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Perceive v Nhận thức, nhìn nhận.

Ex: New technology was perceived to be a threat to

employment. (được coi là)
identical adj exactly the same, or very similar: giống hệt nhau
Ex: I've got three identical blue suits.(bộ quần áo)
To accommodate our female employees' busy
schedules, identical seminars will be held on two
different dates—February 21 and February 23.
Duplicate /ˈduː.plə.keɪt/ n to make an exact copy of something, something that
is an exact copy of something else:
ex: Parenthood is an experience nothing else can
I lost the original form so they sent me a duplicate.

to make something happen again in the same way as

it happened before:
EX: Their past success might be hard to duplicate.
Virtually Almost:
Ex: That wine stain on my shirt has virtually

Brand safety is a major priority for digital marketing

controversial adj causing disagreement or discussion:
Ex: For example, if your brand values inclusivity,
you wouldn’t want your brand’s ads to appear on a
site that holds hateful or controversial views. (quan
điểm thù địch hoặc gây tranh cãi).
opt v to make a choice, especially of one thing or
possibility instead of others: sự lựa chọn
Ex: Customers can opt to receive their statements
online rather than through the mail.

Opt-out: quyết định ko tham gia vào cái gì

Integral /ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡrəl/ không adj necessary and important as a part of a whole: 1 phần
phải Intellectual không thể thiếu
Ex: He's an integral part of the team and we can't do
Integrate:tích hợp / without him.
interpret / integrity: thanh Curating your voice is an integral part of creating
liêm, chính trực brand identity.
As it is Cũng như
Ex: That's as true at all levels of a business as it is
for individuals.
generate v Tạo ra
Ex: The new development will generate 1,500 new
These measures(biện pháp) will increase the firm's
ability to generate income.
Criteria / criterion Tiêu chí, tiểu chuẩn.
Concrete: cu the
attribute N a quality or characteristic that someone or
something has: 1 phẩm chất, 1 đức tính, tố chất
ex: She has the physical attributes to become a
championship swimmer.
Oganizational ability is an essential attribute for a
good manager.

v Cho là, quy cho, gán cho

Ex: It's the value consumers attribute to one brand's
offering when compared with similar products from
another brand.
Perception n Nhận thức
Ex: We have to change the public's perception that
money is being wasted.
These photographs will affect people's perceptions
of war.
Process / Progress;

Slate to open Dự kiến mở cửa

2. Table 2
reception n Sự đón nhận
Ex: Your participation in this focus group is
essential for assessing audience reception.
autograph n Chữ ký (từ người nổi tiếng)
obligation n Nghĩa vụ, bổn phận
Ex: It's not your obligation to satisfy anyone.
convey v to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is
understood by other people: truyền tải (1 ý nghĩa,
cảm xúc, thông điệp,..)
Ex: I tried to convey in my speech how grateful we
all were for his help.
embrace v Ôm
Nắm lấy, nắm bắt.
Ex: This was an opportunity that he would embrace.
Purposely = intentionally Cố ý, có chủ ý
Ex: I purposely avoid making train journeys during
the rush hour.
buffer n something or someone that helps protect from harm:
ex: I bought a house as a buffer against inflation.
Drop Làm rơi
Ex: Please note, however, that repeated drops and
rough handling will result in eventual breakage.
Ambitious:tham vọng We suggest you store them carefully and that you
Combative: Hiếu chiến, don't use harsh chemicals (hóa chất mạnh), steel
thích đánh nhau; thích gây sponges(miếng bọt biển bằng thép), or aggresive
gỗ scrubbing(cọ rửa) when cleaning them.
Installment /ɪnˈstɑːl.mənt/ Trả góp, trả theo kỳ.
Ex: We paid for the car in monthly installments over
two years.
Category n a type, or a group of things having some features
Break down:chia nhỏ that are the same: Loại
Ex: There are three categories of accommodation -
standard, executive, and deluxe.

Category, is the group that something belongs too.

Type, means what kind of thing something is.
Classify means to decide what type of things
something is.
Sort means to separate things into similar groups.
exposure n Sự tiếp xúc
Ex: You should always limit your exposure to the
Researchers concluded that low level exposure to
the chemical was unlikely to cause harm.
Supportive adj Đem lại sự giúp đỡ, khuyến khích; thông cảm.
Ex: Children with supportive parents often do better
at school than those without.
amplify v Mở rộng, khuếch đại
Ex: let's explore some of the ways businesses use
social media to amplify their efforts and reach their
digital marketing goals.
3. Table 3
Commence /kəˈmens/ v to begin something:
Ex: We will commence building work in August of
next year.
Shall we let the meeting commence?
root v the cause or origin of something: bắt nguồn từ
ex: The high crime rate has its roots in
unemployment and poverty(extremely poor).
Versatile adj Nhiều tác dụng, đa năng.
EX: A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile
garment that can be worn in all seasons

Nhiều mặt, nhiều phương diện, toàn diện

Ex: It is an especially versatile insecticide known to
control a range of insects.
Identity (identical) n Danh tính, nét để nhận biết, nét để nhận dạng, nét
để nhận diện
Ex: The man's identity was being kept secret while
he was helping police with their enquiries.
The newspaper photo apparently showed him in
Rome but it was a case of mistaken identity.

the reputation, characteristics, etc. of a person or

organization that makes the public think about them
in a particular way: bản sắc cá nhân
Ex: Companies often spend a fortune (large
amount of money, goods, property, etc.:) on
branding in their attempts to communicate their
Be supposed to - Khi được dùng để diễn tả những điều không
diễn ra theo kế hoạch hay mong đợi thì Be
supposed to mang nghĩa “đáng lẽ ra, lẽ ra”.
Ex: Tom was supposed to go on a trip with his
family but he had an unexpected business trip.

- Khi được dùng để thể hiện về nghĩa vụ và

bổn phận mà ai đó được trông đợi để làm thì
Be supposed to mang nghĩa “phải làm điều
gì đó”.
Ex: You are supposed to carry your identification
when going out.
Khi dùng để nói về sự tin tưởng ai hoặc một
sự vật nào đó thì Be supposed to mang nghĩa
“được cho là, được tin rằng”.
Ex: He is supposed to be the richest man in the area.
Concrete /ˈkɑːn.kriːt/ adj Cụ thể
Ex: They think she killed her husband, but they
Impressions(số lượt hiển have no concrete evidence.
contentment happiness and satisfaction, often because you have
everything you need: sự hài lòng
Ex: More people were finding that material things
do not bring contentment.
Entry-level Cấp độ đầu vào
spot v to see or notice someone or something, usually
because you are looking hard: nhìn thấy, phát hiện
Ex: If you spot any mistakes in the article just mark
them with a pencil.
I soon spotted what was wrong with the printer.
trustworthiness n Sự tin cậy
Ex: Demonstrate trustworthiness in protecting
customer data
drive v to cause or influence something:thúc đẩy
Ex: The country needs to shift from export-led
growth to growth driven by domestic demand.
The firm said it would drive sales by switching into
larger premises while closing smaller stores.
accordance following or obeying a rule, law, wish, etc.: nguyện
Ex: In accordance with her wishes, she was buried
in France.

Sự phù hợp, sự theo đúng (cái gì)

Ex: A spokesman insisted the money had been spent
in accordance with strict guidelines.
Fall short of thể hiện nghĩa chỉ hành động thất bại hoặc không
đạt được mục tiêu mong muốn; thiếu:
Ex: It is better to fall short of a high mark than to
reach a low one.
But those customer behaviors can tell you a lot
about where your efforts are succeeding and where
they're falling short.
compel v to force someone to do something:
Ex: The new circumstances compelled a change in

to produce a strong feeling or reaction: thu hút

Ex: Data storytelling is the practice of conveying
data insights to a specific audience using a clear and
compelling narrative(câu chuyện tự sự, tường

4. Table 4
Appetizer /ˈæp.ə.taɪ.zɚ/ n Món khai vị
intefere v Can thiệp, xen vào, dính vào:
Ex: It's their problem and I'm not going to
Interfering in other people's relationships is always
a mistake.

Gây cản trở

Ex: Even a little noise interferes with my
Pertinent adj relating directly to the subject being considered:
Phù hợp, có liên quan, thích hợp
Ex: The development of the session was adapted to
the subject's personal circumstance, experiences
and knowledge to focus on the most pertinent and
useful issues.

Sự liên quan trực tiếp, có ý nghĩa quan trọng đối

với vấn đề.
Ex: Imagine somebody steals from a shop.
“ Stealing is a crime” is a relevant sentences but “
The thief was wearing blue” is pertinent to the
current level.
Prestigious /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ adj very much respected and admired, usually because
of being important: có uy tín
Ex: This is the most prestigious university in this
The car won some of the industry's most
prestigious awards.
Recurring adv Định kỳ / periodical
They are similar, but recurring emphasizes the
repetitive nature of the action, while periodic
emphasizes the regular repetition through a fixed
schedule. For something to be periodic, it must
repeat over some period or interval. Recurring can
repeat at any time.

At school, a boy gets in trouble for fighting. The

teacher says, "This is a recurring problem”. You
can't say periodic there (unless it happens every

to gradually(dần dần) increase in number or

amount: A thick layer of dust had accumulated
(tích tụ) in the room.
whereas Trong khi
Ex: She enjoys the city with many things
luxurious, whereas I prefer a quiet life.
Periodical n Tạp chí, báo định kỳ
Ex: She has written for several legal periodicals.
Necessitate v Bắt phải, đòi hỏi phải, cần phải có
Ex: Reduction in government spending will
necessitate further cuts in public services.
implement n Triển khai (kế hoạch)
Ex: They have participated in supervised workers’
work in developing and implement new programs.

likelihood Khả năng xảy ra, xác suất

drastically Phó Trầm trọng
từ Ex: Their budget has been drastically reduced.

Mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt

Ex: Number of photos on a webpage may
drastically affect the conversion rate.
warp v Cong vênh
Ex: After being left in the damp garage, the
wooden frame had warped.
Water poured in, ruining carpets, warping walls,
destroying wiring.
peel v to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables:
ex: Could you peel the carrots?
Peel and chop(cắt) the carrots.
Prolong /prəˈlɑːŋ/ v to make something last a longer time:
Ex: We were having such a good time that we
decided to prolong our stay by another week.
They’re trying to prolong their lives.
upon prep Lúc, vào lúc, trong khoảng, trong lúc,khi
Ex: Upon hearing the good news, we all
congratulated Murphy.

Nhờ vào, bằng, nhờ

Ex: That depends upon the circumstances.

Ex: Upon her head she wore a black velvet hat.

5. Table 5
Duration không giống như n Khoảng thời gian mà một sự việc tồn tại
durable Ex: He planned a stay of two years' duration.
Possession n Sự sở hữu, quyền sở hữu
Ex: He was found in possession of explosives.(chất

something that you own or that you are carrying

with you at a particular time:
Ex: Please remember to take all your personal
possessions with you when you leave the aircraft.

Coincidence /kəʊ n Sự trùng khớp ngẫu nhiên (sự việc xảy ra)
ˈɪn.sɪ.dəns/ Ex: You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us -
what a coincidence!
Meeting you here in Rome is a remarkable
By some extraordinary coincidence, I sat down right
opposite your mother in the train.
extraordinary adj Lạ thường, khác thường, đặc biệt
Ex: Her capacity to remember things is
convention n Đại hội, hội nghị, hiệp hội
Ex: She addressed hundreds of attendees at the
International Reading Association's annual
Delight n Niềm vui sướng, thích thú
Ex: The children squealed in delight when they saw
all the presents under the Christmas tree.
My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.
sustainable adj Ex: A large international meeting was held with the
aim of promoting sustainable development in all
Personality n Nhân cách, tính cách
EX: He is well qualified for the job, but he does lack
personality (= he is a boring person).
He has a dynamic personality, makes excellent
decisions, and is a true leader.

Nhân vật, người nổi tiếng (nhất là trong giới văn

nghệ, giới thể thao)
Ex: The show is hosted by a popular TV personality.
legitimate adj reasonable and acceptable:
ex: He claimed that the restaurant bill was a
legitimate business expense.

Hợp pháp
Ex: They complained about excessive government
intrusion into their legitimate activities.
praise n Sự tán dương, sự ca ngợi; lời ca ngợi,
Ex: He was highly praised for his research on heart

things that you say that express your admiration and

approval of someone or something:
Ex: They deserve praise for all their hard work.
Vary v Nội động từ: Thay đổi, biến đổi, đổi khác
Ex: Some people give a regular monthly donation
while others vary the amount they give.
My husband varies the vegetables he plants each
Employees can vary their work time up to two hours
before or after normal working hours.

Change đơn giản có nghĩa là “thay đổi” nói chung,

tức là làm cho cái gì đó trở nên khác.
Alter ám chỉ sự thay đổi nhỏ hơn, còn change ám
chỉ sự thay đổi hoàn toàn.
Modify có nghĩa là “chỉnh sửa” cái gì đó, tức là thay
đổi nhỏ để làm cho nó trở nên phù hợp với một mục
đích nhất định.
Vary có nghĩa là “biến đổi”, tức là thay đổi tùy theo
tình huống.
Concise adj Ngắn gọn, súc tích
Ex: Make your answers clear and concise.
Multitude /ˈmʌl.tə.tuːd/ n a large number of people or things: vô số
Ex: The city has a multitude of problems, from
homelessness to drugs and murder.

a large crowd of people: the multitude

Ex: She couldn't get through the multitude
surrounding the stage.
through Do, vì, nhờ, bởi, tại
Ex: I have had such success through my parent's
efforts every day. To earn more money for my
studies, they work very hard, try many ways, and
improve themselves. So I want to tell my parents
that I love them so much. To make my parents proud
of me, I must strive to achieve more and more
spike v Tăng đột ngột, đột biến
Ex: Use the Coverage report to periodically scan for
spikes in errors or drops in index counts to identify
crawlingproblems on your site.

1. What’s difference between

1. Grapsp / Grab / Seize
a. Grasp: It refers to holding something firmly or understanding something
intellectually. It implies a firm grip or comprehension. For example:
- "He grasped the handle tightly."
- "She quickly grasped the concept."

b. Grab: It means to take hold of something quickly or suddenly, often with a sense
of urgency or without much thought. It implies a swift or impulsive action (hành
động nhanh chóng hoặc bốc đồng). For example:
- "He grabbed the book from the shelf."
- "She grabbed her coat and ran out the door."
c. Seize: It implies taking hold of something forcefully(mạnh mẽ) or with
authority(có thẩm quyền), often in a sudden(đột ngột) or unexpected manner. It
can also mean to capture or take control of something. For example:
- "The police seized the stolen goods."
- "He seized the opportunity to present his idea."
2. Change / Alter / Modify / Vary
- Change đơn giản có nghĩa là “thay đổi” nói chung, tức là làm cho cái gì đó trở nên
- Alter ám chỉ sự thay đổi nhỏ hơn, còn change ám chỉ sự thay đổi hoàn toàn.
- Modify có nghĩa là “chỉnh sửa” cái gì đó, tức là thay đổi nhỏ để làm cho nó trở
nên phù hợp với một mục đích nhất định.
- Vary có nghĩa là “biến đổi”, tức là thay đổi tùy theo tình huống.
3. Comprise / Consist of / compose / include
- Comprise và Consist of tương tự như nhau nhưng Comprise không có of. Đều có
nghĩa là bao gồm(gồm tất cả những gì để tạo ra thứ đó)
Ex: The water molecule comprises two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of
- Compose đồng nghĩa với make up hoặc to make (làm, cấu thành) đề cập đến
những thành phần hợp thành cái toàn thể, sau compose là cái mà các thành phần
đã cấu tạo nên nó (ngược lại với comprise).
Ex: Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen compose the water molecule.
- Include (bao gồm một số thứ tạo nên nó không cần toàn bộ)
Include còn có nghĩa là mang thêm, cộng thêm vào (make part of the whole).

4. ETS 2023 Test 1

imprint v to fix an event or experience so firmly in the
memory that it cannot be forgotten although you
do not try to remember it: in sâu, dấu ấn
Ex: War has left its imprint on the strained faces
of these people.
Memoirs /ˈmem.wɑːr/ n Tự truyện, hồi ký
A memoir is a nonfiction narrative in which the
author shares their memories from a specific time
period or reflects upon a string of themed
occurrences(1 chuỗi sự kiện theo chủ đề)
throughout their life.
An autobiography is a factual and historical
account of one’s entire life from beginning to end.
uplift v improvement of a person's moral(đạo đức) or
spiritual(tinh thần) condition:Sự nâng cao (trình
độ, tinh thần, tâm hồn...)
Ex: We are counting on(dựa vào, tin cậy vào) your
speech, bishop, to give some moral uplift to the
volumes n vol quyển, tập, cuốn sách (nhất là thuộc một bộ
hay một loạt gắn với nhau)
conductor n Người hướng dẫn, người chỉ dẫn.
Off to I think we’re off to a great start (tôi nghĩ chúng ta
đã có một khởi đầu tốt)
accomplishment n Thành tựu, thành tích
Assembled cabinet Các tủ được lắp ráp hoàn chỉnh
Workstation Bàn làm việc

Lab workstation


Configuration n Cấu hình

eX: We tried the furniture in different configurations
to see which fit best.
Biofuel Nhiên liệu sinh học
substantial adj Đáng kể, quan trọng, có giá trị
Ex: The findings show a substantial difference
between the opinions of men and women.
She inherited a substantial fortune(a large amount of
money, goods, property) from her grandmother.

unveil v Trình bày công khai, tuyên bố công khai; để lộ, tiết
Khánh thành(tượng đài)
Ex: The company recently unveiled a test version of
its new search engine.

I use "unveil" when it's the first time of it's

exposure. (un+veil)
And when the "thing" was not covered or concealed
in past time, will use "reveal".(re+veal)

"Today, we will unveil the new model to the world."
(It's the first time exposure)
"We are going to reveal the secret of the pyramid of
Khufu." (It was not hidden once)
Stylus pen Bút cảm ứng
predecessor n Người tiền nhiệm, người đảm nhiệm trước, người
phụ trách trước (sản phẩm trước)
Ex: The latest Ferrari is not only faster than its
predecessors but also more comfortable.
In her speech, she paid a glowing tribute(bày tỏ lòng
tôn kính, ngưỡng mộ sâu sắc) to her predecessor
Glowing adj praising with enthusiasm: khen ngợi nhiệt tình

tribute n something that you say, write, or give that shows

your respect and admiration for someone, especially
on a formal occasion: Vật tặng, lời nói để tỏ lòng
kính trọng; cái để tỏ lòng tôn kính
Ex: Tributes(những lời tưởng nhớ) have been
pouring in from all over the world for the famous
actor who died yesterday.
Add-ons Phần bổ sung, mở rộng, phân phụ
Ex: We'll add on a second bathroom as soon as we
have the money.
dissuade v to persuade someone not to do something: ngăn cản
ex: I tried to dissuade her from leaving.
Sleek design Thiết kế đẹp
drawback n Điều trở ngại, mặt hạn chế, mặt không thuận lợi
Ex: One of the drawbacks of living with someone is
having to share a bathroom.
overload v Quá tải
Ex: Don't overload the washing machine, or it won't
get the clothes clean.
cable cáp
Circulation n Sự lưu thông( máu,…), lưu hành (tiền tệ)
Ex: Police have warned that there are a lot of fake
£50 notes in circulation.
Exercise helps to improve circulation.

Sự phát hành (báo)

Ex: The paper has a circulation of 150,000.
Autobiography n Tự truyện, hồi ký

A memoir is a nonfiction narrative in which the

author shares their memories from a specific time
period or reflects upon a string of themed
occurrences(1 chuỗi sự kiện theo chủ đề)
throughout their life.
An autobiography is a factual and historical
account of one’s entire life from beginning to end.
Fair amount of sth If something is fair, it is reasonable and is what
you expect or deserve:Fair: hợp lí, vừa phải.
Ex: I thought it was a fair price that she was

C2: Khá lớn

Ex: We've had a fair amount of rain this week.
We've had a fair number of applicants.

C2 [ after verb ] neither very good nor very bad:

trung bình
Ex: Films are rated on a scale of poor, fair, good
and excellent.
Trade fair:hội chợ thương mại
legitimate adj reasonable and acceptable:
ex: He claimed that the restaurant bill was a
legitimate business expense.

Hợp pháp
Ex: They complained about excessive government
intrusion into their legitimate activities.
comedic n Hài kịch
anecdote n Giai thoại
Disastrous dɪˈzæs.trəs/ adj extremely bad or unsuccessful: tệ, thảm họa
ex: This decision will have a disastrous impact on
foreign policy.
captivating adj holding your attention by being extremely
interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive: lôi
cuốn, cực kỳ hấp dẫn
ex: a captivating performance
intriguing adj very interesting because of being unusual or
mysterious: Hấp dẫn, gợi thích thú, kích thích sự tò

Ex: Even if you've crafted the most intriguing
message possible they'll likely just scan it.
She has a really intriguing personality.
Thoroughly Triệt để, hoàn toàn

5. ETS 2020 test 8

1. Test 61
I am writing to share our appreciation for the workshops Alana Hughes delivered at our
corporate headquarters on March 28. Some employees had expressed a concern regarding
the usefulness of improvisation training(đào tạo khả năng ứng biến) in a business setting.
These same employees participated fully throughout the day and even inquired about the
possibility of follow-up sessions(phiên họp tiếp theo).
We asked participants to complete our company’s evaluation form -----(137) to better
gauge the effectiveness of the workshops.
Usefulness n Sự hữu dụng, hữu ích
Improvisation /ɪmˌprɑː.və n Sự ứng biến, sự làm ngay được
ˈzeɪ.ʃən/ Ex: I'm afraid we don't have all the necessary
equipment, so a little improvisation might be
Business setting Môi trường kinh doanh
Phase out of sth Rút dần dần, rút bỏ

2. Test 62
Congratulations! Mallorca Construction -----(143) the bid of Lejos Plumbing and Heating
to provide enhancements to the County Courthouse. Your workers will have access to the
site on May 5. As specified by the district building code, Lejos Plumbing and Heating
will be responsible(chịu trách nhiệm) for securing the required permits(giấy phép cần
thiết). The enclosed plan outlines the scope of the project.
In addition, the document lists the other contractors we are partnering with, and it reveals
how your firm’s work fits into the overall project. We are requesting no significant
adjustments to the blueprints and specifications you submitted with your proposal. Please
contact my office if you need additional information. -----(146).
As specified Theo quy định, như đã nêu.
Ex: As specified by the district building code (mã
xây dựng của quận).
reveal I use "unveil" when it's the first time of it's
exposure. (un+veil)
And when the "thing" was not covered or concealed
in past time, will use "reveal".(re+veal)

"Today, we will unveil the new model to the world."
(It's the first time exposure)
"We are going to reveal the secret of the pyramid of
Khufu." (It was not hidden once)
blueprint N Bản vẽ thiết kế
specifications n Thông số kỹ thuật, chi tiết kỹ thuật.

3. Test 7
Slate to open Dự kiến mở cửa
Herb Thảo mộc
Ex: Add a little salt to bring out the flavour of
the herbs.r
Regional cuisine ẩm thực vùng miền
concise Ngắn gọn, súc tích
hospitality n the act of being friendly and welcoming to
guests and visitors: lòng mến khách
Ex: The local people showed me great

Dịch vụ Nhà hàng - Khách sạn, Dịch vụ lưu trú

Parcel [ˈpɑːr.səl] bưu kiện

compatible adj Hợp nhau, tương hợp

Ex: It was when we started living together that
we found we just weren't compatible.
van Xe van

Parallel /ˈper.ə.lel/ adj Song song

used to describe an event or situation that

happens at the same time as and/or is similar to
another one: tương tự, tương đương
ex: Parallel experiments are being conducted in
Rome, Paris and London.
proponent n Người đề nghị, người đề xuất, người đề xướng
(một kiến nghị...)
predecessor n Người tiền nhiệm, người đảm nhiệm trước,
người phụ trách trước (sản phẩm trước)
Ex: The latest Ferrari is not only faster than its
predecessors but also more comfortable.
In her speech, she paid a glowing tribute(bày tỏ
lòng tôn kính, ngưỡng mộ sâu sắc) to her
unreliable adj Không đáng tin cậy, không chắc chắn.
skis n Ván trượt
Rip: xé, rách. New Start Home stores accept donations of
new or used furniture, appliances, housewares,
and building materials. Items should be in good
condition. Items that require repair or are
stained or ripped cannot be accepted.
bulk adj Tầm vóc lớn, khổ lớn
C1: in large amounts:
Ex: The office buys paper in bulk to keep down
Wholesalers(khách sỉ) who order in bulk will
receive an additional 15% discount.

the main or largest part of something: phần lớn

ex: The bulk of our employees are recruited
from overseas.
amend v C2 to change the words of a text, especially a
law or a legal document: sửa đổi, cải thiện
Ex: MPs were urged to amend the law to
prevent another oil tanker disaster.
They were too hasty to amend or drop(loại bỏ)
initiatives that did not work immediately.
Standing order Đơn đặt hàng dài hạn

1. Thank you for contacting us with your concerns. The issue you had this past
Wednesday was caused by servers that crashed due to a database
communication issue. We could not anticipate this problem, so we were unable
to warn customers in advance. I assure you that this type of occurrence is very

In light of your comments, we have decided to reword our alert message from
“down for maintenance” to “experiencing technical difficulties.” That way
customers will know the problem is due to unforeseen circumstances rather
than routine maintenance. As a matter of fact, our software is hardly ever down
for maintenance. When we work on an upgrade, the software is unavailable for
just a few minutes, if at all.

We regret the inconvenience this has caused you and are truly grateful for your
feedback. In appreciation of your business. we will be waiving the service fee
on your company account for this month.
crash Tin Sự cố chương trình
Kinh Sự phá sản, sụp đổ(cty)
tế Vỡ , bể
Xây Sự tai nạn
Ô tô
reword v viết lại (bằng những lời khác, dưới hình
thức khác)
ex: She reworded sensitive areas of the
report so that it wouldn't be so
As a matter of fact Are you new around here?" "As a matter of
fact, I’ve lived here for 20 years

Bạn là người mới xung quanh đây?" "Thực

tế là, tôi đã sống ở đây 20 năm.
alert Adj C1: tỉnh táo, lanh lợi, nhanh nhẹn, cảnh
Ex: I'm not feeling very alert today - not
enough sleep last night!

N+v C1: sự báo động, cảnh báo (v:cho ai biết

điều gì)
eX: The auto company mailed letters to
owners of that model car, alerting them of
safety risks.

2. I am the owner of the Morris Country Inn in Canton. It will be closing

permanently when I retire next month. I have many pieces of furniture in
excellent condition—beds, desks, easy chairs, and more. A friend suggested
that this inventory could be donated to your organization. The New Start Home
branch in Hartford seems to be the closest to my inn, and I see that you are the
store manager there. We are locatedalmost 35 miles away. Can I arrange a
pickup of these goods at my establishment?
Permanently adv always and for ever: vĩnh viễn
Ex: Smoking is likely to damage your
health permanently.
Michael and his family have settled
permanently(định cư lâu dài) in the States.
Easy chair

inventory n Hàng trong kho, kho

Ex: A set of 24 gilded chairs appear on the
inventory of the house for 1736.

Sự kiểm kê

One of the first things you get in the camp is this card here. It's called an honor
(danh dự), courage(dũng cảm), and commitment card. Honor is integrity(sự
chính trực), responsibility,and accountability. Courage is do the right thing in
the right way for the right reasons.

3. ETS 23 TOEIC Test 2

1. Looking for an interesting activity to celebrate the coming of spring? Winford
Gardens offers an escape filled with calm, peace, and quiet just a few miles from
the downtown area. Winford Gardens has acres of outdoor gardens filled with
plants you won't typically find anywhere near here. This weekend we will have an
exhibition of Mexican blue palms (cọ xanh mexico). If you have never seen these
striking and unique plants, now is your chance! Winford's cafe is a converted
building that used to be a greenhouse. The surrounding tropical plants and flowers
help make dining there a pleasure.
Calm n Sự yên lặng, yên ả
Tranquility n I love the tranquility of the lakes.
Striking adj very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore
attracting a lot of attention: nổi bật, đáng
chú ý, ấn tượng
ex: There's a striking contrast between what
he does and what he says he does.
The library is a striking example of modern
pleasure n Niềm vui thích, điều thích thú, điều thú vị
Ex: His books are a pleasure to read because
he writes with such clarity and precision.

Ý muốn, ý thích, ước mong

Ex: What's your pleasure, sir?

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