Crim 2 Exam Second Prelim Answer Key

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Yllana Bay View College

The Builder of Future Leader

Enerio St., Balangasan District, Pagadian City

Theories of Crime Causation (CRIM 2)

2nd Prelim Examination

Test I
1. B 6. A
2. A 7. A
3. C 8. C
4. C 9. D
5. D 10. A

Test II
1. Astrology
2. Palmistry
3. Phrenology
4. Physiognomy
5. Somatotype School
6. Johann Kaspar Lavater
7. Giam Battista Della Porta
8. Franz Joseph Gall
9. Johann Kaspar Spurzheim
10. Earnest Hooton
11. Ernst Kretschmer
12. Ernst Kretschmer
13. Earnest Hooton
14. 14,000
15. 3200
16. Mind
17. Franz Joseph Gall
18. Nature
19. Judge or Interpret
20. Physiognomy
21. Johann Lavater
22. Rational Choice Theory
23. Routine Activity Theory
24. Rational Choice Theory
25. Lifestyle Theory
26. Lifestyle Theory
27. Incapacitation Theory
28. Passive Precipitation
29. Active Precipitation
30. Victim Precipitation Theory
31. Specific Deterrence Theory
32. General Deterrence Theory
33. Ectomorph
34. Mesomorph
35. Endomorph
36. Genetics Influences
37. Neurological Dysfunction
38. Biochemical Factors
39. Hans Von Hentig
40. Biosocial Theory

Test III
1. Anthropological Approach
2. Medical Approach
3. Biological Approach
4. Physiological Approach
5. Psychological Approach
6. Psychiatric Approach
7. Psychoanalytical Approach

8. Criminal are less often Married

9. Criminal are more often Married
10. Criminal often have tattoos
11. Criminal have thinner Beards
12. Criminal have body hair
13. Criminal often have blue gray or mixed eye
14. Criminal have low sloping foreheads
15. Criminal have Nasal Bridges
16. Criminal have thin lips
17. Criminal have more often Reddish brown hair
18. Criminal ears often have rolled helix

19. Lawrence E. Cohen

20. Marcus K. Felson

21. Astrology
22. Phrenology
23. Physiognomy
24. Palmistry

25. Asthenic
26. Athletic
27. Pyknic

28. Endomorphs
29. Mesomorphs
30. Ectomorphs

31. Viscerotonic
32. Romotonic
33. Cerebrotonic

34. Unlocked homes

35. Expensive Cars
36. Easily
37. Transported
38. Goods

39. Unemployed
40. Teenage Boys
41. Gand Members

42. Police Officers

43. Home Owners
44. Security Systems
45. Parents

Test IV
1. Motivated Offenders
2. Routine
3. Precipitation
4. Deterrence
5. Causation

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