Placement Lesson Plan

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Elementary Education Year 1 Lesson Plan Template

Part 1: Lesson Overview

School and classroom: Woodland elementary school, Mrs. Pryor’s class Date: April 4th Grade:
2024 3rd

Lesson topic: Coming to American Lesson length: 9:25-10:30

Part 2: Learning Standards
State-adopted student academic content standards and/or Common Core State Standards that are
the target of student learning. Note: Please list the number and text of each standard that is being
addressed. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the part or parts that
are relevant.

RI.3.1 ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to
the text as the basis for the answers

RI.3.3 describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or
concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time,
sequence, and cause and effect
State Standard

RI.3.4 determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words and phrases in a
text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area

RF.3.4 read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension

W.3.3.a establish a situation and introduce a narrator and, or characters, organize an event
sequence that unfolds naturally

SL.3.2 determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information
presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally

L.3.4.a use sentence level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase

L.3.2.b use commas in addresses

Part 3: Lesson Objective

Use “ABC” Format: The [Actor/Student] will [Behavior (aka Language Function)] by [Conditions

Students will use a timeline and sequence words to participate in a Whip around, giving a chronological
overview of immigration to America.

Students will be able to identify examples of narrative introductions that engage and orient the reader

Students will be able to correctly arrange the elements of an address

Revised Fall December 18, 2023

Part 4: Assessment Plan:
How will you check for learning at the beginning, middle and end of lesson?

As a whole group, will listen to an interview

Ask follow up questions
Launch the focusing question and content framing question
Students will learn about the statue of liberty
Students will fill out their handouts as we move along
Will create a timeline for coming to America
Group students into 3’s for small group work
Wrap up
Assign homework

Part 5: Teaching and Learning Sequence/Procedures

Be specific. Step by step how you will teach the lesson? Consider an introduction, group work, independent
practice, etc

Whole group listening to interview, going through the questions and learning about the statue liberty
Interactive aspect, sticky notes on the wall for a timeline
Small group work with articles on statue of liberty
Whole group wrap up

Part 6: Behavior Management (give behavior expectations to the class)

How do you plan to manage the classroom, gain student attention and engage the learners? What strategies will
you use?

Students will be silent during the interview

Students will be engaged in actively answering questions
Students will have a chance to get up and move around keeping them engages
Students will listen to others speaking without interrupting

Part 7: Instructional Materials and Resources

Powerpoint for wit and wisdom
Handout 16A
Fluency homework
Handout 1C
Reading log
Sticky notes
Sets of sentence strips with the elements of an address

Revised Fall December 18, 2023

Part 8: Closure
How will you wrap up the lesson?

Ask the students what they learned?

What stood out to them the most and why?

Commentary: Think about and plan for What ifs. These are thoughts of things that might cause you to
change your lesson ex. The technology is unavailable during your lesson How will you compensate or
modify your lesson to handle it
(Each instructor might add some specifics here that should be addressed which relate to the course they teach.)

Revised Fall December 18, 2023

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