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Mommy Florence Pray For Us | DLM 1-C

- Effects on the Body: Slows reflexes and

Topic Outline:
MODULE 4 causes drowsiness when used in excess,
● Drug Education dementia, stroke, cardiovascular problems,
● Commonly Abused Substances hypertension, increased risk of many kinds
● Signs And Symptoms of Drug Use of cancer.
- Physical Signs
- Behavioral Sugns ● Caffeine
● Substance Abuse
- Found in: Coffee, tea, cocoa, soft drinks,
- Why Do People Do Drugs
- Profile of A Drug Dependent and some medications
- Other Issues That Can Lead To Drug Use - How it is Used: Orally in pill form or
● Why Should We Say NO to Drugs consumed in food and drinks
- Effects on the Body: Reduces fine motor
coordination, increases alertness, alters
DRUGS sleep patterns, and can cause headaches,
nervousness, and dizziness.
● Any substance that prevents or cures diseases, or
enhances physical or mental welfare. ● Nicotine
- Other Terms: Tobacco; found in cigarettes,
● Any chemical agent that alters the biochemical or cigars, and smokeless tobacco
physiological processes of tissues or organisms. - How it is Used: Smoked or chewed
- Effects on the Body: Reduces appetite and
● 2 Types: can cause nausea and vomiting, increases
- Legal Drugs (Prescribed and OTC Drugs) alertness.
- Illegal Drugs (Psychoactive Substances)
● Marijuana
● Use of dangerous drugs is prohibited by R.A. 9165: - Other Terms: Grass, pot, reefer, and weed
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. - How it is Used: Usually smoked; baked into
brownies; brewed like tea
● Around 284 million people aged 15-64 used drugs - Effects on the Body: Marijuana impairs
worldwide in 2020, a 26 percent increase over the memory, concentration, perception, and
previous decade. movement.

● Psychoactive Substances ● Cocaine

- Substances that modify a person’s - Other Terms: Crack, blow, rock, snow, coke
perception, mood, cognition, behavior, or - How it is Used: Snorted, smoked, or
motor functions. injected
- Effects on the Body: Causes dizziness,
● Substance Abuse headache, stimulates the brain and spinal
- The harmful use of psychoactive cord, and increased heart rate, elevated
substances, including alcohol and other blood pressure, increased body temperature,
drugs (AOD) increased breathing rate.


- Other Terms: X, Molly, Happy Drug, Love
● Most Commonly Abused Drugs in the Philippines Drug
in 2022: - How it is Used: Orally in pill form
- Shabu - 92.06% - Effects on the Body: Increased heart rate,
- Marijuana - 27.04% blood pressure, and body temperature,
- Ecstasy - 0.65% dehydration, nausea, muscle cramping,
involuntary teeth clenching, blurred vision,
● Alcohol chills, sweating.
- Other Terms: Ethyl alcohol or ethanol
- How it is Used: Drinking
DLM | 1
Mommy Florence Pray For Us | DLM 1-C

● Shabu ● Needle marks on lower arm, leg or bottom of feet.

- Other Terms: Shabs, S, bato ● Nausea, vomiting or excessive sweating.
- How it is Used: Snorted ● Tremors or shakes of hands, feet or head.
- Effects on the Body: Tachycardia, ● Irregular heartbeat.
hypertension, atrial and ventricular
arrhythmias, chest pain, accelerated BEHAVIORAL SIGNS
atherosclerosis, dyspnea, edema, abscess,
cellulitis, seizures, hypotension, dental ● Change in overall attitude/personality with no other
caries, periodontal abscess (meth mouth), identifiable cause.
pupillary dilatation. ● Changes in friends; new hang-outs; sudden
avoidance of old crowd; doesn't want to talk about
● Heroin new friends; friends are known drug users.
- Other Terms: Hero, Snow, Dope ● Change in activities or hobbies.
- How it is Used: Snorted, smoked, or ● Drop in grades at school or performance at work;
injected skips school or is late for school.
- Effects on the Body: a rush of pleasurable ● Change in habits at home; loss of interest in family
feelings and relief from physical pain, feeling and family activities.
sick or vomiting, shallow breathing, ● Difficulty in paying attention; forgetfulness.
drowsiness and sleepiness, a drop in body ● General lack of motivation, energy, self-esteem, "I
temperature, narrowing of the pupils, loss of don't care" attitude.
sex drive. ● Sudden oversensitivity, temper tantrums, or resentful
● Inhalants ● Moodiness, irritability, or nervousness.
- Other Terms: Air blast, Moon gas ● Silliness or giddiness.
- How it is Used: Inhaled ● Paranoia
- Effects on the Body: Confusion, Distorted ● Excessive need for privacy; unreachable.
perception of time and distance, aggressive ● Secretive or suspicious behavior.
behavior/violence, hallucinations, illusions, ● Car accidents.
nausea and vomiting, drowsiness and ● Chronic dishonesty.
weightless ● Unexplained need for money, stealing money or
● Cough Syrup ● Change in personal grooming habits.
- Other Terms: Sizzurp, Skittles, Tussin ● Possession of drug paraphernalia.
- How it is Used: Drinking
- Effects on the Body: distort awareness and SUBSTANCE ABUSE
alter time perception. It can also cause WHY DO PEOPLE DO DRUGS?
● Peer Pressure
● Feel Good
● Loss of appetite, increase in appetite, any changes in ● Escape from Reality
eating habits, unexplained weight loss or gain. ● Easy Access to Drugs
● Slowed or staggering walk; poor physical
● Inability to sleep, awake at unusual times, unusual
laziness. ● Liar
● Red, watery eyes; pupils larger or smaller than usual; ● Lazy
blank stare. ● Manipulative
● Cold, sweaty palms; shaking hands. ● Blame Tosser
● Puffy face, blushing or paleness. ● Irritable Low Self-Esteem
● Smell of substance on breath, body or clothes. ● Distorted View of Reality
● Extreme hyperactivity; excessive talkativeness. ● No Respect for the Rights of Others
● Runny nose; hacking cough. ● Thief
Mommy Florence Pray For Us | DLM 1-C


● Poor Parenting
● Poor Opportunities for Education
● Difficult Temperament/Mental Health Disorder
● Violent Environment
● Poverty

It only takes ONE TRY for one to get HOOKED on DRUGS!


● It is important to watch for any significant changes

in the student’s / child's physical appearance,
personality, attitude or behavior.


● Drugs cannot solve your problems.

● Give yourself the chance to be all you can be.
● Drugs will surely ruin your life.
● Will totally destroy your mental and physical
● Will adversely affect your family

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