3.°SEC - ENGLISH - IBIM2024 - WRITINGTEST - Jhonatan Cesar Nazario Granados

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Name and surname: ____________________________________________________

Subject: English Grade: “3th __” Date: ____ / ____ / 2024

Criterion A:
Grade: _____

Criterion B:
Grade: _____

Begin your diary entry by setting the scene and explaining why you're reflecting on the topic of sustainable cities
and communities. You may mention recent news, personal experiences, or class discussions that have inspired
you to explore this theme further.

Describe Your Thoughts and Feelings:

Reflect on your thoughts and feelings about sustainable cities and communities. Consider questions such as:

● What does sustainability mean to you?

● Why is it important to create sustainable cities and communities?
● How do sustainable practices contribute to a better quality of life for residents?
● What are your concerns or hopes for the future of urban development?

Share Personal Experiences or Observations:

Draw from personal experiences or observations to illustrate your reflections. You might discuss:

● Examples of sustainable initiatives or practices you've noticed in your own community or during travels.
● Challenges or barriers to sustainability that you've observed in cities or communities.
● Positive changes or progress you've witnessed in terms of sustainability efforts.

Consider Solutions and Actions:

Think about potential solutions or actions that could promote sustainability in cities and communities. You might
brainstorm ideas such as:

● Implementing renewable energy sources.

● Encouraging public transportation and reducing reliance on private vehicles.
● Promoting green spaces and sustainable architecture.
● Supporting local businesses and community-led initiatives.

Reflect on Personal Responsibility:

Reflect on your own role and responsibility in contributing to sustainable cities and communities. Consider:

● How can individuals make a difference in promoting sustainability?

● What changes can you make in your own lifestyle to support sustainable practices?
● How do your personal values align with the principles of sustainability?

Closing Thoughts:

Conclude your diary entry by summarizing your thoughts and feelings about sustainable cities and communities.
You might express optimism, concern, or a call to action. Consider leaving the reader with a thought-provoking
question or statement to encourage further reflection on the topic.


Feel free to include sketches, diagrams, or quotes related to sustainable cities and communities to enhance your
diary entry visually and intellectually.

Remember, this diary entry is a personal reflection, so be authentic and express yourself freely. There are no right
or wrong answers, only your unique perspective on the topic of sustainability in urban environments.
Write your text here between 250 - 300 words.

Writing assessment criteria
Criterion A: Organises and develops the ideas in a coherent and cohesive way.
Marks Level descriptor

● Diary entry demonstrates exceptional coherence, cohesion, and fluidity, with a

clear and logical structure that effectively establishes hierarchical
● Uses a wide range of cohesive devices (e.g., conjunctions, transitions) to
create logical connections between ideas, including addition, contrast,
sequence, similarity, difference, cause, and consequence.
AD ● Information is expanded upon with relevant and insightful details,
Advanced demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of the topic of sustainable
● Vocabulary is varied and appropriate, including specialized terms related to
sustainable development, enhancing the clarity and depth of the diary entry.

● Diary entry exhibits good coherence, cohesion, and fluidity, with a generally
clear and organized structure that establishes logical relationships between
● Employs a variety of cohesive devices to connect ideas effectively, including
some use of addition, contrast, sequence, similarity, difference, cause, and
A ● Information is expanded upon with relevant details, contributing to a solid
understanding of sustainable development.
● Vocabulary is appropriate and demonstrates a good grasp of key concepts
related to sustainable development, contributing to the overall clarity and
effectiveness of the diary entry.


● Diary entry shows some coherence, cohesion, and fluidity, though the structure
may be somewhat disjointed or lacking in clarity at times.
● Attempts to use cohesive devices to connect ideas, but transitions may be
awkward or inconsistent, leading to occasional confusion.
● Information is expanded upon to some extent, but details may be limited or
B tangential, resulting in a less thorough understanding of sustainable
Basic development.
● Vocabulary is basic and may lack variety, with occasional use of inappropriate
or imprecise terms, affecting the overall effectiveness of the diary entry.

● Diary entry lacks coherence, cohesion, and fluidity, with a disorganized

structure and unclear progression of ideas.
● Few cohesive devices are used, leading to significant gaps in logic and
C ● Limited expansion of information, with minimal relevant details provided,
Limited resulting in a superficial understanding of sustainable development.
● Vocabulary is basic and may be inappropriate or inaccurate, hindering
comprehension and detracting from the overall quality of the diary entry.
Criterion B: Uses written language conventions in an appropriate way.
Marks Level descriptor

● Mastery of spelling and grammar with minimal to no errors.

● Consistently demonstrates a sophisticated command of language
conventions, including varied sentence structures and effective use of verb
tenses (present simple and perfect, past simple and perfect, modal verbs,
AD ● Text flows smoothly, enhancing clarity and coherence.
Advanced ● Exceptional use of textual resources such as quotes, statistics, or anecdotes
to provide additional clarity and reinforce key points in the diary entry.
● Demonstrates an advanced understanding of how language and textual
resources contribute to the meaning and impact of the diary entry.

● Competent use of spelling and grammar with few errors that do not
significantly detract from comprehension.
● Generally demonstrates a solid command of language conventions,
including varied sentence structures and appropriate use of verb tenses
(present simple and perfect, past simple and perfect, modal verbs, etc.).
● Diary entry is mostly clear and meaningful, though there may be occasional
A lapses in clarity or coherence.
Competent ● Effective use of textual resources to support and clarify key points in the
diary entry, though some areas may lack depth or relevance.
● Shows a proficient understanding of how language and textual resources
contribute to the overall effectiveness of the diary entry.

● Some errors in spelling and grammar that occasionally hinder

● Demonstrates a basic understanding of language conventions, with limited
variation in sentence structures and inconsistent use of verb tenses (present
simple and perfect, past simple and perfect, modal verbs, etc.).
B ● Diary entry may lack clarity and coherence at times, requiring effort from the
Basic reader to discern meaning.
● Attempts to use textual resources to support key points, but may do so
inconsistently or ineffectively.
● Shows a developing awareness of how language and textual resources can
enhance the diary entry, but execution is inconsistent.

● Significant errors in spelling and grammar that impede comprehension.

● Limited command of language conventions, with repetitive or simplistic
sentence structures and frequent misuse of verb tenses (present simple and
perfect, past simple and perfect, modal verbs, etc.).
● Diary entry lacks clarity and coherence, making it difficult for the reader to
C understand the intended meaning.
Limited ● Minimal or ineffective use of textual resources to support key points,
resulting in a lack of depth or relevance.
● Shows minimal understanding of how language and textual resources
contribute to the effectiveness of the diary entry.

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