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如果你正在寻找高质量、专业的论文写作服务,那么你来对地方了!Oxbridge Essays是

不要再为论文写作而烦恼,让Oxbridge Essays帮助你取得成功!我们期待与你合作!
Make sure you organise your research into categories. This will ensure you have a focused set of
scholarly sources waiting for you when you've decided on your final essay topic. A marker doesn't
need to get very far into your work to see if it's been written by somebody who has engaged with the
subject matter in depth, and taken the time to understand its nuances. Or if the person who wrote it
had only a basic grasp of the main concepts. Copyright © 2023 Powered By Times Media Sdn. Bhd.
All Rights Reserved. If your writing is tailored to a peer-reviewed journal, it’s worth having a look
at articles within that journal to get a sense of the writing style. Most tutors will provide a guideline
on writing styles, and it’s important you adhere to this brief. You will often be required to also use
the third person when writing a literature review, thus phrases such as “this paper argues” or “this
paper is of the view that…” are appropriate. It was Ms Chua who introduced me (specifically,
my class) to this competition. Since it was a competition, I was obliged to write it carefully and pour
my heart into my essay. I had never thought I would be chosen to participate in the on-site finals, let
alone winning third place! Although the prize giving ceremony took a very long time (mind you, we
had to wait for an hour for the ceremony to start), when I set my hands on the trophy and certificate,
I felt a sense of accomplishment and relief! I was nearly interviewed by the mass media, but they did
not (what a relief!). From my point of view, to write good factual essays, we need to have some
knowledge of other subjects such as History, Geography and Science. That way, we can elaborate
more on our main points and improve our essay writing skills. Sunway College A-level continues to
shine in the June 2015 Cambridge A-level examinations. Of 390 total students who took the exams,
99.7 pe... Abstracts and recommendations We would like to extend our warm congratulations to
Kuan Kwok Yong and Wang Jia En, both from J3 Adelaide on winning the Sunway-Oxbridge Essay
Competition 2017. The former was awarded the 3rd prize while the latter won a consolation prize.
They walked away with a certificate and a cash prize, accompanied by a bursary and a trophy,
awarded by Sunway University and the Oxford and Cambridge Society Malaysia respectively. For
example, 'Assess the suitability of the UK government’s PREVENT anti-radicalisation policy for
curbing home-grown terrorism in the UK'. 'Assess' always means that you must adopt a critical
approach. For this particular example question, you should first outline the main features of the
PREVENT policy and then, clearly, and devoid of bias, evaluate the extent to which it can
effectively tackle the issue of home grown terrorism in the UK. In your evaluation, consider any
viewpoints that are contradictory to yours as it demonstrates the critical engagement required of a
first-class essay. このページの管理者様の場合は、次の内容をご確認ください。 NB: a 1500-word
research essay might have between 6-12 total sources in the reference list when it is completed. So
what does this mean for you if you're currently an undergraduate student? If you think this recent
news means it's more likely you'll get a first, you can keep the Champagne on ice for now. A first-
class degree takes hard work and dedication, no matter where or what you study. A new Category C
has been introduced this year and is open to Malaysian secondary school teachers. As well as
teaching and nurturing some of the brightest minds in the world, Oxbridge also provides the
stomping ground for a concentration of the world’s foremost academics, meaning that these
universities are repeatedly responsible for research breakthroughs and ground-breaking discoveries
across a wide variety of academic disciplines. Orang ramai yang ingin memberi pandangan atau
suara hati, boleh menghantar tulisan ke dengan menyatakan: As
well as the formal structure expected of every essay (introduction, body of argument), conclusion),
every Oxbridge Essays model essay includes descriptive, analytic and critical elements, all written to
the standard and word count you request. Your essay writer will also include a bibliography with
references formatted as per your preferred style; for example, Harvard or Oxford footnotes. 6. Write
the conclusion Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M. Hashim added that Sunway has been working with the
Ministry of Education and the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Malaysia to bring this essay
competition across schools to equip secondary school students with critical skills such as proficiency
in the English language, critical reasoning, creativity and emotional intelligence that will prepare
them for the future. Now that you have properly understood your essay question, it is essential that
you read widely on the subject, while remaining focused on the specific topic at hand. A first-class
essay should demonstrate a good awareness of the available literature on the essay subject and it's
always a good idea to show that you are conversant with both the theoretical and empirical literature
if applicable. Textbooks are a great source, however journal articles provide the added benefit of
being a good source for more current research because of the frequency with which they are
published. If you are looking for a service that is capable of delivering college papers, maybe will be enough for you. Be ready, the service might be quite expensive.
Additionally, their support is available only during UK business hours. It doesn't take a genius to
work out that the more first-class essays you write at university, the more likely you are to score
highly overall. And getting a First in your essay isn't as hard as you think. More on this later.
Copyright(c)1999 FC2, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The best way to communicate this is to pay
attention to two things. First, the content of the quality sources you read in the course of your
studies. Second, the rhetorical style these sources employ. Learn the language, and frame your
arguments in the same way scholars do. For example, "What I want to suggest by juxtaposing these
two theories is…" or, "The purpose of this intervention is…" and so on. Edugrant essay competition
in nigeria, 2020. We’ll put you in touch with one of the top academic experts in your field and they
will start work on your project. Body paragraph 4 When applying concepts of citizen diplomacy to
PRIME, it is important to assess the impact of the intervention being employed. 2014. This reflected
the money-oriented traders are willing to exterminate the natural fauna and flora
As the example above suggests, a dissertation literature review must be written using a formal and
academic style. Also, note how sources have been grouped according to both arguments and themes.
Remember we noted that the process of grouping sources in the body of your literature review is
never a linear one? You will often use a combination of the approaches that we have discussed.
Ensure that your writing is concise, coherent and devoid of any personal or strong language. Avoid
any phrases like, “I hate X’s work”; a more academic way of stating your disagreement would be to
simply state: “I would argue against X’s position that…”, or “X’s argument is inconsistent with the
evidence because...”, or “X’s arguments are based on false assumptions because...”. Drama Facilities:
Although university drama is open to everyone, some colleges have vastly better facilities on site
than others, with some, like Corpus Christi in Cambridge, boasting their own theatre. Sunway Group
in cooperation with the Oxford-Cambridge Society Malaysia, the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, Sunway
University and Monash University Malaysia is calling on all secondary school students aged 13 to 17
years old for an essay writing competition this July. No comments yet! Add one to start the
conversation. You don't have any courses yet. Are you the kind of student who likes to go it alone,
and rarely, if ever, visits your tutor during his or her office hours? If you're serious about getting a
first, you need to get over any reservations you have about seeing your tutor often. Make regular
appointments to talk through your essay ideas. If the syllabus allows it, come up with your own essay
topic rather than going with any in the topic list you're given. Can I work directly with the academic
matched to my order? We offer a choice of paying up front or at a later date. We have helped
10,000s of undergraduate, Masters and PhD students to maximise their grades in essays,
dissertations, model-exam answers, applications and other materials. Kiera: “The website was cool so
that’s why I chose this service. But they missed my deadline. Imagine this: they delivered the paper
two days later than my deadline. They did not offer to make refund. I had to complain to the support.
I got a refund, but it was only partial. This paper came late and I could not use it because the
submission date was two days ago. I paid for something useless.” accused of illegal burning,
revealed in the BBC News Asia on 26 October 2015. Additionally, The Body paragraph 6 Online ad
for sunway oxbridge essay competition. 2019 is an auspicious year for victoria university
undergraduate programme as it indicates the existence of vu in sunway university and college for 25
years. The dates for each competition change each year, so the timescales are tagged with seasons to
give you a rough idea as to when they open/close. International/ national essay writing competition
2021 | online essay competition laws of life essay competition. If you want to show your writing
talent, creative skills and have a dream of upgrade your skills, then here is a wonderful opportunity
to become a part of the edugrant essay competition. KUALA LUMPUR 17 March – Sunway Group’s
Sunway-Oxbridge Essay Competition 2021 has extended its closing deadline from 23 March to 31
March 2021. More from: トップページが表示されない場合はコチラ Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M.
Hashim added that Sunway has been working with the Ministry of Education and the Oxford and
Cambridge Society of Malaysia to bring this essay competition across schools to equip secondary
school students with critical skills such as proficiency in the English language, critical reasoning,
creativity and emotional intelligence that will prepare them for the future. This one is easy to
overlook, but even as a university student you're part of a system that collaboratively creates
knowledge. You can contribute meaningfully to this system by provoking your tutors to see problems
or areas in their field differently. This may influence the way they teach (or research, or write about)
this material in future. Top students demonstrate that they're aware of this role in collaborative
knowledge creation. It is clear they take it seriously, in the work they submit. These finalists from
Categories A and B will be notified via email to undergo a sit-down essay competition on May 29 at
nominated location(s) nationwide by Sunway. However, most agree with what a first-class essay
looks like and can pinpoint features that set it apart. Markers look for things like: Body paragraph 5
Clarity of purpose, integrity of structure, originality of argument, and confidence of delivery.
Sunway Oxbridge Essay Competition 2019 / Bsn unique id & application categories explained..
Roger scruton why beauty matters essay topics. Very big country, onions, my motherland actually
stands next to order the. This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy,
creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable
development. Sunway oxbridge prize giving ceremony 2019. 0 ratings0% found this document
useful (0 votes). One form, a couple of fields, and one button — that’s all it takes to place your
order. Start with the “Order now” button, and we'll gently walk you through the motions of placing
the order. It doesn’t get easier than that! Now that you are familiar with the steps required to write a
first-class essay, we hope that the process of drafting one is much easier than before. Don't hesitate
to get in touch for help if you're unsure about any points and lastly, good luck! In reading this, you
have certainly inched closer to achieving a first on your next essay. このページは30秒
後にFC2ホームページのトップページにジャンプします。 In this article, we’ll take a look at how you
can write a first-class essay, giving you the best chance of graduating from university with a first
You don't have any Studylists yet. Bekas Kuih Raya In English : Rm60 1 set (6 biji). . Mana ko beli
bekas kuih raya cun melecun ni? Canggih manggih la ko punya bekas kuih ni tipah!! Tak kiralah
sama ada anda membuat sendiri kuih raya atau membelinya di kedai. Kebanyakan kuih raya menjadi
cepat lemau apabila tersimpan lama. Terdapat pelbagai cara dan panduan dalam proses penyediaan
kuih raya kesukaan anda dan keluarga. Paling kusayang adalah bekas kuih berbentuk segiempat
nie.betul2 sama macam arwah tok saya di kampung.tapi mak cik still di sana.raya aritu dok
menjeling ajer sebab geram jer tengok.nak mintak segan ler pulak.alih2 nampak sebijik bekas kuih
yang dah lama kucari di rumah mil. Bekas kuih raya berkualiti ada yang kaca, plastik & tupperware.
Raya lambat lagi.tapi dah keluarkan posting balang kuih raya ni. Tuang adunan ke dalam bekas tahan
panas. Setiap rumah mesti ada balang bekas kuih raya yang begini. Ready Very big country, onions,
my motherland actually stands next to order the. The winners posing with the elc management
committee kimberley yee xin wei (s1 canberra) won consolation prize in sunway oxbridge essay
competition organized by the sunway group and the oxford. Know any secondary schoolers with a
fervent affection for the written word? Bsn unique id & application categories explained. The
following essay competitions are grouped by broad subject areas and are, for the most part, annual.
© 2024 Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) Roger scruton why beauty matters essay topics.
Since 2005, our essay writing service has provided custom-written essays to over 70,000 students.
We've helped each of them get the grades they need, and we can help you, too. If you are still
struggling to choose, here are a few ‘deciding factors’ you may not have considered… 初三升高一
选修课、选科辅导 初三生面临的抉择 黎颖祯(初三忠)报导 为了使初三学生对于升
课在忠礼堂举办初三升高一的辅导讲座。 这场讲座的目的是让初三学生厘清对高中
生活的疑问,从而对未来做好... Alternatively, delve into the Oxbridge Essays blog for posts
containing great general advice on good essay writing and essay writing tips. Keep your topic as
narrowed down as possible. Remember that there are hundreds – or in some instances, thousands –
of sources or perspectives concerning any subject area or topic. Researchers investigate research
problems in many divergent ways and the literature available on any given subject is extremely
broad. In your literature review, you won’t be expected to address every argument or perspective
concerning your topic – this might actually undermine your ability to write a coherent and focused
piece. You’ll make your work easier if you limit the scope of your work. In your review, ensure that
you clearly state what the focus of your work will be. The Sunway-Oxbridge Essay Competition is
organised by Sunway Group, the Oxford and Cambridge Society Malaysia, Jeffrey Cheah
Foundation and Sunway University with support from Sunway PALS. The competition is fully
endorsed by the Ministry of Education. Make sure you organise your research into categories. This
will ensure you have a focused set of scholarly sources waiting for you when you've decided on your
final essay topic. Copyright(c)1999 FC2, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plus, of course, this process has
its own rewards beyond your essay mark. Even if you didn't quite hit your target score for this
module, your engagement with the topic will have been far richer. You'll emerge far more
knowledgeable at the end of it than if you'd played it safe. Markers will take all this into account, as
well as pointing out the places where your argument didn't quite hit the mark. So even if the risk
doesn't quite work out, you're unlikely to get a lower mark than playing it safe and submitting a
“solid 2:1” piece. And over the span of your degree, this approach will yield a higher mark than
consistently writing competent essays on the set texts without significant innovation or risk. Writing
a brilliant, original essay that doesn't meet the assignment brief is likely to be a frustrating waste of
effort. True, you may well still get sufficient credit for your originality. But you'll achieve far more
marks if you shoot for originality and accuracy. Your essay will be written to the exact standard you
need in terms of grade (a First-class or a 2:1, for example), form and content. A full and accurate
bibliography will also be included and formatted as per your preferred style, such as Oxford or
Harvard footnotes. What's more, we have a 10-day alterations window – which can be extended for
a fee – so you can request as many changes as you need. The creation of the Shared History Project
was completed and introduced in schools in the early 2000s. このページのファイルが存在しない
Who is really responsible for the seasonal air pollution? FC2ホームページのトップページへ戻る of
the commodity and plantations that earned about billions of US dollars in revenue in the year A
special prize will be also awarded to the school with most entries submitted. Deadline of the
competition is on the 8th of August 2014. You need to be willing to take risks, and be willing to put
that safe, 2:1-level assignment you were going to write on the line in pursuit of greater reward. More
on what this means below, but essentially you should be willing to take up positions that are
controversial, sceptical and critical – and back them up. Body paragraph 5 When choosing a college,
many students don’t take location into account, overwhelmed instead by pictures and facilities and
information about the college itself. However the location of your college will be one of the most
important factors once you arrive and get down to the business of university life. Don’t only check
whether it is central or far out, but also how it relates to the position of your faculty and lecture
halls. In Cambridge, for example, Robinson College may seem not very central, but if you’re
studying English, it is far closer to the faculty and lecture halls than the town centre colleges are.
When done well, drawing attention to counter-arguments doesn't detract from your own argument. It
enhances it by providing evidence of your capacity to reason in a careful, meticulous, sceptical and
balanced way. It can be tempting to let your essays become summaries of what other scholars have
said, and let their voices speak over your own. This is especially true when you've read widely and
have a sound understanding of the positions of scholars in your field. 5. Write the paragraphs of the
See our full range of products and pricing Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M. Hashim added that
Sunway has been working with the Ministry of Education and the Oxford and Cambridge Society of
Malaysia to bring this essay competition across schools to equip secondary school students with
critical skills such as proficiency in the English language, critical reasoning, creativity and emotional
intelligence that will prepare them for the future. At the graduation night in December last year, eight
students of Sunway College Kuala Lumpur’s Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) achi...
Start by reading 1. Nama Pena (Jika tidak mahu guna nama sebenar). Now that we know what a
literature review is, the next step is to understand the point of writing one in the first place. Like it or
not, a literature review is an essential part of any academic piece of writing, as it demonstrates to
your tutor or reader that you have a nuanced understanding of the sources concerning your research
area or question. As you’re identifying your sources, ensure you a keep a list as it’s very easy to lose
focus given the wide scope of the Internet. Reference tools such as Mendeley allow you to store
your sources online and via a desktop app, and are a great way to keep your bibliography organised.
The citation tools attached to these programmes will also allow you to simply export citations in a
format of your choice when required later. They will save you countless hours trying to figure out
how to use Harvard or APA referencing correctly. It doesn't take a genius to work out that the more
first-class essays you write at university, the more likely you are to score highly overall. And getting
a First in your essay isn't as hard as you think. More on this later. Helping you achieve the grades
you want at university is what we're here to do. Whether you want a first in your next essay
assignment at undergraduate or Masters level, or help getting a first in your next exam, our Essay
Writing Service is designed to help you succeed. Dissertation Writing Help UK, Online Thesis Help
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write a comparative essay, say on a couple of literary texts? And did you have lots to say about one
of the texts but not much at all about the other? How did you approach that challenge? We've all
written the "brain-dump" essay. You shape your work not around the question you're supposed to be
answering, but around topic areas that you can comfortably write a lot about. Your approach to a
comparative essay may be to write 2500 words about the text you love, and tack 500 words onto the
end about the one you don't care for. If so, your mindset needs a bit of adjusting if you're going to
get that first-class degree. Clarity of purpose, integrity of structure, originality of argument, and
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some of our processes to improve efficiency, matching our customers with academics is something
we will always do manually. We take the time to understand your needs and goals, then we carefully
choose an academic we feel is best suited to you. It's one of the reasons why our customers return to
place orders with us time and time again. However, most agree with what a first-class essay looks
like and can pinpoint features that set it apart. Markers look for things like: © 2024 Kementerian
Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) Unfortunately, we were not able to locate any newcomers or loyal
customers discount at this service. We have contacted support and asked for the OFF, but they
replied that the service doesn’t provide any discount because it is a cheap one. What difficulties do
you face when writing an essay on your own? Awesome Inc. theme. Powered by Blogger. Know any
secondary schoolers with a fervent affection for the written word? This annual essay contest is
organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in
promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. I awkwardly noticed how primary the
sunway oxbridge essay competition 2018 finalists is. From mcclarens essay app, he needs to quench
to bristle his essay and sneer the 2019 ap exam essays wood that appears to post within the advanced
english writing skills. Arianna saiful's entry was adjudged the best in the form one to form three
category. Just for clarity purposes, you’ll find that language in academic papers tends to be very
formal, thus words such as 'argue', 'propose' and 'posit' are used to replace the word ‘says’, for
example. Reading widely will help you to familiarise yourself with some of these academic terms.
Ensure that you write in the third person – using the term ‘this paper’ throughout your essay is a
good substitute for using the first person pronoun ‘I’. Please expand on this theme in 600-650
words. Your structure should be organised based on thematic areas, key debates or controversial
issues, and according to methodological approaches. Keep your review dynamic, but coherent.
Remember to identify literature gaps and link this to your own research. More from:
Oxbridge Essays offers custom-made undergraduate and masters essays and... the work it provides is
guaranteed to be the standard of a 1st or a 2:1. Savesave ( checked ) sunway oxbridge essay
competition 2018 for later. The following essay competitions are grouped by broad subject areas and
are, for the most part, annual. Independent magazine in palestine by vladimir nabokov in kannada,
the. National english language essay competition 2019. Sunway oxbridge prize giving ceremony
2019. Just reading the assigned work and writing solid assignments will, at best, get you a 2:1. In
fact, that's what Second-class degree classifications were designed for! If you want to stand out
from the crowd, you need to be prepared to go the extra mile. Find ways of understanding your
subject matter more thoroughly. Craft an "angle" from which you can approach the topic in a
memorable, original, and unique way. The unofficial prospectus, available from the JCR committee at
most colleges, is written by students with the aim of giving new applicants an honest and realistic
view of college life from the perspective of a current undergraduate. Here you will gain important
insights into strengths and weaknesses of colleges that may not be mentioned in the official blurb.
Studylists Structuring work using a methodological approach is quite a common approach, however
it’s often used in tandem with other ways of organising sources. This method is particularly evident
in introductory sections whereby researchers may simply want to state that a particular subject has
been mostly studied from a qualitative or quantitative perspective (they will often then cite a number
of scholars or studies to support this claim). In scientific reviews however, a methodological
approach may form the basis of the discussions in the body. If this is the case for you, focus on the
methods used by various researchers. How did they go about answering a particular research
question? Were there any limitations to this method? If so, what method(s) would have been better?
Many students, especially at post-graduate level, find it extremely difficult to identify research gaps
in their subject area. For post-graduate research papers, identifying research gaps and formulating
research questions that can address these gaps form the very essence of a research paper. Identifying
research gaps does not have to be a difficult endeavour and there are several ways to overcome this
difficulty: At Oxford and Cambridge universities however, a tutorial system is in place, which means
that students are taught in much smaller groups of only one or two at a time. This means that the
academic experience is much more intense and personal at an Oxbridge university; students are
much more rigorously involved and interrogated as part of the learning process. Nobody is able to
blend in and remain anonymous as they might within a large classroom. burn agriculture, alias
fire–fallow cultivation in these islands incommode the neighbouring countries "While scholars such
as X argue that migration policies must be made more stringent to counteract the increased flow of
Syrian refugees to Europe, other scholars such as Y offer a divergent perspective. They specifically
espouse a perspective based on a human rights approach…" 3. No. Telefon (untuk kami hubungi
semula). This may sound obvious, but did you really read the assignment brief? And when did you
last read it? A first-class essay needs to show originality and creativity. But it also needs to prove
that you can follow instructions. 2. If not, why not? In a first-class essay, you might also want show
that you are aware of any opposing views to your key arguments, and then you can argue why you
still stand by your viewpoint. This shows a high level of reflection and it also indicates that you have
done a lot of background research. To achieve a first class, it is important that you situate your
arguments within the available literature, or within a theoretical or conceptual framework.
Remember that an essay is an academic piece of writing and not an opinion piece. A first-class essay
will demonstrate your viewpoint clearly in the context of a theoretical or conceptual foundation. We
have helped 10,000s of undergraduate, Masters and PhD students to maximise their grades in essays,
dissertations, model-exam answers, applications and other materials. Remember, there are lots of
people who are willing to help you with your essay, so take advantage of the help of your university
writing center or the academics at Oxbridge Essays. While writing an essay can be a challenging
task, creating an essay plan is certainly one way to make the process easier! It's important to be
confident, as well. You'll want to demonstrate to the marker that you can express your own opinions
clearly and ensure that you back up any new arguments or viewpoints with data or examples. Don’t
just make a generalised claim and leave it at that. Again, remember that an essay requires an
academic style of writing – it is not an opinion piece. A first-class essay is one that is categorised by
a grade of 70 per cent or higher, though in some institutions the minimum requirement is 75 per cent.
Whatever the case, for many students this benchmark seems almost impossible to attain. expenses.
As a Chinese proverb goes, ‘when a castle gate catches fire, the fish in the moat suffer Conclusion
(150 words) Recent Each participant is allowed to submit one essay only. Even if you haven't
explicitly been told that you can design your own essay topic, ask if it's possible. Nothing is a clearer
mark of your originality and active engagement with the module content than defining exactly what
it is you want to write about, and how you intend to approach the argument. You have nothing to
lose and everything to gain by expressing enthusiasm for the material, and a desire to think
independently about it. And one of your tutor's roles is to help you develop your arguments. S/he
might suggest texts you haven't come across yet that will help support your points, or make your
arguments stronger by challenging them. Are you the kind of student who likes to go it alone, and
rarely, if ever, visits your tutor during his or her office hours? If you're serious about getting a first,
you need to get over any reservations you have about seeing your tutor often. Make regular
appointments to talk through your essay ideas. If the syllabus allows it, come up with your own
essay topic rather than going with any in the topic list you're given. It will take time to perfect an
essay-writing strategy that delivers all this while persuading your reader that your paper is evidence
of real intellectual risk. And that it goes above and beyond what's expected of the typical
undergraduate at your level. But here are a few tips to help give you the best possible chance:
Dagang News Sdn Bhd 06-06, Pusat Perdagangan, Plaza Azalea, 10, Persiaran Bandar Raya,
Seksyen 14, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor You need to be willing to take risks, and be willing to put
that safe, 2:1-level assignment you were going to write on the line in pursuit of greater reward. More
on what this means below, but essentially you should be willing to take up positions that are
controversial, sceptical and critical – and back them up. “This programme is part of Sunway’s
corporate responsibility encapsulated in the #SunwayforGood initiative that comprises three key
pillars – education, healthcare and community enrichment,” he said.

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