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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in SOH-CAH-TOA

I. Objectives at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Understand the concept of Trigonometric Ratios (Cognitive);

B. Solve problems involving Trigonometric ratios (Psychomotor); and

C. Relate Trigonometric Ratios in real Life application (Affective).

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Trigonometric Ratios

B. Materials: power point presentation, 2 – minute videoclips SONG FOR SOHCAHTOA, Chalk and Blackboard

C. Value focus: Critical Thinking and active participation

D. Reference: Next Century Mathematics, page 440– 446

III. Instructional Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer-*Spiritual

2. Checking of attendance

3. Review- (Right Triangle)

B. Developmental Activities

*Motivation. Sing a song about SOH-CAH-TOA.

*Lesson Proper- Define what is Trigonometric Ratios, Enumerate the Six Trigonometric Ratios, and Give examples.

Guide Questions:

-What are the names of the sides of a Right Triangle?

-What are the three main Trigonometric ratios?

-What does SOH CAH TOA means?

C. Application- Using the Right Triangle, enumerate the trigonometric ratios.

D. Generalization

-What have you learned from our lesson?

-What is Real Life application of SOH-CAH-TOA?

IV. Evaluation
Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Erasures in the multiple choices part means wrong.

1. It is the longest side of a triangle. Answer: B. Hypotenuse

A. Adjacent Side
B. Hypotenuse
C. Opposite Side

2. Sine of an angle is equal to over . Answer: C.

A. Opposite/Adjacent
B. Adjacent/Hypotenuse
C. Opposite/Hypotenuse

3. It is the comparison of two quantities. Answer: C. Ratio

A. Adjacent Side
C. Ratio

4. Sine of an angle is equal to adjacent/hypotenuse. Answer: A. FALSE


5. Given the figure below find tangent of angle B. Answer: B. 4/3

A. 3/4
B. 4/3
C. 4/5

V. Assignment
Given the two triangles below find the sine, cosine and tangent of 30 degree angle, 60 degree and 45 degree
angle. Write it in a one whole sheet of paper.

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