Slow Down-Reduce The Speed of

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slow down-reduce the speed of.

pull out stop being involved in an activity,wear off-fade away,attire-clothes,court-a place where trials and other legal cases happen,pitch-to express or
set something at a particular level,track-to follow,ground-the surface of the earth,even if-whether or not,as if-as though,supposing-What if...?,look up for-search,stand up for-to
defend,keep up with-go at the same speed as,face up- to accept, unusual-rare,individual-one single organism,unique-one of a kind,special-different from what is usual, better or
greater than normal,theft-stealing,hijacking-the crime of using force or threats to take control of an aircraft, ship, car,robbery-the crime of stealing from somewhere or someone,fraud-
wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain,making-the activity or process of producing something,living-alive now,keeping-the act of keeping or
protecting something,putting-to place in or move into a position or relationship
accepted-given approval or acceptance,look down on-to feel that someone is less important than you,go off-to explode,fall out with-have an argument with and stop being friends,see
to-deal with someone or something,ancestors-a person related to you who lived a long time ago,descendants-children, grandchildren, and continuing generations,successors-
someone or something that follows and takes the job, place, or position that was held by another,associates-someone who is closely connected to another person as a companion,
friend, or business partner,Immigration-the act of someone coming to live in a different country,persecution-unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race,
religion, or political beliefs relegation the act of moving sb to a lower position,breakout-to escape,receiving-to get or be given something,having received-generally accepted as true or
worthy,to received-to get or be given something while,to have received-enjoyment happened after it,to stay-to not move away from or leave a place or situation,stay-to wait,to be
staying-To continue to be in a place,be staying-to continue doing something,utilities–the state or quality of being useful,ornaments-decorations,utensils-tools used in cooking or
eating,appliances-machines that are used in homes,so as-in order to,as though-
as if,in spite of-despite,however-but,call in-to phone a place in order to give or get information,back up-to support,stand by-keep to an agreement,pick on-choose a person to
punish,devastated-destroyed,relieved-no longer worried,tense-nervous, offended-caused hurt feelings,gets into-to start enjoying something,pull out-stop being involved in
something,puts off–to make someone not want to do something, send off-post something to someone,will have been submitting-to present or propose to another for review,as long as-
during the whole time, whereas-compared with the fact that; but-although,even though,
have accepted-to agree to take something,did they-expresses a doubt about what it said before,logged on-to start using a computer system or program by giving a password,out of
order-not working,dropped-To fall from a higher to a lower place,fired-having lost your job,rejected-refused to accept,retired-no longer working,through-having finished using or doing
something,round-having a circular shape,over-higher than above on,in contact with and supported by
pass,to give approval to something turn to cause to move around an axis or a center have possess, own, or hold.still not moving or making a sound nevertheless however, moreover,
in addition, around-circum in that is located inside or within, melt change from a solid to a liquid chill make cool or cooler
refrigerate to make it cold,defrost To remove frost,despite in spite of even though although, yet-nevertheless,fees-an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work,charges-to
ask an amount of money for something
rates-the speed at which something happens or changes
prices, the amount of money expected,tell-communicate information to someone,see-to perceive with the eyes,put-to move or place in a particular position,cut-to break the surface of
something, forged-fake,faulty-defective,fake-not real,false-not true,can't-cannot,oughtn't to-
ought not to,might not-possibility not,needn't-need not,eruption-bursting out,invention-gadget,outbreak-explosion,approach-climb,whose
possessive form of who,turned it down,refused gave it away
gave it free to someone,hit it off become good friends with someone quickly
used it up to use all of something, so that nothing is left fear-phobia,threat-
the possibility that something unwanted will happen,fright cause fear in
panicA feeling of sudden, intense fear. bring up start discussing a subject
pick up to improve squeeze in find time for come to
To cause someone to remember, sleet-rain with snow,Extinction-a situation in which something no longer exists,poverty-the state of being poor famine
an extreme shortage of food,unless except if,in case-in order to be prepared for something,on condition that,only if while period of time,spread out not close to one another, tripped-
stumbled,skidded-slipped or slid sideways while moving,
limped-to walk as if one foot is hurt,strolled-walked slowly place put in a particular position,plant-put in the ground so that it can grow mark
make a visible impression or stain on,label-a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it
brand,mark with a branding iron,putting forward-to propose,pulling over-move to the side of or off the road,showing off-doing something to bring attention to yourself,speaking up–
express one's opinions frankly and openly.does he come
will he come,has he come-if he is now there, would he come will he come tonight

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