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Mechanics of Materials 4 (1985) 1-16 1



A.N. N O R R I S *
Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Clinton Township, Route 22 East, Annandale, NJ 08801, U.S.A.

Received 22 October 1984; revised version received 16 January 1985

A differential scheme to compute the effective moduli of composites is presented. The method is based on the idea of
realizability, i.e. the composite is constructed explicitly from an initial material through a series of incremental additions. The
construction process is uniquely specified by parametrizing the volume fractions of the included phases. The properties of the
final composite depend upon the construction path taken and not just on the final volume fractions. Assuming the grain shapes
are ellipsoidal, a system of ordinary differential equations for the moduli is obtained which is integrated along the path. The
present method includes as special cases of paths or endpoints the differential scheme of Roscoe-Boucher and the
self-consistent scheme of Kroner-Hill, respectively. The method includes a realization of the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds for a
two-phase composite with (K1- ~2)(/~1-/~2) >/0. For example, the upper bounds are achieved by imbedding disks of the
stiffer material in a matrix of the more compliant material.

1. Introduction tions are of little use when the underlying structure

is random. In this case it is c o m m o n to use one of
The subject of this paper is the mechanical several 'effective medium theories'. Foremost
properties of composites. The composites are as- a m o n g these methods has been the symmetric
sumed to consist of discrete homogeneous 'grains' self-consistent scheme of Kroner (1958). This
which are perfectly b o n d e d together. The grain method is analogous to the effective medium ap-
structure can be such that one phase is suspended proximation (EMA) used in electrostatics and due
in a matrix of another phase, or the two phases originally to Bruggeman (1935). Hill (1965b) ex-
can be distributed in a symmetric fashion. The amined the Kroner scheme for spherical grains
grains can be aligned, leading to anisotropy, or and found it to be consistent with the Hashin-
r a n d o m l y oriented, to give an isotropic composite. Shtrikman b o u n d s for two-phase isotropic com-
In general, any n u m b e r of distinct phases can be posites. However, another class of 'self-consistent'
considered. A similar method for estimating the theories proposed by W u (1966), Walpole (1969)
electrostatic properties of composites has been dis- and Boucher (1974) differ from Hill's formulation
cussed by Norris, CalIegari and Sheng (1984). in that the two phases are not treated on a sym-
Various methods have been proposed over the metric basis in the final equations. Both of these
years for computing the macroscopic effective schemes are identical for spherical grains, a fact
moduli of multi-phase elastic composites. Rigor- which has led to some confusion in distinguishing
ous procedures exist for composites with periodic between them. The distinctions between these the-
microstructure (Nemat-Nasser and Taya, 1981; ories and others are discussed in detail by Kor-
N e m a t - N a s s e r et al., 1982; T a o and Sheng, 1984; ringa et al. (1979) and by Berryman (1980). G o o d
N u n a n and Keller, 1984). However, exact solu- reviews of the relevant literature can be found in
Watt, Davies and O'Connell (1976), Cleary, Chen
* Current address: Dept. of Mechanics and Materials Science, and Lee (1980), Christensen (1979) and Hashin
Rutgers University, P.O. Box 909, Piscataway, NJ 08854, (1983); see also Budiansky (1970). In this paper we
U.S.A. consider only the self-consistent scheme of Kroner

0167-6636/85/$3.30 © 1985, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

A.N. Norris / Effective moduli of cornposite,s

and Hill, which we refer to as EMA to avoid -Shtrikman bounds for the bulk modulus of a
ambiguity. The EMA has also been derived in the two-phase randomly disordered solid can be real-
context of scattering theory by Korringa (1973), ized through the well known packed-spheres geom,.
Gubernatis and Krumhansl (1975), and by Berry- etry (e.g. (Hashin, 1983)). There were very few
man (1980). The key in all the scattering theory other realizable geometries known until recently.
approaches is to imbed typical grains of either A major breakthrough came when Milton (1984a
phase in a homogeneous matrix with unknown and b) showed that EMA corresponds to a class of
elastic moduli. The moduli are then obtained by aggregates with well defined microgeometries. For
requiring the averaged forward scattered field for a two phase composite these aggregates are con-
the ensemble of grains to equal zero. In the low structed briefly as follows: one starts with an
frequency or quasistatic limit this is equivalent to arbitrary homogeneous matrix material with mod-
the EMA. uli L~°L Then grains of the two phases are imbe-
The second class of effective medium theories dded in the matrix such that: (1) the grains are in
considered here is due originally to Roscoe (1954) a dilute suspension, and (2) the relative volume
and Boucher (1975). This is the differential effec- fractions of the two phases are the same as in the
tive medium theory (DEM), which unlike the EMA, final material. This results in an effective medium
does not treat the phases on an equal footing. In a with moduli L (1). The process is repeated with
two-phase composite one phase is taken as the material L ~1~ as the matrix and with grains which
matrix and the other is added incrementally in are an order of magnitude larger in size than the
such a way that the newly added material is always previous grains. This results in an effective medium
in dilute concentration with respect to the current with moduli L (2~. The iteration is continued such
effective medium. The microgeometry correspond- that at each stage J the imbedded grains are in
ing to DEM has been described by Sen, Scala and dilute concentration and the required volume frac-
Cohen (1981) and also by Sheng and Callegari tions are satisfied. The imbedded grains at stage J
(1984). McLaughlin (1977) has shown that the are much larger in size than those of stage J - 1
DEM theory for spherical grains gives moduli that and the imbedded grains are sufficiently separated
satisfy the Hashin--Shtrikman bounds. A good so that grain-grain interactions are negligible. Mil-
review of the elastic DEM theory is contained in ton (1984b) showed that the EMA result is ob-
the article by Cleary, Chen and Lee (1980). DEM tained by letting J - ~ oc and taking certain other
has received attention recently because it predicts limits. We refer to the original paper for more
the empirical Archie's law for the effective conduc- details.
tivity of rocks (Sen, Scala and Cohen, 1981; Sheng A similar type of hierarchy of aggregates can be
and Callegari, 1984). Other differential schemes defined for DEM. For a two-phase composite of
based on the idea of iterating the dilute approxi- materials 1 and 2 we start with a matrix of phase
mation have been proposed by Henyey and 2, for example, and imbed grains of phase 1 in
Pomphrey (1982) for cracked solids and by dilute concentration. The next stage consists of
Zimmerman (1984a and b) with spherical pores. imbedding grains of phase 1 that are an order of
The method of Zimmerman predicts moduli that magnitude larger than the previous ones, and so
are inconsistent with the Hashin-Shtrikman on. The DEM hierarchy of composites continues
bounds and so cannot correspond to a physically until phase 1 occupies its correct volume fraction.
realizable solid. In this sense it is different from EMA, where the
The purpose of this paper is to develop a theory original matrix material is completely replaced.
which contains both DEM and EMA as special The DEM composite is unsymmetric in the two
cases. The key to our approach is the idea of phases by definition. If material 2 has no rigidity
realization. An effective medium theory is called (/*2 = 0) then the DEM material has no rigidity
realizable if we can describe a construction process because the added phase, which has rigidity, is not
to make a composite material with effective mod- connected. However, the EMA result for the two
uli predicted by the theory. Thus, the Hashin phase composite has rigidity when the volume
A.N. Norris / Effective moduli of composites 3

fraction of the solid phase exceeds a certain value, The construction process continues by re-
the rigidity threshold, which depends upon the moving the current material and replacing it with
grain shapes considered (Hill, 1965b). grains of materials 1 and 2. Let 4'0, 4'1 and 4'2 be
the current volume fractions of the materials, such
2. The construction process
In this section we describe a procedure whereby 4'0 + 4'1 + 4'2 = l. (1)
the generalized theory can be realized. The process
considered here is just one of many that could be At each replacement, the removed material must
envisaged. It is characterized by keeping the have the same volume fractions of materials 0, 1
volume of the composite fixed at V0 during the and 2 as the total volume. Thus, at each stage the
entire process. An alternative process in which the material is assumed to be homogeneous. This can
volume increases is described briefly in Section 3. be realized if the replacement grains are always an
However, it turns out that the differential equa- order of magnitude greater in size than those at
tions we obtain in Section 3 are independent of the the previous removal-replacement. In addition, the
construction process. grains must be dispersed at random and occupy an
Begin with volume V0 of material 0, an aniso- infinitesimal volume fraction. A schematic of the
tropic, homogeous, linearly elastic solid with elas- iterative process is shown in Fig. 1.
tic moduli tensor Lo, which we refer to as the The construction process is uniquely defined by
'backbone' material. Grains of materials 1 and 2, a path in the (4'1, 4'2) plane, see Fig. 2. Let the
are imbedded in material 0 in such a way that the path be parametrized by an arc length parameter
volume remains fixed at V0. This involves re- t, which is analogous to time, so that on the path
moving and replacing some of the original material. we have 4'1 = 4'1(t), 4'2 = 4'2(0. The origin of time
Materials 1 and 2 are also anisotropic, homoge- is conveniently chosen so that 4'1(0) = 4'2(0) = 0. It
neous, linearly elastic solids with moduli L 1 and then follows that for each t >/0 the material is
L 2 respectively. The composite now has a new homogeneous, i.e. any given volume v of the com-
modulus tensor L, different from L 0` posite contains 4'2v of material 2.

~' //// / ,

j F/CJ/,:/4~/o/?),~A
, j,



Fig, 1. The iterative construction processof the genera] theory.

4 A.N. Norris /Effective moduli of composites

] B y

•--~ 0.:)

AO (). -, 1

Fig. 2. A homogenization path in the (q~l, q~2 plane. The range

of further possible points is the small triangle.

We now examine the incremental removal-re- can be inverted to give b t and bz as

placement at time t. Let the volume of material
1 _ (1 - 02)+1 q- 01+2
removed by Av. The same volume is replaced with
volume Av 1 of material 1 and volume Av2 of V0 1-0 '
material 2 such that Av I + kv 2 = Av. The volume 02 (1 - 0,)62 + 026, (4)
of material 1 in the solid before the replacement v0 1-0
was 0,V0. After replacement, the volume of
where 0 - 0, + 02. Thus, the construction process
material 1 is
can be described by a path in the (01, 02) plane or
its equivalent path in the (v 1, v2) plane.
V0(01+A0,)=V00, 1-~- ° +At,,. (2)
Paths in either plane begin at the origin. The
range of v 1, and v~ is the quarter space v 1 > 0,
This relates the increment in 01 to the correspond-
v2 ~ 0. It may seem paradoxical that v 1 and v2 can
ing increments in vl and v2. A similar relation
become as large as we wish while the volume of
follows for A02. Note that v, and v2 measure the
composite remains fixed at V0. However, vg, j = 1
total volumes of materials 1 and 2, respectively,
or 2 does not represent the current volume of
that have been added during the construction pro-
material j in the composite, but the volume of
cess up to the current value of t. Therefore v t and
material j that has been used up in the
v2 describe a path in the (v 1, v2) plane as t varies.
removal-replacement process.
We can parametrize this path by t such that
The paths in the (01, 02) plane are restricted to
vl = v l ( t ) and. v2 = Vz(t ) along the path. Define
the triangle 0, > 0, 02 >/0 and 0 ~< 1. A further
the derivative 01 as
restriction follows from the physical requirement
6l(t) = dO1/dt. (3) that 01 and b2 are both positive, meaning materi-
Similarly, we define the derivatives ~2, 01 and 02 als 1 and 2 are always added, not taken out. This
so that (2) becomes implies, using (4) and the identity

V0e~1 = (1 - 0,)01 - 0102 . (1 - 02)'#1 + 01+2 _ d 01

(1-0) 2 dt 1-0'
This relation and the corresponding one for + 2 ( t )
A.N. Norris /Effective moduli of composites 5

that the two quantities 4h/(1 - 4,) and ~b2/(1 - ~b) This allows us to consider limiting cases of disk or
must both be monotonically increasing functions needle shaped grains later. The main reason for
of t. Geometrically, this means that the direction specifying the inclusion to be an ellipsoid is the
vector (01, +2) can only point from the current remarkable result of Eshelby, that the resultant
point (q~, ~2) into the triangle with vertices at the strain in the inclusion is homogeneous. Specifi-
points (1, 0), (0, 1) and (~1, ~2), see Fig. 2. Thus, cally, in the inclusion,
the triangle which defines the permissible range in
= r~0 (8)
the (~l, ~2) plane decreases in size as t increases.
Additional relations between the variables (~1, ~b2) where T is Wu's fourth order tensor (Wu, 1966;
and ~v 1, v2) are discussed by Norris, Callegari and Korringa et al., 1979; Berryman, 1980) which de-
Sheng (1984). It is shown there, and it will become pends upon the matrix moduli L, the inclusion
clear later, that ( ~ , 02) are the preferred set of moduli L and the aspect ratios of the ellipsoid.
variables because they are independent of the par- The dependence of T upon L can be made ex-
ticular construction process. plicit by introducing Eshelby's fourth order tensor
S (Eshelby, 1957; Mura, 1982)

3. Differential equations for the moduli T= [I + S L - I ( L -- L)] x (9)

where I is the symmetric unit fourth order tensor,

The current elastic modulus L is a function of t
through 0~ and ~2 and the path which these I, jk, = -~-(8,kSj,+ 8,,~j~). (10)
variables follow from (0, 0) to the current point.
Consider the removal of volume Av = Av I + Av 2 The tensor S depends only upon L and the aspect
from the current homogeneous composite and its ratios of the ellipsoid. When L is isotropic it turns
replacement by grains of materials 1 and 2. The out that S depends only on the Poisson's ratio
elastic modulus after the removal-replacement is (Mura, 1982).
L + AL, defined by The strain in a typical grain of material j,
j = 1, 2 after the replacement is
6 = (L + AL)~ (5)
e = Tie0 in Aoj (11)
where 6 and ~ are the stress and strain averaged
over the composite after the replacement. Thus, where Tj is Wu's strain concentration tensor for a
material j inclusion in matrix L. Equation (11)

Voe=fVo_~vedv+~vedv, assumes the grains are sufficiently separated that

grain-grain interactions are negligible. This is true
(6) in the limit hv ~ O, which we will consider shortly.
Vor= L fvo_ave dv + ~vLe dv Averaging (11) over all grains of material j, gives

where L = L1 in Av1 and L 2 in Av z. Equations (5) 1 f edv=~e0, j=l,2 (12)

Avs A~j
and (6) imply the exact result
where the overbar denotes the average over aspect
AL~ = ~-~o~ , ( / ~ - L ) e d v (7) ratios and orientations. Note that the grain sizes
do not play a role in this theory. A random
Now consider an isolated grain of material 1 or orientation of grains results in an isotropic average
2 in the otherwise homogeneous composite. As- tensor. We adopt the concise notation L = (3~, 2/*)
sume the grain size is small enough compared with due to Hill (1965a) for the isotropic tensor L,
the sample size that we can define a homogeneous
strain e0 at 'infinity'. We make the further as-
Lijkl=lC~ij~klJV~-~(~ik~jl~-~il~jk--~ij~k, ) (13)
sumption that the grain is ellipsoidal in shape. so that L-1 ~-~(½1¢, ½~) and L I L 2 = (9~1~2, 4/Zl/12).
6 A.N. Norris / Effective moduli of composites

The isotropic strain concentration tensor is then which are particular to the construction process
(Berryman, 1980) considered. To see this more clearly, consider an
alternative construction process in which the
= ( P j , Qj), j=1,2 (14)
volume of composite material is allowed to m-
where crease. Begin at t = 0 with an initial volume ~'~. AI
each step in the homogenization incremental
p= Q = ~ (T,k, k -

P). (15) volumes Av I and Av2 of materials 1 and 2 are

added to the current total volume V(t)=-~ v~, ~ ~,~ -i-
The scalars Pj and Q j, j = 1, 2 depend upon the
vz. The volume fractions 0l and 02 of materials 1
inclusion material L j, the matrix material L and
and 2 are
the ellipsoid aspect ratios. In general, we can con-
sider a distribution of aspect ratios which can vary Cj-I1/~, eo2--v2/V. (19)
with t. Explicit formulas for P and Q are given by Note that (19) defines a one-to-one relation be-
Berryman (1980) for grains which are spheroids of
tween points in the (v 1, c,2) plane and points in the
arbitrary aspect ratio and when both matrix and
('51, 02) plane. This contrasts with the previous
inclusion are isotropic. construction process where there did not exist such
The incremental change in the moduli, given by a functional relationship, but just a differential
(7) is now relationship (4). The difference is trivially ap-
. -- AU 1 _ Av2 parent; we are now retaining all the added material
aL~ = (L1 - L)rlto--v--, + (L2 - L ) T 2 e ° ~00 " within the mixture. There is thus no indeterminacy
in how the new material is distributed in terms of
(16) volume fractions• We refer to Norris, Callegari
In the limit as Av = Av I + Ao2 -+ 0, we have and Sheng (1984) for further discussion of either
process. The relevant homogenization equation for
the process under consideration may be derived in
~=e o 1+O ~ .
a similar manner to the analysis preceeding (17).
We omit the details and just cite the result analo-
The strain e 0 is arbitrary, so that (16) implies gous to (17), viz.
., ~.. AO1 - AV 2
AL=(LI-t.),~-~o +(L2-L)T2
U1 "~TU2 (20)
L(t) = (tl -t T t v

The difference between the two systems of equa-

or, in the limit,
tions is that the constant V0 in (17) is replaced in
b1 - b2 (20) by V. which is a function of t. However, using
L ( t ) = ( L , - L ) T,'-~o° + ( L2 - L ) T2-~o° " (17)
(19), or its inverse
Eliminating b l and 0 2 using (4) gives us the path- U1 91 U2 ~2
dependent set of coupled differential equations vo 1 - 0 " vo 1 - O"

( t ) = ( t 1 - L ) TI+, -1--(L2 - Z )T2+2 we can eliminate b 1 and b2 from (20) and once
+ again obtain the system (18).
q-[(L1 -- L)TIq~I + ( L 2 - L)T2q~2] 1 --0
(18) 4. General results

where flU) = # ) l ( t ) + 0 2 ( t ) . The initial conditions 4.1. Ordinary differential scheme (DEM)
are L (0) = L 0.
Although (18) appears more cumbersome than Various differential schemes have been pro-
(17), it is the preferred or canonical form. Equa- posed over the years for the effective properties of
tion (17) is phrased in terms of variables (01 , 02) two-phase composites. The first such scheme was
A.N. Norris /Effective moduli of composites 7

due to Roscoe (1952) who considered spherical 4.2. Effective medium approximation ( E M A )
grains. The same concept was also proposed by
Boucher (1976) who considered arbitrary el- We now show here the EMA results from the
lipsoidal grains. A concise formulation of the generalized differential scheme. The EMA equa-
scheme is given by McLaughlin (1977). A good tions for a two-phase composite are
review of the differential effective medium or DEM Cl( L 1 - L ) T 1 + c2( L 2 - L ) T 2 = 0. (22)
approach is given by Cleary, Chen and Lee (1980).
This paper also has an exhaustive list of relevant Here c 1 and c 2 are the concentrations of materials
pre-1980 literature. Since then the method has 1 and 2, such that c 1 + c 2 = 1. Equation (22) is a
been discussed by Sen, Scala and Cohen (1980), set of equations in the unknown moduli L. The
Norris, Sheng and Callegari (1984) in the context tensors Tj, j = 1, 2 are the averaged strain con-
of the dielectric problem, and by Sheng and Cal- centration tensors for inclusions of material j in
legari (1984) for the elastic problem. the homogeneous composite with moduli L. The
Briefly, the idea behind DEM is to begin with present formulation of EMA is consistent with the
one phase, say material 2, as the starting matrix or self consistent imbedding method (SCI) of Kor-
'backbone'. Then material 1 grains are added such ringa (1973) and Korringa et al. (1979), or the self
that their concentration increases incrementally consistent method of Berryman (1980). Both Kor-
from zero to the final value. The additional inclu- ringa (1973) and Berryman (1980) arrive at similar
sions are imagined at each increment to be imbe- equations by setting averaged forward scattering
dded in a homogeneous composite material, made amplitudes to zero in the low frequency limit of
up of the matrix phase and the previously added wave propagation. The EMA of (22) is also equiv-
inclusions. Thus, the ordinary DEM corresponds alent to the self consistent scheme of Hill (1965).
to a homogenization path along the q,l-axis, see However, later self-consistent methods due to Wu
Fig. 2. Put t~2 = t~2 = 0 in (18) to obtain (1966), Walpole (1969) and Boucher (1974) among
others, are not the same as (22). The latter theories
dL 1
- - (L1- L )T l (21) do not treat the two phases in a symmetric fash-
dqh 1 - qh
ion, whereas (22) gives no preference to one phase
with initial condition L = L 2 at ~ = 0. This is or the other. The difference between the two classes
precisely the system of ordinary differential equa- of self-consistent methods is discussed in detail by
tions derived by McLaughlin (1977, equation (4)). Berryman (1980).
Ordinary DEM, or any differential scheme devel- In order to see how the EMA results from the
oped previously, corresponds to paths along the ~1 generalized scheme, consider an arbitrary homo-
or ~p2-axis. This result is to be expected, since genization path which ends at qh = cl, ~2 = c2. As
previous schemes only considered imbedding one (qh, q~2)~ (Ca, c2), we have 1 - q~--* 0. In this
phase within the other. The present generalized limit, it is clear from (18) that the only way L can
scheme allows both phases to be imbedded simul- remain finite is if L satisfies (22) at (~1, ~2) =
taneously. There is thus a great deal more freedom ( q , c2). Thus, any path which ends on ~ = 1 re-
in the generalized scheme. The freedom is reflected sults in a composite with moduli determined by
in the infinitely wide choice of paths in the (~,1, ~2) the EMA.
plane from which we choose. This novel path Recently, Milton (1984a and b) has shown the
dependent aspect is discussed in more detail later. EMA moduli to be realized through a hierarchical
Finally, we note that the 'new self-consistent process analogous to the construction process of
method' proposed by Zimmerman (1984a and b) is Section 2. Milton's procedure amounts to taking
given by (21) with the volume normalization term any permissible homogenization path in the
1/(1 - q h ) omitted. The results of this method are (qh, q~2) plane from (0, 0) to (ca, c2). Note that the
known to violate the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds EMA moduli are independent of the backbone L o.
(Zimmerman, 1984a) and so we do not consider it This is because all the original material has been
further. replaced at ~ --- 1, or ~0 = 0.
8 A.N. Norris /Efjective moduh o.f composite,

4.3. Isotropic constituents with random orientation geometry. This result, due to Hdl (1963), states
that for an isotropic composite of materials 1. 2
In this case the tensors T~ and T2 are isotropic, and 0 (the backbone) the effective bulk modulus If
given by (14) and (15). Let the current moduli is given by
L ( t ) be L = (3x, 2/,). The system (18) becomes
1 _ ~0 + ~ + . ~52__ (27)
two coupled equations for If and/* <+5/* <+4/*
We now show that (27) follows from (23).
First, we have identically that ~ = 0, so that
(23) is just a single ordinary differential equation
+(~2-K)P2(~2+ 1~__~2~), (23a) for If(t). The key to our proof is the result of Hill
(1963) that PI and /}2 in (23), are independent of
the inclusion shapes for equal phase rigidities. This
result is easily checked for spheroids by inspection
of the formulas in Berryman (1980). Substituting
+(/.2-/*)Q2(+2+ 1~_~2~ ) (23b) for PI and P2 from (24) into (23) and rearranging,
with initial conditions If(0)= %, /*(0)=/*0- The d
scalars ~ and Q j, j = 1, 2 depend upon ~, /*, Ifj d-t [(K + K*)(1 -- 0 ) ] - I
and /*j, j = 1, 2 and on the aspect ratios of the d
inclusions. We cite the following results from = d t {q61[(ifl + If*)(1 - ~ ) ]
Berryman (1980) for later use: for spheres,
+q)2 [(if2 + K,)(I _ q~)] 1}.
K+if* /* +/**
- x ; + x*' QJ /*J + /** , (24) Integrating, and using % + ~ + q~2= 1 and the
initial condition If(0) = K0, we obtain (27). Finally,
and for disks (or plates) we note the trivial result that (23) gives the correct
bulk modulus when % = If1 = If2 and the shear
moduli differ. However, in this case there is no
If; + If,, Q/ ,, (25) universal formula for/,.
s " /*/+/*/

5. Realization of the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
, / % + 8/*~
If* = _~/*,
4 /**= ~/*t K - - G ~ ), 5.1. Proof of result
( 9Ks+ 8/*/) The Hashin-Shtrikman bounds on K and/* for
If,.1 = 4~ J, an isotropic two-phase composite (Walpole, 1966)
/*~=~/*J Kj+2/*j "
with (if1 - If2)(/*l --/.2) ~0" are
We note that the two ordinary differential equa-
Iflif2 q- If~(ClK1 q- C2if2)
tions (23) are coupled when the inclusions are
IfL = i¢}~ q_ Clif 2 Jr_ C2K1
spheres. However, the equations decouple for
disk-shaped inclusions. This fact is used to ad- 'qif2 + G ( clif~ + c2~2)
vantage in Section 5. IfG = Ifg q_ Clif 2 q_ C2if 1

4. 4. Exact solution for equal phase rigidities ~1/.2 q- /*~(C1/*l q- C2/.2)

/*t = /*~' + q/*2 + c2/.1
When the constituents have equal shear moduli, /.1/.2 -1- /*:(C1/*1 q'- C2/.2)
/'1 =/*2 =/*0 -/*, but different bulk moduli, then
/*O = /*5 q- C1/.2 q- C2/*1
the exact solution is known for any isotropic
A.N. Norris / Effectioe moduli of composites 9

where suffices L and G indicate lower and upper We now prove our assertion. Consider the lower
bounds and ~7, ~ are the lesser and greater of ~{', bound ~L on the bulk modulus. Differentiating
~ , and tt~,/Xg are the lesser and greater of/~',/z~. (28) with respect to either c I or c 2 and using
We consider the case ( ~ 1 - ~2)(/~1- #2)>/0, and c I + c 2 = 1, we find after a bit of rearrangement
show that the lower bounds are achieved by DEM that
with phase g as matrix and phase l imbedded as
disk-shaped inclusions. Similarly, the upper bounds
dcj 1 - cj
K, + )c-----y- ' j = 1 ro 2. (29)
are achieved by DEM with phase l as matrix and
phase g imbedded as disks. A similar result has Now choose j = l in (29), then it follows that ~t is
previously been derived by Boucher (1976). given by ~(c/) where ~(q~t) satisfies the initial
It has been known for a long time that the value problem
Hashin-Shtrikman bouiads on the bulk modulus,
but not the shear modulus, can be realized by a
packed-sphere microgeometry (Hashin, 1962; Mil- deo, - 1-q,,J\i( ,,,+~T ]'1 ~(0)=~. (30)
ton, 1981). The present DEM-disk geometry
Referring to (23) and (25), we note by !nspection
achieves the bounds on ~ and /~ simultaneously.
that (30) corresponds to (23) with q)g = 0g = 0 and
The upper bounds in particular are very interest-
the phase l inclusions as disks. Also, we require
ing because they correspond to the stiffest com-
the backbone to be phase g. Thus, (30) is equiv-
posite obtainable with given concentrations of
alent to the ordinary DEM equation (21) with
materials I and 2. Another realization of the
phase g as matrix and phase ! as disk inclusions,
bounds has been given by Lurie and Cherkaev
as we claimed above. The proof for KG, /~L and /*G
(1984). They use the fact that the packed-sphere
is now apparent from the similarity between the
microgeometry realizes the bounds on the shear
and Qj in (25) and between ~e, cG and/*e, /*G in
modulus asymptotically, i.e. at dilute concentra-
tions of one phase or another. A composite is then
formed by iterating the dilute packed-sphere mi- 5.2. Discussion
crogeometry infinitely many times. The procedure
is very analogous to the construction process of The above results must be used with caution
the present paper. In fact, Lurie and Cherkaev end when the bulk modulus or rigidity of either phase
up with a differential equation which they inte- tends to zero. For instance, suppose one phase is a
grate up to get the Hashin-Shtrikman bound for vacuum. Then, the Hashin-Shtrikman lower
bounds on K and /, are both zero. The upper
Milton (1984c) has independently deduced that bounds are non-zero, but according to our results
the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds are realizable. they correspond to disks of the solid phase imbe-
Expanding on an idea due to Schulgasser (1977), dded in the vacuum, which is apparently nonsense.
Milton defines a rank N laminate through a Similarly, according to our results the lower bounds
hierarchical procedure on N length scales. As N are realized by voids in the shape of disks imbe-
m, the scheme is analogous to the construction dded in the solid phase. Looking at ~ and Qj of
process of Section 2 with laminar or disc-shaped (25) for disks, we see there is a singularity when
inclusions. Milton's result is that the Hashin- Kj = ~ j = 0 unless K = # - 0, and hence the lower
Shtrikman bounds are attained by an infinite rank bounds follow. However, in arriving at (25), we
laminate. Also independently, Murat and Tartar have used the results for a spheroid of vanishingly
(1984) have shown that the bounds in the conduc- small aspect ratio with non-vacuous included
tivity and on the bulk modulus are attained by material (Kj =~ 0,/~j 4= 0). The additional limits of
rank N laminates, where N is the dimensionality ~s---' 0, ~i ~ 0 must be handled with care. If we
of the space. They have also found laminate geom- first let the moduli vanish and subsequently take
etries of finite rank that attain the shear modulus the limit of zero aspect ratio we obtain singular Pj
bounds. and Qj, but the integrals of Pj and Qj over the
10 A.N. Norris / Effective moduli of composite,s

vanishingly small void-volume remain finite. In (phase g) imbedded in a matrix of phase g (phase
this case we obtain a theory for a cracked solid. l). However, unlike EMA, DEM and the gener-
There are several conflicting available theories on alized theory of this paper, it is not known whether
the moduli of cracked solids, some based upon the above theories actually correspond to realiz-
differential schemes (Bruner, 1976; Henyey and able microgeometries. Berryman (1980) has shown
Pomphrey, 1982), others on self-consistent schemes that the Kuster-Toksoz estimates for disc inclu-
(Budiansky and O'Connell, 1976; Horii and sions violate the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds. There-
Nemat-Nasser, 1983) and others on low-frequency fore, the Kuster-Toksoz theory is not always real-
scattering (Piau, 1980). It is not the goal of this izable. Whether it and the theory of Wu, Walpole
paper to discuss the mechanical properties of and Boucher are ever realizable remains an open
cracked solids. We will show in another paper how question.
a differential scheme for cracked solids follows Another theory, due to Weng (1984), also gives
from the general equations (18). the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds. The equation for
We note that the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds the effective moduli is given by (B6) (see Appendix
are predicted in certain limiting cases of other B) with S = ciS, where S is the Eshelby tensor for
effective medium theories. Boucher (1974) was ap- the inclusions. When (xl - ~2 )(/.i - /*2) > 0 and S
parently the first to notice this. Boucher consid- is taken as that for an isolated spherical inclusion.
ered an unsymmetric self-consistent scheme (SCS) the upper (lower) bounds as x and /* are achieved
identical to the scheme of Wu (1966) and Walpole simultaneously for /*l >/*2 (#l </*2)- It can also
(1969), but unlike the symmetric EMA of K.or- be checked that the upper (lower) bounds are
ringa et al. (1979), Berryman (1980) and the pre- attained for /.1 </.2 (/*~ >/*2) if S for an arbi-
sent paper. A major conclusion of Boucher's paper trarily oriented disk-like inclusion is used.
is that when (~l - x2)(/.1 - /*2) > 0, the Finally, on the theme of the Hashin-Shtrikman
Hashin-Shtrikman bounds are equivalent to the bounds, we note that the bounds are also predic-
estimated moduli of the SCS with disk-shaped ted for periodic composites when a certain ap-
inclusions. Specifically, the upper (lower) bound is proximation is made. The exact formulation for
given by the SCS moduli for phase g (phase l) the effective moduli of periodic composites has
inclusions imbedded in a matrix of phase l (phase been presented by Nemat-Nasser and Taya (1981)
g). The shape effect of the inclusions on the over- and Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982). The simplest ap-
all module has been examined by Wu (1966) and proach to approximating the solution of the rele-
Walpole (1969). Both authors surmise that disk vant equations is to assume the transformation
shape inclusions are best for strengthening strain in each inclusion to be constant. Using this
(weakening) the matrix material when the included approximation, Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982) consid-
phase is stiffer (more compliant) than the matrix ered periodically distributed spherical voids and
phase. Wu (1966) based his conclusion on numeri- found the estimated bulk modulus for the com-
cal comparisons for different shapes and Walpole posite to be the Hashin-Shtrikman upper bound.
(1969) based his on an analytic comparison of Their result relied upon a certain relation which
results for needle shapes and disk shapes. How- they did not prove. This relation is proved in
ever, both authors had closed-form results for disc Appendix B, where we also generalize their result
shaped inclusions (Wu, 1966, equations (23) and to the case of solid inclusions. A similar result for
(24); Walpole, 1969, equation (61)) but failed to the shear modulus is also derived in Appendix B.
observe that these were the same as the Hashin-
Shtrikman bounds. The Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
are also predicted by the theory of Kuster and 6. Path dependence of the homogenization process
Toksoz (1974), as noted by Cheng (1978). In this 6.1. Example of different paths to the same endpoint
case the required inclusion shape is spherical and
(~1 - K2) (/.1 - / * 2 ) >/0 again assumed. The upper The coupled system of ordinary differential
(lower) bounds correspond to inclusions of phase l equations (18) depends critically upon the path we
A.N. Norris /Effectivemoduli of composites 11

=" 0.3 :j< 'L

Q; 1~ ~_ P.__...._.~..

{} (,£} 1

Fig. 3. Three paths to the same endpoint P(q~j, ~2).

choose to consider in the (01, 02) plane. In fact, Thus, the material properties are always changing
two different paths from (0, 0) to the same end- on path II. Similarly, the properties change all
point will, in general, not give the same result at along path III. Between O and Q, only grains of
the endpoint. material II are added. This particular process (O
For example, consider the three paths in Fig. 3 -~ Q) corresponds to the previously studied dif-
with the backbone material 0 the same as material ferential scheme, or ordinary DEM of Boucher
1. Thus, the 'composite' is pure material 1 at 0. As (1976), McLaughlin (1977) and Cleary et al. (1980).
we move along path I to the point R, the imbe- The solution to the ordinary DEM equations is
dded inclusions are also pure material 1. No matter unambiguous because there is no arbitrariness in
what shapes the grains are, there is no change in the choice of path.
material properties along OR. The process be- The three paths in Fig. 3 are composed of
tween R and P is defined by 01 = constant. How- piecewise straight segments. Consider the system
ever, 00, the volume fraction of material 1 associ- of ordinary differential equations (18) along a
ated with the starting material decreases between straight segment between the points (01A, 0 2 A )
R and P as 02 increases. The removal-replace- and (01B, 0zB) in the (01, 02) plane. Define the
ment process does not distinguish between the 0o line segment by 0g =0jA + tA0j, j = 1, 2 where
and 01 domains of material 1, with the result that 0~<t~<l and
some '01 material' is always removed. Hence
material 1 must be put back into the composite in a0j = 0jB-0jA, j=1,2.
the replacement process in addition to material 2.
The relative injection rates.of phases I and 2 along Substituting into (18) and eliminating the artificial
RP follows from (4) with 01 = 0 as variable t in favor of 0, we deduce the following
autonomous system of ordinary differential equa-
dvt/dv2 = 01/( 1 - 01). tions for the straight line segment,
The relative injection rate is constant on the whole d
of path II, and equals L =pl(L - L1)T 1 +p2(L - L2)T 2
d ln(1 - q>)
dvl/dV 2 =- 0 1 / / 0 2 . (31)
12 A.N. Norris / Effective rnoduli of composite~

where 1

(1 - 02a)&4)l + 4)1A/\4)2
Pl = A4)1 q- A4)2 '
(32) K
(1 - qhA)i02 + 4)2AAqh
P2 = A ~ 1 q_ A ~ 2

Thus, Pl +P2 = 1 and we note that A01 and A4)2
are not infinitesimal quantities. The system of
equations (31) reduce to two coupled equations for
x and # when all the phases are isotropic. These
two equations decouple in the particular case that
the inclusions of phases 1 and 2 are disks. When
the inclusions are spheres, the equations are 0
0 0.5
dx _ [ Pl + P__2
d ln(1 - 0) [ K1%- K* K2 -[- /£*
Fig. 4. Plots of K / ~ l for a solid-void composite with spherical

x+x*11 (x+~*)2 (33a)

grains and v 1 = J3- The top curve is the usual D E M . T h e next 3
curves are for paths I, It and III with 0~ = 0.2. The b o t t o m
curve is the E M A result.

d/z [ Px P2
range of 02 is thus 0~4)2~<0.8. We note the
d ln(1 - 0 ) [ /~a +/~------~+ - - / '+/z*
different results for each path. At the upper limit,
4)2 = 0.8, all three paths reduce to the EMA result
-}- j~, ( ~ "Jr-11") 2 (33b)
as expected from Section 4.2 since 4) ~ 1 as 02
0.8. We note from Fig. 5 that R --- K * / r ~ 1 at the
where K* and /~* are defined in (26). The EMA rigidity threshold for all curves. In Appendix A we
equations for K and # when both phases are show that R ~ 1 independently of v 1. Recent
spherical grains follows from (33) by setting the numerical calculations by Tao and Sheng (1984)
two right hand sides to zero with Pl = ca and
P2 = c2. These equations have been discussed in
detail by Hill (1965b).
6.2. Numerical examples f o r voids
In the following numerical examples we have
taken ~2 =/~2 = 0. The ratios K/K i and /~//~1 de-
pend on the material properties of phase 1 through
the Poisson's ratio va, or alternatively through the 0.6
ratio R a = x ~ / x 1 = 4~a/3K 1 = 2(1 - 2 v t ) / ( 1 + va).
Results are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 for spherical
grains and R 1 = 0.5 (v a = ½). The D E M and E M A
estimates are also plotted for comparison. The
D E M results were found by integrating as far as Q 0.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . .
in Fig. 3. Explicit and implicit solutions to the 0 0.5 1
E M A and D E M equations, respectively, are given
in Appendix A. The curves for paths I, II and III Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 4, for R = 4/~/3K. The ordering of the
in Figs. 4 and 5 were calculated for 4)1 = 0.2. The curves is, from top to bottom, EMA, paths III, It and I, D E M .
A.N. Norris / Effective moduli of composites 13

for periodic composites of fused solid spheres in a Appendix A. Results for voids
porous frame show that R ~ ½ at the threshold
and is material dependent. The discrepancy be- Specific solutions to the EMA and DEM equa-
tween the two results highlights the critical effect tions are presented for spherical grains when one
of microgeometry on the macroscopic moduli. phase is vacuum (voids). The EMA equations,
Finally, we illustrate how the results of the which follow from (33), are the same as those
general method approach those of EMA as the considered by Hill (1965b) and Budiansky (1965).
backbone disappears. For a given value of q~0 = 1 The DEM equations also follow from (33) and one
- q,, we have integrated the equations along path considered by McLaughlin (1977). The EMA solu-
II of Fig. 3 from (0, 0) to (q)l, q)2), where q~l = 1 - tion has been given by Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982),
q~0- q~2- The range of ~2 is thus 0 to 1 - ~ 0 . The but the DEM solution, to our knowledge, has not
ratio ~/~] is shown in Fig. 6 for several values of appeared previously.
q~0. We note the significant deviation from the Material 1 is defined by the moduli ~ and
EMA result (~0 = 0) even when q)0 = 10-5- A simi- K~ = 4/~1. Define the ratio R 1 = ~ / ~ 1 . The EMA
lar situation exists for the electrical conductivity of solution is
a conductor-insulator composite. The EMA gives
a conductivity threshold at 1 for spherical grains. ( tc~'y, C2 ~ 1,
The approach to EMA as q)0-* 0 has been dis-
cussed in detail by Norris, Callegari and Sheng [0, ¢2~/ ½,
(1984). They show that the conductivity right at (A.1)
1 -- C2 ]-1 }
threshold is O(llog ~o1-1) as q)0 ~ 0. A compari- K = K* /C 2 +
son of Fig. 6 with the results of Norris, Callegari [ 1 + (n~) -~ - 1
and Sheng (1984) suggests a similar behavior for K
at the rigidity threshold. where

47 = 2 - 5c 2 - ( 3 - c2)/R 1

+24(1 - 2C2)/R1}1/2.
The DEM solution is defined implicitly by

,[ R-1 ]5/3
~*=~11~} , ~=l¢*,/R (A.2)
where R satisfies

R-1 = (1 c2

0 4 Thus, as c2--* 1, we have i¢*/r-~ 1 and K=

0 0.5 1 0((1- ¢2)2). This should be compared with the
analogous result for the effective conductivity o of
Fig. 6. Curves illustrating the approach to the EMA result for a conductor-insulator composite. As c 2 --* 1, the
K/~ 1 as the volume fraction of the backbone vanishes. The conducting phase disappears and DEM with
curves are, from the top down, 4)0 =10-], 10 -2, 10 -3, 10-"*, spherical grains predicts o = O((1 - c2) 3/2) (Sen,
10-5 and the bottom curve is EMA, or ~0 = 0. Scala and Cohen, 1981).
14 A.N. Norris / Effective moduli of composites

Appendix B. Composites with periodic microstruc- The difficult step in the above procedure is
ture solving the system of integral equations (B1). l'he
simplest approximation is to replace e*(x) in (B1)
Following Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982) we con- with its average ~*, defined m (B3). This is the
sider a matrix of material 1 containing periodically approach adopted by Iwakuma and Nemat-Nasser
distributed inclusions of material 2. The unit cell is (1983), see also Nemat-Nasser and Taya (1981)
a parallelopiped with dimensions A~, A2 and A and Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982). In the following
along the coordinate axes and volume V--- we assume that phase 2 is also isotropic. Consider
A I A z A 3. The inclusion [2 occupies volume V~e in first Case 1 of Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982). where
the unit cell and the volume fraction of phase 2 is the prescribed strain is e,, = ~°6,: and the trans-
c2 = V J V = 1 - ci. formation strain is assumed to be £ *,;i ( x)• = 8 - */
Let an overall strain e° be prescribed in the - - ~ ' 3 , , . The effective bulk modulus ~ is from
composite. The transformation strain e*(x) in a2 is (B6),
the solution to
x = x, - 3c2xl/( A , i u - SiiU ) (B7)
- ~*- V1 ~, g'/*'(l;;)~,1a f~ae i f * d t where, from (B2)
n l, = 0

A i , H = 3 K 1 / ( K 1 -- t ¢ 2 ) . (B8)
x £~t,(*')e '~ *a.' (B1)
Following Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982), we have
S " LJ = [/'1 + Pl E* P(f) (B9)
A = (L 1 -L2) -a L 1, (B2) ,,~ np~O

1 /,
~* = l e * ( x ) dx, (B3)

-~,~j~a.~,/(1 - 121 ) -[- aLl~i~,121(1 -- 121 ),

(U4) +OO +OD

E' P(~)= E P(~)-c2

np=O np=O
~j= 2 v n / A i (no sum),
and where a prime on E indicates the n p n p = 0 is
_ c2 f d x f d x ' E ei~(*-*')-c~
V~2 v~2 Ja2 n,=0
excluded in the summation. Also, v: is the Pois-
son's ratio for material 1, assumed to be isotropic.
Define the pseudo-Eshelby tensor S by Vs2 dx' dxV3(x-x')-c 2

: = (A - ~ ) ~ * , (BS) = 1 - c 2. (Bll)
then the effective moduli of the composite are L This result was assumed but not proven by
were Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982), see equation (7.7) of
their paper. The result is independent of the inclu-
L=L,[I_c2(A_~) 1]. (B6)
sion shape. Combining (B7), (B8), (B9) and ( B l l )
This equation for L follows directly from (7), (8) we obtain
and (9), correct to first order in c 2, with S = S. A
X = XlX2q- X~(ClXl 4- C2X2) (B12)
more precise analysis by Weng (1984) also gives
x~ + q r 2 + c2~q
(B6) but with S = clS.
A.N. Norris / Effective moduli of composites 15

From (28), we see that (B12) is the upper (lower) where /~]' is defined in (26). Combining (B13),
bound on the bulk modulus if/z 1 >/z 2 (~1 < ~:)- (B14) and (B16),
Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982) obtained (B12) for the
t~/L2 +/~{(ccq + c2/~2)
special case of voids, K2 = 1/'2 = 0. (B17)
Next, we consider Case 2 of Nemat-Nasser et : ~ , --~ CI~ 2 -}" C2~ 1

al. (1982) where e°2 = e°l 4:0 and the rest of e°/are Comparison with (28) shows that (B17) is the
zero. We again take the simplest approximation, upper (lower) bound on the shear modulus if
assuming e~2(x ) = e~l(x) = E~2 = E~I 4: 0, with the
t~l > ~t2 ( t l l < t~2), assuming (K1 - ~2) (~1 - ~t2)>
rest = 0. The additional assumption that L and 0.
are isotropic, implies from (B6) that the effective
shear modulus is
Special thanks to G. Milton for several very
useful discussions. Thanks also to S. Nemat-
$12~2 follows from equations (3.8) and (3.9) and Nasser, P. Sheng and A.J. Callegari.
Appendix A of Nemat-Nasser et al. (1982), as

,2,2 = E '
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