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EDUC 150 MODULE 6 – The Signature Assignment For This Course

Task 1. Weebly Website Link
Task 2. Virtual Field Trips

What Are Virtual Field Trips? Use Your Own Words – Do NOT Just Copy/Paste This Information.
Virtual field trips are digital tours created to help students be able to explore the world from
computers using the internet. It really is a field trip that was created or that you can create yourself
to visit a specific place.

What Are Advantages Of Virtual Field Trips?

With Virtual field trips, you will have the ability to travel all over the world you can view the great
wall of China, and move on to the Eifel tower. You will not have to worry about permissions slips or
finding chaperones to help you with students.
What Are Disadvantages Of Virtual Field Trips?
Virtual field trips will not have the impact of in person visits to sites. They will not allow students to
really feel the emotions on an actual trip. You will also have to check that students are staying on
the websites chosen, so you will have to monitor them very carefully.
Task 3. Virtual Field Trip Examples

Virtual Field Trip 1.

What Is The Name/Title Of This Virtual Field Trip?
3rd Grade Life Science
Where Did You Find This Virtual Field Trip? What Website?
I googled virtual field trips for 3rd grade and found a link for this on YouTube.

Why Would Your Students Benefit From This Virtual Field Trip?
My students would benefit from this field trip because they would be able to see another
environment other than the one, they are familiar with.
How Could You Use This Virtual Field Trip To Help You Teach Your Lesson? In Other Words, Think About How
You Would Use This Field Trip To Teach Something and/or How Would You Incorporate This Into A Lesson?
If possible, I would love to have the opportunity to have traveled to a nearby science center and I
would have my students compare both centers. I would also have them compare maybe the nature
of both places and talk about what may affect the nature of both places.

Virtual Field Trip 2.

What Is The Name/Title Of This Virtual Field Trip?
United States Postal Service

Where Did You Find This Virtual Field Trip? What Website?

Why Would Your Students Benefit From This Virtual Field Trip?
I could start introducing students to things adults do in everyday life. It could show students how
packages are delivered and up how many different places letter, and packages can go to.

How Could You Use This Virtual Field Trip To Help You Teach Your Lesson? In Other Words, Think About How
You Would Use This Field Trip To Teach Something and/or How Would You Incorporate This Into Your Lesson?
I would take this Virtual Field Trip and show my students how sending a letter works. I can have
them write letters to their parents or grandparents and start teaching them the process after
putting a letter in the mailbox.

Virtual Field Trip 3.

What Is The Name/Title Of This Virtual Field Trip?
How is Lego made.

Where Did You Find This Virtual Field Trip? What Website?

Why Would Your Students Benefit From This Virtual Field Trip?
I can use this video to catch my student’s attention. I think they will have fun from watching this
How Could You Use This Virtual Field Trip To Help You Teach Your Lesson? In Other Words, Think About How
You Would Use This Field Trip To Teach Something and/or How Would You Incorporate This Into Your Lesson?
It is not all about work and homework. I can use this video as an introduction and show my students
how Virtual Field Trips can be fun. Because who does not love Legos. I would have Legos ready for
my students to play with, and they ask if anybody knows how they are made and use that as my
introductions to the field trip.

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