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Level 3

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box. Not all words will be used.

A) boring B) fun C) funny D) E) violent


1. The book was so ____________. I couldn’t stop reading it.

2. The TV show was very ____________ and a lot of people were killed.

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box.

A) kinkajou B) rain forest C) species D) team E) traps

3. Cheetahs are a ____________ of big cat like lions and leopards.

4. Camera ____________ are used to take photos of animals at night.

5. Nathan works in a ____________ of ten people.

Are the answers to the questions correct? Choose Yes or No.

____ 6. A: Are you going to call Maria?

B: Yes, but there’s no answer.
a. Yes
b. No

____ 7. A: What are you going to cook?

B: Spaghetti Bolognese. Do you want to join me?
a. Yes
b. No

____ 8. A: What are you going to do?

B: I’m watching television at the moment.
a. Yes
b. No

____ 9. A: Are you going to walk to school?

B: No. It’s raining too hard right now.
a. Yes
b. No

____ 10. A: What are you going to do?

B: I’m looking at the weather forecast.
a. Yes
b. No
Choose the correct option.

____ 11. Helen’s going to Russia ________ her future husband’s parents.
a. to meet
b. meeting
c. to meeting
____ 12. I want to save some money ________ a new laptop.
a. buy
b. to buy
c. to buying
____ 13. Are you going to the store ________ groceries?
a. to getting
b. get
c. to get
____ 14. I’m taking Andrea out to dinner tonight ________ her to marry me.
a. to asking
b. ask
c. to ask
____ 15. We have a meeting at the bank ______________ for a loan.
a. to apply
b. apply
c. to applying

Read the conversation. Then decide whether each statement is True or False.

Jane: It’s a gorgeous day, Elena. Do you have any plans?

Elena: I’m going to do some shopping.
Jane: Of course, you are! You always go shopping on Saturdays.
Elena: Yes, but today I’m going to buy something special to wear for my brother’s
Jane: He’s not getting married until August. Why are you going today?
Elena: I hate last-minute shopping. I always seem to buy something I don’t like.
Jane: Well, a lot of the stores have sales on now—I love buying stuff on sale.
Elena: It’s my brother’s wedding, so I’m not going to buy a cheap dress. I like the color
pink, so I might get a pink one.
Jane: Pink? I don’t think that will look very good. You look very nice in green.
Elena: Green? Not for a wedding!
Jane: Why not? I prefer green to any other color!
Elena: Well, you get a green dress then. What about white? I love white.
Jane: You can’t wear white to a wedding! Only the bride can wear white.
Elena: Oh, right. And I can’t wear black either, can I?
Jane: Of course not! Listen, you need me—I’m going to come with you. What time are
you going? I’ll meet you at the station in an hour.

____ 16. Elena is going shopping today.

a. True
b. False

____ 17. Elena doesn’t usually go shopping on Saturdays.

a. True
b. False

____ 18. Elena is going to buy a wedding present for her brother.
a. True
b. False

____ 19. Elena’s brother is getting married in August.

a. True
b. False

____ 20. Elena likes to plan ahead when she buys something important.
a. True
b. False

Read the conversation. Then answer the questions with Yes or No.

Jane: It’s a gorgeous day, Elena. Do you have any plans?

Elena: I’m going to do some shopping.
Jane: Of course, you are! You always go shopping on Saturdays.
Elena: Yes, but today I’m going to buy something special to wear for my brother’s
Jane: He’s not getting married until August. Why are you going today?
Elena: I hate last-minute shopping. I always seem to buy something I don’t like.
Jane: Well, a lot of the stores have sales on now—I love buying stuff on sale.
Elena: It’s my brother’s wedding, so I’m not going to buy a cheap dress. I like the color
pink, so I might get a pink one.
Jane: Pink? I don’t think that will look very good. You look very nice in green.
Elena: Green? Not for a wedding!
Jane: Why not? I prefer green to any other color!
Elena: Well, you get a green dress then. What about white? I love white.
Jane: You can’t wear white to a wedding! Only the bride can wear white.
Elena: Oh, right. And I can’t wear black either, can I?
Jane: Of course not! Listen, you need me—I’m going to come with you. What time are
you going? I’ll meet you at the station in an hour.

____ 21. Does Elena think last-minute shopping is a good idea? ____________
a. Yes
b. No

____ 22. Does Elena agree with Jane about buying things on sale? ____________
a. Yes
b. No

____ 23. Does Jane think Elena looks nice in pink? ____________
a. Yes
b. No

____ 24. Is green Jane’s favorite color? ____________

a. Yes
b. No

____ 25. Does Jane think it’s a good idea to wear white to a wedding? ____________
a. Yes
b. No

Listen. Then read each statement and choose True or False.

(Audio Track 2.09)

____ 26. Adrian’s movies are shown on TV and the internet.

a. True
b. False

____ 27. Adrian usually makes movies about famous people.

a. True
b. False

____ 28. It costs a lot of money for Adrian’s team to fly.

a. True
b. False

____ 29. Adrian’s team travels to a lot of different countries for their work.
a. True
b. False

____ 30. Adrian’s next movie is about a famous politician.

a. True
b. False

Listen. Complete the sentences with no more than two words.

(Audio Track 2.09)

31. Adrian says it takes about ____________ to make a movie.

a) won here
b) won ear
c)one year

Which adjective can you use with each verb? Choose the correct option.
____ 32. look
a. loud
b. angry
____ 33. feel
a. delicious
b. terrible
____ 34. sound
a. soft
b. interesting
____ 35. taste
a. delicious
b. bored

Match the two parts of the sentence.

a. at 7 o’clock.
b. I’d love to.
c. to come?
d. does it start?
e. want to go?
____ 36. Do you
____ 37. Let’s meet
____ 38. Would you like
____ 39. Thanks,

Choose the correct answers.

____ 40. Adults often think they can’t ________ new things like foreign languages, but it isn’t true.
a. learn
b. teach
c. study
____ 41. My grandparents didn’t ________ how to use a smartphone so I taught them.
a. learn
b. remember
c. know
____ 42. The children have piano lessons and they ________ for an hour every day.
a. practice
b. study
c. pass
____ 43. My class has an exam next week, so I need to ________ this weekend.
a. practice
b. study
c. fail
____ 44. Mrs. Chang is going to ________ me how to speak a little Mandarin before I travel to China.
a. study
b. learn
c. teach

Are the following sentences grammatically correct? Choose Yes or No.

____ 45. My kids have visit the Science Museum. They loved it.
a. Yes
b. No

____ 46. I haven’t booked my flights. I should do it soon.

a. Yes
b. No

____ 47. I’ve learn a lot of new words in this class.

a. Yes
b. No

____ 48. I haven’t met your wife. Is that her over there?
a. Yes
b. No

____ 49. Thomas hasn’t finish his report. He’ll give it to us tomorrow.
a. Yes
b. No

Complete each sentence with the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses.

50. I _________________ (not eat) all day and I’m really hungry. Let’s go out for dinner.
a) haven't eaten
b) didn't eat
c) am not eating
d) won't eat

51. I _________________ (see) that movie before. Can we see something else?
a) seen
b) ve seen
c) saw
d) seeing

Match the questions and answers.

a. No, I haven’t.
b. Yes, he has.
c. Yes, she has.
d. Yes, we have.
e. No, you haven’t.
____ 52. Has your mother left the hospital?
____ 53. Have I told you about my new car?
____ 54. Has he passed the exam?
____ 55. Have you ever been to the US?
____ 56. Have you both applied for the same job?

Complete each sentence with the correct option.

57. I _________________ (had / have had) a lot of good jobs, but the one I’m doing now is the best.
a) had
b) have had
c) had had
d) have

58. _________________ (Did ever you eat / Have you even eaten) strange things like insects?
a) Did ever you eat
b) Have you ever eaten
c) You ever have eaten
d) Ever did you eat

59. I _________________ (broke / have broken) my arm a few days ago, so I can’t write very well.
a) broke
b) broken
c) break
d) have broken

60. We _________________ (didn’t see / haven’t seen) Carol all week. I hope she’s OK
a) didn’t see
b) seen
c) havent seen
d) don't see

Is the form of the verb correct in the following sentences? Write A (Yes) or B (No).

61. When have you bought that dress? It’s very nice.
A) Yes B) No

62. My mother fell in the snow last week. Luckily, she’s all right.
A) Yes B) No

63. I haven’t been to the Guggenheim Museum when I was in New York.
A) Yes B) No

64. Did you see Sally yesterday?

A) Yes B) No

Read the email. Then decide whether each statement is True or False.
Hi Adrian,

I thought I’d send you a quick email now because I won’t have a lot of free time until after
the conference. Also, there’s a problem with the internet access here in the hotel. There’s
Wi-Fi in some places but I don’t think I have it in my room. Anyway, I’m online now, so I
hope I can send this before we lose the connection.

My flight was good and there were no problems. It was a bit boring, but I never really enjoy
traveling anyway. When I arrived in Singapore, it was very hot and I went straight to the

If you want to call me, I’ll text you the number of the direct line to my room, but remember
we’re about eight hours ahead here.

The conference should be interesting. They sent us a lot of information about all the talks that
people are giving. I started reading it on the plane but then a good movie came on—it was the
new one with Colin Firth and you know what a good actor I think he is.

Sorry, but I have to go now. I’ve just had a text telling me they’re waiting for me downstairs
for lunch.

Hope all is well at home.


____ 65. Lucy thinks traveling is interesting.

a. True
b. False

____ 66. The hotel has good internet connections in all of its rooms.
a. True
b. False

____ 67. Adrian can call Lucy on the phone in her room.
a. True
b. False

____ 68. Lucy has finished reading about the conference.

a. True
b. False

____ 69. Lucy likes watching movies that have Colin Firth in them.
a. True
b. False

Read the email. Find the paragraph that has each piece of information. Write the paragraph letter.

Hi Adrian,

A I thought I’d send you a quick email now because I won’t have a lot of free time
until after the conference. Also, there’s a problem with the internet access here in the hotel.
There’s Wi-Fi in some places but I don’t think I have it in my room. Anyway, I’m online
now, so I hope I can send this before we lose the connection.

B My flight was good and there were no problems. It was a bit boring, but I never
really enjoy traveling anyway. When I arrived in Singapore, it was very hot and I went
straight to the hotel.

C If you want to call me, I’ll text you the number of the direct line to my room, but
remember we’re about eight hours ahead here.

D The conference should be interesting. They sent us a lot of information about all the
talks that people are giving. I started reading it on the plane but then a good movie came
on—it was the new one with Colin Firth and you know what a good actor I think he is.

E Sorry, but I have to go now. I’ve just had a text telling me they’re waiting for me
downstairs for lunch.

Hope all is well at home.


70. Information about Lucy’s trip: paragraph ________

71. a movie Lucy watched: paragraph ________

72. Information about how to call Lucy: paragraph ________

73. A meeting Lucy has: paragraph ________

Read the email. Match the words to the correct meanings.

Hi Adrian,

I thought I’d send you a quick email now because I won’t have a lot of free time until after
the conference. Also, there’s a problem with the internet access here in the hotel. There’s
Wi-Fi in some places but I don’t think I have it in my room. Anyway, I’m online now, so I
hope I can send this before we lose the connection.

My flight was good and there were no problems. It was a bit boring, but I never really enjoy
traveling anyway. When I arrived in Singapore, it was very hot and I went straight to the

If you want to call me, I’ll text you the number of the direct line to my room, but remember
we’re about eight hours ahead here.

The conference should be interesting. They sent us a lot of information about all the talks that
people are giving. I started reading it on the plane but then a good movie came on—it was the
new one with Colin Firth and you know what a good actor I think he is.

Sorry, but I have to go now. I’ve just had a text telling me they’re waiting for me downstairs
for lunch.

Hope all is well at home.


a. a way of getting or using something

b. a journey through air in a plane
c. a large, formal meeting, often lasting a few days, where people discuss their work, politics,
studies, etc.
d. at a time that is later than somewhere else
e. a system for connecting to the internet without wires
____ 74. conference
____ 75. Wi-Fi
____ 76. flight
____ 77. ahead

Listen. Then read each statement and choose True or False.

(Audio Track 2.10)

____ 78. The speaker mentions the need to remember numbers and dates for a history exam.
a. True
b. False

____ 79. The speaker thinks that some people worry about remembering things for an exam.
a. True
b. False

____ 80. The speaker wants to help people remember things better.
a. True
b. False

____ 81. A mind palace is used for remembering a small quantity of information.
a. True
b. False

____ 82. A mind palace only helps engineering students.

a. True
b. False
Answer Section
1. ANS: interesting

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Talking about TV

2. ANS: violent

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Talking about TV

3. ANS: species

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p115 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Key vocabulary

4. ANS: traps

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p115 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Key vocabulary

5. ANS: team

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p115 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Key vocabulary

6. ANS: N PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: be going to (for plans)
7. ANS: Y PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: be going to (for plans)
8. ANS: N PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: be going to (for plans)
9. ANS: Y PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: be going to (for plans)
10. ANS: N PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: be going to (for plans)
11. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p109 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Infinitive of purpose
12. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p109 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Infinitive of purpose
13. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p109 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Infinitive of purpose
14. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p109 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Infinitive of purpose
15. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p109 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Infinitive of purpose
16. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
17. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
18. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
19. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
20. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
21. ANS: N PTS: 2 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Critical thinking
22. ANS: N PTS: 2 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Critical thinking
23. ANS: N PTS: 2 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Critical thinking
24. ANS: Y PTS: 2 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Critical thinking
25. ANS: N PTS: 2 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Critical thinking
26. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information
27. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information
28. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information
29. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information
30. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information
31. ANS:
one year
1 year

PTS: 2 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
32. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p113 OBJ: Writing skill
TOP: Giving your opinion with sense verbs
33. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p113 OBJ: Writing skill
TOP: Giving your opinion with sense verbs
34. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p113 OBJ: Writing skill
TOP: Giving your opinion with sense verbs
35. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p113 OBJ: Writing skill
TOP: Giving your opinion with sense verbs
36. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p112 OBJ: Real life
TOP: Inviting and making arrangements
37. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p112 OBJ: Real life
TOP: Inviting and making arrangements
38. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p112 OBJ: Real life
TOP: Inviting and making arrangements
39. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p112 OBJ: Real life
TOP: Inviting and making arrangements
40. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Word building: synonyms and antonyms
41. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Word building: synonyms and antonyms
42. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Word building: synonyms and antonyms
43. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Word building: synonyms and antonyms
44. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Word building: synonyms and antonyms
45. ANS: N PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect
46. ANS: Y PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect
47. ANS: N PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect
48. ANS: Y PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect
49. ANS: N PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect
50. ANS: haven’t eaten

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect
51. ANS:
’ve seen
have seen

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect
52. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect questions and short answers
53. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect questions and short answers
54. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect questions and short answers
55. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect questions and short answers
56. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p119
OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect questions and short answers
57. ANS: have had

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
58. ANS: Have you ever eaten

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
59. ANS: broke

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
60. ANS: haven’t seen

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
61. ANS:
When did you buy that dress? It’s very nice.

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
62. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
63. ANS:
I didn’t go to the Guggenheim Museum when I was in New York.

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
64. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Present perfect and simple past
65. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
66. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
67. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
68. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
69. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
70. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Critical thinking
71. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Critical thinking
72. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Critical thinking
73. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Critical thinking
74. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
75. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
76. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
77. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p122
OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
78. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121
OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
79. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121
OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
80. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121
OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
81. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121
OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
82. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 10 p121
OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information

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