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command /addtokens [<offline player>] [<number>]:

permission: op
executable by: console, players
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
add arg-2 to {tokens::%uuid of arg-1%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eAdd &e%arg-1%'s token balance to

on join:
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set {tokens::%uuid of player%} to 0

command /tokenshop [<text>]:

if arg-1 is not set:
open chest with 4 row named "Token Shop (" to
wait 1 tick
format slot 0 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with orange stained glass pane named "&8"
to be unstealable
format slot 11 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 28 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 29 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 30 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 31 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 32 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 33 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 34 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of player with orange stained glass pane named
"&8" to be unstealable

format slot 10 of player with paper named "&6&lToken Shop" with

lore "&7Higher Value Items", "", "&6┃ &fYour Token Balance: &6%format({tokens::
%uuid of player%})%⛃", "" and "&6&l↓ &ePurchase tokens below" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with nether star named "&a&lPurchase
Tokens" with lore "", "&2┃ &fPurchase for &a$100,000&f!", "" and "&7&oClick to
purchase a token" to run [make player execute command "/tokenshop tokenpurchase"]
format slot 12 of player with blaze rod named "&6&l1.25x
Sellwand" with lore "&7Insta sell with 1.25x Multi", "", "&6┃ &fToken Price: &625
⛃", "" and "&aClick to purchase 1.25x Sellwand!" to run [make player execute
command "/tokenshop 125sellwand"]
format slot 13 of player with blaze rod named "&6&l1.5x Sellwand"
with lore "&7Insta sell with 1.5x Multi", "", "&6┃ &fToken Price: &635⛃", "" and
"&aClick to purchase 1.5x Sellwand!" to run [make player execute command
"/tokenshop 15sellwand"]
format slot 14 of player with blaze rod named "&6&l2x Sellwand"
with lore "&7Insta sell with 2x Multi", "", "&6┃ &fToken Price: &650⛃", "" and
"&aClick to purchase 1.35x Sellwand!" to run [make player execute command
"/tokenshop 2sellwand"]
format slot 15 of player with blaze rod named "&6&l2.5x Sellwand"
with lore "&7Insta sell with 2.5x Multi", "", "&6┃ &fToken Price: &6100⛃", "" and
"&aClick to purchase 2.5x Sellwand!" to run [make player execute command
"/tokenshop 25sellwand"]
format slot 21 of player with white wool named "&f&l+1 Gen Slot"
with lore "&7Gain 1 more gen slot!", "", "&6┃ &fToken Price: &65⛃", "" and
"&aClick to purchase one gen slot!" to run [make player execute command "/tokenshop
format slot 22 of player with coal block named "&8&lCoal
Generator" with lore "&7$850 per item (OP)", "", "&6┃ &fToken Price: &6250⛃", "&6┃
&fUpgrade Price: &6100⛃", "" and "&aClick to purchase Coal Generator!" to run
[make player execute command "/tokenshop coalgen"]

if arg-1 is "tokenpurchase":
if player's balance is less than 100000:
send "<##ff0000>&lERROR! <##ffa099>You do not have enough
money :("
if player's balance is more than 99999:
remove 100000 from player's balance
add 1 to {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "<##ffdd03>&lTOKENS &8• &fYou have purchased a
&6&lTOKEN &ffor &a$100,000&f." to player
send "&7&o(You now have &e%format({tokens::%uuid of player
%})% &7&otokens)"

if arg-1 is "genslot":
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is less than 5:
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &cInsufficient funds."
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is more than 4:
remove 5 from {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eYou have purchased &a&l1 Gen Slot
&efor &65⛃&e."
add 1 to {GeneratorLimit::%uuid of player%}

if arg-1 is "sellwand":
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is less than 25:
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &cInsufficient funds."
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is more than 24:
remove 25 from {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eYou have purchased &a&l1.25x
Sellwand &efor &625⛃&e."

send "%player% bought 1.25x sellwand from tokenshop" to

console command "givesellwand %player% 1.25"

if arg-1 is "125sellwand":
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is less than 25:
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &cInsufficient funds."
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is more than 24:
remove 25 from {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eYou have purchased &a&l1.25x
Sellwand &efor &625⛃&e."

send "%player% bought 1.25x sellwand from tokenshop" to

console command "givesellwand %player% 1.25"

if arg-1 is "15sellwand":
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is less than 35:
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &cInsufficient funds."
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is more than 34:
remove 35 from {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eYou have purchased &a&l1.5x Sellwand
&efor &635⛃&e."

send "%player% bought 1.5x sellwand from tokenshop" to

console command "givesellwand %player% 1.5"

if arg-1 is "2sellwand":
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is less than 50:
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &cInsufficient funds."
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is more than 49:
remove 50 from {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eYou have purchased &a&l2X Sellwand
&efor &650⛃&e."

send "%player% bought 2x sellwand from tokenshop" to

console command "givesellwand %player% 2.0"

if arg-1 is "25sellwand":
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is less than 100:
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &cInsufficient funds."
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is more than 99:
remove 100 from {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eYou have purchased &a&l2.5X Sellwand
&efor &6100⛃&e."

send "%player% bought 2.5x sellwand from tokenshop" to

console command "givesellwand %player% 2.5"
if arg-1 is "coalgen":
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is less than 250:
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &cInsufficient funds."
if {tokens::%uuid of player%} is more than 249:
remove 250 from {tokens::%uuid of player%}
send "&6&lTokens &8┃ &eYou have purchased &7&lCoal
Generator &efor &6250⛃&e."

send "%player% bought coal gen from tokenshop" to console

give player coal block named "&7&lCoal Generator" with lore
"&8Tier 17 Generator%nl%&f%nl%&7Spawns &e1x &7Coal every 10 seconds%nl%&7Each item
sells for &a$850"

on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "simply":

if the identifier is "tokens":
set the result to format({tokens::%uuid of player%})

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