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Identification of Change Initiative within the Organization

After the merger that happened between the two organizations, one major change

initiative in the organization was to ensure that the sales were made per its objectives. The two

organizations that had been merged into one was determined in ensuring a new structure for

sales, logistics and customer service. Additionally, the two organizations developed a change

initiative for a uniform sales strategy, as RSEC was decentralized. Additionally, the new change

initiative is determined in construction of a new building to house the expanded Cambridge

customer service center, training of RSEC employees on the EBF SAP system, and expansion of

the telecommunications and information technology infrastructure.

A discussion on Why Change is Significant

There may be a lot of issues at work, but specific fixes are more pressing than others. The

organization's first reform should be to improve communication across the various departments

that resulted from the merger which makes change to be significant. The RSEC should also have

to prioritize incorporating innovation in either productivity driving and ensuring more sales.

Prioritization should also be given to increasing the number of procedures to secure more

extensive deals and reduce the lack of cooperation across the departments. Also, increased

emphasis should be placed on eliminating the deficit to maximize profits. Therefore, change is

necessary in this organization as it ensures that there is proper communication between the

various departments while ensuring increased sales.

Analysis, Diagnosis and Justification for Change

The field analysis shown by the table below will be used in regard to proving analysis,

diagnosis and justification for change.

Forces For Change Score Score Forces Against Change

Shareholder pressure 5 Integrate Sales, 4 Failed to see any need

logistics, and for a centralized
customer integrated function
eliminating the deficit 4 1 Not clear about
to maximize profits Creating more relocation
Set goals 5 3 Staff fearful of
Clear redundancies
Board Committees 5 of set goals 2 The staff didn't feel
20 motivation 10

As shown in the force field analysis table above, the force for change scores higher as compared

to the forces against change. As described by Cui et al. (2021), organizational diagnosis is a novel

approach to learning about an entity from the most obvious to the most intangible aspects. An

organization's vulnerabilities are revealed during a diagnosis, with the ultimate goal of finding a

bulletproof fix. Certain elements necessitate an alteration in today's business education. Despite

the organization's merger, there is still poor communication which acts as a force against change

with a score of 4. This is because the company also lacks novel ideas for boosting productivity or

improving sales. Also, it is because the management board does not involve the employees in

making decisions about the organization which makes them feel disrespected. The absence of

harmony in the two departments is another area where the merger needs fixing as it also results

in poor communication. This is a concern in RSEC because the research structure varies from

department to department.

Even after the merger, low sales are just one of the organization's problems, mainly

caused by a widespread lack of cooperation which acts as a force towards change with a score of
4. Additionally, the lack of effective coordination between the various departments necessitates

adjustments and the need for change. For instance, the RSEC department has recently

experienced a surge in departmental pride, likely to obstruct efforts to improve communication

with other units. According to Hayes., (2018), pre-acquisition RSEC employees wrongly

assumed that the company's decision to purchase EBF meant that the acquired company's

methods were the best and would be used company-wide. When they realized this wouldn't

happen, they were disappointed and worried about what would happen next, dramatically

affecting the entire organization's sales.

Therefore, in order to show prioritization for change, force field analysis is very crucial.

The force field analysis is a popular method of business diagnosis and change management that

helps companies see the big picture while tackling complex issues. Therefore, in order to apply

this theory, the managers must always strengthen the driving forces for change while restraining

from the opposing forces that resist change. This may involve properly communication of the

change plan. There may be a lot of issues at work, but specific fixes are more pressing than

others. The organization's first reform should be to improve communication across the various

departments that resulted from the merger. The RSEC should also have to prioritize

incorporating innovation in either productivity driving and ensuring more sales. Prioritization

should also be given to increasing the number of procedures to secure more extensive deals and

reduce the lack of cooperation across the departments. Also, increased emphasis should be

placed on eliminating the deficit to maximize profits.

The adjustments above must be implemented without delay to achieve the report's twin

goals of closing the budget gap and boosting the institution's communication output as per the

shareholders pressure with a score of 5 which indicates ultimate need. The most important thing
the company can do to improve is to increase communication between the two merged

departments in order to yield to the shareholders demands. Organizational cooperation relies

heavily on effective communication channels, as Hayes., (2018) suggested. Departments are

more likely to work together if they can share information and provide feedback to one another

more freely. The primary objective of RSEC is to guarantee increased sales, which will increase

earnings. Increasing the number of sales in the merged organization means increasing the salary

of all faculty members, which should boost morale. Altering the elements above will guarantee

meeting the set goals, leading to increased output. Notably, when RSEC bought EBF, the former

RSEC employees naturally assumed that the former company's superior methods would be

implemented company-wide. When they realized this wouldn't happen, they were disappointed

and worried about what would happen next, a factor that justifies the need for change.

A debate on how Change Readiness will be Achieved

In order to assess how the change readiness will be achieved, Susanto’s 7 approaches will

be utilized in this analysis. Based on the case study, the perception towards change efforts can be

described as low to medium. An integral part of being ready for change is how employees feel

about the company's internal attempts to adapt. Since the employees based on the case study

feels that they are disrespected, the best approach involves working on their motivation. Sources

of resistance to widespread change can be better comprehended by looking at how workers feel

about the organization's openness to transformation (Toborek-Mazur, (2022).). Additionally, the

stakeholders can create mutual trust after the merger by showing the various employees about

how their opinions matter.

The second approach will mainly involve creating a vision for change which can also be

described as being low to medium. This is because since the introduction of the merger, the
employees have never come into terms with the various set goals. A clear and concise vision

articulates the path forward for an organization. Without a well-thought-out plan, a company's

efforts to transform risk devolving into a jumble of unrelated initiatives that ultimately lead

nowhere (Scorer, 2019). Therefore, it is crucial that workers have a firm grasp of the company's

goal and the change's vision in order for the two companies to forge forward. Kotter (1995)

echoed this sentiment, stressing the need to provide a clear explanation of the purpose of the

change, as well as its justification and implementation.

Creation of mutual respect and trust will also be a major step in regard to ensuring there

is creation for readiness to change which can be described as being low. This is because most of

the employees feels that they are not respected and have always complained that their opinions

have never been considered. A solid foundation of mutual trust and respect is necessary for

individuals' and organizations' readiness and capacity for change. In order for staff members to

feel safe enough to voice disagreements and make democratic concessions, it is crucial that a

sufficient level of trust be developed. Also, mutual respect and trust can be described as being

low based on the fact that in a period of more than a year now, the employees have continuously

experienced upheavals.

Additionally, creating change initiative should follow in RSEC organization which can be

described as being medium to high. This is because of the pressure that the organization gets

from its board members and their increased desire to increasing their sales. Strategy, structure,

method, and culture are all areas where organizations must regularly make adjustments and

RSEC should follow suit. Because of the increased interdependence of national economies, the

world has become more complicated. At the same time, the explosion of knowledge and

globalization of communication have made the globe a much more active place. A company's
competitive edge will dwindle if it doesn't embrace change. Organizations will confront

challenging times and drastically decrease their chances of survival if they do not introduce

appropriate change in a timely and ethical manner.

The fifth step mainly involves management support that is crucial for organizational

change readiness which according to the case study can be described as low to medium. This is

mainly because despite the management having a zeal in earning higher sales, they do not listen

to the demands of their employees. Having management's backing for change efforts is crucial in

setting the stage for success as it is most likely to improve the morale of the employees.

Employees' views of the organization's openness to change can be explained, in part, by the

extent to which its policies and practices encourage. Notably, the sixth approach mainly involves

the acceptance for change which according to the case study can be described as being low. This

is because the various employees still focus on their way of doing things and they are not ready

to change. An organization's overall effectiveness is something that should boost with change.

However, many workers experience anxiety and stress when change is introduced, and as the

change takes form, individuals of the organization may experience apprehension and

bewilderment. An employee's reaction to the specific sort of imminent change may be significant

because organizational change often affects how work is completed.

Lastly, managing change is the seventh approach based on Susanto which can be

described as being low to medium. If an organization's environment has competing programs, it

will be more difficult to implement change. All internal projects and programs must be realigned

with the organization's overall change program for it to be successful. A strong foundation for

building employees' condence toward a successful change program is the belief that
organizational leaders are capable of managing a changing organization. Implementing

organizational change is the most crucial but also the least understood talent of leaders.

Describing and Justifying Approach to Change

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