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Hello, today I am going to travel in time to visit the Inca Pachacútec, an emperor from the Inca

civilization, in 1493 A.D, South America. I am doing this because I want to learn more about their
civilization. The Incas were big conquerors, with a large territory, and as you should know, they
left us a lot of things behind them, like the irrigation system, they use to water their plants, as we
still do nowadays. But they also use things we do not use, like their form of government, since
they had an emperor and now we have a president.

Time traveling

Interviewer: I arrived and the day is beautiful! Now I’m going to meet the Inca Pachacútec.
Oh, there he is! Hello Inca Pachacútec.

Inca Pachacútec: Hello, who are you?

I am an interviewer and I traveled in time to see you. Can I ask you a few questions?

Of course.

How is the heat on your territory? [Climate]

Our territory is hot and temperate, but we have a lot of rain even in the driest months.

Can you describe me your land? [Landscape]

Our land is mountainous; we also have highlands, deserts, tropical jungles, plains, and mountains
that surround flat areas. [Valleys]

How do you adapt to your land? [Technology]

We build cisterns, that is our way of collating the water that falls from the sky and then we put it
under the ground, and irrigation canals around the mountains, that is how we distribute the water
to our plants. And we made a system of terraces, which is how we cut the land from the
mountains for making terraces so, the water do not run off.

How do you take care of your natural resources? [Sustainable]

When we make irrigation canals we water the plants, so we can cultivate and take care of our
crops. We also use the water that falls from the sky, because we can reuse it. And thanks to our
terraces we can plant crops in mountainous areas to take advantage of our space.

How can these methods help you farm in difficult areas?

For example, the terraces, because we can benefit ourselves by taking advantage of
mountainous space for farming, so we do not waste that space and we can use it in another

How did your territory increase? [Expansion]

First, we beat the Chancas. Then, we increase from where it is colder to where is hotter and from
where is a big mass of water to where are lots of mountains.
Do you have a specific way to keep control?

Each time we conquer a new tribe, we build roads in the new territory, count everything that
everyone owns up to the last pen and appointed a Inca officer to lead the new territory. Also the
people with a more important charge threaten the rest of people, so they do not steal, if they steal
something they kill them.

What is the name of your ruler?

Our ruler is the Sapa Inca, he is the most important person in the empire, he owns everything, he
makes the laws, and he is the head of the entire territory. The Sapa Inca use a feather hat to
identify himself from the rest. And when he dies his body is mummified and remains in his palace.
Then his position is inherited to one of his children.

What are your beliefs? [Religion]

Most of the religions of the people that are in the Inca empire includes the adoration to the earth
and the adoration to God, the creator, who are the most popular beside to the god of the sun. And
we also believe in objects having magical powers.

How do you express your feeling? [Art]

We express our feelings by doing art. Much of our art has a religious meaning. We do pottery,
metalwork, and textiles. We do everything’s by hand and take a lot of care in the details. And our
art is also bright and colorful with geometric shapes.

How do you do when someone dies? [Funeral Rituals]

We believe that life continues after death, that’s why when someone dies we buried them in a
container they made themselves and we try to recreate the maternal womb through the vessel to
prepare the body for a new birth.

What is your language?

Our official language is “Quechua”, it is spoken by almost the entire empire. And our main form of
communication and registration are “Quipus”, ceramics, textiles and several dialects of Quechua.

Those were all the questions, thanks for answering all, hope to see you soon.

Your welcome, goodbye.

Time traveling

To finish, I will like to say that the Inca civilization caused a great impact to the present, and they
left us many useful things for nowadays. I can also say that I have learned a lot about their culture
and beliefs in this interesting trip. The lnca civilization was one of the longest civilizations, so we
should be proud of them, because they built a great empire and were the most important
civilization in all of South America.

Rafaela Pástor
Agustín Mandiola
Vicente Bocchieri

November 25, 2018

Class: 7° C

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