Blizzards Lesson Plan

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev.

Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Pre- Observation Reflection: Designing Lessons to Meet Student Learning Needs

Please answer one questions from at least one bullet in each category (ie: Learning objectives and goals) below for a total of 5 questions.
Use complete sentences and attend to writing mechanics. Include this sheet as the cover page for your formal lesson plan.

Learning Objectives and Goals

● How do you plan to communicate the learning objectives to students? Be specific include teacher talk and exact language you
might use.
I plan to communicate the learning objectives to students at the beginning of class when I am introducing the lesson. At the start of the
lesson I will tell students that we will be discussing blizzards and weather, which is a topic we have been talking about for the past week,
so students should be very familiar with what we will be doing regarding blizzards and the objective for the day. The objectives for the
day are always listed on the whiteboard, so I am able to refer to the board when beginning the lesson to inform students of what the
goal for the lesson is.

Using Data (choose one)

● What sources of student data did you use to determine student performance levels for these learning objectives? **Be explicit –
what do you know about what your students know about these learning objectives? What did you learn from this data?
● How did you become familiar with students’ background knowledge, skill levels, experiences, and cultural resources? What did
you learn that you used in this lesson?
Prior to this lesson, students will be learning about weather for the previous couple of days. Through this lesson, I am able to become
more familiar with the background knowledge of students to see if they know anything about blizzards. When discussing other types of
weather, I have been able to see how students have an understanding of blizzards, and what knowledge they have which will probably
be very minimal since blizzards do not happen in Florida. This will show me what skill level students are at so I can alter the lesson if
necessary based on students’ knowledge level.

Assessment (choose one)

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

● How do you plan to provide ongoing feedback to students?

As I’m teaching, I will be walking around whenever I get the chance in order to give feedback to students. During the weather packet, if I
notice a student is spelling a word incorrectly, I can help them to correct their answer. As a whole group, if I notice students are not
answering questions correctly, I can assist them in making sure that they are familiar with blizzards so that they have the necessary
information to answer the questions. This is essential in providing ongoing feedback to students so they know what they can do to get
the questions right.
● How do you expect to assess students during the lesson? Why?

● How will you asses student learning at the end of the lesson? Why did you choose this format?

● How are the assessments you have chosen aligned with your learning objectives?

Instruction (choose one)

● How will you model or explain clear expectations for student learning? Be specific, include teacher talk and exact language you
might use.
● How will students be grouped for learning? How is the grouping related to social and academic goals?

● How will you know when it is time to move from one activity to the next?
At the start of class, I will know it is time to move on from the video and discussion portion when I notice students confidently answering
questions about blizzards and demonstrating an accurate understanding of what blizzards are. During the weather packet, I will know it is
time to move on to the next activity when I notice the majority of the class has completed their sentences. This will tell me that it is time
to move on to the next part of the lesson since most students will be ready.
● How will you create a true discussion rather than engaging only a limited number of students?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Observation Focus
● Using the actionable feedback from your most recent formal observations, how will you address those goals in this particular
lesson? In addition, which new FEAPs do you intend to demonstrate during this lesson?
One goal from one of my observations was the rigor of my lessons. I will be sure to address that goal in my lesson by asking students
questions which will require them to think more critically. In addition to that, if I notice that students are having an easy time writing
three sentences, I will have them write more complete sentences in order to increase rigor. Two new FEAPs that I intend to demonstrate
during this lesson are 3j and 5f.

Part 1: Lesson Content

Title of Lesson Blizzards

Meeting your students’ needs as people and as learners How does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
backgrounds of your students?
This lesson connects to the interests of students because the students
have been learning about different types of weather throughout the
week, so they will be interested in learning about a new type of
weather. Blizzards specifically will interest the students even more
since many students probably have not seen a blizzard before, making
it something new that will engage them. This lesson connects to the
cultural backgrounds of students because students will be able to
listen to a video about blizzards, which is beneficial for students of
differing backgrounds since it is more difficult for them to read a story
by themselves if their native language isn’t English. Due to this, I was
able to connect a way for students of other cultural backgrounds to
learn alongside English-speaking students.

How does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

This lesson connects to and reflects the local community because
although there are no blizzards in Florida, it still relates to the
weather which is happening all around them. Students might go
throughout their community noticing the wind, rain, sunshine, etc,
more frequently after this lesson since we are discussing weather.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

What Standards (national or state) relate to this lesson? ELA.1.R.2.1 - Use text features including titles, headings, captions,
(You should include ALL applicable standards.) graphs, apps, glossaries, and/or illustrations to demonstrate
understanding of texts.
ELA.1.R.2.2 - Identify the topic of and relevant details in a text.
ELA.1.C.1.4 - Write expository texts about a topic, using a source,
providing facts and a sense of closure.

Understanding the standards over time Trace the standard to the previous grade level. What have students
already learned or been exposed to related to this standard?
ELA.K.R.2.1 - Use titles, heading, and illustrations to predict and
confirm the topic of texts.
ELA.K.R.2.2 - Identify the topic of and multiple details in a text.
ELA.K.C.1.4 - Using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or
writing, provide factual information about a topic.
In the previous grade level, students begin to identify the meaning of a
text, but do not start elaborating on the text till the next grade level. In
addition to that, in Kindergarten, students are able to draw or dictate
in order to get their point across in a topic, but in first grade students
write more frequently and are expected to write full sentences when
writing about a topic.

Trace the standard to the next grade level. What will students learn
next related to this standard?
ELA.2.R.2.1 - Explain how text features - including titles, headings,
captions, graphs, maps, glossaries, and/or illustrations - contribute to
the meaning of texts.
ELA.2.R.2.2 - Identify the central idea and relevant details in a text.
ELA.2.C.1.4 - Write expository texts about a topic, using a source,
providing an introduction, facts, transitions, and a conclusion.
In the next grade level, students begin to look at more text features
within an informational piece of text. In addition to that, students go
from identifying relevant details, to identifying the central idea of a
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

text. In the next grade level, students also begin writing in a sequence
with an introduction, conclusion, and transitions in between.

What misconceptions might students have about this content? One misconception that students might have about this topic is that
blizzards occur in Florida. Students might assume that since all of the
other types of weather we are talking about have occurred in Florida
before, that it is possible for a blizzard to occur in Florida as well,
however, that is highly unlikely. I will have to explain to students that
blizzards only happen in places where it gets very cold, as they might
not realize that there are states outside Florida which have different
types of weather.

Objectives- What students will know or be able to do after the Some examples:
instruction – the learning outcomes --Students will be able to accurately (measure- how well) differentiate
Content (WHAT students are learning- look to the standard) (action- how) between potential and kinetic energy (content- what).
Action (HOW students will show it- there might be clues in the --Based on what they read in the first half of a fiction story, students
standard) will be able to write (action- how) a reasonable (measure- how well)
Measure (HOW WELL they need to do it) prediction (also part of the action) for how the main character will
(Note: Degree of mastery does not need to be a percentage.) respond to a challenge in the second half (content- what).

Students will be able to accurately identify relevant details about

blizzards from the videos and discussion we will have.
Students will be able to thoroughly write sentences about blizzards
and what they are.

Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which

level(s) of thinking is/are called for in the standard? Apply

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? Apply

Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
I chose this level of thinking because students will be learning new
information about blizzards, and then they will be applying that new
information to their writing. When discussing what blizzards are,
students will be taking in that information to then apply it to what
they will be writing about in their weather packet.

Assessment Plan- How will you know students have mastered Describe your assessment plan:
your objectives? I will assess students through their writing to get an understanding of
how much students learned about blizzards. Students will be asked to
write three sentences about what they learned about blizzards, so I
will be able to look at their writing in order to get a demonstration of
their understanding of blizzards.

Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that

assessment decision?
My assessment is formative, and I made this assessment decision
because I wanted to see how students were progressing through the
content, rather than having an overall summative assessment.
Through this assessment, I will be able to gain more data about the
students which will help me further plan instruction.

How does it align with your objective?

This assessment aligns with my objective because through their
writing, I will be able to see how students are identifying relevant
facts. In addition to that, this assessment also relates back to my
objective because I will also be assessing students on their writing
skills since I will be expecting them to write at least three sentences.
Assessment Scoring/Rubric + = Able to write 3 or more sentences with relevant details about blizzards.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

What are the criteria for how you will assess student learning/student
work? If you’re using a rubric, include your rubric here. = Able to write 1-2 sentences with details about blizzards.
- = Need assistance writing sentences about blizzards with relevant details.

Part 2: Lesson Implementation

Management & Environment ● At the start of class, I will arrange myself in the front of the
(integrated throughout your step-by-step plan): classroom by the board so students can see both myself, and
the board. When students are working independently at their
● How will you arrange yourself and the students (location in
desks, I will be walking around the room helping students if
the classroom, seating)? necessary. Finally, at the end of the lesson I will have students
● What processes & procedures will you use? How and when go sit back at the carpet while I sit at the desk to model the
writing students were doing.
will you communicate those to students?
● One process and procedure that I will utilize is the process of
● What expectations will you have for the students? How and reviewing writing. Whenever students complete their writing,
when will you communicate those to students? they always go back to the carpet afterwards to review the
writing in order to see a correct model of writing and go over
● What strategies will you use if students do not meet your the traits of writing. I will communicate this process when
expectations? Are there specific students who require a more students are finishing up with their writing so they know to
extensive management plan? What will that consist of? come to the carpet afterwards.
● One expectation I have for the students is that they will be
● What will students do if they complete the task quickly?
quietly listening and paying attention. I will communicate this
to students at the start of the lesson and remind students of
this expectation throughout the lesson. Another expectation
that I have for the students is that they will be working
diligently on their writing. I will communicate this to students
when they are on the carpet before I have them get up to begin
● If students do not meet my expectations, I will give them
reminders to focus and work on their writing. For students
who require a more extensive management plan, I might pull
them aside to a small group where I can re-teach in a smaller
setting which might be more beneficial for them.
● If students complete the task quickly, I will tell students to

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

write 1-2 more sentences about blizzards, and then they can
draw a picture of a blizzard at the top of their page.
Materials ● Weather packets
(What materials will you use? Why did you choose these materials?
Include any resources you used. This can also include people!)

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Differentiating Instruction What is informing your need to differentiate (mark those that apply & explain):

Readiness Interest Learner Profile

How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? (mark those that apply):

Process Product Content

Describe what/how you will differentiate:

I will differentiate interest by teaching a different type of weather each day. By this day, students will
have already learned about floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes, so students will be interested in learning
about a new type of weather, especially one that many of them may have never seen before. I will
differentiate product by expecting different products for different students. If students are gifted or more
skilled, I will expect them to write more sentences, and I will also expect for their writing to be neat,
complete sentences. For ELL students, I might focus more on their drawing to get an understanding of
what they learned.

Which specific students will benefit, and why?

All students will benefit from differentiating interest and product because by differentiating interest,
students will be more engaged in the lesson and will be more willing to learn. In addition to that,
differentiating product will benefit all students as well because it will increase or decrease rigor as
necessary. If writing three sentences might be too difficult for an ELL student, they will have different
expectations for their product. If writing three sentences is too easy for gifted students, they will have
different expectations for the product as well.

Accommodations (If needed) What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners, using the
(What students need specific WIDA levels? (Refer to your ESOL Strategies checklist and list specific strategies)
accommodation? List individual Entering, Emerging, Developing, Expanding, Bridging
students (initials), and then explain
● Entering/Emerging: Students will be allowed to draw what they learned instead of writing any
the accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique words or sentences about blizzards.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

● Developing/Expanding: Students will be paired with a Spanish student to work with during the
weather packet in order to communicate with.
● Bridging: Students will be paired with an English speaking student to work with during the

What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan?
For students with an IEP or 504 plan, they will be given extra time to complete the weather packet. These
students will also be given extra assistance when I am walking around the classroom. The help that I will
give these students consists of sitting with the student and helping them to sound out words so that they
can attempt to spell the words correctly or as best as possible.

What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education
For students who are identified as gifted and have an EP, I will have these students write an extra 1-2
sentences about blizzards, and I will have higher expectations for their writing skills. I will walk around
the room to check on these students, and give them more feedback to make their writing even better.
This will increase rigor for these students since they will have to work harder on their writing.
References (Planning of
instruction should be guided by
approaches. Acknowledge
references used to inspire lesson

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in 1. What is the content area for this lesson? Reading/writing
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. 2. What is the expected lesson structure for a lesson taught within this content area? In other
Act as if you needed a substitute to words, what lesson structure is appropriate for teaching within this content area? (5Es;
carry out the lesson for you.) guided/gradual release/etc.) Guided
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
3. Step-by-step plan:
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Time: Action Steps:

◻ What Higher Order Thinking
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask?
1. First, I will start by briefly talking about blizzards and what they are. This will
◻ How will materials be mainly be an introduction for students since we have not yet talked about
distributed? blizzards.
◻ Who will work together in 2. Next, I will have students listen to a video about blizzards. Throughout the
video, I will pause the video and point things out to students, along with
groups and how will you asking them a few questions about the video. This will allow for students to
determine the grouping? be thinking about blizzards, and will help them further during our discussion
◻ How will students transition about blizzards.
between activities? 3. Once the video is over, we will have a short discussion about the blizzards
and what they are. I will make a chart with students where we will write
◻ What will you as the teacher down a few things that we learned about blizzards so that students can refer
do? to this chart while writing.
4. I will then have students go back to their seats and open up their weather
◻ What will you as the teacher packet to the blizzard page. I will tell students to write at least 3 sentences
say? about blizzards, and I will be circulating around the classroom while students
◻ What will the students do? are doing so in order to help them if necessary.
5. When students finish, I will have everyone come back to the carpet and we
◻ What student data will be will review some students’ writing to discuss what things they did well and
collected during each phase? what things they could improve upon in order to show a model of writing.

◻ What are other adults in the

room doing? How are they
supporting students’ learning?


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