thành, làm thành
Ex: The image showed a cloud collection of
50 stars in the process of forming.
Tổ chức , thiết lập, thành lập
Ex: To form a class for beginners in English.
supermassive Adj Siêu lớn
- Supermassive blackhole
object n Vật,vật thể
Ex: Look, there's a strange object in the sky!

C1: a reason for doing something, or the

result you wish to achieve by doing it: mục
The object of their expedition(chuyến thám
hiểm) was to discover the source of the River
through Do, vì, nhờ, bởi, tại
Ex: I have had such success through my
parent's efforts every day. To earn more
money for my studies, they work very hard,
try many ways, and improve themselves. So
I want to tell my parents that I love them so
much. To make my parents proud of me, I
must strive to achieve more and more
astronomer n Nhà thiên văn học
associate director n Phó giám đốc

3. Some Emails
1. Duolingo
Thank you for using to request we delete your Duolingo
and Duolingo for Schools accounts and delete all of your personal data stored by
Duolingo. You will lose your learning progress and achievements. This is for the
Duolingo account (Yenyen356765) with email address (
If you’ve already changed your mind: Don’t worry, just ignore this email and carry on
enjoying Duolingo!
Please note: this action will NOT cancel any existing Super Duolingo subscription. Please
cancel your subscription on the App Store or the Google Play Store. Instructions here.
If you still want to delete all your data: Please click “Delete my data” link below to
confirm that you would like to have your account deleted. We then give you a 7 day grace
period during which you can change your mind. After the 7 days this process cannot be
Duo will then start deleting your data which can take up to 23 days and we’ll email you
when he’s finished. Delete my data link:
If you’ve previously confirmed deletion and want to change your mind during the 7 day
grace period: Stop the deletion link:
If you are not sure why you’re receiving this email, please contact us at

2. Strava
Hi Hải Yến,
We continually strive to give you clear information about – and control over – what you
share on Strava and how you can use the platform. This year, we’ve made some changes
to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Here are the highlights and what you can

More clarity and transparency. We’ve updated our Privacy Policy to provide you even
more information around how we collect, handle, and share your personal information –
including data that supports community-driven features like Heatmaps, Points of Interest,
and Metro.
More privacy for minors. We’ve added default settings for users under 18 that provide
more privacy and protection. For example, their profile and location information is now
hidden by default.
More control around what you share with advertisers. We’ve never sold your information
for monetary value, and we still don’t. In addition, you control whether your data may be
shared with third parties to provide you with targeted advertising on other platforms.
More user-friendly terms of service. We’ve made it easier to understand what content and
conduct is and isn’t allowed on our platform. Check out our new Acceptable Use Policy
to understand how we’re protecting your safety and experience on Strava.
As always, you can review and adjust your privacy controls at any time to make sure
you're comfortable with what you're sharing. These controls allow you to create a private
profile, hide activities, adjust your map visibility and more. Visit our Privacy Center to
see all the details in one place.

These new policies will go into effect June 30, 2023. By continuing to use Strava on or
after that date, you’ll be agreeing to these revisions.

We greatly value your safety and privacy, and thank you for being a part of our

The Strava Team

transparency n Minh bạch
minor N Trẻ vị thành niên
Monetary value n Chưa bao giờ bán thông tin của bạn để lấy
control n Quyền hành, việc chỉ huy, kiểm soát
Ex: In addition, you control whether your data
may be shared with third parties to provide
you with targeted advertising on other
visibility Có thể thấy được
Ex: These controls allow you to create a
private profile, hide activities, adjust your map
visibility and more.

4. Anime Character
1. Akutagawa and Dazai relationship
Dazai is Akutagawa's former mentor in the Port Mafia. At the age of 14 years old,
Akutagawa had met Dazai, who promised to give him anything he wanted in exchange
for joining the Mafia. Akutagawa asked if he could give him a reason to live, which
Dazai accepted as an answer. In response, Akutagawa emotionally screamed out, and
Dazai; handed him his black overcoat as a customary symbol of recruitment in the
organization, formally welcoming him into the Mafia.
As the then executive's apprentice, Akutagawa had underwent horrific and abusive
training that would shape him into the feared man he is. Only enduring Dazai's berating,
he greatly yearns for his validation, often going to extreme lengths to hear a few words of
acknowledgement. For instance, Akutagawa grows a murderous rage towards
Sakunosuke Oda, a low-ranking mafioso whom Dazai speaks highly of and considers to
be far superior than Akutagawa himself. Even after Dazai leaves the Mafia, Akutagawa
strives for his approval, more so with the uncertain time he has left due to his lung
In the early stages following Dazai's defection, Akutagawa set out throughout Yokohama
in search of his mentor, not knowing the reason for his sudden disappearance. After
dismissing his theory that Dazai was the Azure King, Akutagawa continues his search in
the city and vows to find him at all costs. During this search, he once bombed a public
building in broad daylight in hopes of having such signal get noticed by Dazai, musing
how the latter, who disappeared without any warning, had yet to accept Akutagawa's
power. Eventually, Akutagawa crosses paths with Dazai during their bounty hunt for
Atsushi Nakajima, whom he learns to be Dazai's new subordinate who has acquired the
ex-mafioso's praise.
From then, Akutagawa has displayed instances of hostility towards Dazai on grounds of
dereliction of duty, desertion of his post, and defying the Mafia, even threatening to kill
him when provoked. However, Akutagawa retains his search for approval towards Dazai
whenever he gets the chance. Hence, Akutagawa is quick to accept almost any personal
favor from Dazai, considering it as an opportunity to prove himself to him. As such, he
immediately promised to show his power to Dazai despite being at his limit after
defeating Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, worked with his rival Atsushi to catch the virus
ability user, and even tailed Atsushi – albeit with initial reluctance – prior to the Decay of
the Angel's terrorism outbreak.
Emotionally adv Xúc động
apprentice n Người học việc
undergo v Chịu sự đau khổ, trải qua
Ex: Akutagawa had underwent
horrific:khủng khiếp and abusive training
that would shape him into the feared man
he is.
yearn v Mong mỏi, ao ước, khao khát, nóng lòng.
To wish very strongly, especially for
something that you cannot have or
something that is very difficult to have:
Ex: To yearn to do sth
Only enduring Dazai's berating, he greatly
yearns for his validation.
Sometimes I just yearn to be alone.
I am yearning to have 900 points in the
TOEIC exam.
Validation / recognition n Sự công nhận có giá trị
approval n Sự đồng ý, sự chấp thuận, sự phê chuẩn
Ex: Even after Dazai leaves the Mafia,
Akutagawa strives for his approval, more
so with the uncertain time he has left due
to his lung disease.
Strive v Phấn đấu, nỗ lực
Ex: To strive for( after) sth

Thrive: phát triển, thịnh vượng

dismiss v Sa thải, cách chức, bác bỏ
Ex: After dismissing his theory: giả thuyết
that Dazai was the Azure King
Broad daylight Giữa ban ngày
subordinate Adj Phụ thuộc, lệ thộc
N Cấp dưới
V Đặt xuống bậc dưới, hạ tầm quan trọng
acquire v Đạt được, giành được, mua lại
Ex: Atsushi Nakajima, whom he learns to
be Dazai's new subordinate who has
acquired the ex-mafioso's praise.
rival n Đối thủ, người cạnh tranh
Ex: The airline admitted: thừa nhận being
involved in a dirty tricks campaign to win
customers from their rival.
duty n Sự tôn kính, lòng kính trọng/ Bổn phận,
nghĩa vụ, trách nhiệm
Ex: I felt it was my duty to tell them the
It's the duty of each and every one of us to
do their best for the team.
albeit Despite the stated things; although
Ex: The nation is adapting, albeit slowly,
to the new global economy.
Reluctance/ Reluctantly v Miễn cưỡng
Ex: Her reluctance to contribute
financially is going to cause problems for
Contribute not distribute

2. Tachihara-kun
Four days until X Day, a vampire heads to an airport, which soon spreads the infection-
type ability overseas. In the Republic of Nares, when the central command center suffers
an attack from fellow troops, they are suspiciously ordered by their Ministry of Defense
to disarm themselves. The young prince, who turns out to be undead, approaches the
troops' commander and bites him. Later, the turned commander instructs his troops to
disarm and cease all military functions as initially ordered.
The United Nations secretary-general is handed a notice of the Republic of Nares's
withdrawal from their security council. Although his subordinate panics at their latest
intel, the secretary-general calmly asks him to leave it on his desk full of what appear to
be various other similar notices of withdrawal. He shakingly ponders on Fukuchi's
foreboding words back at the council that quite appear similar to the recent attack
strategies of the new era's terrorists. In order to combat such evil, the secretary-general
decides to request the Order of the Clock Tower to release their ability weapon, One
spread v to cover or reach a wider or increasing area,
or to make something do this: lây lan, lan ra,
tràn ra
Ex: The fire spread rapidly because of the
strong wind.
It started off as cancer of the liver(gan)but it
spread to other areas of the body.

start off mang nghĩa bắt đầu bằng cách làm

điều gì đó hoặc để bắt đầu điều gì đó bằng
cách làm điều gì đó, có thể là bắt đầu cuộc
sống, một công việc, một cuộc hành trình…
Ex: I started off my career in a small
company in HCM city.
If you want to change the world, start off by
making your bed. (William H Mcraven).
infection n Sự nhiễm trùng

suspiciously adv Nghi ngờ

5. Twitter Puts Daily Limits on Number of Tweets Users Can
Twitter has placed temporary restrictions on the number of tweets, or posts, users can
look at each day. The company also established a new rule requiring people to have a
Twitter account in order to read tweets on the messaging service.

Company chief Elon Musk noted the recent changes in a series of tweets. He explained
the restrictions were an attempt to cut down on “scraping,” in which businesses take huge
amounts of publicly available data from large online sites.

Musk said the temporary limits aim to fight “extreme levels” of scraping and other data
collection that can affect Twitter’s system performance.

The Twitter chief announced the changes July first. He said Twitter users who pay for a
“verified” account were limited to reading 6,000 tweets per day. Users with unverified
accounts were limited to 600 tweets per day, while new unverified accounts could read
300 per day.

A few days earlier, Musk had announced the rule requiring users to have a Twitter
account to look at tweets. He described that move as a “temporary emergency measure.”
Musk said third-party data-collection activity was so severe it was “degrading service for
normal users.”

In the past, Musk has heavily criticized artificial intelligence (AI) companies for using
publicly available information on the Twitter service to collect data for their businesses.
Musk even tweeted a promise to “take legal action against those who stole our data &
look forward (to) seeing them in court.”

After the Twitter policy faced wide criticism online, Musk later announced higher limits.
He said verified accounts could read 10,000 tweets and unverified accounts could see
1,000. Users with new unverified accounts can now read 500 tweets daily.
Neither Twitter nor Musk answered requests for comment on the changes from reporters
from the Associated Press and Reuters.
The restrictions are the latest in a series of changes made by Musk since he bought
Twitter for $44 billion last year. He also dismissed about 75 percent of the company’s
workforce soon after taking control. He said the move was necessary to make Twitter
more effective and increase profits.
When first announced, the changes caused up to 7,500 people to report problems using
Twitter, the website Downdetector said. That is a relatively small number considering the
messaging service has more than 200 million users worldwide. But the changes did result
in the #TwitterDown showing up on social media in some parts of the world.

The higher limit for verified accounts is part of an $8-per-month subscription service
Musk launched earlier this year. Musk also sought(seek) to remove bans from some kinds
of content that had been restricted on Twitter. He said he was acting to protect the free
speech of users. However, some advertisers reduced their business with Twitter following
the policy changes. That meant a loss in earnings for the social media site.

The latest changes at Twitter came as Facebook owner Meta prepares to launch a new
service that appears to be positioned to directly compete with Twitter. That service, called
Threads, is expected to begin service on Thursday.

A listing for Threads has appeared on Apple’s App Store. The listing describes the service
as a “text-based conversation app” that is linked to Meta-owned Instagram. Users of
Instagram will be able to keep their user names and follow the same accounts on Threads,
the App Store listing suggested. Meta did not answer requests for comment about the new

Matt Navarra is a technology industry expert and advisor to social media companies. He
told The Associated Press he thinks the new Meta product is launching at the right time –
when many Twitter users are not happy with Musk’s continuing changes.

Navarra said Threads presents the chance for Twitter users “to jump to a platform that can
give (users) many of the things that they want Twitter to continue to be,” but that it no
longer is.
scrap v the activity of taking information from a website or
computer screen and putting it into spreadsheet on
a computer: thu thập dữ liệu

The law on scraping is still not fully developed, so

the push for more and more online data moves
forward on uncertain ground.
Verify v Xác minh, xác nhận
measure n a way of achieving something, or a method for
dealing with a situation: biện pháp
Ex: He described that move as a “temporary
emergency measure.”
These measures were designed to improve car
degarde V to cause people to feel that they or other people
have no value and do not have the respect or good
opinion of others: làm giảm, làm mất giá trị
Ex: Pornography degrades women.
court n Tòa
Neither Twitter nor Musk Cả T và M đều không
Cấu trúc Cause sb to do sth The economic crisis caused up to 2000 people to
lose their job.
reduce v to become or to make something become smaller
in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.: làm
giảm, rút bớt
Ex: The plane reduced speed as it approached the
My weight reduces when I stop eating sugar.
Appear (seem) v Có vẻ như
Ex: You've got to appear (to be) calm in an
interview even if you're terrified underneath.
There appears to be some mistake.

6. US Announces Program to Identify Safe Smart Devices

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has announced a new program to identify
smart devices that are better equipped to resist internet attacks.

The effort is designed to help the public decide(v) which devices in the marketplace carry
the best protection against possible cyberattacks.
The program will issue a “U.S. Cyber Trust Mark” to the most protected devices, the
administration said in a statement Tuesday. The effort will be carried out (được thực hiện)
by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

“The goal of the program is to provide tools for consumers to make informed decisions
about the relative security of products they choose to bring into their homes,” the
statement added.

FCC chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel explained the program would cover a wide range
of smart devices including climate control systems, televisions, microwaves and fitness
trackers. Such devices are part of the “internet of things,” which officials warn could
present increased cybersecurity threats.

Several manufacturers have voluntarily agreed “to increase cybersecurity for the products
they sell,” the Biden administration said. These companies include Amazon, Best Buy,
Google, LG Electronics USA, Logitech and Samsung Electronics.

The FCC is expected to seek public comment on the program before giving its final
approval and officially launching it. Officials said the public should start seeing product
identifications, or labels, sometime in 2024.

The safety level(mức độ) of products is to be rated by quality requirements, or standards,

created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. These guidelines call
for(đòi hỏi, yêu cầu) products to require unique and strong passwords, data protection
measures and software improvements. In addition, the devices should have built-in tools
to identify when cyberattacks are attempted.

The effort will be similar to the Energy Star program, which currently labels products to
show that they save energy. Labeled devices would also include QR codes to provide
additional information to consumers. Officials said the products will be reexamined
yearly to make sure they meet requirements.
In March, the Biden administration launched a national cyber campaign. The campaign
called on software manufacturers and companies to increase efforts to protect their
products against cyberattacks.

The increase of smart devices on the market has happened as the number of cybercrimes
has increased. Internet attacks on personal devices can give criminals a way into home
computer networks.

The amount of dangerous software aimed at internet-of-things devices rose sharply in

2022, cybersecurity company SonicWall has estimated. Many of the attacks happened in
North America.

The FCC’s Rosenworcel said consumers can now “have peace of mind that the products
that they're bringing into their homes adhere to widely accepted security and privacy

An April report from cybersecurity company Bitdefender estimated the least secure
devices were smart televisions, followed by smart plugs, routers and digital video

Internationally, the U.S. Department of State will seek to persuade allies and partners to
cooperate to establish similar labeling efforts, the White House statement said.
prove v Chứng minh, chứng tỏ
Ex: The operation proved a complete success.
identify v Nhận dạng, nhận biết, nhận ra(recoginize)
Ex: Even the smallest baby can identify its
mother by her voice.

Xác định
Ex: How many different trees can you identify?
The research will be used to identify training
resist v to fight against something or someone that is
attacking you: Chống lại, kháng cự
Ex: to resist internet attacks.
consumer n Người tiêu dùng
Informed decision Quyết định sáng suốt
Informed: am hiểu, có kiến thức => để đưa ra 1
quyết định
present v Gây ra, đưa ra, bày ra, lộ ra, giơ ra, phô ra.
Trình bày
to introduce a person:
May I present Professor Carter?
voluntarily adv Tự nguyện
public N Công chúng / nơi công cộng
adj Chung / công khai
improvement n Sự cải tiến
Build-in tool Công cụ tích hợp
aim V Nhắm vào / Hướng vào, tập trung vào
Ex: These ads are aimed at young people.
N Mục đích, mục tiêu, ý định
attempted v Cố gắng thực hiện (hành vi sai phạm)
Ex: In addition, the devices should have built-in
tools to identify when cyberattacks are
smart plugs, routers and Phích cắm thông minh
digital video recorders Bộ định tuyến
Máy quay video kỹ thuật số
adhere v Tham gia, gia nhập vào
Ex: to adhere to a party
gia nhập một đảng

Giữ vững, trung thành với, tuân thủ.

Internationally Trên bình diện quốc tế

7. Group Aims to Save ‘Critically Endangered’ Video Games

A non-profit group that studies the history of video games estimates that about 87 percent
of classic games have been lost over time.
The estimate was recently published in a study by the Video Game History Foundation.
The foundation aims to “preserve, celebrate and teach” the history of video games. It also
leads public events to raise awareness about historical classic games.
The study suggests most classic video games are currently completely unavailable to
people who want to buy them. This makes such games “critically endangered,” the
organization said.
Other areas of pop culture – such as films, books and music – faced similar problems. But
it is still easy to find those products in stores or on the internet. For example, there are
many online video services that show classic movies. And major music services like
Apple Music, Google Play, Pandora and Spotify offer huge collections of old music

It is much harder, however, to find places that sell classic video games. For the study, the
Video Game History Foundation examined the availability of all video games released
before 2010. That is around the time game makers began to sell their products digitally.
Earlier than 2010, game makers usually sold physical copies of games.
The non-profit group says it used a list of 1,500 video games provided by the online
information website MobyGames. The research showed that just 13 percent of those
games are currently available to buy in the marketplace.
The foundation noted that the only classic games currently widely available are ones that
have been re-released. This means fans of popular classic video games like Super Mario
Bros., Pac-Man and Donkey Kong – which were popular in the 1980s – can still be
purchased. But hundreds of others cannot.

Researchers involved in the study identified the ways fans can currently get classic
games. These include searching for and buying collectible games and old hardware,
called consoles. People can also travel to libraries that might lend classic games. In
addition, some classic games can be downloaded online, but this method might violate
copyright laws.

In a statement, the Video Game History Foundation states that “anyone should be able to
easily explore, research and play classic video games” in the same way they can enjoy
classic books, music and movies.

Frank Cifaldi is the co-director of the foundation. He tweeted, “Nine out of ten classic
video games are no longer available…and that number is unlikely to get any better. It's
practically guaranteed that something you grew up with is gone, forever.”
The foundation is calling for organized efforts to preserve classic video game products.
This includes a campaign to get libraries and historical organizations to expand their
work to save video games, just as they have for old books, movies and music.

Phil Salvador is the Library Director for the Video Game History Foundation. He said in
a statement that since 2012, libraries, museums and historical organizations have sought
new exemptions from the U.S. Copyright Office. These would ease current copyright
restrictions for classic games and permit new preservation efforts.

So far, the foundation said those efforts have been blocked by groups representing the
video game industry. Industry officials have said companies have already established an
active, growing market for classic video games. They point to the current availability of
some popular classic games.

Game makers argue that libraries might try to interfere with their own efforts if current
copyright rules were changed. Such preservation efforts might hurt their businesses.

The foundation admits there are currently more classic video games being released than
ever before. But it says stronger preservation efforts are needed to protect more games.

Kelsey Lewin is co-director of the Video Game History Foundation. He said the main
goal of the study was to call attention to “how dire the state of game availability is.” He
said his group hopes to effect “changes to our copyright laws that will make video game
preservation stronger, and able to take on the challenges of the future.”
widely adv Rộng rãi, khắp nơi
collectible Bộ sưu tập
console v to make someone who is sad or disappointed
feel better, usually by giving them comfort or
Ex: I consoled myself with the thought that no
one else could have done any better.

Bảng điều khiển

Ex: These include searching for and buying
collectible games and old hardware, called
copyright n Bản quyền, quyền tác giả
practically adv Về mặt lý thuyết, trên thực tế, 1 cách thực tế,
hầu như.
Ex: She blamed me for practically every mistake
in the report.
They used to argue all the time and now they've
practically stopped talking to each other.
Dire adj Kinh khủng, tồi tệ.
argue v .Chứng tỏ, chỉ rõ
Ex: it argues him to be honest
.Cãi lẽ, lấy lý lẽ để bảo vệ; tìm lý lẽ để chứng
.Thuyết phục
to argue someone out of his opinion.
.Rút ra kết luận
what do you argue from it?
intefere v Can thiệp, xen vào, dính vào:
Ex: It's their problem and I'm not going to
Interfering in other people's relationships is
always a mistake.

Gây cản trở

Ex: Even a little noise interferes with my
exemption Sự miễn thuê

8. Toeic Reading
1. Over ten years serving individuals as well as small- and mid-sized businesses
What we do:
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Expedited design available. Call or e—mail us today for a consultation!
Customer reviews:
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“Acadetech is the best! I needed to accommodate a large variety of customers, and they
listened. Thanks to their responsive design, my site is just as functional on mobile phones
and tablets as on big desktop screens." — Erik Schroeder, Jamestow;n Catering
responsive adj quick to act, esp. to meet the needs of someone or
something: Đáp ứng nhanh chóng
Ex: The car's transmission (hộp số) is much
smoother and more responsive than previous
expedite v to make something happen more quickly: đẩy
nhanh, thúc đẩy.
Ex: Something needs to be done to expedite the
We're trying to expedite the process of reviewing
accommodate v Làm cho phù hợp.
Just as JUST AS: Dùng để nói về 2 hành động hoặc sự
kiện ngắn mà đã xảy ra gần chính xác cùng thời

The bus pulled away from the bus stop just as I

It started to rain just as we left.
funtional v Hoạt động
as Adv Cũng, cũng như, bằng
Giới từ Với tư cách là:…
Liên từ Khi, lúc, do, bởi vì, tuy, dù.

2. Dear Geoffrey:
This is to remind you that beginning next Monday I will be on vacation for three
weeks in Jaipur. I am providing you with a list of the current book projects that I
am overseeing that includes the manuscript due dates well as other pertinent
information about each project. I know you have a lot to do editor—in-chief:tổng
biên tập, so I have asked a colleague to oversee my projects while I’m away.

Ian Pressler has been working closely with me for the past few months on travel
and finance titles, so he is well aware of the ongoing projects in this area and will
see that things go smoothly. We had a lunch meeting yesterday at the new
restaurant near Anderson Market to go over them. While there, we put together a
project list, which includes all of the associated tasks. Ian will make certain the
appropriate e—mail reminders are sent out to the authors whose projects are
nearing completion. I will have limited Internet access while traveling, but I will
respond to messages as quickly as possible.
manuscript n Bản thảo, bản viết tay
Pertinent adj relating directly to the subject being
considered: Phù hợp, có liên quan, thích hợp
Ex: The development of the session was
adapted to the subject's personal
circumstance, experiences and knowledge to
focus on the most pertinent and useful issues.
adapt v to change, or to change something, to suit
different conditions or uses: điều chỉnh, thay
đổi cho phù hợp; làm thích nghi, thích ứng

Ex: Species have adapted to climate changes

throughout history. (If a living thing adapts,
it changes slightly over time so it can
continue to exist in a particular environment)
Go over to examine or look at something in a careful
or detailed way:
Ex: Remember to go over your essay for
grammar and spelling mistakes before you
hand it in to me.

3. PRESTON (29 August)—

The town’s small business boom continues, creating new jobs and strengthening
local markets. In fact, Preston’s small businesses employed 4,300 people last
year, equaling 25 percent of the local labor force.

“Small businesses are definitely a key economic driver,” explains Dr. Henry
Belanger, who teaches finance at Lackland University. “Start—up businesses are a
significant engine for job creation.”

According to Belanger, Preston is part of a province—wide trend. “Last year, the

province saw job expansion above the national average, adding more than 19,000
jobs overall,” Dr. Belanger said. “About 17 percent were in small businesses.
Moreover, thanks to the personal income generated by small companies, larger,
established businesses benefited too.” Parties interested in starting a business can
access the government’s Provincial Small Business Center for help in creating a
business plan, finding capital, and learning marketing strategies.
Impact v Tác động, ảnh hưởng
attain v Đạt được, dành được
issued v Cấp

4. I am glad
we got a chance to talk at the agricultural technology trade show in Dublin last
week. Per your request, I have attached an electronic version of our booklet on
the DSKT greenhouse system.
Transmit, illustrate
I am aware that your greenhouses are located some distance from one another.
Using our environmental monitoring system, you could check the temperature,
humidity, and air quality of each greenhouse remotely. You would no longer need
to be on-site to make observations every night. DSKT sends the readings to your
smartphone or computer.

You might also be interested in our crop irrigation:tưới systems. Let me know if
you would like more information; I will be happy to answer questions about any of
our products.

illustrate v to show the meaning or truth of something
more clearly, especially by giving examples:
minh họa
Ex: The lecturer illustrated his point with a
diagram on the blackboard.
transmit Truyền, chuyển giao
Ex: Department stores use EDI to transmit
orders to suppliers.

to pass a disease from one person or animal to

another: lây lan, lây truyền
Ex: Some diseases are transmitted from one
generation to the next.
contractor Contractor Information: Geo Carpet Care 541
Grantham Avenue San Francisco, CA 94128

5. Tori Fadulu
has been a writer with Barron Street Post for the past two years. Previously, she
worked as a freelance writer for the Caldwell Times and the Andover Daily News.
She is the author of Stones in Moonlight, for which she received the prestigious
Klockner Prize for new novelists. Ms. Fadulu holds a degree in journalism from
MacDougal University. She has lived in London her entire life but loves to travel.

“Exploring on a Budget," 28 September Alberta natives Besha Phelan and Hayley

Luongo have been travelling across Canada for the past three years and have spent
far less money than they did when they were renting an apartment in Calgary.
“Hiking South America,” 5 August Patagonia is a hiker’s paradise, and its natural
beauty is not to be missed. Ms. Fadulu joins several hikers on the trails to learn
what keeps them going back.

We have been getting a lot of positive e—mails and letters from readers about your
December piece. You did some very nice work. Because the article was so popular.
I would like to see the concept become a recurring column focusing on your
experiences living with and learning from people in different regions of the world.
prestigious adj very much respected and admired,
usually because of being important: có uy
Ex: This is the most prestigious
university in this region.
The car won some of the industry's most
prestigious awards.
Recurring adv Định kỳ / periodical
Ex: I've noticed this recurring issue with
my laptop—it keeps freezing up at the
worst times.
They are similar, but recurring
emphasizes the repetitive nature of the
action, while periodic emphasizes the
regular repetition through a fixed
schedule. For something to be periodic, it
must repeat over some period or interval.
Recurring can repeat at any time.

At school, a boy gets in trouble for

fighting. The teacher says, "This is a
recurring problem”. You can't say
periodic there (unless it happens every
concept n Khái niệm
Ex: It is very difficult to define the
concept of beauty.
6. Hi, Steffan.
I’m with the electrical contractors(nhà thầu) at the former Millway train station
site now. The electrical system was in worse shape than we had originally
thought. The rewiring and upgrades are going to cost more than expected because
we want to modernise while still retaining the historical integrity of the building.
I’ll send over the estimate as soon as I receive it. I’m hoping that all the work will
be completed so that we can open as planned in May.

I recently attended a small conference at the Millway Road Hotel, which opened in
June. As a computer technician, l was pleasantly surprised to find that it had
such up—to-date facilities. Both my room and the meeting room had more than
enough electrical outlets to plug in equipment and charge mobile phones and
computers. The complimentary wireless Internet service was easy to access.
rewire v Sự mắc lại hệ thống điện của 1 tòa
integrity adj Tính chính trực
Tình trạng toàn vẹn ban đầu
Electrical outlet n ổ cắm điện
complimentary wireless Dịch vụ Internet miễn phí
Internet service

7. Throughout November,
we will be holding mandatory training sessions for two of our major
software(chính) products.
Training in the Abacus Deepthink software will be required for all staff members
and can be completed in a single online session(duy nhất). Several possible
session times are available. The software has gone through several changes
recently, so even longtime users must attend.
The Optisafe software training will be offered in person and is a requirement only
for Drug Safety department members. This past year, major upgrades have been
made to the software, and all department staff will need to learn how to use its new
Please look over the attached schedule and go to the company training Web site to
sign up.
mandatory adj Bắt buộc
Ex: Athletes must undergo a mandatory
drugs test before competing in the
capability n the ability to do something: khả năng
Ex: These tests are beyond the capability
of an average twelve-year-old.

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