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Project on: - developing web based patient information management system for
Bule Hora hospital.
Prepared by:

1. Yohannes Kefyalew.
2. Abneh Adugnaw.
3. Mewcha Weldemical.
4. Diribi Bekele.
5. Woya Tadesse.

Bule Hora, Ethiopia

June, 2018
First of all we would like to thanks our God in every success for the new system. Next to this, we
would like to express deepest gratitude to our advisor instructor Mr. Dagmawi Beakal and Ms.
Mastewal Abebaw for their excellent advice and passionate guidance throughout this project.
Lastly, we would like to thank our friends who contribute a lot in financial and academically
supports for this project.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Table of Contents
Approval sheet...................................................................................................................................I


List of Table....................................................................................................................................VI

List of Figure.................................................................................................................................VII



Chapter One.......................................................................................................................................1

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the project........................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General Objective............................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives..........................................................................................................3
1.4 Scope of the project................................................................................................................3
1.5 Limitation...............................................................................................................................3
1.6 Significance of the project.....................................................................................................4
1.7 Operational definition............................................................................................................5
Chapter Two......................................................................................................................................6

2. Literature Review..........................................................................................................................6

Chapter Three....................................................................................................................................9

3. Project Methodology.....................................................................................................................9

3.1 Data Collection Methods.......................................................................................................9

3.1.1. Interview.........................................................................................................................9
3.1.2. Document analysis.......................................................................................................10
3.1.3. Observation..................................................................................................................10
3.2 System Analysis...................................................................................................................10

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
3.2.1 Existing system..............................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Proposed system............................................................................................................12
3.3 Feasibility Study..................................................................................................................13
3.3.1 Economical Feasibility..................................................................................................13
3.3.2 Technical Feasibility.....................................................................................................13
3.3.3 Operational Feasibility..................................................................................................14
3.4 Requirement Analysis..........................................................................................................14
3.4.1 Functional requirement..................................................................................................14
3.4.2 Non-functional Requirements.......................................................................................16
Chapter Four....................................................................................................................................17

4. Project Design and Development................................................................................................17

4.1 Project design Methods........................................................................................................17

4.1.1 User Interface/ design....................................................................................................18
4.1.2 Database design.............................................................................................................23
4.1.3 Architecture/ design......................................................................................................25
4.1.4 UML diagrams..............................................................................................................27
4.2 Software and Hardware specifications.................................................................................42
4.2.1 Hardware requirements.................................................................................................42
4.2.2 Software requirement....................................................................................................43
Chapter Five....................................................................................................................................45

5. Project Implementation...............................................................................................................45

5.1 Testing and Evaluation.........................................................................................................45

5.1.1 Unit Testing...................................................................................................................45
5.1.2 Integration Testing........................................................................................................45
5.1.3 System Testing..............................................................................................................46
5.2 Evaluation............................................................................................................................49
5.3 Documentation.....................................................................................................................49
5.3.1 System documentation..................................................................................................49
5.3.2 User documentation.......................................................................................................50

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
5.4 Result and Dissemination.....................................................................................................50
5.4.1 Result (Finding).............................................................................................................50
5.4.2 Dissemination................................................................................................................50
5.4.3 Dissemination Methods.................................................................................................50
Chapter Six......................................................................................................................................52

6. Conclusions and Recommendation.............................................................................................52

6.1 Conclusions..........................................................................................................................52
6.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................52


Sample code...............................................................................................................................54

List of Table
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Table 1 use case description..........................................................................................................27
Table 2 use case description for login...........................................................................................29
Table 3 use case description for patient registration.....................................................................29
Table 4 use case description for view patient information............................................................30
Table 5 use case description for delete patient information..........................................................30
Table 6 activity diagram description.............................................................................................31
Table 7 sequence diagram description...........................................................................................36
Table 8 hardware requirement.......................................................................................................42
Table 9 software requirement........................................................................................................43
Table 10 language requirement.....................................................................................................44
Table 11 test case module login process........................................................................................46
Table 12 test case module patient process.....................................................................................47
Table 13 test case module medicine process.................................................................................47
Table 14 test case module staff process.........................................................................................48
Table 15 test case module appointment process............................................................................48

List of Figure

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Figure 1 user interface for home page...........................................................................................19
Figure 2 user interface for login page...........................................................................................20
Figure 3 user interface for admin panel.........................................................................................20
Figure 4 user interface for notice board........................................................................................21
Figure 5 user interface for patient registration.............................................................................22
Figure 6 user interface for x-ray form..........................................................................................22
Figure 7 user interface for change password................................................................................22
Figure 8 database design for admin...............................................................................................23
Figure 9 database design for pharmacist.......................................................................................23
Figure 10 database design for appointment...................................................................................24
Figure 11database design for patient.............................................................................................24
Figure 12 database design for referrer...........................................................................................25
Figure 13 architecture of the system..............................................................................................26
Figure 14 use case diagram............................................................................................................28
Figure 15 activity diagram for login..............................................................................................32
Figure 16 activity diagram for admin activity...............................................................................33
Figure 17 activity diagram for add user.........................................................................................34
Figure 18 activity diagram for patient registration........................................................................35
Figure 19 sequence diagram for login...........................................................................................37
Figure 20 sequence diagram for patient registration.....................................................................38
Figure 21 sequence diagram for admin activity............................................................................39
Figure 22 class diagram.................................................................................................................40
Figure 23 deployment diagram......................................................................................................41

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
BHH-Bule Hora Hospital.

DB- Data base.

DBMS- Data Base Management System.

GUI- Graphical User Interface

GB- Giga Byte.

MB- Mega Byte.

MYSQL- My Structural Query Language

OOSAD- Object Oriented System Analysis and Design.

OS- Operating System.

OPD- Out Patient Department

PIMS- Patient Information Management System.

PHP- Hypertext Preprocessor.

SAD- System Analysis and Design.

UML- Unified Modelling Language

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
The project entitled as designing web based patient Information management system for Bule
Hora hospital. Currently Bule Hora hospital uses a manual way of giving services to the patient.
Because of this, there are a number of different challenges that are available in this organization
such as employees take long time to give service to the patient, large amount of space is needed
as data becomes increase, wastage of working materials, loss of data and so on. So that, to solve
the problems we overcome with the new develop system that enhances the existing system which
is computerized web based system. This system implement using the programming language
PHP, uses the MySQL database and Wamp server. The purpose of the new system is to make
computer based activity, better information flow, give data availability, confidentiality and
integrity and makes the working process attractive. This web based system is user friendly and
error free. To conduct the project in effective and efficient manner the project team gathered
information by using different data collection methodology such as interview, observation and
document analysis and also the team use Object oriented system analysis and design
methodology. As the result of developing new system we will avoid all the drawbacks of the
existing manual working environment.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Chapter One

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Bule Hora hospital found in western Guji zone in Bule Hora town, which is 467km far away
from Addis Ababa. The hospital established in the year 1987 by supporting of Oromia health
bureau and made by eastern African engineering company at total area of 1034 hectare to
provide curative rehabilitative and preventive service for the peoples of western Guji zone as
referral and primary of health service provision by Oromia region Health Bureau. Though it
starts to provide service with appropriate number of professionals including specialist. The
health service utilization of the community was low on top of poor working condition that put
the organization in problem leaving physical and limited nurses to deteriorate service from time
to time. Through time with government due and provision policy’s and implementation
procedures that makes the service customer oriented with process improvement health care
financing which allow to utilize retained revenue as per procedure and introduce good
governance through board. This makes the service responsive to community health problem
improve working condition and progressively change community attitude.
Now days many companies uses web based system to accomplish their task but some are still
using manual system. Bule Hora hospital is one of such institute that use paper based system to
perform all their tasks. The existing system has many drawbacks like; there is no such a flexible
system, it takes time to search patient’s information, it needs high cost for purchasing paper and
material, employees take long time to give service to the patient, paper files consume a lot of the
office space, accessing and sharing of information by different departments is difficult and the
paper based recording cannot be claimed as secure. Generally the current system is inefficient for
better performance of all tasks so we replace this problem by developing web based patient
information management system.

Web based patient information management system simply help Bule Hora hospital to minimize
the time and efforts needed to perform tasks, reduce the work load, improve the time wasting,
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
reduce document loss, minimize the required space for documents and increase customer
satisfaction. This web based system use many activities such as register new patients in database,
search and update of patient information, store laboratory test result, manage the patient
information, provide secure access and provide easy access for the employer.

Wolaita sodo university comprehensive specialized hospital; the former “Ottona hospital” was established
in 1928 as small clinic by SIM missionary Dr. Thomas Lambia and serve as primary hospital for 50 years,
as general hospital for 30 years.
After being amalgamated with WSU in 2004 E.C it serve as WSU teaching and referral hospital for 10
years. Since 2014 E.C., the hospital was licensed with comprehensive specialized hospital by FMoH and
working with the vision to be center of health excellence on oncology and renal replacement therapy by
2022 E.C.
To accommodate the current workload and patient flow, the university prepared the new hospital building
design in place but still the no remarkable measure taken regarding the commencement of building.
The new building designed with more than 1,121 pt beds, 128 ICU beds, 17 OR (+4 Oby OR), 3 MRI, 3
CTscan, 1 PET scan, 15 X-ray, 18 ultrasound, 2 Cath lab, 2 stereo Tactic biopsy, 2 nuclear scan and many
other imaging and laboratory stations.
Realizing this plan is big success nationally. So, all stakeholders including WSU, FMoH, FMoE, FMoF,
HoPR, the local community and government, business mans, activists, social media, NGOs and others
take part and let it happen!
1.2 Statement of the problem
A Bule Hora hospital patient information management system is manual based so this manual
system leads to the following problems:

 Lack of immediate information retrievals: it is very difficult to retrieve and to find

particular information like to find out about the patient’s history. This results in
inconvenience and wastage of time.
 Lack of immediate information storage: the information generated by various
transactions takes time and efforts to be stored at right place. Lot amount of records need
much place to save.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
 Lack of prompt updating: various changes to information like patient information’s are
difficult to make as paper work is involved.
 Low processing speed and error prone.

 Data redundancy means repentances of the same data.

 Work place also jam packed this lead stress in register employee.
 Large amount of space is needed as data becomes increase.

 Unsecured data handling method.

 Wastage of working materials like papers and cards.

In order to solve the above problems we provide the following function like accept personal
information from new patients and store in database, view patient information form the database,
search and update patient profile, display laboratory test results such as X-ray and Ultra sound,
provide different user account and provide appointment for patient.

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of this project is to develop web based patient information management
system for Bule Hora hospital.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
 Develop a user friendly system
 Provide easy access for the employer
 Provide secured access.
 Provide fast patient registration process
 Reduce document loss
 Minimize the required space for documents

1.4 Scope of the project

The scope of the project geographically limited to Bule Hora hospital. Beyond this there are
different activities that we perform in the new system. Such as accept personal information from
new patients and store in database, view patient information, search and update patient

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
information, display laboratory test results such as X-ray and Ultra sound, provide different user
account, provide appointment for patient, notify information for user by using bulletin board,
provide some information about the hospital.

1.5 Limitation

To accomplishing the project there are a number of limitations which affect how this project is
interpreted among these the following were main.
 Lack of financial resource for transportation.

 Shortage of materials like computer.

 Lack of grammatical skills.

 Lack connection to get additional information to work the project.

 Loss of the hospital background.

 Lack of experience.

1.6 Significance of the project

For Bule Hora Hospital
Bule Hora hospital is the main beneficiary of this project through:
 Adequate service
 Increased profits such as decrease time to organize patient profile
 Safe control over patient record by providing full control over the data and information
against fraud and misuses.
 Minimize required employee’s manpower.

For Record Officers

Record Officer is the main beneficiary of this project through:
 Reduce burden
 Highly initiated to the work.
 Better confidence in tasks that they perform.
 Provide adequate service for users.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
For Physician
Physician is the main beneficiary of this project through:
 Provide fast laboratory test
 Send lab result easily to the doctor.
 Physician error almost eliminated.
 Reduce physician burden and stress.

For Doctor
Patients is the main beneficiary of this project through
 Give fast service.
 Easily update and store patient medical information.
 Initiate highly employees to the work.
 Reduce doctor’s burden and stress.

For Patient
Patients is the main beneficiary of this project through
 It increase patient satisfaction.
 It enables the patient to get a quality medical service.
 Patient can access information based on their privilege.
 The patient out from any stress regarding registration.
 Get fast, reliable and unambiguous service. Since the system is computer
based, everybody can get any service with in short period of time.

1.7 Operational definition

System: - is a set of interacting or interdependent component parts forming a complex/intricate

Automate: is the way of developing the existing system with considering users satisfaction.

Patient Information Management System: is a system that can manage administrators and can
have the track of the right assigned to them.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Implementation: - is a realization of a technical specification or algorithm as a program,
software component through programming.

Evaluation: -is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using
criteria governed by a set of standards.

Web based system: - refers to those applications or services that are resident on a server that is
accessible using a Web browser and is therefore accessible from anywhere in the world through
the Web.

Chapter Two

2. Literature Review
A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to the
selected area of study. It should give a theoretical base for the research and help you to
determine the nature of your research.

A record is recorded information produced or received in the initiation, conduct or completion of

an institutional or individual activity and that comprises content, context and structure sufficient
to provide evidence of the activity regardless of the form or medium.

According to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) records include, “…
all books, papers, maps, photographs, machine-readable materials, or other documentary
materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received ... or in connection
with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that
agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions,
procedures, operations, or other activities of the Government or because of the informational
value of the data in them.” The International Council on Archives (ICA) Committee on
Electronic Records defines a record as "recorded information produced or received in the

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
initiation, conduct or completion of an institutional or individual activity and that comprises
content, context and structure sufficient to provide evidence of the activity. (NARA, 2014)

The Hospital Management System for Sultana Foundation is an application running in Windows
environment. The clients of the application are the receptionists, doctors, laboratory attendants,
medical store attendants and the system administrator. The hospital wants to automate the whole
system and get rid of the manual procedures. The product will provide following functions
Maintain Database
 Patient Registration
 Forms Laboratory Report
 Generation Security Management

The targeted project takes in following aspects:

User-friendly graphical interfaces are provided so that the user of the system can interact with
the system and enter data into the database. The interfaces get input from the user and save it to
the database.
As dealing with a large number of patients, hospital has great need to make its system less time
consuming. Presently, they are maintaining almost all of their records in local registers, which
are to be replaced by new ones due to shortage of space and hectic maintenance procedures.
The daily entries are recorded in the database. These are then accessed according to the
requirements. (Docsity, 2015)
Function of Patient Record Management System
According to Melongoza (2002) these are incorporated in the technical (clinical) and business
(administration) component of health service these are divided into three (2); operating planning
and strategic planning.
1. Control reporting and operating function: provides summarized data about the operation
of the organization to the manager and health care professional that permits the

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
monitoring of various activities. These tasks include medical record tracking, medical
audit and peer review.
2. Strategic planning function: provides a frame work from decision making with long range
implications which include patient care strategy like level of care, occupancy and service
demand, requirement and project cost.
Thus the patient management information system in this study ideally consists of integrated
approach to maintain patient related administrative and clinical data considering the continuum
of care dependent on the services provided.

Advantages of Computers- Base Information System

The following are advantages of computers- base information system. This can be explain as
 It is user friendly and the navigation is very easy.
 They help in organizing and managing documents effectively. Since the data is stored in
a highly organized manner, accessing necessary data is very easy.
 It helps save time. People are able to access data needed in real time thus enabling them
access detailed information.
 They are extremely useful, especially during disaster recovery, as paper documents can
be lost, causing a business millions of money in losses.
Weakness of Computers- Base Information System
Hackers: information sent by use of the internet can easily be hijacked and terminated by
unauthorized persons before reaching its destination.

Virus: this can destroy files by replicating themselves in the document hence losing the meaning
of the file. (Acheng, 2009)

In order to understand the concepts associated with web based patient information management
systems, it is necessary to examine and analyze published material from experts regarding the
field. So there are many developed systems which is related to the selected area of study. These
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
previous work in BHH perform different activity which includes; keep records about inpatients
and outpatients respectively, register patient by using patient registration forms, maintain
database that contain patient information, generate laboratory test result including radiography,
ultra sound and x-ray, maintaining inpatient and outpatient details with their test results and
allow administrator to make an entry for patients and search them. But the new system perform
all activity which is listed in the above and also we add some features for the new system such as
provide different user account for users, notify information for all users by using bulletin board,
provide referral to specialized medical institutions and print patient data in addition to this the
previous work uses structure or traditional SAD methodology to design the system but in the
new system we use OOSAD to design the new system based on this information it is clearly
differentiate the previous work to the new system so we can say the new system is vital for that

Chapter Three

3. Project Methodology
3.1 Data Collection Methods
Collecting data is the first step to develop a system. In order to know the information about Bule
Hora hospital patient information management system, we use a different data collection method.
Some of the methods are the following:-

3.1.1. Interview
The team closely observed Bule Hora hospital activities as the patient are served at the office and
how the management carried out its managerial activities. The team extract data from the Record
officer and those responsible employees for handling records of a patient. The interviewers
created a conducive environment in which the interviewees could feel free to let out the best they
could that helped the team comes up with the most effective system to fulfill their needs. Among
the data collected the following was highlighted to be of a great consideration:

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
How the hospital perform their activities regarding to patient information management, what
kind of system used for patient records in existing system, the patients’ feelings about the current
information system and what are the opportunities to lose the patient record.

The team have got their response regarding to patient information management the existing
system is manual based it needs more places to store the data, the patient are not more comfort in
the existing system because it takes more time to examine patients, if the patients came to the
hospital then he register and take the hospital service. For another day he lose his patient card
then register again and also there is great opportunity to lose the patient record because of
different reasons like fire, sun light and also humidity. From our interview based on patient
response as well as employee response we noted that the manual system is more time consumer
and it is not enough to satisfy user need.

3.1.2. Document analysis

This is also the other way of gathering information and it is concerning on having an information
used in a formal description of the documents on paper based format and studying the content
and structure of the documents. In order to get information we have analyzed documents such as
document about number of patient arrived at the hospital for example in January 3500 Out-
patient and 517 In-patient get service and we have analyzed documents about employees’ with
their related tasks such as male 93 female 69 and their related task 27, nurse 75, x-ray 1,
emergency surgery 6, pharmacist 14, modifier 24, laboratories 7, optics(eye) 3, psychiatrist 3,
Anastacia 2, totally 162 professionals and also 46 male 61 female totally 107 administrators are
found. From this document analysis we gathered the above information from different document
that found in the hospital and the information that we got from that organization have great rule
for new develop the new system.
3.1.3. Observation
We went to the hospital and observe their activities as the patients are served at the office and
how the management carried out its managerial activities. The team found out the system’s
weaknesses like it require more time and the patient’s information were not well managed by the
current manual system, hence; the team came up with this system to clearly outline the
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
management. The team also observed there is no organized data collection method to deliver
qualified patient information for anybody who concern to know. From our observation we noted
that the manual system is not properly managed.

3.2 System Analysis

System analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their
relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is what all problems exist
in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem? Analysis begins when a user or
manager begins a study of the program using existing system. During analysis, data collected on
the various files, decision point’s and transactions handled by the present system.

3.2.1 Existing system

The existing system that Bule Hora hospital currently uses manual system to perform all their
tasks and registration of new patients as well as search for existing patient record also paper
based therefore the information of the previous and new patient record placed on the shelf so if
the doctor needs to know some information about a specific patient he/she has to refer all the
papers that are place on the shelf and patients should have to wait more time to concern the
doctors as a result the manual system is time consumer.

The major and fundamental functions in the current patient information management system of
BHH are the following.

 Register patient (by card room worker)

 Examine patient. (by doctor)
 Examine specified body parts (by Laboratory workers)
 Allocate beds(by bed room workers)
Existing System Work flow
Register patient
Work flow

For the first time the patient comes to the hospital he goes to the card room then the card room
workers register patients after that he /she receive payment for registration and finally keeps
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
patient record, and the responsibilities like search for or find patient record when he/she comes
again is also reside to the card room worker.

Receive patient problem by Doctor

Work flow

After registering, the card room workers sent the patient to the doctor, and then the doctor will
examine patient and if patient captured by easy disease leads to medicine otherwise lead to
laboratory worker (physician).

Examines specific body parts

Work flow

After receiving the patient problem from the OPD officer, the physician examine patient and
send result about patient x-ray, laboratory test, ultra sound.

Work flow

After receiving patient with a paper describing patient body part the doctor leads to medicine or
leads to bed room.

Allocate bed

Work flow

After receiving patient list that are sent to bed room, the bed room worker; allocate beds after the
patient has accomplished payment.

The existing system has many drawbacks such as:-

 Data are not placed securely.

 Some of the data may be captured more than once.
 Large amount of space is needed as data becomes increase.
 Wastage of working materials like papers and cards.
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
 The hand writing (calligraphy) on the card might not be readable which leads to
recording incomplete data (the required data is not fully captured)
Therefore developing web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
is found to be important to address those problems.

3.2.2 Proposed system

The new system is very easy to operate. Speed and accuracy is the main advantages of new
system and there is no redundancy of data and the data are stored in the computer’s secondary
memories like Hard Disk so that data can be easily receive and used at any time and also the new
system handle easily all the data and the work done by the existing systems.

The proposed system perform the following activities:-

 Register new patient.

 Display Laboratory test result.
 Manage different user account.
 Search patient information.
 Provide some information about the hospital.

3.3 Feasibility Study

The main purpose of feasibility study in our case is to determine whether it is possible,
advantageous and realistic to develop the proposed system and it will help us to predict the future
of the project. We examine the new system feasibility from different perspectives like, from its
technical, operational and economical points of view.

3.3.1 Economical Feasibility

When we compare existing system with the new system the new system is less coasty because
the existing system to give service it requires many human powers like 162 professional and 107
administrators employees and it need more stationary materials for example paper 7800 packet
monthly, pen 4000 packet monthly, carbon 7 packet monthly and sales cash receipt form 10 pads
daily, the current system needs high cost to buy material so the material expired in some interval
and also the current system leads patient to another expenditure because of losing the patient
data. This makes more coasty than new system but if the system is web based it is controlled by
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
one administrator, the economic required for stationary material are minimized, it gives
efficiency access to the users, the organization require small amount of hardware and software
may be it initial cost is high to buy the material but the material serve the hospital for long day
and no much cost will be incurred in implementing the new system. So the new system is
economically feasible.

3.3.2 Technical Feasibility

The implementation part of the new system develop by using PHP so this programing allow us to
develop the system and we use free software they are easily to find. The new system implement
based on Bule Hora hospital employees and users requirement and the hardware and software
requirements for the new system easily understandable for hospital employees that means the
employees are familiar with the computer so that they can easily adapt with the new system and
we use windows operating system rather than Unix command-line because windows operating
system has simple user interface and it help Bule Hora hospital users and employees to easily
understand and manage the system. Therefore technically when we implement the new system
the organization employees can understand easily and the new system fully function. So the new
system is technically feasible.

3.3.3 Operational Feasibility

The new system may take time to be fully operational when it is developed. But, regular support
or follow up from the developer and making the users to be familiar with the system ensures that
the system to solve the current system problems and it is expected that the new system can
change the current manual based patient information management system to computerized based
patient information management system and also it takes in consideration of the current work
practices and it can operate independently. So the new system is operationally feasible because it
can fulfill the following requirements:-

 Satisfy the user needs or requirements.

 Provides the end users and managers with timely, accurate, reliable, flexible and useful

 The new system to work in coordinated as well as interdependent with the existing
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
 The system offers adequate control of data and information.

3.4 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis includes the tasks that determining the conditions or the needs to meet the
requirement for the new system or for the existing system.

3.4.1 Functional requirement

The functional requirements deal with the functionality of the new system. It describes the
interaction between the system and different users independent of its implementation. Therefore
the following functional requirements are state for the new automated system.


 Provide different user account: The new system provide account and permits
users to login according to their privilege.

 Update and modify patient information: The authorized users of the system can
add, delete, modify or change patient’s information whenever possible.

 Provide some information about the hospital: The new system provide
information about Bule Hora hospital include background, vision, and mission.

 Show patient information (viewing and accessing): The system can display or
show the stored basic information of the patients.

 Provide referral to specialized medical institutions: The new system allow

transfer patient to specialized medical institutions.

 Provide appointment for Out-Patient.


 Provide laboratory test results

 Provide X-ray test result.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
 Provide Ultra sound test result.

Record Officer
 Register new patient: This new system allow to register each patient records and
their basic information on database.

 Search for existing patient from database: This enables the users of the system
to find patient information from database which is previously registered.
 View Noticeboard send from admin: The new system allow record officer to
view message when admin send message by using noticeboard.


 View Appointment: This new system display patient appointment day and
patient can view their appointment.
 View Noticeboard send from admin: The new system allow patient to view
message when admin send message by using noticeboard.

3.4.2 Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements are features of the system that has no direct implementation on it,
which used to judge the operation of the new system. The main are:

User friendly interface: The system have easily understandable interface (users can interact
with the system through the user interface/GUI easily).

Accuracy: The system give valid result, if no data is found with the specified criteria the system
should not give invalid response.

Security: Security become crucial issue in the new system. A user must login to the system with
user name and password. The system allow login to only authorized users.

Ease accessibility: web based patient information management system is easily accessible.

Performance: The system have networked database. So, this can tell that the system can be used
by different users. This allows many users can perform their actions simultaneously.
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
System portability: ability to use the system anywhere, any time with any browsing device.

Efficiency: The system provide easy and fast access for staff with less cost and time.

Availability: The system is easily available at any desired time.

Chapter Four

4. Project Design and Development

4.1 Project design Methods
Object oriented system analysis and design focus on object rather than data or process and it
is a software engineering approach that models a system as a group of interacting objects
that works together to accomplish a task by using Unified Modelling Language that include
use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram and activity diagram and there is also
another method structured systems analysis and design methodology. Structural SAD
methodology focus only on process or procedure and it is a set of standards for systems
analysis and application design. but it has a long development times because every stage
must be completed before moving on to the next stage and it costs time and it is not flexible
so from the two approach the team use the Object oriented system analysis and design
methodology because it has the following benefits:
 It is easy to understand.
 It reduce the development time & cost.
 Identifying the objects of a system.
 Identify their relationships.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
 It is easy to maintain. Due to its maintainability OOSAD is becoming more popular day
by day.

4.1.1 User Interface/ design

User Interface Prototype is an iterative analysis technique in which users are actively involved in
the mocking-up of the UI for a system. A user interface prototype is a vehicle for user to
communicate the possible UI design of system (agilemodeling, 1998).

So In order to capture all the user interface requirements of the user the team member made
through analysis and identified the following user interfaces:-

 Home Page.
 Admin, Staff and Patient Login Page.
 Admin Panel.
 Notice board.
 Patient Registration.
 X-Ray Form.
 Change Password.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Home Page

Figure 1 user interface for home page

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Login page For Admin, Staff and Patient.

Figure 2 user interface for login page

Admin panel Page

Figure 3 user interface for admin panel

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Notice Board

Figure 4 user interface for notice board

Patient Registration

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Figure 5 user interface for patient registration

X-ray Form

Figure 6 user interface for x-ray form

Change Password

Figure 7 user interface for change password

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
4.1.2 Database design
Database Design is the database structure that will be used as plan to Store and manage the data.
The database management system (DBMS) is the software used to implement a database design.
Modern database and applications development software is so easy to use that many people can
quickly learn to implement a simple database and develop simple applications within a week or
so, without giving design.

Admin Table

Figure 8 database design for admin

Pharmacist Table

Figure 9 database design for pharmacist

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Appointment Table

Figure 10 database design for appointment

Patient Table

Figure 11database design for patient

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Referrer Table

Figure 12 database design for referrer

4.1.3 Architecture/ design

System architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and
more views of a system. An architecture description is a formal description and representation of
a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structures and behaviors of the

System architecture can comprise system components, the externally visible properties of those
components like users, web browser, servers and data base and the relationships (e.g. the
behavior) between them. It can provide a plan from which systems developed and work together
to implement the overall system.

For analysis of architecture, we have found it convenient to consider three primary components
of the new systems.

The Client tier: which are usually a web browser processes and displays HTML resources,
issues HTML requests and processes the responses. These web browsers are HTTP clients that
interact with the Web servers using standard protocols. The client is often referred to as a thin
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
client as very little application logic resides in the client tier. It does have built in features to do
more than just display html pages, but they too are confined only to displaying data of various
kinds. Some application logic in the form of JavaScript is executed by browsers, but its
applications are limited in scope and nature.

Application Tier: is the middle tier and implements the business logic, controller logic and
presentation logic to control the interaction between the application’s clients and data also it
consists most of the application logic. It brings together the other layers of the 3 tier web
architecture. It processes the inputs it receives from the clients and interacts with the database.
This consists of the web server, web scripting language and the scripting language engine. While
the Web server will process the HTTP requests and formulate responses, the calculation is done
by the scripting language which runs on the scripting engine. The Web Server or the listens for
the HTTP requests on a network and return the responses that contain the requested resources. In
cases where the request requires the output after running the program and interacting with the
databases, the web server invokes the scripting engine to perform those tasks.

Database tier: consists of the database management system and the database. It responds
different query which is requested by the server.

Architecture of the System


My sql

Data Base
Response Response

Client Tire

Data Base
Web server or Application
Server Tire

Figure 13 architecture of the system

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
4.1.4 UML diagrams Use case diagram
Use case diagrams are ideal artefacts to capture requirements the system. They represent the user
requirements gathered during requirement elicitation. Use case diagram consists of use cases,
actors, and their relationship and system boundary (microsoft, 2003).
When we draw use case we use the following shapes.

Table 1 use case description

No Shapes Representation

It represents the users of systems known as actors. It

represents a role that a user can play but not specific

It represents a user goal that can be achieved by

accessing the system or software application.

It represents scope of systems. Known as system

boundary. The use case of a system is placed inside
this, while the actors who interact with the system are
put outside the system.

It is used to associate actor and use case to indicate

that the actor participates in that use case. Therefore,
an association correspond to a sequence of actions
between the actors and use case in achieving the use

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
The following figure shows use case diagram for the new system.

Patient Information Management

Add User
View User
Delete User
Edit User
Interface Type
Interface Type Imp
Notify User
Add Patient
View patient Admin
Add Medicine
Delete Medicine
View Medicine
View Notice Board

View Appint Pharmacist

View lab result
Appoint Patient
Referral Patient
Laboratorist Ultra-sound
Assign bed room
View bed room
Send Verification
View Prescription


Figure 14 use case diagram

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Table 2 use case description for login

Use case Name Login

Participating actor(s) Administrator, Staff and patient.

Description The administrator, staffs and patients can login and perform
their activity

Flow of events 1.
Execute browser
open the home page
click on login
select user position/type as admin/staff/patient
which is displayed in the page
5. Fill the login information
6. click on Submit button
Entry conditions The users must have their own accounts username and
password to login into the system.

Exit conditions Valid page

Table 3 use case description for patient registration

Use case name Register patient

Primary actors Record officer, patient

Description Register use case is used to register or record all necessary

information of all patient into the database

Event flow 1. Record officer click on the registration form button

2. The system displays the registration form
3. Patient provide his/her information (id, name ...etc)
4. Record officer enter patient information into the form.
5. Record officer click on save button
6.System display acknowledgment message

Exit conditions Valid page

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Table 4 use case description for view patient information

use case name View patient information

actors Admin, doctor, Record officer

description View patient information use case enable authorized users to views/see
all of some of the patients information stored in the database

Post condition Patient information must be record in the database

Flow of action 1. authorized user click on view patient information button

2. The system display view patient info window
3. Users enter relevant patient info (id, or name…)
4. The system shows the required result information

Post condition Required patient’s information will be viewed by an authorized users

Exit conditions Valid page

Table 5 use case description for delete patient information

Use case name Delete patient information

description Enable the authenticated actors of the system delete unexpected or

expired or impossible patient accounts or patient information

Actors Admin

Course of 1. Admin open the home page of the web site

action 2. Login the page
3. Select patient
4. Search particular patient information to be deleted
5. Click on the delete button

precondition The information of patient to be deleted should be properly verified

Post condition Unwanted patient information will be deleted from the data bas

Exit conditions Valid page

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital Activity diagram
Activity diagram is one of the UML elements which used for business process modelling and
used for modelling the logic captured by single use case usage scenario. It also helps to model
the internal logic of complex operations of the system. In addition to this, it shows the work flow
from start point to end point details and many decision parts that exist in progression of event
contain in activity. Generally activity diagram is essentially a flowchart, showing flow of control
from activity to activity (lucidchart, 2009). When we draw activity diagram we use the following

Table 6 activity diagram description

No Shapes Representation

1 Connector symbol that represents directional

flow, or control flow of the activity

2 Indicates the activities that make up a

modelled process.

3 It is start symbol that represents the

beginning of a process or work flow.

4 It represents a completion of a process or


5 Diamond shape represents the branching or

merging of various flows with the symbol
acting as the frame or container.

It has the following purposes:-

 Shows the activity flow of a system

 Describe the sequence from one activity to another.
 Describe the parallel branched and concurrent flow of the system.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Activity diagram for Login


Select Position

* User Name
and Password

No Yes
Is User Name and
Display Page
1 Password Valid ?

Figure 15 activity diagram for login

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Activity diagram for admin user manage


Select Position

User Name
* and Password

Is User Name and
1 Password Valid ?


Display Main

Update Delete


Figure 16 activity diagram for admin activity

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Activity diagram for Add user.


Select Position

User Name
* and Password

No Is User Name and

1 Password Valid ?


Display Main

Select User

Select Add

New username and

password *

Add New User


New User Add


Figure 17 activity diagram for add user

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Activity diagram for Patient Registration.


Select Position

User Name
* and Password

Is User Name and

1 Password Valid ?

Display Record_officer

Select Patient
Registration Form

Select Add

Fill the
Send Form



Figure 18 activity diagram for patient registration

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital Sequence diagram
Sequence diagrams show a succession of interaction between classes or object instances over
time. It also shows the processing described in a single scenario. It describes interaction among
classes in terms of an exchange of message overtime. It is a good way to visualize and validate
various runtime scenarios. (smartdraw, 2005)
When we draw sequence diagram by using the following shapes.
Table 7 sequence diagram description

No Shapes Representation

It describes the way an object will

behave in context

Known as activation box, used to

represent the time an object needs to
complete a task.

It is a message that represents

communication between objects.

Lifelines that represents the objects

presence overtime

Reply message that represents

message is back to the original

A message that an object sends to


Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Sequence Diagram for login.

Login Security Check Database

<<UI>> <<Controller>> <<DB>>

Fill user name
and password


Display user

Figure 19 sequence diagram for login

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Sequence Diagram for Register patient.

Record_Officer Record_officer Registration Security Check Database

<<UI>> form <<Controller>> <<DB>>

Accept patient
info request patient
info Transfer patient
Invalid Invalid

Send error


Figure 20 sequence diagram for patient registration

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Sequence diagram for Admin function

Admin Browse Server
login verification

retrive info admin

login sucessfully
response check admin

add doctor request add doctor

Message response Acknowledge doctor

viewe patient request patient

get all info

display info response view info


update result request insert info pharmacist

sucessful message response Acknowledge


logout forward

logout sucessfully

Figure 21 sequence diagram for admin activity

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital Class diagram
Class modelling used to describe the structure of the system. Classes are abstractions that specify
the common structure and behavior of a set of objects in the new system (searchsoa, 2005) .In
this modelling the team’s members have design the system in terms of objects, classes, attributes
and operations. Of course the model depicted here is a sample for this project.

Class Diagram
Doctor 1* Order
1..* Patient 1
username Investigate 1 patient_id
password first_name
1 last_name 1..*
11 Prescription * 1 1..* age
Appintment 1 sex
Referral 1..* phone
View Notice Board 1
* 1 View Appointment
Order Order View Notice Board
1 1
1 1 1 11
Record_officer Pharmacist
record_officer_id pharmacist_id
password username *
Patient Registration password
View Appintment Add Medicine
1 Prescription
View Notice Board view Medicine
View Notice Board

* 1*

username Examine
bed_room_id password
staff_id X_ray
password Ultra Sound
Blood *
* Bed Room Assign
Assign room View Notice Board 1..*
View Bed Room
1 View Notice Board
Figure 22 class diagram
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital Deployment diagram
The deployment diagram also helps to model the physical aspect of an object-oriented software
system. It models the run-time configuration in a static view and visualizes the distribution of
components in an application. In most cases, it involves modelling the hardware configurations
together with the software components that lived on. Deployment diagram would show what
hardware components (nodes) exist.


 Web server.
 Application server.
 Database server.

Deployment modeling used to show the hardware of the system, the software that is installed in
the hardware and also the middleware that is used to connect the disparate machines to one and
other. It also shows how the software and the hardware components work together.

Figure 23 deployment diagram

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Description of the architecture deployment of the system is described as follows.

Clients are responsible for:-

 Provide user interface to the user enabling to get services.
 Receiving inputs from user.
 Checking range of performance.
 Initiating database transactions once all necessary data are collected in the system.
Server said responsible for:-
 Transaction performance.
 Guaranteeing the integrity of data.
 Putting backup of the database.

4.2 Software and Hardware specifications

For new system design and implementation we have plan to use the following system design and
implementation tools.

4.2.1 Hardware requirements

The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices. So when we
implement the new system we use the following hardware requirement:
Table 8 hardware requirement

Item no Hardware Capacity Specification

1 Flash Disk 16GB Required for data movement to store & transfer data

2 Computer 200GB To do overall activities

For writing all necessary documentations associated

3 Pen and Paper -
with the project.

4 Laptop 900GB To do some activities

5 CD 700MB Used for back up and store the data

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
4.2.2 Software requirement
Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and
related devices. So the main hardware requirements that use for the development of the new
system are:

Table 9 software requirement

Item no Software Specification.

1 Microsoft office 2013 To write documentation.

2 Windows 8.1 Operating System.

3 Browser To search information.

4 Adobe Photoshop For editing images and icons for the interface
of the system.
5 E-Drawmax software To design modeling like use case, activity,
sequence diagrams etc.
6 Dreamweaver CS6 Used to write the code and display the user
interface design.

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital Language requirement

In the process of developing system language is more important. So the following language
requirements uses for the development of the new system.
Table 10 language requirement

Item no Language Specification

1 PHP script To write the script

2 Java script Used for validation

3 Cascading style sheets Used to style documents

4 Wamp Server To create data bases in MySQL and run PHP


5 MYSQL server Used for managing database in SQL

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Chapter Five

5. Project Implementation
5.1 Testing and Evaluation
Testing is the process of verifying and determining if the new software (application) is capable
of performing the required functionalities specified during analysis and design phase at the
project to see the performance and after related issue with different aspects coding has begun, the
testing process can begin and proceed in parallel as each program module is produced, it can be
tested individually, these as part of a larger program, these as part of a larger system. (-lee, 2015)

We use the following testing method:

 Unit test
 Integration test
 System Testing
5.1.1 Unit Testing
Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an
application, called units and is the important and major part of the project. In unit testing each
module is tested separately to provide its correctness, validity and also determine any missing
operations and to verify whether the objectives have been met. Errors are noted down and
corrected immediately. So after implementation of this system we perform a unit testing which
means individual program or module found in the new system are tested separately for example
registration is one modules and also login is another modules so we test the single module

5.1.2 Integration Testing

Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing) is the phase of software testing in
which individual software module are combined and test as group. So after implementing of the
new system we conduct Integrator testing by combine all the module together and test the system
functionality. If error occurred in combine system the module with problem will be identified and

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
5.1.3 System Testing
It is the final step of testing. After carrying out the Integrator testing for integrated component of
the system, system test will done. So after implementation of this system we conduct system
testing at this stage the complete system is execute on the actual data and the results or output of
the system is analyzed. But it may be found that the outputs will not match the expected output
of the system. In such case, the errors in the particular programs will identify and fix.

Test Case

Module Login Process

Table 11 test case module login process

Field Value Valid/Invalid Result

username Null Invalid Please Enter Your User Name

Password Null Invalid

username Jony12 Valid Redirect Towards your system

Password Admin Valid

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Module Patient Process

Table 12 test case module patient process

Field Value Valid/Invalid Result

first_name Jony Valid

age 20 Valid

phone 09203000 Invalid Your phone number must be

greater than 10 Digit.

address Addis Valid

first_name Jony Valid

first_name Jony Valid

age 12 Valid Redirect Towards your system

phone 0920300000 Valid

address Addis Ababa Valid

Module Medicine Process

Table 13 test case module medicine process

Field Value Valid/Invalid Result

drug_name Drug Valid

supplier 123 Invalid Please Enter The Supplier

description Reason Valid

drug_name Drug Valid

description This Medicine is Valid Redirect Towards your system


supplier Info Sa Valid

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Module Staff Process

Table 14 test case module staff process

Field Value Valid/Invalid Result

first_name jony Valid

staff_id 123 Valid

email Valid

Password Jo ny Invalid Sorry, spaces are not allowed in


first_name jony Valid

Staff_id 12 Valid Redirect Towards your system

email Valid

Password Jony123 Valid

Module Appointment Process

Table 15 test case module appointment process

Field Value Valid/Invalid Result

first_name abcdefghijklmno Invalid The First Name Must Be Less
Than 14 Characters

appointment_reason Reason Valid

doctor_name Jony Valid

first_name Jony Valid

appointment_reason Because of Valid Redirect Towards your system

doctor_name Jony Valid

5.2 Evaluation
Project evaluation refers to the systematic collection, analysis and use of information to answer
questions about a project. It involves the analysis of costs, outcome or impact, implementation as
well as the need for the project.
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
To meet the objective of the project, the system is must be evaluated by different mechanisms.
The following mechanisms may be used:-

 Compare the new system with the existing system (Accessibility of information,
Readability and accuracy of information and Timeliness of information distribution).
 Check its user friendly (check the system whether it is easy for the user, if it is we can say
it is user friendly).
 Examine the system by professionals
 By requesting the user to give comment about the system and by that it is possible to
evaluate the system. If the users give positive feedback (like: - appreciation, excellence,
we can know our system how much it is effective).

5.3 Documentation
The new system deal about web based patient information management system for Bule Hora
hospital and that states the problem of the patient information management system. The
implementation part and this document give the limitation preparing manuals which include
general instruction about the system how to use it and also the new system have two types of
documentation. System documentation and User documentation.

5.3.1 System documentation

The new system have system documentation for activities which is perform by the system for
example patient registration, laboratory test result, appointment for patient and so on but if they
have any problem before, during and after using the system, system documentation help the user
of the system to increase their knowledge about the system and also UML deign diagram will
help user to interact easily with the system such as activity diagram, which show the activity
involved in the process, use case diagram, which show the interactions between a system and its
environment ,sequence diagram which show the order between activity perform, class diagram
which hold the class, attribute, operation and it describe the relation between class so system
documentation of the new system describe about different activity which is perform by on that

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
5.3.2 User documentation
The new system have user documentation that describe about how user interact with the system
as well as the interface, how user can login in to the system and how user can access information
that found on the system and after user got information it provide information how user can
logout from the system and also it give a direction for users by preparing manuals which include
general instruction about the system.

5.4 Result and Dissemination

5.4.1 Result (Finding)
The expected output of system planned to provide fast and easy data access, maintenance and
support method for the user and it build web based program for the Bule Hora web based patient
information management system in order to facilitate the work and computerized, it automate
the whole procedure, and it reduce work over load.

5.4.2 Dissemination
Dissemination is the process of making the results and deliverables of a project available to the
stakeholders and to the wider audience. This project work is basically doing the free and flexible
web based patient information management system of Bule Hora hospital in such easy way. All
dissemination should have a purpose, and support or inform project development in some way so
the purpose of the activity may be to: Raise awareness let others know what we are doing inform
educate the community.

5.4.3 Dissemination Methods


Conferences can be a very useful forum to consult with your target audiences in a face-to-face
capacity and to address issues relevant to the work of your project so we have planned to present
our project when the town conferences, workshops, or case studies based on the technology and
related issue.


Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
Most projects create a web page or web site to explain the project aims and objectives and to
disseminate information about project activities and results. As a result we are decided to
advertise our projects through internet.

Reports: - Reports can be a useful way to publicist and disseminate findings from your project
and can form part of your project's deliverables. These can be produced either in hard copy or
made available on your website. Reports on specific topics can be posted on your website so they
are accessible to a wide audience

Workshops: -we have planned to disseminate our project via workshops and that help us
directly contact to the user. Make sure to make it a Workshop: the emphasis should be on

E-mail:-we have planned to introduce our project through E-mail lists are useful for discussing
new developments, problems, and issues. The vast majority of people involved in using at least
one mail base discussion list and these can be a very effective way of communicating with our

Chapter Six

6. Conclusions and Recommendation

6.1 Conclusions
BHH is a big Hospital which gives medical services to a large number of people in western Guji
zone such as register patient, provide appointment for Out-patient, examine specified body parts
(X-ray and Ultra sound), Allocate beds and so on. But the current system has some problems
Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
such as no such a flexible system, it takes time to search patient’s information, it needs high cost
for purchasing paper and material, employees take long time to give service to the patient and
paper files consume a lot of the office space. So to solve the problems we overcome with the
new system that improve the existing system which is web based system. This system implement
by using the programming language PHP, MySQL database and Wamp server so to conduct the
project in effective and efficient manner the project team gathered information by using different
data collection methodology such as interview, observation and document analysis and also the
team use Object oriented system analysis and design methodology so the core reason for the
establishment of web based patient information management system is to enable the hospital
administrators in a convenient, fair and timely manner.

6.2 Recommendation
Because of different reasons the newly developed system is initiated and limited to improve
main activities of the organization. It doesn’t include some other detailed specific tasks. It
concerns on activities like patient registration, laboratory test results and so on. But it needs to
expand and relate with all organizations that have roles in the organization.
Generally the project team wants to recommend for further investigation and research to include
the following:-
 Notify users in their cell phone with SMS message
 Billing activities.
 Check the status of medicine
 Control the hospital financial system
 The system do not give ambulance service

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Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
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Hawryszkiewycz, I. T. (1994). Introductions to Systems Analysis and Design. Prentice Hall PTR.

-lee, b. (2015, september 12). web desgin issue. Retrieved february 25, 2018, from w3: issue/RDFnot.html

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Sample code
<!DOCTYPE html>

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<meta charset="utf-8">

Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/style.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine1/style.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/jquery.js"></script>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/style.css">

<style type="text/css">

fieldset {


border:5px dashed #CCCCCC;

margin:0 auto;


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color: blue;

font-size: 25px;

dl {

float: right;

width: 390px;

dt {

width: 180px;

color: brown;

font-size: 19px;

dd {


Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital

dd input {

width: 200px;

border: 2px dashed #DDD;

font-size: 15px;

text-indent: 5px;

height: 28px;

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color: #fff;

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<div id="doc3" class="yui-t7"><div id="hd"><div class="bg"><div class="bg-2">



<h1><a href="index.php"><img src="images/logo2.jpg" alt=""></a></h1>


<ul class="menu">

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Web based patient information management system for Bule Hora hospital

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