Exit Review 1

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Shaw Bouley

Samantha Gonzalez
23 January 2024

Exit Review #1
Group One’s presentation covered numerous topics including rhetoric, audience, and

constraints. We learned that rhetoric is a form of persuasion that happens every day. The rhetor

is a speaker who is convincing the audience of an idea. This is often accomplished through

ethos, pathos and logos. These terms are coined by Aristotle, ethos means ethics, logos is logic

and pathos is connecting with the audience to establish credibility. There are two different kinds

of audience; a primary audience that the rhetor is convincing and secondary audience that is non-

intended, such as if a primary audience member told another person what they heard. Constraints

also come in two forms, negative and positive. A positive constraint is an asset, like a good

audience. However, a negative constraint prevents a presentation from being its best. Ethical

research and rhetoric should go hand in hand. Ethical research with real people should be

handled like any other relationship, based on consent and honestly. Do not withhold information,

tell them exactly what you are researching and what they will be doing. Research has to be

approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). They determine if they deem the research

ethical, they will approve it. Group one went over several vocabulary terms like exigence.

Exigence is the motivation of discourse. Why are we persuading the audience. Speaking from my

own writing education, I was always taught that intent is the different between good writing and

great writing. Although, I will not be doing case studies on actual participants anytime soon, it is

important to have an understanding of ethical research, especially when choosing resources to

use. Always make sure that the resources you use were conducted ethically otherwise, the results

are not definite. All in all, during Group One’s presentation we learned about the definition of

rhetoric and how to conduct reseach.

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