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IANA(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)是互联网分配号码的权威机构,负责管理全球

互联网的域名、IP 地址和协议参数。在这里,您可以找到最新的IANA端口分配信息,帮

An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation pop3 110/tcp Post Office Protocol
– Version 3 scx-proxy 470/udp scx-proxy # David Nanian 28 September 2007 dpsi 315/tcp DPSI #
16/tcp Unassigned ingres-net 134/udp INGRES-NET Service kerberos 88/udp Kerberos sunrpc 111
/udp SUN Remote Procedure Call ftp 21/udp File Transfer [Control] # Henry Strickland Download
Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and
may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. http-
mgmt 280/tcp http-mgmt ###########Port 126 Previously assigned to application above#######
namp 167/tcp NAMP When you send a letter using your local postal service, have you ever
wondered if your letter reaches the destination successfully, was your letter prioritized within the
processing system of the mail service for delivery or what confirmation would you receive when the
letter the is delivered successfully? Imagine in a network, these are the same concerns with devices.
If one device sends a datagram to another device, whether one the same Local Area Network (LAN)
or a remote network, what reassurance is given for the guarantee of the datagram (message) between
sender and the receiver? dsETOS 378/tcp NEC Corporation graphics 41/tcp Graphics The port
numbers are divided into three ranges: the Well Known Ports, the Registered Ports, and the Dynamic
and/or Private Ports. The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023. DCCP Well Known
ports SHOULD NOT be used without IANA registration. The registration procedure is defined in
[RFC4340], Section 19.9. The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151 DCCP
Registered ports SHOULD NOT be used without IANA registration. The registration procedure is
defined in [RFC4340], Section 19.9. The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152
through 65535 A value of 0 in the port numbers registry below indicates that no port has been
allocated. dcp 93/tcp Device Control Protocol csi-sgwp 348/udp Cabletron Management Protocol
pwdgen 129/tcp Password Generator Protocol ddm-ssl 448/udp DDM-Remote DB Access Using
Secure Sockets # The following entry records an unassigned but widespread use # Philip Budne # 4
/tcp Unassigned namp 167/udp NAMP Number Challenge. Name That Number. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?.
Created by B. Bowlby 2012. Give the number for each prefix listed below. Deca- Tetr- Nov- Bi-, di-
Oct-. Pent- Sept- Uni- hex- Tri-. The answers are …. Deca- Tetr- Nov- Bi-, di- Oct-. Pent- Sept- Uni-
Hex- discard 9/udp Discard * IESG STATEMENT TO THE IANA *
# Christopher Leong unify 181/tcp Unify at-8 208/udp AppleTalk Unused bhoedap4 352/udp
bhoedap4 # Adrien de Croy [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Further information of
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) can also be found at:
Further information of all the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message types can be
found at:
parameters-codes-7.[/box] Chapter 4 OSI Transport Layer. Modified by Profs. Chen and Cappellino.
Objectives. In this chapter, we examine the role of the Transport layer. The Transport layer also
encompasses these functions: legent-1 373/tcp Legent Corporation ISO/OSI Referenzmodell
Transport Layer. ISO / OSI Referenzmodell – TCP/IP. Application Layer Presentation Layer Session
Layer Transport Layer Network Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer. Transport Schicht in TCP/IP.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) User Datagramm Protocol (UDP) Địa chỉ: 101A, Liền kề C2,
Vũ Ngọc Phan, Phường Láng Hạ, Đống Đa, Hà Nội. # Jon Postel print-srv 170/tcp Network
PostScript TCP • The user uses FTP to upload a file to an FTP server. rescap 283/udp rescap
Introducing IANA. Managing Number Resources. Leo Vegoda. Number Resources Manager –
IANA. October 2009. Overview. What is IANA? IANA History Who am I? What do I do? What are
IP addresses? What are AS Numbers? How are Global Policies Developed? RIR Fellowship Schemes
CAIlic 216/tcp Computer Associates Int’l License Server As a student, professional or enthusiast
who is interested in the field of computer networking, it is quite important to have a firm
understanding and the need for logical (internal) ports on an operating system and protocols. bootpc
68/tcp Bootstrap Protocol Client hp-alarm-mgr 383/udp hp performance data alarm manager # ssh 22
/udp SSH Remote Login Protocol nxedit 126/tcp NXEdit # 12/udp Unassigned acas 62/tcp ACA
Services # 15/tcp Unassigned [was netstat] sqlsrv 156/tcp SQL Service # Florence Wyman 3com-
tsmux 106/udp 3COM-TSMUX erpc 121/tcp Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call # Robert Watson
deos 76/udp Distributed External Object Store # Steve Kirsch osu-nms 192/tcp OSU Network
Monitoring System anet 212/tcp ATEXSSTR creativeserver 453/tcp CreativeServer # IETF TSVWG
# Bob Braden nsiiops 261/udp IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL netsc-prod 154/tcp NETSC
photuris 468/tcp proturis cisco-tna 131/tcp cisco TNATIVE direct 242/tcp Direct # 32/udp
Unassigned ©2024 IPXO Limited. All rights reserved. appleqtc 458/udp apple quick time Sequence
Number (32 bits) • Used to establish reliability. • Number ensures correct sequencing of arriving data.
• Identifies the position in the sender’s byte stream of data. # Bill Harrell < ---none---> # Rob
Chandhok There are many Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message types however, we’ll
be discussing the main ones which will be very useful as a network professional. dtk 365/tcp DTK #
Shannon Yeh smpte 420/tcp SMPTE hems 151/tcp HEMS # Marshall Rose The OSI Model. Richard
Mills Kamehameha Schools. What is the OSI Model?. The OSI Model is a conceptual model that
helps to explain how information flows from one computing device to another, source to destination.
The OSI model is constructed in layers. Application (Layer 7) CIS 81 Fundamentals of Networking
Chapter 7: Transport Layer Part 1 of 2. CCNA Introduction to Networking 5.0 Rick Graziani
Cabrillo College Fall 2013. Chapter 7: Objectives. Part 1 integra-sme 484/tcp
Integra Software Management Environment Window (16 bits) • Number of octets that the receiver is
willing to accept. • This number can be adjusted while data is being transmitted. # IETF TSVWG #
Murthy Srinivas
uma 144/tcp Universal Management Architecture avian 486/udp avian ampr-rcmd 459/udp ampr-
rcmd # Illan Raab # Jon Postel # 26/udp Unassigned # Hokey Stenn # Faith Zack * * aci 187/udp
Application Communication Interface rsvd 168/udp RSVD dsp3270 246/tcp Display Systems
Protocol rap 256/udp RAP Caratteristiche, funzionamento, impieghi e strategie di difesa. Il loro
aspetto Quando parliamo di microspie intendiamo in r... emfis-cntl 141/udp EMFIS Control Service
ident 113/tcp smakynet 122/tcp SMAKYNET is99c 379/tcp TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
ansanotify 116/udp ANSA REX Notify 59/udp any private file service nextstep 178/tcp NextStep
Window Server # Christopher Tengi 24/udp any private mail system The IANA functions coordinate
the Internet’s globally unique identifiers, and are provided by Public Technical Identifiers, an affiliate
of ICANN. mfcobol 86/tcp Micro Focus Cobol # Alain Durand locus-map 125/udp Locus PC-
Interface Net Map Ser dsp3270 246/udp Display Systems Protocol entrusttime 309/tcp EntrustTime
© 2024 SlideServe. All rights reserved
# Alain Robert # Simon P Jackson # Dave Clark mfcobol 86/tcp Micro Focus Cobol hostname 101
/udp NIC Host Name Server auditd 48/udp Digital Audit Daemon tn-tl-w1 474/tcp tn-tl-w1 #
Murthy Srinivas mit-ml-dev 85/tcp MIT ML Device 3 December 2021 • Internet Governance 5
Cybersecurity Books From The Experts Chapter 7: Transport Layer. Introduction to Networking.
Chapter 7. 7.1 Transport Layer Protocols 7.2 TCP and UDP 7.3 Summary. Chapter 7: Objectives.
Describe the purpose of the transport layer in managing the transportation of data in end-to-end
communication. Once the ports have been defined, it is possible for the different types of information
that are sent to one IP address to then be sent to the appropriate applications. By using ports, a
service running on a remote computer can determine what type of information a local client is
requesting, can determine the protocol needed to send that information, and maintain simultaneous
communication with a number of different clients. In order to maintain a level of standardization
among the most commonly used ports, IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) has established
that the ports numbered from 0 to 1024 are to be used for common services. The remaining ports up
through 65535 are used for dynamic allocations or particular services. # Ed Barron < ---none--->
silverplatter 416/udp Silverplatter print-srv 170/udp Network PostScript # 40/tcp Unassigned utmpcd
431/udp UTMPCD # Jon Postel snmptrap 162/udp SNMPTRAP cso 105/tcp CCSO name server
protocol # David Reed < --none---> pdap 344/tcp Prospero Data Access Protocol # Jon Postel
Subscribe to the IPXO email and don’t miss any news! # Walter Poxon # Jon Postel © 2024
SlideServe. All rights reserved
hdap 263/tcp HDAP nip 376/udp Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto dn6-smm-red 196/udp
DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download
presentation ssh 22/sctp SSH work-sol 400/udp Workstation Solutions Layer 3 – Network Layer •
Controls the operations of routing and switching information to different networks • Translates
logical addresses or names to physical addresses • Internet Protocol (IP) is a Network Layer protocol
• Devices that work at the network layer are routers and IP switches • Network Layer components:
IP addresses, subnets • Unit of measurement: packets ndsauth 353/tcp NDSAUTH Define the
Session Layer • Every time you connect to a Web site, a mail server, or any other computer on your
network or another network, your computer is starting a session with that remote computer. • Each
time you log on or log off of a network, the session layer is involved. • NetBIOS (Network Basic
Input Output System) is a protocol that works at this layer IANA Service Name and Port Number
Procedures. draft-ietf-tsvwg-iana-ports-08 M. Cotton (ICANN), L. Eggert (Nokia), J. Touch (USC
/ISI), M. Westerlund (Ericsson), S. Cheshire (Apple). Document Goals. Update registration
procedures Unify registries “Updates” RFCs for above ndsauth 353/tcp NDSAUTH # Robert
Ullmann ftp 21/tcp File Transfer [Control] bftp 152/udp Background File Transfer Program bhevent
357/tcp bhevent # Christopher Tengi Application Header + data Port numbers are used to know
which application the receiving host should send the “Data”. Application Header + data Port
numbers are used to know which application the receiving host should send the “Data”. OSI Network
Layer. Network Fundamentals – Chapter 5. Objectives. Identify the role of the Network Layer, as it
describes communication from one end device to another end device. CAIlic 216/udp Computer
Associates Int’l License Server supdup 95/udp SUPDUP Each type of network traffic is sent to a
specific logical port for further processing before it’s delivered to the Application Layer. td-replica
268/tcp Tobit David Replica xyplex-mux 173/udp Xyplex comscm 437/tcp comscm # Randall
Stewart # Mark H. Needleman ulpnet 483/udp ulpnet * IT IS “GOOD” TRAFFIC. FIREWALL
AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * IANA, or the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority, is an organization responsible for the assignment of numbering systems and unique names
that form the backbone of the global internet.

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