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Analysis of a Tiered Activity

Tiered Activity—Afterschool Tutoring

Prekindergarten—Kindergarten Homeschooled Learners

Beginning Intermediate Advanced

Outcome/Objective Students will read their Students will write out Students will be able to
assignments to the assignment and complete their
themselves ad show me some ways of assignments with
brainstorm several completing the minimal help as well as
possible ways of assignment to their helping their fellow
completing the task. understanding. It is classmates.
important to understand
the process to properly
complete the task.

Instruction/Activity Teacher will show Teacher will have work Teacher will encourage
students examples and stations formed and students to help each
various ways of create a game that other during the
completing their challenges the student activity/assignment. Will
assignments. Teacher to think outside the box. also be able to share
will discuss the steps of I want the work to be their ideas and different
these assignments and exciting ad intriguing to ways of understanding
ask students to choose their educated minds. with fellow classmates
a partner to work with. to assure confidence all
across the room.

Assessment Teacher will assess Teacher will assess Teacher will assess
students based on their students based on their students based on their
ability to identify a ability to correctly creativity and
problem and draw a complete their understanding of their
conclusion related to assignment with few assignments.
that assignment. errors. Completing their
Students will be able to assignment with few to
assess their own work no errors at all.
and identify an error.
They are allowed to ask
for help from peers.

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