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Yllana Bay View College

The Builder of Future Leader

Enerio St., Balangasan District, Pagadian City

Theories of Crime Causation (CRIM 2)

2nd Prelim Examination

Test I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of your preferred answer.
1. Study of crimes, criminal and in their treatment.
a. Theory c. Theoeries
b. Criminology d. Theories of crime causation
2. Individual characteristics can be explained by the interaction of the people within the environment.
a. Micro level theory c. Macro theory
b. Epidemiology d. Macro level theory
3. It shows the criminal behaviour of crimes across the world.
a. Micro level theory c. Macro theory
b. Epidemiology d. Macro level theory
4. Concerned with the overall crime rates.
a. Micro level theory c. Macro theory
c. Epidemiology d. Macro level theory
5. Most extended and focuses on the social problem, social condition and social processes.
a. Micro level theory c. Macro theory
b. Epidemiology d. Macro level theory
6. A supposition or system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles
independent of the thing to be explained.
a. Theory c. Theoeries
c. Criminology d. Theories of crime causation
7. Theory is derived from the Greek word.
a. Theoria c. Theorya
b. Theorea d. Thioria
8. An action or omission that constitute an offenses that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.
a. Criminal c. Crime
b. Criminology d. Criminal law
9. These are abstract concept that systematically describes the cause or origin of the crime.
a.Theory c. Theoeries
b.Criminology d. Theories of crime causation
10. It deals mainly on the biological explanation of crimes, focused on the forms of abnormalities that exist in the
Criminal behaviour.
a. Subjective Approach c. Anthropological approach
b. Medical Approach d. Biological Approach

Test II IDENTIFICATION: Read the questions thoroughly and write the correct answer.
__________________________1.This is the prediction of the fate of human behavior in terms of the alignment of stars.
__________________________2.Concerns palm reading interpreting lines on the palm which to predict future behavior.
__________________________3.Determine the intelligence and personality on the basis of size and shape of the skull.
__________________________4.It involves the measurement of facial and other body characteristics indicative of human
__________________________5. Measuring variations in body types through which certain physiological features have
claimed to be causative of crime and delinquency.
__________________________6. He is the Proponent of the principle of Physiognomy.
__________________________7. He is the Famous Proponent of the Principle of Physiognomy.
__________________________8. Who advocates the Principle of Phrenology?
__________________________9. He is the assistant and responsible for spreading the principle of phrenology.
_________________________10. He is a Harvard anthropologist who in “Crime and Man”
_________________________11. A German Psychiatry who studied philosophy and medicine at the university of
_________________________12. He Attempted to correlate body build and constitution with characters of
temperamental reaction and mentally.
_________________________13. He is the proponent of criminal physical inferiority.
_________________________14. How many prisoners subject the study of Hooton regarding physical inferiority?
_________________________15. How many students subject the study of Hooton regarding physical inferiority?
_________________________16. Greek words “phren” means__.
_________________________17. A German Neurologist and Psychologist who pioneered study of the human brain as
source of mental faculties.
_________________________18. Greek word “Physis” meaning__.
_________________________19. Greek word “Gnomon” meaning___.
_________________________20. It refers to the evaluation of a persons personality or character through an examination
of that person outward appearance.
_________________________21. Who states that the shape of the skull and some facial features had an impact on a
human behavior and actions.
_________________________22. Person will engage in criminal behavior after weighing the consequences and benefits
of his or her actions.
_________________________23. Daily activies of the modern living that is offenses can be expected if there is
motivated offender and suitable target that is not protected by capable
_________________________24. Criminal bahavior made by a motivated offender who perceives that the chance of gain
Outweigh any possible punishment or loss.
_________________________25. Routine Activity Theory also sometimes referred as___.
_________________________26. Person may become a potential suspect because of the presence of potential target.
_________________________27. Stands to reason that if more criminals are sent to a prison or keeping known criminal
out of circulation the crime rate should go down.
_________________________28. Occurs when the victim exhibits some personal characteristics that unknowingly
either threatens or encourages the attackers.
_________________________29. Occurs when victims act provocatively , use threats or fighting words.
_________________________30. Viewed that some people may actually initiate the confrontation that eventually leads
to their injury or death.
_________________________31. It holds that if offenders are punished so severely, the experience will convince them
not to repeat their illegal acts.
_________________________32. Aimed at making potential criminals fear the consequences of crime showing that
crime does not pay.
_________________________33. Have small skeletons and weak muscles.
_________________________34. Have well developed muscle and an athletic appearance.
_________________________35. Have heavy builds and slow moving.
_________________________36. Focus on the idea that individuals who shares the same genes are alike in personality.
_________________________37. It is the neurological structure or brain and nervous system of the offenders.
_________________________38. Stress on the relationship between antisocial behavior and biochemical makeup and
that body chemistry can govern behavior and personality.
_________________________39. Who advocate the Victim Precipitation Theory?
_________________________40. Viewed that both thought and behavior have biological and social bases.


1-7 7 Subjective Approach 21-24 4 Precursor to Positivism
1. 21.
2. 22.
3. 23.
4. 24.
6. 25-27 3 Principal types of physiques according
7. To Kretschmer
8-18 11 Classification of Criminal 25.
According to Hooton 26.
8. 27.
10 28-30 3 Types of Physique according to Sheldon
11. 28.
12. 29.
13 30.
15. 31-33 3 Types of Temperament according to Sheldon
16. 31.
17. 32.
18. 33.

19-20 Proponents of Routine activity 34-38 5 Suitable Target Based on the Routine
Theory Choice Theory
19. 34.
20. 35

39-41 3 Motivated Offenders Based on Routine Theory


42-45 4 Lack of capable guardians Based on Routine Theory




Prepared by: Recommended by

Gaudencio S. Guardiana,RC Armando S. Buyco,RC,MSJC
Subject Instructor CCJE DEAN

Approved by:
Benafe A. Maghuyop,MSW
Academic Head

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