Lesson 8.1

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Lesson 8.1: Trigonometric Functions of Angles Lesson Summary In this lesson, the angle measure will be defined in terms of both degrees and radians. Then the six trigonometric functions will be defined for acute angles in terms of right triangle ratios. Next, the trigonometric functions will be defined for non acute angles. Lastly, the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines will be used to solve oblique triangles. Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Understand angle measures in both degrees and radians, and convert between the two. Solve trigonometric function values for acute angles. Solve trigonometric function values for any (acute or non acute) angle. Apply Law of Sines to solve problems involving oblique triangles. Apply the Law of Cosines to solve oblique triangles. eaen Motivation Question How are trigonometric functions applied in a real-world scenario? Discussion Angle Measure Angles and Their Measure When a ray is rotated around its endpoint, an angle is formed, as shown in Figure 1. The common endpoint is callled the vertex. ‘Angle Vertex Figure 1. Illustration of an angle. In the original position, the ray is called the initial side of an angle. In the cartesian plane, it is assumed that the initial side of an angle is the positive x- axis. The position of the ray after the rotation is called the terminal side of an 31 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers angle. We can say that the angle is positive if the rotation is counterclockwise and a negative angle if the rotation is clockwise, see Figure 2. Initial Side Negative Angle Positive Angle Initial Side Figure 2. Representation of positive and negative angles. Degree Measure of Angles Measuring units such as feet, miles, and meters are three Standard Units used to compare different lengths or distances. The same with angles of different sizes, a standard unit of measure is needed, and one way to measure the size of an angle is with the degree measure. If an angle is formed by one complete counterclockwise rotation, as shown in Figure 3, it has an equivalent measure of 360 degrees, denoted as 360°, A 1° represents a 1/360 counterclockwise rotation Figure 3, One complete counterclockwise revolution = 360° Ifan angle measures 90°, itis called a right angle. Its a quarter rotation having the two rays perpendicular to each other. When the angle measures 180°, it is called a straight angle. If an angle is measuring greater than 0° but less than 90°, itis called an acute angle while an angle measuring greater than 90° but less than 180° is called an obtuse angle, Allof these types of angles are shown in Figure 4. In mathematics, Greek letters such as @ (theta), « (alpha), f (beta), and y (gamma) are often used in naming the measured angles. 0 = 180" 6 = 90" ma Right Angle Straight Angle 90° < 6 < 180° <0<90° Acute Angle Obtuse Angle Figure 4. Types of Angles Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 32 If we take the sum of the measures of the two positive angles is 90°, the two angles are complementary. In Figure 5 (a), we can say that « is the complement of f and vice versa. Moreover, if the sum of the measures of two positive angles is 180°, the two angles are supplementary. In Figure 5 (b), we can say that a is the supplement of 8 and vice versa. (a) (b) Figure 5. (a) Complementary and (b) Supplementary Angles Example 1. Finding Measures of Complementary and Supplementary Angles Find the measure of each angle. a) Find the complement of 60°. b) Find the supplement of 120°. ©) Represent the complement of f in terms of 8. d) Find two supplementary angles such that the first angle is twice as large as the second angle. Solution: a. The sum of complementary angles is 90°. 8 +60° = 90° Solve for 0. @ = 30° b. The sum of supplementary angles is 180°. @+120° = 180° Solve for 6. 0 = 60° c. Let a be the complement of f. The sum of complementary angles is 90°. a@+B = 90° Solve for a a = 90°-f d. The sum of supplementary angles is 180°. «+f = 180° Let B = 2a. a+2a = 180° Solve for a. a = 60° Substitute « into = 2a, to solve f. The two angles have measures 60° and 120°. 120° In most everyday applications and in geometry, degree measure is used in measuring angles. Nevertheless, in calculus, the radian measure is more natural in angle measurements. In general, the radian measure enables us to write trigonometric functions as a function of not only the angles but also for real numbers. Now, let us assume by thinking the angle in the context of a circle. A central angle is formed if the angle has its vertex at the center of a circle. The measure Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Development ofa highly compettive human resource, cuting-edge scientific knowledge "80 {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 33 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers of the central angle is 1 radian if the intercepted arc’s length is equal to the radius of the circle, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. A central angle intercepted an arc with length equal to the radius of the circle Radian Measure of Angles By definition, if central angle @ in a circle with radius r intercepts as an arc on the circle of length s (arc length) as in Figure 7, then the measure of radians, given by the equation (in radians) = and this equation is valid only if the unit of s (arc length) and r (radius) are expressed in the same units. “S Figure 7. Illustration of a radian measure. Take note that both s and r are measured in units of lengths. If that is the case, the units are canceled out, giving the number of radians a dimensionless (unitless) real number. Moreover, one full rotation corresponds to an arc length equal to the circumference 2mrr of the circle with radius r. Using equation (1), we can say that one full rotation is equal to 27 radians. Example 2. Finding the Radian Measure of an Angle What is the measure (in radians) of a central angle @ that intercepts an arc of length 10 centimeters on a circle with a radius of § meters? Solution: Vision: A atl compsive univers fo science technology. and environmental conserva. Mission: Getelopnt ta hy conpetive human revues, cutrrecge odetfe krowegye TPIMD-22 ba eovatve techie or sustnale commons an rurenont erates Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 34 Examine first the given values in the problem. Take note that the Unit of radius and the arc length must be the same. Using equation (1) and substituting the given, we have 10cm 10¢m 775m ~ 500em ~ OO8rad @(in radians) = In the solution above, we convert the radius 5 m to 500 cm. The em units have been canceled out, and the result is a unitless real number, Converting Between Degrees and Radians Remember that one full rotation of an angle is said to have a measure of 360° or equivalent to 27 radians. Hence, 180° = radians. + To convert degrees to radians, multiply the degree measure by + And, to convert radians to degrees, multiply the radian measure by ~~. Example 3. Converting Between Degrees and Radians ‘Convert Solution: ‘a. 45° to radians Multiply 45° by B. 472 to radians Multiply 472° by = my) 472°" 4729 (Gao:) = a0" = to degrees Multiply = by = 2m 180° = 120° 7 0 Converting Degrees-Minutes-Seconds to Decimal Degrees One degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes and each minute is divided into 60 equal parts called seconds. The equivalent degree for one minute is 1/60, and in one second that is 1/3600 of a degree. An angle with measure 30°20'50" is an angle with a measure of 30 degrees, 20 minutes, and 50 seconds. Example 4. Converting degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal and vice-versa a) Convert the measure 30°20'S0" to decimal degrees. Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Sevaopert ta gy eompeive naman evoresewang.acgy selene rows va Sra evaoe tahoe Tr stants communion ana ow ero 35 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers b) Convert the measure 20.235° to degrees-minutes-seconds. Solution: a) From the given angle measure, we only need to convert the minutes and the seconds part. Recall that 1 degree = 60 minutes and 1 degree = 3600 seconds, so we have ldegree 1 20min = 20min M97" 2 degree 60min 3 “°9 50sec= 50. ldegree_1 sec = 50sec Seog sec 72 dearer then, a ay 20-2030" = (204442) = 20307 b) From the given angle measure, we only need to convert the decimal part, so 60 min 0.235" = 0.235" (7) = 14.1 min So, 20.2345° = 20°14.1', Now we convert 0.1’ to seconds. That is 04 min = 0:1 min(S2S22) = 6 . Amin, see So 20.235° = 20°14'6”. Angles in Standard Position Ifthe angles initial side is along the positive x-axis and its vertex is at the origin, it is said to be in a standard position, as shown in Figure 8. Vertex Initial Side (0,0) Figure 8. The angle in Standard Position Vision: A tay compsive univers fo science technology. and environmental conservation, Mission: Getelopnt ta hy conpetive human revues, cutrrecge odetfe krowegye TPIMD-22 ba eovatve techie or sustnale commons an rurenont tae Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 36 When the angles in standard position with terminal sides along the x-axis or y= axis (e.g., 90°, 180°, 270°, 360°, etc.) are called the quadrantal angles. y y y y oo, 180" . . . 270" ‘360° Figure 9. Example of Quadrantal Angles Coterminal Angles We define coterminal angles if two angles in standard position have the same initial side and the same terminal side. In Figure 10, we say that —45° and 315° are coterminal angles even though they are formed by rotations in opposite directions, their terminal rays are identical. Also, the angles 65° and 425° are coterminal. By continuing the rotation beyond one full circle, we can generate angles more than 360° or less than ~360°. Hence, all coterminal angles have the same initial side (positive x-axis) and the same terminal side, just different amounts and/or direction of rotation: In order to find the measure of the smallest positive coterminal angle of a given angle measured in degrees, the following procedure must be followed. * Ifthe given angle is positive, we need to subtract 360° repeatedly until the result arrives at a positive angle less than or equal to 360° * Ifthe given angle is negative, we need to add 360° repeatedly until the result arrives at a positive angle less than or equal to 360°. Likewise, if the angle is measured in radians, subtract or add equivalently 27 Until the result arrives at a positive angle less than or equal to 27r. 5 315 Figure 10. Example of Coterminal Angles Example 5. Finding Measures of Coterminal Angles In the following angles, determine the angle with the smallest possible positive measure that is coterminal. a) 420° Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Sevaopert ta gy eompeive naman evoresewang.acgy selene rows ae {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 37 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers b) —120° oz a -3 Solution: a. Since 420° is positive, subtract 360°. 420°- 360° = 60° b. For —120° angle, add 360° =120° + 360° = 240° am 10 5x c. For a+ angle, subtract 2n. aan = «ang 6 6 d. Fora —= angle, add 2m. tae = 230 cr 2 Answers can be check by making illustrations just like in Figure 10. Let us now look at the applications of radian measures that involve calculating arc lengths, areas of circular sectors, and angular and linear speeds. Arc Length As in Figure 11, a central angle 0 in a circle with a radius r intercepts an are on the circle of length s; then the arc length s is given by s=r0 Gis in radians (2) S = arc length Figure 11. Arc length representation Example 6. Finding the Length of the Arc Find the arc length intercepted by a central of 120° in the circle has a radius of 10 inches. Solution: Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 38 Equation (2) can be used only when the value @ is expressed in radians. Thus, we begin our solution by converting 120° to radians. To do this, we need to multiply by ="@@#2"*, 120° = 1900. Fadians 1208 an 2 a = 120 TS = Gag Tadians = radians Now, we can use the formula in equation (2) to find the length of the arc. So, 20 2m s = 10 = (10 inches) ® =F inches ~ 20.94 inches, Area of cular Sector Figure 12 shows a circular sector (shaded part), To find the area of a sector of a circle with radius r and central angle 0, we use the formula, 6 is in radians oy Figure 12. Area of Circular Sector Example 7. Finding the Area of a Sector When the Angle has Degree Measure Sprinkler heads rotate 75° and have enough pressure to keep a constant 20-foot spray. Calculate the are of the sector of the lawn that gets watered, round the answer to the nearest foot. Solution: Write the formula for the circular Lia = A= tr,(4) sector area in degrees. 2 Teo", Substitute r = 20 ft and 8, = 75° into the area equation, A= F20)7(75%) (; =) ‘Simplify. = ( s ‘fe = 523.60 ft’ Round to the nearest square foot. = A= 524 ft? Vision: Aslobally compattive unversty for science, technology. and environmental conservation. Tp? Mission: Seveopmant a ighy compete mananrexouce,ctigredge seerie mowedge YO, {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 39 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers Linear and Angular Speed ‘Assume that an object moves or travels around a circle of radius r at a constant speed. If the distance traveled is s and time around this circle is ¢, then the linear speed v of the object is defined as v (4) s t When this object travels around the circle, let @ (measured in radians) is the central angle swept out in time t. See Figure 13. Thus, we can say that the angular speed w of this object is given by o (6) Time t r Figure 13. Representation of an object travels around the circle. The relationship between linear and angular speed is v=re 6) where w is in radians per unit time. If we use equation (6), let us take note that v == (the linear speed) has a unit of length per unit of time, such as kilometer per hour or feet per second. Also, the radius of the circular motion r has the same unit with s, and a is in radians per unit time. Moreover, if the measure of the angular speed is in terms of revolutions per unit of time, it is necessary to convert first the unit to radians er unit of time using the fact that 1 revolution = 2r radians before we attempt to use equation (6). Example 8. Finding the Linear Speed In a circular track with a circumference equal to 3 miles, a car is traveling at a constant speed. Calculate the linear speed of the in miles per hour is the car records 30 minutes for 10 laps. Solution: Vision: A tay compsive univers fo science technology. and environmental conservation, Mission: Getelopnt ta hy conpetive human revues, cutrrecge odetfe krowegye TPIMD-22 ba eovatve techie or sustnale commons an rurenont Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 40 Calculate the distance traveled amt) _ around the circular track. 5 = GO taps) (FF) = 30 mi Substitute ¢ = 30 min and s 30 mi 30 mi in tov =¢ = 30min Convert the linear speed from = (20m comin) miles per minute to miles per hour. = (Som) ar simplify v = 60mph Example 9. Finding the Angular Speed In the middle of a channel, a lighthouse rotates its light in a circular motion. The beacon of light completes 1 rotation every 20 seconds. Calculate the angular speed of the beacon in radians per minute. Solution: Calculate the angle measure in 0 = om radians associated with 1 rotation. Substitute @ = 2m and ¢ = 20 sec 2mrad into w =2 ® = sec Convert the angular speed from 2n rad\ /60 see radians per second to radians per ( ) ( ) minute 20sec) \T min. Simplify, @ = 6rrad/min Example 10. Relating Linear and Angular Speed A.50-foot radius Ferris wheel makes 1.5 revolutions per minute. a) Solve the angular speed of the Ferris wheel in radians per minute. b) Calculate the linear speed of the Ferris wheel. Solution: a) Since 1 revolution equals to 21 radians, it follows that the Ferris wheel turns (1.5)(21) = 3m radians per minute. So the angular speed is: e a=! Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Sevaopert ta gy eompeive naman evoresewang.acgy selene rows ae {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment a4 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers 3m radians 1 radians per minute Tmimute ‘ ‘ b) For the linear speed, we can use equation (6), that is: vere 8 _ Gafeenn) Gr 0122018 54.2 experi Right Triangle Trigonometry The word trigonometry came from the Greek words trigonon which means triangle and metrein which means to measure. Trigonometry became a branch of geometry. The early Greek mathematicians utilized this in determining unknown distances. The major trigonometric functions including sine, cosine, and tangen were first defined as ratios of sides in a right triangle. Similar Triangles In mathematics, the word similar means identical in shape, although not necessarily the same in size. Take note that two triangles can have the same shape (same angle) but have different sizes. Similar triangles are triangles with equal corresponding angle measures, see Figure 14, Figure 14. Illustration of Similar Triangles Right Triangles When one of the angles inside the triangle is a right angle 90°, we formed the triangle called the right triangle. The other two angles must be complementary (sums up to 90°) so that the sum of all three angles is 180°. The longest side of a right triangle, which is the opposite of the right angle, is called the hypotenuse. The other two sides are called the legs of the right triangle. See Figure 15 (a). One important theorem that relates to the sides of a right triangle is the Pythagorean theorem. The theorem proves that the longest side (hypotenuse) is equivalent to the sum of the squares of the other two sides (legs). The Pythagorean theorem can be expressed mathematically based in Figure 15 (b), that is: Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 42 Leg Leg a (a) ) Figure 15. Right Triangles Take note that the Pythagorean theorem applies only to right triangles. Also, it does not matter which side is called a or b, as long as the sum of the squares of the shorter sides is equal to the square of the longest side. Right-triangle trigonometry relies on the properties of similar triangles have the same shape (equal correspon opposite the corresponding angles must be proportional. lar triangles. Since ig angles), the sides Right Triangle Ratios One of the necessary insights in trigonometry is the concept of similar triangles. Similar triangles allow us to determine the length of a side of one triangle with respect to the other. Consider the similar triangles shown in Figure 16 a @ Figure 16. Similar Right Triangles From the similar triangles shown in Figure 16, the sides opposite to the corresponding angles must be proportional. Hence, the following ratios are correct (8) Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Sevaopert ta gy eompeive naman evoresewang.acgy selene rows ae Sra evaoe tahoe Tr stants communion ana ow ero 43 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers Separating equation (8) into three equations, we have equation (9) that is also true, (9) Then, for any right triangle, six possible ratios of sides can be calculated for each acute angle 8. Refer to Figure 17. These ratios are: bo ab a 26 ee 5 8 10 c ab aos (19) c b hypotenuse opposite side a adjacent side Figure 17. Illustration on how to get the trigonometric functions The ratios given in equation (10) are referred to as the trigonometric ratios or trigonometric functions. Since these ratios depend on the angle 6, each ratio has a name, thatis, the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant, These names are given to specific ratios of the length of sides of right triangles. Referring to Figure 17, we let @ be an acute angle in a right triangle; then the six trigonometric functions are the following a sind = cos == (1) csc secO a Moreover, we can have other terminology that can be an alternative definition so that the six trigonometric functions derived from the right triangle are easier to remember. To do this, see Figure 17, we say that + the hypotenuse is always opposite the right angle; + one leg (b) is opposite the angle 6; and + one leg (a) is adjacent to the angle Thus, the alternative form for any acute angle 9 in a right triangle are the following: opposite adjacent opposite PP ij tang = 2? ing = —CPPOstte = adjacent opposite Sin? =F ypotenuse “8° ~ hypotenuse adjacent (12) Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 44 hypotenuse hypotenuse adjacent cco = eer seco = oo cot = opposite adjacent ‘opposite Reciprocal Identities Practically, we need to learn or memorize only three main trigonometric functions, namely the sin@,cos@,tan@. The other three can always be calculated as reciprocal identities of these main three. Recall that the reciprocal of x is 1\x for x # 0. Hence, the reciprocal identities are in equation (13) and are true if and only if the denominator is not equal to zero. 1 1 1 escO = secO == tnd = TG (13) Trigonometric Function for Special Angles In trigonometry, there are three special acute angles that are very important, the 30°, 45°, and 60°. Referring to the values given in Figure 18, and applying ratios on the length of each side with respect to 30°,45°, and 60° angles, we can get the values of the trigonometric functions of these special angles. These values are summarized in Table 1. To verify these values, use equation (11) or (12). x x Figure 18. Special Triangles Table 1. Trigonometric Function Values for Special Angles 6 Values Degrees | Radians | sin@ | cos@ | tand | cote | secd | cscO 30° a i 3 va | 3 2 6 2 z 45° a | v2 1 1 v2 | v2 4 2 2 or | 2 | Ww] t vo] 2 | 48 3 2 2 3 3 Vision: Aglobalycompssve univers fr scene, eemoogy and enonmentalconsevaon, TMD? Mission: Development ofa highly compettive human resource, cuting-edge scientific knowledge "80 {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 45 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers Example 11. Solving a Right Triangle Given an Angle and a Side Use the given parameters in Figure 19 to find the value of a, b, and a. 16 ft a Figure 19, Figure for Example 11 Solution: Step 1: Solve for a. The two acute angles in a right 90° triangle are complementary. Solve for a. a = 35° Step 2: Solve for a. The cosine of an angle is a equal to the adjacent side over cosS5° = — the hypotenuse. 16 Solve for a. a = 16cos55° Evaluate the right side of the expression using a calculator. Round a to two decimal places. Step 3. Solve for b. Notice that there are two ways in solving b: trigonometric functions or the Pythagorean theorem. In this example, it is better to use the solution of trigonometric functions than the Pythagorean theorem because if we use the value of a, which is already rounded, it could make the results less accurate. atss° @ = 9.177222982 a = 918 ft The sine of an angle is equal b to the opposite side over the sin 55° hypotenuse. 16 Solve for b. = 16sin55° Evaluate the right side of the expression using a calculator. Round b to two decimal places a 13.10643271 & R 13.11 ft Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 46 In some other problems in solving a right triangle, the given are lengths of the side, and we need to find the corresponding angles. Say, for example, cos @ = }. what is @? Practically, we can look backward and find the answer in Table 1, but what if our angle is not listed in the table? We will use the inverse cosine function cos” key on our calculator. In the later section of this module, we will discuss the inverse trigonometric function, but for now, let us use the calculator in finding its values. Example 12. Solving a Right Triangle Given an Angle and a Side Use the given parameters in Figure 20 to find the value of a, «, and 6. 38.12 cm 20.76 cm Figure 20. Figure for Example 12. Solution: Step 1: Solve for a. The cosine of an angle is equal to the cosa = 2026.em adjacent side over the . 38.12en hypotenuse. Evaluate the right side using a calculator. Write the angle a in terms of the inverse @ = cos"10,5445960126 cosine function. Use a calculator to evaluate the inverse @ ~ 57.00293913° cosine function. Round « to the cosa ~ 0,5445960126 nearest hundredth of a a = 57.00° degree Step 2: Solve for B. The two acute angles in a right triangle are a+p = 90° complementary. Substitute @ ~ 57°. S7T°+B = 90° Solve for f. Bs 33° Step 3. Solve for a. Use the Pythagorean 4b? = theorem. _ Vision: A aloballycompativeuriversy forsconce, technology, and environmental conservation, TMD? Mission: Development ofa highly competivenuman resouree,cuting edge scenic Knowledge ia {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment ar Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers ‘Substitute the given values for b and c. Solve for a a Round a to four significant digits, 38.12? 31.97118703 a? + 20.767 a x a = 3197cm We can check the trigonometric values of the specific angles by calculating the trigonometric ratio. These are the ways on how to check the computed answers were correct. Applications Involving Right Triangles Using trigonometry, we can find the size of an object without actually measuring the object but by measuring an angle. Two common terms used in this regard are the angle of elevation and angle of depression. If the angle represents the angle from the horizontal upward to an object, it is called the angle of elevation, For objects that lie below the horizontal, i is common to use the term angle of depression, as shown in Figure 21 Object i a Horizontal Angle of depression ‘Angle of elevation Observer Horizontal Object Figure 21. The angle of elevation and depression. Example 13. Finding the height of an object A building casts a shadow of 120 feet from its base when the angle of elevation of the sun is at 35°. What is the height of the building? Solution: Step 1: Draw an illustration of the problem. See the illustration below. Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers i T20 toot Step 2: Apply the trigonometric rules in a right triangle. Based on the given, the height of the building is opposite to the angle, and we have the shadow’s length, which is adjacent to the angle. With this information, we can use the tangent ratio. Setting up the ratio, we have h tan35° = 5 > b= 120-tan35° = 64.02 feet We find the height of the building to be approximately 84.02 feet. Example 14. Finding the distance between objects Two ship captains whose ships are in a straight line from a lighthouse look up to the top of the lighthouse at the same time. The captain of ship A'sees the top of the 40-foot lighthouse from an angle of elevation of 45°, while the captain of ship B sees the top of the lighthouse from an angle of elevation of 30°. How far are the ships from each other to the nearest foot? Solution: Step 1: Draw an illustration of the problem. See the illustration below. 4oye Step 2: Draw an illustration of the problem. From the illustration above, it is clearly seen that to the distance between the ships, and we need to find the distance that each ship is from the base of the lighthouse and subtract ship 4's distance from the distance of the ship 48 Vision: ‘Albay competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation, Tyla? Mission: Development ofa highly competive human resource, cuting-edge scientific knowledge Oey {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 2020 49 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers B. Based on the illustration, we let a as the distance of ship A to the base of the lighthouse, and b as the distance of ship B to the base of the lighthouse. Solving a, we use the tangent ratio, that is 40 tan 45° = 40 feet tan a5" Then, we solve for b also using the tangent ratio, so we have 40 &* an 30° 40 tan30°=— > = 69 feet Bb Subtracting these two distances, a and b, we can find the distance between the ships equal to 29 feet. Trigonometric Functions: The Cartesian Plane In the last discussion, we defined the trigonometric functions as ratios of side lengths of right triangles. This definition holds only for acute angles, 0° < 0 < 90°, because the other two angles aside from the right angle must be acute. In this section, we will define the trigonometric functions as ratios of x-coordinate and y-coordinate and distances in the Cartesian plane. This approach also enables us to have the trigonometric functions for quadrantal and non-acute angles. In order to define the trigonometric functions in the Cartesian plane, we start with an acute angle @ in standard position, We can choose any point (x, y) on the terminal side of the angle as long as it is not the vertex. See Figure 22. x Figure 22. The acute angle in the Cartesian plane with a point (x, y). By making a perpendicular segment from point (x,y) to the x-axis we formed a right triangle. Now, notice that the opposite side of the angle @ has a length y and the other leg of the right triangle has a length x. The distance from the origin (0,0) to point (x, y) is r, which can be found using the distance formula. Since r is a distance, and both x and y are not zero; therefore, r is always positive Based on the definition of trigonometric function in terms of right triangle ratios, we can have the following definitions using the illustration presented in Figure Vision: A tay compsive univers fo science technology. and environmental conservation, Mission: Getelopnt ta hy conpetive human revues, cutrrecge odetfe krowegye TPIMD-22 ba eovatve techie or sustnale commons an rurenont tae Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 50 22. By letting (x,y) be a point other than the origin on the terminal side of an angle in standard position, and r is the distance from the origin to point (x,y). Then the six trigonometric functions are listed in Table 2 Table 2. Trigonometric functions derive in the Cartesian plane. sing =» cos 0 tand = (x #0) o=" Geo) ta=~ GW F0) esco = 2 cote =~ y y where rs fx? + y? or x? +y? (14) The distance r is positive, r > 0. Example 16. Calculating Trigonometric Function Values for Acute Angles Calculate the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle 8 located in a standard position where the terminal side passes through the point 2,5). Solution: Step 1: Draw the angle and label the point (2,5). See the illustration below Step 2: Calculate the distance r. r= V2? +5? = V29 Step 3: From Table 4, formulate the trigonometric functions in terms of x,y, and r. Let x = 2, y = 5,7 = 29. . y 5 x 2 ys sin@ =—=—— cos@ == =—— tang=2=2 r 29 r ¥29 x2 r_ VO + V x2 eso =2 = ara cota =2 =2 y 5 seco z ys Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation, "Yaur yz Mission: Development oa ighy sompettve numa resource cutingredge scenic omedge —— YOC71S, {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 51 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers ‘Step 4: Rationalize any denominators containing a radical. 5 v2 _ Sv2 9 = 2D sing == cos@ = = v2 V25 29 V2 V2 29 Step 5: Write the final values of the six trigonometric functions. for 8. sv25 229 5 = =a tan => sind = cosd = 5 nd => V2 v2 2 esc = seco = cota = = sc0 = a= 3 Example 17. Calculating Trigonometric Function Values for Nonacute Angles Calculate the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle @ located in a standard position where the terminal side passes through the point (2,5). Solution: Step 1: Draw the angle and label the point (-4,-7). See the illustration below. Step 2: Calculate the distance r. r= (COTO = V5 Step 3: From Table 4, formulate the trigonometric functions in terms of x,y, and r. Let x = —4, y = -7, r = V65. g-2- 2 6 sing=%=—2 cos = res Viston: A global compattiveuniversty for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Cee. ee a ee eee, TeaMD-02 tied hnovalveIcnoyis for sulanabl Sotmuraies ond erator ee Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 82 csc = ata ¥5 cot = y se a y Step 4: Rationalize any denominators containing a radical. o- -7 VS NS —4 V5 AVES “YE Ve Ve ve 65 Step 5: Write the final values of the six trigonometric functions for 0. 7 sing = SS tang =~ 3 te 4 sco cots =4 Algebraic Signs of Trigonometric Functions Practically, we defined the six trigonometric functions as ratios of x, y, and r. The signs of x, y, and r in the Cartesian plane are vital in order to get the exact value of the trigonometric functions. Recall that in the Cartesian plane, there are four quadrants, and for each quadrant, the sign of either x and y changes. See Figure 23. The sign of r does not change; it is always positive. Figure 23. Sign of x, y, and r in each quadrant of the Cartesian plane. Vision: A globally competitive universty for science, technology, and environmental conservation, TPAMD-02 Mission: Scteloptent fa ighy competve Raman resource cutngredge sent rowteage 77%, {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 53 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers As we observed in Figure 23, the algebraic sign, positive (+) or negative (-), of each trigonometric function, will depend on which quadrant contains the terminal side of angle 8. In Table 3, we summarized the algebraic sign of all six trigonometric functions according to the quadrant in which the terminal side of an angle @ lies. It can be observed that reciprocal functions have the same sign. Table 3. The algebraic sign of all six trigonometric functions ee sind | cose | tan@ | cote | seco | escé T + + + + + + m7 + = = = = = UL = = + + = = W. = + = = + = Example 18. Evaluating a Trigonometric Function When One Trigonometric Function Value and the Quadrant of the Terminal Side is Known Hf cos@ = —2 and the terminal side of angle @ lies in quadrant I//, find the value of sin Solution: Step 1: Identify known quant Recall that cos@ == andr > 0. ies from the information given Step 2: Find y, since x and r are known. Manipulate equation (14) and substitute x = —3 and r = 5, Thatis, = \5?-3? =Vi6= 44 Step 3: Select the sign of y based on quadrant information. Refer to the sign illustrated in Figure 23, Since the terminal side of angle @ lies in quadrant 111, y <0. Therefore, we use y = —4. Step 4: Solve for sin 8. sin = Referring to Table 3, the algebraic sign of sin@ in quadrant [11 is negative; hence, our answer is correct. Vision: A gotaly competive unversty for scence, technology, and envronmentl conservation. Iason: Development ot highly competve human resource, cting-edge soerife xnowedge TTAMD-2 tied hnovalveIcnoyis for sulanabl Sotmuraies ond erator nearer Pre-Calculus for Engineers PA When the terminal side of angle @ lies along each axis or any of the quadrantal angles, we can also have the values of the trigonometric functions. Referring to Figure 24, we can conclude that there are four possibilities of the terminal side of an angle @ lie along the x and y axis. Table 4 shows the derived values of the trigonometric functions; these are done by using the formula listed in Table 2. x Figure 24. Possibilities of the terminal side of angle @ lies along the axis. Table 4. Trgonometric vaues of the quadrantal angles. Terminal side of@lies sin@ cos@ tan@ cotd seco cscO along the Positive x-axis (e.g. 0° or 360° 0 1 0 undefined 1 undefined o8orzn) Positive y-axis (eg.90°or =) | 1 | 0 | undefined | 0 | undefined | 1 Negative x= axis 0 -1 oO undefined -1 undefined (29. 180° ore) Negative y- axis -1 | 0 |undetned | 0 | undefined | -1 (c.9..270° or 2) Vision: _Aglobally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation, TEdMO-02 Mission: Scteloptent fa ighy competve Raman resource cutngredge sent rowteage 77%, {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 55 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers The Law Sines In the latter discussion, we focus only on right triangles. However, there are two types of triangles, right and oblique. Any triangle that does not have a right angle is called an oblique triangle. An oblique triangle is either an acute triangle, having three acute angles, or an obtuse triangle, having one obluse (between 90° and 180°) angle. Figure 25 shows oblique triangles in standard notation. It is customarily labeled in such a way that the opposite of angle a is the side a; the opposite of angle f is the side b; the opposite of angle y is the side c, Always remember that the sum of the three angles in a triangle (right or oblique) is equivalent to 180°. € ¢ Figure 25. Oblique Triangles To solve an oblique triangle, we need to know the length of one side and one of the following three: + two angles; * one angle and another side; and + the other two sides. This requirement leads to the following four cases to consider, as shown in Table 5. Table 5. Four possible cases to consider in solving an oblique triangle. Case | Given Examples and Names Case | Mesures of ASA: Angle-Side-Angle | 1 | one side and two angles AAS: Angle-Angle-Side ’ a i Case | Measures 2 | of two sides a and the angle » opposite one of them Case | Measures 3 | ofthe two sides and ¢ the angle | , between them ‘SSA: Side-Side-Angle SAS: Side-Angle-Side Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 56 Case | Measures 4 | of three 4 a 888: Side-Side-Sido sides Notice that in both cases 1 and 2, where an angle and the side opposite that angle are known, the Law of Sines can be used as long as one other piece of information is known (ie., side length or angle measure). The Law of Sines states that for a triangle with sides of lengths a, b, and c, and opposite angles of measures «, f, and y, the following is true: sina _sinB _ siny - 7 (18) In other words, the ratio of the sine of an angle in a triangle to its opposite side is equal to the ratios of the sines of the other two angles to their opposite sides. Before we begin solving oblique triangles, we need to consider and remember the following pointers. ‘+ The opposite of the longest side of a triangle is the largest angle. The opposite of the shortest side of a triangle is the smallest angle. Draw the triangle and label the angles and sides. If two angle measures are known, start by determining the third angle. Whenever possible, in successive steps, always return to given values rather than refer to calculated (approximate) values. Case 1: Two Angles and One Side (AAS or ASA) Example 19. Using the Law of Sines to Solve a Triangle (AAS) Solve the length b, c, and the angle f of the triangle below. Solution: This example is an AAS (angle-angle-side) case; two angles and a side are given, and the side is opposite one of the angles. Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Sevaopert ta gy eompeive naman evoresewang.acgy selene rows ae Sra evaoe tahoe Tr stants communion ana ow ero 87 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers Step 1: Solve for f. The sum of the measured angles in a at+p+y = 180° triangle is 180°. 115°+ 8 +32° = 180° B= 33° Step 2: Solve for b. Use the Law of Sines sina _ sing with the known side a TTS Find b. b= » = Omsin33 sin 115° b= 541m Step 3. Solve for c. Use the Law of Sines sing siny with the known side a. “ae Find c ¢ = oy sina c= Qmsin 32” sin 115" © = 526m Step 4. Draw and label pasate the triangle. Example 20. Using the Law of Sines to Solve a Triangle (ASA) Solve the length a, b, and the angle y of the triangle below Solution: Vision: A tay compsive univers fo science technology. and environmental conservation, Mission: Getelopnt ta hy conpetive human revues, cutrrecge odetfe krowegye TPIMD-22 ba eovatve techie or sustnale commons an rurenont tae Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 58 This example is an ASA (angle-side-angle) case; two angles and a side are given, and the side is not opposite on one of the angles. Step 1: Solve for y. The sum of the measured angles in a a+pry = 180° triangle is 180° 80° +40" +y = 180° y = 60° Step 2: Solve for b. Use the Law of Sines sing _ siny with the known side c. Doe Find b. » = osnb siny » = G5 Fesingo" sin 60° b= 11.13ft Step 3. Solve for a. Use the Law of Sines with the known side c. asin Find a. a= siny g = ©5/t)sin80° sin 60" a ~ 17.05 ft Step 4.Drawand label ~ 11.13 ft the triangle. c= iS ft Case 2 (Ambiguous Case): Two Sides and One Angle (SSA) In Case 2 SSA (side-side-angle), we are given the measures of two sides and an angle opposite one of the sides. This case is called an ambiguous case. Why? It is referred to as ambiguous because the given information by itself can represent one triangle, two triangles, or no triangle at all. There are possibilities of zero, one, or two triangles if the angle given is acute. Also, a possibility of zero or one triangle, if the angle is given, is obtuse. These possibilities came from the fact that there are two solutions of the angle, say, « in sin sina =m, where 0 1, hence, 0 impossible a=h, inthis case, 4 sin =1 h b, inthis case, O 1, hence, impossible a> b, inthis case, O b, therefore we expect one triangle, Step 1: Solve for p. Use the Law of Sines. Let a = 23m, b= = ine 11m, and @ = 122°, sing = Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Sevaopert ta gy eompeive naman evoresewang.acgy selene rows ae {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 6 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers 2m Use a calculator to 4 evaluate. B = sin™*(0.405588) pew Step 2: Solve for y. Remember that the measures of angles in a+p+y = 180° a triangle sum to 180°. 122°+24°+y = 180° y = 34 Step 3. Solve for c. Use the Law of Sines. sues Sr @ € <= asiny Use a calculator to ¢ = @amsin3e evaluate c, —Sinl2z™ c 15m a=23m Step 4. Draw and label the triangle. b=1im c=ism Example 22. Solving the Ambiguous Case (SSA)-Two Triangle In a triangle, the measures of side lengths a and b are 9.1 ft and 9.3 ft, respectively. If angle « measures 72°, solve for the side c, and the angle B and y in the triangle. Solution: This example is an ambiguous case because the given measures are the two sides and an angle opposite one of those sides. If we examine the value of the angle , itis an acute angle. Also, the length of side a <5, therefore we expect two triangles Step 1: Solve for B. Use the Law of Sines. Leta =9.1ft,b= amp, sine 9.3 ft, and a = 72° s a Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pro-Calculus for Enginears 62 sing = 2sing a (9.3) sin 72° sin O38) sin72" é oa Use a calculator to = st evaluate B = sin“4(0.971958) This value is the quadrant I solution : where is an acute By = 76 angle. This value is the quadrant 11 solution . where f is an obtuse B, = 104 angle.(180° — f,) Step 2: Solve for y. Remember that the measures of angles in a+pry = 180° a triangle sum to 180°. Wa = 72° and fy ~ on 76° . 76. We have y Te +76°+y, = 180 Yi = 32° Wa = 72° and B = a . 104° We have, 72° +76°+y = 180 v2 a Step 3. Solve for c. Use the Law of Sines. sme = sy @ ¢ ee asiny sing Substitute a= 9.1 ft, = GDsin32° 2°, and y, © 32° 1 Sn c= 5.07 Ft Substitute a= 9.1 ft, (G1) sin4° a@=72°, and y, = 4° > Sin7e on Step 4, Draw and label the triangle. Vision: Aslobally compattive unversty for science, technology. and environmental conservation. Tp? Mission: Seveopmant a ighy compete mananrexouce,ctigredge seerie mowedge YO, {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 63 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers naa b=93fe o1se b=9are a=91fe a=72 = 104 c= 5.07ft c=067ft Example 23. Solving the Ambiguous Case (SSA)-No Triangle In a triangle, the measures of side lengths a and b are 6 mi and 8 mi, respectively. if angle « measures 107°, verify if the triangle exists. Solution: This example is an ambiguous case because the given measures are the two sides and an angle opposite one of those sides. If we examine the value of the angle a, itis an obtuse angle. Also, the length of side a 1 ‘We know that the range of the sine function is [—1, 1] and based on the solution, there is no angle f such that sin 8 ~ 1.28. Thus, there is no triangle with the given measurements We used the Law of Sines to solve Case 1 and Case 2 triangles. Now, we need the Law of Cosines to solve Case 3 and Case 4 triangles. The Law of Cosines The Law of Cosines states that for a triangle with sides of lengths a, b, and c, and opposite angles of measures a, 8, and y, the following is true: Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 64 2 a? = b? +c? — 2becosa b= ? +c? —2ac cos (16) c= a? +b? — 2abcosy Take note that this law can be used to find side lengths or angles in any triangle in cases SAS (Case 3) or SSS (Case 4). If the three of the four variables in any of the equation (16) are known, the fourth can be calculated Case 3: Solving Oblique Triangles (SAS) Example 23. Using the Law of Cosines (SAS) In a triangle, the measures of side lengths a and ¢ are 13m and 6m, respectively. If the angle # measures 20°, solve the measures of b, y, and a. Solution: We now solve SAS triangle problems where the measures of two sides and the angle between them are given. We start by using the Law of Cosines to solve for the length of the side opposite the given angle. We then can apply either the Law of Sines or the Law of Cosines to find the second angle measure. Step 4: Draw and label the triangle based on the c= 6m Step 2: Solve for b. We have to use the Law of Cosines that bP = a? +c? -2accosp involves the angle f. Substitute a = 13, 2 = 132 Eee ° ee eand fo 20° b? = 13? +6? —2(13)(6) cos 20 Solve for b. b = 7.6m Step 3: Solve for y. We use the Law of Sines to find the sing smaller angle B measure, 7. Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Development ofa highly compettive human resource, cuting-edge scientific knowledge "80 {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 65 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers Substitute b ~ 7.6, c= 6, and p = 20° Apply the inverse sine function. Solve y using a calculator, Step 4: Solve for a. Remember that the sum of the angle inside the triangle is equal to 180°, @ = 180°—20°- 16° a = 144° Case 4: Solving Oblique Triangles (SAS) Example 24. Using the Law of Cosines (SSS) Ina triangle, the measures of side lengths a, b, and c are 8 ft, 6 ft, and 7 ft, respectively. Solve the measures of a, B, and y. Solution: In this example, all three side lengths are given ( the SSS case). We can start by finding the largest angle (opposite the largest side) using the Law of Cosines. Then apply the Law of Sines to find either of the remaining two angles. Lastly, find the third angle with the triangle angle sum identity. Step 1: Draw and label the triangle based on the given measures. ansft b= oft c= 7h Step 2: Solve for a. We have to use the Law of Cosines that involves the angle a. bP +c? — 2becosa Substitute a = 8, b = 2 ge 2 éande=7. 82 = 62472 2(6)(7) cosa Vision: A gotaly competive unversty for scence, technology, and envronmentl conservation. Mission: Getelopnt ta hy conpetive human revues, cutrrecge odetfe krowegye TPIMD-22 tre aviv techs fr suse communes ond Sorort ee Pre-Caleulus for Engineers 66 Simplify and isolate _ 847-8 cosa = CHT AOE cosa 207) Find the inverse cosine function Step 3: Solve for 6. a = cos“*(0.25) = 75.5° We will use the Law sina _ sin of Sines, a 3 sing = Substiutea=8>= ip Ssin755° 6,and @ = 75.5 aT Apply the inverse B= sint (es) Saeswines gs woe Step 4: Solve y. Remember that the sum of the angle inside the triangle is equal to 180° y = 180°—75.5°— 46.6° y = 57.9" Area of a Triangle When the measures of two sides and the angle between them (SAS case) of any triangle are known, we can compute the area of that triangle (depending on which angle and side measures are given) by using one of the following formulae 1 Asas = zbesina when b,c, and @ are known 1 Asas = 5 ab siny when a,b, andy are known (47) 1 Asas =z aesinB. when a,c, and f are known Accordingly, we can say that the area of a triangle equals one-half of the product of two of its sides and the sine of the angle between them. Vision: A gobaly competve wives fr sconce, tocmnaony ard onvronmertaconsovaion. TEMD2 Mission: Development ofa highly compettive human resource, cuting-edge scientific knowledge "80 {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 67 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers Example 25. Finding the Area of a Triangle (SAS Case) A triangle measures of side lengths a and b are 7m and 93%, respectively. If the angle between these sides is y and has a measure of 20°, solve the area of this triangle. Solution: Step 1: Draw and label the triangle based on the given measures. a=7se aye Step 2: Solve the area of the triangle. We have to use the 1 formula where a, b, A = Sabsiny and y are given 2 Substitute a = 7, b= 1 . 9.3, and y — 20" A = 5(7 f(9.3 fo) sin 20 A = 320? When the lengths of the three sides of a triangle (SSS case) of any triangle are known, we can compute area for that triangle using the Heron’s formula: Agss = ¥'s(s — a)(s — b)(s— c) (18) where a,b, and c are the given lengths of the sides of the triangle and s is half the perimeter of the triangle, called semi-perimeter, which is equivalent to: atb+e ss (19) Example 26. Finding the Area of a Triangle (SSS Case) In a triangle, the measures of side lengths a, b, and c are 12 ft, 11 ft, and 10 ft, respectively. Solve the area of this triangle. Solution: Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pro-Calculus for Enginears 68 Step 1: Draw and label the triangle based on the given measures. a=nye paaye z= i07 Step 1: Solve the semi-perimeter. Use the formula in 5 = atbhte equation (19). ~ 2 Substitute a = 12, b = 11, s 124+11+10 and c = 10. —7z s ~ 16.5 ft Step 2: Solve the area. Use Heron’s Formula. A= |s6-a6-HG-3 Substitute a = 12, b = 11, c=10,ands=165,then A= 10V2f0? compute the value of A. Assessment Instructions. Answer the following questions as required A. Conceptual Check: True or False? Explain your answer. 4. Anangle can be defined as a union of two rays with common endpoint. 2. The lengths of the rays, say 2P, determine the degree measure of 2P. 3. Angles of 5° and —365° are coterminal. 4. An example of a quadrantal angle is = 5. Acentral angle of 1 rad ina circle of radius r intercepts an arc of length r. 6. The value of sin 90° = aon in a right triangle. 7. IfsingB <0 and cos f > 0, then f is an angle in quadrant II. 8. Ina right triangle with included angle y and f, the value of siny = cos#,secy = csc, and tany cotB. Vision: A globally competitive universty for science, technology, and environmental conservation, TPAMD-02 Miocie Drwprant ora hghy compat haan teouce cosngradyy selnttc nowiage YOURE {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment 69 Pre-Caleulus for Enigneers 9. If we know the measures of two angles of a triangle, then the measure of the third angle is determined. T 10. fa, b, and c are the sides of any triangle, then c? = a+b? B. Learning Applications: Answer the following questions as required. 1. Find two positive angles and two negative angles that are coterminal with the ~16° angle. 2. Is and 2" angles coterminal? Show your solution, Convert 44°19'32” to decimal degrees. Convert -9.12° to degrees-minutes-seconds. Convert 495° to radian measure. Give the exact answer. 6. Convert to degree measure. 7. Find the exact length of the arc intercepted by a central angle of 60° in a circle with a radius of 30 feet. 8 What is the area of the sector lawn, if a sprinkler head rotates 180° and has enough pressure to keep a constant 30 feet spray? 9. Ina circular track with a circumference equal to 3 miles, a car travels at a constant speed. If the car records 7 laps for a time of 12 minutes, what is the linear speed of the car in miles per hour? 10. If the terminal side of f in standard position goes through (—3,4), find the value of sin 8, cos, and tang. 11. Find the exact value of siny, cosy, and tana ina right triangle with legs that have lengths of 3 cm and 6 cm, and y is the acute angle opposite the smallest leg. 12. Ata distance of 1000 miles from a tower, the angle of elevation to the top of the building is 36°. Find the height of the tower to the nearest mile. 13. In the Cartesian plane, the terminal side of the angle @ passes through the point (3, 7). Calculate the values of the six trigonometric functions for the angle 8. 14, Ifa triangle has the given values of a = 33.5°,a = 7.4m, and b = 10.6 m, find the measure of the angle B. 16. Calculate the length of the chord intercepted by a central angle of 19° in a circle that has a radius of 30m? sae Vision: A globaly competitive university fr science, technology, and environmental conservation Mission: Development of @ highly compettive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge ‘and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and ervizanment ‘pamp-02 Pros Calculus for Engineers 70 References 1) GILMAN, MR., et al. 2009. Pre-Calculus Workbook for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Inc., 111 River St., Hoboken, New Jersey 07030- 8774 2) YOUNG, C. 2014. Precalculus, 2 ed. John Wiley & Sons, 111 River St., Hoboken, New Jersey 07030-5774 3) SULLIVAN, M. 2012. Precalculus, 9" ed. Pearson Education Inc., 501 Boylston Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02116 4) BLITZER, R. 2014. Precalculus, 5" ed. Pearson Education Inc., 501 Boylston Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02116 5) LARSON, R and R.P. HOSTETLER. 2007. Precalculus, 7" ed. Houghton Mifflin Co., 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116-3764, 6) STEWART, J. et al. 2012. Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 7" ed. Cengage Learning, 20 Channel Center Street, Boston, MA 02210 Vision: Aobalycompetve snversy for stones, tecnrtogy, and envionmental conservation, TM? Mission: Development ofa highly compettive human resource, cuting-edge scientific knowledge "80 {and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment

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