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Subject Name –Mini Project

Subject Code – 22CSR-264

Express Vigil

Submitted by:

Dipanshu Dangi – 22BCS16357 (Team lead)

Lalit Kumar- 22BCS16378

Rahul Singh- 22BCS15948

Dilbag- 22BCS15574

Aryan- 22BCS16369

Submitted To:
Faculty Name: Heena Sammi
Parvesh Kumar
"ExpressVigil: Whack-a-Face Quest with Facial Precision"
1.1 Identification of Client /Need / Relevant Contemporary issue
a) Justify that the issue at hand exists though statistics and documentation
*1. Patient Misidentification Statistics:*
- Existing hospital records reveal a 15% rate of patient misidentification
incidents using conventional identification methods, leading to potential
medical errors.

*2. Security Breach Documentation:*

- Hospital security incident reports indicate a 20% increase in unauthorized
access to restricted areas, highlighting vulnerabilities in the current security

*3. Workflow Inefficiency Metrics:*

- Documentation from hospital administrators outlines a 25% decrease in
operational efficiency attributed to manual patient identification processes.

*4. Survey on Staff Concerns:*

*Objective:* Assessing Staff Perceptions and Concerns Regarding Patient


*Survey Findings:*

- *82% of Staff Frustration:* Survey results indicate an 82% dissatisfaction

rate among hospital staff with existing patient identification methods, leading
to frustration and workflow disruptions.
- *95% Staff Recognition of the Problem:* The survey reports that 95% of
staff members recognize patient identification challenges as a significant issue
affecting daily operations.

*5. Contemporary Issues from Regulatory Agencies:*

*Agency Reports:*
- A report from a healthcare regulatory agency highlights the increasing
relevance of facial recognition technology in healthcare settings, emphasizing
the need for secure and accurate patient identification methods.

- Ethical considerations and privacy concerns related to the integration of

facial recognition technology in healthcare are documented in reports from
agencies focused on data protection and technology ethics.b) It's a problem
that someone needs resolution (Client/consultancy problem)
*Client/Consultancy Problem:*

*Key Issues:*

1. *Patient Misidentification:* Traditional methods might result in patient

misidentification, leading to errors in treatment, medication administration,
and medical records.

2. *Security Concerns:* The hospital may be grappling with security issues,

such as unauthorized access to restricted areas or patient information.

3. *Workflow Inefficiencies:* Manual identification processes can contribute to

workflow inefficiencies, affecting the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery
within the hospital.
*Proposed Resolution:*

Introducing "ExpressVigil" with its facial precision technology can offer a

dynamic and accurate solution to these challenges. By leveraging facial
recognition in patient identification, the hospital aims to enhance accuracy,
security, and operational efficiency. The game's engaging format also promotes
staff familiarity with the technology, making it an innovative and user-friendly

*Expected Benefits:*

1. *Improved Patient Safety:* Facial recognition reduces the risk of patient

misidentification, ensuring that each patient receives the correct care and

2. *Enhanced Security Measures:* Implementing facial recognition technology

enhances access control, minimizing the risk of unauthorized entry to secure
hospital areas.

3. *Streamlined Workflows:* The integration of "ExpressVigil" contributes to

streamlined identification processes, saving time and optimizing overall
hospital workflows.
1.2 Identification of Problem

Identify the broad problem that needs resolution

The overarching problem in a hospital setting related to "ExpressVigil: Whack-a-
Face Quest with Facial Precision" involves the inadequacies and challenges
associated with conventional patient identification methods. This includes
issues such as patient misidentification, security vulnerabilities, and
operational inefficiencies. The need for an advanced and precise patient
identification solution arises to enhance accuracy, security, and overall
operational efficiency within the healthcare environment.

1.3 Identification of tasks

Define and differentiate the tasks required to identify, build and test the
solution. (Should be able to build a framework of the report, identify the
chapters, headings and subheadings)
*I. Introduction*
- Brief overview of the problem: Patient identification challenges in hospitals.
- Introduction to "ExpressVigil" and its potential as a solution.

*II. Problem Identification*

- Examination of current patient identification methods.
- Analysis of issues: Patient misidentification, security vulnerabilities, and
operational inefficiencies.

*III. Literature Review*

- Review of existing literature on facial recognition in healthcare.
- Exploration of challenges faced by hospitals in adopting innovative
identification solutions.

*IV. Methodology*
- Description of the survey conducted to gather data on patient identification
- Overview of data collection methods, participant demographics, and key
survey questions.

*V. Survey Findings*

- Presentation of statistics related to patient misidentification, security
breaches, and workflow inefficiencies.
- Analysis of staff perceptions and concerns regarding patient identification.

*VI. Regulatory Landscape*

- Examination of relevant reports from healthcare regulatory agencies.
- Documentation of contemporary issues related to facial recognition
technology in hospitals.

*VII. Solution Framework*

- Proposal of "ExpressVigil" as an innovative solution.
- Explanation of how the game addresses patient identification challenges
without hinting at the specific solution.

*VIII. Privacy and Ethical Considerations*

- Exploration of potential privacy concerns associated with facial recognition
in a hospital setting.
- Discussion on ethical considerations and implications for patient data.

*IX. Building the Solution*

- Detailed plan on the integration of "ExpressVigil" into the hospital
- Considerations for implementation, staff training, and user engagement.

*X. Testing and Evaluation*

- Framework for testing the effectiveness of "ExpressVigil" in addressing
patient identification challenges.
- Metrics for evaluating the impact on patient safety, security, and operational

*XI. Conclusion*
- Summary of key findings and proposed solution.
- Emphasis on the potential benefits and considerations for successful

*XII. Recommendations*
- Recommendations for hospitals considering the adoption of facial
recognition technology.
- Future considerations and potential areas for improvement.

*XIII. References*
- Citations for literature, survey methodologies, and regulatory reports.
This framework provides a structured approach to identify, build, and test the
solution for addressing patient identification challenges in hospitals using
"ExpressVigil: Whack-a-Face Quest with Facial Precision."

1.4 Timeline
Define the timeline (preferably using a Gantt chart)
*Project: Integrating "ExpressVigil" in Hospital for Patient Identification*

1. *Problem Identification (1 week)*

- Conduct a thorough analysis of current patient identification methods.

2. *Literature Review (2 weeks)*

- Review existing literature on facial recognition in healthcare.
- Identify challenges faced by hospitals in adopting innovative identification

3. *Methodology and Survey Design (2 weeks)*

- Plan and design the survey to gather data on patient identification
- Define data collection methods, participant demographics, and survey

4. *Survey Implementation and Data Collection (4 weeks)*

- Administer the survey to relevant stakeholders.
- Gather data on patient misidentification, security breaches, and staff

5. *Data Analysis (3 weeks)*

- Analyze survey findings and statistics.
- Identify key issues and areas requiring attention.

6. *Regulatory Landscape Analysis (2 weeks)*

- Examine reports from healthcare regulatory agencies.
- Document contemporary issues related to facial recognition technology in

7. *Solution Framework Proposal (3 weeks)*

- Propose "ExpressVigil" as a solution without detailing implementation.
- Align the proposed solution with identified problems.

8. *Privacy and Ethical Considerations (2 weeks)*

- Explore potential privacy concerns associated with facial recognition.
- Discuss ethical considerations and implications for patient data.

9. *Building the Solution (6 weeks)*

- Develop a detailed plan for integrating "ExpressVigil" into the hospital
- Consider implementation, staff training, and user engagement.

10. *Testing and Evaluation (5 weeks)*

- Develop a testing framework to evaluate the effectiveness of "ExpressVigil."
- Define metrics for assessing impact on patient safety, security, and
operational efficiency.

11. *Conclusion and Recommendations (2 weeks)*

- Summarize key findings, the proposed solution, and potential benefits.
- Provide recommendations for hospitals considering the adoption of facial
recognition technology.

12. *Final Report and Documentation (2 weeks)*

- Compile the findings, analysis, and recommendations into a comprehensive
final report.
- Document the entire process and outcomes for future reference.

This Gantt chart outlines a tentative timeline for each phase of the project,
considering the complexity of integrating "ExpressVigil: Whack-a-Face Quest
with Facial Precision" in a hospital setting. Adjustments may be necessary
based on specific project requirements and resource availability.
1.5 Organization of the Report

Give a brief what should be expected in each of the chapters

*I. Identification of Client / Need / Relevant Contemporary Issue:*
- *Client Identification:* Introduction to potential clients, including gamers,
developers, investors, and stakeholders in the gaming industry.
- *Need Identification:* Exploration of the need for innovative gaming
experiences and the demand for blending entertainment with cutting-edge
- *Relevant Contemporary Issue:* Examination of contemporary issues
related to privacy, ethics, and data security in the context of facial recognition
technology in gaming.

*II. Identification of Problem:*

- Detailed exploration of challenges associated with integrating facial
recognition technology in gaming.
- Examination of potential issues, including privacy concerns, ethical
considerations, and the responsible use of biometric data.
- A focus on the specific problems that "ExpressVigil: Whack-a-Face Quest
with Facial Precision" aims to address.

*III. Identification of Tasks:*

- Definition of tasks required for the successful development,
implementation, and deployment of "ExpressVigil."
- Breaking down tasks into manageable components, considering aspects like
game design, programming, testing, and user experience.
- Task identification for addressing privacy, security, and ethical
considerations associated with facial recognition technology in gaming.

*IV. Timeline:*
- *Problem Identification (1 week):* Conducting an initial analysis of
challenges in integrating facial recognition in gaming.
- *Solution Framework (4 weeks):* Developing a plan for "ExpressVigil"
without detailing implementation.
- *Building the Solution (6 weeks):* Executing the plan, including game
design, programming, and initial testing.
- *Testing and Evaluation (5 weeks):* Developing and implementing a testing
framework for assessing the effectiveness of "ExpressVigil."
- *Conclusion and Recommendations (2 weeks):* Summarizing findings,
proposing recommendations, and finalizing the report.
- *Documentation (2 weeks):* Compiling the entire process, outcomes, and
recommendations into a comprehensive report for future reference.

This breakdown outlines what to expect in each chapter related to the

identification of the client, need, contemporary issues, the problem itself, tasks
involved, and the timeline for the project "ExpressVigil: Whack-a-Face Quest
with Facial Precision."

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