DAA 1.2 Adi

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DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING GRADE Discover Learn. Empower Course Name: DAA Lab Course Code: 211TH-311/21CSH-311 Experiment 1.2 Aim: Develop a program for implementation of power function and determine that complexity should be O(log n). Objectives: © Develop a program to efficiently compute the power ofa given base raised to a given exponent using O(log n) complexity. + Implement exponentiation by squaring technique to minimize multiplication operations and achieve faster computation for large exponents. Input/Apparatus Used: Laptop, VS code, C++ Procedure/Algorithm: Input: n (base), power (exponent) Output: result (result of n raised to the power) * The program starts by reading the base a and the exponent b from the user. * It defines a function power(a, b) that calculates the result of raised to the power of b using a recursive divide and conquer approach. * In the power function: © Ifpower is 0, the base case is reached, and the function returns 1. © Itrecursively calculates temp by calling itself with n and power/2 as arguments. Then, it squares temp by multiplying it with itself (emp * temp). If power is even, it directly returns temp If power is odd, it returns temp * n, effectively multiplying an extran term to account for the odd power. ° oo © The power functions called with the provided basen and powerpower, and the result is stored in the variable result. © Finally, the result is printed using the format "n Power power is result", * The program ends. Name: Aditya Khanna vid:2 1 BCS11424 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING GRAD) Dinowes toon Eopoees SER Ua Course Name: DAA Lab Course Code: 21ITH-311/21CSH-311 * The algorithm follows the same logic as the provided C++ code and achieves logarithmic complexity (O(logn)) by halving the power at each recursion step. Sample Code: #tinclude using namespace std; float power(int a,int b){ if(b>==0){ return 1; 3 float temp=p ower(a,b/2); iffb%2==0){ return temp*temp; } else { if(b>0){ return a*temp*temp; 3 else return (temp *temp)/a; } } int main0){ float a,b; cout<<"Enter Base="; cin>>a Name: Aditya Khanna vid:2 1 BCS11424 DEPARTMENT OF NAAC COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING GRADE Diecoes lnom Expres Course Name: DAA Lab Course Code: 211TH-311/21CSH-311 cout<< cin>>b; "Enter exponent="; cout<<"Power is = "<< power(a,b); return 0; Observations/Outcome: PROBLEMS OUTPUT DEBUG CONSOLE aval 9 Time Complexity: The time complexity of given code is O(log n) Learning Outcome: * Learned the concept of dividing a problem into smaller sub-problems and solving them independently. * Learned to analyze the complexity of algorithms and saw that the power function implemented using a divide-and-conquer strategy has a complexity of O(log n). * Gained insights into how mathematical properties can be leveraged to optimize computations. Name: Aditya Khanna vid:2 1 BCS11424

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