Emergency Disaster Plan - How To Build

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City Prepping Disaster Plan - A Basic “How To” Guide

This video will provide detailed information about using this guide. The guide will serve as a springboard to lay out
the basic things you should consider, along with links to additional information that will guide you into further reading
and crucial information. We’ll start with the recommended items to have ready on standby.

STARTING POINT: 72 hours of preparedness/bug out bag and misc gear

BE READY TO GO - BAGS I typically recommend ration bars emergency with unfamiliar packs,
You could be forced out of your that are calorically dense and harnesses, or equipment, but if they
home due to a severe disaster require no cooking. They’re enough can carry their own water bladder
requiring a bug out bag (see budget to get you by for 72 hours. and food, you will be glad you
options). Additionally, consider a WATER: 1 gallon per person, per trained them.
bag you carry on a daily basis that day, for a minimum of 3 days.
has the basic items for disasters Consider a water filter as well. OTHER MISC ITEMS
called an everyday carry bag. INFANT? If there is any child under Rain poncho
Sometimes disasters strike while we 3, special food considerations might Emergency radio
are at work or away. Even a need to be taken. Also, remember Sleep bivvy
ten-mile commute easily made in to have some comfort items in your Flashlight
the morning can be a treacherous Grab & Go bag. Lighter + matches
and deadly journey home if roads MEDICINES (You should have basic Toilet paper
are dangerous or cars are over-the-counter medicines in your Whistle
inoperable because of a disaster. Grab & Go Bag. If you have Face mask
Many that have to commute long prescription medicines or any Local area map + compass
distances opt to have a get home medicine you can't live without, you Fixed blade knife / multi-tool
bag. will want at least a week's worth in Water bottle / water bladder
your bug out bag. This will be true Portable solar panel + battery
BUT OUT BAG - MUST HAVES for every member of your family or Tape
Here are a few of the items to get group. Pepper spray
you started. FIRST AID KIT + TOURNIQUET. Cash
SHELTER: tent or tarp PETS - leashes, harnesses, or Paper & Pencil
FOOD: 72 hours worth per person. carriers. Food, water, and Books, travel games, playing cards
Freeze-dried foods are great but medicines are packed and ready to Hiking boots (or shoes) & socks
require water and fuel to heat them. go. Dog pack and dog booties if Change of clothes
Canned foods will be heavy and will possible and appropriate. Don't try Warm clothes (based on your local
limit your range and mobility. to outfit your dog after an weather)


FOOD: a minimum of two week's worth of shelf-stable food for every person and animal in your home. This is a
basic starting point. If you want to take things up a notch, we recommend targeting three months as the next
milestone, followed by one year.

Preparedness Roadmap Course - https://courses.cityprepping.com/

COOKING: How will you cook food or boil water after a disaster? Many modern pieces of cookware will melt on
an open fire, and is an open fire a viable option (do you want the attention)? I like to have at least one sturdy
cooking mess kit in my emergency supplies. You might want to review the cooking utensils you have on hand.
Many look to portable camping stoves they can pull out and use for disasters that may only last a week or two.
Whatever you decide, make sure you have the means to cook basic food and bring water to at least a pasteurizing
temperature of at least 150 degrees for ten or more minutes or a rolling boil for at least a minute.

WATER: Your water will probably be out of service. It is essential to have at least 15 gallons (preferably 30
gallons) of stored water per person in food-grade containers. This can be achieved more quickly than you might
think. Be sure to observe proper practices when adding water to storage containers. 55-gallon drums are popular
due to their large size and relatively low cost. Be sure to have the means to make your water safe to drink if you’re
harvesting water from your local area.

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION: If a disaster strikes, be sure to define where these items are located, as it is
unlikely you will store them with your emergency bug out bags. I recommend tying a list on the bags with notes
regarding items to additionally grab and to define where those items are at.

PORTABLE DOCUMENTS: Have copies and originals of important documents like deeds, wills, trusts, loans, birth
certificates, identification cards, etc. stored in a central location. As pointed out in the previous point, be sure to tie
a note on your bags as to where the items are stored, reminding you to grab them. Additionally, you may consider
scanning these and backing them up to the cloud using services like Dropbox or Google Drive.

FAMILY PHOTOS: If you don’t have backups of your physical photos, you may want to consider scanning them
and backing them up to the cloud. Additionally, consider having pictures of each family member in your
emergency bug out bag in the event you get split up and need to alert others as to what your family members look

DISASTER BINDER: while this binder will contain your portable documents, photos, and vital information about all
your family unit, it should also have your agreed-upon escape routes, rendezvous points, and critical contact
information of people and services that will be lost if electronic devices aren't working. Be sure to define a contact
out of the area everyone can call in the event your region is in a state of emergency. This is your grab-and-go
binder and is probably the most important thing after the essentials, especially if you are lost or separated from
other people in your family or unit.

MEDICAL GEAR: You find high-quality medical kits from Refuge Medical (we have no affiliation with them). Use
coupon code "City" at checkout to get 10% off your purchase. Currently doing a giveaway on their wound care kit.
To enroll, I will post a link to this document. When you sign up for the document, you’ll be enrolled. We’ll
announce the winner one week from now.


Preparedness Roadmap Course - https://courses.cityprepping.com/

How to extract water from water heaters, tanks, and pipes.
How to shut off water, power, and gas lines.
How to cook and prepare food.
First aid and medical skills. I highly recommend taking CERT training.
Navigation and map reading.


It is recommended that you think through various disaster scenarios particular to your area and build a plan based on
your most likely threats. Fill out the information, print it, laminate it, and add it to your bags defined earlier in this
document. If you’re not familiar with how to assess your specific local threats, this video provides a risk assessment
guide to assist you.

DISASTER TYPE _______________________________________________________

LENGTH OF ACTUAL DISASTER __________________________________________

Action Location Designee 1 Designee 2

Turn off gas after earthquake Gas meter outside Dad Mom




Floor Plan 1 Floor Plan 2

Preparedness Roadmap Course - https://courses.cityprepping.com/

ANTICIPATED AFTERMATH LENGTH __________________________________________

Prep Stored Length of Time it Will Last Location


Location: address/phone Who should go there and under Specifics and Notes
numbers/coordinates what circumstances should they
go there?

Preparedness Roadmap Course - https://courses.cityprepping.com/

Out of State

Preparedness Roadmap Course - https://courses.cityprepping.com/

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