Topic - Vectors

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LAB # 1

Name of Student: Athaliah Joe

Date: 11th October 2022
Title: Vectors

Aim: To determine the resultant displacement of perpendicular vectors

Materials and apparatus:

20° Protractor
41 cm compass
Measuring tape
Pall (2)

Independent variable: The magnitude and direction the student is moving from the first pall near
the basketball hoop
Dependent variable : The resultant formed by the student moving from the first pall near the
basketball hoop
Controlled variable: The first pall near the basketball hoop

1. Insert a pall at a start point
2. Let a physics student walk 7 meters and 30 inches south from the point of the pall
3. Mark an x at the end of this point 7 meters 30 inches south
4. Let the physics student, then turn from the point of the X and walk meters west
5. Mark an X at the end of this point and insert a pall at this point
6. Connect the twine from the first pall to the second pall
7. Using the measuring tape, measure the displacement.


Table Showing the resultants of a vector using various methods

Actual Displacement (m) Calculated Displacement on Calculated Displacement using
Graph (m) Pythagoras Theorem (m)

19 metres and 28 inches/ 19.7 19.6 metres 19.5 metres


Data Analysis
1. Represent the motion of the student and determine the resultant displacement on a graph
2. Calculate the resultant displacement using the Pythagorean Theory
3. Compare the displacement on the graph with the calculated displacement and the actual
4. Find the angle formed due east to the resultant
Vectors are quantities that measure both magnitude and direction. When a vector is drawn on a
graph, it must be scaled down using as much of the graph paper as possible, hence why a 1 m = 1
cm scale was used. Once the variables were plotted, the head to tail vector resolution approach
was used on the graph. Those variables being the x and y components form by the movement of
the independent variable i.e. the magnitude and direction the student is moving from the
controlled variable which is the first pall near the basketball hoop. With these components
plotted, we can further find the dependent variable, being the resultant displacement. As vectors
are composed of both magnitude and direction, the angle of the vector was found in order to get
the specific direction of the resultant displacement. Due east to resultant is the method used to
find the specific direction of the resultant displacement. A modified form of Pythagoras theorem

was applied to solve this perpendicular vector as well. The formula used was 𝑅 = 𝑥
+ 𝑦 )

. With both the magnitude and angle of this resultant, the polar coordinates of the resultant
displacement are obtained.

Sources of Error
1. Random Error: - environmental factors - as a result of a water droplet on the
measurement instruments Because of the rain that day, there may have been an increase
or decrease in the size of the graduation on the measuring tape, leading the investor to see
the incorrect reading.
- reading could have not been taken on level ground, causing inaccuracies
in experiment
- shadows or overcast during the rain as a result, investigators could have
not seen the reading properly

2. Systematic Error: -measuring instrument had no documentation of being calibrated.

(there was no proof of proper calibration by a reliable source)

1. Estimations were made when converting inches to metres because there was no
measuring tape long enough to measure the entire distance between x and y
2. The surface was uneven due to an elevated ground

1. Readings were repeated to reduce random error
2. Measuring Instruments were placed on a flat-levelled surface to
prevent random error
3. Ensuring that the measuring instruments are properly calibrated to minimize systemic
Conclusion: The resultant displacement of this perpendicular vector was found using 3 methods,
results as follows:
-Resultant Displacement measured during experiment - 19.7 metres
-Resultant Displacement on Graph - 19.6 metres
-Resultant Displacement using Pythagoras Theorem - 19.5 metres
(with all formed at 203.4° due east to the resultant displacement)

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