A Poisoned Soul by Asiphe M

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My name is Siziphiwe I stay with my abusive biological mother and her boyfriend in a
village in the Eastern Cape. They treat like I’m no human being my mom makes me wear old
dresses which are torn and have holes in them. I walk barefoot with no shoes even if it’s hot
outside. Everyday I wake up and clean the house whether it’s clean or not while my sisters
and brother are doing nothing just sitting around and going to school. My mother’s boyfriend
is just the man who knows how to kill a innocent soul inside. He had touched me more than 3
times in unappropriate places leaving me with eternal scars that could never be healed even
by therapy. I have reported the incidents with this man but my mother would say “Siziphiwe
you keep seducing my man and say he is the one who came to you sies you must be ashamed
of yourself” when she told me those words my heart would just shatter into pieces because
she believes another man instead of me and that man would be happy to hear that it would be
written all over his dark, evil face.
While they sleep in the main house I would be sleeping in a dirty rondavel on a blanket that I
keep myself warm with, ever since my father died I have never had peace in that house. I was
a slave in my father’s house, everyday I would be woken up with a glass of water splashed in
my face by my younger sister who was 4 years younger than me and she would giggle after
that. I was the joke of the house nothing I said was taken seriously.
My siblings are:
Anovuyo:She is the first born and is 25 years old she was a spoilt brat who couldn’t even
hold a broom and she wasn’t studying, she had 3 kids
Bandile:He is the second born and is 21 years old he is a down-to-earth guy and always likes
to be around me. He is doing his last year in Business Studies. He has no kids.
Simamkele:14 years old and she is the last born she is also a spoilt brat. Sadly she has a baby
who is 2 years old an mother sees no shame in her daughter’s pregnancy.
The parents are Nonzame Lolo(mother) and Dumani Kinaka(boyfriend) if I describe them
you would want to kill me.
Siziphiwe’s description:Tall, slender,dimples on both cheeks I have long hair but you would
never see because they are always dirty and I’m 17 years old.
I never heard “I love you” from my mother ever since I was born except from Bandile so that
I could cheer up and feel love from someone in the family. And I dislike to say that my
biological parent, a person who carried me for 9 months but she still does that to her own
flesh and blood. I never thought of being suicidal beacause of being mistreated by a person
who you would like to tell your problems and their would give back advice even if I did kill
myself I would be buried in black plastic bags not even in a casket. I had already digested
that this was the life chosen for me.

part 1 a poisoned soul

As I was sleeping peacefully on that blanket, I felt this cold runny substance on my face. I
quickly jumped and opened my eyes it was Anovuyo. She let out a laugh as I said I was seen
as a joke in this house
Anovuyo:Mom is saying go and make breakfast for us
Me:I’m will be there
Me:I said I’m coming
She rolled her eyes at me and then left, I folded the blanket and went to the main house. I was
welcomed by a hug from Bandile he was the only person that loved me in that house, he was
the person that was down-to-earth. He had came back from Cape Town
Bandile:Hey you
Me:Hello wow you look so tall, Cape Town loves you
Bandile:I know
We chatted for a while then my mother Nonzame looked at us with a disgusted face, she
never liked the idea of Bandile talking to me
Mom:Is breakfast making itself?
I looked down and fiddled with my fingers
Me:No ma it wont
Mom:Then why are you still here?
Me:Sorry ma I going to go and make it
Bandile:Let me help you sis
Mom:Bandile you wont do that go and sit down
Bandile:I will help her you wlnt give me instructions to do
Me:It’s okay bro I will manage
I went to the kitchen and I made the breakfast, I dished up then Bandile came and toom the
dishes to the dining table. I dished up for myself and went to eat by the rondavel which I
sleep in. After that I washed the dishes followed by the chores in the house, around 12:30 I
went to draw water from the river.
I took a bucket then walked to the river singing a song that my father used to sing to me when
I was little. I never had friends since Grade 10 so I would water alone to draw water, so I
arrived at the river I sat down thinking the way I was treated by Nonzame all these years.
After 20 minutes I stood up then drawed the water from the river I put the bucket on my head,
I started walking I felt shivers being sent down my spine as if someone was watching me. I
looked back it was the most handsome man I have never seen
Me:Uxolo bhuti enenxaki? (Sorry bra do you have a problem?)
Guy:Hayi sisi qha ndimangazwe ngobubuhle ndibubona apha (No girl, I’m just amazed by
the beauty I see here)
I decided to step to my English side and I smiled when he said that but to the side
Me:What beauty? A girl in rags?
Guy:There is something else beautiful under those rags and I’m Lungelo and you are?
He had pulled out his hand for a hand shake and I shook it
Me:I’m Siziphiwe I need to get going before my mom comes and pulls me home
Lungelo laughed maybe what I said was a joke to his ears and Nonzame was capable of doing
that, he helped me place the pail on my head and left him standing there. He quickly came
and stood in front of me
Lungelo:What’s your surname? Where do you stay?
Me:Lonoko and where I stay doesn’t concern you
Lungelo:Your surname sounds familiar
Me:Lungelo bye
Lungelo:I will find out where you stay I promise
I let out a chuckle then walked home with a smile written on my face, I went to put the pail in
the kitchen and Simamkele was looking at me
Me:Is there a problem?
Simamkele:Better be careful about Lungelo he will hurt you
Simamkele never liked seeing me happy for somehow but that didn’t stop me. Our house was
pretty much a bit close to the river and you coukd see things happening there.
I went to the rondavel and laid on the blanket, Bande came and we were chatting up a storm.
Well Bandile was my biological brother we shared the same mother and father
Bandile:Sizi don’t you want to run and live somewhere better than this rubbish?
Me:If I run away, where will I stay with who?
Bandile:You will stay in Cape Town when I’m settled and everything will be fine
Me:Wish I could believe you
Bandile:Believe me I will take care of you
He kissed my forehead then we hugged, after that I went to cook supper because that was
what I always did everyday with Bandile ‘s help since he was back. After they ate I washed
the dishes and went to my room, it was freaking cold that day I was starting to shiver Bandile
gave me his hoodie just to keep me warm and another blanket for the both of us. I felt safe in
his arms like everything would change for me and I would leave this misery. I could feel my
eyes starting to close so I also followed then slept.

part 2 a poisoned soul

The following day I woke up with my hand locked with Bandile’s I tried to yank it out but it
was held so tight. I’m sure he wanted to be aware I was awake, so he finally let go. I stood up
then took off his hoodie because the sun was out already, he looked at me and I looked at him
Bandile:Lil one this is torture waking everyday to work as if you are getting paid!
Me:I don’t want to be weeped because I woke up late by that woman
He looked at his phone then shook his head and made a smirk
Bandile:I will get you out of this hell a 17 year old can’t live like this
Me:And take me where?
Bandile:Somewhere safe that you will be secured and cared for
Me:I will wait for that to happen
I opened the door then took chicken corns so I went to feed the chicken in their pan so we can
get eggs for everyday breakfast, I fed them then started racking the yard and did my everyday
chores after that. Well life was rough because I was summoned to be “Tryphina” at home but
as I said to Bandile that I have no where to run to, I had faith he would manage to get me out
of that place. After doing everything I needed to do, I poured cold water into a washing basin
then went to my room and I closed the door behind me.
I stripped down then washing my body with my hands. I suddenly felt shivers sent by my
brains down my spine to my ankles, the person was coming closer and felt them breathing
heavily on my neck. I looked back it was that man looking at me then removed the basin with
anger and pushed me to the bed, I screamed at the top of my lungs calling out Bandile’s
name. Dumani covered my mouth with his hand so I could not be able to scream again as he
inserted himself into me, I’m sure my organs were damaged from all this commotion.
The door swang open it was Bandile he pulled Dumani away from me then punched his face,
I wore my dress and slapped Dumani. The noise brought Nonzame and the others into the
Nonzame:What is happening here?
Bandile:Why don’t you ask your so called “boyfriend”?
He made inverted commas in the air, Nonzame looked at Dumani
Dumani:Well I wanted to find my towels
Me:You liar! You wanted to sleep with me for the fourth time!
Bandile looked at me with a puzzled face
Nonzame:Hey! Don’t you dare say that your stepfather did that to you
Bandile:Fourth time Siziphiwe? When were you planning to tell me this?
I swallowed hard and looked at Bandile who was starting to hesitate at me delaying
answering his question
Bandile:Answer the freakin’ question!
He said that his deep voice which I never heard before in my entire life knowing him
Me:I,I…..I was going to tell you but I was afraid of your reaction
Bandile:But you should have
Nonzame interrupted Bandile and she helped her boyfriend/husband up to stand up. Bandile
looked at her in disbelief not knowing what to say
Bandile:You going to help him but he raped your daughter more than two times?
Nonzame paid no heed(ignored) to what Bandile said and only rolled her eyes and
bidding(commanding) Dumani to keep close to him.
Anovuyo and Simamkele were a bit down but didn’t want to show emotion about the
scenario that just occured.
What if they felt sincere for me even though they didn’t want to show? Did they also
experience as I did or what? Is this Dumani worth trusting by Nonzame or is her affectionate
love blinding her? These were the questions going throughmy mind in that second.
I was sobering in tears I couldn’t stop Bandile gave me a tight hug, wiping away my tears
that were starting to make his muscular vest wet.
He was also starting to tearing up because I knew it tore him up seeing me in that state. I
closed my eyes listening to his sharp questions shattering my soul into pieces bringing back
the moments where life seemed to be a mistake that ever happened to me. After crying in his
arms I finally calmed down and stood on both my feet, as I was about to exit the rondavel
Bandile called out my name
Bandile:Where are you going?
Me:Taking a walk
Bandile:Can I come with?
I nodded then we walked together to the river, the girls were pretty amazed seeing Bandile,
we sat for an hour or so. Talking about each others differences I eventually told him about the
trauma I went through even tears would escape in our eyes but we made a good time out of it,
we went home.
Luckily, I was given a day-off from cooking supper by Nonzame. I ate then washed the
dishes and she gave me a sponge to sleep in for the first time in forever, I was a bit shocked
by that because it was an unusual thing for her to do.
Bandile and I went to the rondavel we chatted for a while, he told me everything happening
in his life from university grades to his love life. How can I thank God for an awesome
brother that is so opened and grateful to have a sister like me? Everything that happened on
that day just fades away like nothing ever happened, so after those conversations we slept

part 3 a poisoned soul

The following day I woke then took a bath with cold water that I had pour in a basin. Bandile
was awake so we finished the blankets we slept in then I started with my chores it was
already in bloodstream. After working in that hot and blazing sun I went to seat under a tree
which was in the middle of the yard and very huge, Bandile gave me a glass of water then I
gulped it down my throat leaving coldness on my throat.
We chatted for a while together that man Dumani came over to us and looked at Bandile with
a disgusted face. I was getting scared because I was afraid of man who would be capable of
mosculating a person
Bandile:Devil in the flesh what do you want?
Dumani:When are you leaving? You overstayed your visit
Bandile:You can tell that to your own children and I will leave anytime I want to
Dumani:Better mind your tone young man cause I’m not your age
Bandile:Save that crap you stupid ma-
Before Bandile could finish his vowel a punch came across making his expensive sunglasses
popped off. These two were like water and oil they couldn’t stand each other’s sites, the fight
was going up to another level so I seperated the two of them. Nonzame came running holding
Simamkele’s daughter in her arms, they were breathing heavily
Nonzame:What are you doing to the child Dumani?!
Dumani:Showing him how to respect his elders
Bandile:Haha you want to get my respect, Bro you will work to earn my respect shame
Bandile’s lip was dropping bits of blood then brushed it away with his thumb, then smiled
revealing his left side dimple. We went to the rondavel
Me:Bandile you were crazy for doing that! He could have killed you in an instance just like
I snapped my fingers together he let out a chuckld
Bandile:He would have seen flames from a paraffin fire
I cleaned his wounds which were not that dramatic but cuts on his lips, a bruise on his left
cheek. I then went to make samp and beans with some meat on the side for all of us because
no one else wanted to make it. After everyone ate I washed the dishes, I went to the toilet to
pee then wiped after that.
I washed my hands then ironed the clothes, Nonzame came in holding the bucket I draw
water with
Nonzame:We don’t have water in this house
She threw the bucket at me and it hit my cheek. I rubbed my cheek, I switched off the iron
then started my 1km walk to the river. This car stopped in front of me suddenly the window
rolled down quickly it was Lungelo(remember him from Insert 2? Good) he smiled when he
saw me
Lungelo:Dearest Siziphiwe
I smiled at him also did he
Lungelo:Don’t you want to go to town with me?
As much as I wanted to go with I would never go with a stranger. All I was thinking was
“What if he’s a serial killer?” “What he takes to a place beyond this village and never brings
me back?”
I looked at him and shook my head
Lungelo:Please Sizi
Me:I can’t I got a lot of housework to finish
He smiled faintly I could see the disappointment in his eyes. He drove off making the dust on
the road get into my eyes. I went to the river and draw the water then walked back home it
was already dawn. Nonzame called me to her room, she was sobing in tears which was an
unsual for me to seen
Me:Mama I hear you are calling me
Nonzame:There is something I have been meaning to tell you
Me:Okay mama and that is?
More tears were pouring out of her eyes, she breathed in and out slowly
Nonzame:Siziphiwe I never meant to do this to you, I was jealous and angry that my
husband’s children would be nothing in this world but be giving birth machines. I was
devistated at the fact that you and Bandile would be achieving big things so I decided to send
him to school and you to stay and also be the same as Anovuyo and Simamkele.
My eyes popped out with tears forming also
Me:Wow just wow, you such a heartless person. Are you even my mother?
Nonzame:Yes I’m my baby and-
I cut her off before she could finish
Me:I won’t listen to that
I stood up then went to that rondavel and locked myself in it. I cried and cried till I slept with
what Nonzame said

part 4 a poisoned soul

I was woken up with someone banging the door countless times and calling out my name,
“Siziphiwe, Siziphiwe”. I sounded like Bandile’s voice, I slowly opened my eyes back to
Earth with what Nonzame said still ringing in my head. My head was pounding I think it was
the side effect of crying and my eyes were puffy I could feel them. I was crying for
everything that ever happened to me not what I was told by that woman to me. Back to the
story as I said Bandile was banging the door for me to open
Me:What do you want?
Bandile:Let me in Siziphiwe
Me:No! Just leave me alone
Bandile:I won’t, open this it’s cold
I stood up and went to open the door for him, his facial expression was saying “Girl, you
messed up!” Though he did say that verbally to me but it all showed. He gave me a tight hug,
gently brushing my back
Me:How can she be so cruel? I never did anything to her! I mean did she do that in purpose?
Bandile:Sis I may have answers to everything but I’m confused about this one
I just kept sobering in tears, I was a person that expressed my emotions in totally different
ways from crying to screaming my lungs out. And this time I was showing my emotions very
well, so Bandile tried his best to comfort me and he did.
Me:What’s the time?
Bandile:Past one o’clock in the morning
Me:Okay let me sleep
I moved away from his loving embrace and I layed my body in the sponge then slept again.
[I slept for a couple of hours then was woken up by someone shaking me and I could smell
good food]
I immediately opened my eyes and it was Nonzame holding a tray which had English
Nonzame:Morning my Angel hope you slept well and I made you this
She smiled and stretched her arms so she can be able to put the door in my lap
Me:I’m full I don’t want your food.
Her glorious smile suddenly disappeared from her dark, gorgeous face
Nonzame:Siziphiwe how many times and I say I was wrong for what I did to you?
I shrugged my shoulders and looked away
Nonzame:I also never meant to do this to you as I said jealousy and anger drove me to point
in life where I made you a slave instead of taking to school
Wow! This was a side that my I never heard or seen of my mother
She placed her finger on her lips to tell to stop talking
Nonzame:My baby I’m very sorry for all this nasty things I did to you and I’m not expecting
you to forgive me quickly
I just rolled my eyes and looked away she brought the foid towards me
Nonzame:At least would you please eat it?
Me:I don’t want to
Nonzame:Please! My heart and soul made this for you. At least a bite
I took the food and ate just to make her glimse but not to disappoint her
Me:Thank you for the food
Nonzame:Okay call me if you need anything
I nodded I started wondering about the sudden change of heart. Did anyone give her a wake-
up call to set me free? But anyways I continued eating then went to wash the dishes. After a
while I went to polish the red stoep then finished, Anovuyo came to sit on the grass which
was a few centimetres away from me
Anovuyo:Sizi would you please keep a secret for me?
“Why would I want to keep your secret?” That was what I said in my heart but not out loud
She went all timid and suddenly she went from hundred to zero
Anovuyo:Well you see my lastborn Mahle? (I nodded) He is Dumani’s son
My eyes grew wide I didn’t expect to hear that from her or anyone else
Me:You said what?
Anovuyo just shook her head and tears were starting to fall in her eyes. I quickly went to hug
her because I could see the pain in her eyes!
Me:It’s going to be alright and did you tell mom about this?
Anovuyo:I did but she also denied it as if she was under a love potion or something?
We laughed at that it was quite crazy but I felt as if it was true
Me:What if that’s true though?
Anovuyo:I would be abnormal and amazed
We continued talking and I could see the happiness in her
Anovuyo:Siziphiwe I would like to say I’m really sorry for everything I did to you
Me:It’s okay
We shared a tight hug and I was happy that they were changing and showed their love to me.
I finally let go and Nonzame was calling me so I went to her room and she was holding a
black plastic bag
Nonzame:My dear here are your clothes
I opened the plastic it was my clothes that I used to wear before she gave me rags to wear
Me:Thank you so much
I took the bags and went to pour water for me to wash. I went to wash then I lotioned with the
body lotions I got from her and wore my plum maxi dress then did a doek just for the outfit to
look decent.
I went to throw the water outside I saw a grey car coming into the yard and it stopped, 2 guys
came out and the second one looked like Bandile. They both turned to face me it was really
Bandile and Lungelo
Oh no! Did they know each other?
They came to me both of them then Bandile gave me a hug
Bandile:Lil one this is Lungelo my closest friend
We looked at each other not knowing whether to say hello or what
We said that at the same time and smiled
Lungelo:You go first
Me:How are you bhuti?
Lungelo:I’m fine thanks and you?
Me:I’m fine
I was starting to get shake about this, so Bandile asked me to pour drinks for them and I went
to do it. I put the glasses in a tray then made my way to the bench that they were sitting in.
Lungelo came rushing towards me and then looked at me
Lungelo:Why did you tell me Bandile was your brother?
Me:You didn’t ask how was I suppose to tell you

part 5 a poisoned soul

I was sitting with Lungelo and Bandile in the rondavel not even attempting to listen to their
wild conversations which were not that amusing but they kept laughing they heads off. I kept
thinking about Nonzame who was now suddenly loving me as her own daughter but for so
many years she was seeing me as “Tryphina”.
It was a bit funny that momentarily she is now acting mother figure to me but anyways I
wasn’t that pissed at that.
So I came back to the senses of this universe when Lungelo called out my name and looked at
me with a smile written all over his face with his phone in his hand
Lungelo:I just asked you a question
I frowned my face to indicate I was aware of the question
Me:Which was? I wasn’t listening
He let out chuckle after I said that
Lungelo:Which Grade were taken out of?
This wasn’t a question people would ask me I immediately knew Bandile had given him
information about situation
Me:Well I was about to do Grade 11
He typed in his phone after I said that to him
Lungelo:Okay can I have your report card?
Me:Okay I will
He smiled then winked his left eye and Bandile gave him a stare
Lungelo:Yintoni mfethu? (What’s up dude?)
Bandile:Ungamcingi nomcinga ke lowo ndakubulala ngezandla! (Don’t even think about her,
I would kill ypu with my bare hands!)
I really wanted to laugh because the way he said it was saying “A massive storm would come
your way”, Only if he knew things were going down under his nose.
Me:Let me go and search for that card
Bandile:Hurry up Lungelo is leaving in ten minutes!
Lungelo was having an answer in his vocals but he afraid of Bandile, I’m 150/100% sure that
he was beating up people who would mess him up.
I stood up from the bench then went to the room and bumped into Nonzame sobering in tears
but she quickly wiped them. This woman was full of drama what is making her cry this
Me:What’s wrong?
Nonzame:Nothing much, what do you need?
Me:I just want my report card?
Nonzame:Why do you need it?
Me:I just want to re-check it
Her facial expression just changed but she nodded her head
Nonzame:In the cupboard which is next to the mirror and it is in a brown envelope
Me:Okay thanks
I rushed to the the her room then went to cabinet she told it was in. I took out the card how
much I missed school and I glimpsed at it, all I could see where sixes and sevens in my
report. So I placed it again in the envelope and went to the kitchen
Me:Found it
She smiled after those words I walked to the rondavel with Lungelo glued to his phone also
Bandile and they were smiling.
So I cleared my voice and they suddenly looked at me
Bandile:Got it?
I handed it over to Lungelo and he opened it and his eyes lifted
Lungelo:Wow this is so amazing!
Bandile:Got after me mfethu
Me:You a liar!
We laughed then accompanied Lungelo to his car, he bumped shoulders with Bandile then he
gave me hug. I didn’t want to let go his scent just reminded me of the first time I got into his
arms. His Cologne was killing me making my soul run crazy. We finally let go and let go
Lungelo:Bandz I will see you in Cape Town and you too Sizi
Bandile:Sure mfethu
Me:(I smiled) Bye
I wonder what did he mean when he said “I will see you in Cape Town”? So he drove out of
the yard, I looked at Bandile with a questioning face because I had many questions running
through my mind
Me:How does he know I don’t have Grade 12? What does he mean when he says he will see
me in CPT? Because I never told him those things!
Bandile:Hey! Stop with the 1000 questions! He saw me when I was hurting when Dad died
and I told him about your situation. Are you satisfied now?
Me:Okay bro
I hugged his arm then we went to the main house, Anovuyo and Simamkele were cooking
things had definately changed in this house!
Well Dumani was apperantly kicked out of the house for various reasons which were so
would be damn confusing to me but we were finally free and life was just okay.
So we went to sit in the family eating, watching Generations and even commenting on the
So Bandi and I washed the dishes then we went to the rondavel were we slept in. Nonzame
had given me a bed to sleep in another shock to death about her.
We led on the bed and he was staring at me
Me:Spit it Bandile!
He breathed in and murmmed “okay”
Bandile:Are you dating Lungelo?
I literally sat up straight getting choked by my saliva which was going down my throat.
Me:Wait! No! What?
I knew he was smelling rats around him but I tried my best to act normal
Bandile:The truth will set you free
I looked at him then my long, black eyebrows rose up at that split second and I was starting to
feel my heart racing
Me:No I’m not!
Bandile:Oh! Goodnight Sizo
He rotated his body to face the other side and I also did as he did.
Was he suspecting something? I wasn’t going to be able to fool my brother cause he knows
me quite well to know I’m not telling the truth.
After rethinking about the questioned concerning Lungelo I finally slept, as everything was
just turned into the past and the future looking fine ahead

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The next day I woke up feeling happy but to tell you the truth I didn’t know what made me happy, so I
stood up and Bandile was not next to me but the was note on his pillow. I picked it then started reading;
“Sizi I went to town and I will back
I tore it up then fixed the bed and I made my way to the main house, I found Sima playing with her son
Khaniyole who is so adorable you could eat him up. I wasn’t sure of Sima baby daddy but surely it was
one of her Blessers, let’s get back to the topic. I took Khani from Sima’s arms into mine and I started baby-
talking with him, I was a magnet towards children they just loved being around my company.
Me:He is growing up fast and more cheerful
I smiled at her and she smiled back
Sima:My bundle of joy you know
I nodded then she started stretching Khani’s foot and he was giggling enjoying the movement of his mom’s
fingers. So I gave him back to Sima then took a basin and poured hot water in it, I felt someone else’s
presence in the kitchen so I looked back to see who that was and it was Nonzame
Me:You gave me a fright!
Nonzame:Sorry baby I didn’t mean to, I wanted to say good morning
Me:Morning ma
Nonzame:Going somewhere?
Me:No I’m not going anywhere
Nonzame:Okay dear
She kissed my cheek and I went to the rondavel with the basin in my hands. I locked the door after going
in and I stripped down the washed my body, I lotioned after that and I wore my black and white maxi skirt
and a white vest also pumps on my feet. I doeked around my head to cover my hair which was an absolute
disaster, I went to throw the water away then wiped it with my towel and I hanged them on the line.
I decided to take a walk to clear my mind because it was everywhere, as I was walking down the road. It
seemed as if everyone was laughing at me because people knew about me being rape by my stepfather.
As I was walking I spotted Lungelo’s car and the was a girl talking through his window, I didn’t want to
say they were dating or something. But I also thought maybe it was his sister so I decided to walk past
them just to see his reaction.
I walked past them and Lungelo called me, I think my heart missed a beat and I looked at back. His eyes
navigated to the passanger door so I did as instructed, the birds came back again. Dancing and moving
around my stomach and he said goodbye to this girl then started the car.
Lungelo:Can we go to town please?
Me:Okay we can
He started the car then turned up the volume on the radio, which was pretty much a love song and I think it
was Lionel Richie x Stuck On You if I’m sure.
So he drove off going at a slow pace and he wasn’t rushing, we were just talking about random things that
couples would talk about. I noticed that we were in Queenstown so he stopped by the parkings which were
next to Spur, we got off the car he opened the resturant door for me to enter first. This gorgeus waitress
came to me with a smile on her face
Waitress:Hello, table for 2?
Waitress:Okay would you please follow me?
I nodded then Lungelo and I followed behind her, she led us to a table and we sat she gave us the menus.
Waitress:Call me if you are ready to order
I was the one doing most of the talking while Lungelo was glued to his phone not even raising up his head
just to glance at me, I paged through the menu searching for something to eat but Lungelo was still on his
Me:Are you going to eat your phone?
He moved his fingers away from his phone and looked at me with a confused face
Lungelo:What do you mean?
Me:You excatly know what I mean
Lungelo:Babe I’m sorry it’s just that I’m busy with my businesses okay?
He stretched out his hand so he can reach mine but I put them on my thighs.
Me:Whatever Lungelo make sure it keeps you company!
Lungelo:Why are you being dramatic because I told you I’m handling my businesses!
Did he just say I’m dramatic?! Okay he just crossed the limit line
Me:Am I being dramatic? Oh my word!
Lungelo:Flip! Babe
The waitress came and I quickly acted normal so she wouldn’t see the was a conflict happening been us
Waitress:Can I take your order or?
Lungelo:You can
Waitress:What are you having sir?
Lungelo:A cheese burger with chips, also some calamari and wings for starters
She wrote that down and looked at me
Waitress:And you mam?
Me:Also a burger with chips and Sprite for refreshment
Lungelo:Mine too
Waitress:That’s all?
She nodded then left, I wasn’t minding Lungelo until he came to sit next to me
Lungelo:My cakes, my pununu, my honey boo-boo I’m sorry for saying you were dramatic and I was out
of line
I rolled my eyes not even trying to insert the information into my mind, he started tickling me and I was
giggling like a 3 year old
Lungelo:I won’t stop till you forgive me
I was laughing my head off and I was starting to breath fast
Me:Okay fine, I forgive you
Lungelo:Good girl!
He stopped tickling me and he decided to play with my fingers and we were having light conversations
with kisses in between, our food then we dug in. Lungelo was also feeding me which was quite romantic
because most guys wouldn’t do that to they girlfriends (If you understand what I mean).
After we ate settled the bill then we made our way to the car and I literally fully fed so I sat at the
passenger seat and immediately dozed off to sleep.
I woke up when the car felt as if it wasn’t moving so I rubbed my eyes and yawned at the same time.
Lungelo was staring at me with a smile spread upon his face
Lungelo:Did you know how beautiful you are when you asleep?
I was starting to blush I quickly looked away from his direction so he would see my cheeks turning reddish
Me:Well I will take that as a compliment
Lungelo:Please do so
He leaned forward then pulled me to him with my chin and smashed his lips on to mine, leaving me with
an instant trigger to my spine which I didn’t know what caused it whether it was the enjoyment or
something else.
We finally broke it when we both were breathing heavily
Me:Wow I need to get going
Lungelo:Okay cakes I love you
Those words made my soul lighten up and made me think of such an amazing person he was.
Was he my destiny to eternal happiness? Or my future husband in the making? But anyways the future
would determine everything that is going to happen.
I got off the car then waved at him and walked home, I got into the yard then went straight to the rondavel.
Bandile was the sitting on the bed listening to his headphones and he looked at me
Bandile:Where you from?
Me:From a friend
Bandile:I better hope it’s not some lame dude who will break your heart and make you cry each and
Me:He won’t he is pure gentleman and very loving
Bandile:I always knew something was up
Me:Thrilled now?
Bandile:Beyond explanation
Me:Haha bhuti
We smiled at each other and he took out a yellow envelope it was written Intercape outside
Bandile:We are leaving on Friday to Cape Town
It was Wednesday I was so happy when he said that. I was filled with joy and excitement
Bandile:Yes sis
I hugged him and I was shouting “Thank You” to him. So I changed into my pyjamas then tucked into bed
Bandile:So early?
Me:I’m tired abuti
Bandile:Okay goodnight
I covered myself with the blanket and comforter, I was so excited to finally go to Cape Town because I
always saw myself there.
This was just the beginning of my life because things were changing so quickly but I was grateful for small
things that I got,
I slept when I was feeling drowsy

part 7 a poisoned soul

I woke up the following day with Bandile snoring his lungs and I shook him then he opened
he woke
Me:Don’t snore this loud
Bandile:Is that why you are woke me?
I nodded and he chuckled
Bandile:You are hallucinating sis
Me:I’m not!
He was laughing at me and went back to sleep, I stood then went to brush my teeth outside it
was already hot. I went to the main house and I could smell eggs and bacon when I went in,
Nonzame was standing over the stove
Me:Good morning mother
Nonzame:Morning dear how are you?
Me:I’m fine thanks and you?
Nonzame:I’m good dear, where is that report card?
Oh no! I wasn’t much of a good liar but I had to say something to her. I was starting to feel
my body iche but I had to hold myself together
Me:Well.. Uhm, I think it’s with Bandile because he was there one who wanted it
Nonzame:Okay dear, sit down let me dish up for you
I let out a sigh of relief but silently so she couldn’t see that I was lying
As Nonzame was dishing Bandile came in wearing a muscular vest and shorts with flip-flops
on, so he greeted Nonzame in a polite manner because they had an argument about me going
to Cape Town with him
Nonzame:Where is that report card?
I looked at Bandile with puppy eyes so he could not tell the truth about it
Bandile:Siziphiwe’s? (Nonzame nodded) I took it so I can apply for a school in CPT for her
Nonzame:Siziphiwe is not going to the Western until she’s old enough
I was listening to them exchanging words about me as if I wasn’t in the room but I didn’t
want to say anything
Bandile:She is going like it or not!
Nonzame:We will see about that
Bandile:Game on
Nonzame:Don’t you dare disrespect me Bandile, I’m not your age and will never be one
Before he could finish his sentence a slap flew across his light in complexion face, he started
grinding his teeth together and he turned red and opened his nostrils wide because of anger
Nonzame:As I said don’t disrespect me
Bandile:Save it
He sat down next to me and I shook my head then held his hand, he squeezed my fingers
together and that caused incredible pain to me
Me:Ow Bandile! You are hurting me!
Bandile:Sorry sis
He kissed my hand and smiled but he was still furious
Me:Listen here (He raised up his head to look at me) I’m going to Cape Town with you
tomorrow no matter what she says. I won’t be living here until a miracle out of the blue pops
Bandile:That would mean a lot to me, I will take care of you even if it means I have to
sacrifice my last for you I will sis
I was smiling my head off because I finally realised that I meant the world to Bandile even if
we would have sibling rivals but that was what bringing us closer and closer together.
Me:But we must make she doesn’t see us when we leave or hell will break loose with that
Bandile:And it will
We laughed then ate we washed the dishes and Anovuyo came in dragging her feet into the
Anovuyo:Morning guys
Anovuyo:Haven’t you seen mom?
Me:She went out and hasn’t came back
She went to the fridge and took out a plate then went to warm it in the microwave, Bandile
went to throw the water outside and Anovuyo was looking at me
Anovuyo:I hear that someone from the house is dating Lungelo but I don’t know who, is it
I would not admit to her that I was dating Lungelo because she perhaps run to Bandile and
tell him about us, I couldn’t risk much further than this
Me:No it’s not me
Anovuyo:Simamkele said it’s not her and certainly not me so which means it’s you
Voice:Siziphiwe you dating Lungelo?
Shit! I’m busted it was Bandile no! I turned and he was looking at me with a disapproval
face. I had to come clean because I can’t keep on lying to people
Me:Yes I am bhuti,sorry if I disappointed you
Anovuyo clapped her hands twice
Bandile:He is my best friend Siziphiwe couldn’t you choose someone else?
That really hurt me cause a human being can’t choose who to love but the love you have can
choose a person for you.
Me:It not like I intentionally chose him to date him you know?
Bandile:You have to break with up with him!
Is he insane or is something wrong in his post office?
Me:I won’t able to do so abuti
Bandile:Like it or not mntaka Dad you will
Me:You won’t make do that
Bandile:Poor soul you will
I wasn’t in the mood to argue about Lungelo so I went to take a basin then poured water in it
and took a bath in the rondavel. I lotioned then wore a denim short with a lime t-shirt and
flops I doeked to hide my unpleasant hair, I then throw the water and wiped the basin with
my towel and hanged them on the line.
Bandile:Are you visiting him?
I knew he was referring to Lungelo
Me:Who said anything like that?
Bandile:Did you say “You dating”?
He made quotatiaon marks in thin air I just rolled my eyes and left him standing there. As I
was about to exit the yard, I felt this grip on my left arm and it was Bandile
Bandile:You going to cry in his arms now?
Me:No I’m jst taking a walk to leave you and your antics
Bandile:I’m just pissed that my friend would date my sister while he’s in another relation-
He paused and released his grip on my arm
Me:You said what?
He was starting to move back
Bandile:Nothing mntase
Me:I’m not a fool Bandile tell me now!
Bandile:Okay! He’s dating his long-term girlfriend who is Dubai now and she will be back
next year
I suddenly felt like a side chick that was used so I could keep him company. I felt tears
starting to pour out of my eyes, I was really a fool to just agree being his girlfriend but this
was the world that we lived in. No one would say they are in a relationship but you just
blinded by the love you get.
Bandile was comforting me
Bandile:I didn’t mean to hurt you
That went through my right ear out to my left one. As I thought crying would solve my mess
it just created more and I ended up having a massive headache which I can’t even begin to
talk about it. Bandile hushed me to sleep and I just slept thinking about this situation I was in

part 8 a poisoned soul

I woke up feeling drained I sat on my buttocks and looked outside the window, my mind was
filled with questions that needed damn straight answers from me.
I thought to myself why was I stressing over a man that was succesful? Who had everything
he needed whilst I don’t even have a Matric Certificate! Is this what I wanted to do spend my
whole life doing this? No I couldn’t do so I had to break all ties with Lungelo even if he was
my first lover!
Oh it was already Friday around 09:45 in the morning, I slept in my clothes from the day
before. So I headed to the main room and Bandile was there making breakfast wearing denim
jeans with a white plain V- neck and black Jordans, he smiled when he saw me
Bandile:Morning sis
Me:Hi bro
Bandile:Go and wash and get to the bus station early so we won’t miss it.
Me:Okay bhuti
I took a basin and poured water then went to wash, I lotioned then wore my one button jeans
with a floral top which had lace at the back showing my bra also Nike AirForce that Bandile
had bought me with his last savings but I always thought it was more than that.
I doeked with a flowered scarf to hid my hair and my brother had promised to give me money
to wash my hair.
I went to throw the water away then wiped the basin and hanged them in the line. I went to
the kitchen and Bandile was dishing up then gave me my food
Bandile:Wow you look beaut mntase
Me:Thank you brother
I sat down to eat after that I washed the dishes, Nonzame bumped into me when I was going
to the rondavel
Nonzame:Waze wamuhle ngani yami! Ubaba wakho bezojabula ukuthi intombi yakhe intle
kanje (You look so beautiful my child! Your father would have been happy to see his
daughter looking nice like this)
Me:Thank you ma
Nonzame:Are you still considering going to Cape Town?
Me:Yes ma I’m still going nothing came change my mind
Nonzame:If you say so then I wish you all the best in everything you
She opened her arms for me to hug her and I did, I pulled out then went to pack my things so
Bandi and I can go
Bandile:Can we go?
Me:Yes we can
We went to the main house with our luggage to say goodbye to the family
Simamkele:Have a safe trip guys please come and visit us
Me:We wiil come visit
Anovuyo:We love you guys okay?
Bandile:Love you more
I knew he was being sarcastic towards them because that’s also his way of not hurting a
Nonzame:Don’t bring back grandkids please my children
Bandile:We will never do so
Nonzame:That’s good now go before taxis finish up
We group hugged then took our luggage, Anovuyo and Simamkele accompanied us to get a
taxi. They left after we got a taxi I was excited because it was my first time out of the
province to another and on top of that I was going with my brother. We took another taxi to
buy our food for the journey after that we took another taxi to to the offices still in
We got off at the Intercape offices with our luggage around 14:20 and the coaches were
letting the people into their seats. So I handed over the tickets while Bandile went to give the
second coach our luggage to load it.
He came back with a blanket and earphones in his arms then went to seat in the decker in the
first seats in the bus.
I was smiling my lungs out Bandile was cool, I understand why he wasn’t that excited he was
used to buses and all that.
It started moving and I was watching the road.
We listening to his music on his phone which I quite enjoyed especially hip-hop, around
18:30 we were in Graaf-Reinett and we were given a 15 minute break to go and buy items
you may need. Bandile didn’t want me to go because he thought I would get lost and all that,
my brother though (smiling).
He came back with Maynards and water then starting talking about crazy things like his
girlfriends and all that. Around 23:45 we were in George yes in the Western Cape
Me:Are we close to CPT?
Bandile:You could say so
Me:Okay that’s good
Bandile:Now sleep it late for you to be still awake
Me:Okay dad
He let out a chuckle then kissed my forehead and I slept on his chest.
Someone was shaking me softly and I opened my eyes
Bandile:We have arrived in CPT
My eyes literally popped open and I looked around, this was everything I saw about Cape
Town. We got off the bus and went to collect our luggage, Bandile was talking on his phone
then came closer to me
Bandile:We will go in 5
Me:Okay what’s the time?
Bandile:Past seven-thirty
I simply nodded then after that 5 minutes a silver Golf GTI stopped in front of us, this hot,
tall man came out of it then bumped shoulders with Bandile and glanced at me
Guy:Mfethu I missed you, why did you leave me here alone?
Bandile:You were busy with your chick so we didn’t want to disturb you
Guy:I hear you bra, let me guess this is Sizphiwe?
Did all Bandile’s friends know about me? This dude
Me:In the flesh bhuti
Guy:And I’m Ta Zu but you can call me Zusiphe, nice meeting you
I nodded then we shook hands and he smiled revealing his dimples also did I reveal mine,
their (Bandile and Zu) loaded the luggage in the boot. We got in and Zu started the engine
and drove off, they were showing me many places and I saw a white board with Seapoint in
blue words. Zu stopped in front of this amazing apartments which looked like they costed a
Bandile:This is were I stay I mean were we are going to stay
Me:They look nice
We got off with our luggage and went in, he pressed the lift button then we got into it
Bandile:Press the 10th floor button
He stays in the 10th floor?!
Me:10th abuti? So high
Bandile:Quite better than 20
We got off the lift then he opened a door which was 2 doors aways from the lift and we went
in. Wow! Was the word I would use to describe his apartment it was black and white, he
showed me around this was heaven on Earth. So he showed me my room it had a maroon and
white just as I ever imagined my room would be.
I changed into my pyjamas and tucked into bed then slept..

part 9 a poisoned soul

I woke in fresh white linen in a comfortable bed that I never slept on in my entire life. I
pushed the linen away from my body then stood up, I looked around the room it was really
nice as if a King or Queen was sleeping there.
I opened the curtains and there was a door behind it, curiosity took over I opened the door it
was a balcony and I went on to it.
I could feel the salty sea breeze hit my face in splendid way, this was all I ever dreamn’t of
ever since I was made a slave.
After a few minutes of standing there I went to the bathroom (The room was a en-suite) it a
decent place which had black stripes and white tiles around the wall also on the floor, the was
a massive bath tub, shower and toilet in one room.
I ran the bath tub water and took off my clothes then I soaked my body in the water.
Something was fishy about Bandile I know he’s my flesh and blood but how can a student be
staying at a flat like this? He may have a part-time job and a savings account but they both
couldn’t cover all the finances of his! I was starting to feel insecure about him so I finished
water then I dried my body.
I lotioned then wore my shorts with a sports bra and slippers on my feet, I tried combing my
hair but it was so painful and I let it be. I went downstairs using the staircase that stopped at
the entrance of the living room.
The was a plasma tv, a sound system with a Dstv Explorar decoder and tall speakers. My jaw
dropped when I saw those things even the couches were leather, I went to the kitchen and
opened the fridge which was fully packed with goodies. I took out a milk cartoon then
searched for a bowl and found it, I poured Corn Flakes with milk then I jumped onto the
kitchen counter and started eating my cereal.
I felt shivers going down my spine like if someone was watching me, I looked back it was
Lungelo with his eyes glued on my back
Lungelo:Sizi babe
I wanted to puck that instance of him saying my name
Me:Hi Lungelo
Lungelo:Not even a hug?
Me:Did you ask for it?
Lungelo:Ouch! What did I do to get the cold shoulder from you?
He came closer to the counter and put his warm hands on my thigh, I was ready to ask him
but firstly I removed his hands from me
Me:When were you going to tell me about your girlfriend?
He swallowed hard and was shocked if I may say due to the expression on his face
Lungelo:How? Who told you?
Me:Just answer the damn question Lungelo!
He breathed out loud and looked on the floor
Lungelo:Yes I have a girlfriend who is in Dubai, but Siziphiwe to tell you the truth I do love
you alot more than her I mean it
Me:That’s what all guys say I love you more than her but I won’t be a fooled by those words
it’s over Lungelo!
I felt something slide down my shoulders as if I was carrying a large burden on my shoulders
Lungelo:Not now Sizi I really love you
Me:Like it or not, we are history
I slided down the counter then rinsed my plate and wiped it then placed it back to it’s place.
Me:I will call Bandile for you
Lungelo simply nodded still puzzled at what I said to him, I went to knock at Bandile’s door
and he shouted “Come in”
Bandile:Lil one
Me:Abuti Lungelo is waiting for you downstairs
Bandile:Okay thanks
I made my way to the door
Bandile:Here is some money to go and do your hair
Me:Are you taking me?
Bandile:Nope you will go alone
Is he crazy? I don’t even know Cape Town
Me:Excuse me? Alone?
Bandile:You will call a cab to come and pick you
He handed me a Samsung Galaxy Note with three R200 notes and he kissed my forehead
Bandile:I have to rush somewhere and I love you lil one
Me:Okay bhuti, love you too
He took his biker jacket and phone then I watched him leave, I went to my room.
I wore my black high- rise jeans with a black vest and a flowered long cardigan which was
just above my knees. I wore a black and white Nike Roshe then doeked my head to hide the
hair, I called a cab using the number Bandile gave me and the driver said he will be there in
10 minutes.
I went out then locked the door and pressed the lift button to open, I stepped in then pressed
the Ground button. I got off then I waited for the cab to arrive and finally it did then I went in
Driver:Afternoon mam, where are you going today?
Me:A nearby salon would be okay
Driver:Okay mam
He drove and drove he was showing me places like malls and all that. The driver stopped at
beauty salon so I paid and got off, I went in and everyone’s eyes focused on me. Okay! That
was a bit awkward so I went to the receptionist
Rec:Hello mam, how may I help you today?
Me:Hello I would like to relax my hair then do a medium straight-up
Rec:That will be R300 altogether
I gave her a R400 then got my change back and went to sit at an attendant, I told her what I
wanted to do. She started doing my hair then braided it after that
Attendant:Awumhle nontombi (You are so beautiful girly)
I smiled at her with my dimples revealing
Me:Enkosi sisi(Thank you mam/sister)
I hugged her for making me beautiful, my stomach was grumbling I exited the salon then
walked to the mall which was not far. I went to Steers and placed my order then went to sit at
the table, I was downloading songs and apps until someone cleared their throat and I looked
up. It was an average heighted girl who had a great body and a big bust
Girl:Can I sit here? I have been standing for ages
She pulled out the chair and sat down
Girl:I’m Thandazwa Motsamai
She pulled out her hand for a hand shake
Me:And I’m Siziphiwe Lonoko, nice to meet you
We shook hands and smiled at each other
Thandazwa:Nice to meet you too
We just giggled after that
My food came and Thandazwa’s also
Me:That my cue to leave, it was nice meeting you
Thandazwa:Me too but I need your numbers babes
This Thandazwa girl was something else, she seemed quite outgoing.
Me:072 *** ****
I was actually reading them off the screen of the Samsung so she also gave me hers. We
shared a hug then I broke it
Thandazwa:I hope to see you again
Me:I also do I
I took my order then we walked to the door and went our seperate ways, I called the cab and I
went to it. I paid again then he dropped me in front of the apartments and I went to Bandile’s.
I opened the door then I threw myself on the couch and ate while watching some movies on
Catch Up. I was feeling a bit sleepy so I just laid my head on the couch cushion and slept.

P part 10 a poisoned soul

“Wake up” said a voice close to my left ear, I slowly opened my eyes while rubbing them to
get a clear vision. It was Bandile holding a brown paperbag which looked like it was from
Me:Hey abuti, what’s the time?
Bandile:Past ten-thirty
Me:And you have just arrived?
Bandile:Yes it was hectic at work
I sat up straight so he could be able to sit, Bandile just threw his body hitting me with his left
shoulder on my arm.
Bandile:Sorry sis and I bought you this
Me:Thanks abhuti, so tell me where is your work?
I snatched the paperbag from him and tooked out the box, as I asked Bandile this question he
just looked at me with a confused face
Bandile:Come again?
Me:What’s your occupation bra?
Bandile:Well I’m an accountant at a friend’s business and that’s it
Something was just not right about what Bandile said, yes he is very good in Accounting but
no. I had to find out about this
Me:But you are still doing your last year?
Bandile:Yes I’m
Me:You stay in this beautiful, enormous flat but you still in var-
Bandile:Won’t you stop with these one million, fucken thrillion questions! I need to go and
lie down
Wow! That was a first did I just let my brother’s anger side unleash? I suddenly felt wrong
for asking him those questions. I heard the door from upstairs being slammed hard to close. I
lost my appetite and closed the food then placed it on the coffee table, I switched off the
As I went up the stairs I stopped to knock at Bandile room but I stopped myself from being
shouted at, I left him to be. I went to my room then changed into my short pyjamas and
tucked into bed. I let my body shut down and slept.
I was woken up by hunger which invaded my stomach then I quickly fixed my bed, I sprayed
my hair with an Anti-Dandruff Hair Spray before I could take a shower. I stripped down then
made my way to the bathroom, taking a long warm shower which just let every single knot in
my body disappeared.
I then dried my body and lotioned, I took out a black maxi dress with a white vest and a bra. I
wore then quickly went downstairs straight to the kitchen, the smell of bacon and eggs made
me run crazy like a lunatic. Bandile was dishing up and smiled when he so me, he came and
took my hands locking them with his
Bandile:Princess, I’m sorry that I snapped last night. It’s just that you were asking many
questions and I couldn’t handle it
Me:I’m also sorry for sticking my nose in your business
Bandile:It’s understandable sis, hug maybe?
Me:Thought you would never ask
He opened his arms and I went straight for them, it was just an emotional hug and I broke it
Bandile:Shall we eat?
Me:Hell yeah
We laughed at that I sat down on the kitchen chair which was behind the counter
Bandile:Bon Appetite!
I smiled we were having a jolly good talk together after eating we washed the dishes together.
I would say my relationship with him was a tight one, we especially him didn’t let anyone
come in between us. We had that brother-sister bond together, did I mention he had a car? No
I didn’t, well he is driving a Golf 7 which came to suprise to me cause I wasn’t sure where he
got the money from.
Bouncing, rejoiced to the part where we we washing dishes.
We finished washing them and he went to his room to take a shower whilst I was watching
some Regular Show. After 30 minutes or more, Bandile came with his Cologne essence
filling the living room which was absolutely amazing. He said down next to me then catched
the channel with the remote
Me:Bendisa bukele pha! (I was still watching!)
Bandile:Sisi this is my apartment if I want to change I will change
I just rolled my eyes and let him be, my lips took over my face. I almost looked like a
duckling in the pond, Bandile was laughing at me
Bandile:Remove those lips wena(you)!
I did as he said then went upstairs to take that Samsung he had given me and I logged on to
I was started chatting with Thandazwa (the girl I met at Steers, do you remember?)
Thandi:Friend are you free this afternoon?
Me:Yes why?
Thandi:I would like us to go to Waterfront of possible
Me:Okay cool, I will ask for my brother’s approval first
Thandi:Will here from you then, Ciao
Me:Ciao too
I didn’t excatly know the meaning of the word but I just used it, so I went out of WhatsApp
then went downstairs Bandile was sleeping on the couch side ways. I shook him and he
opened his eyes
Me:Bhuti a friend is taking me out to Waterfront can I go?
He quickly sat up
Bandile:Whose that friend?
Me:A girl I met yesterday at Steers, we just became friends
Bandile:Are you out of your mind or something? Going out with a strange?
Me:No and she’s not a stranger
Bandile:Okay if she’s not tell me her full name
Me:It’s Thandazwa Motsamai
Bandile:Okay but you still not going
Me:Please bhuti!
He shook his head no! How I always longed to go to Waterfront my entire life, I went
upstairs to my room and dialled Thandazwa’s number. She picked up on the second ring
Me:I can’t go
Her:Did your brother disapprove?
Her:Cool we will just go on another day
She sounded a bit disappointed from what I could here
Me:Yes, I will make it up to you
Her:It’s fine bye
We hung up and the same time I received a message from Bandile saying he will be back so I
just ignored it and laid on the bed. I was tossing left and right thinking in my mind “Can he
have some information about this so called “Accountant job of his”?
Curiousity struck in once again, I quickly slipped in my flops which were in front of my bed
and I raced to the study which was about two doors away from mine. I opened it then fear
jingled it’s way into my entire body, I left the door open just in case something happens. I
was searching for mind blowing information from the cupboards until I came across a folder
which caught my full attention
Me:Mr M Lonoko’s Will, okay
I paged through the first page it had some initials and what so ever. The second one had my
name on it
Me:I hereby leave my daughter with a double story house and half a million to complete her
education and another half to do what ever she may require. My jaw was opened wide that
my father was rolling in serious money before he died.
I thought to myself this is why Bandile decided to bring me to Cape Town?
part 11 a poisoned soul
I continued paging the will, Bandile also got a million like me. So that’s why he lived in these
apartments and also bought himself a car, I felt so horrible for thinking he would get himself
in dodgy business. That’s why we are taught to ask before spreading things that are untrue, I
heard the apartment door close and someone calling out my name.
Footsteps were already going up the staitcase I had no where to hide but underneath the table,
I quickly made my way under. My heart was beating at a high rate that never happened to me
Shit! I didn’t close the door when I came in the study, I could sense trouble coming my way.
I saw Adidas tekkies in front of the table and came exactly the place I was hiding myself.
I jumped and hit my head on the table because of Lungelo’s face which scared me to death.
Lungelo:Serves you right! Why are you hidind under your brother’s table?
I had to come up with something liable
Me:I was searching for my earrings
Lungelo:Haha don’t you dare fool me my dear. Now get up and let’s go to your brother
Me:No! No! And you will say what to him?
Lungelo:That you were in his study duh!
He had imitated a girl’s voice but definately not mine
Me:I hate you
Lungelo:And I love you
I just rolled my eyes and followed him to the lounge, the were 5 guys including Bandile
sitting in the sofas
Lungelo:I found her in your study, hiding under the table
The guys were laughing as if a joke was told to them
Bandile:I will deal with you later (he pointed at me). This are my friends Litha, Avuyile,
Zusiphe, Sandile, Bryson
Bryson looked like a Coloured guy but I wasn’t sure and he was staring at me
I then left them to my room, I took the phone and plugged in the earphones then turned on Dj
Snake ft Bipolar Sunshine x Middle and is my favourite song which always got me dancing.
I went downstairs to the kitchen I made myself a cheese sandwich and poured myself juice, I
was chatting to with Thandazwa on WhatsApp we actually get to knew each others
personalities. I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder I looked back it was Bryson
Bryson:Can I have a glass of water?
I stood then went to take a glass so I coukd pour him water. His eyes were focused on my
every movement I did, and gave it to him
Bryson:Thanks you, what’s your name?
Bryson:Suits you perfectly, your body and everything
I smiled at him because he was trying his luck on me
Bryson:Even your smile
Voice:Don’t try your luck on her
It sounded as Lungelo’s deep voice and it was really
Bryson:Who said I’m trying my luck on her?
Lungelo:The things you were saying to her
Me:Lungelo just shut up okay! Bryson is being friendly than most people
Bryson:Thanks Sizi
Lungelo:I promise he will hurt you
Me:Or because you just gave someone an experience on that?
Lungelo:No but
Me:Just save it I don’t need to hear your nonsense
I was really annoyed by Lungelo and his jaw was on the floor from what I said
Bryson:I’m sorry about that Siziphiwe okay and I wasn’t trying my luck on you
Me:It’s cool man no hard feelings
He raised his hand for a high-five and I gave him, Lungelo stormed out of the kitchen and flat
in an angry manner but I didn’t mind his attitude you know.
Bandile called me to sit with them and I sat next to him
Zusiphe:Bra’s don’t you want some take-aways?
Avuyile:You paying?
Zusiphe:Yes it’s on me
Sandile:Let’s hit the road
Bandile:Can she come to?
Bryson:Why wouldn’t she? Sizi you can come too
Me:Okay thanks, let me go and change my shoes
I was wearing slippers and the guys agreed so I went to my room and wore my red Nike
Roshe. We went out of the flat and I locked after going out, we got into a black Mercedes
which looked like a mini bus. Avuyile was on the driver’s seat, they were chatting up about
they girls, sex life and even nasty things that were disgusting. Guys do talk lame things when
they are together, so I noticed we were in outside a butchery
Me:Where are we?
We went out then Zusiphe ordered then went to braai the meat, I was talking to Bryson
because we find something interesting to talk about
Avuyile:What happened to Lungelo?
Bryson and I looked at each, I shrugged my shoulders together.
We ate then spent some time I was getting to know the guys and they were pretty awesome
After a while Avuyile drove Bandile and I to the apartment, dropping us on the driveway.
Avuyile:Nice meeting you Siziphiwe
Me:My pleasure bye
We waved and he off disappearing in those busy streets. I was leading the way to the
apartment running away from Bandile’s lectures. I then went straight to my room and locked
myself in it, I checked the time it was 21:45 so I changed into my Granny nightdress and put
on a flowered doek.
I quickly dozed off to sleep.

part 12 a poisoned soul

Shekhinah ft Kyle Deustch x Back To The Beach started playing and that indicated someone
was giving me a call. Who would want to disturb me as I was sleeping so peacefully?
I searched for my phone under the pillow and got it, I looked with a blur vision at the caller
ID. It was a private number so I picked it up
Me:Sizi hello
Caller:Hello, am I speaking to Siziphiwe Lonoko?
She sounded like a proffesional who is used calling people 24/7
Me:Yes this is her
Caller:How are you mam?
Me:I’m fine thanks and you?
Caller:I’m okay, I have good news to make your morning dear
Me:Really? I would need that!
Caller:Well, you have been accepted to our school and you may come to collect your uniform
plus a tour on Thursday afternoon around 12:45
I was screamed so loud I’m quite positive that the person removed the phone from their ear
Caller:Yes, will send an e-mail to show your acceptance and my name is Lizzy Campbell so
you will ask for me at the reception
Me:Okay thank you so so much
Her:Okay dear, enjoy your morning bye
I hung up and started jumping up and down screaming yes! I took a breather then calmed
down I did a short prayer to thank the Almighty above.
I wouldn’t be here without him, I went to brush my teeth then rushed to Bandile’s room. I
barged into the room without thinking twice of knocking, Bandile was awake. He looked at
me while yawning
Me:I just got the best news!
I said that with a big smile written across my face
Bandile:Which are? (He didn’t sound that excited but rather cold)
Me:Ouch! Well I got accepted at that school you had applied for me
Bandile:Give me a hug
I jumped on top of me and was leaving kisses on both my cheeks
Bandile:Congratulations mntase but I’m still mad that you were in my study
Me:I’m sorry bro I did mean to
Bandile:What did you see?
How was I going to him I saw dad’s will?
Bandile:Tell me the truth please?
Me:I saw daddy’s will and I read through it
Bandile:Okay but you will be punished for going through my stuff
Me:I won’t fight it cause I know it was wrong
Bandile:Where you going to fight against it?
Me:Yes dawg I was
Bandie:Now you are calling me dawg?
He was letting out chuckles and he spanked my left arm
Me:Let me go and take a shower then prepare breakfast
Bandile:Good girl already serving your punish
I chuckled because I knew he was just mocking me, so I went to my room straight to the
bathroom and took a shower. I dried then lotioned I wore my black tights and a baseball shirt
with slippers on my feet, I fixed my hair into a ponytail form.
Lizzy sent me an e-mail of confirmation, I would say my day started at a 200% rate out of
So I made my bed then opened the door leading to the balcony and I stood there, who would
have ever thought I would be out of the situation I was in?
After that private soul cleansing ceremony I gave myself, I went downstairs.
I prepared breakfast for Bandile and I who came down wearing kaki shorts with a blue and
white stripped muscular vest and flops on his feet then stood behind the kitchen counter.
Bandile:Dish up mntase I’m hungry and please may I have your phone?
I looked at him with a smirk on my face
Me:Because? Why should I give it to you?
Bandile:You are being punished-
Me:For entering my study without my approval! I already know the drill bra
Bandile:Can I have it?
I lifted up the shirt and took out the phone handing it out to his hands, I dished up for the both
of us then we ate. He offered to wash the dishes whilst I was cleaning around the flat.
A knock came through the door so I quickly went to answer it.
This beautiful lady with a weave on wearing Nike tracksuit pants with a Nike t-shirt and
Me:Hello sisi, can I help you?
Lady:Help me with what? Where is my man?
She shoved her body into the door pushing me with her arm away
Me:Who are you looking for?
Lady:Where is my man? Are you his girlfriend?
She threw her handbag on the sofa and car keys then came towards me! This lady looked like
she was ready to fight, I was scared to death that I was going to be beaten or something! I
only had one option left just to call out Bandile’s name
Me:Bandile!! Crazy woman in living room!

part 13 a poisoned soul

Voice:Khazimla no!! That’s my sister!
Oh she was Khazimla,
Khazimla:What? She’s your what?
Me:I’m Bandile’s little sister
Khazimla:Dear I’m so sorry for doing that to you, I didn’t know that you were his-
Me:It’s okay sisi Khazimla
I pulled her for a hug she was really embarassed you could tell from the way she was talking
to me
Khamzila:Let me go I’m sorry baby
Me:Okay bye sisi
She kissed Bandile’s buttom lips and went out the door I watched her leave before
confronting my brother
Me:What did you do to her?
Bandile:Please speak in full sentences not terms
Those are what he would say to get out of a situation he was in
Me:You exactly know what I’m saying
Bandile:She caught me with a number of girls naked
My jaw was on the floor I finally understood why she became nuts when she saw me
Me:You did what? That woman loves you but rub that in her face? Bra you should be
ashamed of yourself
Bandile:I was just feeding my main sis, she just becomes frustated when I talk about doing
the deed
How stupid can my brother be?
Me:So that matters “feeding your main” you are something else!
He didn’t utter a word out of his mouth and buried his head in his hands
Me:Can’t you see she loves you? I mean she sticks with you through thick and thin! If you
were my man I would have dumped you ages ago but she is showing her love but you don’t
seem to understand that
He raised his head and looked at me with a confused face
Bandile:Shouldn’t it be me giving you advice instead of you giving me advice?
I rolled my eyes and moved backwards to rest my back on the sofa
Me:Whatever Bandile but you will need it one day I cross my heart and hope to die!
Bandile:I took your advice Oprah why wouldn’t I take it?
I slapped his arm with full force making sure he feels the pain
Bandile:But I took your advice Oprah-to-be
He was laughing his head off after calling me Oprah and I was also laughing
Me:Let’s go prepare supper
Bandile:What are we making?
Me:Lasagne would be okay
He nodded then we went to the kitchen preparing supper for the both of us, after eating we
washed the dishes and went to watch Why Did I Get Married II?
It was a romance movie which I seemed to enjoy, even though you would shed some tears
here and there while munching down on popcorns, ice-cream and some fizzy drinks.
So after that sobers more especially coming from me, we went to sleep. Bandile was quite I
think it was the lectures I gave to him, I couldn’t let him kill a person’s soul who loves him to
death down
Me:Good night bro and make you call Khazimla
Bandile:Night sis and I will haha
Me:Haha okay good
We went to our seperate rooms and I got into mine then changed into my nighties then put on
my flowered doek. I tucked into bed while listening to Charli XCX x Boom Clap, it an
amazing song. So I slept after a while.
2 weeks passed
Schools were now open and I was now an offical Grade 11 pupil soon to be a Matriculate. I
woke up around 05:30 then quickly fix my bed, I took a shower. I wore my white shirt with
my cunic which blue with my white socks and Grasshopper. I fixed my hair into a bun then
took my schoolbag and put my phone in my pocket. I went downstairs and took pancakes on
the plate then squeezed the honey syrup on them, I poured coffee into the cup.
Bandile came wearing his cap but the other way around
Bandile:Ready to go?
I nodded while gulping down the coffee with the pancake. I took my school bag then
followed behind Bandile to his Golf 7, he drove out the apartments. My brother drove to my
school and handed over R50 note to me
Bandile:Learn your books not boys
Me:I will
Bandile:Good see you later
He kissed my forehead then I got off. Starting a new school was nerve-recking, I knew no
one so it would be really hard to make friends but anyways I would make friends.
Going into the school grounds I suddenly felt as if I was going psychopathic it was really big.
I started walking around I noticed someone looking at me and I’m sure they were trying to
think she knows me from. This girl came closer and it was Thandazwa
I said that with a smile written all over my face
Thandazwa:Sizi? Oh my God I didn’t think I would see you here
Me:Also did
Another girl approached us who seemed to be Thandazwa’s friend
Girl:And who is this?
She seemed as a middle class, uptight bitch (excuse me for the language).
Thandazwa:This is Siziphiwe Lonoko I met her at Steers, 2 weeks ago
Girl:Oh I’m Amangale Xipo, Thandazwa’s best best friend!
Thandazwa:That’s was inappropriate
Was she trying to rub that in my face? What a typical girl!!!

part 14 a poisoned soul

The first day of school is pretty much the first day of school, some would say, “My day was
amazing” while some say, “Worst day of my life”. I would say mine didn’t fall under those. It
was just unexplainable I mean I fitted in well with the right people of course. So the bell rang
and that meant it was time for lunch break so the teacher dismissed us, I followed behind an
Indian girl named Samora Pravish who was also a freshman at school like me.
I saw Amangele and Thandazwa standing with two guys that I didn’t know by the tuckshop
so I made my way to them. We were not doing the same subjects, these guys stopped talking
and focused on me
Thandazwa:Don’t you even think of her!
Guy1:Damn she is so hot! Kaypee will be satisfied with this one
Amangele:I’m the one who is suppose to satisfy him
The first guy made a “Mmh” sound to Amangele
Guy2:So rude of us not to introduce ourselves, I’m Lutho and this is my nigga Olwethu and
you are?
Me:Siziphiwe Lonoko
Lutho shook his head okay then another guy approached us, I know I wasn’t suppose to drool
or even stare at a guy. But this was temptation in front of me, the guy was well-built, light
skinned, tall and a brush-cut! I tried so hard not to look but no I kept staring.
Amangele made her way to this guy, making her body hug his. Shouting “Kaypee”, do you
think the guy cared? Nope he just smiled and made his way where Olwethu, Thandazwa,
Lutho and I were standing.
Olwethu:Nja yeGame(Dog of the game)
They bumped fists the three of them
Guy:Yizo fethu(That’s it bra) Thandi my friend
Thandazwa:Best player of all times!
Guy:You know my friend
They laughed and he placed his eyes on my body while scanning from head to toes
Guy:I’m Khanyiso Pilay and you are?
He pulled out his hand for a handshake with a smile written upon his face
Me:Siziphiwe Lonoko
I shaked his hand looking straight into his eyes which were sparkling or maybe it was me
with my mind occupied by his charming voice and eyes.
Amangele:Kaypee can I talk to you?
That’s when I noticed our eyes and hands had locked together for a couple of minutes,
Khanyiso cleared his throat and we seperated our hands
Khanyiso:Okay, see y’all later
I didn’t answer from the embarrassment that just happened, so Thandazwa and I went to buy
2 steak and kidney pies with Lays and two Fanta Orange drinks. So we went to sit under the
tree on a bench which created a cool, shady area. We sat and started eating
Thandazwa:Sizi will you promise me one thing?
Thandazwa:Please don’t fall for Khanyiso that guy can turn friends into enemies and cause
many heartbreaks
Me:I’m not even interested at him
Who was I fooling because I was really interested in him
Thandazwa:A week doesn’t end without a fight about him even Amangele was part of it
I clapped my hands together, this Khanyiso was a real player but girls can be weird
sometimes how can we fight for guys who will just mess us up and leave us hanging?
So the bell rang to go back to our classes, Thandi and I went to our separate classes with a
hug from her keeping me happy.
I went to my Accounting class I sat at the table next to the door, Khanyiso and his friends
entered I knew trouble was coming upon me. They stopped in front of me and Khanyiso was
staring but this guy likes to stare.
Me:Can I help you?
I snapped my hands in front of Khanyiso’s face who finally revived into the senses of this
Khanyiso:That’s my place you are sitting in, my name is caved on it
He pointed at the back of the chair and the his name was in gold and silver
Me:I’m sorry I didn’t check
Khanyiso:It’s okay but you can sit behind me
I stood up then went for my textbook also did Khanyiso our fingers touched once again our
eyes locked. Olwethu and Lutho cleared they throats and smiling on the side, I seperated
from him then sat two tables away from him. Somethings were getting a bit awkward with
Khanyiso I mean the way we would look at each other and the physical contact happening!
The lesson started and I was concentracting I wasn’t thinking any funny businesses just my
school work.
The lesson ended and it was home-time. I went out of class with the other students talking
with them, Thandazwa was wauting for me by the school gate and I went to her. I told her
everything about what happened and she was a bit puzzled. Bandile came to fetch me from
school so I hugged Thandazwa and went to Bandile’s car placing my bag in the backseat and
I climbed in.
Bandile:How was your first day?
Me:It was good I fitted in with the other kids
Bandile:That’s good now let’s go home
I nodded then he drove off to his apartment in Seapoint, he parked the car. Then we went to
his flat, I could smell divine food made coming from the kitchen. I went to my room and
changed into my casual clothes then did my homework. I went to eat the food was prepared
by Bandile after eating I became drowsy and went to sleep
part 15 a poisoned soul
I woke up then started the quest to find my phone under my pillow, I found it then checked
the time it was 01:45. My stomach was grumbling on the other side, so I wore my slippers
leaving my side-lamp on.
I made my way to the kitchen rushing down the stairs, I made myself a cheese sandwhich and
poured some juice for myself then started eating. I rinse my dishes and went back to my room
I changed into my short pyjamas then put on a doek to cover my hair. I tucked into bed and
slept again.
My annoying alarm starting make noise next to me I quickly switched it off. I sat up on my
buttocks then rubbed my eyes together to get a clear vision while yawning for a couple of
times. I climbed out of my bed then went to take a shower, I dried then lotioned and wore my
white shirt, short tights and socks I fixed my bed.
I went downstairs to make my lunch I didn’t want to buy from the tuckshop, Bandile came
down and he seemed to have woken up on the right side of bed I guess.
Bandile:Good Morning lil one
Me:Morning bhuti someone seems to be in a good mood!
I said that with a smile written on my face
Bandile:Who wouldn’t be? On this glorious day with the birds chirping on your window and
the sun bright outside.
Me:Okay let me go and prepare to go to school
Bandile:Also must I, oh Sizi you must take a cab this afternoon I have classes this afternoon
I was a bit disappointed because I didn’t like to use taxis but I had to no matter what
Me:Okay it’s cool
Bandile:Go and wear your uniform
Me:On my way
I went upstairs to wear my cunic and Grasshopper, I made a neat bun and sprayed my hair
also brushing it. So I took my Adidas bagpack then went to the kitchen I put my lunchbox in
it and made myself Corn Flakes, I went to watch Regular Show. I ate then went to place the
dish in the sink it was already 07:05 so I went to the parkings and Bandile was already in the
car. I went into the car then he drove to my school, he stopped in front of the school grounds
and Bandile handed me R200 note
Bandile:Study books not?
Bandile:Good girl I will see you later at home, I love you sis
Me:I love you too bro
I went out of the car with my bag and entered the school grounds, I was waiting for
Thandazwa by the gate because she hadn’t arrived. I inserted the earplugs and listened to my
music, someone covered my eyes with their hands
The voice was sounding familiar but I couldn’t relate it to who
Me:Who are you?
I was feeling their hands with my fingers but nothing
Voice:Okay let me give you a clue, K-H
The person was whispering next to my ear softly which got me fascinated
Voice:Yep that’s me
He removed his hands from my eyes and I turned around to face him
Me:Oh the Pick-A-Boo guy?
Khanyiso:Yes who are you waiting for?
Me:Thandazwa and you?
Khanyiso:No one I just saw you standing alone so I thought I should come and keep you
Me:Oh that’s nice but no thanks
I finished my sentence with a smile
Khanyiso:Ouch! (He touched his left side which was his heart)
Me:But really no thanks
Khanyiso:Oh! I just came with lovely company to you
Me:Khanyiso will you leave me alone?
Khanyiso:Okay just dial your digits
He took out his cellphone and smiled to the side
Me:071 forget it
I placed my earphones back to my ears and he took them off and made a smirk.
Khanyiso:I will get it
Me:I will like to see you try, such a poor soul
Khanyiso:I love you when you say that
I just let a chuckle and Thandazwa approached me then we hugged
Thandazwa:And him?
I told her everything that just happened and she was laughing
Thandazwa:That’s him he won’t stop when he is after a girl
Me:He must stop because I’m not interested in him
Thandazwa:Oh my friend!
She was having the time of her life I mean she was laughing her head off. Thandazwa was a
girl who wasn’t quick to judge she was a very bubble, loving and confident person.
So the bell rang and we went to our class at least we were in the same class. The day went by
fast I noticed it was home-time I was also confused because we just got into class and now it
was hometime but anyways it was quite good.
So we went out of our school grounds, Amangele was absent from school only God knows
why! Thandazwa and I strolled down to the bus stop
Thandazwa:Why don’t we go to Century City?
I really wanted to go there I was really excited so I just answered
Me:Yes I always longed to go to Century City
Thandazwa:Let’s catch a taxi
We took a taxi to Century I was so excited and thrilled at the same time, the mall was very
big like enormous. So we bought some milkshakes and did some window shopping because
we were not allowed to enter wearing uniform but I don’t know why.
We also bought some takeaways then ate,
Me:Why didn’t Ama come to school?
Thandazwa:She said she wasn’t feeling well and decided not to come
Me:I wonder what’s made her sick
We continued eating and then finished we were going to take seperate cabs
Thandazwa:I will see you tomorrow
Me:See you
We stood up then we hugged and went to our seperate cabs, I directed the driver to my
apartment then I paid. I got off then went to the apartment unlocked the door and then got in,
I locked the door behind me.
I went to my room then changed into my shorts and a plain black shirt with flip flops, I had
no homework so I threw myself on the couch and watched some television. After a while
there was a knock on the door and I went to answer it, I opened the door.
No! No! No It couldn’t be not him!
How did he find me? Is he here to mosculate me again? Am I dreaming or has reality struck

part 16 a poisoned soul

What is he doing here? How did he find me?
It was Dumani the stepfather who used to mosculate me, he didn’t even care if that may break
down my soul but knew he was thinking of satisfying himself.
Dumani wasn’t that chubby he used to be, he seemed as a homeless Hobo. He was looking
scruffy, curled dirty hair and was carrying a Shoprite grocery bag.
Time just froze nothing made sense, I started wondering how did he find me?
Dumani:Siziphiwe are you still here?
I jumped up a little because of shock
Me:What do you want here? Go I don’t want to see your pathetic face!
I tried pushing him out the door but he was very strong so I didn’t suceed in that
Dumani:Please let me explain why I’m here
Me:5 seconds starts now
He breathed out a bit then looked at me with sorry eyes
Dumani:I came all there way here to tell you that I regret every single minute I laid my hands
on you. I’m being punished for my sins I lost my everything because of my doings that I did
things to you and your sister
Me:That serves you right I’m so happy that you getting punished, did you think I enjoyed
being touched by a man who I don’t even know but I only know their name?
Tears were already flushing out of my eyes because of my memory coming back. He came
closer to hug him I pushed him away and he fell on the doorstep.
I pushed Dumani with my arms and immediatly closed the door then locked it. I slided down
the door with tears streaming out. I crouched my body with my legs and rocked myself back
and fourth, Dumani kept knocking on the door for several times and finally gave up because I
wasn’t opening.
Deep wounds were once again uncovered, all the memories were coming back. I stood up
from the floor and went to lay on the carpet in the living room. I slowly took deep breathes to
calm down then finally stopped.
I heard the door open and footsteps leading into the living room, I raised up my head to see
the person and it was Bandile. He quickly kneeled in front of me and wrapped his arms
around my neck
Bandile:What happened?
I covered my face with my hands and didn’t answer him
Bandile:Siziphiwe talk! I won’t be able to help if you don’t say anything
Me:He came and told me he’s sorry, he regrets every second he touched me
Bandile:Which bastard is tha- Dumani shit!
I nodded and he was very furious
Bandile:Did he touch you or anything?
Me:Nope he wanted to hug but I pushed him away
Bandile:Good, everything is going to be fine I promise you
He kissed my forehead and helped me up
Bandile:Let’s go and take some pain killers to cure the headache
It’s like he knew my head was pounding and spinning around. We went to the kitchen and he
took out two pills and gave them to me with a glass of water. I drank them then up and
gulped the water down. He had brought pizza and some braai meat, Bandile dished up for
three plates
Me:The third one? Ain’t we two?
He started smiling and looked on the side so I couldn’t be able to see him
Bandile:We will be having a visitor
He started to glow after saying that
Me:I wonder who? But time will tell
Bandile:Yep now let’s go eat
He took the plates while I took the drink cans and glasses, we watched some television while
eating. After a while I burped because I was full, a knock came through the door
Bandile:I will get it
He rushed to the door and I collected the dishes and went to put them in the kitchen sink and
started washing them. Giggles were coming from the living room leading to the kitchen it
was Khazimla and Bandile holding hands while Bandile was walking behind her.
Khazimla:Hey Sizi
Me:Hello sisi
Khazimla:How are you?
Me:I’m fine thanks and you?
Khazimla:I’m also fine
She seemed like a generous lady who I would like to see as my sister-in-law one day, I’m just
joking (laughing).
I finished washing the dishes then packed them
Me:Bhuti I’m going to my room
Bandile:Okay and please sleep while you at it
He winked and smiled I just chuckle because I knew he wanted to get into business with his
chick and I couldn’t stand in their way
Me:I will sleep don’t worry
Khazimla:Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite
Me:haha I won’t
I went to my room and changed into my pyjamas then tucked into bed, I was on WhatsApp
chatting to Thandazwa about random things.
I even forgot the troubles which happened on that day, I went out of WhatsApp and slept with
peace running through my body

part 17 a poisoned soul

I woke up the next day with my alarm making that annoying sound, so I switched it off then
stretched. I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to run a bath while brushing my
teeth, I stripped off then went into the bath tub.
As I was bathing I thought to myself why should I hold grudges even if I knew that Dumani
did hurt me emotional and mental? I won’t be able to find inner peace if I don’t forgive and
forget him. I decided to put everything that happened in the past about Dumani though he
doesn’t know.
I felt this huge bargain slide down my shoulders leaving me detoxicified. I needed to start a
create a new leaf in my life.
It was a Thursday so I dried, lotioned and wore my uniform with a white shirt, socks and
Grasshopper. I let my hair into a ponytail then quickly fixed my bed, I took my bagpack and
went downstairs.
I was welcomed with breakfast on top of the table, Khazimla came wearing Bandile’s shirt
and boxers
Khazimla:Good morning dear, how are you?
Me:I’m fine thanks and you?
Khazimla:I’m okay, you can dish up for yourself
I placed bacon, eggs, sausage, beef burger and some toast then started eating my food,
Bandile came and sat down
Bandile:You are going to choke!
He looked at me and shook his head, I swallowed the food
Me:I will never
Bandile:We will see by the way how are you feeling?
Me:I feel free, peace has invaded my soul I’m light hearted
He smiled at me then held my left hand
Bandile:That good I’m happy to hear that
I also smiled then released his hand from mine and continued eating my breakfast, Khazimla
came and sat with us bringing flapjacks along
Me:Bhuti this is the real Mrs Lonoko to be
Bandile nodded and was smiling at me
Khazimla:We will see about that if someone agrees to it
She glanced at Bandile and pushed her lips together,
Bandile:You will be dear
Me:Can also bring back husband?
My brother frowned his face and looked at me, Khazimla was laughing
Bandile:Aha you wish sis?
Me:I will bring one brother you will see
Bandile:Mhh! Eat so I can take you to school
I nodded and ate the flapjacks I went to the kitchen to put my dishes to the kitchen. I wiped
my hands with a towel then went to the living room I took my bagpack and stood by the
television stand. Bandile came putting on his cap and I said goodbye to Khazimla then
followed Bandile to the elevator
Bandile:Did you really mean you wanted to bring a husband?
Me:I was joking bro
Bandile:Good and I love you for that
Me:Love you too
We high-fived then got out of the elevator to his car. He drove off out of the apartments and
drove to my school which was about 10 minutes drive. He gave me R200 note again
Me:Bye bhuti see you later
I took my bag and got off the car, I walked into the school grounds and pamphlets were given
out. I received one which was saying “Pool Party Of The Year” and organised by some Grade
12 students. I folded it in half then made my way to Thandazwa who was listening to her
music with her headphones. We shared a hug and exchanged kisses on our cheeks
Thandazwa:Dear how are you?
Me:I’m awesome and you?
Thandazwa:I’m fenominal love, did you hear about the pool party on Saturday?
Me:Yes are you going to it?
Thandazwa:Definately and you?
Me:If my brother approves
Thandazwa:That’s the party of the year in our school
Me:But why do you do it on the first week of school?
Thandazwa:I’m not sure but it’s how we do it
Thandazwa:Yes can we take selfies I always wanted to take them with you
She took out her phone and started taking pictures doing similar poses that I learn’t from her.
We stopped when the bell rang for classes to start, still Amangele was still absent. Rumours
were already starting you know High-School kids, some where saying she was suffering from
depression and others said she was pregnant.
You would never know what to believe so we went to our seperate classes and it was
Accounting. The teacher(Mr Goldberg) assigned us to do an assignment with a partner but no
one seemed to care until he was pairing us up
Goldberg:Siziphiwe and Khanyiso
Me:With who sir?
Goldberg:Khanyiso Pilay
Me:Okay sir
I wanted to change with someone else, I couldn’t with Khanyiso so he came to sit next to me
Khanyiso:So we are partners now?
Me:I guess so
He smiled faintly and silence filled our space
Khanyiso:Are you going to the party?
Me:The pool party? Maybe
Khanyiso:Please go it’s going to be lit
Me:I will see about that
Khanyiso:Can I please have your digits?
Me:As I said 072 –
Khanyiso:Forget it
We laughed at that and our eyes locked with our hands coming closer and closer until they
made contact. I cleared my throat and moved my hands from his
Khanyiso:Sorry about that
I stratched my head and looked away with embarrasment filled my face
Me:It’s okay let, let’s do the work
Khanyiso:Okay bab-
I looked at him with a confused face and he just laugh
Me:What did you say?
Khanyiso:Okay Sizi that’s what I said
Me:Okay (I chuckled a little bit)
We did our work while stealing glances to look at each other. When we finished we were
chatting to each other, he was a really cool guy and very kind but you would never see that
because he is a playboy
Me:Why did you become a player?
Khanyiso:I don’t know but I know that I started in Grade 6 when girls were starting to fall for
me then it all started
Me:Don’t you think you can change?
Khanyiso:If I find a person who can help me change, who will be with me and love me for
who I’m then I would change
He was looking at me in another way and was smiling to the side
Me:Wow! I hope you find that person I really do
Khanyiso:What’s if that person is you?
What? Is Khanyiso out of his mind or is his love for me driving him crazy?
I let out a laugh and looked at him
Me:Why would it be me?
Khanyiso:It’s that you understand me and I like a girl who is like that
I just stared at him with no words to say to Khanyiso. Is this guy telling out his heart or wants
to fool me with his sweet tender words?
Is this Khanyiso worth-trusting or is he going to play my heart?
What do you think of Khanyiso? Will he ever change?

part 18 a poisoned soul

Most of the periods I spent them with Khanyiso, it was quite good because I was finally
understanding his true personality. The bell for break rang and I took my bagpack and exited
the class, I went to the tuckshop cointaner and bought a pepper steak pie, 500ml Coca-Cola
Life with some Maynards and Doritos. Thandazwa came when I was going to find a place to
seat and also bought herself the same items as mine, we went to sit under an oak tree which
was next to the tennis court so we sat down and started eating
Me:Friend we should go and see Amangale this afternoon
Thandazwa:You know I was also thinking that
Me:It feels wrong that we are not by her side even though she and I are still not that tight
Thandazwa:We will go this afternoon, mgani(friend) tell what happened between you and
Khanyiso in Accounting?
Me:What do you mean mgani?
I wanted to hear her side story because I noticed she has many sources about news.
Thandazwa:I hear you were paired up then you held hands and even attempted to kiss
I just laughed and laid on my back, tears were even coming out from my eyes because of
laughing hard.
Me:Attempted to kiss? (The laughter came back again)
Thandazwa:That’s what I heard from some of your classmates
Me:No that’s false, I agree we did hold hands but not the kissing part, no friend
Thandazwa:I thought I should ask for myself because I also didn’t believe the kissing
Me:Anything you hear about me please cone and ask me okay
Thandazwa:Yes friend I will
We chatted for a while then went to dispose the wrappers we had from our lunch into the bin,
the bell rang and we went to the same class. The teacher did want she was suppose to do, I
was concentrating no funny business.
The day went by fast and it was home time, I took my bagpack and followed the students out
of the class I saw Khanyiso standing with another girl flirting. It’s true when they say “A
leopard never changes it’s spot” he was even going under the girl’s skirt maybe he was
playing with her thighs. But I didn’t mind them because I don’t have anything against
Khanyiso and I won’t stick to the fact where he said he may change because of me. Life is
too short to be sitting around waiting for someone to change for you instead you will be stuck
in the same chapter of your life forever still claiming you are waiting for someone to change.
Thandazwa came to me running and she was breathing loudly
Me:Damn what happened to you?
Thandazwa:I have been screaming out your name but you not answering
Me:I’m sorry friend a lot has been going on in my mind
Thandazwa:Mind to share I don’t to hear you say that
Me:Nope nothing that serious but thanks for being concerned
Thandazwa:Anything for my bestie
She pulled out a smile at me
Me:So we besties now?
Thandazwa:Duh! No else but you my friend, we are partners in crime even though we won’t
commit one (We giggled) and I love you mgani
Me:Ncoah! I love you too mganirest(best friend)
We hugged then made our way to the school gate and I saw Bandile’s car. I dragged
Thandazwa to go and meet him even though she didn’t want, we went to his window and I
knocked on it. He jumped up a bit and shook his head
Bandile:You frightned me
Me:Sorry anyways this is my friend Thandazwa Motsamai
Thandazwa:Hello bhuti
Bandile:Hello Thandi, how are you?
Thandazwa:I’m good thanks and you?
Bandile:I’m also good
Thandazwa was a bit nervous to talk to Bandile but it’s natural that we get nervous around
people we are not used to
Me:Bhuti can you take us to a friend’s housr then after that to the mall
Bandile:Okay that’s fine but what do you want at the mall?
I looked at Thandazwa who tapping her hand on her cunic
Me:Uhm we are going to uhm
Thandazwa:Buy swimming costumes for a party coming up on Saturday that will be held at
my house
She was a good liar who woukd never know when she is lying or telling the truth
Bandile:Why didn’t you say so Siziphiwe?
Me:It slipped out of my mind so I forget to ask
Bandile:So it’s when?
Thandazwa:Saturday night it will start at about three-thirty and ended around eleven
Bandile:Okay she will come now
My eyes literally popped when he said that but I knew I was playing with extremely hot, hot
fire because if Bandile finds out we lied to him hell will break loose especially for me.
Me:Thanks bhuti can you take us to a friend’s house please?
Bandile:Sure let’s go
I opened the backseat door for me and Thandazwa to enter, Bandile started the engine
Thandazwa gave him directions to Amangale’s house. When we got to the house it was
magnificate it looked like a palace in a certain kingdom, Thandi and I got off the car. She
pressed something on the wall and the gate opened in a slow pace, Amangele was sitting by
the swimming pool which was sparkling blue. I have never seen something amazing than that
I didn’t even mind them I was just gazing my eyes around the house and pictured myself in it
one day.
I went back to the girls who were drinking juice and laughing, Amangale just laid her eyes on
me and back on Thandi
Amangale:Hey Sizi
Amangale:Here is your juice
She gave me a glass and I took it from her
We started talking about random stuff, Amangele had finally took me as her friend which was
quite nice
Amangele:Guys I have to tell you something
Amangele:Remember that day I was absent from school? (We nodded) my mom took me to
the hospital because I was filling nauseous and throwing up, well I was given a blood test
and, and
Tears were already starting to forn in her eyes and she looked down
Thandazwa:No no! Are you pregnant?
Me:Are you?
She looked and shook her head up and down
Amangele:Yes I’m 13 weeks pregnant and there is no turning back now

part 19 a poisoned soul

Most of the periods I spent them with Khanyiso, it was quite good because I was finally
understanding his true personality. The bell for break rang and I took my bagpack and exited
the class, I went to the tuckshop cointaner and bought a pepper steak pie, 500ml Coca-Cola
Life with some Maynards and Doritos. Thandazwa came when I was going to find a place to
seat and also bought herself the same items as mine, we went to sit under an oak tree which
was next to the tennis court so we sat down and started eating
Me:Friend we should go and see Amangale this afternoon
Thandazwa:You know I was also thinking that
Me:It feels wrong that we are not by her side even though she and I are still not that tight
Thandazwa:We will go this afternoon, mgani(friend) tell what happened between you and
Khanyiso in Accounting?
Me:What do you mean mgani?
I wanted to hear her side story because I noticed she has many sources about news.
Thandazwa:I hear you were paired up then you held hands and even attempted to kiss
I just laughed and laid on my back, tears were even coming out from my eyes because of
laughing hard.
Me:Attempted to kiss? (The laughter came back again)
Thandazwa:That’s what I heard from some of your classmates
Me:No that’s false, I agree we did hold hands but not the kissing part, no friend
Thandazwa:I thought I should ask for myself because I also didn’t believe the kissing
Me:Anything you hear about me please cone and ask me okay
Thandazwa:Yes friend I will
We chatted for a while then went to dispose the wrappers we had from our lunch into the bin,
the bell rang and we went to the same class. The teacher did want she was suppose to do, I
was concentrating no funny business.
The day went by fast and it was home time, I took my bagpack and followed the students out
of the class I saw Khanyiso standing with another girl flirting. It’s true when they say “A
leopard never changes it’s spot” he was even going under the girl’s skirt maybe he was
playing with her thighs. But I didn’t mind them because I don’t have anything against
Khanyiso and I won’t stick to the fact where he said he may change because of me. Life is
too short to be sitting around waiting for someone to change for you instead you will be stuck
in the same chapter of your life forever still claiming you are waiting for someone to change.
Thandazwa came to me running and she was breathing loudly
Me:Damn what happened to you?
Thandazwa:I have been screaming out your name but you not answering
Me:I’m sorry friend a lot has been going on in my mind
Thandazwa:Mind to share I don’t to hear you say that
Me:Nope nothing that serious but thanks for being concerned
Thandazwa:Anything for my bestie
She pulled out a smile at me
Me:So we besties now?
Thandazwa:Duh! No else but you my friend, we are partners in crime even though we won’t
commit one (We giggled) and I love you mgani
Me:Ncoah! I love you too mganirest(best friend)
We hugged then made our way to the school gate and I saw Bandile’s car. I dragged
Thandazwa to go and meet him even though she didn’t want, we went to his window and I
knocked on it. He jumped up a bit and shook his head
Bandile:You frightned me
Me:Sorry anyways this is my friend Thandazwa Motsamai
Thandazwa:Hello bhuti
Bandile:Hello Thandi, how are you?
Thandazwa:I’m good thanks and you?
Bandile:I’m also good
Thandazwa was a bit nervous to talk to Bandile but it’s natural that we get nervous around
people we are not used to
Me:Bhuti can you take us to a friend’s housr then after that to the mall
Bandile:Okay that’s fine but what do you want at the mall?
I looked at Thandazwa who tapping her hand on her cunic
Me:Uhm we are going to uhm
Thandazwa:Buy swimming costumes for a party coming up on Saturday that will be held at
my house
She was a good liar who woukd never know when she is lying or telling the truth
Bandile:Why didn’t you say so Siziphiwe?
Me:It slipped out of my mind so I forget to ask
Bandile:So it’s when?
Thandazwa:Saturday night it will start at about three-thirty and ended around eleven
Bandile:Okay she will come now
My eyes literally popped when he said that but I knew I was playing with extremely hot, hot
fire because if Bandile finds out we lied to him hell will break loose especially for me.
Me:Thanks bhuti can you take us to a friend’s house please?
Bandile:Sure let’s go
I opened the backseat door for me and Thandazwa to enter, Bandile started the engine
Thandazwa gave him directions to Amangale’s house. When we got to the house it was
magnificate it looked like a palace in a certain kingdom, Thandi and I got off the car. She
pressed something on the wall and the gate opened in a slow pace, Amangele was sitting by
the swimming pool which was sparkling blue. I have never seen something amazing than that
I didn’t even mind them I was just gazing my eyes around the house and pictured myself in it
one day.
I went back to the girls who were drinking juice and laughing, Amangale just laid her eyes on
me and back on Thandi
Amangale:Hey Sizi
Amangale:Here is your juice
She gave me a glass and I took it from her
We started talking about random stuff, Amangele had finally took me as her friend which was
quite nice
Amangele:Guys I have to tell you something
Amangele:Remember that day I was absent from school? (We nodded) my mom took me to
the hospital because I was filling nauseous and throwing up, well I was given a blood test
and, and
Tears were already starting to forn in her eyes and she looked down
Thandazwa:No no! Are you pregnant?
Me:Are you?
She looked and shook her head up and down
Amangele:Yes I’m 13 weeks pregnant and there is no turning back now

part 20 a poisoned soul

I couldn’t concetrate in the class, I kept replaying what Khanyiso said in my head. To tell the
truth I was just falling hard for Khanyiso each and everyday that can’t be stopped I think I
was love struck. The bell rang and that’s the only thing that brought me back to life, I stood
up from my chair and followed behind the other kids until my Mathematics teacher called me
who was Mrs Olifant
Olifant:Siziphiwe I see you were not paying attention in class, is everything okay?
I shook my head yes and looked back at her
Oliphant:If you have any problem at home, tell me okay?
She took my hand and pushed it with her’s. I was a bit confused what would she meant about
saying “if there’s something wrong at home”.
Me:I will do so mam (smiling at her)
Oliphant:Thanks Angel you can go for break
I exited the classroom and made my way to the tuckshop I bought the same old meal.
Thandazwa waved at me to indicate herself where she was, so I went to her.
I sat next to her then took out my phone and went to Khanyiso’s contact and I typed a
message, “Khanyiso I also love you but I’m not sure you are the rightful person for me” then
I pressed send.
I opened my water then just stared into thin air without taking a sip from the water, Thandi
snapped her fingers in front of my face. I quickly closed my eyes and opened them
Thandi:Mgani what’s eating you inside?
Me:Nothing friend, what would make you think that?
I smiled faintly just to confuse her but my friend wouldn’t back down
Thandi:You barely touched your food and you also keep glancing at your phone, please
friend tell me what’s eating you?
Me:Nothing! Don’t you get it nothing is wrong! Stop fussing in my business
I just snapped at Thandazwa because of mixed emotions going through my head, I stood up
and took my bag
Thandi:I’m sorry friend!
Me:Just save it, I don’t want to hear it
I moved away from her then ran to the toilets and I locked myself in one of them. I know
Thandazwa disliked seeing me in that way but I couldn’t hold back anything. I inserted my
earphones and turned the volume up to a point where you could hear anything! My phone
started ringing I answered without checking the caller identity
Caller:Siziphiwe do you really know what you want?
I removed my phone from my ear to check the caller and it was Khanyiso
Him:I mean you love me and I love you but it seems this won’t work out for us
Me:Khanyiso I’m not afraid of being in a relationship with you but
Him:But what?
I took a deep breath in and started talking
Me:I’m afraid that your tactics of being a player won’t stop and I will be dealing with your
side chicks every now and then
Him:Boo I’m willing to change for you nothing can stop me from doing that
Me:Mmh really? So you have changed if you still touch girls thighs in school or still having
intercouse with them! Is that the change you talking about or you are just going further with
being the baddest ass of being a player? Is that it?
There was no response from him and I knew I talked deep but that was reality we lived in
Me:I just knew it you can’t even answer a question!
Him:Thanks a lot for judging me as if I’m no human being. I also have feelings too but
anyways you made a mark on where I stand with you. Goodbye Siziphiwe
Me:I didn’t-
The phone started beeping in the background before I could finish my sentence
Me: I didn’t mean to say that.
Okay! Everything was just a rack I mean the closest people I pushed them to the edge of a
cliff, ready for them to fall off especially Thandazwa.
I had to go make peace with her I checked my wrist watch it was already 5 minutes before
school comes out. I waited for a few minutes the bell rang and everyone was making a noise,
I took that opportunity to leave the toilets at least just to not let anyone see I was in there for a
full hour. I scanned around the yard to look for Thandazwa, I saw her standing under a tree
being occupied with her phone. I walked to her, Amangele wasn’t coming to school I guess
she was a bit embarrased of coming with a big tummy to school.
Thandazwa raised her head to look at me then back at her phone
Thandi:Oh! It’s you
Ouch! That’s was cold but I deserved it from losing my temper on her
Me:Who else would it be?
She pressed the power button on her phone and placed it in her pocket
Thandi:Someone who talks to her friend in time of distress and doesn’t just snap of being
asked. Sizi I expected more than that from you, I should have known that you don’t want
people in your business and I’m sorry
She sounded as if she wanted to cry or something but I understood where she came from. A
big lump formed on my throat I thought to myself, why should I hurt her like that.
Me:No I’m there one who is supposed to say sorry to you! But mgani I shouldn’t have
snapped like that.
Thandazwa:I deserved that because I like sticking my nose into your business
I shook my head no and wrapped my arm around her neck
Me:Those are just benefits of having a best friend because you stress out like a sister for me
and I appreciate that
Thandazwa:That’s sweet friend and I also appreciate seeing you talk like that
I opened my arms for a hug and spread a big smile upon my face
Thandazwa:Truce mgani
We hugged for a couple of seconds and let go
Me:Chocolate cake and Latte at my house this evening?
Me:Yes it will be some sort of sleep over
Thandazwa:I will be there by 6:45 I promise and please send me the co-ordinates
Me:Haha will do so, let me call a cab to come and pick me up
Thandazwa:Where is your brother? Isn’t he suppose to pick you up?
Me:He is out of town
Thandazwa:That’s why you are asking me for a sleepover? Someone is scared of bedbugs
Me:You so goofy you know that?
We were laughing non-stop, Thandazwa was an actually best friend to have. She was a
keeper in other words.
Thandazwa:Only for you my friend that’s when my wildness comes out
Me:You are something else!
I called the cab and after 10 minutes it was already waiting for me by the school gate.
Thandazwa was getting picked up by her sister so we went our seperate ways. The cab driver
drove to the apartments I paid and strolled to the condo. I opened the door with my keys I
threw my bag across the living room while taking the remote to switch on the television.
I laid on the “L” chair I was rethinking everything I said to Khanyiso even tears were starting
to escape from my eyes. I wasn’t that person who liked to see or make anyone said and all
that, after wiping away the tears I went to my room and took off my school uniform. I wore a
simple flowered dress and flipflops then went to the kitchen and prepared a cheese sandwhich
for myself whilst pouring juice into a glass.
After eating I rinsed the dishes and sweeped the floor, I was feeling tired so I rested on the
couch. I found myself deep in sleep.
A knock was going through the door non-stop and I was starting to get pissed because that
person was disturbing my sleep.
Me:Okay! Okay! I will be there
I slipped into my flipflops and dragged my body to the door, I unlocked the door and it was
Thandazwa, she was carrying a Adidas sportsbag
Me:You know how to knock my friend
Thandazwa:You are not opening up so what did I do wrong?
I moved away from the door and she walked in
Me:Let me go and rinse my mouth you can switch on the television
Thandazwa:Okay friend
I took the sportsbag and went to put it in my room then quickly rinsed my mouth. I applied
lipice on my lips, I went downstairs to Thandazwa.
Me:Come and help me with the food
Thandazwa:Okay friend I hope it’s something mouth watering
She was walking behind me and laughing
Me:Latte and cake my friend
Thandazwa:Only?!! You have no hospitality mgani
I laughed at her
Me:Just kidding!
I took out cans of cooldrinks and some caramel ice-cream also some popcorns.
Thandazwa:Now that’s a sleepover
Me:You see I have hospitality
Thandazwa:I guess so would you tell me what’s wrong please?
Me:Let’s go sit down and I will tell you
We took the items and then went to sit in the couch. I took a deep breath and started talking
from stratch about me and Khanyiso.
Thandazwa was really shocked and amazed at the same time
Thandazwa:You will be strong mgani for me
Me:I will
She hugged me and we started eating the ice-cream while talking and cracking some jokes.
After a while we watched some romance and comedy movies, we were also shedding tears.
We spent the whole night talking and doing girly stuff, as I said Thandazwa was a true friend.
A person that would be my right side for ever, I was really blessed to have a friend like her.
We slept with our heads close together and those were moments I would cherish forever…

part 21 a poisoned soul

My body was stiff when I woke up, I think it was the effect that happens when you sleep on
the sofa all night. The place was clean not even a plate on the coffee table, so I stood and
I made my way to the kitchen, Thandazwa was drinking something from mug and steam was
coming out from it
Me:Let me guess is that Latte?
Thandi:You know my friend anyways we must get ready for the PA-RTY
My friend was just ratchet from her actions you could tell
Me:What’s the rush to this “Party”?
I made qoutation marks in thin air, Thandazwa just looked at me with no response
Thandi:Is that a rhetorical question because if it is, I won’t answer that
Me:No need to answer that was just stupidity that I asked
Thandi:Good that you know
I took out two bowls from the cupboard then placed them on the kitchen counter
Me:Corn Flakes or Weet-Bix?
Thandazwa:Weet-Bix make them one and a half
I handed over the box to her while pouring the Corn Flakes into my bowl. I added cold milk
and sugar into the bowl and started eating. I washed my bowl and her’s then went to take a
shower while Thandazwa was washing in the guest room, I took a warm, long bath. I finished
and wore my swimming costume and shorts then fixed my hair, I applied some lipstick. I
wasn’t that type who liked make-up if you give me lipstick then I’m all sorted. “Scoob” (a
nickname that I got from her) I heard Thandazwa tiny voice calling me
Me:Fluffy in my room!
The door open to an extent where I thought there were police in the flat and Thandi was
pressing on her costume zip
Thandi:Can you assist me here?
I pulled the zip up and fixed her hair.
Thandi:The cab will be here in 20 minutes
Me:Okay which shoes should I wear, the gladiattor heels or sandals?
Thandi:Sandals would be okay
Me:Sure thing
So I wore my sandals and packed some jeans with a denim jacket in my bagpack . I followed
out my room Thandazwa who was crazy about going to this party!
I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple in the fruit basket then started eating it, my phone
was ringing and I checked the caller identity it was Khanyiso. I wondered to myself what did
he want? So I answered the call
Him:Hey Scoob, are you going to the party?
Me:Yes why?
Him:I want to come and pick you also I need to talk to you
Me:You can come what do want to talk about?
Him:I want to talk face to face not over the phone
Me:Cool we then can talk
Him:Send me the co-ordinates to your house
Me:Okay will do so
Him:Sure see you then
Me:See you
We hung up at the same time and I was amazed he would call me after I said those words to
him on the previous day, so Thandazwa was waiting for me impatiently
Thandi:Can’t we go now?!
Me:We can’t Khanyiso is coming to pick us up
Thandi:Tell him to hurry up I need some booze
Me:Chill friend you will get your booze
I sat on the chair next to Thandazwa and staring down at my phone to see if he has replied to
my message or not.
After waiting for at least 30 minutes or something Khanyiso said he was waiting outside for
us, Thandi and I took our things and exited the flat with me locking the door behind us. There
was a white VW Golf GTI with tinted windows and Khanyiso was leaning next to the
passenger door,
He opened his arms to hug Thandazwa and they hugged then hugged me. His Cologne
became toxin to my senses leaving me my poisoned soul running wild, so he opened the door
for me and I got in. I fastened my seatbelt and Khanyiso started the car then drove off….
We were talking in the car like no conflict happened between us, so the drive to this event
was quite long I even ended up sleeping. A photo sound woke me up and I slowly opened my
eyes, it was Thandazwa holding up her cellphone in front of my face
Khanyiso:Would you please send me that snap?
They were laughing while I was still rubbing my eyes to get my blur vision to fade away
Me:No one is getting a picture of me sleeping!
Khanyiso:We will
Thandazwa:Sent Kaypee!
Khanyiso:You there best
They bumped fists
Me:Haven’t we arrived at this place?
Khanyiso:In 5 we will be there
Thandi:It seems like forever till we get there
Khanyiso raised up the speed of the car I was even holding the door just to sit properly. I
never been in a car which was driven like that in my entire life, yes Bandile does drive fast
but no like that.
There were a lot of cars surrounding the place, Thandi screamed “Wuw! Thank you Lord!”
So this was the place, it was just a simple massive house with pools outside in a suburban
Khanyiso:Sizi welcome to the party!
Me:Is this it?
Khanyiso:What did you think it was?
I shrugged my shoulders and he stopped in the parkings, so we got off the car and Khanyiso
stretched out his hand to hold mine and I allowed him to do so.
There was everything that would think of to be in a party starting from liqour to pool tables, I
socialised with everyone and I was going around with Thandazwa.
She was holding a vodka bottle in her hand
Me:One would be fine
She poured it for me then I gulped it down my throat with a lemon juice after that to remove
the bitter taste. This girl came towards us and she was short, dark in complexion. She
whispered in my ear “Pillay is calling you” she pointed by some corridor which looked pretty
dark to me a bit creepy I would say
Me:Is he there?
Girl:Yes follow me
I told Thandazwa where I was going and she just nodded. I’m not sure she heard me from the
loud music which was playing, I followed behind this girl and Khanyiso was there standing
by the corridor.
Girl:Here she is!
Khanyiso:Thanks Nel
Her:Anytime bro
She left us together, staring into each other’s eyes
Khanyiso:You really hurt me over the call yesterday
Me:Sorry man I didn’t mean to
Khanyiso:Siziphiwe you must know when I say I love you, I never felt like this about a girl in
my entire life. *He took my left hand* I will put a diamond in this hand one day I promise
I just pushed a smile and a giggle at the same time
Me:I could see that day happening
Khanyiso:It seems you don’t approve what I say
Me:I really don’t
Khanyiso:You don’t, ouch!
He placed his hand on his heart and pulled me to him
Khanyiso:This is your home and you will be mine!
Without giving me the chance to answer his lips were already locked in mine. Our tongues
embraced the love we have for each other and our lips bringing pleasure into our sights, the
kiss continued for a couple of minutes and we stopped when we were breathing heavily. I
was left speechless not even having the words to describe how I felt
Khanyiso:That was good can I have another one please?
I looked at him in disbelief
Me:You took it yourself let’s go back to the others before they think we have disappeared
Khanyiso:You are right let’s go!
We walked back to the rest, jaming along the songs being played by the DJ together. Yes I
was taking some sips from some ciders and vodkas.
As I was holding the red and white cup, I felt my left fingers cripple and the cup slipped from
my hands.
I fell on the floor hitting the pavement hard but something was odd because I could hear
everyone chatting and moving around but I wasn’t moving or doing anything. Some girl
quickly came to me and kept slapping my face softly but that didn’t make any difference
Girl:Maybe she is having a stroke
Olwethu:Shouldn’t we call the ambulance or something?
Girl:Of course idiot do want her to die on this pavement?
Everythingstarted to go in slow motion, my mouth was actually moving to the left and my
head stayed in the same position.
Girl:Make it snap there! Bring me a cup of water and ice also a cushion.
I could hear the ambulance sirens coming closer and closer to us, I’m not sure where
Thandazwa was but Khanyiso was next to me squeezing my hand.
Nothing was making sense at that moment I was carried into the ambulance with a stroller.
An oxygen mask was placed on my nose and needles were inserted in my arm. We got to the
hospital I was rushed to the Emergency unit, the doctors came to examine me as much as I
wanted to talk I couldn’t.
Doctor:What happened?
Khanyiso:We were having a party at my house and she just collapsed onto the pavement
Doctor:Didn’t she hit the pavement on her head?
Khanyiso:I think she did
Doctor:We will do some blood tests on her and an MRI scan to see if she didn’t fracture
anything, are you her family or something?
Khanyiso shook his head and the doctor looked at him
Doctor:Do you have they numbers or something?
Khanyiso:I can call them
Doctor:Please do so while I do some blood tests on her
Khanyiso shook his head up and down then the doctor left the room, Khanyiso kissed my
Khanyiso:You will get better my love I promise
I couldn’t respond to him in any way.
What was happening to me? Am I living under a dark cloud?
This were questions going through my mind and I couldn’t erase them like erasing pencil
writings from a piece of paper!
Life just seemed to be a great theory that can never be changed by anyone

part 22 a poisoned soul

I woke up the next day and scanned around the room, it was unfamiliar to the surroundings
I’m used to. I looked at the bed it was hospital beddings that covered the mattress and a sheet
which covered me, I had forgetten that I was in hospital. Khanyiso head was buried under his
arms next to my hand so I shook him and he quickly raised up his head
I nodded and he stood up from the chair to pour water in the glass, Khanyiso helped me drink
with the straw.
Khanyiso:How are you feeling?
He was brushing back my hair and smiled at me showing off his right side dimple
Me:I’m doing good at least I can talk properly
Khanyiso:That’s good, I called your brother if it was him that I called
Me:He is going to freak out when he hears about this
Khanyiso:Let’s better hope he doesn’t
I nodded to say “Hope so” and the door suddenly opened with no warning of a knock, it was
Bandile and he came to my side and gave me a tight hug
Bandile:Are you okay?
Me:We could say so I’m quite better than last night
Bandile raised up his eyes to look at Khanyiso, I think he was trying to familiarize him with
Me:This is Khanyiso my friend, Khanyiso this is my brother Bandile
Khanyiso:Salute Grotman (Greetings Big Man)
Bandile:Sure ntwana(Boy)
Brothers can be crazy sometimes, Bandile kept stealing glances to look at Khanyiso which
was making him a bit nervous. The door opened once more but there was a knock this second
time around, it was the doctor and momentarily he entered Thandazwa was behind him
Doctor:Morning everyone, I hope my patient is doing well?
Me:I’m good Doc quite better if I may say
Doctor:That’s good to hear, I have got your blood test results and they seem to be eventually
Bandile:What’s that suppose to mean?
The doctor opened the file and looked at all of us
Doctor:What I mean is that there is no substance or anything found in Siziphiwe’s blood. We
don’t have any scientifical explaination to what may caused the stroke to occur
Bandile:What do you get paid for? To tell us you don’t have explainations to our problems
He was fuming with anger but he couldn’t take it out with a fist-fight. The doctor was just
chilled with everything because he deals with people who are like Bandile everyday.
Me:Take it easy abhuti
Bandile:No Siziphiwe! I won’t be able to take it easy if I don’t know what’s wrong with you!
I really can’t
Khanyiso and Thandazwa were really quite, they were there by flesh but not by soul. I may
interpret that they were each in they own universe not in this Earth.
Doctor:I understand it may be frustating to not know what caused the incident but we must
take Siziphiwe for an MRI
Bandile:And what is that for?
Doctor:To check if there is no fracture in Siziphiwe’s body or skull
Bandile:Okay doctor you can do so
Doctor:A nurse will come and assist you to that room
Me:Okay doc
He exited the room, Thandazwa was holding my hand
Me:Where were you?
Thandazwa:To tell you the truth, I don’t know and friend sorry for not coming with last night
Me:Were you that drunk you didn’t hear any sirens or anything like that?
Thandazwa:I heard them but I thought I was in a dream
Me:But anyways it’s nice you could make it here
Thandazwa:I couldn’t let my friend be alone in this room
Khanyiso:We are here to keep her company though
Bandile:Say that again
Thandazwa:She understands what I mean okay?
We laughed at the way she said that, so the nurse came and helped me change into the
hospital gown then loaded me into a wheelchair.
I was treated as a person that is not able to walk or do anything so the nurse took me to
someone, I was placed into a bed and then the bed was remoted to enter a tube of some sort. I
was scared about this MRI scan because it was my something that I never imagined to but
everything has it’s first time and that was the situation I was in.
Doctor:You wont feel any pain it doesn’t give off heat energy
Me:So I wont feel any type of buzzing and all that?
There were red lazers going up and down my body, I was given a pair of 3D glasses which
were dark you couldn’t see through them. After a couple of minutes I was sent back to my
ward, the guys were not in the room so they left me alone in a hospital room all by myself.
Boredom striked I looked for magazines I couldn’t find them also the remote control for the
television, the only resort I had was to sleep. I closed my eyes thinking how did this happen
to me?
It was quite rare for doctors not to find any explainations for something you may have. I even
regretted going to that party but it came with the territory of being a teenager. Starting from
being a farm girl/slave in her own home to a girl who found herself in the biggest city striving
to achieve gold in life.
Questions started going through my mind with answers following them!
I found myself shedding tears but I don’t know what resulted in me crying and I just left this
Earth going to the universe of sleep.
I opened my eyes with someone staring at me, I looked up it was Khanyiso
Khanyiso:You are so beautiful when you are asleep
Me:How long have you been here?
Khanyiso:Long enough to see you sleep
Me:You such a weirdo!
He chuckled and handed me a brown paper bag
Khanyiso:Some sandwich and juice bought by me
Me:Thanks you such a life saver
Khanyiso:I know
He pulled a smile across his face and he stand on the chair which was next to my bed, he was
staring at me
Khanyiso:You never told me where you are from?
I cleared my throat and sat up straight to face him
Me:I’m from a small village close to Queenstown in the Eastern Cape
Khanyiso:You come afar, so how was it growing up in a village?
How was I going to start? So I took his hand just for comfort
Me:From my experience it was a cold-hearted life because I was a slave at home, everything
had to be done by me and somethings I thought may never happen to me happened
He looked at me with a puzzled face and his eyebrows rose up
Khanyiso:What do you mean?
Me:If I tell you this you would look at me differently and even think I’m just a burden or just
a victim who is carrying bad luck upon them
Khanyiso:No! No! Sizi I would never look at you in other way no matter what happened to
you I will be by your side, through thick and thin just me
I took a deep breath and looked straight into Khanyiso’s eyes
Me:I’m a victim of rape by my stepfather, on top of that my mother never believed that her so
called “boyfriend” would do such harm to me. She would always say I keep seducing her
man and when he wants to get it I will come running to her
Tears were already running down my face and Khanyiso tried all he could to keep me calm,
talking about my dreadful past awakened many unhealed wounds. But I had to tell someone
about it especially who is close to me like Khanyiso.
Khanyiso:I’m not being disrespectful towards your mother but are you sure thaf she’s your
biological mother? I mean no parent in this whole wide world would let their child go
through that never
I shrugged my shoulders no because really which parent would let her child be in that
situation when they are around?
Khanyiso was giving me tight hugs to calm me down and forehead kisses, I finally calmed
down and wiped my tears away
Khanyiso:I’m so sad to hear your past and that would never change the way I see you okay?
Me:Okay I understand
He wiped a tear which had escaped from my eyes
Khanyiso:Let’s stop talking about the past which made us both shed tears
Me:When did you shed a tear?
Khanyiso:Didn’t you see it? It escaped from my eyes really!
I laughed at him because I knew that was a way for him to cheer me up
Me:Hahaha show me evidence and I will believe you
Khanyiso:At the moment, I dont have any evidence but I did shed a tear
I was laughing actually having the time of my life with Khanyiso, even though I was talking
to him, my mind was elsewhere thinking of Nonzame being my biological mother. Questions
once again started to circulate my head, but I didn’t have any crazy ideas about Nonzame.
But I thought to myself, Why would Nonzame let Dumani mosculate/rape me but when she
was told that I was leaving she suddenly became a loving, caring mother?
But we never know how the brains of human creatures operate, today they will be full of
hatred and darkness but tomorrow they are loving and joyful!
I thought to myself, “Was I living under a dark cloud created by a person who would never
what me to suceed in life?”
Relevant answers would be matched to their desired questions but time will tell for
everything to be placed on the table

part 23 a poisoned soul

As I was sitting alone with Khanyiso having the time of our lives in the ward room, my
phone started ringing it was a number that I have never seen before so I picked it up.
Caller:Hey Sizi it’s Amangele, I heard you where in hospital.
Thandazwa may have told her or it was part of the news feed going around
Me:Yes I’m in hospital
Her:How are you feeling?
Me:I’m feeling good and man you have been scarce lately!
Her:That’s good, I have been hiding behind closed doors
Me:I understand friend but you must come to school
Her:I will come when I have given birth not while I’m still you know
Me:So you are going to wait until your 9 months are due?
Her:That’s the only option I have, I won’t stand being judged and laughed at that school so I
would rather at home
Me:You are sounding like a lunatic do you know that? But no offence if I were you I would
be going to school from Monday to Friday not waiting for the good spirits to free me
Her:Sizi you don’t understand my situation okay?
Me:Make me understand then
Her:I will be labelled as a person who has fallen from the A-Class level down to the pregnant
bitch level
Me:That’s your problem! You think about your status and satisfying others. Think about for
yourself for one okay?
Her:Yes mam I will think about myself more
Her:I can sense that you are much better from the lectures you are giving me, I have to go and
freshen up for my check-up
Me:Okay talk later
We hung up at the same time, Khanyiso was looking at me I would say drooling in other
words. This guy knows how to make a person have anxious
Me:Yintoni? (What is it?)
Khanyiso:It’s just that you are beautiful and I keep falling hard for you girl
I started blushing and I looked to the side to hide that I was blushing
Me:Dude! Stop using that catch-phrase I have heard enough of it
Khanyiso:Why? Does it make you go crazy?!
Of course, it drives me crazy but I would never say that to him
Me:No! It will bore me to death that’s why you should stop using it
Khanyiso:Are you positive about that?
Me:110% positive
Khanyiso:Sure, sure, sure?
Me:Yes why wouldn’t I be?
Khanyiso started tickling me and I was giggling like a 3-year old toddler.
Me:Stop! You are killing me
Khanyiso:First say, your catch-phrase is not boring and you may forever use it
Me:Okay! Okay! Stop tickling me so I can be able to say it properly
He slowly removed his hands and looked at me, waiting patiently to hear me repeat what he
Me:Your catch-phrase is not boring and you may forever use it
Khanyiso started to lighten up and pulled out his pinkie finger
Khanyiso:Pinkie promise?
Me:Pinkie promise
In a split second, I found myself wrapping my hand around his neck. Enjoying the pleasure
I’m getting from his kisses, I broke it because I was thinking in my head.
What if someone enters and sees us? Even worse what if Bandile comes in and sees us right
in action?
Khanyiso:What is it?
He sounded angry at some point or mad at the fact I stopped him
Me:This feels wrong, I can’t do it
Khanyiso:Come on Siziphiwe, we did it yesterday did you complain?
Me:No it’s just that I’m concerned about someone entering and sees us
Khanyiso:Fuck them! Can’t you see the burning love we have for each other? I mean kisses
just rise from the both of us without asking!
Me:I know we have that kind of love but I can’t do it like this
Khanyiso:Listen here, no one is going to see us okay? Trust me
I nodded and yet again we go down the same road, he went under the gown I was wearing
from the hospital to my thighs. As much of discomfort I was feeling I couldn’t stop him, his
touches were like little Angels moving up and down my leg.
Was I falling hard for Khanyiso? As he said “the burning love we have for each other” does it
really exist?
Voice:What are you doing?
No it can’t be him, my gut told me something wrong would happen! It was Bandile’s voice,
Khanyiso quickly moved away from me and stood next to the chair
Bandile:This is why he is always here? So you can smooch-smooch(kiss) behind my back!
Khanyiso:No bhu-
My brother cut off Khanyiso before he could finish talking
Bandile:You keep quiet and get the hell out of here before I do something bad
Khanyiso looked at me and murmmeed “I’m sorry” then rushed off to get out of the ward,
now he had left me to answer my brother’s hardcore question alone
Bandile:How could do that huh? After I have been asking you nicely not to go after boys but
no you have done the opposite
He sounded disappointed and I was also disapointed in myself for letting my brother down by
doing that with Khanyiso
Me:It didn’t mean to happen, it’s just that I got lost in his words and I’m sorry
Bandile:Young lady, you really let me down. I had high hopes for you and sorry won’t mend
what just happened, when you are discharged mark yourself grounded for 2 months
I frowned my face and looked at him so he would at least break down the punishment
Me:Please bhuti don’t be like that
Bandile:My mind is already made up, you should have thought about your actions and what
consequences they will bring
I laid my back on the bed head but I also agree with Bandile that I did wrong by breaking his
rules. Silence filled the room and I wasn’t to start a conversation with Bandile because he
was still mad at me.
The doctor came in with a huge smiled drawn upon his face
Doctor:Afternoon guys, I got wonderful news for you. Siziphiwe you are getting discharged
Me:Today? Can it be tomorrow please
The doctor laughed and shook his head no
Me:Man! (I said that banging my hand across the bed)
Doctor:You can sign the release forms for me and you are done
Me:You can give it to my brother, he will do it
He handed over the forms to Bandile and he was signing countless times
Doctor:Thank you sir, have a wonderful day bye
He went out the room and Bandile looked at me
Bandile:Your clothes are in that bag and go and take a shower
I took the bag and went to the bathroom, I took a shower then lotioned and I wore my clothes
that Bandile had came with. I fixed my head and followed behind Bandile who was already
standing by the door, we went to his car and I loaded the bag into the backseat. I went into the
frontseat then fastened the seatbelt and Bandile started the engine then drove off to Sea Point.
The drive home was just boring, I mean there was no conversations between me and Bandile
like we use to have, only the radio which was playing Hip-Hop music was the only thing
making a difference in the car. He opened the gate with the remote like the other residents
which lived in the apartments, he parked his car in the garage that had other cars.
I took my bag and made my way up the stairs to the entrance of the apartments. I took the lift
to the room leaving Bandile behind at the parking lot, I stormed into the apartment it was
mess everything was on the floor and I cared-less about it. I went to my room and plugged
my phone into the charger while I went downstairs to make myself something to eat. I then
went to watch Regular Show, I loved that show especially Mordecai and Rigby. I heard
Bandile coming towards the living and I jumped up to the kitchen
Bandile:You can’t ignore me forever sis that’s a fact
I wasn’t mad at him it just that the punishment he had assigned for me was too much no three
much for me to handle. Yes I can stay indoors but not for three months, I couldn’t
Me:I’m not ignoring you bra
Bandile:Then what is it?
I shook my head no and rinsed my dishes
Me:Goodnight bhuti
Bandile:So early?
Me:Yes, the medication is starting to kick in
Bandile:Okay goodnight
I dragged myself upstairs and I was really tired, I went to my room and changed into my
pyjamas. My phone started ringing and it was a video call from Thandazwa so I picked
Her:Hey Scoob, how are you feeling?
Me:I’m good and I’m back home Fluffy
Her:That’s good I couldn’t come visit you at hospital because your Bacon And Eggs asked
me not to come
Her:He said something about showing his love to you and doesn’t want anyone to disturb you
I found myself giggling because of the events that took place with Khanyiso
Her:Details! Details!
I told her everything that happened between the two of us and my friend was over the moom
Her:Wedding bells are ringing left, right and center
Me:What would you think we are going to wed?
Her:I don’t know but it will happen in the next few years mgani(friend) we will see
Me:Get some sleep friend seems like you need it!
Her:You should get it not me!
Me:Anyways goodnight
Her:Night and I love you
Me:Love you more!
I blew a kiss across her direction and she blew back, I disconnected from the call and tucked
into bed. I finally dozed off to sleep..
My phone was ringing and I didn’t even bother to check the caller identity. Who would want
to disturb my peaceful sleep?
Caller:Did I wake you up?
It sounded as Khanyiso’s voice and I think my heart skipped a beat because I didn’t he would
Me:Yes what do you want?
Him:I wanted to check if you that you are okay
Me:Yes I’m thanks for checking
Him:Cool now go back to sleep and know I love you no matter what
Me:I love you too
I was amazed that I said that to him but hey I have to admit I was falling hard for the guy
We hung up at the same time after blowing kisses in thin air from each other’s direction, I
tried getting back to sleep after hearing his voice but that seemed as mission impossible, after
a while I slept..

part 24 a poisoned soul

Something was awkward with my sleep, I was sweating and very restless. I felt someone
brushing my back, I slowly opened my eyes and it was Bandile keeping me calm. That was
very weird, like really weird because no one ever does that to me especially when I’m asleep
Me:What are you doing in my room?
Bandile:You were crying in your sleep, shouting out words that I couldn’t hear
Me:Why didn’t you wake me up or something?
Bandile:Do you think I didn’t try that?
I shrugged my shoulders and removed myself from his embrace
Me:I wonder what was I dreaming about?
I traced up my eyes to the white ceiling
Bandile:I hope it’s not something bad or anything that unusual
Me:I hope so too
I checked the time on my phone it was 04:55am
Bandile:Are you going to school?
He looked at me with a confused face because I was starting to fix my bed
Me:Yes I need to, Grade 11 is a huge step in high school so I can’t miss anything
Bandile:That’s good you are thinking about your future instead of that Khanyiso boy!
Did he really need to bring up Khanyiso at this time of the morning?!
Me:Really? Did you have to?
Bandile:It’s just that I don’t want you to experience heart-break at this age okay? I’m only
looking out for you because you are the only thing I have to survive in this world not that I
don’t wanna see you date anyone
Me:I understand where you are coming from Bandz
Bandile:Thanks for that, remember straight home afterschool and you are not suppose to use
that name!
Shoot! I thought he had forgot about him grounding me!
He opened my bedroom door and left my presence in the room, I started to think hard about
what I just dreamn’t about but nothing seemed to flashback. I went to the bathroom and
brushed my teeth then I took a warm shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and I threw
myself on top of my bed.
After 5 minutes of letting my mind go to it’s blank zone, I lotioned and wore my school
uniform then tied my hair into a neat knot . I went downstairs, I took out a bowl and poured
FutureLife and boiling water into it then started eating.
Waiting for Bandile to come down but it seemed he is taking forever, I poured coffee into my
favourite which had a picture of me and dad. I think it was made when I was in the village to
my general knowledge about it, I took out my phone and logged on to my Instagram account
[I created it with the help of dearest Thandazwa of course]. After a while, Bandile came and I
took my bag then followed behind him to the car. So we got into the car and I fastened my
seatblet, a question came to my occupied mind. Passing all the questions I had spinning
around my head. I thought to myself “Why don’t I ask Bandile about the million rands in the
bank?” But my other half thought “Do you want to make your brother angry? Then don’t ask
There were actually two Siziphiwe’s in my head, the likely to be dare-devil Siziphiwe and the
more Angel Siziphiwe so I didn’t know which one to follow! When he was about to reach my
school and the car was filled with silence so I knew it was the right time to ask
Me:Where did dad get the millions that he owns?
Bandile looked at me with a look which was expressing “What the hell are you talking
Me:You exactly know I’m talking about! Please don’t try to fool me!
Bandile:Hey! I didn’t say anything you filled my mouth with your words not me!
I took a deep breath in because I knew I was going to talk nonsense and would really piss
Bandile off.
Me:But you do know what gave him all the money, don’t you?
He concentrate on the road while thinking deeply how to answer my question, I didn’t want
any stupid answers! No, I needed straight answers, I needed to know where all the money
came from
Bandile:Dad had owned a multiple business across the country and outside the continent, he
signed them over to me and you before he died but we are going to official own them when
we are 25 years. Are you satisfied with your “elderly questions”?
I leaned back on the seat while thinking how rich Dad was, but he never thought of me being
in that village without any proper care or clothes, yes he did visit me but at least he may have
took me with him. Tears were already making their way out of my eyes!
Bandile:Siziphiwe why are you crying? Did I say something offensive?
Me:No it’s not you
I thought to myself that “Did this so called man ‘Dad’ really care about me? Did he even
know that I was even mosculated at home?
I do agree, he did leave me with money behind but that would never be able to mend my
broken soul which sounded like a guitar played with broken strings and didn’t let out any
musical tune from it.
He finally reached the school gates and stopped the car, Bandile gave me a tight hug and kept
saying nice words to rejoice my heart and trying to fix the broken pieces
Bandile:We will talk about it when you come back from school and here’s your lunch money
He handed me a R100 note and squeezed my hand tightly
Me:Okay bye
I took my bag and exited the car then made my way into the school grounds. I saw
Thandazwa sitting at the bench with Olwethu and Khanyiso but I didn’t know where the third
one was. So I made my way to them, Thandazwa came running to me and gave a tight hug.
She was literally happy to see me all looking good and happy even though behind my smile
the was soul which was bitter/poisonous.
Thandi:Friendship I hope you are doing good!
Me:I’m actually over the moon my friend
Thandi:That’s good mgani
She held my hand then made our way to Khanyiso and Olwethu, I exchanged hugs with them
Olwethu:Mrs Pillay you looking hot everytime I see
Did he just call me Mrs Pillay? Okay something was up with these 3 and I needed to find out
about it
Me:Why am I suddenly Mrs Pillay?
Khanyiso:It’s just that I can picture myself spending the rest of my life with you
I looked at Thandazwa because she was the person who isn’t capable of keeping a secret
She raced her thumbs around and looked at me without giving a expression
Thandazwa:Okay! Okay! Khanyiso was planning to take you out on a date to Waterfront. It
was suppose to be something kept as a secret but you know I can’t be able to keep a secret.
The date was going to be so romantic I was actually falling for it that’s why Olwethu is
calling you Mrs Pillay! Huh!
She breathed out loud because she didn’t even pause to breath! And the guys had their hands
covering their faces
Me:I knew something was up with the three of you but Khanyiso were you going to do that?
Khanyiso:Yes I was because I love you with all mine and if I lose you, I would never recover
This guy was talking as if we already in a relationship that has been going on for years and
Me:Dude you are only 18 to be telling me that ish! Okay it’s not like I’m the last girl you are
interested in
Khanyiso just looked at me with a tense look and let out a chuckle
Olwethu:Sizi you are the last girl for him because I never thought he would say that to a girl
Me:But we must look for others before we would settle down
Khanyiso:I know but girl you have got my heart
I let out a giggle just to the way he was saying it
Me:Fine! Fine! But we may date one day
Thandazwa:Can’t you start now? Please guys you would make a cute couple
Me:There is no rush into this okay?
Silence filled our area until Thandazwa broke the ice
Thandazwa:Kaypee what did you mean that day when you called me when Sizi was in
Khanyiso:What did I say?
Thandazwa:”You want to show your love to Siziphiwe?
Khanyiso:I meant I want to be alone with her to express the love I have for her! Wait, wait,
wait what did you think I mean you have dirty minds!
We all laughed at him with no control
Me:We didn’t say anything what are you thinking?
Khanyiso:You thinking I wanted to have screw with Siziphiwe
Khanyiso:Geez people! I would never do that to her
Olwethu:That’s good my brother
The bell rang for the school to enter and we went to assembly for our classes
I went to class and sat at the back, I went into my thoughts not even concetrating on what the
teacher was talking about.
Was Nonzame my mother or just some lady who married Dad and decided to take me as her
daughter? But that was funny because my dad would visit me.
On the other side I thought it was weird that my dad Melusi left me alone with that abusive
woman in a house with no morals and yes she did a great job of raising me but the
atmosphere wasn’t that right.
Voice:Get out Siziphiwe!
That’s when I realised I was noticed that I had been caught I wasn’t listening. I looked up it
was the teacher next to me
Me:Please mam! I will listen
Teacher:No! You are not even in the right page and I wont tolerate it. Now get out!
I didn’t want to argue with a teacher, I took my bag and went to sit by the door.
The bell rang for break and I went to buy my regular lunch at the tuckshop container and
Thandazwa was behind me
Thandazwa:I see you where sat out of class what happened?
Me:I was in deep thoughts so I wasn’t listening
We went to sit under the tree and started eating while talking about Amangele and her
attendance of not coming to school, we were not gossiping about her we were just talking.
The day went by fast then Thandazwa and I parted ways to catch a taxi home. When I got to
the flats I felt sleepy then I went to the apartment and unlocked the door, I went straight to
my room and changed into my casual shorts and vest. I rested for a while then went to make
myself food from the kitchen and back to my room. I placed everything I would need for the
night on dressing table, I felt ashamed of facing Bandile after the drama I did in the morning.
I locked the door and switched on the televison which was flat screen placed on the wall, I
did my homework and ate. The televison started to become a bore on me so I decided to sleep
it out.
It looked like a scary, dark hut which seemed may have been in the middle of nowhere. I was
tired up my mouth, arms and legs
Person:Did you really think you were going to survive in this world?
The way he/she was saying it was very dangerous and looked like a sangoma (traditional
healer) who had long dreadlocks and beads around her hands and neck. As much as I wanted
to answer nothing could come out of my mouth but I was just tossing around trying to free
Person:Now you will die for the sins done by the people you love! Haha
The person’s laigh was very intimidating not even having the odesity to try and free me.
He/she took out a sharp blade/razer and raised up my t-shirt then placed the razer on my left
[Dreaming concludes]
I woke up screaming my lungs and tears escaping my eyes. This dream left me traumatized
thinking at the fact I may die!
Was I going to die? Did it symbolise anything that was going to happen in my life?
I was really confused I resorted to prayer to get me back to my senses because I wasn’t
thinking straight!
Am I going to die? Only the Almighty may give a clear path about my upcoming future

part 25 a poisoned soul

Me:No! No! Please don’t kill me
That was the first word I said when I woke up. Who in their righteous lifetime would bother
having to kill me? I never wronged anyone not even trying to cause any type of pain towards
I couldn’t shake the dream off it kept spinning around my head with the a bang happening at
the door. That made me look like a pshycopath, I took my big teddy bear that Bandile bought
for me and hugged it. If it was a human being their would have choked to death due to the
loss of oxygen their may be suffering from.
Bandile:Siziphiwe open this freakin’ door!
I just knew it would be him because no one else was around in the apartment
Me:I want to be left alone
Bandile:I will bang on this door until you open up for me
Like I said, my brother never gives up especially when something is happening in front of
him he would never give up.
He continued banging on the door which was starting to become a nuisance upon me. I got up
to open the door for him with my lungs filled with anger
Bandile:What’s up with you? You were crying! I could hear you from my room!
Imagine, my room is three rooms away from his. So in actually sense, I was not crying no but
I was definately screaming out loud.
I sighed out while seating on my rocking chair going back and fourth on it
Me:I was having a bad dream where I was tied up and ready to be slaughtered into pieces
with a razor
He just frowned with his eyebrows raised up as if I’m telling a fairytail story
Bandile:Sizi xolo ngoku xelela lento but kukho into eshaya amanzi ngaye (Sizi sorry to tell
you this but there is something fishy about you)
What the hell? Why would he say such a thing? But I know he meant for good reasons not for
bad ones I hope so!
Me:Izobe ithetha ntoni ke ngoku lonto? (What’s that suppose to mean?)
Bandile:I mean that you maybe under a curse of witches done by someone who hates you
Okay! That trigged me into something that was completely out of this world! It felt like my
eyes were about pop out as tennis balls that were being moved around
Bandile:Let me rephrase that, dislike you not hate it’s just a cruel word
Hell yeah it was! Now that got me thinking to myself. “Who would eventually want to kill
me?” I even went to my thinking zone where everything didn’t make sense also the people
around me. I even forgot that Bandile and I had an unfinished conversation that’s when my
thoughts turned into my sleep
Phone Rings
I started searching for it under my pillow just following the sound from it’s direction with my
hand. I grabbed it then answer the call without checking the caller first
Caller:Where are you?! You missed three periods running
It sounded as Thandazwa with her small voice shouting at me
Me:Friend I overslept so I couldn’t wake up when the alarm rang
Her:I know you are lying even though I can’t see you
Those were just true benefits of a friend who knows when you are lying even over the phone
who you would call a best friend
Me:Okay fine! You got me I didn’t feel like coming to school
Her:Understood, I come later on to check you
Me:Okay friend
We hung at the same time and I quickly rubbed my eyes together so I can see the phone
properly when I checked the time it was around 11:45am. I just felt a bit bored because I’m
already used to a routine that’s different from the one that was currently happening.
You know when you are used to be at school but now you are stuck in your bed with nothing
to do and you keep glancing at your phone.
It was offical that was the boring day of my life, so I stood and fixed my bed then I went to
take a warm bath filled with bubbles. I took my headsets then relaxed in the tub.
After a few minutes or hours I took a towel and wrapped it around my body then made my
way to the bedroom. I lotioned and wore my casual clothes with slippers on my feet, I went
down the stairs to make myself breakfast which was English breakfast (eggs,bacon,toast,wors
and burger). I dished up for myself and went to eat while watching Powerpuff Girls(best
cartoons ever made) on Cartoon Network.
I quickly went to wash the dishes and went to stand on the balcony, catching the cool sea
breeze hitting my face in a magnificent way that just let every toxic feelings out my body. I
went to my room to take a nap, so I laid on the bed. The dream came back but it was more
scarier than I imagined
I was now untied at least I could speak to this person and ask why I’m here
Me:Please set me free, there’s nothing to benefit when you kill me *Shakened voice*
Person:Dear there’s more than you think there’s gold inside of you
I just felt tears going down my eyes
Person:If I don’t kill you, trouble will come my way so I rather do so
She/he took out an axe now I was really scared, I stood up heading for the door but it
mysteriously vanished
Person:Bad deeds will come your way, nothing you do will suceed. Joy and happiness will be
a limited thing in your life all you will face is trauma, heart-break and I wish that stays upon
forever or until you down. Now the curse may begin to conquer in your life
Me:Please don’t!
The axe went straight into my skull and I was cut in half, blood splatted everywhere. It was
brown and turned red in a instance!
I jumped from the bed, I was wet as if water had been poured on my body. I started crying to
the facts of what I’ve heard said by this sangoma(traditional healer) about my life. We are
often told that dreams have meaning and need to be inteprert them correctly, but in my case I
didn’t even know where to start saying what my dream was about.
Was there a cursed summoned upon me? Am I going to be turned to a crazy person under this
curse? Is this declared “curse” will forever stay upon me for eternity?
I had to result to pray again so at least I may feel good spirits around me for a while

part 26 a poisoned soul

Nothing seemed to work all that was working me was just fright and tears happening. I tried
all I could to calm down and have a bit of faith that nothing would happen to me, okay hours
passed and I was under the comfort of a person who I would call my dearest best friend
She used wonderful words to keep my faith up from “My friend nothing is going to happen to
you with our Almighty looking after you, to “It was just a bad dream and everyone
experiences those”
Yes, I know I was dreaming but it had to be attended by or priest or something. I won’t be
able to carry on replaying the event were I’m killed.
Me:Ain’t you hungry? You been here the whole day
Thandazwa:More than hungry I would eat a whole cow if that was possible
Me:Let me go and make something to eat
I stood up and wore my flipflops then started walking to the kitchen. I drank a glass of water
and started making scrambled eggs for me and Thandazwa. I dished up for the both of us and
took her plate to her in the living room
Thandazwa:Thanks Scoob
She took the plate with her eyes glued to Keeping Up With The Kardashians on television
Me:You and this reality shows!
I said that with a chuckle going out as well, she traced her eyes to my face with a smile drawn
Thandazwa:That’s me mgani
I laughed at her and went to the kitchen to take my plate and joined Thandazwa on the sofa.
We were having a good laugh at least the deadly events that have been happening in the past
few days were starting to disappear just a little not all of them.
Thandazwa:Friend I brought some homework from school for you to complete
Really did she have to? I know she helping out but I wasn’t in the mood to do anything. But
hey I had to act thankful to her you know
Me:Thanks friend I appreciate that
Thandazwa:Anything for you mgani.. I have some beans to spill
Me:Spill my friend
Her facial expression changed as soon as she heard me say that from being “okay” to
“happiness is in the air”
Thandazwa:Okay! When I was coming to your apartments I bumped into this guy, my friend
he’s is to die for but something was offish
That’s the first I heard from her saying a guy was offish to her because every guy is perfect
for her whether it was a serial killer or what
Me:What do you mean offish?
I stretched myself to put the remote on the coffee table so I could listen attentively to my
Thandazwa:I mean that he seems he has no va-va-voom like any guys. He seems up-tight and
likes himself more than others
Me:If I was there to see him, did you exchange numbers?
She nodded yes and took out her phone then started pressing on it. I was not sure about what
she meant this ‘guy’ was offish because she didn’t explain further than I thought she would.
The day was starting to get better each minute, I think it was because of Thandazwa around
and she would go to a point were she made my cheeks hurt to the core. So we started with the
homework and finished after 3 hours, so I took my textbooks to my room and came to sit next
to Thandi who was packing to go home
Me:Already leaving?
Thandazwa:Yes I need to go and prepare supper for my mom because our helper is not
around for two weeks
Me:Oh? Can’t you order take-aways or something to what you look like, you will burn the
She started analysing herself while looking at the mirror which was by the door
Thandazwa:There’s nothing wrong about me okay?
Me:We will see
She took her bag and other belongings and headed for the door with me behind her, I locked
the door. It was a Friday afternoon so most of the flat’s residents were back from work and
school, so we went down to the ground floor with the elevator in the mean time Thandazwa
was calling her sister to pick her up.
Thandazwa:Friend don’t you want to have dinner at my house? I mean your brother will
Me:To what happened a few weeks ago? He would never because I broke his trust about my
Thandazwa just nodded with disappointment written all over her face but that was also part of
the punishment by kissing Khanyiso. So we exited the apartment’s ground and there was a
white Toyota Corolla standing outside
Thandazwa:That’s my sister Imkhitha come and say hi. She always wanted to see you
Oh? I guess Thandazwa talks about me with her family? But that’s what we do with our
friends, ain’t I right?
So this average-heighted woman/girl came out of the car wearing a plum pencil skirt with a
black blazer and a platform heel, who looked a lot like Thandazwa even the way their are
structured is similar. She made our way to us and opened her arms in front of me for a hug
and I hugged her
Imkhitha:Let me guess you are Siziphiwe?
I nodded with a smile on my face
Imkhitha:I heard a lot about you from Thandazwa and you are beautiful
Me:Thank you sisi
I said that looking down because of being shy while talking to Imkhitha
Imkhitha:She’s shy isn’t it?
Thandazwa:From the day I saw her at the mall, friend let me go home and I will see you on
Me:Bye friend and bye sis’Imkhitha nice meeting you
Imkhitha:It’s always a pleasure dear bye
They went inside the car and she drive off while hooting at me, I waved at them and made my
way into the apartment. I took out my keys to unlock the door but it seemed it was already
opened. I had to be cool even if there’s a robber inside I just had to.
With me hearing the beat of my heart through my ears made matters even more dramatic also
the sound of dishes hitting each other. I took a golf racket from the ones standing by the door
and followed the sounds, they were coming from the kitchen and hell was about to break
loose. It was a male body and I was ready to attack like a hungry shark from beneath the
shady waters, I raised the racket and he turned around it was Bandile who just froze seeing
me in that way
Bandile:Please don’t kill!
I dropped the racket on the floor and hugged him
Me:Don’t ever do that again, do you want to meet your ancestors?
Bandile:No I’m too young
I didn’t see him enter the apartments because he used the other entrance which was on the
other side. He was preparing supper for the two of us
Bandile:Did they visit again?
I sighed and looked at him
Me:They were worse
Bandile:What happened?
I told him everything concerning the dream and his jaw dropped
Bandile:We must go and consult a healer or priest before things go out of hand
Me:I was also thinking of the same thing
Bandile:And we will be the first ones tomorrow morning!
I had a bit of fear of going to a healer whilst on the other side a healer is killing me and once
again crazy questions came again. I thought to myself,
What if this is the same person who is in my dream? Everything happens in coincide people
and we need to be careful out there.
So Bandile dished up and we went to eat in the sitting room while watching television, I
washed dishes when we finished eating
Bandile:So what do you think about what I said?
Me:We can go to the healer just to find out
Bandile:Okay by 11:45am we must go
Me:Sure we will
Bandile:Night Scoobs I’m going to sleep
Me:At 20:05pm? Are you sure?
Bandile:I’m tired sis from all the work
Me:Okay Bandz night
Bandile:What did I say about that name?
I let out a laugh
Me:Good night abuti now go
He left me in the kitchen with myself and I finished washing the dishes then I went to my
room to wash television. After I while I noticed my body was shutting down on me alerting
me that I must get some rest so I changed into my pyjamas and tucked into bed.
Luckily there were no dream from the previous night, which made me sleep peacefully and at
least I was able to rest. So I flipped myself in to the other position to get my phone, I had 5
notifications from WhatsApp and Instagram. So I paged through my Instagram and Facebook
accounts to get a doze of good news that were going viral on the Internet. After a few
minutes, I went to take a warm shower and I lotioned after that. I wore my maxi skirt and
long sleeve vest then put a doek on my head also pumps on my feet, I quickly made my way
downstairs and made some Rice Krispies. I listened to them pop and those were beautiful
tunes to my ears, Bandile came wearing his Nike Cap in the right direction not backwards.
Bandile:Morning sis
I waved at him because my mouth was filled with the cereal. He also poured cereal into his
bowl and started eating
Me:Shouldn’t we be on the way?
Bandile:Just give me 5 minutes then we will go
I rinsed my our dishes while he had rushed upstairs to get his car keys/wallet.
Bandile:Let’s hit the road!
I followed behind him to the car, we got in and strapped our seatbelts. He started the engine
and drove off joining the Main Road
Going to this place was just very far, I would press “Seek Track” because I was getting tired
of Bandile deep house. So he stopped in front of this dodgy place which had a shack out, he
parked the car and we got off. He took out his hand for me to hold on to and I did, we went
inside and greeted the people.
We sat for about an hour or so and we were called in.
Okay! My first expression was just shit this is so creepy! I mean the smell of burnt traditional
medicine was just horrible and the necklaces that were hanging from the ceiling so we sat
Healer:I see a dark cloud over you my girl! Ahh!!
He was flipping his a feather dust or whatever it is.
Me:Ntate(Sir) what do you mean?
Healer:You are cursed my child, ancestors from a certain clan are mad at your father and
their shifted it to you after he died. Nothing will help you even the most
powerfulnsangoma(traditional healer) in thi world would help you
Me:Even if you give me something to cleanse?
Tears were already being a threat in my eyes
Healer:Sadly my child, I can’t find anything to help it’s a curse that will stay upon you
What did I ever do to deserve this life? I think I’m being punished for other people sins!
Nothing can help me, am I going to ever live a life that I always pictured myself in?

part 27 a poisoned soul

It was just heartbreaking seeing my sister (Siziphiwe) in that state, especially when I couldn’t
do anything to help her. Faith in me started to cut short due to the fact we didn’t find any
explaination of some sort linking to what may have caused the curse on her, I was comforting
Sizi but it was so painful that my eyes were starting to tear up but I had to be strong for her
Siziphiwe:Thiis h-haa-ss Nonzame written all over it
As much as I wanted to agree with her but I couldn’t just to disrespect an elder even if she’s
not around. I know Nonzame had hurt Siziphiwe but I couldn’t also be saying “Yes, yes she’s
the one who laid the curse upon you”.
So I acted like a complete idiot that knew nothing about what was going on
Me:What would make you say that?
She removed herself from my arms while wiping away her tears which were constantly
pouring out
Siziphiwe:I don’t have a good reason currently but my gut keeps telling me it’s her
Me:Siziphiwe it’s not right to be pointing fingers and blaming people, you must have proof to
say a person did something to you
Siziphiwe:I know but I think it has her written all over
I was getting bored of ths topic about Nonzame so I decided to turn on Micasa x Heavenly
Sent and turned up the volume
Me:Let’s take a break from all the world’s problems, where do you wanna go to?
I looked at Siziphiwe. I wanted to make my sister happy all times and I couldn’t bare seeing
her sad
Siziphiwe:(Smiling) I was thinking of Waterfront because I always longed to go there
The smile that was drawn on her face just melted all the ice in my heart, she was more than a
sister to me literally my daughter because I stay with her 24/7 but not all the time.
Me:Okay let’s go
I started the car and drove off to V&A Waterfront with my little sister, the drive was quite
good. She was communicating and didn’t bottle any feelings, she was free and speaking her
mind as she always does.
Me:So tell me about this Khanyiso?
She looked at me in disbelief with her face saying, “What the hell?”
Siziphiwe:We are just friends nothing more
I knew she was lying by the way she quickly answered me
Me:You need to be honest with me, take me as your sister, brother etc because we are stuck
together forever
Siziphiwe:I do take you as that but honestly nothing is going on between Khanyiso and I
Me:Your smile explain everything and I won’t rest till you tell me what’s going on
Siziphiwe:Okay fine! I think I’m crushing hard on him but I can’t resist it!
I removed my hands from the steering wheel and clapped them
Me:I knew it but please don’t rush into a relationship with him
Siziphiwe:That’s what I told him also.
Siziphiwe’s phone started ringing and she picked it up

Her:With who?
Her:I’m also going there with my brother
Her:See you soon
Siziphiwe removed the phone from her ear and I think she heard good news from her phone
call, she looked at me with puppy eyes
Me:What do you want?
Siziphiwe:My friends are at Waterfront so can I go and meet up with them?
Me:Sure if they are all there you can
Siziphiwe:You are the best!
She kissed my cheek and I drove to Waterfront with my sister fingers glued to her phone.

The consultation to the traditional healer made matters even more dramatic because I
couldn’t find the answers I was looking for. But having the greatest supporter who was
Bandile made everything go smooth at least the pain dazzled away.
I received a phone call from Khanyiso
Him:Hey babe where are you?
Me:Heading to Waterfront and you?
Him:Waterfront can we meet up, I need to talk to you
Me:Sure I will tell you when I have arrived
Him:See you
Me:See you
We hung up at the same time, Bandile had already parked his car and we got
Me:Can I go and meet my friend?
Bandile:If they are here you can go, just give me a call when you are done
We went our seperate ways. It was my first in V&A Waterfront, I was so excited that I
couldn’t hold back my excitement of the place so I called Khanyiso and told him I was there.
After waiting for 2 minutes, I felt these warm lips push their way against my neck and arms
getting wrapped around my body, to my suprise it was Khanyiso
Me:You all most gave me a heart attack
Khanyiso:Sorry hey, how are you?
Me:I’m good thanks and you?
Khanyiso:I’m good, I need to blindfold you because there is something awaiting for you
Me:Should I be scared?
Khanyiso:Nope it’s harmless
He covered my eyes with an eyemask and took my hand for assistance. We walked and I felt
that I was getting into something that was unusual
Me:Where are we going?
Khanyiso:Just wait and see
We finally stopped and he took off the mask, I didn’t except anything phenominal like this.
Joy and butterflies took over my body and I was feeling overwhelmed by everything, I
couldn’t believe in a million years that Khanyiso would do this for me. I mean we are in high
school so he can’t afford all this!

Yes, I’m well known as a flipping playboy but ever since I laid my eyes on Siziphiwe, I knew
I needed to change fast. She was very different from all the girls from school and guys would
literally kill for that girl, no one has ever known that I also learn to love a person and insist on
doing it perfectly.
I really wanted to change for Siziphiwe and I already pictured myself marrying her one day, I
know we are about to finish high school but that doesn’t mean I can’t picture myself spending
my life with her.
I had asked my older brother Ayabonga to book us a yacht so that I could have a picnic with
Siziphiwe with just the 2 of us while moving around ocean water. I went through hell to get
my brother to agree booking the yacht. Yes, he knew about the burning love for Siziphiwe
but I was still afraid of her big brother Bandile that guy is scare and is definately not the guy
to mess with.
I removed the blindfold from her eyes and she looked amazed or delighted of what her eyes
were seeing
Me:You like?
I said that with a smile on my face and she seemed speechless
Siziphiwe:Shocked actually! Where did you get the money for all this?
Me:That doesn’t matter, all that matters is that we are together
Siziphiwe:This is so lovely!
Me:Thanks and I decorated it all just for you
She looked at me disbelief and shook her head no
Me:Really! I did
Siziphiwe:I wonder
I took her hand and we went to stand by the staircase which led to the deck of the yacht and
we started talking
Me:I bought some food
Siziphiwe:Cool I need to eat I’m so hungry!
Me:You and food!
I let out a chuckle so we went to eat, I noticed that we were already sucking on each others
lips. The kiss from my point of view was very passionate but I don’t know from Siziphiwe
side. As the heat increased, I slipped my hand under her skirt and she jumped up a little then
pulled out of the kiss
Siziphiwe:I can’t do this
Me:I’m sorry babe I didn’t mean to bring back any flashbacks
She pulled a smile from the side. It was wrong of me because she hasn’t healed properly from
all the trauma she faced created into piece by her stepfather.
The day went by with Siziphiwe it was quite good in fact and we enjoyed each others
company. All that I was thinking in my head is that, “Can I ever change for Siziphiwe and be
the righteous boyfriend for her?”
I mean I don’t want to hurt her in anyway or I may lose her forever, I was walking on thin ice
with the reputation I have but I knew with Siziphiwe everything would be possible to
Don’t you agree? Because I do believe that I can also change and be a good guy.

part 28 a poisoned soul

The date with Khanyiso if I could put it that way because it was just the two of us, it was
beyond words it was lovely and romantic at the same time, even though I didn’t know where
he got the money from. And yes, I finally agreed to be his girlfriend but I knew it would
come with unexpected challenges if I may say, we were going to keep it a secret for a while.
Bandile and I went back home with something amazing happening between us, I don’t know
it was either him or me we were just revived I’m sure it was the gospel music we were
listening to when coming back from Waterfront. So we got into the apartment and he dished
out our take-aways and we started eating while watching Generations, I swallowed the food
which was in m
Me:Bhuti do you have any idea why Dad would leave so much money behind?
He looked at me with a confused face or rather questioning one
Bandile:I think it was to secure our future and we won’t go around asking people for money
Me:Oh? But what makes me a bit confused is that he left me behind in the Eastern Cape
while he was in Northern Cape or wherever he was and he knew I needed good education
Bandile:My dearest sister, to tell you the truth is that I don’t have any explainations to all
your question but what I’m sure of is that, Dad had a safe in his house which was in
Tygerburg that he repremanded that it should be opened by you when you are matured
enought to handle all of it
A safe in his house? What could be in it? A letter, money? Those were just questions flowing
around my head, pretty much there was so much that needed to be revealed about my life
Me:Can we go and check it out tomorrow or?
I had to see what was in that safe whether I’m matured or not, that was the least of my
problems that I had to worry about
Bandile:Are you matured or emotional strong? I can’t have you being a mess in that house
Me:I can take on anything, I’m a strong, brave and courageous girl and yes I’m matured
enough to find out anything
Bandile:Then tomorrow we will be on our way to Tygerburg
I needed to know anything that linked to me just to fill in questions with missing answers to
them, their may be times where I just feel weak and I can’t stand to face any trouble coming
my way but this was just one test making it’s way to me and I had to respond to it, even if
tears and hatred may rise. I came back to my senses when Bandile shooked me that’s when I
noticed I wasn’t listening to anything he had said
Bandile:Are you okay?
Me:Yes why wouldn’t I be?
Bandile:You been through a lot today, I suggest you must go and take a bath then sleep.
Don’t worry about the dishes I will take care of them
He kissed my forehead while saying “I love you”, so I made my way upstairs to my room. I
took a warm bath filled with bubbles and I relaxed in it. After a while, I dried myself and
went to sleep with my pyjamas on.
My phone started ringing creating a nuisance next to my ear, I didn’t even have the thought to
check the caller identity I just put the phone next to my ear
Caller:Wake up sleepy head!
It sounded as Thandazwa’s voice but seemed more fresh like sleep didn’t make it’s way to
Me:You snob! Why did you have to wake me up so early?!
Her:My tall-ass-bitch it’s 11:30am and you telling me I woke you up?
Me:My shortbase-bitch I didn’t even check the time
We found ourselves practically laughing not knowing what may have caused that type of
Her:I was thinking we could go out for movies and some lunch later on
Me:I kinda like that idea but I’m going to tell you if we will go
Her:Okay friend, please don’t disappoint
Me:I will try not to, see you later
After that phone call from Thandazwa, I woke up and fixed my bed then went to take a
shower. I remembered that we were to my dad’s house to go and see this mysterious “letter”
that had me written all over it. With me being done with my hygeine process, I went
downstais and Bandile was there talking to his phone. Laughing in exact while doing
Bandile:I need to go, I love you babe

Bandile:More than anything my love, bye
He removed the phone and looked at me with a smile spread from his face.
Love was rejoicing in the air for my brother, I think we were going to be ululating to
welcome a makoti (bride) this coming days!
Me:Morning to you too
He just chuckled because he knew that I was making a mockery
Bandile:Morning on this lovely, beautiful day with sea breeze doing a marvelous job entering
this flat!
Oh! Every window was opened because it was really a beautiful day with the sun shining
down on Earth and everything seemed to be lovely
Bandile:So we must go to Tygerburg I’m needed somewhere
Me:Okay, bhuti can i go with Thandazwa to the movies after we came back
He looked at me in disbelief
Bandile:I think you forget that you are still punished
I wished he had forgetton about that!
Me:Please! I need to get out of here!
Bandile:Let’s make a deal then
Me:I’m all ears
I would do anything just to have a nice time with my friend literally anything
Bandile:You must wash all today’s dishes then you may go
Me:I’m in!
We shook hands to lay everything on the table, just to show approval of my decision. He
dished up and we ate. I quickly washed the dishes in the sink. So I took my phone and
followed behind him because he had told me he is done with everything.
We went to the car and changed seats which was quite unusual to happen
Me:And then?
Bandile:You are going to drive today!
Me:Point of order! First of all I can’t even drive a car
Bandile:Then it’s your day to learn, coms on! Get in and fasten your seatbelt
I stumped my feet and got into the driver’s seat, then fastened my seatbelt.
Bandile:Okay now, put on your left foot on that paddle which is called clutch.
I assembled myself and did as instructed
Bandile:Make sure your gear is on neutral and then twist the key to start while stepping on
the clutch (I did and succesfully switched on the car). Good, now slowly release from the
clutch while your right feet steps on the accelarator and the car will move
Yes the car started moving and I was so happy, for the first time in my life I finally know
how to drive
Me:We are moving!
Bandile:Yep! Now don’t get to excited we may cause an accident
Did he really have to shatter my moment? But my brother! He is something else
Me:Joy killer!
We finally arrived in front of this massive house which seemed to be under good
maintanance even though no one lived in it.
Me:Is this it?
Bandile:Yes sis
Me:Wow! It’s so huge!
He just smiled, Bandile pulled over in the driveway. I gave the car back to because driving
was just tiring. We went inside the house from the door it was full of spider webs and dust,
no one was around to clean it but besides that it was beautiful.
Bandile:Welcome to dad’s house
Me:I already feel welcomed even though he is not here
Bandile:It hurts with lots of memories treasured in this house
Me:At least you have memories
Bandile:You also have memories because you one came when you were back from the
hospital and I was so happy to have a sister
Me:Oh, can you show me this safe already?
I was getting tired of all the emotional talk, we do it a lot so I just had to back down
Bandile:Follow me
I followed behind Bandile and he was going to a more open-plan space situated by the exit to
the garden (I saw flowers through the window and predicted it may be the garden). It was a
study which was just simple but a lot of books surrounding it, Bandile started moving books
and there was safe peeking at us
Me:Is that it?
Me:Open it!
He started pressing on the numbers which were there and it open instantly, I went closer to
open to collect the brown envelope
Bandile:Are you ready?
I nodded my head up and down. I looked at the envolope not knowing whether to open it or
Me:110% positive
Bandile:Do it
I quickly ripped the letter an read the note which was inside of it,
Dad:My one and only daughter Siziphiwe Lonoko, I hope you are ready and fit to hear about
all the tragedy you are going to face.
I wrote this letter to tell you that, a so-called curse will transfered to you when I die. I know
it’s heart-breaking but there is nothing that I’m able to do to reverse everything that will
happen. Just know that you will remain Daddy’s number one even though I wasn’t around to
see you grow up and become a wonderful lady that you are, the curse will only get worse if
you keep feeling sorry for yourself and please be strong my baby just for your brother’s sake.
Call this number 072 *** **** to find your relatives and know Nonzame Lolo is not your
biological mother but more of a person who has been anoited to take of you.
Please always remember I will always love you and I love you my children. Take care of
each other. Till we see each other again!
Nothing was able to describe how I felt, deep down I was hurt. After reading that letter I just
slide down the bookshelf crying my lungs out while hugging my knees.
What did I do to deserve this life? Why don’t I just die and leave all this behind? But why has
it to be me? Should I always have to save everyone’s butt so they may live happily? Must I
be there one to save everyone from sin? Worst of all a curse has to be thrown in to my life!

part 29 a poisoned soul

Bandile stood there not knowing what to do or say to his sister because he thought to himself
“What if I say something that is wrong which is going to be offending towards her?”.
Couldn’t handle the fact that his sister was crying and he can’t do anything to help her,
Bandile found himself also sobering which was literally heart-breaking to view. No one
wanted to see their siblings or anyone who their love and know that’s it’s only relative so it
wasn’t easy
Bandile:What does the letter say?
Siziphiwe threw the letter towards Bandile and he grabbed it in his hands.
Quickly tracing his eyes through the letter, he just froze not knowing what to say. Words got
lost in his mouth but he had to do something to help revive his sister
Bandile:Sister its going to be okay? We will get through this the both of us!
Tears were already playing a major role of being a threat in his eyes. The cries coming from
Siziphiwe just pierced through his eardrums and shattered his heart.
Siziphiwe:I could never live through this! I need to find out about all the ups&downs of my
life, it’s rather I found out or I die
Bandile:What do you mean die?
He was frankily confused
Siziphiwe:I also don’t know what I mean
Bandile:Exactly you don’t! Okay let’s call the number on the letter maybe will can find
something to help or go and visit Nonzame in the Eastern Cape
Siziphiwe removed herself from Bandile and looked at him with a disapproval face
Siziphiwe:Hell no! I’m never going back to that house!
Bandile:Sis that were you can find peace and know the reason behind this curse!
Siziphiwe:I’m not going there!
Bandile:Won’t you just listen to me Siziphiwe! (He was shouting) Listen here, we are going
to EC to find out everything! Like it or not!
Siziphiwe:O-o-kay bhuti we can go
She was shaking. No one ever saw the other side of Bandile even his girlfriend saw it. Maybe
our feelings can rise up into something extraordinary and we must always be careful
Bandile:Good! Now let’s go to McDonalds I’m hungry
Siziphiwe:Okay let’s go
Bandile helped Siziphiwe up and she folded the letter then placed it in her pocket, their
locked the house which was extremely cold when they left. It was hot outside and even when
they came in it was hot.
Siziphiwe:Don’t you think there are ghosts in dad’s house?
Bandile:Haha you and your imagination are running wild again! Ghosts?
He chuckled while their went inside the car
Siziphiwe:Yes ghosts! To all the series of Ghostbusters I have been watching, it gets cold in
room where ghosts are around like in this case
Bandile:I’m not saying you are crazy or anything but I really don’t believe in the myth of
Siziphiwe:Let’s just drop it because it seems we are not going to resolve this
Bandile:Sure do
Okay! Bandile started the car and drove to Mcdonalds so he parked the car, they stood in the
queue and Siziphiwe’s phone started ringing it was Thandazwa
Thandazwa:My F, are you still out and about for the idea to the movies?
Siziphiwe:I was still thinking about it but a crisis rose up
Thandazwa:Man! Okay can’t I come over with Khanyiso and the others?
Siziphiwe:Thandazwa no! As I said I have something that rocked up okay? So please
Thandazwa:Oh? Bye Siziphiwe
Siziphiwe:I didn’t mean-
Before she could finish her sentence, Thandazwa has disconnected the call. Was she pushing
everyone away from her? But hey, she is still grieving about what happened
Bandile:And what was the short-temper for?
Siziphiwe:Not now please
Siziphiwe went to sit at the tables waiting anxiously for the food Bandile had ordered.
The food came with Bandile and they started eating
Bandile:Here is some money to go home
Siziphiwe:Aren’t we going together?
Bandile:No I’m needed in a meeting downtown
Siziphiwe:Okay bye
Bandile took his keys and left the resturant. There she was sitting alone with no one to talk to.
She took her phone and started paging through but not knowing what she is looking for.
Well, what can I say about my life?
It’s just horrible from being raping to the cursed drama, no one like no one even in their
wildest dreams would wish to be in shoes. It may seem like I’m pushing everyone away from
me but clearly people don’t seem to understand that I need a stranger or friend to talk to about
my ‘cursed life’.
When Bandile left me alone McDonalds, I thought about Thandazwa. My friend was trying
all she could to be true friend but I was instantly turning her down. My phone beeped which
meant it was a message/WhatsApp notification so I checked it to see who it was from. The
person I had forget about but hey, he remembered that the someone special and it was
Khanyiso message
Khanyiso:My honey-boo, I’m sorry I couldn’t call in the morning to check on you. I’m busy
with family and I need to be with them anyways I hope you are still much alive and I love
you my wife.
That just melted my heart from all the highlights I had faced that message seemed to awake
me that someone out the loves me and cares. So I replied back and then started walking from
the McDee’s to the nearest mall.
As I was walking. Listening to my jams, I could feel that someone was watching nor staring
and I don’t like a person who just watches you but doesn’t come forward, don’t you hate
So I looked back but didn’t see anyone but people were just minding their own business. I
continued window-shopping but this person kept watching me and I decided to stop and see
who it was again. This tall guy but not that tall guy with pink lips, yellow-bone/light skinned
came straight to me and he started talking
Guy:I see you have forfitted to see who was following you
Me:Oh? You where the one following me?
Guy:Yes. I couldn’t take off my eyes to such a beautiful lady like you
Me:Okay if you say so
Guy:Why are being so cold man? Can’t you see a hot nigga is here for this mmh -(he
analysed my body)
Me:Cut the short talk! What do you want?
Guy:Okay! I’m Menzi Gumede and you are?
Me:Ababalwe May
I would never no never give out my real name to a person I just saw at the mall never. What
if is a serial killer? Even worse a murderer? I know it’s kind of crazy but people are turning
into monsters nowadays
Menzi:Can I have your numbers? Perphaps take you home?
Me:072 you won’t get my number and please I have a car to take me home
Who was I fooling where did I get a car? And it was a lie on top of another
Menzi:Okay fine anyways I’m going to see you around. Enjoy your day
Me:Thanks you too.
“Phew! He’s finally gone” that’s was my heart talking to my brain and this Menzi guy was
really scary. He so tall and very very fit, he looked like an FBI agent or anything involving
the government in between.
My phone started ringing again, what’s up with so much calls today?
I answered without checking the caller identity
Caller:Am I speaking to Siziphiwe Lonoko?
Caller:Your brother has been involved in a terrible accident and we need you here at the –
I felt my phone sliding down my ear. Smashing onto the pavement outside the mall and I
suddenly felt weak and nothing made sense to me
Me:No! No! Bandile can’t be in a accident not when I need him!
What is going on with my life? Why didn’t I be the one in the accident instead of Bandile?
What’s wrong with me?
part 30 a poisoned soul
I didn’t know which step to take whether I should call a cab or even start calling the person to
find which hospital my brother is
Voice:Ababalwe what’s wrong?
Ababalwe? Who the hell is Ababalwe?
I looked up and it was Menzi, oh Lord I had lied to him about my name. A lie can turn it’s
back on you
Me:M-m-y brother has-s been inv-olved in a car accident
Menzi:Do you know which hospital?
I shook my head and took out my phone to re-call the person who told me about Bandile but
it went back to voicemail.
Menzi:Let’s get into my car maybe we can find it
As much as I’m afraid to go with strangers I just had to this time, like it or not. Menzi
wrapped his arm around my neck trying to keep me calm from all the sniffing and crying that
my body was creating.
He opened the passanger door so I could get inside the car and I got in then buried my face in
between my folded arms. Hope was lost but faith kept bulding strong in me, telling me that
everything will be okay and I believed it would. My phone started ringing and I checked the
caller identity and it was Bandile’s number calling so I answered
Me:Where is he?
Person:H-e has been admitted and I don’t know the hospital but I will send you the directions
Me:Sis Khazimla is that you?
Person:Yes nana it’s me
Me:Please do send the directions because I need to be with my brother
Her:I will send them to you
We hung up at the same time and Menzi had tilted his body to look at my direction
Me:His girlfriend will send me directions to the hospital
Menzi:Okay let me start the engine
He started the car and I wore my sunglasses to hide the presence of tears. Tears were just
pouring out of my eyes, if I lose Bandile then it’s game over for me I might as well die with
him. Khazimla finally sent the co-ordinates to the hospital and Menzi droved there, I know I
may have lied to him about my identity but I’m not the first person to do that
Me:Thanks Menzi for everything, I don’t know what I could have done if you were not
Menzi:No nigga can leave a beaut like you crying next to the road and don’t help that’s just
wack man!
He had an American accent and spoke exactly like them
Me:Are you American despite your name?
I had to ask because his accent was just lit and I seemed to like it
Menzi:No no! I’m half Zulu and Tswana and I was leaving abroad for close to 9 years or
Me:Oh? That explains why you speak like an American
That talk with Menzi made me escape reality for a while but when he stopped at the hospital
that’s when everything sounded less of a fairytale movie
Me:Huh! Back to reality, thanks once more for your help
Menzi:You are welcome. Can I accompany you please?
I nodded because I was going to need a teddy bear to cry on which was going to be Menzi
acting as it. He parked the car and we went in, I went straight to the reception desk and a lady
was talking to the telephone
Recep:Hold on for a sec. Good afternoom mam, how may I help you?
Me:I’m looking for Bandile Lonoko, he just got in-
That’s when I broke down talking about what happened to Bandile
Menzi:He was involoved in terrible accident and we heard he’s admitted in this hospital
Recep:Bandile Lonoko? Bandile Lonoko?
She said that paging through the files and made a smirk on her face but not to us
“Siziphiwe!” I heard my name called from afar and I looked up it was Khazimla, I ran
towards leaving the two behind. She just hugged me and tears were the only thing
communicating to the both of us
Me:What happened?
She wiped out my tears and hers then pressed her lips together
Khazimla:We had a little fight and then stormed out of the apartment. I tried stopping him but
it was too late
It was a deep matter if they could even dare to shout at each other or even fight together
Me:Just like that?
Khazimla:It just too much to handle
Menzi:Ababalwe let me leave
Me:Oh? Thank you very much for your help
Menzi:Anytime, I hope your brother get’s well
Me:Hope so too. Bye
Menzi:Bye ladies
He left us and we decided to go to Bandile’s ward room. When we got into the ward. The
scenery was just too much. I mean the pipes connected to Bandile and machines surrounding
him it was just too much for me to see. I just remember looking at him with tears making
their way out. Then all I know lights shut down for me!
To tell the truth, I don’t know what really happened between Bandile and I. Let me go back
and go through what happened before he got into an accident.
Okay! I was sitting alone in my apartment listening to my music on iTunes and I heard a
knock coming through my door. I went to go answer, when I opened it was Bandile
Me:What are you doing here?
Bandile:Should I make an appointment to see my wife-to-be?
He pulled me closer to him and planted a kiss on my neck
Me:If that will ever happen
I led to the living room so we can seat down and he sat on the floor in between my legs
Bandile:Babe I’m having trouble with my sister
Me:What’s wrong?
I always loved Siziphiwe as a sister in law from the first time I saw her in Bandile’s
Bandile:She is having bad lucks coming from many things
Me:Babe it’s going to be fine okay
Bandile:I hope so
I flipped my head to kiss him, everything went from 50 to 100 in that minute. Everything
started to steam and he picked me up in his arms then started kissing me. I knew it was going
to turn to a game called ‘intimacy’ I know many be funny but hey I never done it before.
Bandile:Are you ready for this?
Me:I don’t think so
Bandile:I don’t seem to follow you because we have close to 5 years together but yet we
don’t it
He had really held on you know 5 years. No guy would tolerate that but if he does he will
Me:Please don’t pressurize me into doing something I don’t want to do this
Bandile:You know what just forget I was here
He stood up and wore his t-shirt also buttoning his jeans
Me:Where are you going?
Bandile:I just need some air
He went out of the flat with anger filled in the atmosphere. I followed behind him, shouting
out his name but no response. As I quickly rushed to his car, he had already reversing out of
the parking.
Now that pissed me off because I won’t make myself ready to make love to someone if I’m
not ready.
What was I suppose to do? Insist myself into doing that? Bandile is selfish though.
I went back to the apartment and watched television. My phone started ringing I answered it
without checking the caller identity, like I always do.
Me:KZML (abbreviation of my name) hello
Caller:Your boyfriend has just got into an accident
Me:Who is this? You must be joking right?
Caller:Hope I was. He has been rushed to the nearby hospital.
My jaw just dropped, I didn’t expect to hear that from anyone. I couldn’t believe my ears I
just froze thinking that may be true, but it was part of the daily life we live. And I had to be
with both Bandile as my love and older sister to Siziphiwe, even if we are bot related by
blood I won’t mind.
Will Bandile recover from hospital? Will Siziphiwe also get well from passing out at the
Everything seems to be falling apart at the Lonoko households! But let’s hope nothing bad

part 31 a poisoned soul

I slowly opened my eyes and started scanning around with blur vision disturbing my
eyesight. I could see quite better at least that I had rubbed my eyes together. I noticed a pipe
connected to my left arm and a machine beeping next to my ears but it felt like it was playing
right inside my head. A nurse came in holding a tray.
Nurse:I see you decided to wake up
She had a smile written all over her face
Me:Where is my brother? Is he okay?
I was starting to feel the rush of flashbacks coming back
Nurse:He’s actually fine he got discharged from the ICU, 2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago? What is that suppose to mean?
Me:He just arrived and he can’t be discharged it’s to early
Nurse:My darling, you have been in this bed for close to 3 months
Wow! That was something extraordinary, I can’t pass out for close to 3 months it is
Me:3 months? You must be joking!
Nurse:Wish I was, please eat your fruit and some cereal
I wonder how did she know I would wake up by bringing the food when she came to check
up on me? So the nurse left. I started eating up the food she had brought to me. As I was
eating I felt another presence in the room and I looked up to see who it was. It was the doctor
holding a file and a pen. He had a smile on his and he started speaking
Doctor:Miss Lonoko, how are you feeling?
Me:I’m fine thanks and you doc?
Doctor:I’m also good, I have some good and bad news but not that bad for you
Me:Please out with it
Doctor:Okay okay. Well you collapsed due to trauma and depression also stress. It may have
built up inside you and everything just bursted when you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
I had to be stressed I have been through a lot of drama already
Me:But for 3 months, in the hospital?
Doctor:We think it may have been shock causing the problem but we are all happy to have
you back with us
I smiled faintly and looked back at the doctor
Me:When can I see my brother?
Doctor:Uhm.. you can go now but I will call a nurse to assist you to his ward
The doctor left the room and a elderly nurse came in pushing a wheelchair towards the bed
Nurse:Let’s go and see your brother he has been asking about you
Me:Really? (Smiling)
Nurse:Yes my dear
She helped me into the wheelchair and pushed me all the way to Bandile’s ward. Khazimla
was next to him, holding his hand at last no pipes were attached nor surrounding him
He looked up and smiled with his dimples revealing as their always do
Bandile:Siziphiwe? You finally woke up! Please don’t that to me again
Me:Also will you
I stood up from the wheelchair to give him a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. We talked
but he had a loss of memory, but he didn’t forget anyone of us including Khazimla which was
a good thing.
Bandile:Hey Siziphiwe?
He raised his hand to play with his bead and looked at me with his eyebrow raised
Bandile:Do you remember the letter that we went to collect at dad’s house?
I was getting into deep thought but I didn’t remember this letter he was talking about
Me:Bro I don’t remember it
Bandile:Come on man! There one which was in thw safe
Letter? Letter? Shit! The letter with the relative number and everything else. Okay! Now it
was going to be another quest to find the letter.
Me:Bandile! The letter! Oh my God where could it be?
That where my anxiety levels went up, yes I remember about the letter and I remember
placing it in my pocket on that day.
Me:Excuse me Nurse?
Nurse:Yes my child?
Me:Do you know were my clothes could be?
Nurse:They are in your cabinet with your cellphone
Me:Can we go and take it?
Nurse:That’s fine with me
I looked at Bandile and he nodded that was a approving sign that I may go. The nurse and I
went to my ward, she was something else I mean she tolerated me, polite manner of speaking
and I like that to be done to me. I found the letter which was a great relief and the nurse
helped me onto my bed because her shift was going to end
Nurse:Nana I will see you tomorrow morning
Me:Okay ma
She smiled. I connected my phone to a charger so I could log in to my social network
I was still stunned at the fact I was in hospital for three months! Yes It’s really crazy, I just
passed out nothing else. As I was paging through my phone another nurse came in
Nurse:Here is your food
Not even a “hello”? Come on!
I just took the plate and started eating. Nothing much was interesting on t.v because there
were four broadcasting channels SABC 1,2,3 and E.tv.
I finished eating the food and the nurse came to take the plate. The meal was nice I guess. I
was given medication and then I ended up sleeping.
The following day I woke up to a bright morning. I was happy that I was getting discharged
as soon as I woke up another doctor came, I know it’s wrong to drool over a older person but
I couldn’t stop myself on this one.
He was a tall, dark skinned guy and you better know I like chocolate skinned guy, let me get
back to describing this guy. As I said, He was a tall, dark skinned, muscular body and
wearing cute nerd glasses.
Me:Take me to Heaven with you
Doctor:Excuse me, what?
He replayed what I had said. I was thinking out loud so he must understand
Me:My literature took over
Doctor:Oh okay (Confused). I have your release forms with me and is the anyone who will
sign them?
Me:I will do it
He handed the forms to me and smiled to the side because he had seen that I was fascinated
by him and really I was.
Doctor:Thank you, I will have your medication with before you go and I advice you go for
therapy sessions to revive your spirit.
Me:Okay doc
He walked to the door and he had brackets. He looked at me then winked swiftly and that
drove me crazy o-kay!
The nurse came in with her face lightened up
Nurse:Ready to go home?
Me:Of course ma
She helped me with everything from washing my body to wearing my clothes. I wore a Nike
tracksuit panties with a Nike Roshe and a plain black t-shirt. I brushed off my hair.
Me:Thank you very much for your help ma. I really appreciate it
Nurse:Anything for a sweet Angel like you. Now let’s go to your brother.
I took my sportsbag and medicine then we went to Bandile’s ward. Their (Him and
Khazimla) were also on their way to the car. Bandile was walking with crunches. We did
everything from signing release forms to paperwork. We went to Khazimla’s car I also didn’t
know she was driving, she had a black Nissan Almera with her name personalized on the
number plates.
Somethings were starting to fall back to place and others were still not quite back. I was just
happy that we were discharged from hospital but these was just phase one of the curse maybe
it may/will upgrade soon but I hope it doesn’t , that was everything going through my mind
but it will get better in time. I need to the Eastern Cape to get a clear mindset and I should
definetely do that!

part 32 a poisoned soul

Well two months passed and I was still in Cape Town, it was around September so Bandile
and I came up with a decision to go to Eastern Cape just to see how the family was doing.
Was I dating Khanyiso? Yes, it was official that we were dating even though we tried to keep
it a secret between us but nothing stays hidden forever. Amangele had given birth her baby
girl named Okuhle who was just adorable.
The dreams were still around but their went that scary anymore after therapy sessions I have
been attending, their seemed to be revealing a hidden picture behind them and I tried all I
could to found out. I didn’t go back to consult a traditional healer just to avoid
disappointment that may result again.
Bandile recovered very well from the accident and Khazimla was pregnant maybe their were
doing it many times but we will never know.
I would say I was good in academics nothing was a hassle and yes the curse was still with me
but I finally digested it was created for me.
It was a Saturday morning and we were hoping to go to Eastern Cape but I still had that
grudge everything may come back again. So I woke up then went to the bathroom to take a
shower and do the process.
I finished and I wore my shorts with a tank top and flip-fliops, I tied my twist into a loose bun
which was something I did occasionaly. My phone was ringing it was Khanyiso and I
answered immidiately
Him:My love
Me:Yes dear?
Khanyiso:My family would like to meet with you today and their said, “No is not an answer
for them”
I was now confused so Khanyiso had told them about me? Wow! He’s fast
Me:Did you tell them about me?
Him:No, yes but it was something that was not done intensionally
Me:Then how did their find out about me?
Him:My sister saw your picture as my display picture and ran to tell our mom
I was a bit scared because I didn’t know how his family would react when their saw me
Him:Babe please come through I will come and pick you up
Me:Fine! What time?
Him:Around 12:45
Me:Okay see you then
Him:Love you
Me:Love you too
We hung up at the same time. I didn’t know whether it was a right thing to meet with his
family! But I think it was something showing it was a great sign for our relationship. I threw
myself on the bed because I was a bit excited to meet with the Pillay family.
I went downstairs to make something to eat for myself and Bandile was there talking to his
phone, I took out a bowl then poured Corn Flakes in the bowl and added milk so I can eat up.
Bandile:We are leaving Monday for Eastern Cape and we will come back Friday. You won’t
have school that week anhe?
Me:Yes, we will go next week Tuesday
Bandile:Okay then
I started eating and I wanted to tell him about invitation I got from Khanyiso
Me:Bhuti I got an invite for lunch by a friend, can I go?
Him:Which friend?
Me:It’s Khanyiso
Bandile:Oh? I wonder where will you go
Me:I also don’t know. I just have wait and see
Bandile just smiled because I knew in his head something was going on. As I longed to tell
Thandazwa about the plans ahead of me today I couldn’t, she lost her phone from one of the
parties that she had attended. I went to my room and started preparing for this “lunch” with
the Pillay’s while listening to Calvin Harris ft Rihanna x This Is What You Came For and I
started singing along
Me:Baby this is what you came for, lightining strikes everytime she moves and everybody is
watching her but she is looking at you, you, you
And I was dancing along to the song. I wore my casual clothes and pumps just to impress
them. I let my twist loose this time and I didn’t apply any make-up or any of that, once again
my phone started ringing and this time the number was different from numbers I’m used to. I
answered the call
Caller:I see you recovered from that incident you and your brother
Me:Who are you? How do you know?
Caller:Sweetheart don’t even try to find out who it is because you will never do so
Me:Don’t tell me that crap when you decided to call me
Caller:I see you got the same characteristics as your dad. Make sure you are fit enough to
handle me when I come clinging my claws to get my business.
Me:Which business? My dad’s?
Caller:It’s so obvious dear
Me:If you will even get them
Caller:Little girl don’t flatter yourself because I will get my half
Me:Just hold your horses mam please.
I hung up before she could say anything. That moment when she talked about revenging to
take away our father’s business. I discovered my dad had many people trying to steal his
legacy that he had built for us for themselves.
I was aggrevated at the fact people were trying to destroy the Lonoko name but we were
going to strive our way up, I didn’t tell Bandile that moment because he was going to ask
many questions about this call. I finished preparing myself and I went downstairs with my
handbag and cellphone.
My parents asking to meet up with Siziphiwe was something which happened without
warning. It all started with my sister Thabisa also known as Palesa with her Sotho name
seeing Siziphiwe and I picture as my display picture on my phone. It was a first for my
parents to ask to meet my girlfriend, I did love Siziphiwe and I also wanted to introduce her
to my family when the time was right but hey it was work cut short for me.
I went to pick her up and she looked beautiful as always with her eyes looking similar to
Chinese eyes.
Me:My person
Siziphiwe:My better half
We shared a kiss and I was driving my brother’s car that he had borrowed me
Me:My parents can’t wait to see you
Siziphiwe:What did you say to them about me?
Me:Nothing it just happened
Siziphiwe:If you say so
We chuckled and I drove to my home which was in Tygerburg just a few streets away from
Amangele’s I hope we still remember her. Yeah? Good!
We arrived at my home and Siziphiwe was starting to hesitate but I held her hands firmly
Me:Relax their are nice people
She slowly breathed out loud. And we got out of the car then walked to the house.
Me:Mommy! We are back!
My mom was Noluthando Pillay and my dad was Luther Pillay their were a rare combination
of Sotho and Xhosa.
Mom:Kagiso(my other name)where is she?
Siziphiwe slowly stepped aside to see my mother and they shared a hug
Siziphiwe:Hello ma
Mom was still stunned by the beauty of Siziphiwe and she was really beautiful. But Bae is
hot! My God!
Mom:Wow! Where did you find this beautiful girl and she deserves a name which goes as
Nthabiseng. Bathong!
I guess it was going to be fascinating afternoon with my family and Siziphiwe/Nthabiseng.

part 33 a poisoned soul

Lunch with the Pilay family was amazing from eating food that was made by Mrs Pilay and I
felt welcomed with warm arms. We were seating behind the dining table having a chat,
getting to know each other better but there was something up with Palesa she didn’t seem to
like me that much but it’s was her own choice to not like me. She took a sip from her juice
which was in a glass and started talking to me.
Palesa:Tell me Siziphiwe, what do you see yourself as in the future?
With all the pride and joy that I had inside of me I answered her.
Me:Well I see myself as a Chartered Accountant and a business owner to my father’s
Palesa:Oh? That’s good. So tell what did you see when you decided to date my brother? I
mean he’s a well-known player and I don’t think you may be strong to handle him
I just opened my mouth to show confusion which stopping words to escape from my mouth
Beauty(Khanyiso’s Mom):That’s inappropriate Thabisa, why are you being hard on the
Palesa:Mom! I’m not being hard to anyone here. I’m just pissed that Khanyiso and
‘s brother) are allowed to bring over their girlfriends but with me no I can’t even bring over a
Mveleli(Khanyiso’s dad):Hey! That’s no way to speak to your mother, she is not your age or
Palesa sounded as a very rude girl she didn’t even care how her speaking to elderly people
was very wrong. Khanyiso, Siviwe and I were just listening to their coversation not even
uttering a word to them.
Palesa:I’m out of here. Please don’t call or do anything to find me. Peace out!
She pushed the chair away from the table with her hand and made her way to the kitchen not
even attempting to listen to her father speak. Beauty had covered her face with her hands, I
guess she was embarrased to what Thabisa had said infront of us.
Mveli:Siziphiwe my child, sorry about that it was just a misunderstanding.
Me:It’s okay Sir I understand.
Mveli:Please don’t call me Sir refer me as dad
Me:Okay dad
I smiled looking at them. So once again the conversation started again, Siviwe left I think he
was going out or something. It was me, Mveleli, Beauty and Khanyiso seating around the
table and we were talking.
Mveli:Tell me about yourself and family
Me:I’m Siziphiwe Lonoko and I’m the daughter of Marvin Lonoko, I have a brother and that
more of it
Beauty and Mveli looked at each other then back at me
Beauty:Marvin Lonoko? The man who used to own The Eat restaurant in Johannesburg and
signed it over to his children when he passed on?
She had my dad’s bio right in her fingertips because everything she said was true. I nodded
my head to answer Beauty.
Mveli:You must be filthy rich because he had owned more than 4 business in and outside the
Beauty:Let’s skip that topic because Khanyiso’s dad will be talking in business terms if we
dont leave it
We let out a laugh and Mveli was shaking his head no. I did have a nice time with them,
“they” were nice people indeed and nothing seemed fishy about them and I hope it stays like
Me:Thank you Mr and Mrs P for the invitation to have lunch with you and I need to get home
Beauty:Hawu Nthabi, you are not even staying over for some dessert that I prepared specially
for you?
Me:I can stay if you prepared it for me.
I couldn’t disappoint if a person who took their time to make something special so I decided
to stay just for Mrs P.
Beauty:Baba can you please come and help out in the kitchen?
She looked at Mveli and smile.
Mveli:With that smile I can’t say no.
He stood up and followed Beauty into the kitchen. I was left with Khanyiso.
Me:Your parents are something else in a good way though
Khanyiso:I know hey.
He pulled me closer to him and I could see he wanted a kiss badly.
Me:No! Your rents can walk in any minute from now
Khanyiso:Relax they wont. I promise
Me:Okay fine
Our lips met and I was trembling because I was afraid one of his parents would walk in and
see us in action. They may see me as a loose girl. We pulled out because the kiss was getting
damn intense and we sat properly with our hands collaborated under the table.
Mveli and Beauty came with the dessert and we started eating, it was also delicious. I decided
to offer to wash dishes but Beauty or Mveli didn’t see that happening.
Khanyiso:Dad would you please borrow me your car to take bab- sorry I mean Nthabi home?
Mveli:Take the Benz keys
Khanyiso:AMG or?
Mveli:Any of those
Khanyiso stood up and rushed to wherever he was going. I also stood up to help with the
Beauty:Nthabi my baby, thank you for agreeing to meet up with us. Sometimes it’s awkward
to your peers to have lunch with your boyfriend’s parents
Me:It’s okay ma and thank you for having me here
Beauty:You are welcome
We shared a hug together. I noticed that Mveli and Beauty had saw a daughter-in-law from
me. I mean being given the name “Nthabiseng” to everything else if you can relate to what
I’m saying.
Khanyiso:Let’s go
Me:See you again parents. Bye
I followed behind Khanyiso to the car. We went to a white Mercedes Benz AMG which was
indeed a beautiful car, Khanyiso opened the door the passanger door for me then went to his
side and drove off.
Khanyiso:Thank you for agreeing to meet up with them love
Me:It’s a pleasure babe
We shared a kiss which was passionate again. I pulled out because I knew he may be
Me:Take me home!
Khanyiso:I am.
He was playing Sphectuctula and Dj Naves featuring Zain SA x I Do
Khanyiso:”A picture tells a thousand words that I love you, I really do but there is no need
for me to say all that. I will show you that I love you, I do, I do, I do oh yes I do love you”
I was smiling to the side while listening to him sing
Me:You just one nigga who knows how to rejoice my heart in different ways
Khanyiso:And I’m happy to hear those words from you
He said that parking the car infront of the apartments.
It may sound crazy that I’m suddenly pregnant but I have been disagreeing to do the deed
with Bandile. There were times where people thought the baby may not be Bandile’s because
we never slept together but the truth was he was my baby daddy.
After the accident he was involved in and being hospitalised for close to 3 months made me
think twice. I thought what if he may never recover again? Even if he wakes up and he
decides to date another girl and leave me still holding back. I often said he was selfish but
that was wrong of me because I never told him about my family customs, well my family
always said we must make it to the age of 21 still a virgin and you will be given a car or
anything you desire.
The time when Bandile heard I was expecting, he was really amazed because we only
together once after he was released from hospital.
So it was a Saturday afternoon and I was in my flat with my best friend Nqobile Zungu
having a talk
Nqobile:Friend are you positive that’s Bandile’s child?
She placed her hand on my flat tummy and started moving her hand
Me:If it wasn’t you may have known by now!
Nqobile:But friend no. It can’t be
Why was everyone suspecting something about this baby? Even my friend for goodness’
Me:Nqobile you know I’m that person who can’t hide something forever and I have always
been loyal to Bandile ever since we started dating
Nqobile:That’s true because if another man was here I would have know
A knock came through the door and at the same time it opened. Speak of the devil and he was
there in an instance
He kissed my forehead and sat on the opposite couch
Nqobile:I must get going, see y’all around
Me:Bye friend
She took her sling bag and left. Silence filled the room
Me:What do you want? I’m tired babes
Bandile:Is it mine?
Me:What’s yours?
Bandile:The baby is it mine?
Me:Yes who else would it be?
Bandile:I don’t know maybe one of your “hidden boyfriends”
He made inverted commas in the air to symbol sarcasm. He was a bit paranoid by this baby
Me:There is no one else I have slept with besides you. Trust me on that
Bandile:Let go and take a DNA test to be sure it’s mine
I wasn’t feeling scared or anything but worried about my unborn baby being in danger
Me:Can’t you wait until it’s born?
Bandile:No I need to know now!
Me:But that may cause damage to my developing baby and I won’t be able to survive if
anything happens to it
Bandile:Nothing will happen to the damn baby. Stop being a cry-baby
Me:If anything happens just know that, I wish and pray that you will have guilt built inside of
you for killing an innocent baby
Bandile:Pheesh! Whatevers. Let’s go
I don’t think Bandile heard anything he said to me because the way he was answering was
different, very different. Following the orders summoned by Bandile I followed him with my
phone and earplugs to his car.
He started the car and drove off to the hospital. The drive was longer than I expected it would
be. Finally we arrived at the hospital and got attended by a female doctor who was Dr
Doctor:I see you decided to come again Mr Lonoko, what’s wrong?
Bandile:We came to take a DNA test for the unborn baby that she is carrying
Doctor:Wow! Don’t you want to wait until it’s born because complications may occur during
the pregnancy? The baby maybe a still-born at birth or she can have a miscarriage during the
Bandile:We understand all the problems that may happen with the child can we please do it?
Doctor:Okay Mr Lonoko, just follow me
I was quiet as a mouse just listening to them. I didn’t have the strength to fight Bandile
because I would be starting a war, we followed the doctor to a room where our blood samples
were taken. I don’t even want to explain the procedure which was done to take blood from
my baby.
Doctor:Your results will be back in a week and a letter will be delivered to your house
Bandile:Can’t we get it today? I can pay double the amount
Doctor:If you can wait for a few hours then it’s a deal
Bandile:It’s sealed
The doctor left with the blood samples and I was left with Bandile, I never knew that he can
also be evil as he is but let’s face reality all humans have two sides both good and bad. Their
won’t always stay as Angels for eternity.
Bandile:Khazimla I am not doing this to hurt you or anything it’s just I need to know
Me:You should know better than this! Bandile I have been nothing but loyal to you even
when you were in hospital. No man can take your place but hey it shows how a real jerk you
are! (Shouting)
Bandile:Please don’t talk like that.
Me:Just leave me alone. (Screaming)
I said that inserting my earplugs into my ears and I closed my eyes.

The doctor came with a brown envelope and handed it to Bandile who ripped it open. His
eyes grew wide each second he read through the letter
Bandile:Babe I’m so so sorry for not believing you. Please forgive me
If it wasn’t his baby Bandile wouldn’t have said that. So it’s offical he is the father of my
Me:I need time to think about me forgiving you
Doctor:Let me leave both of you and the transaction happened Mr Lonoko
Bandile nodded and the Doctor left.
Me:Can I please have the car keys?
Bandile:Can we talk about this?
Me:There is nothing to talk about. What is done is done.
I could see he wanted to shed a tear but I cared less about him and his sorry statements. I was
torn inside I couldn’t believe my own boyfriend would think I may have cheated on him but
this was every challenge that life came with and I need to endorse that for the sake of my
unborn baby..

part 34 a poisoned soul

It felt like this Saturday afternoon wasn’t going to end anytime soon, I didn’t feel like going
to relax by the beach even though it was just a walking-distance from the apartments. I
couldn’t contact Thandazwa because of her losing her cellphone and also Amangele(My
other friend if you don’t remember) who was busy being a mom to her child and also
Khanyiso who was unable to keep me company because of being unavailable. He didn’t say
that no but that what I had pictured in my head.
I was sitting on the couch and I was watching some reality shows while eating popcorn, I
heard the door slam open and close at the same time that made me jump a little. Waiting for a
few minutes, Bandile appeared from the kitchen holding a 125g of Simba Chips (Creamy
Cheddar) in his hands and threw himself on the opposite couch next to mine. I knew the way
he was eating the chips something was up! I noticed that those are every person’s chips which
calm them done especially in time of distress. You may chuckle a little but it’s true! He didn’t
greet or anything, maybe I was just a ghost in his flat!
Me:So I’m invisible?
He looked at me then back at the television. I switched it off because I was tired of Bandile’s
Him:Duude! Why did you do that for?!
Me:You didn’t even say a word! What’s wrong?
Bandile:Nothing and please switch on the t.v
Me:No way! First tell me what’s going on?
Him:It’s too dramatic and may be upsetting to hear
I rolled my eyes because my life was also full of drama
Me:Just start talking!
Him:Okay fine! Did I tell you Khazimla is pregnant? So today, I went over to her crib and we
started arguing
He was lying. No one will just start arguing without a reason.
Me:That ain’t even close to being true
Him:Fine! I made her take a DNA test just to know if the baby is mine or not
My mind was just twisted. I didn’t even know what to say next.
Him:We took a DNA test while the baby is still developing okay?
Me:What? Do you know complications may occur during sis’Khazimla’s pregnancy?!
What’s wrong with you?
Him:How do you know?
Me:I will answer you later! But bro that was just being a complete idiot
Bandile:Don’t make me feel bad as I already am.
Me:That’s good to hear!
He slowly suckled like a baby. But I didn’t care because he treated a lady bad and I can’t just
keep quiet with my big mouth that I have.
Bandile:Go and pack your bags we are going to EC tomorrow
Me:So soon?
Him:Yes I need to have a fresh start okay?
Me:I hear you so let me go
Him:And I will prepare dinner
I rushed upstairs because the dinner was on Bandile and I had to just pack my things. I started
to hesitate because I didn’t know what would happen when I’m in Queenstown but things
will/can go smooth that side.
You may find it weird that Khazimla is pregnant also did I. Some of my friends were already
telling me to leave her because she doesn’t want to get screwed but I knew one day she may
come to her senses. I loved Khazimla with my all but somethings were left to be in the dark,
she wasn’t the main cause of my accident. I remember being told that I didn’t stop at the
robots and a massive truck hit my car, doctors were actually starnished that I survived that
Let me get back to where I believe Khazimla may have became pregnant. It was just a fine
day and I decided to take a drive then ended up at Bae’s apartment. Okay fine, we were
sitting in the living room talking about things with our bodies physically engaged together
and we played with our fingers.
Babe:You know when you I thought you were never going to make it
Me:What do you mean by that?
Her:You lying in that hospital bed and you looked helpless for 3 months and looking helpless
it just broke my heart that we may never see each other again
Me:But babe you know I’m made of steel but look on the bright side, I’m alive still with you
I cupped her face in my head while perking her lips
Her:I know and it made me realise that I love and need you in my life. You also the best thing
that happened to me and please always know that
Me:Why are you sounding like a person is going to die soon?
Her:Uphambene Bandile. I can’t die so early
Me:You will get punished for calling me crazy!
She let out a chuckle and stood up
Her:I would like to see that happening! (She pushed her lips together)
Me:This will happen!
I started chasing her around the flat and caught her while picking her up in my arms. We
suprised ourselves when our lips made a delicate sensation with our tongues embracing every
single moment we had together, I let her stand on her feet while slowly squeezing her butt
and she was letting out sweet little moans.
I started moving her and I to her room while kissing of course, our clothes went flying off
from our bodies. We got to got to her room and I rested her on the bed teasing her skirt off,
Khazimla seemed to be enjoying the moment because there was no “Bandile I’m not ready
for this”, “We shouldn’t do this it’s a sin (She was a true Christian and always respected her
body if I may be specific)”.
Me:Are you ready for this?
Khazimla:Won’t you stop with the questions? Please
I guess I will take that as a yes maybe, we unbuckled my belt with my jean dropping on the
floor. I seperated her legs while getting in between them, I took off her bra then started
playing with her tits she was enjoying herself from the way she moved her body. Moving
down from her breasts I slowly made circles around her cookie and she was already
stretching my back with her nails.
That was just the beginning, after doing those sections. My gun was already erecting and I
removed my boxers then slowly inserted myself. I started with the basics which was going up
and down and males would agree, I made sure I reached every corner in her.
Her:Ahh Bandile! Please pull out!
She was squeezing my hand tight and a tear escaped from her eyes
Me:The pain will ease just be patient for me
Her:Ahh, I- will t-ry!
Pain was written all over her face I know it was pain and all that every human being will
eventually have to do it. After the second round I didn’t pull out and Khazimla was trying all
she could to remove me from her because she was in deep, intense pain and I removed
Khazimla:We are never doing this again!
Me:But babe-
She cut me off
Khazimla:Shh let’s just sleep okay
She pecked my lips then closed my eyes, it was a day I marked in the calender. I never knew
she may also change her heart and understand me but anything would eventually happen with
my Sweetness.
I hope we found out what made Khazimla to carry my child and to tell the trurh it was

part 35 a poisoned soul

The day came and we were ready to hit the road. I was a bit overwhelmed and that’s when
everything started to flash back, I couldn’t retain myself but Bandile was there giving out
courageous words like “Nothing will happen to you” “Nonzame has changed and I promise
you my entire life that nothing will harm you”. We loaded our luggage into the trunk and we
drove off, so I put on my earphones because sitting in one position in the car was literally
boring. So I looked at Bandile with something spinning around my head.
Me:You know your situation with Khazimla is still spinning around my head
Bandile:You still there? I thought we closed that subject
Me:Yes we did but I’m still confused how you would think the baby is not yours?
He sighed and shook his head then looked at me and quickly back on the road
Bandile:It’s a long story
Me:And we will be stuck together for hours in this car so I suggest you start speaking
Bandile:Okay here we go, when I was hospitalized Khazimla was seen with a man around
town they have been seen together more than 4 times at a restuarant and Khazimla climbing
out of his car
Me:So you digested that they were having an affair or something?
Bandile:Yes why would I?
I clapped my hands.
Me:What if it was her brother? Friend? Come on Bandile
Him:So you understand why I had mixed up feelings about this?
Me:Yes I do understand where you come from and please do me a favour by supporting the
child. We have a lot of money I mean R2 million it’s too much!
Bandile:I know hey but Dad had too much money to sustain him but couldn’t take care of his
own daughter and I don’t want to follow in his footsteps
That teared me up in my inside but it was the honest truth and I couldn’t run away from it. I
cleared my throat and started talking
Me:You know I received a call yesterday from some lady telling me she is going to pull a
revenge on us and get Marvin’s(my dad) businesses
Bandile:I don’t believe it, I also got the same call from a lady. I don’t even think I have the
strength to be fighting for those businesses
I held his hand which was on the gear box
Me:You have to, we both have to. We must secure the Lonoko legacy and let no one take
control besides us
Him:I think you have already forseen the future of the businesses
Me:Especially The Eat I have
Bandile:That’s good.
We continued talking especially about the businesses and we did some stops at garages. My
phone was ringing and luckily Bandile was buying take-aways from Steers and the caller was
Khanyiso and I answered.
Me:KayPee dear
Him:My love how are you?
Me:I’m fine thanks and you?
Him:Where are you? I would like for us to go out and catch a movie
Me:I can’t babe I’m out of town but thanks for the offer
Him:No! Dad was even kind by allowing us to use his car
Me:That’s sweet of him but I can’t babe
Him:I know munchkins have a safe trip okay and I love you
Me:I love you too
We made kiss sounds over the phone and hung up. Who knew love was something ever
wonderful to find in human kind? I mean I could see a future with Khanyiso. So Bandile
came with the food and we got back on the road.
We finally arrived in Queenstown then took another hour to the village, we got the and
people were staring at us maybe they were not used to seeing a car like that passing by. So we
got to Nonzame’s yard and one thing that never changed where chickens roaming around the
yard. So Bandile stopped his car and we got off, Anovuyo came racing to us. She seemed
more thinner than before
Anovuyo:Why didn’t you say you were coming this side?
Bandile:We decided yesterday to come this side
Anovuyo:Okay. Mom is the house let’s go
We followed behind her and the house was a degrading scenery I don’t think the girls were
doing any work around the house. Nonzame was resting on the carpet and was so thin like
she was having something
She raised her head and her eyes had pushed back on their sockets and she was really thin
Nonzame:Siziphiwe? Bandile?
She tried standing up but failed and we hugged her while she was sitting on the carpet
Nonzame:Why didn’t you say you where coming?
Me:We just wanted it to be a suprise
Nonzame:That’s nice and you all grown up, I missed you
Bandile:Really did you?
Me:Bandile don’t start please
Nonzame:I did and I have been really sick
You could tell by the way she was trembling
Me:What’s wrong?
Nonzame:HIV has been the problem, I found out two weeks ago that I’m in stage three and
it’s has already multiplied in my body
Bandile:Who could have given it to you?
Nonzame:A man that I was seeing after Dumani and I thought he was sent from Heaven but
he was actually a rapist from Limpopo and was running away from police
She took a sip from her water which was next to her and I was devistated at the site
Nonzame:The doctor even said I may die soon and I need to come clean of things I did in the
past. I would need everyone to gather around so we can talk.
That’s one thing I dislike of people that their days are outnumbered on Earth. I mean trauma,
hatred and fear will be casted out and I’m not in the rightful position to stand that
Bandile:Should I call the others to come?
Nonzame:I would really appreciate that
Bandile stood up from the sofa to call the girls and I was quite. They came and Nonzame
started talking.
Nonzame:Siziphiwe my child, there is something I need to tell you. I’m not your biological
My whole world just froze and the sentence Nonzame kept repeating in my ears. Everyone
told me about this but I never listened! Why does it have to be me?

part 36 a poisoned soul

I listened to Nonzame speak and no word was able to escape from my mouth because of a
lump blocking my throat. I was surronded with Bandile’s embrace around me which were his
arms wrapped around me.
Nonzame:I was going to sell you to a sangoma (traditional healer) so we could get money.
But that didn’t happen because your brother got into the middle and we couldn’t proceed with
I just froze did she hate me that much she actually do that? But I wasn’t shock by that
Nonzame was capable of doing those, tears were just streaming out of my eyes
Me:What did I ever do to you that you would sell your husband’s daughter your own child?
She just looked at me with the “I’m sorry” expression
Bandile:Are you even a relative to us?
She shook her head no. I stood up ready to leave the living room
Nonzame:Where are you going? I must finish telling you this
Me:I need fresh air. I can’t even breathe
Bandile:Just sit down!
I sat down as soon as Bandile said “sit down”
Nonzame:As I was saying, I’m not even close being a relative. I was a woman that your
father asked to take care of you while he was outside the country
Me:But I don’t get why you decided to mistreat me like that!
Nonzame:Sizi, I was adviced by a friend that I should do this to you after your dad and I get
married which seemed to be sucessful
Bandile:So you trying to say that, you and dad were married?
Nonzame:Yes we were
Me:Then when did you start dating Dumani?
Her:We were not even dating, he was paying me to sleep with you and it was good money
coming in. I couldn’t say no because your dad left us penny-less.
Me:Wow! So he didn’t want anything to do with me?
Nonzame quickly held my hand and I let her be
Her:Hey it’s not like that
Me:Then what is it?
Her:Your biological mother was planning to kill you and your father, I think they had a
territory fight about their businesses.
Now that was beyond crazy! My own mom attempting to murder me? Some human creatures
can be mysterious to unravel. Tears were playing a huge role in my space and I couldn’t
control them
Bandile:Do you know anything about the curse?
Nonzame:I don’t even want to talk about that! I was also the person who promoted the curse
and I even regret doing that to you
I clapped my hands and wiped my tears then stared deep into her eyes
Me:I think you are the devil in the flesh I’m done listening to this depressing ish.
I removed myself from Bandile and started running from the lounge to reach the outside. I
was hurt like deeply hurt, firstly my own mom would even want to kill me. Nonzame is not
even scared to confess that she had laid a hand in the dreadful events happening in my life but
she finally came out clean. I looked around trying to find a spot where I could hide and I
heard Bandile calling me countless, I had to find a place where I could escape the reality of
I saw a quiet place which was situated outside the yard and I hid there. Listening to my
music, tears were speaking for me and they didn’t even give me a break.
Voice:So this is also your hiding place?
I looked up and there was this chocolate skinned guy standing upon me.
Me:I just saw it today
Guy:Why would a beautiful girl be sitting alone, crying?
He sat next to me and wiped tears from my eyes
Me:I need to just cry
Guy:If you say so, I’m Tshepo and you are?
Me:Siziphiwe (we shook hands) so you also come here?
Tshepo:Yes, when I’m stressed or in need to be alone
Me:Can relate
We were talking until I heard Anovuyo and Simamkele calling out my name. They saw me
with Tshepo and suddenly Sima started going crazy I think she was crushing on Tshepo
because he was a hot guy
Anovuyo:We have been texting, calling and doing all measures to get you but nothing
Me:I just needed some time alone
Simamkele:Let’s go home guys at least try to reconciliate with mom
Me:If I will be able to do so
Anovuyo:Please do so
Tshepo:That’s my cue to leave you. See you around ladies
He disappeared into thin air and I was left with the girls
Simamkele:Let’s go home please
Me:Okay fine
They helped me stand up and we walked home, I was feeling a bit happy at least I was talking
to the girls.
We got home I could smell food being cooked from outside the yard. We got in and Nonzame
was trying all she could dish up helped by Bandile, we know that sometimes following
friends can sometimes result in bad conseques after and I was willing to forgive her.
Nonzame:Everyone sit down and let’s eat
We did as commanded, I wasn’t going to hold grudges forever and I needed to forgive
Nonzame no matter what.
We started talking to a point where everyone was expressing their feelings which was
theramatic for me.
Nonzame:I would like to take this opportunity and say, Siziphiwe I’m very sorry for the way
I treated you. I hope yoi find it in your heart to forgive.
Should I forgive her? But I think I have made my mind on that! But again, could her apology
close all exposed wounds?
part 37 a poisoned soul
I came to a point where I decided to forgive Nonzame because it won’t solve anything if I
hold grudges against her forever and that will also affect my well-being, so I woke up the
next day with a spinning head I think it was the effects of crying. Bandile was sleeping on the
floor while I slept on the single bed, I went to brush my teeth outside and I heard
Simamkele’s son Khaniyole calling me
Him:Abiza makhuyu! (Grandma is calling you!)
He pulled my pyjama to the direction of the main house. I picked him up and placed him in
my arms, I have a soft spot for babies also very crazy about them
Me:Asambe (let’s go).
He was talking all things I couldn’t even hear which are not even close to being typed here.
So I went to attend Nonzame because she was the one calling me. I went to her room and sat
on the chair which was next to the dresser.
Nonzame:Morning dear, I just want to tell you everything about the curse from where it
Me:I would be delitated to hear that
She slowly sighed and sat up straight because she had been facing the ceiling.
Nonzame:This all started when your father and I got married, I was told to secure my
marriage by being sarcamised so we could have a tight relation together and if one of us
cheats he or she will forever be cursed. About two to three years in our marriage, we started
having fights and losing trust in each other that’s when he started having mistresses.
Me:Okay but how does it involve me?
Nonzame:Wait! We will get there, as I was saying he started having mistresses where he
would lie by saying. “I have a business conference to attend to” but he was actually going out
to see your biological mother that you and Bandile share. So he first came with Bandile
claiming that it’s just his sister’s son and he will have a better education this side and I knew
something was wrong but I didn’t mind that. To you it was different, he actually agreed that
you were his own child and if I don’t accept that I’m out.
Me:Wow! So he was actually saying you can leave if you don’t want me?
Her:Excatly, two months passed and my family came to visit us in the Free State. My mother
didn’t even try to understand that you were his child and told us that the curse that was
suppose to happen to Marvin will actually be transfered to you and Marvin must die if that
happens. I didn’t want anything to happen to you or your father because I had accept you
Siziphiwe as my own daughter and I loved you with my all.
Nonzame had teary eyes and I was that kind of person who doesn’t like seeing others hurt
Me:So I’m carrying dad’s sins as my own?
She nodded and that broke my heart into pieces
Me:What will happen to me with this curse?
Nonzame:The curse comes with a lot of challenges like if you are married you will constantly
have fights, you may even go to an extent where you even want to seperate and somehow it
destroys everything and everyone you love.
Now that was beyond worse it was hectic! I won’t be to handle everything like this no! I
won’t be able to!
Me:Is the anyway I can fight it or just anything to remove it?
Nonzame:I’m sorry to say this sadly it will be around until you die but remember you can
overcome it
Me:How? How can I overcome this shit?!
I was really pissed and I don’t think I had myself quite clearly that I had sworn to an elder
Nonzame:If you trust the Lord anything is possible. If you go to the Bible and read from
Romans 8 verse 26 to 27 where it says “In the same way the Spirit also comes to help us,
weak as we are. For we do not know how we ought to pray; the Spirit himself pleads with
God for us in groans that words cannot express. And God, who sees into our hearts, knows
what the thought of Spirit is; because the Spirit pleads with God in behalf of his people and in
accordance with his will”. What I mean is that prayer is the only weapon that can help you
overcome the impossible and if you just kneel and pour your heart everything will be
accomplished for you.
Me:But I’m still confused in what to do! I don’t know what to do next. I feel defeated but
there is something courageous inside of me, saying “I shouldn’t give up, I should continue
moving ahead”
Nonzame:Yes my child, follow that and anything will be possible
Me:As much as I hate to say this but something in within you is very special, yes you may
have hurt me in different ways but I know you didn’t mean to
Nonzame:And I strongly agree that I may have treated you badly but remember I chose to
follow the wrong way and now I’m getting punished for that
I didn’t know what to say because I was seeing a different side of Nonzame which was fully
covered by the bad
Her:Go and eat because I can sense you are hungry, please always know this that tomorrow
may come with something else and know that I never meant to hurt you. Yes you will think
I’m crazy for saying this but I always loved you but with my family behind me everything
just crumbled into something I lost control of and I say again, I love all of you.
I just didn’t know what to say is Nonzame going to die soon? What is happening to her? Why
the sudden change of heart?
People may hate and dislike me, but to tell you the truth I hate myself more. I really let
myself down, following the wrong deeds and forgetting that I was putting myself at risk was
one thing on top of another. I always loved Siziphiwe with my all but I had to obey the rules
summoned by my mom because I came from a royal family where I was a princess and my
mother was a Queen. I always remember when my mother used to shout at me and say.
Mom:I told you this was no man for you. All he knows is running around searching for new
Me:But mom you don’t understand because you don’t want to
Mom:Make me understand!
Me:I love that man even though he may hurt me alot but I love him and his kids.
That’s where everything turned into lemons for me. Following the redulations of my mother I
was the one who got tangled in the spider web, after the process of killing Marvin the curse
was swang to Siziphiwe. I couldn’t do anything but just regret listening to my mother. I got
disowned at home and I had to step down as the princess just for killing a person but I was
told to do so, I eventually turned into a monster and anger build up in me. I made Siziphiwe a
slave, let her be touched by a man who paid to sleep with her just to give back revenge to her
for causing problems in my family and marriage but I didn’t think straught why I did that.
All of that turned against me and I met with the country’s most wanted criminal, serial rapist
and murderer but not knowing I was getting punished. He infected me with the disease which
is HIV also an STD and I found out too late that I had been affected. The money I had wasn’t
enough to buy me the ARV’S because I also had to set aside money to buy groceries to
sustain us because none of my kids were having jobs. But I also agree the slow, painful death
was the right way to die because I had caused a lot of emotional abuse to someone’s child.
That very second when Siziphiwe left the room, I felt relieved like something had been
holding me back. I felt my body shutting down on me, my eyes slowly closing on me and I
knew it was the end of my journey. This was there last breath of my life before I could leave
everything behind.
Goodbye world, goodbye life and goodbye everything.

part 38 a poisoned soul

•Short Insert•
I decided to leave Nonzame because hunger was driving me, I warmed the leftovers from last
night’s dinner then I started eating while I was drinking my Rooibos tea. Khaniyole
(Simamkele’s son) came in crying, he wasn’t dirty to indicate he had fallen or anything like
Me:Khan what’s up?
The child just continued crying and I put him in arms. I took the spoon which was full of food
and took it to his mouth, he hit the spoon with his hand. He wasn’t hungry or anything but
just crying, Bandile came in breathing heavily into the kitchen and started talking to me.
Bandile:And then? Problem here?
Me:I don’t even know he just came in crying and I tried all I could but nothing
Bandile:Let me try my magic!
He took Khan to his embrace and started hushing him but also the same resulted the same
Me:I should go and ask Nonzame because we are both clueless
Bandile:That would be a great idea.
As I said the word “Nonzame”, he started from the top and that worried me because I didn’t
know what made him do that. There more I went closer to reach Nonzame’s room, my heart
started beating fast but I didn’t mind that because there are times where the heart just beats
fast. I got into the room and she was sleeping, I started shaking her but no response from her.
I felt her pulse but nothing, what’s wrong with her? Is she dead? My anxiety levels started
going up
Me:Bandile! Please help! Bandile!
Him not responding made matters worse, I may sound paranoid but seeing a corpse ain’t no
fun at all. Instead of Bandile walking it was Anovuyo
Ano:And then?
I pointed at Nonzame then placed my hands back to cover my mouth
Me:She is dead-gone!
Ano:You just bluffing, mom is not dead please
She moved to my side then felt her pulse on her neck and arm. Her facial expression showed
something was wrong.
Ano:Mom no! You can’t leave us we still need you
Tears were also weeping out of her eyes and she couldn’t retain herself from all the pain she
was feeling. I slowly started to rub her back as she laid her head on Nonzame
Me:Ssh! Ano we are going to get through this a family believe me
Her:How can I? The is nothing to fight for now. She is gone forever
Me:Don’t say that! We still have her by spirit and she will forever be with us
Bandile walked in as I comforted Anovuyo who was crying so hard I was at a point which
was my heart breaking into a billion micro-pieces which can never be seen
Bandile:Why are you crying? Or you are also following Khan?
Ano:Mom is dead!
Bandile:Never she can’t be
He placed sleeping Khan into my arms and went to investigate by himself to check Nonzame.
And his jaw dropped, I guess it was shock that filled the room
Ano:Has Simamkele heard about this?
I shook my head no.
Bandile:We should try calling her
Me:I will do that
Ano:Bandile we must search for a diary that mom said she left behind to check if anything
happens to her
Bandile:I will be more than happy to help
Ano:And Sizi please go and call Sima okay?
Me:Okay I will do
I walked to the living room with Khan sleeping his pure innocence on my shoulder and I
started calling his mom which immediately went to voicemail
Me:Mama is not answering her phone I wonder why?
I tried again but it still went to voicemail, where could Simamkele be?
As I continued waiting for Sima’s text or call, Ano and Bandile came into the living room.
Ano started dialling on her then placed the phone on his phone
Me:Did you find it?
Bandile:Yes! Did you get Simamkele?
Me:It goes straight to voicemail
Bandile:She will come
We kept quiet while listening to Anovuyo talk on the phone with this anonymous person we
didn’t know, just like that a loud cry came from Ano were her cellphone slide down from her
ear and that made me jump a little because I didn’t think she would do that.
I joined Anovuyo but I didn’t know why she was crying. For me, it was that momdnt were I
just let everything out even bottled up emotions I had.
Bandile:Girls don’t do this to me! At least one of you must cry not both
We didn’t answer him but continued crying, I don’t know why the world is so cruel? That
moment were you are suppose to be building a relationship with someone that’s when
everything falls apart. I was damn read to forgive and start a mother-daughter relationship
with Nonzame but her journey has ended. Simamkele walked in looked on flick as always
and she could sense the tension around us
Sima:And then? All the sudden cries? What’s wrong?
I exhaled
Me:How am I going to put this to you?
Ano:Mom is dead like gone forever
Sima:No haha you must be joking right?
Ano:Do you see us laughing?
Bandile:No Anovuyo
Ano:But does she see us laughing?
Wasting no time listening to Anovuyo throw tantrums she went to Nonzame’s room and she
cried from high-pitch, we went to check on her and she was softly slapping Nonzame to wake
Me:It wont work Simamkele, she is gone forever
Her:No she can’t not now while I need her, I still depend on her
Ano:We will have each other to rely on
Sima:Don’t tell me that bull! Help me wake mom up!
Bandile:Okay Simamkele, we told you Nonzame is no more and we can’t do anything to
revive her
She turned over to Bandile’s side and started hitting Bandile’s chest, he let her be
Sima:How will I survive without her huh? It literally hurts to be told your mom is no more,
have you ever expreienced that?!
Ano:But we will survive after everything including the help from Uncle Sam
Us:Who is that now?
Ano:The person I called to tell about mom’s passing, he said the mortuary people are on they
way to collect mom
Sima:I just need some air. Excuse me?
Me:Will you be fine?
She left the room and disappeared into the kitchen. I covered Nonzame’s body with a white
sheet after kissing her on the forehead and I followed the guys into the living room.
Me:Can you tell us about “Uncle Sam”?
Ano:He said that he is mom’s brother and they are part of a royal family, he and the other
family relatives will come this side by tomorrow morning
Bandile:At least we have a support system behind us
Ano:Yep I just hope and pray it works out for us
Me:I hope so too..
Will it really work? We better hope Simamkele doesn’t do anythibg to hurt herself, don’t we
hope so?

part 39 a poisoned soul

The gusty wind blew to my direction making my skirt blow and my hair move up a little. I
was suppose to be in the prayer meeting with Bandile and Anovuyo with the church ladies
listening to their courageous words speaking to our broken hearts played with sweet misery
spirits revived once again. I was not used to church vibes because I think that may be my
problem to sit and listen to the women preaching. I was in another universe thinking about
everything happening in my life. I came back to the senses of this world when my phone
started beeping and it was a text message from Khanyiso.
Him:”Babe I know I haven’t contacted you in a while so please pick up your phone when I
I found myself laughing because I even forgot I have a boyfriend lately my mind has been
occupied with reality. I just deleted the message. I needed to have my space and let no one
interrupt it. It was getting close to sunset so I started to look for Simamkele. I was starting to
get worried because she was not answered her cell for a couple of times, I loved her as my
friend but cared for her as my sister. I saw the flat door slightly opened and I made my way
I saw Simamkele lying on the floor with her arms stretched out. I decided to walk from the
door to check if she was okay.
White foam was slowly coming out of her mouth and a yellow box was in her hand, I took it
from her.
Me:Rat killer! Works in under 5 minutes! What? Come on Simamkele! Not now!
I felt her pulse and it was still beating. I raced from the flat to the house to notify Bandile and
Anovuyo who were making tea and biscuits.
Ano:She finally decides to show up
Me:Simamkele fed herself poison in the flat!
Bandile:Woah woah! What? Did i hear correctly? Poison?!
Me:Yes white foam is coming from her mouth!
Bandile:That’s not good! At all! Let me take her to the hospital ASAP
Ano:I will come with!
Ano:I need to she is my sister! If I lose her what will I do?
I took her into my arms and comforted her.
Me:Don’t think of the negatives just for once and focus your mind more on the positives
nothing will happen to Simamkele. Bandile get Sima to the hospital now!
Bandile:On my way.
Anovuyo lost her balance and fell on the floor then hit the floor with her bums. I quickly
went to give her my embrace to show that I care for her.
Me:Calm down okay? Just fix yourself before these women start wondering what’s wrong.
Be a good girl for your mom wherever she is please. Do me this one favour.
Ano:And you know how nosy they can be!
We laughed then I wiped her tears and helped her up.
Ano:Let go and give them these snacks
We took the trays and walked to the living room to serve the ladies. We sat down and listened
to them talk about how a good member of a community Nonzame was. Only if they knew
what used to happen behind closed doors. But hey! As they say forgive and forget so
everything can fade away, I had to follow that.
So the ladies finally left. Ano and I went to prepare supper then a knock came through the
door, what was quite unusual because it was already starting to get dark outside.
Me:Who could it be?
Ano shrugged her arms. The knock intensed and I moved to her side.
Ano:We have only one option
She slowly took out a knife from the drawer and looked at me. I just chuckled and I went by
the door with Anovuyo who put the knife behind her back and nodded. It felt like a comedy
filled with action scenes in a movie because everything was directed and prepared like we
knew it would happen.
I opened the door and a tall guy was leaning against the door latch.
Me:Hello can I help you?
He took out his earplugs and our eyes locked, he was familiar to a person I know but I
couldn’t say who.
Guy:Is bhut’Bandile around? Wai- Siziphiwe?
Me:Do I know you? Wait a sec- Tshepo?
Him:Yes are you related to Bhut’Bandile?
Me:Yes he is my brother
Ano:Are we safe?
Me:Yeah, you can go and place it in the draw.
She took the knife and placed it on top of the counter
Tshepo:So I was going to get killed? Oh my word! Chicks of today! *Laughing*
Ano:If you attacked us then you would
We laughed and Bandile’s car pulled over in front of the house. He came out and made his
way to the house, he greeted Tshepo then they went to sit down.
I wonder what did Tshepo and Bandile have in relation?
So we dished up and started eating including Tshepo. The night proceeded and I guess we
forgot all the life problems expect Sima who was dancing on our heads.
Tshepo:Ladies thanks for the dinner and have a good night
Us:Thank you
Bandile accompanied him to the door and silence filled the living room only the television
switched on made most of the noise. So Bandile came in and sat down then started talking.
Bandile:Sima has been admitted in hospital and I left the doctors running tests on her but
tomorrow we must go and see her
Ano:But why would she do this to us especially this time?
Me:The child is suffering from depression I think all her problems multiplied into one
including Nonzame passing made matters worse on top of that
Ano:I understand that but at least she must have thought about us before doing that crap!
She was getting emotional you could analyse from the way she was speaking to us.
Bandile:Let’s not judge nor get emotional here, let’s just be strong for one another including
Sima and everything will work out. We must be ready to face Nonzame’s family tomorrow
morning as one to show that we love each other
He reached out for our hands.
Ano:If we do so then I will 110% relate to it
Bandile:That’s all I wanted to hear. Let’s just pray.
We bowed down and Bandile prayed then we continued watching television and luckily Sima
had taken Khaniyole to his father before she did her stunt.
Ano:I’m going to sleep guys.
Me:I will join you too
Bandile:And I will be left alone?
Ano:Yeah! You the only guy
Bandile:Let’s stop before we start each other okay?
Ano:And we better.
I went to the room and changed into my pyjamas then tucked into bed, making all the day’s
problems disappear like a dream behind for yersterday.
I could sense forgiveness was making a lot of changes around the house and that’s the only
thing to sustain relationships. I found myself drifting into the reality of life and I dozed off
like a small baby…

part 40 a poisoned soul

The following day I went to visit Simamkele at the hospital with Anovuyo. Bandile had
borrowed us his car so we wouldn’t take the taxis but I didn’t get the concept because what if
traffic go hold of us? But luckily they were not around.
I drove to the hospital at least I didn’t stretch nor bump the car in anyway. So we got to the
hospital and made our way to Simamkele’s ward because Bandile had given us the ward
“Is it already visiting hours?” I asked Anovuyo because she seemed more determined to see
her sister.
Ano:I think so but it’s a public hospital, I don’t such speculations are taken seriously
Me:If you say so, okay I guess
She didn’t mind me but continued walking through the long corridor which felt like it was
leading no where.
Ano:I think this is her ward. B5F6
Me:I agree with you
We went inside the ward and there she with her body laid on the bed with her head tilted
side-way of her pillow. Sima looked up I think she sensed our presence in the ward
Sima:Hi guys
Okay that was a bit cold from my side but if a person is having her mood swings I can’t really
clarify how I felt about that.
Ano:But why? Why did you have to eat the rat killer? Are you a rat?
Sima:I thought it would make me die and everything would be fine
Ano:You are talking nonsense, you are saying eating a rat killer will help?
Sima:Yes! It would have done a great job for me. And it would have been less problems
created for you!
Ano:That would have caused more problems for us! Double the catering for the funeral,
twice the money for caskets and now you are telling me that it would have been less
I didn’t even know what to say because if I had to say something the girls would have came
after me but I let them until I got tired of them yelling at each other.
Me:Okay! Would you shut up the both of you please!
Sima:Miss Goody-Two-Shoes has decided to speak now!
Me:Simamkele please, would you just stop being childish?
Ano:Yes! Tell her!
Me:You too Anovuyo!
They kept quiet and I started talking.
Me:Sima telling us your death wouldn’t have caused problems you sure are leaving in
another planet. If you had died who would have taken care of Khaniyole? The spiritual you?
His dad? Just give me a clue
Silence was the response I got from her.
Me:And you Anovuyo, can’t you see Simamkele is suffering from depression mixed with
anger? She still needs time to heal but I’m not saying killing yourself is a brilliant idea but at
least you should have considered talking to us. Please don’t pull another like that again
Ano:Sure she won’t
Sima:She wasn’t talking to you or are you the new Simamkele?
Ano was already on her way to slap Sima but I quickly stopped her
Me:Woah-Woah! Won’t you guys make peace? Why are you having such a rival like this?
Sima:I won’t rest until she tells the truth about the her daughter Likhuwe
Ano:Don’t you even dare go that road again
Sima:Try me I will
Me:Hello? I’m a bit lost here
Anovuyo came to stand in front of me and started talking
Ano:It is not true and believe me when I say that
Me:What’s not true?! Believe what?!
Sima:My baby daddy is her daughter’s father! They went intimate when I was pregnant with
It’s going to be one long day in this hospital ward!
The girls went to visit Sima at the hospital and I borrowed them the car. I had faith they
wouldn’t do anything to it more especially stretch or crash it. I was in the house preparing for
Nonzame’s royal family to arrive but I didn’t believe she was a princess. My friend Tshepo
helping me out as friends would do for each other.
Tshepo and I go way back when I would visit this side during weekends, we had that “bro”
relationship. He also helped me meditate everying into history.
As we were sitting inside the house, I heard cars pull over and people ululate. So Tshepo and
I went to check it out, you would think a minister or president had arrived in our house as
body guards surrounded the cars and yard.
Everyone started to bow down when a lady around her 50 or 60’s stepped out of a BMW X7
also did Tshepo but I didn’t.
Tshepo:Bow down you idioit!
Tshepo:This is our Goddess, Queen of the Mohadi clan also the acting chief of this village.
Show some respect towards her!
Me:I ain’t going to do that man! I’m also own King and Chief of my palace so please!
He pulled down as their “Goddess” passed down the trail made by us bowing with a walking
next to her followed by some eldey man. They stood by the door which was leading into the
Guard:Silence in the crowd.
Everyone kept quiet, you would even hear a pin drop. The “Queen” started talking
Her:Good morning people of Lubusi, I’m here today to send my goodbye Nonzame who we
all know has left us yesterday. I would like her children to come upfront please.
Her voice sounded like an Angel sent from disguise. So I stood up and made my way towards
Me:Your command is accomplished your Majesty
Her:Raise up your head young man so I can see your face.
I raised up my head.
Her:Marvin Lonoko’s perfect potrait is drawn on you
Me:Yes Your Honour, that’s because I’m his son
Queen:The man who betrayed my daughter into a marriage which was built upon lies! Sies,
you repulse me!
Man:Sister that’s not how you speak to a child especially as a Queen
Her:Was I talking to you? Mind your own business Sam!
Oh it was Uncle Sam that Anovuyo was talking about?
Sam:No wonder your kids don’t follow your footsteps you are just one controlling freak.
Queen:Tell everyone to go home because things are about to go down!
She sure was right it was going to be one long damn day with this royal family with the
Almighty Bandile “Bandz” Lonoko involved!
As I continued trying to unravel the puzzle the girls brought to the table was mission
impossible. I didn’t get it why sisters would betray each other like that? I mean my sister is
sleeping with my boyfriend but she knows we are having a child?! It’s crazy to even imagine!
Me:So you telling me that Khan’s dad can be possibly be Likuwe’s dad also?
Ano:Sizi listen to me! I would never do that to my sister! This guy got upset when I regretted
him when he said he needed someone to take home from then on he spread rumours about me
and him
Sima:You lying thing! You know excatly you were clinging your paws onto him
Ano:I would never do that to you! You can even take a DNA test
Me:No one is taking any DNA tests here. Sima are you sure that this guy is telling the truth?
Sima:Why wouldn’t he d- ahh!
Ano:What’s wrong?
She started to make more pain sounds in the ward but nothing showed signs of problems
Me:We should call a doctor
Sima:No,no,no there is no need for that!
Ano:But blood is coming out between your legs!
And yes blood was coming out of her and it was becoming serious more and more.
Ano:I’m getting a doctor ASAP!
She ran out the ward. Blood was coming from her and she kept pressing her belly to indicate
pain was coming from that place.
Anovuyo came with some nurses and doctors who rushed to Simamkele
Me:What may be the problem doc?
Doctor:She may be in the process of having a miscarriage!
What? Miscarriage? Simamkele?
As I say again, “it’s going to be one long day”!

part 41 a poisoned soul

We sat in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to give us update on Sima. Anovuyo was
pacing up and down while my phone was creating another disturbing noise in my pocket.
Anovuyo:Won’t you pick up that freakin’ phone?
Me:Okay geez I will
Ano:Thank you
She held her hand on her forehead while pacing up and down in front of me. I answered the
call and it was Bandile calling me.
Him:Come back now! We are leaving!
Me:What do you mean leaving? We are going back to Cape Town?
Him:Where else would we go to?
Me:I can’t leave the hospital. Simamkele is being examined here
Him:I don’t care about that just come back with the damn car so we can go
Me:Sorry to disrespect you but I can’t
I hung up and switched my phone off. I couldn’t understand why this sudden Bandile wants
to go back to Cape Town when he was the one who came up with the suggestion of coming
Doctors kept passing by and Anovuyo kept asking each one of them if they were helping
Simamkele. I pulled her to sit down next to me.
Me:Calm down everything will be fine!
Her:How can it be with my sister? What if she can’t pull through?
Me:She will, someone once told me if you feel defeated by this world just go to your holy
place and ask the Lord for assistance
Her:I always do that but nothing seems to happen! I even lost faith!
Me:No no! It’s because when He replies you will see in the actions happening but if you
continue practising your bad ways it may seem like forever.
Ano:You are just sounded like the pastor from church
She laughed
Me:I guess the holy spirit lives in me
I was so damn pissed about this “Queen” all acting good in front of people but she was evil to
the core. I fought with her about the issues she had with my father but I didn’t understand
why she made them mine.
Queen:I believe I had commanded you to leave my daughter’s house at once!
I chuckled.
Me:This house is definitely not registered under your daughter’s name
Queen:Sam, you know this low-life boy has the nerve to speak about the property of my
Sam:But he is right, this is Marvin’s house and why do you call Nonzame “your daughter” all
of a sudden?
He made qoutation marks in the air. Sam didn’t side with anyone because he would be
defending me also his sister.
Me:You know what will cut all this crap? Is that my sister and I leave this house but I will be
back to claim my dad’s house!
Queen:Finally he proclaims to leave this house and please mark my words when I say this,
you will never get this house not while I’m still alive.
Me:We will just have to wait and see!
I took my phone and left them sitting in the living room. Tshepo came running towards me
Tshepo:Dude I heard all the comotion happening there? What happened?
Me:That Queen of yours should learn to respect people
Tshepo:What do mean?
Me:Help me load my luggage into your car then you take me somewhere and I will tell you
Tshepo:Consider that done
We went to take my luggage and Siziphiwe’s then loaded it into the trunk of his Range
Rover. I didn’t even think twice of staying in that house I couldn’t handle all the rubbish that
I heard from Nonzame’s mother.
Tshepo:So tell me what happened?
Me:This woman is holding me and my sister hostage for Nonzame’s death on top of that she
even went to an extent were she even she said, “You such a true definition of your father
going around hurting women” and that pissed me off she doesn’t even know any of my
Tshepo:Man that’s cold! She doesn’t deserve to be a Queen, does she even have proof that
you killed Nonzame?
Me:My point exactly!
Tshepo:Don’t be angry too much bra, the line in your forehead is popping out!
Me:I will try not to.
My phone started ringing and I picked it up without checking who is calling.
Caller:Is this Mr Lonoko speaking?
Me:Yes who is this?
Caller:I’m a receptionist from NetLife hospital in Cape Town. An appointment has been
scheduled for you with Doctor A Thompson
Me:What is it about?
Her:I don’t have that kind of information sir but if you could be in by today then you can
Me:Okay I will try
Her:Thank you sir, have a wonderful day
Me:You too
We hung up and Tshepo drove to the hospital. I wonder why do I need to go the hospital?
The doctor came back holding a notepad and a black pen.
Doctor:We have some bad news for you as Simamkele’s family.
Ano:Please spill the beans for us
Doc:Sima had a miscarriage and we think it may have been the substance she may have drank
Me:That’s huge!
Doc:Yes it is but we are trying our best to stablise her
Ano:Why do everything have to be sour for us?
Me:It will be fine
Ano:stop saying that useless word it won’t do anything
She ran off to the bathroom. The doctor went back to Sima’s ward. It seemed everything that
was suppose to be happening to me had actually turned to haunt Nonzame’s daughters.
“Get in the car and let’s go!”
I looked back it was Bandile standing besides Tshepo(my man crush).
Bandile:I can leave you behind but just give me my keys
Me:Why are we leaving?
I stood up with the keys placed in my hand
Bandile:Let’s go and I will tell you in the car
Me:What about Simamkele and Anovuyo?
Bandile:What about them? Tshepo agreed to take them home so if you want to leave with me
let’s go
Me:I just don’t understand you were the one who wanted to come here but now you want to
leave what’s wrong with you?
Bandile:It’s your decision sis you can stay or go
I needed to decide carefully here, it was a decision that would reflect in my life forever.
Me:Fine I will go
Bandile:Good. Tshepo see you around mfethu
They bumped shoulders
Tshepo:Have a safe trip
He pulled me for an unexpected hug Bandile and I went to the car. He immideately drove off.
As I was driving back to Cape Town I knew my sister didn’t handle the situation well
because she she has been quite throughout the trip by sleeping or rather acting like she is
Me:Ignoring me forever won’t solve anything
Her:Why did we leave? Give me a good reason! Because I’m tired of always being blocked
in the corner!
I breathed in and out.
Me:Well Nonzame’s mother is accusing us of killing her daughter on top of she thinks we are
the main reason Marvin went out to have affairs
Me:She kept on going about a curse circulating around you and that it may never be reversed
even by the strongest Sangoma in this universe
Her:Didn’t she say anything further?
I guess she was concerned about this curse thing
Me:No she didn’t
She inserted her headphones and sunglasses then silence filled the car.
We arrived in Cape Town and I drove straight to the hospital to hear about this appointment I
had with Dr Thompson. Siziphiwe was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake her up.
I went to the reception desk and this lady was piled with loads of files next to her
Me:Hi I came in to see Dr Thompson
Her:Evening sir, she has been expecting you come this way.
I guess I was popular in this hospital because she didn’t even ask what my name was!
I followed her into an office and I was instructed to sit in the sofa. A white lady walked in
holding a brown envelope in her hands.
Her:Mr Lonoko, thank you for agreeing to meet up with me
Me:Anything involving my name
Her:I have brought some disturbing news to the table which may seem as rather crazy
Me:Just lay down the cards doc
Her:We found out that Miss K Ngwenya may not be carrying your child
Me:What do you mean? Can you get to the point
Her:I found out that the doctor who was assisting was bribed by another man who claimed to
be the father of your child. We did the DNA test again with the sample of your bloods and it
came out negtive that you are not the father of Miss Ngwenya’s child.
How can she trick me like that? Making me believe after the sex I gave her she had already
given out her “forbidden fruit”?
Something doesn’t add up here and I must find out!

part 42 a poisoned soul

Me:It was written in black and white!
Thompson:Mr Lonoko I understand your frustation but the doctor that helped you was bribed
by an anonymous man to fake the results
Me:But how? Literally how can a doctor be bribed?
Her:With money
Me:So you are trying to say he was bribed to fake the results? Something doesn’t add up
Her:We can even bring a CCTV record to prove it to you
Me:I will certainly bring them
She left the room. I was so confused while holding the brown envelope in my hands, it was
really confusing to hear this because I had thought this was my child and I was going to take
care of it. My heart was broken into a million pieces that could never be repaired with
“I got the tape” said a lady-like voice and I looked up. It was Dr Thompson holding a disc in
her finger.
Me:Let’s do so
She inserted it in her laptop and placed it on top of the table. It started playing.
Her:There won’t be any sound coming out, we just have to watch it
Me:I can co-operate with that.
We watched the video and this tall man who was so tall talking with the doctorm
Me:Come on now!
He took out an envelope and the doctor gave the envelope to this guy then he smiled while
nodding yes. I couldn’t find anyone to familiarize him with anyone I knew. I was stunned and
disappointed at Khazimla, she betrayed me big time while she knew she had a big secret
hiding behind her.
Doctor:You see now?
Me:Yes I do! But why would she?
Doctor:I don’t know sir she might have an explaination.
Me:Let me leave. Thank you for letting me know all about this
Her:Anything Mr Lonoko.
I took the envelope also the tape and walked out to the car. I was really stressed if I would
drive something would happen. As I got to the car, Siziphiwe was listening to her music and
dancing along to the music and she stopped when she saw me
Sizi:And then?
Me:It a long story. Take the keys and drive to Khazimla’s house now
Sizi:But I am still a learner drive-
Me:But you were the one who drove to see Simamkele at the hospital and you were the one
Sizi:Okay fine
She took the keys then started the car while I got in. I told her the directions to Khazimla’s
house, I wanted to hear her side of the story. We got to her apartment and I went in leaving
Siziphiwe in the car. I knocked on the door and Khazimla opened up while making a knot on
her gown.
Her:Babe? What are you doing here?
Me:Am I suppose to tell you before I come
Her:What’s this?
She took the envelope from my hand and opened it. Her eyes grew wide.
Me:Is it true?
She looked at me with tears already on they way to exit her eyes
Her:It’s not baby
Me:Won’t you just tell me the fuckin’ truth? (Shouting)
Her:It was a mistake babe and I didn’t know what to do but he told me we should just say it’s
your baby
Me:Who is he? (She looked away) Khazimla who is that bastard?
Her:Tshepo, Tshepo Jubisa
How can he do this to me? How can Tshepo do that?
I didn’t know anything about the drama happening in Bandile’s life. I was puzzled that
Nonzame’s mom would think my brother and I would kill her daughter. So I was sitting in
the car listening to my music and my phone started ringing, it was Khanyiso
Me:KKP hey
Him:Hi love how are you?
Me:I’m good thanks and you boo-boo?
Him:I’m fine but missing you alot sweets
Me:You do honey? I miss you too
Him:We should movies this weekend what do you think?
Me:I love that idea. We should babes
Him:Okay I will call you later love
Me:Okay munchies
Him:I love you
Me:I love you too
We hung up at the same time. I hope this will be turn up as a great weekend for me and
I was sitting in the sofa with Khazimla at my knees begging me to talk to her.
Me:Why did you allow him to enter you?
Her:It was a mistake babe I’m sorry
Me:But you lied to me that I broke your virginity hence you know that I didn’t
Her:I didn’t know how to say that please allow me to-
Me:It’s over!
Me:It is what it is, we are through
I stood up and kissed her forehead. She was following behind me with tears on my back. It
hurt me but I couldn’t do anything to sustain anything to hold myself back from the fact I was
going to watch my friend’s child grow up in front of me. I couldn’t in anyway.

part 43 a poisoned soul

Bandile came into the car and instructed me to drive home and I also followed his command.
As I was driving home, I could sense that he wasn’t okay and I decided to let him lay off a bit
without any questions asked. I got to the apartment parkings and parked the car then Bandz
and I walked to the apartment together.
Bandz:Sis please take this a life lesson
I was confused about “this life lesson” from Bandile
Bandz:Friends can stab at the back at your weakest point and I advice you to make sure that
you keep your personal issues are to yourself
Me:Okay bhuti I will keep that in mind.
He opened the door we went in. I went to the kitchen because I was hungry so I took out two
fish fingers and warmed them in the microwave then ate them with three slices of bread and a
Quáli juice. My phone started ringing and it was Thandazwa.
Me:Mgani hello
Her:Hey mgani, how are you?
Me:I’m good mgani and you?
Her:I’m also good. I’m around your area can we meet up I miss you friend
Me:I miss you too babe. Okay we can just give me 30 minutes top I will be there
Her:See you then
Me:Sure friend
We hung up at the same time. I put the dishes into the sink and went to my room then took a
shower which was only 5 minutes but it was unusual for me to take that time just to shower.
So I did my process of lotioning and wearing my clothes then I combed my hair back, I went
downstairs and Bandile was sipping on his whiskey then he looked at me and stood up from
the sofa
Him:Where are you going?
Me:Going to see Thandazwa, she is around
Him:Oh Thandazwa your friend? (I nodded) okay take this and come back with pizza. I don’t
feel like cooking today either do you.
It was true I wasn’t in the mood to cook. Bandile handed me a R200 note which was folded in
Me:Okay I will bring it
Bandile:It should be something meaty with extra everything
Me:Sure thing
I placed the money in my pocket and went out of the apartment into the elevator, I took out
my phone and started to dial Thandazwa’s numbers and she picked up on the second ring.
Me:Where are you?
Her:I’m standing outside your apartment gate in Bae’s car!
Me:He is also here?
Her:Yes I see you now.
I hung up and I saw a black Range Rover standing outside the apartments and Thandazwa
exited wearing a black shorts with a plum tank top and Nike Roshe. She came to me when I
walked forward to her.
Me:Mgani! iRange Rover?
Her:Ewe sana! I’m no longer running around with these boys!
Me:So they are boys now? If you say so my f
Her:Come let’s go meet him
I walked behind him and she opened the back door for me. I got in and there was a white man
seating in the driver’s seat who looked like he was in his mid 20’s or older than that. He had a
tattoo situated on his left arm.
Thandi:Babe meet my friend that I have been telling you about
Him:Siziphiwe Lonoko? I heard a lot about you
Me:I hope those were good things
Thandi:He knows I never tell people about someone’s bads.
Him:She told me good things and I’m Leon Hamilton, your friend’s boyfriend
Me:Nice meeting you Leon
We shook hands.
Leon:Babe where would you like us to go to?
Thandi:Anywhere my love but make sure they make ribs and buffalo wings
Leon:I know a perfect place for that, The Eat downtown.. wait Siziphiwe do you know Mr
Marvin Lonoko?
Me:Yes I do
Leon:Are you related or something?
Me:He is my father
Leon:Nice to be you. That man is one of the multi-millionares in the world!
I guess I will be known as “Marvin Lonoko’s daughter” everywhere I go?
Me:Thandi can we first start at Debonairs? I need to buy supper
Thandi:Okay babe would you do that?
He drove to Debonairs and he stopped by the shop
Leon:Can I put you here while I search for parking?
Me:It’s fine
Thandi:I’m coming with
Leon:Just give me a ring if you don’t see me
We went out of the car and walked to Debonairs, I placed the order while Thandi was
standing next to me with her full concentration locked on her phone. We went to sit down to
wait for the order.
Me:Tell me mgani, where did you see him?
Her:Friend you forward man! We met online through Facebook and we took it from there!
Me:So you trying to say that IT’S LOVE FROM A STRANGER?
Thandi:You can say so friend
Me:You are not afraid of things yazi friend?
Her:It’s just a knew experience friend
She came towards my ear
Thandi:There is this guy sitting behind us and he has been staring at you ever since we
Me:How does he look like?
Her:A dark bouncer of some sort
Me:Now that’s scary
Person:Order 89!!
I looked at the receipt slip and it was my order number
Thandi:Go and take it so we can go
I nodded and positioned myself to see this guy indeed he looked like a beast. I went to take
the order and we left, this guy was behind us and two other guys came in front of us who also
looked alike to the other guy. We tried passing them but they took the same step that we did
until one pulled me by my arm.
Me:Leave me alone!
I tried yanking my arm out of his hand but it seemed as a trap.
Guy:I suggest you follow our orders so everything would go smoothly
The other two took Thandazwa and made me walk to they car. I tried with all my power to
fight them off but it seemed as a worthless battle, it was even at day but people passed by as
if nothing was going on. They pushed us into a black Golf 7 which had tinted windows.
Thandi:I will make sure you go to prison for the rest of your life
Guy1:Haha you wish! Baby girl when Boss Lady is done with you two. No one will ever
remember you.
Guy3:Say that again boy!
Me:I hope you rot in hell and burn there!
Guy2:A poisoned soul it is what you got Siziphiwe.
They tied us with rope then took out a needle filled with a substance in his hand
Thandi:Please don’t! I don’t want to die
Did he mind us? No! He just inserted the needle into me first then to Thandazwa. I started to
feel in another universe and my head was spinning around and….
It like my hands were trapped/tied with something and I was in an uncomfortable position,
my vision was blur and my head was pounding. I opened my eyes and I was in a dark room
which had a window which was bringing light into the room.
I looked behind me and it was Thandazwa tied behind me and I called out her name and she
responded by moving her head.
Thandi:Where are we?
Me:I don’t know. Help! Someone please! Help us!
The door started to rattle and someone might have had us.
Thandi:Maybe someone had us.
The door opened and the same guys came with one lady in between them.
Lady:Well, well, well I see my princess and her friend decided to wake up from their sleep.
This lady was wearing an mask to hide her face
Me:What do you want from us?
Lady:Every single share in your father’s businesses! And I’m keeping your precious friend
also so she won’t blab about you that you are missing
Me:So you want to be in my dad’s businesses? Lady you must I haven’t even qualified to be
a business manager why can’t you get that into your skull?
Her:Listen hear! If you didn’t learn manners from home then don’t come to disrespect me
I chuckled and looked at her in disbelief. The door opened once again and a guy came in
wearing all black
Him:You really brought the girl? Mom just release her she doesn’t know anything about the
business finances!
Lady:Sifiso please not now! But she is the same person that took everything away from me
Sfiso:But she is your daughter and you will hurt your son Bandile by keeping her here and
she will miss out at school.
Me:You are my mother!? And how do you know about me and Bandile?
Sfiso:That’s because we are related and I-
Lady:Take him out! Now!
Sfiso:So the truth hurts now? Does it mom?
Lady:Get him out of here!
What is the hell is going on in my life? I can’t believe the person classified to be my mom is
keeping me in hostage!
Me:Can someone explain what’s happening in my life?
Lady:Until you give me what I want!
Me:Lady can’t you hear that I don’t know anything.!
She took a zapper and placed it on my waist then pressed on it which was electrifying me
Thandi:Siziphiwe no! Please mam! Stop it she doesn’t know anything believe her!
Me:Ground wont you just open and get me into it then cover me while I’m still alive!

part 44 a poisoned soul

Lady:It was your friend who tipped me about your whereabouts
Me:Thandazwa would never do such to me
I was seperated with Thandazwa I was in another room with this lady who is claimed to be
“my mother”
Lady:Doll face don’t you see she has been fooling you and she sees nothing in this friendship
of yours!
Me:Call her so she can tell that straight to my face
Lady:Why would I do that? She will know I told her dark secret
Me:The person who is lying here is you!
Her:What do you mean by that?
Me:If she said that you would have allowed her to come her and confess she did that
Her:Fine I will bring her in
I watched her walk to the intercom and she started talking, my hands were tied to the chair I
couldn’t do anything expect just watch her move around the room. So the door started to
rattle from the sound made by the keys
Lady:Good she is here
She rubbed her hands together and smiled revealing her last teeth, I just rolled my eyes
because I know Thandazwa wouldn’t do such thing
Thandi:Get your hands off me, you moron!
She yanked her body from this bouncer guy and quickly came to me
Her:Are you okay? Did she do anything to you? Siziphiwe are you fine?
Me:Relax babe I’m fine just tired of this ish I have on my wrists!
Thandi:Release her!
Lady:I will release her when she gives a share in her dad’s business and when you tell her the
Thandi:What truth?
Lady:You excatly know what I’m talking about
Thandi moved from the lady to me and I shook my head.
Me:Is it true?
Thandi:People won’t you just stop talking in riddles and give me a straight forward question!
Me:How could you do this to me? Huh? All along you knew that you tipped off her about my
whereabouts! I’m sure that Leon of yours is also a puppet in this play of yours!
Thandi:Woah! You trying to blame and Leon for this? Wow! That’s rich coming from you,
ever since you came here I took you as my best friend no let me rephrase my sister from
another mother. You were one thousand times better than Amangele but here we are now I’m
being blamed for this kidnap? Whoever is tipping you sure knows how to destroy a
I was left speechless to the fact that I meant so much to Thandi but I was blinded by this lies
thrown at me..
Lady:Won’t you just stop lying Thandazwa! We both know you gave the directions to you
two and now I’m lying?
Thandi:She is the one who told you? For the past hours I have been trapped in this place, that
man(pointing at the bouncer) was telling me all about this woman. She is the Devil in
disguise and I better hope she don’t get because I pray that we set free those this hell!
Lady:Thandazwa you said he told you everything?
Thandi:Yes! Siziphiwe I would never do anything to hurt you okay? I love you and I take you
as my own sister you are even better than Imkhitha and if I lose due to the lies made by this
woman then it shows that I was worthless to you all this time.
She had tears in her eyes also did I..
Me:Thandi don’t say that I believe you and please let’s make our friendship continue. You
have been the person who decided to be my friend ever since I came to Cape Town
Lady:Won’t you stop with the petty talk we all know Thandazwa said that
Thandi:If I did wouldn’t I be denying it like right now? You are the devil himself but you
came in a woman form
Lady:Get this girl out of here and Kelvin I will deal with you later
Kelvin:Yes boss lady
Thandi:Won’t you get your slimy fingers off me!? (Shouting)
Me:No! Thandi! You won’t get away with this
Lady:I already have. I wonder how is Bandile knowing his sister isn’t back?
Bandile! I remembered Bandile, he must be starting to go crazy. The lady removed the mask
which was on her face and she looked so beautiful.
Her:Listen here, I’m your aunt Nonzwakazi okay? And I don’t like doing this to you and your
Me:Then why are you doing it?
Nzwaki:Your mother forced me to do it! She is the main reason behind this! I’m only helping
her and I will try with all mine to get you out and Thandazwa
Me:Nonzwakazi if you claim that you are not the forced by my mom, what do you mean?
Her:She is going to kill you if I don’t continue doing this to you, see she wants everything
that you own to be hers I don’t know what happened between her and some woman called
Nonzama or Nonzima
Her:Yes.. wait how do you about her?
Me:She raised me up and let me be mosculated by some man
Nzwaki:Oh baby. I’m sorry to hear that but we have to act according to your mom’s will so I
can be able to rescue you and Thandi out of this dungeon
Me:First rescue me by making this knot loose on my wrists at least I may be able to move my
She chuckled.
Her:Okay I will rescue you. Listen here, I will bring in Thandazwa okay? At least you can
have someone to talk to.
She walked to the door and looked back.
Nzwaki:And she and that Leon didn’t set you up okay
Me:who did then?
Nzwaki:I will tell you when you are much older than this
I simply nodded and watched her leave the room once more. I was devestated because
hearing that my own mother wanted me dead was just I don’t know, I was also happy that my
aunt finally confesses that she wants to help me out of the place. I could move my hands now
and Thandazwa was in with me in the same room.
Me:Listen I am sorry for accusing you and your boyfriend for the kidnap
Thandi:Ayt it’s water under the bridge
Me:It’s not babe
I moved my body with the chair to look and Thandi
Her:What do you mean?
Me:I believed a stranger instead of you and I know that you were the best thing that happened
to me eversince my dreadful past
Her:I understand friend it was also a hard place to decide especially under that much pressure
She stood up and came to me then gave me a heartfelt hug
Her:I forgive you
Me:Thank you and when we get out here I will buy you a McDee meal to seal your
Her:McDee meal? I must be a 5-year old then..
We laughed.. i was really happy that my friend was bac even after the accusation I laid upon
Her:Truce mgani
We hugged actually she was the one hugging me. So she sat on the mattress and I was talking
to her.
Me:I wonder why did life turn so sour on me?
Thandi:Friend let’s leave that okay? Everything happens with a reason and probably the is a
purpose we are here! Now let’s put hope in front of us that everything will come out great
Me:Hope so
Thandi:So tell when last did you speak to Kay-Pee
Me:Yesterday and I miss him babe
Thandi:Ncooh! Young love!
She placed her hands on her chest to signal that what I said touched her heart
Thandi:They didn’t take our phones. Thandi my phone in my pocket come quickly!
Her:You crazy ass mgani! Let us call Bandile at least he will know you are alive
Me:Good idea! Put him in loudspeaker
Thandi:Okay okay!
She started to press my phone and passed my security lock then the phone started to ring and
he picked up on the first ring.
Him:Where the hell are you?
Me:We are captured by some woman who claim to be my aunt Nonzwakazi!
Him:Shit! Okay do you know where you are?
Me:What the fuck?! I just told you that I have been kidnapped and you expect me to tell you
where I am?
Thandi:Please bhuti Bandile help us! We might be killed.
Bandile:Okay okay! I will find help and make sure your phone isn’t switched off. Lord have
Me:Please hurry up!
Bandile:Okay okay
Thandi hung up as the door opened and inserted the phone into her breasts. She looked
around and it was the Kelvin the bouncer with Nonzwakazi and some woman
Lady:So this is my beloved Siziphiwe?
Nzwaki:Don’t you see she is the exact resemblence of you? You and Marvin made a precious
Lady:Don’t you dare mention that man’s name in my presence
Nzwaki:Sorry sisi but I fail to understand why she is the main target of this saga?
Lady:If you would just shut up and concetrate you would know. Kelvin bring them the pizza
and water so they can eat and we can go straight to business.
Kelvin:Okay mam
He stepped out of the room. She didn’t even intend to take off her mask but she seemed like a
light-skinned lady I could see it on her hands.
Me:What do you want from me?
Lady:Oh my daughter, you will see momentarily!
She pulled a smiled and Nonzwakazi shook her head.
Nzwaki:Why are you doing this to the Lonoko family?
She just looked at Nzwaki and didn’t utter a word. I hope Bandile finds us and that letter so
he could alert one of the family members from the Lonoko clan about this because he can’t
handle it alone

part 45 a poisoned soul

“My princess is eating the food I bought” said a voice coming from the door. I looked up and
it was the woman labelled as “my mother”
“It’s the only option I have to survive in this hell” i murmmed.
She came to me and put her hand on my hand analysing the blue mark which was made by
the rope tied on my wrists. I yanked my hand off hers.
Me:Don’t touch me! I want to finish my food!
Her:You just like your father, stubborn as ever
She chuckled.
Her:Good times! Good times indeed
Me:When are bringing back Thandazwa? Or you went to kill her?
Her:I wouldn’t do so! I took her out with Nonzwakazi to grab some of her clothes at her
I chuckled because she couldn’t see the fire she was playing with.
Me:What will she say to her mom?
Her:You two will be having a sleepover at your house and darling I have already planned all
I moved my focus from her back to the pizza and continued eating. I couldn’t believe how my
mother could be so mean I really didn’t know.
Me:Please take me out of here! I beg you! I need to study for my final exams it’s close to the
December holidays and I need to study hard for to proceed to Grade 12!
Her:Baby I know all I need is for you to sign this and I promise you Heaven and Earth I will
let you out of here
I banged the table.
Me:Oh! For Christ Sake! Listen here woman I don’t even have the authority to handle the
business! Ask Bandile to do it for you! Please I have much to handle than keep fighting you
for the business
Her:Your decision my baby, I hope that you don’t miss Kay-Pee that much
I looked at her with confusion of how did she know about Khanyiso.
Me:How did you know about him?
She pointed at the ceiling and there was a camera situated at the corner
Her:And the call you made to Bandile will not do any difference!
She laughed at went out the room. Anger played with me and I saw myself throwing the plate
across with my palm, I felt destroyed. Lost was hope nothing seemed to be going well in my
life to draft all the events that happened from my life from being raped by some man that I
didn’t know, secondly my brother and I are accused for murdering Nonzame. Thirdly, I’m
trapped in the middle of nowhere and my mother is keeping me hostage because of Marvin’s
businesses that I don’t even have any information. I found myself crying because everything
just flashed back and I’m alone in this room, the door started to rattle due to the sounds of the
keys opening the door.
I wiped my tears to see who it was and it was that Sifiso guy and Thandazwa who didn’t want
to enter the room. I rushed to her and hugged her tight, tears were coning out of me and Sifiso
was hugging her
Me:What did you do to her?
I looked at Sifiso and he shook his head no
Sfiso:I didn’t do anything to her
Thandi:They.. she took off my clothes and took the phone out of my breasts. I’m sorry Phiwe
I didn’t want to let her do so I fought her but failed
Me:Shh! Thandi it’s wasn’t your fault there is no need to apologise okay? We just have to
find a way to get out of here, drink water so you can calm down then sleep.
She nodded and gulped the water. Sifiso and I looked at each other. I looked away and
watched Thandi lie on the single bed on top of the duvet then drifted away to sleep..
I sat on the chair and Sfiso came to comfort me as I weeped the tears.
Sfiso:Listen here, I’m Sifiso Lonoko your brother but I was seperated from Bandile when I
was five
Me:So you are my brother?
Sfiso:Yes your older brother, older than Bandile and I hate to see you like this and take the
phone to call your boyfriend Khanyiso
Me:Who told you?
She pointed at Thandazwa
Him:She was crying telling me all about you and Thandi really cares about, she even takes
you as her own sister if you can identify
Me:I’m really blessed to have her
Him:Yes you are!
He handed me his cellphone which a Samsung Galaxy J7 which was Gold in colour. I dialled
Kay-Pee’s number and he picked up on the first ring
Him:Hello?.. hello
I didn’t have any words to come out of me and I could feel tears coming out of my eyes.
Sfiso placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered “Talk to him”. I nodded
Me:Hey it’s me
Him:Siziphiwe my love? Is that you?
Me:Yes honey I was just checking on you
Him:I was calling you all day but it seemed you were avoiding me or something.
I sniffed while wiping away my tears.
Me:No it’s just that I lost my cellphone and I haven’t got one
Him:But my pride and joy why are you crying mabhabha?
Me:It’s the stress of losing my phone and all that boo-boo
Him:And you are going to cry more
Him:I will be moving to France next year and I love for us to spend more time together
Me:What? France? So far? Kagiso why?
Him:I’m going back with my brother so my parents can sort out they issues alone
I covered my face with my hand and shook my head
Me:What about Palesa?
Him:She still away from home and babe I need you here to be with me. I can’t handle
everything alone please
Me:I will just make have to make time this weekend
Him:I love you Fluffy
Me:When last did I hear that name?
I laughed.
Him:You see that’s all I want to hear for you to laugh instead of crying baby
Me:That’s sweet of you Mlawu(his clan name from his mom’s side)
Him:Don’t call me Mlawu we are not allowed to call they clan names just call me Papi
Me:Papi? Out of all names?
Him:Oh yes! Cause I can be a papi babe
Me:You finishing the airtime I loaded on my brother’s phone
Him:He coming. I love you
Me:Haha I love you too Papi
We hung up at the same time and Sfiso was smiling at me.
Sfiso:It’s just that the love you have for each other is just wow. “Papi and Fluffy”
Sfiso:You know what?
Him:I would really like to build a relationship with you and Bandile as my younger siblings
Me:But how can we? And why would you want to?
He sat next to the chair which was next to mine, he was standing all this time
Him:Look aunt Nzwaki and I planned an escape plan for you and Thandazwa and the reason I
want to build it is because I always wanted a younger sister and brother so that’s why.
Me:Why do you want to build such a relationship with us as you know your mom doesn’t
want us?
Him:And the person you label as my mother is also yours but it doesn’t show.
The door swang open and this beautiful lady walked in and I was left speechless, she had the
same eye colour as mine also the same lining of eyebrows.
Sfiso:You decided to take off the mask?
Her:Can I talk to Siziphiwe alone?
Me:Please Sfiso don’t leave me with her
Her:I won’t kill you and take Thandazwa with you
He nodded and stood up then place the sleeping Thandazwa in his arms. I was still fascinated
by her looks when Nonzwakazi said we look alike she wasn’t joking.
Lady:I’m Sanelisiwe Khakande and I’m your biological mother, I was married to your father
for more than 10 years but he betrayed me by cheating with one of his mistresses called
Nonzame and he made a decision to marry her so our marriage would be known as a
Me:Why are you telling me this?
Her:So you could know why you are here
Me:Is it because of the money?
Her:No! I’m giving you the history of your life.
Me:I hope it’s worth listening to.
Her:Oh yes it is..

part 46 a poisoned soul

Sanelisiwe:Siziphiwe it’s really hard to tell you this because everytime I think of this I just
become something else
Me:What do you mean by that?
Her:Can I hold your hand please?
“No!” My heart said to my brain but my other parts said “Yes!”
Her:When I was pregnant with you, it was the most difficult time of my marriage with your
father. He started to have mistresses as I have mentioned and he would beat me up while
insulting me. Marvin always said that you were not his child and that I was just a bitch
opening her legs to keep men happy.
I could see that she was broken inside in her eyes and she couldn’t hold it back.
Me:But did you have any affairs during your marriage?
Her:No! I loved your father with my all and it hurts to think that I was seen as a cheating wife
while I listened to him bring different women into the house and do the deed.
She was breaking down and tears were flowing down her eyes, the mascara she had was also
making her look some crazy woman on the loose. I pulled her to me so I could just give her a
hug, I felt such a fantastic feeling when I hugged her everything just vanished as she was in
my arms.
Me:Sane would you take me out of the dark?
She removed herself from me while wiping away her tears
Sane:What are you trying to say?
Me:I am saying what does this have to do with me?
She shrugged her shoulders and started moving around
Me:You don’t know?
I stood up and followed her lead as she went from left to right.
Sane:I haven’t given any thought of that even though I lied to Sfiso and Nzwaki that I have a
Me:Then why are you keeping me here? You can let Thandazwa go and leave me here
Sane:You think I would jeopardise my life by letting Thandazwa go? My daughter you don’t
know the sacrifies I had to make to be here
Me:Name them and I will believe you
Her:I did something years ago when your father got married to Nonzame
Me:What did you do?
Her:I asked her mother who is the Queen of Lubusi to create a curse upon your father and
when he dies it moves to you
I found my mouth hanging. She was the main reason I was cursed for eternity! How can
mothers be?
Me:You did what?
Her:I put a curse on you then murdered your father but as a child who grew up on the
dangerous township I did an escape plan to make sure no evidence comes back to me
Before I could answer her the door started to be kicked and she placed her hand by her waist
then took out a gun. I never saw a gun in my life before but this time I did, I am used to
seeing it on television but life comes with a new experience.
Sfiso and Nonzwakazi came in with the cops pushing them in
Nzwaki:Here she is! Sanelisiwe Khakade please uncuff us
Man:Well well well, I always wanted you behind bars and here we are today
Bandile walked in and I ran to him then gave him a tight hug
Bandile:Are you okay?
Me:Yes where is Thandazwa?
She came in holding Leon’s hand and I went to them then we group hugged
Bandile:All thanks to Leon for coming to me and gave us some information
Man:I’m Detective Plaatjies I would like if the girls would come with us to the police station
for statements.
Bandile:Can’t they come tomorrow because they need to rest from all this
Plaatjies:We can’t we always wanted Sanelisiwe behind bars and we need statements from
the girls
Bandile looked and us then I looked at Thandi, she nodded
Thandi:We can go
Leon:Are you sure?
Thandi:If Siziphiwe says yes then we are
Me:Okay we can
Detective:Good, Zondo put her in the van
Zondo:What about these two?
Him:You can also take them with
We watched Sfiso and Nzwaki also Sane who seemed to enjoy all this were cuffed
Detective:Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law and if you don’t have
a lawyer, the state will be grateful to provide one for you
Sfiso:But we didn’t use do anything!
Detective:Just take them out of here and we will see you at the station
They went first in the police vans and we followed in Leon’s Range Rover to the police
station which was downtown. There was silence in the car and no one exchanged words to
anyone. So he parked at the parking lot..
Me:I don’t feel good about this because she is still my mother
Bandile:But that woman kept you tied in a chair I mean look at your wrists. They are blue-
green and now you don’t want to make a statement
Thandi:And it’s the only way to feel free again mgani please let’s do it together as a pair
team. Please?
I nodded and we hugged. We walked into the police station and we were directed into an
interrogation room. There were two chairs and we sat there while we waited for the
Detective, Thandi and I held hands then the door swung open.
Detective:The session we will have here will be recorded to keep proof
He pressed on the recorder and started talking.
Him:Would you tell me what happened? Anyone can go first.
I looked at Thandazwa and she nodded
Thandi:We went to Debonairs to buy pizza and there were two guys by us the first one is
Kelvin, they adapted us then drugged us and threw us into they car
Detective:Siziphiwe what did she do to you?
Me:Well she tied me up then left me there and kept on telling me about her relationship with
my dad but she didn’t do any harm but just the bruise on my wrists
Detective:And you Thandi?
Thandi:She took off my clothes and took out the phone which was with me which we called
Bandile with.
Detective:I guess we need to have much information on this.
“I want to go with you”
“But Papi I will be back before the 1st of January”

part 47 a poisoned soul

“Baby wake up for me please”
“Fluffy my friend we need you here”
I felt a strong grip in both my hands, I slowly opened my eyes to see who it was. I had a
oxygen mask in my face, I removed it and looked around. I saw a chair, the bed I was in and
a machine next to us.
These two looked at each other then back at me
Me:I said water please
Guy:Oh okay
He took a glass and poured water into it and I drank with a straw. I looked at them and asked
“Who are you?” They seemed puzzled rather shocked by this question I raised
Girl:What? Siziphiwe I am your best friend and this is Khanyiso your boyfriend
I have a friend and a boyfriend?
Me:I don’t have a boyfriend nor a best friend, no one likes me at all
A guy walked in wearing a white coat with stetoscope also a pen and a notepad in his hand I
think it was the doctor.
DR:The “Take me to heaven” lady decided to wake up
We laughed and I was confused why he said I was the “Take me to heaven” lady?
Girl:What do you mean doc by that phrase?
She chuckled
DR:She once said that when she came here
Guy:She really said that?
I laughed hearing I once said that.
Dr:How is everything?
Girl:I think she is suffering from memory loss because she doesn’t remember any of us
Dr:It might have been the injury of the accident that happened to her and Mr Lonoko. Let me
test her
Mr Lonoko? Who is that?
Dr:Siziphiwe where are you?
Me:I am in Queenstown in the hospital
Guy:You see? She doesn’t remember any of us
Dr:Who are your siblings?
Me:I am definitely sure I have a brother who is Bandile Lonoko
The doctor looked at the girl and guy then started talking to them.
Dr:She is suffering from memory loss as you said and it may take less than six months for her
to remember. The best solution for her to remember quickly is to keep telling her about her
life and everything
Guy:When she getting discharged though? Because we need to get to school because we are
doing Grade 12
Girl:And we need to because she may possibly fail
Dr:I know but she must remain in the hospital for at least a week or two but you can bring her
books to study
Guy:Okay doc we understand
Dr:Let me leave you. I have other patients to see
Girl:Okay doc
He walked and winked at me then a smile spread on my face. To tell the truth I don’t know
these two even though they may know me, hearing I was in the hospital that just took me into
another world and I was determined to know the particular reason why I was there.
Guy:What’s up with you and that doctor?
Jealousy was written on Khanyiso’s face. I shrugged my shoulders
Me:I don’t know maybe he is being friendly to me
Girl:Okay. My name is Thandazwa Motsamai I am your best friend more of a sister we go to
the same school, same age but I’m older than you by a month
I nodded okay.
Guy:I am Khanyiso Kagiso Pillay I hope those names can bring flashbacks to you, I am your
long-time boyfriend for two years
Thandazwa hit him with her hand and said “Don’t lie! You have been dating for only only 10
I laughed at them.
Me:Do we all go to the same school?
Khanyiso:Yes, we will be doing Grade 12
Me:Wow! That’s nice. Let me tell you something interesting
Thandi:We are all ears
Me:Yho! I am so hungry!
Khanyiso:What? Those are interesting news?
We laughed and Thandazwa shook her head.
Thandi:Still the same old Siziphiwe, I hope you get better
Khanyiso:I hope she does too
I wonder why were they being so emotional about this?
Thandi:What should I bring you?
Me:Anything from a sandwhich or burger
Her:Okay let me go and ask the nurse. Kay-Pee don’t lie to Sizi
Him:I promise I won’t
She left the room and silence just filled the ward, I was left with a stranger in the room that I
knew nothing about.
Khanyiso:Siziphiwe let me set something straight
Him:You are in Cape Town not in Queenstown, the girl who just left is your friend and I am
your boyfriend. Your brother Bandile got discharged yesterday but he will come to see you
Me:Okay, do you have any information about me being here?
Him:A little, we me and you were talking on the phone after we got our results for Grade 11.
I remember hearing you scream and that’s it
Me:Where was I going?
Him:I think you were going to East London for the December holidays with your brother
He held my hand and suddenly I felt this amazing feeling coming from his hand to mine, it
seemed as if we knew each other. A spark of love was dozing from our hearts and it kept
whispering infinity to my ears, maybe we were a seen match from above.
Him:Can’t you feel that? The love I have for you is beyond thought, ever since I laid my eyes
on you. I just felt this love for you and I say it again that I love you and I will always do so, I
hope you will get better and remember us.
I looked at this guy with confusion because he talking about love, I don’t even have a clue
about love. Yes I did feel a magnificent feeling between us but I can’t say I L-O-V-E him at
This tall guy walked in with Thandazwa and some lady who looked like a sangoma
(traditional healer).
Guy:And then? The holding hands between you
Me:Bandile? Is that you?
Him:One and only baby sis
He came to my side and hugged me then kissed my forehead. Bandile looked back at
Khanyiso and started talking.
Bandile:What’s happening between you two?
Khanyiso:I-I was telling her about the things that happened before she got an accident
Khanyiso:She is suffering from memory loss and I am trying to help her remember
Bandile:Doesn’t that need you to hold her hand?
Khanyiso:No! It’s just that-
Thandi:They are dating
Me:No we are not!
Bandile looked at Thandazwa who was shaking in that position.
Thandi:They are, bhuti Bandile it’s been 11 months but due to Siziphiwe memory loss she
won’t remember
The sangoma started to make sounds and clapping her.
We all shifted our concentraction to her, she continued to clap her
Sangoma:If you are not family leave! Ayyi mhhmmh
She was on her knees flicking a towel from side to side. Khanyiso and Thandazwa left the
room with the food no! At least they should have left it behind..
Bandile:What do you see Makhosi?
Sangoma:Danger is remously moving around in this family and one of you will die because
of the actions taken by your late father
Bandile:Don’t you see who?
She shook her head and took a bag then started shaking it.
Her:Blow in!
Bandile blew in and she stood up to come to me
Her:Blow in!
I did and she kneeled down then started speaking in tongues, she threw the bones on the floor
and started shaking her body then pulled her hair. She pointed at a heart which had a type of
small spear to it
Her:This my children isn’t good at all.. hayi ayilunganga
Me:What do you mean Mama?
Her:Someone’s heart will be broken due to a death of a person, no one will be having a
chance of happiness either of you.
Bandile:Mama what else do you see?
Her:Your businesses will shutter and people will destroy you emotional and physical
A smoke started to rise from the bag and the lady started to scream while moving back. I
didn’t understand why the wasn’t anyone coming to check the ward if anything was wrong or
not I mean we are in the hospital.
Bandile:Makhosi what’s wrong?
Sangoma:Your father has came to visit you in a form of a spirit and that’s impossible to
The white ashes started to form into a human being and the person created was a resemblance
of my father Marvin. The temperature in the room started to get cold and I was getting
scared. The sangoma was clapping her hands and speaking in tongues. The spirit moved
closer to us and it started to get more cold I felt this touch in my arm, mysteriously the ashes
turned into a human being with both flesh and blood. It was my father Marvin Lonoko the
man who died and then turned into human again.
Him:Yes it’s me I only have a short period of time with you
Bandile:What do you wnt from us? Leaving us behind with all your problems thrown at us
Dad:My kids I am sorry about that and I promise everything will be okay
Bandile:Fine? Your daughter is in danger because of you and your wife is high and low about
your damn businesses and you tell us everything will be okay?
Dad:Siziphiwe is a warrior she will fight all this and I ensure about that and my baby I am
sorry about everything.
His hands met mine and the feeling was really. Nothing seemed like a myth or that, he took
out a necklace from his neck and gave it to me.
Dad:It will keep you safe from danger and you will conquer all these curses upon you.
He called out the sangoma who handed him a white dust
Dad:You will be healed and you will remember everything expect me coming to life but you
Bandile I won’t do that to you
Bandile:Why not?
Dad:So you can remember this when she asks about you will be the person to tell her
Bandile nodded and they hugged even though they may have argued. He kissed my cheek and
Dad:I love both of you and keep each other safe.
He blew the dust to me and I started to feel light-headed, I could see him slowly waving at
me while he was vanishing away.
I felt my eyes closing on me and I started to leave this world. My body shut down and I
dozed off

part 48 a poisoned soul

Siziphiwe woke up from the potion blew to her by her father. Her memory was back and she
remembered everything and everyone in her life. As she opened her eyes, Khanyiso was next
to her while kissing her left hand
Her:What are you doing to me?
She laughed.
Him:I just miss kissing you that’s all
Siziphiwe thought of playing Khanyiso by acting all and think she is is still suffering from the
memory loss.
Phiwe:Who did you say you were again?
Him:Come on now, I am Khanyiso Kagiso Pilay your boyfriend as I said
Her:Oh I will try to remember your name
Khanyiso saw the necklace hanging from Siziphiwe’s neck and he lifted it up with his hand
Him:I never saw this before, where did you get it from?
She thought really hard to know who gave it to her, she just shrugged her shoulders.
Him:What do you mean by that?
Her:I woke up this morning and it was here
The doctor walked carrying his usual things and greeted the pair.
Doc:So Miss “Take me to heaven with you” how are you feeling this morning?
Siziphiwe laughed and shook her
Her:I’m feeling good doc nothing much
Doc:Where are you right now?
Her:I am in the hospital
Doc:In which city?
Her:Cape Town
Khanyiso looked at Siziphiwe in shock because he didn’t expect to hear any of that from her
Her:Yes Papi what’s up?
Him:Wait wait you just called me Papi?
Her:That’s the name you told me I should use
Th guys were puzzled not long ago she didn’t know anything even where she was but here
she is telling them everything.
Doc:Can you stand up for me?
She stood up with no signs of showing she was in a accident not even a broken bone in exact.
The doctor started to tap on her leg with a pen to feel if her leg was work
Her:Stop that! It’s starting to get to me
Doc:Our patient is well and I can release her tomorrow, are you a relative sir?
KK:No sir just a friend but she can call her brother to tell her the news.
Doc:Miss “TMTHWY” I will come to do another checkup on you
Phiwe:Can we stop about that? Please doc
Doc:If you promise not to come here for close to 3 months then I will consider it, deal?
They shook hands and the doctor winked as usual then left the room. Siziphiwe was laughing
her head off but Khanyiso was pissed about this, he didn’t want to see her girlfriend getting
winks from other guys.
KK:I don’t like what this guy is doing to you
Phiwe:He is just being friendly come on Papi
He tightened his jaws together and looked away.
Phiwe:Some is getting jealousoo!
KK:Hey! I am not it’s just that I don’t like guys disrespecting me infront of my chicko
Her:No-oo you jealouso
They laughed because the “oo” they put at the end of each sentence.
Phiwe:Babe are you still going to study abroad in “France”?
KK:With everything happening at home, I just need to get some fresh air out of town
Phiwe:But babe you know there are other universities here in the country
Him:I know love but I just want to leave the country and Africa to go to another continent
Phiwe:But babe you are being selfish here
Him:What do you mean by that? If you mean by and me I am not
Phiwe:Then what are you?
Him:I want to get a new chapter in my life, I don’t mean by breaking up with you but I just
want something new. Don’t you want to join me and start a new chapter with me in France?
Siziphiwe shook her head no.
Her:I can’t! I could never leave my brother alone
Him:So how are going to keep contact boo-boo?
Her:We can always Skype or even keep contact on Facebook
Him:But it will be different no touches, kisses and even worse no hugs love
Khanyiso stood up to pull Siziphiwe in his arms.
Her:I know as I said that I can’t leave my family here
Another presence was felt in the room and they both looked at the door it was Siziphiwe’s
brother Bandile. They quickly seperated, Bandile was shaking his head then came towards
Bandile:Can’t you leave my sister alone?
Siziphiwe:Bhuti please don’t start any drama in the hospital please
Khanyiso:I love her abuti Bandile and I can’t stop the feeling
Bandile:You do what to her? Boy better watch your words! Do you know what love is?
Khanyiso:Love is the relation between two peopl-
A slap went through Khanyiso’s face and he fell on the floor because it wasn’t expected for it
to happen anytime soon.
“Bandile stop it! Nurse!”
Siziphiwe’s words didn’t sound like anything to Bandile, he continued beating Khanyiso
surely bruises were already making their way into his skin.
Nurses and securities rushed into the ward as they heard the tension in Siziphiwe’s voice.
“Seperated them quickly!” The nurse commanded the security men
Blood was already dripping from Khanyiso’s mouth because of the punches coming from
Bandile. They were removed from each other and Khanyiso was rushed to the Emergency
Siziphiwe:How could you? He means a lot to me! He is the first guy to ever love me even
after my horrible past!
He yanked himself from the security’s arm and laughed at what Siziphiwe said.
Bandile:I taught him a lesson to never go near my precious sister and it’s good he is going to
France so you can focus on your school work.
The doctor came to the ward with his usual items and looked at Siziphiwe with a big smile on
his face.
Dr:I have wonderful news for you Ms Lonoko
Siziphiwe:Which are doc?
Dr:I was sitting in my office and decided to check your record from today and guess what?
He was doing a drum roll with his hands hitting his legs
Phiwe:I am getting released today!
Dr:That’s right! You can start packing your bags as soon as I remove this things from you.
Mr Lonoko that was wrong doing that to thr boy as it is known as assult to a child. He may
lay charges upon you!
Bandile rolled his eyes.
Bandile:Would you stay out of my business because it doesn’t concern you.
The doctor raised his hands to show sign of giving up and handed Bandile release papers to
Dr:Ms “Take me to heaven with you” a nurse will come and help out of that and please don’t
come back before 3 months or else?
Sizi:You will continue calling me Ms TMTHWY for the rest of my life
Dr:Good! I will see next time
He winked as always then left the room. Bandile was concetrated on his phone and a nurse
came in then helped Siziphiwe out of the bed.
The drive to Bandile’s condo was silence, no words exchanged to one another just Siziphiwe
listening to her music from her phone. Bandile stopped at Spur to buy take-aways as no one
of them wanted to cook supper as usual, from there to the condo still no communitation
between the two. They got to the condo and Bandile took Siziphiwe’s bag then Siziphiwe
took the takeaway bag. In the flat, Bandile dished up for the two of them and a sudden knock
happened at the door.
“Who could it be it?” Asked Bandile
“Maybe the cops remember?” Answered Siziphiwe went to open the door, no expected the
person at door even myself as the narrator I did!
Siziphiwe:Mrs Pilay? What are you doing here?
She looked thinner than Siziphiwe last saw her
Her:You know exactly what your brother did to my son and you not even there to stop him
from doing so. How could you? Claiming you his girlfriend whilst you know you just
something that loves him for his money?
Khanyiso appeared from behind Mrs Pilay with a police officee
Siziphiwe:You are also here?
He nodded and looked down. A police officer came next to Khanyiso
“Siziphiwe what’s happening there?”
Bandile came next to Siziphiwe and stepped back.
P/Officer:Mr Lonoko, you are arrested for assault to towards Mr Pilay. Anything you sa-
Bandile:Say will be used against you at the court of law. If you don’t have a lawyer, the State
will provide one for you
The police officer chuckled.
Officer:You did my work less harder.
He was cuffed then they started walking to the elevator.
Mrs P:We will see you in court. Let’s go Kagiso
She flicked her weave showing off it was a Perivian weave.
“I am sorry” murmmured Khanyiso to Siziphiwe.
She shut the door while he was still standing there. It showed how a puppet Khanyiso was but
he had to listen to his parents as he follows under the redulations commanded by his mother.
Siziphiwe continued eating her food while thinking how she will help out Bandile.
The night seemed long for Siziphiwe but she managed to sleep throughout the night

part 49 a poisoned soul

I didn’t understand the concept why Bandile decided to beat up Khanyiso because he caught
us together for the second time but he doesn’t know how much we love each other. I thought
to myself how spineless Khanyiso was to press charges against Bandile, I know it was an
assault to him but at least we may have sorted the issue as a family.
My phone starts to ring and I check the caller ID. It was Khanyiso, I answered the phone and
put it on loudspeaker
Him:Baby are you okay?
Me:How can I be okay if my brother is in jail and I don’t even know his well-being?
Him:Fluffy I wasn’t going to press any charges against him but my mother insisted
Me:Whatever you want to say Khanyiso, bye
I kept quite and he spoke before I hung up
Him:Babe what can I do to make it up to you?
Me:Drop the charges against my brother
He sighed.
Him:Okay I will try but can I come over to spend the night?
Me:On your will Khanyiso
I hung up…
I tried to understand where Khanyiso was coming from so I stood up from the couch and
went to the kitchen. I prepared some maccaroni and cheese I forgot that Khanyiso was
coming over but I tried to make the meal enough for the both of us. I checked the necklace
around my neck and it was starting to glow a little even though it was a crystal but it magical
glowed, the room started to feel cold and I rubbed my hands against my skin.
“It’s cold” I said to myself going to the room temperature thermometer and it was starting to
drop rapidly. I heard a knock coming from the door so I went to answer it, Khanyiso was
standing against the door holding a bunch of flowers
Me:I thought you were not coming
Him:Why wouldn’t I?
He pulled me to him and he kissed my lips. I let him and he handed me the flowers
Him:Why are you shivering? Craving for something?
Me:What? Craving? Dude it’s cold in here
Khanyiso:You are crazy it’s not cold here. It’s so damn warm here
I placed the flowers on the coffee table and we sat on the couch. He pulled me into his chest
and started brushing my back slowly, our hands interlocked. I suddenly felt this sensetional
feeling I never felt before between Khanyiso and I.
Him:Love I am so sorry for letting my mouth decided for me
I sat properly on the couch and looked at his bruised face, a blue-black circle formed on his
eye bag.
Me:He beat the crap out of you!
Khanyiso:I am also scared right now even though he is not here
Me:School is starting next week are you ready?
I decided to change the topic because I didn’t want to have my full focus on Bandile’s
situation. My phone starts to ring and it was an unknown number.
Khanyiso:What do they want now?
Me:I also don’t know this number but I just have to hear.
I answered the call.
Me:Sizi hello?
Caller:It’s nice to hear your voice again my child
The voice sounded familiar but I didn’t know where it belonged to
Me:And you are?
Caller:Your mother, Sanelisiwe my dear
Me:Mom? Where did you get my number?
Her:I have my way
Me:What do you want from me?
Her:I wanted to let you know that I want to come and see me inside maybe tomorrow
Me:Why? Why do you want me to do that?
Her:I want us to build a strong relationship as mother and daughter not as strangers
Me:But you know I would never build one with you
Her:We should my love, come down here. I will ask Sifiso to come and pick you up from
your apartment
Me:But I didn’t agree to that
Her:Be ready by 12pm tomorrow bye
She hung up leaving me speechless not knowing what to say next, Khanyiso was shaking me
and I came back to life
Khanyiso:What’s wrong?
I shook my head no
Him:You know I don’t like it when you lie
He removed his head from my waist and gave a straight face. I wasn’t in no edge to lie and I
couldn’t do so.
Me:Fine! My mom wants me to visit her tomorrow
Him:What’s wrong with that? Afterall she is your mother
Me:That woman put me through hell and now she expects me to do so?
Him:Babe show some consideration that she still cares about you
I was getting tired of this conversation. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I started to dish
up for the both of us, he wrapped his arms around my waist
Khanyiso:Just give the woman some hope that you can build something together
Me:But I never had her in my life before.
He buried his face on my neck with his warm breath hitting on it also making my knees
Me:Stop it
I pushed him back but he came back.
Me:I don’t like what you doing on my neck
Him:Okay sorry
I gave him his plate then we went to sit on the couch while watching televison. I imagined us
already living together as a couple like we doing but only time will tell of it’s possible. We
covered ourselves with a blanket that I had lying on the floor. Our hands interlocked again
and this time I had butterflies flying around my stomach but I didn’t know what made them,
kisses were exchanged but with no words spoken.
I found myself raising my leg to get on top of Khanyiso who was enjoying the lovely
experience he was getting.
“We should stop this” – I said with my lips slowly seperating from his but he didn’t allow me
to do so instead he ignored me. He slowly laid me on my back and I pushed him.
Khanyiso:I agree let’s stop and watch some tv.
I fixed myself and sat on his chest again with the blanket covering us. We laughed when
moments allowed us to, I may say the night was feeling young especially when he was
The following morning I woke up and looked around, Khanyiso had a smiled drawn across
his face
“What?” I asked
“You so beautiful when you are asleep” He said with a smile
“You were watching me?”
“Yes why would I?”
“Because it’s so wrong!” I complained
I stood up from the couch with my body aching
“I should go home” said Khanyiso
Me:Okay baby I will see you
We kiseed and hugged, I walked to the door and opened for him and we kissed again
We said that at the very same time. I closed the door and went to my room to take a shower
so Sifiso can arrive without any hassles coming from me. I still wanted to know why my
mother would want to see in jail. I simply wore my black jeans with tracksuit top and an Nike
I went downstairs to make myself a cereal and a cup of cofffee. The time seeme to fly
because Sifiso was already knocking on the door and I let him in
Sfiso:Hey sis
Sfiso:Should we go?
Me:Let me go and take my phone then we can go
He winked then came inside. I went to take my cellphone from my room and sunglasses.
“Let’s go” I said heading to the door and he followed behind me. Deep down I didn’t want to
see Sanelisiwe (mom) in the prison even though she asked politely for me to do so. We went
into his car and he started the car then drove off.
“Are you worried?”
I nodded and focused back on the road with my mind filled with thoughts, I didn’t know what
was happening in my mind I really didn’t. So he parked his car then we went into this
building I also can’t describe the scene, Sifiso held my hand tight and whispered into my ear.
“She won’t do anything to hurt you just relax”
I pulled a smile from the side and we walked to this room, people were sitting with the
female prisoners wearing yellow-orange overalls but luckily they were not hand-cuffed. We
sat on the bench and waited for Sanelisiwe, I was starting to get impatient and getting into my
panick mode.
Me:When is she coming out?
Sfiso:She will.. oh there she is
She was walking with a prison warder and she quickly came to us.
Sane:My kids!
She stood up and tried to hug us,
P/Warder:No physical contact!
Sanelisiwe rolled her eyes and we sat down on the bench. She looked at me.
Her:I thought you didn’t want to come
Me:I gave it a thought and decided to come so I can here what you want to say
Sfiso looked at her then back at me.
Her:Well I called you here to find out hpw you are doing dispite the accident
This woman is up to something even though I am not to point were but I hate to say this but I
have a bad feeling about this. ..

part 50 a poisoned soul

“Why did you call me hear?” I asked with a rough voice indicating that I was annoyed in this
Sane:My dear, I called you hear for us to build a relationship that no one would ever be able
to break it
She held my hand and looked at Sfiso who was busy with his cell.
Me:But you know that I don’t even have any trust within me for you
Sane:I know that’s why I want us to do so
I removed my hands and looked at Sfiso who shifted his concetration from his phone to me
Me:Let’s go I can’t be here
Sane:No! We haven’t even talk but you already want to go?
Me:There is nothing for us to discuss together, you will find me in the car
Sane:Siziphiwe! Wait!
I stood up and started walking to the exit door were the guard opened the door for me
“Thank you” – I said to the warder and he nodded with a smile. As I was walking to Sfiso’s
car I felt a tight grip on my arm
“What the hell?” I looked back and it was Sfiso holding up his keys
Him:Why did you have to do that to mom?
Me:Ouch marn!
I yanked my arm from his hand and lookef at him
Me:What was I suppose to do? Act like everything is fine? Listen my brother I hardly know
this woman and now I am suppose to talk to her?
Him:At least you should have heard her out, she was starting to tear up when you left
Me:Would you take me home instead of yepping about this?
Him:You sure one stubborn girl just like mom. What would you like to eat?
Me:If we could do Ocean Basket
Him:No way I ain’t eating no fish and all those sea creatures!
Me:You shouldn’t have asked me if you knew what you wanted to eat
Him:Okay I will drive to the place so we can eat.
He started his car. I found myself laughing at the fact that he asked what are were going to eat
whilst he knew that we had an arguement together..
A cockroach roamed around in the cell and that sent shivers down my spine. The place was
also cold I couldn’t be in that place anymore, why did anyone come to rescue me? I mean at
least Siziphiwe would take money from her account to pay for my bail money.
I was surrounded by huge guys some spoke languages I couldn’t understand, there I was
situated in the corner of the cell with more than 6 of us in it.
“Mr Lonoko, you have a visitor”
I looked up it was the police warder waving the keys, I stood up and the other guys followed
P/Ward:Ey! Don’t even think about it! Mr Lonoko ayigubhe baba(Let’s go)
The guys walked back while I went to the police, he locked the cell gate and we walked down
the long corridor.
“Siyakuphi?” (Where are we going?) I asked the police and he smiled then said
“I was told not to tell you, it’s a suprise I guess”
I thought to myself who it could be because no one would intend to come and visit me
because they know I have assualted a child and I know it’s very wrong of me. I taken into the
interrogation room, I couldn’t believe my eyes it was Khanyiso moving around the room.
Khanyiso:What took you so long?
I shrugged my shoulders and looked away. I wasn’t able to face him. Seeing his bruised face
I felt like kneeling in front of him and say sorry.
Khanyiso:Can we have a private talk?
He looked at the police
Police:But it goes against-
Khanyiso:I know and he won’t harm me
He nodded and walked out of the room then he looked at me.
“What do you want from me?” I asked him
Khanyiso:Well I want to bail you out of this place but we have to do it silently
I chuckled and started talking
Me:Seriously? You would?
Khanyiso:Yes because you mean a lot to Siziphiwe and I can’t stand to see her like that
Me:Wait what do you mean by “I can’t stand to see her like that?”
He looked away and a smile appeared on his face but he tried to hide it.
Me:Tell me
Him:I went to see her
Me:At my flat?
He nodded and we laughed
Me:So you two do get up to no good
Him:No bhudda I respect so I can’t force her to doing that
Me:I hear you ntwana
Silence filled the room and I started to fiddle with my fingers
Him:So I will make a plan to get money to bail you out but we must make sure my mother
doesn’t find out but Siziphiwe must know about this
Me:What ever you say goes
We shook hands
Me:Listen man, I am truly sorry for doing that to you and you can continye dating my sister
Him:Really? Thank you I promise I will definitely make her happy under any circumstances.
So we will see each other when I get the money
Me:That’s fine..
I think I was already seeing a brother-in-law in Khanyiso and I’m going to enjoy it.
The day was going well with Sfiso, he eventually took me out to a chisa-nyama which was
just outside Cape Town. He was a really talkactive person because he pretty much did most
of the talking and I was just answering his question or just laughing.
“Thank you so much for this” I said wiping my mouth with a serviette
“It’s my pleasure” he replied with a smile on his face and wrapped the remaining meat with
the plastic.
Sfiso:So who is your boyfriend?
I laughed and looked at him in disbelief
Sfiso:Who is your boyfriend?
Me:Why do you want to know?
Him:Well I would like to if we are going to be expecting 50 cows soon
I laughed again and Sfiso joined too
Me:Well he is Khanyiso Pilay
Him:Where is he from?
Me:Here in Cape Town, we also go the same school.
My phone starts to ring and I answer it without checking the caller ID.
Caller:Hey baby, how are you?
I knew it was Khanyiso
Me:I am fine thanks and you boo?
Him:I am cool, where are you?
Me:I am going home
Him:With who?
Me:My brother, why?
Him:I need to see you I mean talk to you
Him:It’s something we need to discuss together, I will come with an Uber cab
Me:Okay see you then
Him:Cool babe I love you
Me:I can’t say that now but I will later
Him:Haha okay honey-pot!

part 51 a poisoned soul

“Where are we going?” I asked Sfiso as he slowly drove his car in some dodgy place which
had trees hanging over the tar road. He just looked at me and smiled then said, “I am taking
you to a place where Bandile and I grew up”
Me:Where is it?
Him:It’s a suprise
Me:I don’t like suprises
He chuckled and turned up the volume of the music which was playing on the radio and I
started moving to the house also mixed with deep house. And those were was my ultimate
favourite genres of all times.
Sfiso:What would make you hate suprises?
I shrugged my shoulders and he laughed as if I said a joke
Me:I don’t know but I just hate suprises!
Sfiso:Oh Siziphiwe!
He shook his head and concentrated on the road, my heart started to beat hard as the car
starting going in a more faster pace. To tell the truth I didn’t know what was happening
because I am used to fast cars especially Bandile’s so I can’t understand while I am getting
scared. As he stopped at the STOP sign I noticed that I knew the area even though I couldn’t
point out accurately where we know.
Sfiso:So let me break the ice
Me:Please do!
He smiled and I noticed he had dimples on his cheeks
Him:Well I am taking you to our dad’s house
Me:No wonder I knew this place
Him:You once came?
He sounded shocked
Me:Yes with Bandile, just a couple of months ago
He nodded and parked his car on the driveway which led into the Lonoko’s household.
Sfiso:You see how big it is?
I nodded and sure it was big, I think it was the frame of the house. We went in and he showed
me around starting from the pool which was surrounded by flowers to the gym which was
also outside but in a corner. He took me upstairs showing me the different rooms and to
whom it belonged to to.
“So this is my room”
He said while opening another door for me and we got inside. This guy was a Rock punk I
mean the posters in his room which had different types of people playing guitars and all that.
Me:So you are a Rockstar punk?
Sfiso:Yes I was from Grade 9 to 10 but I stopped following when I started doing Grade 12
Me:I don’t need the grade but the age! Come on brother! Who still does that?
We laughed and he shook his head
Him:Why do you want to know the age? I won’t tell you! Never
I looked at him and he smiled then pointed at the door
Him:Ladies first
I glanced at him and he laughed then said “You won’t do anything if I don’t tell you”
Me:Ayt I am over that man
Him:Good so this the grand suprise of the tour
He opened a door which was two rooms away from his. Sfiso opened the door and the colour
pink appeared also my name carved in the wall in capital letters
Sfiso:This used to be your room before you went to live in the Eastern Cape..
I just got into the zone of the room I didn’t even hear Sfiso finishing his sentence. There was
a baby cot in the middle of the room with a rocking chair just a few centimetres away from it.
A baby rumpie was hanging over the cot and I picked it up, it was written “Our one of a
kind”. I held it close to my chest and I could hear snaps next to my ears that’s when I came
back to my senses
I hanged the rumpie back on the cot and looked at Sfiso
Him:Let’s go to the living room
He walked out of the room and I looked around the room, I could feel something was hitting
my poisoned soul in a wonderful way. Maybe it was getting revived from all the vivid colour
it had surrounding it, maybe it was also got the chance to finally feel free and finally belong. I
got out of the room and heard Sfiso’s voice calling out my name.
I found him lying on the couch with his legs far apart from each other.
Sfiso:So which grade are you doing?
Me:Grade 11 soon to Grade 12
Him:Then university?
Him:Time sure flies. soon you will be 18
I nodded with a huge smile on my face
Him:So you will study here in Cape Town?
Me:No I am thinking of going to Port Elizabeth
He rolled his eyes and looked at me.
Sfiso:You have a fond of the Eastern Cape
Me:Whatever but I must make sure Bandile approves
Him:Where is he by the way?
I could feel my eyes moving around trying to avoid eye contact with Sfiso and he had his
eyes on me. I simply shrugged my shoulders and he made the “Hm” sound
Him:Are you sure?
Me:Yes I am!
Him:Siziphiwe I wasn’t born yesterday okay? Really where is he?
I felt a lump escape from my throat as I was about to answer his question.
Me:H-h-e got arrested yesterday evening
Him:What? Why?
Me:He assualted my boyfriend I mean friend but everything crossed up in a crossfire.
He laughed I didn’t get what was funny about all this!
Sfiso:What did you do to make him angry?
Me:I was just kissing the guy
Him:Just kissing?
Me:Yes it was brother
Sfiso:I hope you are telling the truth young lady. Let’s go.
He stood up from the chair and led the way back to the door. I exited and he locked after that.
We went to the car and he slowly reversed out of the driveway as he kept glancing at his
wrist watch.
A loud noise happened by the car and I just closed my eyes
“No no” Screamed Sfiso
“What the hell is happening?” I asked Sfiso while opening one eye
I saw a gun pointed at the window and I jumped up with shock. The door opened and Sfiso
was pulled out of the car. I took the phone ready to dial the cops number
Sfiso:Don’t call the police! Don’t do that!
This guy pointed the gun at me and also repeated what Sfiso said but with a rough voice. I
watched as my brother was loaded in to the trunk, no neighbour came out I guess they were
minding their own business.
I quickly changed seats from the passanger’s seat to the driver’s in a second to my suprise
there was no bump to show a sign of an accident which was really unusual. So I tried my best
to finish reversing the BMW X6 out of the driveway and I suceeded then I drove to
Thandazwa’s place which wasn’t far away from Marvins house..
As it was illegal for me to drive underage also without a driver’s licence was one thing
hanging by the thread for me. I prayed that I wouldn’t get caught by the traffic or anyone
involved in the Law of South Africa.
So I drove to Thandazwa’s place and parked Sfiso’s car by the gate then got out of the car. I
pressed on the bell so the gate would be opened inside of the house, the gate started to open
and I could see Thandazwa rushing out of the door to me. She met me halfway and a hug
filled our space
“What a woderful suprise!” She exclaimed while smiling her heart out
She was in her basics which were denim shorts with a long sleeved shirt.
“How are you?” I asked her
Thandi:I am good and you?
Me:I am well
Thandi:What’s up with this cars? Firstly it was a Golf 7 now a BMW! Surely this blesser of
yours is the best
I laughed and looked away because I knew she knew I didn’t have a blesser.
Me:It belongs to Sfiso
Her:Your other brother?
I said yes while following her into the kitchen. There was a woman who was washing the
dishes wearing maid clothes
Thandi:Ma this is my friend Siziphiwe
Her:Hello nana I am Mavis your friend’s helper
Me:Nice to meet you ma
Thandi:Would you pour us some juice? We will be by the pool
Mavis:Okay Thandi I will bring it.
I followed Thandazwa out of the living room to the pool area and we sat on chairs.
Thandi:So what’s up?
Me:Nothing much and you?
She looked at me and made a smirk
Thandi:Nothing too
Her eyes went straight to mine making me shiver in the chair and I couldn’t put them
anywhere else
“Here is your juice”
I looked up and it was Mavis holding a tray with two glasses filled with juice. She handed me
one from the table
Me:Thank you ma
She smiled and nodded then gave it to Thandi who also said the thing as I said. I took a sip
from the juice just to hide mine from Thandazwa’s.
Her:What happened?
Me:What are you talking about?
Her:You know what I am talking about
Me:You talking about what?
Her:I have known you long enough that I can see it when you lie
Me:Sfiso got kidnapped and they instructed me not to call the police but I want but I don’t
know what they will do if I do.
I sighed.
Thandi:What? Sfiso got kidnapped?
Me:Yes and I don’t know what they will do to him
Her:You were told not to call the police?
I nodded while trying to sip from the glass, something caught my attention on Thandazwa’s
leg and it was a blue-black mark. It was visible to see because she was light-skinned
Me:What’s that?
I pointed to her thigh and she looked at it then back at me.
Her:I bumped on the cabinet last night
Me:Oh really? But that doesn’t seem like a bump bruise
I raised my eyebrow and she did too
Her:Fine! Leon and I had a fight then he hit me blah-blah-blah!
Me:He did that to you? He sure has the gut
Her:I know but I deserved it
Me:What makes you say that?
She chuckled.
Her:Well I spray-painted all his expensive suits, shoes and some of the rooms in his house
then wrote “Leon The Whore”!
I was laughing with tears escaping from my eyes
Her:He decided to cheat on me with some lame-ass bitch but it was worth it
Me:To write “Leon The Whore” in his house?
She stood up
Thandi:Hell yeah! Imagine leaving this hot body for a person who has a flat ass with no hips
also artificial nails while I have natural hair! No way! I would never let these bitches claws
into my bae’s lovely mmh okay?
Me:I hear you mgani
I wiped away the tears that were dripping from my eyes and looked at her
“Don’t let these bitches into your bae’s lovely mmh!” I said
“That’s the goal friend” Thandazwa replied
I found myself laughing at the fact my friend would risk her life to any extent were she would
such crazy things for Leon but we never no how the human brain reacts to certain situations..

part 52 a poisoned soul

I kept tossing back and fourth in my bed trying to sleep but I couldn’t. Everyone I loved
seemed to be thrown in jail but I try by all means to act normal in front of the public but in
the inside I am dying. First it was Bandile who just decided to assault Khanyiso because of
me confessing I am in relationship with him, secondly it’s Sifiso who I was already feeling a
brotherly bond between the two of us but that seemed to be fading as he was kidnapped by
whoever those guys were. I am stuck in a die or live situation hence the people who
kidnapped Sfiso had threated to kill me alive if I tell the police and I can’t risk my life for
Eventually I was able to sleep but during that sleep a weird dream visited me but I didn’t
know what the message was and it happened in a minute.
“What do you want from me?” I ask the guy who is waving his hand while getting into the
car. He just looks at me and continues to wave but something happens, a truck hits this guy
and his car. A blazing fire occurs after the hit. I find myself weeping tears, I feel a sharp pain
hit my heart as if I knew this person but I wouldn’t even recognise his face.
I jump out of the bed with my body covered in sweat, I look around and I see nothing just me
in my room. I look at the time on my phone and it’s already 9am in the moring, time sure flys
if you don’t notice. I start dialling Khanyiso’s number on my phone and he answers on the
first ring.
He still sounded asleep but he tries tp hide that
Me:Would you please help me?
Him:Anything love
Me:I need to bail Bandile out of jail and I have money to do so
He sounded shocked
Me:Is the a problem?
Him:No! Absolutely not it’s just that I had..
He keeps quite for a while until I raise my voice shouting out his name
Him:Well I bailed him out but he wanted to suprise you this morning
What? He did what?
Me:Woah! You took money out of your pocket to bail him out?
Him:Yes! I was doing that for my future brother-in-law
I laugh and he did so
Me:Well thank you very much and I promise to pay back every cent
Him:No way! You will not do that
Me:I have to because I didn’t expect that but I have to
Him:Listen we will talk about that when we get together
Him:I love you Fluffy
Me:I love you too Papi
We blow kisses to each others directions and hung up after that.
I sat down on my bed and threw my phone in between the pillows then laid my head. I
couldn’t believe the sudden remorse shown by Khanyiso but I am very grateful for what he
did. So I fix my bed and I already find myself cleaning out the flat just to show Bandile that
the was an independent lady in the flat. I prepared some food which was a welcome home to
Bandile and then I went upstairs to do my hygience process.
It seemed like I had disappeared in the world of Bandile, yes I did betray him in an
unexplainable way but I loved him and I still do. I started showing and I was already in my 6
month, well Tshepo had been playing his role to show that he also wants to be in my child’s
life I mean our child. So it’s just a normal day and I am reading the fifth chapter of Happiness
Is Not For Everyone which was a book a friend recommeded me to try and I did.
“Kay!” I hear a voice shout out my name inside my flat and I instantly close the book then
Tshepo appears holding Spur takeaway bags. He raises them up and smiles
“You shouldn’t have.” I say smiled sitting properly so he can sit next to me
Tshepo:Well I thought the little one might want some
He says rubbing my stomach with his hand and a smile forms.
Me:I still can’t believe it on its way
Him:What do you mean?
Me:It was suppose a fling but here we are already going to have kid
Him:So you are having cold-feet because it’s not Bandile’s?
He says biting off the juicy, saucy rib which was in his hands. I simply nod and take one rib
Him:How many times should I say sorry?!
He raises his voice as if the topic had bored him but it was true I didn’t have any intentions to
have my first baby to be fathered by my boyfriend’s friend. But people must understand that
it was a mistake and Bandile had left me for days want his love but instead he just always
gave me his shoulder because he would always he had important things to handle.
Tshepo:I think I should leave because our topic will be Bandile
Me:No please! Can we finish the food?
I look and him then he nods. He just has that love he has for me but he always try to hid the
Tshepo:So are you ready to be a parent?
I nod because I was, I had already had that bond with this soul inside me and I hope Tshepo
has too.
Me:Hell yeah!
He laughs and smiles then laughs
Him:So when are we getting to know the gender?
Me:I was thinking of checking it during my next check-up with the doctor
Him:So can I come with?
I look at him in disbelief and shook my head
Me:Come on dude! You always come with me
Him:Okay I was just pulling your leg so I just to clear every single meeting I will have to
come with you
Me:You would?
Him:Yes this is an Angel we made together okay? I will be with you every step of the way
until you deliver him or her into this world
I could feel tears starting to escape from my eyes and he wipes it with his pinky finger
“Don’t cry.” He says
Me:That’s so heart-warming I just couldn’t hold back and you are going to make me sticky
with this saucy.
We both laugh and he wipes his hands with a wet serviette
Him:I am sorry it’a just that I can’t hold myself back when I am around you
Me:Say that again
His phone beeps and he looks at me then back at his phone
Him:I have to go
He stands up while kissing my forehead
“I will see you tomorrow or just call when you need anything” he adds on to his sentence
Me:Okay I will
He leaves me intoxinated with his Cologne and I couldn’t hold. My mind was telling me to be
with Tshepo because we will be having a child together but on the other hand my heart wants
to go to Bandile and ask for forgiveness even though I know it may take a while for to
forgive me..
What should I do?
Food? Done
Everything on point? Yep
A knock happens on the door as I am still admiring the work I have done for my brother at
least someone I love is back with me.
“Okay.” I say rushing to the door hoping to see my bubbly brother so I open the door and see
Bandile leaning against the door holding a bunch of flowers with Khanyiso next to him.
I jump onto him while giving him a big hug and I could hear smiling
Bandile:You are killing me!
I realise him from my arms and he hands over the flowers to me
Me:How are you?
Him:I am good thanks and you?
Me:Happy now that I see you
I look at Khanyiso who is just smiling revealing his teeth, I shift away from the door so they
can get into the flat
Bandile:It smells divine in here
Me:I tried for you to remove that feeling from those cells with food that’s just lame
Bandile:Say that again but thanks to Khanyiso
Khanyso:It was nothing bhuti I just wanted to land a hand to help you guys
Me:Let’s sit down so we can eat
I guess they sorted out their differences alone

part 53 a POISONED soul

“This is so delicious”-Bandile reprimands
Khanyiso:Say that again
I chuckle.
Bandile:This is what I missed not that food we got in that place
Me:You were already given food?
Bandile:Yes! I spent more than 72 hours there so they had to
Me:I hope you learnt that assaulting people doesn’t help.
I look at both Bandile and Khanyiso who look at each also
Bandile:I did, I did learn my lesson also Pilay I am once again apologising for my actions
Khanyiso:As I said before I have forgiven you because it’s hard to see a boy get into your
Bandile:Why you both sounding like elders I mean you haven’t both haven’t been even
reached 21 but the way you talk
We both laugh.
Me:But it helps doesn’t it?
Bandile:Hell yeah! It’s helps
Khanyiso:You see?
Bandile:Let me go and take a shower then sleep I am so tired
Me:Didn’t you sleep in those cells?
He looked at me in disbelief.
Bandile:Those huge men in those cells I slept with my left eye open
Khanyiso and I laugh so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes.
Khanyiso:Is it that rough?
Bandile:I was told that even guys do the deed by force
I looked down because when he mentioned “doing the deed by force” it reminded me when
Dumani did the same thing to me.
Khanyiso:What’s wrong?
Bandile:Eish! Sis I am very sorry you know me and my big mouth
I nod while standing up going to the kitchen. I take a glass and pour water into it then gulped
it down. I feel a hand move to my waist and I look back it was Khanyiso.
Him:You see when you call me that I love you forever
I turn around and throw myself into his arms
Me:Then stay with me and don’t go to France please
Him:Babe you know I can’t like my application has been appove they are waiting for my
He brushes my back as I tighten my body in his
Me:But you will visit me?
He laughs and kisses my forehead
Him:You are acting as if I am leaving tomorrow
Me:Why wouldn’t I? I mean the year went by fast and it that will do the same thing
Him:You know what about I take you out and maybe we will right because it’s also your
How did I forget that?
Me:The 4 of January!
Him:That a reason to celebrate. Come lets go before my special suprise is ruined
“Happy birthday to you”
I hear Bandile with his voice sing for me
“Some is finally 18!” He says
“Man you are behind me” Khanyiso cries
Me:Weren’t you suppose to be in the shower or something?
Bandile:No I just wanted to listen to your conversation
Bandile:And yes you both can go out to the place Khanyiso has reserved for you
Khanyiso:Thanks bhudda and I will bring her before ten
Bandile:No come back after eleven I mean you only re-opening on the 11th right?
Bandile:Okay I will see you later and sis have a wonderful day
Me:Thanks B
He hugs me after kissing my forehead and goes to his room.
Khanyiso:Go and apply sunblock also bring your sunglasses then we can go
Me:Cool I will be back in 5
He nods and I rush up the stairs, I even forget my birthday and Kagiso remembers I mean
who knew he would remember such. So I did as Khanyiso instructed and I apply some
perfume, I hear my phone ringing from the charger and I rush to answer it but the caller ID
was written “Private Number”.
Caller:Happy Birthday to you
It was Thandazwa singing for me
Me:Oh man! Thanks babe
Her:So can I come and pick you up for your birthday
I bite my nails.
Me:Well Pilay has already offered for us to go out so friend I can’t what about tomorrow
Her:Oh? It’s fine I hope you have fun and enjoy your day.
Me:Thank you bye
I removed my phone from my ear and go downstairs, I find Khanyiso playing with car keys
and kept checking his wrist watch.
Me:Let’s go
Him:Finally! I thought you jumped me
I laughed as he opened the door for me.
Him:I really did think so I mean girls nowadays can just disappear with the wind while she
was right next to you
He stretches his arm to meet mine halfway
Me:So you think I will also disappear with the wind?
He flips his hand back and fourth doing the more-likely indication
Me:So you think I will?
I hit his shoulder while he pulls me under his shoulder and kiss my lips. He presses on the car
keys and we walked towards an navy-blue Alpha Romeo.
Me:An Alpha?
He nods while opening the door for me and I get in then he goes to the other side.
Him:Soon to fall under my name
Me:You not even 18 though
He looks at me and presses against his lips revealing his dimple
Khanyiso:So because you turned 18 after me you thought I wouldn’t have a car?
Me:But you know that we are the same age but three days apart
He starts the engine and drives out the apartment yard
Him:What do you mean?
Me:You were born on the 1st and I was born on the 4th
Him:Oh? Now I see.
We continue talking and he starts to raise up his speed, was he trying to impress me or
Me:We are not in a race so please relax!
Khanyiso:Babe we are going to one
Me:What do you mean?
He smiles and turns on the volume hitting the highway, I was holding on to the seat because I
was afraid of being caught by the traffics. He parks by a racing park and his friends wers
there with some girls then we got out of the car.
“They won’t kill you” he whispers in my ear as if he can see that I am trembling because of
being nervous of seeing this girls who looked out of my standard. I mean they were wearing
shorts that were near a point where you could see their butts but hey our styles vary.
I simply nod as I swallow hard while walking next to him and these girls are giving me nasty
Olwethu:Kay-Pee player of all games!
He bumps his shoulder with a bro-hug embracing them.
Kay:What up man? Long time no seen
Olwethu:Say that again maybe she keeping you locked up
He looked at me while giving me a brief hug. So some of the guys come over and talk to
Khanyiso, literally looked like Pharoah to them. After a few minutes of them sipping some of
the whiskeys and all that, they hopped into the car and Khanyiso called me to the car while I
was busy typing nonsense on my phone because none of the girls were interested to even start
a conversation with me and I was also not going to try.
I get into the car and close the door behind me.
Khanyiso:So you are bored?
How can he ask me that? Maybe the whiskey is getting into him slowly.
Me:Come on! I would rather stay at home than be in this dump
He looks at the other side while he waves to one girl who was hotter than me, I may sound
like I am insecure about my looks but comparing me to this girls I was a boo-hoo.
Me:I guess I am talking to the doors of this car.
He looks at me with his eyebrows raised up.
Me:Ask her, she will tell you!
I open the car door and I feel a tight grip around my wrist. I was so angry because people
warned me about Khanyiso but I was love-struck by him and it seems he is going back to his
old tactics of being a player.
Khanyiso:Gee! What’s wrong with you? It seems like jealous has taken over. Listen that’s
my cousin Amanda there is no need to be jealous.
Did I hear correctly? Cousin?
This Amanda comes over catwalking her way next to the driver’s window
Her:Lil one how you doing?
They fist bumped.
Khanyiso:I am good and you?
Her:I am okay, surely this is the honourable Siziphiwe Lonoko?
Khanyiso:One and only
Amanda:It’s nice to finally meet you
She takes my hand and we hand shake
Khanyiso:So when am I going to spin?
She looks at her wrist watch before answering.
Her:In just five minutes and you will be on then you can take the lady out!
She also knew about this suprise? I guess Khanyiso was just a talker of everything.
Amanda:Have fun on the track!
She says while walking back to her friends. I was embarrased I mean I am already thinking
that Khanyiso is back to his same old tricks without consulting him.
Khanyiso:You see? She is my cousin
I cover my face with my hand while shaking my head
Me:I am sorry Papi
Him:It’s cool Fluffy.
He kisses me for a couple of seconds until I pull out because of the scent of the Hennesey
smell in his mouth.
Khanyiso:We always ride and die together?
I laugh and shake my head
Me:We always party and stay out late together
Him:What the? Did you drink?
I slowly nod as he starts the engine while laughing his head off.
Him:What did I do to deserve you?
I slowly shrug and fasten my seatbelt..
After the race Khanyiso and his friends held at the racing park, he drives to some place and
parks the car under a tree. Siziphiwe and Khanyiso both hold hands as they always do when
they are together. They go near a lake and there was a small boat close to the banks.
Khanyiso:After you dear
Siziphiwe smiles and does as Khanyiso says, inside the boat there were rose petals leading to
the deck of the boat.
Siziphiwe:And then? Should I follow them?
Siziphiwe just became clueless and just got smiles filling her face.
Sizi:It seems like our first date
She turns around to face Khanyiso
Kay:I know I just wanted to revive the moment
Sizi:That’s so sweet.
She holds her hand against her chest and Khanyiso wraps his arms around her.
Him:I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and I love you so much.
He kisses her cheek
Him:And I wish to spend my life with you even though you sometimes over-react in some
Siziphiwe laughs.
Him:And to seal that I love you so much and I hope you love me too
Her:But you know I do! I love you too Khanyiso
He takes out a box from his pocket and hands it to Siziphiwe, she opens it with excitement
and there were bracelets in it. At the bottom it was written
“You and I are infinity”
Sizi:Is it for us?
Him:Yes and let me help you wear yours
Siziphiwe was speechless because she never expected such from a guy especially after the
things she has faced during this past years. She even thought to herself that she may have
found her a person to call husband, best friend and brother forever.
Was the spark true? Is this love truly infinity?

part 54 a poisoned soul

I could hear Bandile screaming “No” from his room and I pushed the blankets away from my
body then rushed to his room. He was so wet and shaking at the same time, I shook him until
he responded while breathing heavily.
“What’s wrong?” I ask with a breaking voice because I didn’t like to see my brother in such
He looks around while trying to get back to his breathing skills and had his eyes scan around
the room.
“He- truck- crash-”
“Bandile!” I shout for him to get back to hid senses, he simply breathes in and out and starts
to talk properly.
Bandile:I was having a weird dream
Me:Tell me about it
Bandile:A man was waving at me and got into his car then a truck hits him, a blazing fire
occurs in that instance
I shake my head because this was the exact dream I had but I didn’t want to him know that it
happened to me.
Me:What? Okay let’s go back to sleep. We will discuss this in the morning
He nodded and laid back his head on his back, I walked back to my room. Bandile and I had
the exact dream but how was I going to tell him? I know it’s easy to say but for me it would
be difficult because he always said I should tell him if any dreams occurs. I check the time on
my phone
“It’s 3am!” I say shouting as I go under my covers and going to sleep.
I woke and did my hygience process then I fixed my bed, it was already the 11 of January and
I was not even ready to go back to school. I wore my school uniform with school shoes, I
took my bag and went downstairs. I could smell bacon and eggs being made, I decided to
follow the smell which was coming from the kitchen.
“Good morning!”
I hear Bandile greeting me as I am halfway inside the kitchen door, I sit down on the spinning
chair with coffee smelling delicious in front of me.
Bandile:I re-call you coming into my room, what was happening?
He doesn’t remember?
Me:You had a bad dream and I went to wake you up
He laughs.
Him:About that?
Me:Yes about it!
Him:It was really weird because I didn’t see the guy and everything just happened in a fast
“Really?”- I ask. Acting all clueless about this dream even though what he saying is what I
said. I knew he could see through me that I was lying
“Talk!” He shouts
Me:Talk about what?
Bandile:I know you are hiding something
Me:Hiding what? Why do you always want to know everything? Geez would you just hold
up? Please!
I say taking an apple from the fruit basket and bag
“Siziphiwe! Get back here!”
I could hear him shout out my name as I walk out of the door to the elavator and still Bandile
was running behind me, calling out my name. I got into the lift and watched him try to catch
up with me but it was too late.
I didn’t understand what was wrong with me, yes Bandile and I would have fights like any
brother and sister but not like this one. I was out of lane I can even testify by myself, I walk
out of the lift with my schoolbag on my shoulder thinking of what I did. At least I should
have allowed him to give me bus and tuckshop fare before walking out of him. I was in a go-
back-to-Bandile or walk-to-school situation but if I walked to school that would mean I
would miss close to two classes. I stand by the pavement outside the complex thinking of
swallowing my pride and go apologise to Bandile for my actions.
I look back to see who it was and it was Thandazwa’s boyfriend Leon
Me:Leon? What are you doing here?
Him:I am just coming from my apartment, would you like a ride to school?
Me:No thank you I don’t need one
Him:Please we will pick up Thandazwa because I have to pick her up
I look at the gate and think of going back to Bandile but I am getting offered a free-ride. Nah!
Let me take the ride, I will speak to Bandile later
“Let’s go”
I say with a breaking voice because fear was also kicking in. I get into the backseat and Leon
chuckles as he starts his car to embark on the journey to Thandazwa’s house. He joins the
freeway and his car picks up speed, I wouldn’t say he was docky because he held a good
conversation and he played the right music which was RnB.
“So you dating anyone?” He asks looking at me with the rear mirror
Me:What makes you ask that?
Leon:It’s just a question
Me:Oh okay
Him:Don’t take it the wrong way because I would never do that to Thandi okay?
Me:Please don’t! Not after that scandal
I hold my hand against my mouth
He shake his head
Him:She told you?
I nod and we both laugh
Him:My girlfriend though!
He takes out his phone and press on it then puts it by his ear. He talks, I guess he was talking
to Thandazwa because I saw her walking out of the gate and running towards the Range
Thandi:Hey babe
She gets in and kisses Leon for quite a while until they gasp for air, I didn’t do anything to
cause distraction instead I looked away.
Leon:Hi love, we got a passanger with us
Thandi:Who is that?
She looks at the back and her eyes meet with mine, they quickly lit up
I say with a smile on my face
Her:How are you?
Me:I am good and you?
Her:I am fine, Leon how did you find her?
She sits properly as the car starts to move
Leon:She was standing by the gate outside her apartment and I decided to give her lift
because you have been complaining all weekend of missing her
Thandi:Oh my! You did that for me?
She holds her hand against her chest and push her lips together
Leon:So are you happy now?
Thandi:More than happy.
I look outside the window as Thandi is busy walking as always while I was deep in thought,
thinking about this dream.
“What does it carry behind it?”
That was a question roaming about in my mind because we can’t both have the same dream
but it doesn’t show anything. So Leon parks in front of the school gate and I open the door
Me:Thanks for the lift
Leon:You welcome.
I get off the car and walk towards the gate, I feel a sharp razing pain hit my abdomen but I
ignore it maybe it was period pains. So Thandazwa comes to me as we walk into the school
Thandi:Are you okay?
I nod and walk towards the bench then I sit down sudddenly the pain disappears. I see
Khanyiso doing a type of cat walk coming towards us with his squad Olwethu, Asamkele and
Khanyiso:My Queen!
He says as he bows in front of me and his friends follow. I laugh
Me:Since when am I Queen?
KK:You know you always been
He kisses my forehead but I was expecting him on the lips, why did have to?
“When are you getting yourselves abo Bae cause you have seen your leader has transformed
from Player to Best Boyfriend?” Thandi teases
Olwethu:We trying to push the habit away but it’s already addictive
Thandi:You never going anywhere in life
The bell rings for us to summon to line and we do, yes the Grade 12 line finally! The next
year is going to be university yey!
The day was going well until the pain increased near my abdomen and it was break so
Thandazwa accompanied me to the toilet. I could feel blood slowly sliding down my leg, I
rush into the toilet to see what was going on. Blood had filled my tights and underwear these
were no periods but blood rushing out of me
“Thandazwa!’ I shout out her name and she gets in.
Me:Call one of the teachers please!
The pain was becoming more and more painful, after a few minutes Thandazwa arrived with
our Xhosa teacher Mrs Ndlovu
Ndlovu:Siziphiwe what’s wrong?
Me:I don’t know mam but please call the ambulance please!
Ndlovu:Okay! Thandi please go to the office and bring towels while we call the ambulance
Thandi:Okay mam
She rushes out of the toilet to the office. I didn’t know what was happening to me, I
remember blood flowing rapidly and Mrs Ndlovu trying to keep me calm. But that didn’t help
and then..
I could hear machines beeping next to me but they sounded as if they were in side of my
head, I slowly opened my eyes to see Bandile holding my hand with Thandazwa standing
next to me.
Me:What happened?
Bandile head rose up and his face started to brighten.
Thandi:You had blood coming out in between your legs but we are still waiting for the result.
I nod and a tear slides down my eye, Bandile tightens his grip on my hand.
Bandile:Don’t try it’s not your fault that it happened
Me:I just want to know what’s wrong
The doctor walks in and he had a envelope in his hand
I sat up straight and he comes up forward next to the bed
Doc:Miss Lonoko, we took a test to see what was the cause of the blood and it seems it was a
Me:A miscarriage? Me?
Bandile:Who did you sleep with?
Doc:Guys, I am not finished it was also clarified that you were 4 months pregnant but you
weren’t showing
6 months?
I found myself gasping for air, I think the father might be Dumani but how? I mean it’s
almost a year or two
Bandile looked at me and shook his head also did Thandazwa
“Is the anything wrong?” The doctor asks
I look at Thandazwa who looks at Bandile and he did the same thing to the doctor
Bandile:She was raped a couple of times but it has been already a year, how can she be?
Doc:Maybe the semen hadn’t flushed out completely out of her body maybe that may cause
the preg ancy
Me:But it’s good this happened
Bandile:Say that again!
I couldn’t believe this happened to me, but it’s really rare for this to happen. Why don’t I die
and leave all these surrows behind? Life is not something I don’t deserve to have, yes it’s not!
Everything is just so wrong and nothing seems right, what did I ever do?
part 55 a poisoned soul
“Did I tell you Sfiso got kidnapped?”
I asked sitting up straight in the hospital bed and faced Bandile, Thandazwa had gone home
but I think she was going to Leon’s.
Bandile:What do you mean kidnapped and when did it happen?
Me:It had the following day after you got arrested
Bandile:Where you with him?
I nod and he shakes his head
Him:So you were busy living life with him instead of bailing me out?
Me:I was going to ask him but that when he was kidnapped
Him:So much for being sister
Me:Why are you being a drama king?
He laughs while clapping his hands
Bandile:So I am a drama king? Wow! What’s happening to you?
Me:Nothing is happening to me because you are selfish and you always think of yourself!
Bandile:I am not being selfish or selfish because if I was you wouldn’t be here
He says with a calm voice.
Me:What do you mean by saying “wouldn’t be here?”
Him:You would still be in the Eastern Cape, working your ass off for that family
I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes because the way he said it was really
“Leave!” I say with a rough voice and he just glances at me while rolling his eyes
Him:I am not going anywhere
Me:Get the hell out of here! I don’t want to see you!
Him:As I said I am not going anywhere
I press on the buzzer which was next to my bed and a nurse comes in rushing into the ward
Nurse:Is the something wrong?
Me:Please call the security to take him away from me
Nurse:Is the a reason for that mam?
I shake my head and Bandile firmly stands up then walks to the door
Bandile:I can’t wait for you to leave Cape Town to go to Port Elizabeth
He walks out without looking back at me, I could feel tears slowly sliding out of my eyes and
I lay my head against the pillow
Nurse:Will you be fine?
I nod because I didn’t want her to hear my breaking voice. I could hear the nurse leave the
ward, I can’t believe my relationship with Bandile was on a rocky path. I mean the sudden
arguments that came by are just heart-breaking and he seems to be talking hurtful things
especially about my past.

As Bandile leaves the ward he bumps into Khazimla and Tshepo, he was so angry seeing
Khazimla’s big bump which he was rumoured to be the father of this child
Bandile:Tshepo? Khazimla?
“The nerve to call out my name!” Bandile thought to himself as he could feel his jaws tighten
Khazimla:How are you?
She tried to make the awkward moment disappear which had filled the space between the
three of them
Bandile:I am good, my life is going out well and I seem happy with everything
Khazimla could see Bandile was lying because they had been together for more than 7 years.
Tshepo:It was good seeing you bro but we have to go
Bandile:Okay cool have a good day
He walks past them and exits the hospital to his car, he bangs on the steering wheel because
of frustation seeing both Tshepo and Khazimla. He took out his cellphone because it was
ringing and it was one of his friends Melikhaya
“Khaya?” He says
“Dawg come to Gugulethu it’s lit!” He responds with a lot of excitement in his voice
“What’s going on?” He asks
“The chicks, booze and the music” he proclaims
“Ayt I will be there” He says
They drop the call and Bandile drives from the hospital to Gugulethu. He was excited about
this because he wanted to get his mind shifted from Khazimla, deep down he still love the
He arrived in Gugulethu and saw Melikhaya’s caravan parked outside, he parks next to the
car and he walks entering the house. His mind just blew seeing so many people and liqour he
just got confused and heard Melikhaya calling him. So the night went by and the guys were
having a good time, girls were literally hanging over Bandile and he was enjoying that. He
decided to take one of the girls home called Liyanda who looked a lot like Khazimla.
When they got to the flat and everything was just perfect, Liyanda was everything Bandile
always anticipated. She responded to his touches and couldn’t hold anything back. She let
him take her to another world.

The following day I tried calling Bandile but his phone went straight to voicemail. I wanted
to go back to school because I couldn’t stay at this hospital anymore, the nurse came in and
gave me soap and a towel so I could wash. I did then went back to the bed while waiting for
Bandile to come and sign my release forms. I felt another presence in the room and I looked
up only to see my mother looking beautiful, standing next to the door. I was stunned that she
could be hear while she was suppose to be in jail.
“What are you doing here?” I ask
Sam:I came to release you so you can go to school tomorrow
Me:How did you get out?
Her:Well I am on parole
I hope she won’t cause any problems while she is outside bars.

part 56 a poisoned soul

I was in the car with my mother Samkelisiwe who had a private driver just for herself, she
convinced me to have me go with her because we could see Bandile wasn’t coming anytime
“What do you want from me?” I ask because she wouldn’t just pitch up and act all motherely
to me, leaving me all these years needing her love.
Sam:What do you mean? I only want to have a relationship with you that’s all
Me:I have too many relationships with people so I don’t need yours
Sam:Oh please! You are leaving next year and you wont have any contact with me
Me:I don’t care nor mind it’s final I don’t want anything which associates with you
Her:What kind of children did I give birth to?
Me:And your son Sifiso got kidnapped a few days ago but it seemed like he had known it will
She looked at me with her eyebrows raised, this lady had my exact features starting from the
lips to eyes finally her eyebrows.
Her:Planned it?
I nod.
Me:He kept looking at his wrist watch then back at me
Her:Wow! That’s a first no one knows when they will get kidnapped
Me:My point exactly!
The car stops in front of the apartment buildings and I get off followed by Sam with the
driver who takes out a bag from the trunk
“Where is it going?” I ask and the guy looks at Sam
Her:It’s some clothes I bought for you before I went to the hospital
Me:Who said I need clothes?
Her:No one I just wanted to buy them for you
Me:Thank you but no thanks you can keep them, I don’t need those
Sam:For Heaven Sake, child what’s up with you and your stinking attitude? I try to do
everything a mother is suppose to do but you just rub that in my face
I look down because I could sense it in her voice that Sam was hurting.
Sam:I am no saint I am also a sinner in this world but when it comes to you I just don’t know
what happens to me. I love you, mommy loves but it seems you fail to see that.
I look at her ready to talk what was in my heart, I know we were outside but that didnt stop us
from talking our personal issues rp each other
Me:If you really loved me, you would never gave me away to Nonzame and you would never
ever thought of killing me!
A tear escapes from her eyes and she quickly wipes it away, I give her a full glance and not
attempting to remove my eyes from her.
Me:Samkelisiwe I hate you like I really hate you even now it disgusts me to stand in front of
you and listen to you ask for forgive also claiming you love me. I just hate that!
I could see more tears flowing out of her eyes and I wasn’t going to comfort her or anything
Me:You made me fear living especially when I moved this side, the threating calls you made.
How do you think I was feeling but now I have to forgive you? I can’t, I really can’t. And
thank you for the ride I will see you another time.
I left her standing there and I wasn’t going to turn back to apologise because I was talkinh
from deep within my soul, if I pretend that everything is fine what will the future if I continue
like that?
Call me selfish but I wasn’t, if she really wanted to be in my life Samkelisiwe would have
never let me go to the Eastern Cape and be some sort of slave. She shouldn’t have, her issues
with dad are not suppose to be directed to us especially me because I don’t even know what
was the conflict between. Maybe I was labeled as the scapegoat in family but I wasn’t going
to tolerate that anymore.
I walk to the apartment with my schoolbag hanging on my shoulder, I was tired of everything
more-less my life. I could feel eyes analysing me starting from my head down to legs,
piercing through my skin in search of my soul. I look back to see this guy staring at me and
he comes back to his senses when he sees me looking at me.
“Is the a problem?” I ask
Him:No its just that I have never been blinded by such beauty in my life before
I smile and he does too.
Him:And those dimples also play a huge role in that smile
Me:Well thank you
Him:I am Lukholo Mkiva and you are?
Me:I am Siziphiwe Lonoko
He takes my hand for a handshake then kisses it. I remove my hand from his, I got lost in this
Lukholo’s cuteness I mean he has the perfect height for a guy. The correct cut which was a
fade, a small Infinity combined with happiness tattoo just behind his ear. Also the perfect
body structure but he didn’t beat my Khanyiso never.
“Siziphiwe! Are you still with me?”
I could hear snaps happening close to my face, I quickly close my eyes and open them again.
Me:What’s wrong?
Lukholo:You have been staring at me and I tried calling your name but you didn’t hear
What an embarrassment! But I couldn’t help it this guy is so handsome with a bit of cuteness
conjoined also made by his small pink lips.
Me:I am sorry about that
Lukholo:It’s okay I get that a lot so you live around here?
I nod as we start walking moving away from the elevator
Me:Yes what about you?
Lukholo:No I don’t live I just came to visit my sister
I simply nod trying to avoid the awkward moment which was about to clash between the two
of us
“Can I have your number so we can have some drinks when you are free?”
Me:Drinks? I don’t do drinks
Him:Come on Siziphiwe okay let’s say milkshakes you know, I just want us to be friends
nothing more
I look at him and gave him the “seriously” look
Me:I don’t give out my personal number to strangers so I can not
Him:Okay Siziphiwe I will see you around
He opens his arms for a hug and I go straight to him, I couldn’t let an opportunity like that
slide through my fingers like water. His Cologne intoxinated me, making my head to take a
“So you allow strangers to hug you but you don’t give out your number? You sure are a
weird person”
We laugh while I release myself from his arms. I stratch my neck to show that I didn’t know
what I was going to say to him
Me:Bye Lukholo
I start to walk to the flat still I could feel the power of these eyes scanning every corner of my
body, I look back and see Lukholo staring towards my direction. He runs down the stairs
when I see him looking at him, I felt a type of emotion happen between which was
unexplainable. I walk into the flat and I could smell cigarattes that been smoked since when
does Bandile smokes?
I could hear giggles coming from upstairs and I decide to be a Detective and I go to knock on
the door before entering.
Me:I was checking if you were okay
“Uush!” I could hear him saying that as sudden movement happens in the room, maybe there
was someone with me who he didn’t want me to see. I walk to the kitchen to make myself a
sandwhich, I could feel that my body was heavy I guess ut was the side effect of the injection
I got because I didn’t want to sleep.

A few weeks later..
“Siziphiwe this is my girlfriend Liyanda” Bandile says as he shows his new girlfriend
Liyanda:Hello Phiwe I heard a lot about you
Me:I hope it was only good things
I look at Bandile and he pulls a smile to the side. We share a brief hug with Liyanda.
The weeks went by fast at least I had adapted to the Grade 12 routine, well my relationship
with Sam was still a sinking boat. She would visit to just see me I guess she really wanted to
be in my life. My social life was also good, I made a few friends which were total lesbians
but I had always to have them as friend. Well life was still good in the first weeks of the new
I was at McDonalds eating some McFluffy until I feel hands land on my waist I look back to
see who it was. I jump with excitement and hug him
Me:You are back! I hope they didn’t do anything bad to you
Him:Relax! They didn’t..

part 57 a poisoned soul

“Did they hurt you or anything?” I ask Sfiso as he sits on the chair
Sfiso:Let’s rather talk about something else
Me:Okay but really what did they do to?
Sfiso:It was a traumatic experience and I wish for that to be left unspoken
Me:Oh really?
Him:Yes so how has been life?
Me:Nothing much, I have been having a lot of fights with Bandile and it’s difficult to cope
He hold my hand and smiles like nothing is wrong in this world
Him:Do you know why?
I shake my head no and he laughs, did I say something amusing?
Him:Maybe he is still trying to digest the fact that you have another brother and you are
having some sort of relationship
I look at him with my eyebrow raised up
Me:Sort of?
Him:Yeah! We don’t have a hundred percentage accurate relationship
Me:Accurate? Hehe! You are going places Sfiso
We laugh, the people in the restuarant look at us. Surely they thought we are a re-united
Sfiso:What would you like me to buy you?
Me:Some more of this McFluffy and medium french fries.
He released his hands from mine and walked to the counter, while I was busy minding my
business like everybody else. I felt hands cover my eyes and I started to tap them
Me:I am not doing any guessing games!
Person:You such a bore
My other friend who I met a few weeks ago, Lebogang appeared and gave me a hug.
Me:You call me a bore now you are hugging me?
Lebo:Hawa! It’s a sorry hug friend
Me:If you say so
We laugh and Lebo seemed as stud but I didn’t know how I was going to pin she was. Lebo
was my age, Tshwana and she was tall, a bit dark in complexion but beautiful and u-girl was
Lebo:How are you anyway?
Me:I am good and you boo?
Lebo:I am amaze-balls! Oh my! Don’t look back the guy is coming to us
I face the direction and I could see Sfiso doing his guy-walk with the orders in his hands
Sfiso:I bought the foo- Wow! I am Sfiso, Siziphiwe’s brother and you are?
Lebo:I-i-i am Lebogang, Siziphiwe’s friend
They shake hands and Sfiso kisses Lebo’s hand, she seemed blow away by the gentleness
Sfiso showed her.
Sfiso:It’s nice meeting you
Lebo:Pleasure all mine, friend I have to go! Bye!
She rushes off without looking back, I start to giggle and Sfiso looks at me with face frowned
Sfiso:And then?
Me:Can’t you see you knocked off the senses out of Lebo?
Sfiso:She knocked mine too! She’s is so damn fine and thick just how I like em
Me:Ey! She is off limits go back to your age group not mine
I take the McFlurry and started scooping out the ice-cream with a spoon
“Oh I will get her!” He says while biting down on the juicy, round Double Quarter Punder
Me:I will see you try
He makes a smirk and continues eating the burger. As I continued enjoying the McFlurry and
french fries, my phone starts to beep and it was a text message from Lebo.
Lebogang:”Why didn’t you tell me you have a hot brother like that? I wanted to act normal
but I couldn’t, sorry for cutting our conversation short”
Me:”Haha, I understand babe”
I press send and put away my cellphone, Sfiso was staring at me and I waved my hand in
front of his face
Me:What? Why are you staring at me?
Sfiso:I am staring because I can see how ratchet you will be in Port Elizabeth without any
supervision from a grown-up
Me:What are you trying to say?
He sighs and shakes his head.
Sfiso:It’s really different like everything in university is fast especially the lifestyle. It’s also
very very different from high school and you must be focused if you want to pass
Me:I understand but I will be on my best to pass and make y’all proud
Him:That’s my girl
We high-five and I take a sip from the Coke
Sfiso:Let’s go
Me:Go where?
Sfiso:Around town
Me:The last time went “around town” you ended up getting kidnapped so I won’t risk that
Sfiso:Relax! Those guys are where they belong so the is no need to worry
Me:Okay tell me where we are going
Him:To mom’s place
Me:No no no! You know that we don’t stick that much
Him:Whatever but we are going like it or not
Me:Okay fine! Let’s go
I walk behind him to the car and we get in, he starts to drive and silence filled the car. I didn’t
know whether I was angry of going to Samkelisiwe’s or the fact that Sfiso forced me or else
“Being angry won’t solve anything!” Sfiso said looking at me then back on the road
Me:Who said I was angry?
Sfiso:Pssh! It’s written all over your face, I mean you turned from pink to red in an instant
I roll my eyes and turn up the volume of the radio because I wanted to avoid the arguement
that was going to occur between me and Bandile- oops I am even saying Bandile instead of
Sfiso because I miss him but he is being a drama king. So Sfiso stops in front of this massive
house that I have never seen before
Me:Is this the place?
Sfiso:Yep, mom’s palace. Let’s go in
I open the car door and follow behind Sfiso into this beautiful mansion that a person having
an extra zero to their 500 000 in their bank accounts would own.
“Mom! I am home” Sfiso shouts as we enter Samkelisiwe’s house. It was one of a kind, a
chandelier welcomed us with a staircase leading up to the second phase of the house. The
house was a four phase house so it was pretty huge.
Sam:Oh my kids! Phiwe you also here? Sfiso where did you find her?
Sfiso:She was at McDonalds so I asked her to tag along to come and see you
Sam:That’s nice of you, baby how are you?
She comes to my direction with her arms opened wide for a hug and I give it to her.
Me:I am fine thanks and you?
Sam:I am also fine now that you are here
Me:You weren’t fine when I wasn’t here?
She shakes her head.
Sfiso:She was even begging me to go to Bandile’s and bring you here but I didn’t do that
Sfiso:Girl you are so stubborn so I wasn’t going to waste my time begging you
Sam and I chuckle at the same time and look at each other
Sfiso:And then?
Me:You sounded like a girl
Sfiso:No I didn’t!
Sam:You did
We continue laughing and Sfiso shook his head
Sfiso:I am going to the movie room
The is also a movie room? This lady is loaded!
Sam:Okay dear.
A lady wearing a maiden outfit appears with a little dog in her arms
Lady:The dog wanted to escape again
Sam:Oh thanks Mandy, so this is my daughter Siziphiwe. Phiwe this is my maiden Mandisa
Me:Hello Ma
Mandisa:Hi Phiwe
Sam:Would you please bring us some juice and a cup of green tea?
Mandi:Okay mam
Sam:You will find us in the garden
Mandi:Alright madam
A smile formed on Mandisa’s face as we head out to this “garden”. The lawn was perfect
green with a tennis court next to it and we sat under the tree on the bench, Sam released her
dog which was in her arms.
Sam:I am so happy that you are here
I smile surely that smile didn’t even reach my cheek as kids would do when communicating
with their parents.
Sam:You don’t seem happy but what I said
Me:Of course I am not Samkelisiwe!
Sam:Why? And please don’t shout at me young lady
Me:I am not shouting at anyone, why should I be happy? Because you are back? Sam I would
never be happy when I am around you! Never
Sam:What can I do to make you happy? I try everything but don’t even want to give me the
green light!
I roll my eyes while standing up
Me:Thank you for welcoming me in your house but I am gone now.
I start walking towards the door which lead back into the house, I could hear Sam shouting
out my name but I wasn’t going to respond to them.
I may sound disrespectful towards to Sam but I wasn’t! If you were in my shoes you would
get the clear persepective, I mean if your mother really loved you she would never allow you
to stay with strangers and wouldn’t threaten to murder you. How was suppose to feel?
I get out of the yard and I could still remember the way out, I start walking even though I
didn’t know where the hell I was. A black Range Rover stops next to me and it was Lukholo
Mkiva the guy I met the day before.
Me:Bra you are stalking me!
He laughs and shakes his head
Lukholo:No I am not! I am coming from a house around here
Me:Oh really?
Lukholo:Yes! So can I give you a lift?
“Should I? No?”
Those were words tossing around my head, I didn’t know what to do. Maybe I should
because I don’t even know were the fuck I will get a cab and he is going to direction so yes I
should agree
Me:Okay cool
I get into the backseat and he looks at with a raised eyebrow
Lukholo:So you are going to sit at the back alone? Come and occupy the front seat
I get out of the backseat and go to the front seat, he starts the car and drives off
Lukholo:So what are you doing here? Stalking me?
Me:No I came to visit my mo-friend
Silence fills the car, the is nothing common I have with this guy and I wasn’t going to dig up
a conversation which wasn’t going to last.
“Where are you from?” I couldn’t hold it back again and he smiles and starts to talk.
Lukholo:I am from PE
Me:You work there?
Him:Yes but I often go aroud South Africa helping out people who are suffering from
Me:You go house to house?
He nods and stops in front of the apartments.
Lukholo:Yes, your journey has ended so pay up sester!
I take out my wallet and take out a 20 rand note, he frowns his face
Me:I am paying!
Lukholo:No with your tens duh!
Me:And again it’s a no
Him:Fine I will see you around
He asks for a brief hug and I give it to him then I get off the car. I go straight to the apartment
to my bedroom then I change into my pyjamas and tuck into my bed. These Lukholo guy
sounded cheesy rather weird but I don’t know why. He seemed like a good guy but as time
goes I will see his true colours..

part 58 a poisoned soul

I woke up as usual with a smile on my face but I didn’t know what caused it.I stood up from
my bed to open the windows and allow the fresh, salty sea breeze into my room. I didn’t
know where time was rushing to because we just re-opened and it’s already close to
September, I did my hygiene routine and wore my school uniform then headed to the kitchen.
I could smell breakfast being made and I quickly go to the kitchen and I see Bandile pouring
berry juice into a glass then gives it to me
Bandile:Where do I stand?
He asks while looking at me directly in the eyes
Me:So no “Good morning Siziphiwe, how are you”?
I ask with a rough voice and he shakes his head
Bandile:We will do it afterwards but really where do I stand to you? In the front? Middle? Or
I laugh and take a sip from the juice
Me:Why do you make it sound like we are in a relationship?
Him:Of course we are in! I need to know is Sfiso so “important” to you?
He makes qoutation marks in the air and I shake my head
Me:No! You know that you are. I mean if it wasn’t for you I would be here
Him:So you know that?
Him:So why are spending so much time with him?
I clap my heads and laugh
Me:He is also my brother and I love him unconditionally just like the way I love you
Him:Wow! So why can’t I be the only one brother for you? Why?
Me:Bandile can you please dish up for me? I am really hungry and I must go to school
Bandile:Will I be driving you to school or Sfiso will be?
I roll my eyes and watch him place pancakes into a plate. He gives them to me and honey
syrup which I drizzle it on the pancakes.
Me:Thank you
He nods and sits next to me with his veins popping out, I didn’t understand why Bandile was
so angry with me having a relationship with Sfiso. I know he does everything for me but I
also must have another relationship with my older brother.
“These is delicious.” I say as his full concetration is on his plate, he nods and puts on a smile
which doesn’t even reach the cheek bone. I go upstairs to take my school bag and take my
lunchbox and put it in the bag. I watch some Teen Titans on Cartoon Network while I wait
for Bandile who is still in the kitchen.
Bandile:Whenever you are done we can go
Me:We can go now because I am done
I stand up and take my blazer with my bag whilst Bandile was still coming from the kitchen
to get his car keys. He brings them and I follow behind him then lock the door after I exit, I
still follow behind him and we get to his car
Me:Uhm Sfi-Bandile I mean Bandile can I have some tuck money?
He laughs and looks at me before starting his car.
Bandile:So I am Sfiso now?
I shake my head no.
Me:It just that your name are similiar
What a lame excuse . Even a five-year wouldn’t say that!
Bandile:I am ‘B’ and he is ‘S’ the is a huge difference doll
Before I could see he had already arrived at my school and handed me R100 note
“Use it for tuck and taxi fare. I won’t be around to come and pick you up” he added as I
exited the car. He sped off joining the tar road, I saw Khanyiso surrounded by some girls but
I didn’t want to be seen like a jealous girlfriend so I acted as if I didn’t see him at all. I could
hear his sweet voice shouting out my name and I walked to them, the girls suddenly became
disturbed. He placed me on top of his thighs with his left arm wrapped around my waist
holding my left hand too.
Girl1:We will talk later
Khanyiso:Okay cool
Girl2:Last night was lit! We should do it again
Khanyiso:It will depend on her
He squeezes my hand and I let out a cold smile with no emotion expressed, I didn’t want to
jump to any conclusion. The second girl rolled her eyes while joining the other girl and they
walked away.
Me:Did I miss something?
He nods
Him:A hell of a pool party and I tried calling you last night but you went answering your cell
Me:It was off
He kisses my neck and smiles. I was giggling
Khanyiso:How are you anyway?
Me:I am good thanks and you?
Him:Complete that you are here
Me:You weren’t complete?
Him:At all it felt like my other part of me was missing
I smile and he continues kissing me but on the lips these time.
Me:Stop it! We will get into trouble
Him:I have done this a couple of time so they won’t mind and we are the seniors of this
Me:Just because we are headgirl and boy doesn’t mean we should mess around, what kind of
example we will show the learners?
Him:That kissing is allowed at this school
Me:You one crazy person
Him:When I am around you of course!
Khanyiso tangles his fingers with mine and the atmosphere becomes tense
Me:What’s wrong?
KK:It’s just that I don’t want to leave you behind when I go to France
Me:Baby listen it’s a once in a lifetime chance that you can’t let it slide in between your
KK:Like butter?
Me:Exactly! Take this opportunity with both hands and be grateful you got it okay? I will still
be here and it is still a couple of monts until we go our seperate ways
KK:I like the way you talking but make sure you know that next week you are my date to the
matric farewell okay?
Me:Everyone knows that
KK:Oh really? Do you?
I nod and he starts to tickle me
Me:Stop it!
He was laughing so hard that the forehesd vein was already popping out
KK:I love you
Me:I love you too
“My baby looks so beautiful!” Sam says with excitement in her voice and tears were about to
to escape from her eyes
Me:Thank you Sam
Bandile:Now that’s what I am talking about please do a twirl for us
I do it with my long dress moving along in the drill
Sfiso:You are going to make boy go over mad. Dang! You look so hot!
Me:Well thank you I guess
We laugh and a knock happens at the door, Sam goes to answer it and I could hear her laugh.
My hands started to shake and I couldn’t retain myself
“Relax!” Bandile whispers into my ear and I nod. Khanyiso appears wearing a black tuxedo
and a white shirt which looked like it was bought from Fabiana, some shiny pointy shoes
which matched his suit. His brush-cut trimmed to perfection, I couldn’t retain myself but just
shout out “Wow!”
KK:You look so beautiful
He says in a lowkey voice and I smile, he gives me a flower with a box
Me:What’s this?
I ask while opening the box and it was two bracelets with an Infinity sign on them
KK:For the both of us
He takes one and puts it on my wrist, I also do the same thing
Me:They are so perfect
I give him a brief hug and Sam was overwhelmed with tears
Sam:You should take pictures to mark this day
She takes a camera and starts snapping before we could agree.
Me:Mom enough of the pictures! We should get going
Did I just say “Mom”? Well that’s an achievement
Bandile:You two better go before your chauffer leaves you
Khanyiso takes my hand and holds my clutch bag as we walk out of Bandile’s house, yes he
bought himself a house with the money that dad had left for him.
Me:Bye guys
Sfiso:Have an amazing evening
Me:We will
Khanyiso opens the door of a Porsche SUV which was going to take us to the matric party
and we get in. He holds my hand and the car starts to move
KK:We should make this day a memory!
Me:I second that
He kisses my forehead and squeezes my hand. The drive was cool because he had bought
some Lindt chocolate which we were snacking on, the music played was mixed with some
house and R’n’B maybe he had instructed the driver to play the music.
So the car stopped in front of the school hall and pupils had surrounded the area, I didn’t
know why they came here. Khanyiso stepped out of the car and I could hear girls shouting
out his name like he was some sort of celeb. I stepped out too and they shouted even more,
we walked through the red carpet with flashlights brighting us left, right and center.
“This is already a good start” he whispers in my ear and I nod.
We walk into the hall and music was played by some DJ. I saw Thandazwa walking towards
us, attacking us with hugs and she also looked good wearing a royal blue dress which had a
slit on the side and bob-cubed.
Her:You two look amazing! Match made in Heaven
She holds her hand against her chest and we laugh at her, Olwethu(Khanyiso’s friend)
appears holding two glasses in his hands. He hands them to me and Thandi then he bro hugs
with Khanyiso.
Me:He is your date?
Thandi:Yes and Lwethu thanks for the drinks
He walks away with Khanyiso and I stay with my friend admiring our dresses also the other
“Can I have this dance?” Khanyiso asks after our Principal read a lot heartfelt speech.
“Sure” I reply while standing up to dance with Khanyiso to the The Weekend x Earned It
which comes from the Fifty Shades Of Grey album.
It felt like a miracle night, every single moment of my past had just faded away. I was having
the time of my life with people I love and I hoped it would never end..

part 59 a poisoned soul

A month after the matric farewell everything was starting to fall back to place again, well
Sam and I were getting closer and closer. She was trying by all means to be that “perfect”
mother for me but I didn’t want that, I wanted a loving mother you know? It was already the
third week of January and it was a couple of days after my birthday and Khanyiso, we
basically share the same year and month but a few days apart. Well I had passed my Matric
with 6 distinctions and I was proud of that also my family as they are always of me and my
As I was sitting in my room, paging through my notebook deciding whether I should do
Accounting or Medicine then my phone starts to ring and I pick it up
Caller:Hey babe, how are you?
Yes you guessed it right it’s Khanyiso
Me:I am good and you?
Him:Also good! So today is the day and I was hoping you would accompany me to the
Me:Oh? When? Will you come and pick me up?
Him:Yes I will be coming with my brother
Me:Okay just text me when you are coming
Him:In 35 minutes we will be there
Me:Sure case see you then
Him:Haha “Sure case” bye
I laugh and also say “bye”. I didn’t want to believe that Khanyiso was going abroad and I
also couldn’t believe time flew this much that I would be getting a call that he is already
going to France. Yes I know it was an oppurtunity of a life-time but I still wanted Khanyiso
to be next to me with me every step of the way until eternity but that doesn’t always end in a
fairytale story.
So I stood up from the bed while closing the notebook and I quickly wore my black jumpsuit
with sandals then I fixed my hair, this time around we were not in the apartment in Bandile’s
house. We had fixed our differences at least he tried to understand that he wasn’t the only
brother but the second one and I had to build relationships with the both of them.
I walk out of my room which was facing the beautiful garden filled with pink, yellow and red
roses I could hear giggles coming out of Bandile’s room. Maybe it was him and his new
girlfriend Bayanda or Luyanda, I simply shook my head and walked down the fleet of stairs
joining the living room. My cellphone beeped with a text from Khanyiso saying he is outside
and I replied with “I am coming”. I walk out the house to see a black BMW Series 7 parked
out the house, I guess they were loaded with money or succesful because of the cars they
drove. Khanyiso steps out of the car and gives me a hug as I walk towards him
Me:My darling
KK:Come let’s go before my flight leaves me behind
He opened the backseat for me and we both got in. I greeted his older brother who started to
drive the car, Khanyiso interlocked our hands together near his kneecap
Me:So this is the last time together?
He nods and looks outside the window, I guess he was hurt by this also was I
Him:But I think I will be back next year but I will see and please remember I will always
love you no matter where I am or you are in this world okay?
I nod with a tear quickly sliding out of my eye and he wipes it away
KK:Please don’t cry as I was say I know we will both meet new people through this journey
of university but know you will always have these
He points to his heart and smiles
Me:I know, I know!
We laugh and the car it seemed like it was a short ride to the airport, we get of the car and
Khanyiso takes out his massive suitcase from the trunk with a sports bag.
“Let me help you”
I say taking the bagpack from his shoulder and we walk into the airport hand to hand. He
went to finalise things with the flight tickets because walking to me and giving me a tight hug
with kisses around my face.
KK:It’s already time for me to go and I can’t leave with out you
Me:Oh babe! Listen as you said we will always have each other in our hearts and I will
always love you
I kiss his cheek and he pulls me to him then kisses my lips, as many times as he kissed this
time was different. It felt so intriggered with emotions flowing around our body, penetrating
our love for each other and we couldn’t stop the feeling. After a few minutes, I removed
myself from his embrace as I could hear the intercom announcing the flight to Jo’burg. He
held my hand and kissed it before uttering “I love you” he said it so many times that I also
kept repeating the same thing to him.
Me:Now go before the flight leaves you behind
Him:Okay! Okay I am going
He goes the bordering passage before waving his hand and blowing a kiss towards me then
his brother and I walk out of the airport. I get into the backseat and looked outside the
window, watching the planes leave the airport.
“I think we know each other” His brother says as he tries to keep me sane with the talking
Me:We once met when I went over to your house
Him:Yes marn! Nthabiseng and I am Siviwe I am sure you remember
Me:Of course I do!
I laugh with guilty eating me inside because I didn’t remember his name and I lied to the poor
Viwe:So should I drive you straight home?
Where does he think I want to go? Pssh! This guy
Me:Yes please
He nods and the car starts to pick speed. He stops in front of the yard and we sy our goodbyes
before I get off. I saw a red Renault Clio parked in front of Bandile’s yard with the number
plates “Phiwe” on them.
“Nice” I say trying to look inside the car and I walk into the house, I could hear laughs
coming from the house
Me:Is anyone home?
Voice:In here!
I walk into the dining area and I see Sam standing with Bandile and Sfiso, I guess those two
sorted out thier differences.
Me:Who’s car is that?
Sam:Well as a late birthday present it’s yours
Me:Wait wait wait! My car? The Renault with my nickname on it?
Sam:Yes! It yours baby
Me:Thank you mom
I give her a massive hug and I could hear her smile. She hands over the keys to me and I rush
to the car to check it out. I love ealverything from it but one thing that stood in my way was
that.. I didn’t have a Drivers Licence even worse a Learners.
They join me in the car and I start it
Me:So when will I be getting a licence?
Sam:Maybe tomorrow hut you will get it before you leave for PE next week
Me:What do you mean “leave for PE next week”?
A smile appears on Bandie’s face and I smile back
Sfiso&Bandi:You have been accepted at NMMU
Me:What? Really?
Sam:Yes! And you will be staying at an apartment with Thandi, we arranged everything with
her parents
Wow! Was all I could say because everything seemed to be falling in place. Yes! I may have
lost Khanyiso but it seemed another Chapter in my life has been started. I mean I have got a
new car, a loving family I guess and a Varsity standing upon me. What more can I ask in this

part 60 a poisoned soul

The week went by fast and I was already leaving Cape Town for Port Elizabeth, it seemed
like the days were going fast or it was just me wanting to leave for the Eastern Cape. I was in
Sam’s house spending my last days with my brothers before I left, it was a family kind of re-
union because we were talking to each.
“How did you get out of jail?” I ask Sam as we were busy talking, the room became silent
and no one wanted to utter a word
Sfiso:I will be taking your luggage to the car
Bandile:Count me in
They bumped on each other while getting out of the living room, Sam was staring at me like I
was a crazy person or something was wrong with me mentally.
Me:I asked a question mom
She cleared her throat and called Mandisa(the helper) to the living area
Sam:Please bring me water
Her:Okay mam
She disappeared into the corridor maybe what I said was really trick if she has to ask for
water instead of answering the question. I looked at her but she kept tossing her eyes to a
Mona Lisa potrait hanged on the corner of the living room. Eventually Mandisa came with
the water and Sam gulped it instantly.
“Anything else?” Mandisa asks as she takes the glass from Sam
“No, thanks.” Sam replied
Mandy looked at me and I shook my head no. I looked at Sam and she was starting to hesitate
Sam:Well, I,I did a deal with one of the court attorney to speak on my behalf to the Judge so
he may give me a parole.
Me:So you paid to be released?
Sam:Hard cash my baby but I did it to see you go off to university
Me:Wow! Woman you are something else
She laughs and holds my hand, her eyes started to sparkle
Her:I would do anything to see you go and be someone in life okay? (I nod.) Siziphiwe I love
you like I will never love my children before! I mean you were a premature but here you are,
a beautiful young lady with those deep dimples inherited from your father.
A tear escaped my eye and Sam wiped it away with her thumb, no one has talked that
emotional to me but I think she was trying to express how she really feels about me.
Sam:I love you even though I may had done or said things to make you feel scared and I am
truly sorry about that.
Me:And I hate to say this but I also love you and I really do, you showed me your true self
when you bought me the car and I am grateful for that
Sam:Anything you want name it and I will do it for you
I nod but something flashes my mind and I thought of the money that dad had left for me,
what was I going to do with it?
Sam:Do with what?
Maybe my abstract thoughts had came out verbally
Me:I was thinking of the money that dad left me
Sam:You can do anything with it, I mean you can buy yourself clothes and other things or put
in a new weave!
This woman was inlove with clothes, weaves and flashy items but she didn’t understand that I
“Let’s get you two to the airport.” I looked at the door to see Bandile holding up the car keys
Sam:Oh yes! The plane leaves at 2
Sfiso:What about Thandazwa?
Sam:She will be meeting us at the airport
Sfiso nods and walks out of the house, I took my Polo handbag that Sam had bought. It was
my first expensive item to own I mean I am only 19 and I already have such an item. Sam
goes to talk to Mandy about everything and she says goodbye to me before I go out to my
Clio which I decide to drive.
Me:Everyone in?
They laughed and looked at me
I put on my sunglasses and started the car then drove out of Sam’s yard, driving was an
exercise that I need to have because I am a lazy person. I don’t mingle with the gym but
maybe I may become a fitness bunny !
Sam was taking pictures of me driving but I think they were videos. Her phone starts to ring
and she says “Its Thandazwa’s mother” then she answers. I didn’t even want to listen but
focus on the road, to be honest I didn’t know how or why my mother and Thandazwa’s
mother are so close but I didn’t want to stick my nose into their business. I park my car at the
parking bay and we all get out of the car. Sfiso and Bandile take out the luggage while Sam
and I take our handbags, I think the car was going to be drove to PE by Sfiso and Bandie
hence I as the driver was flying to PE. So we walk inside the airport I saw Thandi and her
mom sitting at the bench, I rushed to Thandazwa and I gave her a huge hug. The last time I
saw her was like a day ago but it seemed like I last saw her last year. I thought of watching
Khanyiso leaving for France the week before.
Thandi:Mgani to the power of 1000
We laugh and seperate from each other. I greet her mom then I went to finalize the tickets
before going through the border pass to the flight.
Me:I will see you two tomorrow and drive my car carefully!
Bandile:Whatever we will
We hug each other and then Sam with Thandi’s mom walk to the border pass and hand over
our tickets to the assistant who was over the counter.
“Have a nice trip mam.” She says to me and I follow behind the ladies through the tube
which led out, the wind was calm and it wasn’t rushing that much. The plane started to move
and I held the seat. Thandazwa was chuckling next to me
Me:You are not helping! At all!
Thandi:Relax! The plane will go smoothly and nothing will hurt you.
I nod. We were told to put our cellphones on ‘Flight mode’ because of various reasons.
We land in Port Elizabeth around 3pm and Sam hires a car for the day because she didn’t
want to take the Uber cab becase I had already done the process for it. She cancelled all that.
We were in a place called “Summerstrand” and I knew that were campus would be. It was my
second time in PE but I had came at the age of 4 and never returned again. Sam drives to
some apartments which she said that Thandi and I would be sharing. We were both happy to
hear that because we always wished to stay together as friends. We get into this condo which
was white, the kitchen was an open-plan and it was also leading to the living room. The
kitchen was basically black and white.
Me:This is beautiful
Thandi:I second that
Sam:Girls come and take your luggage out of the car because we as the rents are going for a
ladies night out
Monique:I agree
So Thandi and I walk to the car and take our things to the flat, it was independence tingiling
on our fingers and I was happy to be finally legal.
Thandi:You see this is life!
She throws herself on the couch and I open the sliding door to have a view of the outside.
Me:Say that again
Thandi:And I hope and pray nothing happens during our time here
Me:I hope so too
We shake our hands and I collapse on the carpet. It seemed like it was going to be a
wonderful year for us. Friendship is what is going to keep us sane in this foreign place we are

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