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on enter of region:

if "%region at player%" contains "daily":

play open animation on all blocks in radius 5 around player
on exit of region:
if "%region at player%" contains "daily":
loop all players:
if "%region at loop-players%" contains "daily":
play close animation on all blocks in radius 5 around
on right-click:
if %region at player% contains "daily":
if target block of player is a chest:
cancel event
play open animation on target block of player
function dailychest()
set {_dailychest} to a new chest inventory with 3 row named "&7&m
&r&7[ <###BC500E>Daily Loot Box &7]&7&m "
loop 4 times:
set {_i} to a random integer between 0 and 26
set {_a} to a random integer between 1 and "%size of {tier%
{droptierlvl}%items::*}%" parsed as number
set slot {_i} of {_dailychest}
open {_dailychest} to player

set {kitsmenu.%player%} to a new chest inventory with 1 row named "&7&m

&r&7[ &5Kits Menu &7]&7&m "
open {kitsmenu.%player%} to player
set {kitslooking.%player%} to true
while {kitslooking.%player%} is set:
wait 0.1 seconds

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