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Sneha is the founder of Jiivaastro Academy, an organization that mentors over 3000
students in various forms of occult practices such as Tarot card reading, Numerology, Vastu
consulting, and Healing. She is certified by the International Astrology Federation (IAF) and
has served over 5000 clients globally. Dr. Sneha has been interested in the occult for the past
10 years and has been mentoring people in their life journey since 2012. She has helped her
clients improve their quality of life by using various techniques. Dr. Sneha believes that
anyone can learn these skills and build a successful career around them, which is why she
started teaching Tarot Card and Numerology to help others become professional readers
and numerologists and make a living from it.

The difficulty of becoming a tarot reader can vary depending on the individual and their level
of dedication to learning and practicing the craft. Some people may find it easy to
understand the symbolism and meanings of the tarot cards, while others may find it more
challenging. It can also depend on the type of learning method one prefers, some may prefer
self-study while others may prefer in-person classes or mentorship. Additionally, being a
good tarot reader also requires good intuition, people skills and the ability to interpret and
give advice to clients. Overall, becoming a proficient tarot reader takes time, practice, and a
willingness to continue learning and growing as a reader.

Some keywords that may be relevant to a career in tarot card reading


 Tarot reading
 Tarot card interpretation
 Tarot card divination
 Psychic reading
 Esoteric arts
 Spirituality
 Personal growth
 Intuition
 Oracle
 Cartomancy
 Numerology
 Astrology
 Palmistry
 Clairvoyance
 Fortune telling
 Guiding
 Coaching
 Healing
 Counseling
 Mentoring
 Consultation
 Self-help
 Personal development
 Holistic practice
 Metaphysics
 Occult
 Esotericism
 spiritualism
 Mysticism
 Self-improvement
 Personal empowerment
 Mindfulness
 Self-discovery
 Inner wisdom
 Self-awareness
 Self-care
 Life coaching
 Self-help.

There are several things that can make tarot card reading easier:

1. Familiarizing oneself with the tarot card deck: This includes learning
the meanings of the cards, their symbolism, and the different ways
they can be interpreted.

2. Practicing regularly: The more you read tarot cards, the more
comfortable you will become with the process and the better you will
become at interpreting the cards.
3. Keeping an open mind: Tarot cards can offer many different
interpretations, so it's important to approach each reading with an
open mind and not have any preconceived notions about what the
cards may mean…

4. Trusting your intuition: Tarot card reading is often about connecting

with your intuition and inner wisdom. Trusting your instincts when
interpreting the cards can be helpful.

5. Keeping a journal: Recording your readings and your thoughts about

them can be helpful in tracking your progress and understanding the
cards better.

6. Study and learn from the expert: Read books, attend workshops and
classes, and seek guidance from experienced tarot card readers to
learn the best practices, techniques and gain more knowledge about
the subject.

7. Clear your mind and be in the present moment when you start the
reading. This will help you to be more accurate and focused.

8. Create a comfortable and relaxing space where you can read the
cards, where you can be free of interruptions or distractions.

9. Be honest with your clients and set realistic expectations.

10.Remember the tarot cards are a tool to guide and assist the person in
their journey, not to predict the future, but to help the person
understand the present and make better decisions.

why learn tarot card reading

There are several reasons why one might choose to learn tarot card reading:
1. Personal growth: Tarot cards can provide insight into one's own thoughts, feelings,
and behaviours, helping with self-discovery and personal development.
2. Guidance and insight: Tarot cards can provide guidance and insight into different
areas of life, such as relationships, career, and personal finances.
3. Helping others: Tarot card reading can be used to help others gain insight and
guidance in their own lives.
4. Creativity and self-expression: Tarot cards can be used as a tool for creative self-
expression and can be a unique way to explore one's own spirituality and intuition.
5. A sense of connection: Tarot card reading can help connect one to their intuition,
inner wisdom, and spiritual self.
6. A Career: Tarot card reading can be a career choice for people interested in helping
7. Curiosity: Many people learn tarot card reading out of curiosity, as it is an ancient
practice that has been used for centuries.
8. A way to understand the present and make better decisions: the tarot cards can help
understand the present situation and give guidance on how to make better decisions.
9. A tool for meditation and mindfulness: The tarot cards can be a tool for meditation
and mindfulness, as it focuses on the present and helps to clear the mind.
10. A way to connect with the spiritual realm: Tarot card reading can be used as a way to
connect with the spiritual realm, gaining insight and guidance from higher powers.
Regenerate response

who can learn tarot reading

Anyone can learn tarot card reading, as it is an open and accessible
practice. There are no specific qualifications or prerequisites required to
learn tarot card reading.

However, it's important to keep in mind that tarot card reading is not a
substitute for professional advice or counselling. It's a tool for personal
insight and guidance, but it's not a substitute for professional help.

It's also important to understand that tarot card reading is a personal

journey, and it may be more beneficial for some people than others. Some
people may find that tarot card reading resonates with them and they are
able to connect with the cards easily, while others may not.

In general, people with an interest in personal development, spirituality,

creativity, or self-expression may find tarot card reading to be a valuable
tool. Additionally, people who are seeking insight and guidance in their
lives or want to help others may also find tarot card reading to be an
interesting and rewarding practice.

And lastly, people who are open-minded, curious and willing to learn, can
learn and benefit from tarot card reading.

Tarot reading as career

Tarot card reading can be a career choice for people who are interested in
helping others gain insight and guidance in their lives. Here are some ways
that one might make a career out of tarot card reading:

1. Professional Tarot Reader: Offer tarot card readings to clients in

person, online or on the phone. You can work independently or join
an existing business that offer these services.
2. Tarot teacher or workshop facilitator: Teach tarot card reading classes
or workshops to individuals or groups.
3. Tarot writer or author: Write books or articles on tarot card reading,
or create online courses or video tutorials.
4. Tarot deck creator: Create and publish your own tarot card deck, and
market it to other readers and enthusiasts.
5. Offer a combination of above services: A lot of professional tarot
readers also offer other services, such as life coaching, counselling,
and healing, and combining these services can be a great way to
build a successful career.
6. Some professional tarot readers also incorporate their skills into other
related fields such as event planning, fashion, art, etc.

It's important to note that becoming a professional tarot card reader can be
competitive, and it may take time to build a client base and establish
oneself as a reputable reader. However, with dedication, hard work and a
willingness to learn and grow, it can be a fulfilling and rewarding career.

tarot cards content for advertising

When creating content for advertising tarot card readings, it's important to
appeal to the target audience and communicate the benefits of tarot card
readings. Here are a few ideas for content that could be used in tarot card
reading advertisements:

1. Personal testimonials: Share stories from satisfied clients who have

received valuable insights and guidance through tarot card readings.
2. Information on the history and tradition of tarot card reading:
Highlighting the centuries-old practice of tarot card reading can
make it seem more legitimate and trustworthy.
3. Emphasis on confidentiality: Reassure potential clients that their
readings will be kept private and confidential.
4. Explanation of the different types of readings offered: For example, if
you offer both in-person and online readings, or readings for specific
issues like career or relationships.
5. Benefits of tarot card readings: Highlight how tarot card readings can
provide guidance and insight into different areas of life, such as
relationships, career, and personal finances.
6. Use of key words that resonate with your target audience: such as
personal growth, self-discovery, inner wisdom, spiritual development,
7. Use of images of tarot cards or tarot readings in progress to give a
sense of what the experience is like.
8. Use of social proof such as reviews, ratings and client testimonials
9. Use of a call to action: Provide a clear and easy way for potential
clients to book a reading or contact you for more information.
10.Be honest, professional, and ethical in your advertising.

It's important to keep in mind that the way you present yourself and your
business reflects on the authenticity of your service. So, it's better to be
honest, respectful and straightforward in your advertisements.

hookline for tarot cards course

Here are a few ideas for hooklines for a tarot card reading course:
1. "Unlock the secrets of the tarot and discover your own inner
2. "Transform your life with the power of tarot card reading."
3. "Learn the ancient art of tarot card reading and gain insight into your
4. "Uncover the hidden meanings of the tarot and gain guidance for
your journey."
5. "Enhance your intuition and gain deeper self-understanding through
tarot card reading."
6. "Unlock the mysteries of the tarot and gain the power to shape your
own destiny."
7. "Transform your life through the powerful insight of tarot card
8. "Learn the art of tarot card reading and gain a deeper understanding
of yourself and the world around you."
9. "Discover the secrets of the tarot and gain the insight you need to
make better decisions."
10."Discover the ancient wisdom of the tarot and gain a deeper
understanding of the world and your place in it."

Remember that a hookline should be short, catchy, and should make the
reader or listener curious enough to want to know more. It's also important
that it connects with the target audience and resonates with the course
1. "Unlock the power of the tarot to gain insight and guidance in your
2. "Discover the ancient art of tarot card reading and how it can benefit
your personal growth"
3. "Unlock your intuition and learn the art of divination with our
comprehensive tarot card course"
4. "Uncover the secrets of the tarot and learn how to read the cards like
a pro"
5. "Transform your life with the power of tarot: Enroll in our course now"
6. "Unlock the mysteries of the tarot and gain a deeper understanding
of yourself and the world around you"
7. "Learn the art of tarot reading and discover how it can help you make
better decisions in life"
8. "Become a skilled tarot reader and help others gain insight and
9. "Uncover the secrets of the tarot and tap into your intuition for self-
discovery and personal growth"
10."Unlock the secrets of the tarot and gain a deeper understanding of
the world with our comprehensive course"

These hooklines aim to capture the attention of the potential students and
make them curious about the course and its benefits. The key is to make it
clear what the course offers, and what benefits the students will gain from

headline for tarot card course

Here are a few potential headlines that could be used to advertise a tarot
card course:

1. "Unlock the Secrets of the Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards Like a Pro"
2. "Transform Your Life with the Power of Tarot: Enroll in our
Comprehensive Course"
3. "Discover the Ancient Art of Tarot Reading and How it Can Benefit
Your Personal Growth"
4. "Become a Skilled Tarot Reader and Help Others Gain Insight and
5. "Uncover the Mysteries of the Tarot and Learn to Read the Cards with
6. "Get the guidance you need to make better decisions with tarot card
7. "A journey of self-discovery and personal growth through tarot card
8. "Unlock the power of tarot and gain insight into your life"
9. "Learn the ancient art of tarot card reading and unlock the secrets of
your future"
10."Discover the secrets of the tarot and gain deeper understanding of
yourself and the world around you"

These headlines aim to capture the attention of potential students and

convey the main benefits of the course, such as gaining skills to read tarot
cards, personal growth, and the ability to help others. Additionally, they
also hint at the idea of unlocking secrets, mysteries and gaining deeper
understanding of oneself, which can evoke curiosity and interest in the
Here are a few potential headlines that could be used to advertise a tarot
card course:

1. "Master the Art of Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards Like a Pro"
2. "Unlock the Power of Tarot: A Comprehensive Course for Personal
3. "Discover the Secrets of Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards for Guidance
and Insight"
4. "Unlock Your Intuition: Learn the Art of Tarot Reading"
5. "Become a Skilled Tarot Reader: Enroll in Our Comprehensive Course
6. "Transform Your Life with Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards for Personal
7. "Uncover the Mysteries of the Tarot: A Beginner's Course"
8. "Learn to Read Tarot Cards: A Comprehensive Course for Beginners
and Advanced Readers"
9. "Tarot Reading for Personal Growth: A Step-by-Step Course"
10."Journey into the World of Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards for Insight
and Guidance"

These headlines are designed to be attention-grabbing, and to clearly

communicate the benefits of the tarot card course. They aim to make it
clear that by taking this course, students will learn how to read tarot cards
and gain insight and guidance for their personal growth. It's important to
make sure that the headline accurately reflects what the course is about,
and what students will learn from it.
which obstacles solve by tarot cards learning
Tarot card reading can be a valuable tool for personal growth and self-
discovery, and it can help people overcome various obstacles in their lives.
Here are a few examples of obstacles that tarot card reading may be able to
help with:

1. Lack of direction or clarity: Tarot cards can provide guidance and

insight into different areas of life, such as relationships, career, and
personal finances, helping people to make better decisions and find
direction in their lives.
2. Difficulty in making decisions: Tarot card reading can help people to
gain a deeper understanding of the present situation and make
better decisions.
3. Difficulty in understanding oneself: Tarot cards can provide insight
into one's own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, helping people to
better understand themselves and make positive changes in their
4. Difficulty in understanding others: Tarot cards can provide insight
into other people's thoughts and emotions, helping people to
understand and communicate with others more effectively.
5. Difficulty in understanding the present situation: Tarot cards can
provide insight into current events, helping people to understand and
navigate the present situation.
6. Difficulty in managing stress and emotions: Tarot cards can provide
guidance and insight into one's own emotional state, helping people
to manage stress and emotions more effectively.
7. Difficulty in connecting with one's spiritual self: Tarot cards can be
used as a tool for connecting with one's intuition, inner wisdom, and
spiritual self, helping people to develop a deeper sense of spirituality
and inner peace.
8. Difficulty in finding balance in life: Tarot cards can help to identify
areas of imbalance and offer guidance and insight on how to achieve
balance and harmony.

It's important to keep in mind that tarot card reading is not a substitute for
professional advice or counseling, and it's not a guarantee for solving any
problem. It's a tool that can help people to gain insight and guidance, but
ultimately the individual is responsible for making positive changes in their
Tarot card reading can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-
discovery. By learning how to read tarot cards, individuals may be able to
overcome several obstacles in their lives. Here are a few examples:

1. Lack of direction or purpose: Tarot cards can provide guidance and

insight into different areas of life, such as relationships, career, and
personal finances, helping individuals to gain a sense of direction and
purpose in their lives.
2. Difficulty making decisions: Tarot cards can provide guidance and
insight on different choices and options, helping individuals to make
better decisions.
3. Difficulty understanding oneself and others: Tarot cards can provide
insight into one's own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as
the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others, helping individuals to
better understand themselves and others.
4. Difficulty coping with change: Tarot cards can provide guidance and
insight into different areas of life, helping individuals to better cope
with changes and transitions in their lives.
5. Difficulty in understanding the present situation: Tarot cards can
provide guidance and insight into the present situation, helping
individuals to better understand it and make better decisions.
6. Difficulty in connecting with intuition and inner wisdom: Tarot cards
can be used as a tool for connecting with intuition and inner wisdom,
helping individuals to better understand themselves and make
decisions in alignment with their inner guidance.
7. Difficulty in identifying and releasing negative patterns: Tarot cards
can provide insight into negative patterns and behaviors and
guidance on how to release them.
8. Difficulty in finding balance in life: Tarot cards can provide guidance
and insight on different areas of life, helping individuals to find
balance and harmony.

It's important to note that tarot card reading is not a substitute for
professional help and should not be used to replace medical or
psychological treatment. It's a tool for personal insight and guidance, but
it's not a substitute for professional help.
Learning to read tarot cards can help individuals overcome a variety of
obstacles, both personal and professional. Here are a few examples of
obstacles that tarot card reading can help solve:

1. Lack of direction or purpose: Tarot cards can provide guidance and

insight into different areas of life, helping individuals to identify their
goals and purpose.
2. Difficulty in decision making: Tarot cards can provide a different
perspective on a situation and can help individuals to see things from
a new angle, making decision-making easier.
3. Personal growth: Tarot cards can provide insight into one's own
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, helping with self-discovery and
personal development.
4. Relationship problems: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight
into relationships, helping individuals to understand and navigate the
dynamics of their relationships.
5. Career related issues: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight into
career-related issues, helping individuals to identify their strengths
and weaknesses, and to make better decisions about their career
6. Financial problems: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight into
financial issues, helping individuals to make better decisions about
their finances.
7. Coping with change: Tarot cards can provide insight and guidance in
times of change, helping individuals to navigate through difficult
transitions in their lives.
8. Self-doubt: Tarot cards can provide a sense of validation and
confirmation of one's own intuition, helping to build self-confidence.
9. Healing: Tarot cards can be used as a tool for healing, helping
individuals to understand their past experiences, and to move
forward in a positive direction.

It's important to note that tarot card reading is not a substitute for
professional advice or counseling, and it's not a magic solution to all
problems. However, it can be a valuable tool for gaining insight and
guidance in different areas of life.
which problem solves by tarot card learning
Learning to read tarot cards can help individuals overcome a variety of
personal and professional problems by providing guidance and insight.
Here are a few examples of problems that tarot card reading can help solve:

1. Lack of direction or purpose: Tarot cards can provide guidance and

insight into different areas of life, helping individuals to identify their
goals and purpose.
2. Difficulty in decision making: Tarot cards can provide a different
perspective on a situation and can help individuals to see things from
a new angle, making decision-making easier.
3. Personal growth: Tarot cards can provide insight into one's own
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, helping with self-discovery and
personal development.
4. Relationship problems: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight
into relationships, helping individuals to understand and navigate the
dynamics of their relationships.
5. Career related issues: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight into
career-related issues, helping individuals to identify their strengths
and weaknesses, and to make better decisions about their career
6. Financial problems: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight into
financial issues, helping individuals to make better decisions about
their finances.
7. Coping with change: Tarot cards can provide insight and guidance in
times of change, helping individuals to navigate through difficult
transitions in their lives.
8. Self-doubt: Tarot cards can provide a sense of validation and
confirmation of one's own intuition, helping to build self-confidence.
9. Healing: Tarot cards can be used as a tool for healing, helping
individuals to understand their past experiences, and to move
forward in a positive direction.

It's important to note that tarot card reading is not a substitute for
professional advice or counseling, and it's not a magic solution to all
problems. However, it can be a valuable tool for gaining insight and
guidance in different areas of life.
Learning to read tarot cards can help individuals overcome a variety of
problems, both personal and professional. Here are a few examples of
problems that tarot card reading can help solve:

1. Lack of clarity or direction: Tarot cards can provide guidance and

insight into different areas of life, helping individuals to gain a better
understanding of their current situation and to identify their goals
and purpose.
2. Difficulty in decision-making: Tarot cards can provide a different
perspective on a situation and can help individuals to see things from
a new angle, making decision-making easier.
3. Personal growth: Tarot cards can provide insight into one's own
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, helping with self-discovery and
personal development.
4. Relationship problems: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight
into relationships, helping individuals to understand and navigate the
dynamics of their relationships.
5. Career-related issues: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight into
career-related issues, helping individuals to identify their strengths
and weaknesses, and to make better decisions about their career
6. Financial problems: Tarot cards can offer guidance and insight into
financial issues, helping individuals to make better decisions about
their finances.
7. Coping with change: Tarot cards can provide insight and guidance in
times of change, helping individuals to navigate through difficult
transitions in their lives.
8. Self-doubt: Tarot cards can provide a sense of validation and
confirmation of one's own intuition, helping to build self-confidence.
9. Healing: Tarot cards can be used as a tool for healing, helping
individuals to understand their past experiences, and to move
forward in a positive direction.
1. Stress and anxiety: tarot cards can be used as a tool for meditation and
mindfulness, helping to clear the mind, and to gain a better understanding of
the present situation, thus reducing stress and anxiety.

It's important to note that tarot card reading is not a substitute for professional
advice or counselling, and it's not a magic solution to all problems. However, it can
be a valuable tool for gaining insight and guidance in different areas of life.

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