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di erent countries talking
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in uencer’s daily routine 32+-6!&19*+)'
;)3'&(*2)3!81)R'&(2*+1)(!+)! ]&3'&!+)!2!82?\
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*-.3),0;+>-.0 ;'>8>+>)0
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re uests and o ers
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about finding a place

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about keeping fit 0/,3)J

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7!"!"#$%&!$&'!(&)$)*!+,-./!01$&!$&'!0)23*!14!$&'!5)67 Monday &!! MON TUE

a bus a co ee a park a photo Wednesday

a pi a a restaurant Saturday
#! $%&'!8!!91*$'4!#43!2'('#$7! Sunday
(! Work in pairs. Write five more nglish words that
:);!<4)07! #! $%&3 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat.

)! heck your ideas in the ocabulary Bank. (! Work in pairs. over the words in A.
!"#$%!&'(!*+("#,$"-.!#"/0!)*+%,*#+)-*#.!/-,01 2 72 Say five weekdays. >-*0#?!;
2 =2 Say two weekend days.
=!" Write the words in the bo ne t to the numbers. J1/55.00921/+48/4-

eight five four nine one seven ?"! omplete the conversations with the words in the bo .
six ten three two ero
don’t English know page repeat
thank understand what’s
2 ;2 ero 2 A2
2 72 2 B2 Lin: ranco, !!!/@#+A1!!!! l pi ’ in English?
2 =2 2 C22 ranco: I don’t " .
2 >2 2 D2 Lin: o, what’s l pi ’ in #
2 ?2 2 7;2 o: It’s a pencil.
2 @2 Lin: $

#! $%&1 Listen and check. Then listen again

o: It’s on % nine.
Stefan: I & understand. Can you
(! $%&2 Listen and write the numbers.
that, please?
o: es. Page nine. The page in the book. Six,
)! Work in pairs. Student A: Say a number. Student B: seven, eight, nine …
Say the ne t number.
Stefan: OK, I ( . Thank you.
23! 4)5%6
73! 8)9:!;!<)*%6 #! $%&4 Listen and check. Then listen again and say
23! =%*: $&'!*'4$'4%'*!01$&!$&'!*('#<'2*7!

(! Learn and practise. o to the ocabulary Bank.


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!"# $%&&'(#)*+#,
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!""#$%"&'(')$$$$!""#$'()*+$$$$,($$$$$,-.."$$$$$,-/$$$$$0--$/"1 )*+,-./%0!#,1!,#-/*,#2/-/%0

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10 2
9 3
8 11 12 1 4
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10 7 6

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10 2

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$ J

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>8! !L%22*A!E/)%!-*!<%%-!6*+A!?@<!M



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'"##() singer at a club.
*(%+($&,$))( 0 (0 The job is good.
0 60 Is he happy with two jobs?

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0 0 AN&X
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B!! G-4;!02!,$041!$2%!&$;#!&@421)!K&@%#2&!6L!K'-/!K&@%#2&!
A: This is Stefan. B: Is he Polish?



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!"#"$%&'(&)%*+ 5 , L-O-P-E-Z?
Eduardo: 6
STUDENT Receptionist: And your first name …
Eduardo Lopez !"#$%&'()#*()+,( Eduardo: 7
7 River Road Receptionist: OK, Eduardo. Here’s your
913 845 662
-.// Eduardo:

Receptionist: No problem.

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/012210 | singular and plural nouns; !3#!"4##!$%3##!&
A@#1B"C/ | talk about what’s in your bag
$0"D"C/ | write a lost and found post #

@0#!"#$ !"#$

'%&!")+>!3,!1$3+'<!H))>!$%!%#.!13=%*+.'<! %%& Watch the first part of the video. Number the speakers in
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& '& In my bag I have my phone and my wallet.
& %& I have a bottle of water. I have my purse, my keys.
& (& I have my laptop and two books.
& )& I have an umbrella, my mobile phone and my purse.
'% H.$+,!$,/!1+$=%3'.<!I)!%)!%#.! & *& I have a bottle of water, a notebook and a banana.
J)=$5*2$+(!E$,>< & +& I have a sandwich in my bag.
+,--,.#,/0'+12 (% !!"$%=#!$6$3,!$,/!=#.=><

& '& 4",(9-" umbrella, my mobile phone and my purse.
& %& 4" a bottle of water, notebook and
& (& 4" "" sandwich in my bag.
& )& 4" my laptop and two books.
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#! *'%+#(,'#-'.#/,"%0'0)#1,23,#/,"%0'0#%"'#("4'#
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I don’t have a bag, but in my pocket/purse/
wallet I have … ) *+,-./0)1022.30
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I don’t know the name in English.
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+ ,+ 6%#>#-.(#,(#-(='$()(?(='$(&2&@ + ,+ police officer, Colombia a Colombian police officer
+ -+ A%B#<0(C#$7(#,(#-(Q&J$9*(?(Q&J$9)(@ + -+ bus driver, Australia
+ .+ D#0-%1(A%,,#(#,(7#O&(%$()(?(7#O&(%$($)(@ + .+ !"#$%&'($)%(*+
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I ~!
II 1111111111111

TII l1-~-


Q: Where are you now?

1 Read the question.

2 Watch the video. How many

speakers are in Italy now?
Unit 2 I Lesson A


2A DJ2.03 I word stress in numbers I Listen and underline
numbers 11-100 the stressed syllable.
1A Match the numbers with the words. thirteen thirty
fourteen forty
fifteen fifty
18 15 sixteen sixty
seventeen seventy

19 14
eighteen eighty

16 B


2.03 I Listen again and repeat.

13 12 C Work in pairs. Student A: Say a number from Ex 2A.

Student B: Find the number.

17 20 3A Write the numbers.

1 27 twenty-seven 3 73
2 49 4 56
eleven 11 sixteen
B Work in pairs and take turns. Say the numbers.
twelve seventeen
thirteen eighteen [ 67 34 98 52 25 88 J
fourteen nineteen
fifteen twenty C Practise asking and answering simple questions.
Student A: Go to page 141. Student B: Go to page 142.
2.01 I Listen and repeat the numbers in Ex 1A.
4A Write the names and ages of three of your friends.
C Write the numbers.
Philip 24 Nick 16 Sally 31
30 thirty 70
40 fqrty . 80 B Work in pairs. Student A: Tell Student B the name of
50 fift;y . 90 your friend. Student B: Write the name and ask the age.
60 100 a A: My friend is Philip.
B: How do you spell that?
D DJ2.02 I Listen and check. Then listen again A: P-H-I-L-I-P.
and repeat.
B: How old is Philip?
A: He's twenty-four years old.


Hi and welco1ne! 20nABikeUK

MAY:We're in London, by Regent's Canal.
Who are we? The canal is very old, about 200 years old.
Hi, I'm Francisca. I'm Brazilian, but my home now is It's nice here, just bikes and people with
in London. I'm 28 and I'm an office worker. My big love children or dogs.
is ... cycling!
Hello, I'm Finn. I'm from a small town (only 180 people!) JUNE: This month we are in the north
in Germany and I live in London, too. I'm 32 and I'm a of England, in the mountains. They're
digital designer. beautiful. People ask, 'Are you cold?'
'No, we aren't, but we're tired.'
We're married and we're 2OnABikeUK. This is our bikel
It's new and it's very goodl In the photo, I'm at the front JULY: This month, hello Wales! We're by the
and Francisca is at the back. sea. Welsh people are very friendly. They
Welcome to our blog about bike rides in the UK. One bike ask a lot of questions: 'Where are you from?'
ride each month 1 'What's the name of your blog?'

Here we are in the north of England! Regent's Canal in London By the sea in Wales


SA Work in pairs. Look at the photos in the blog (A-C). present simple be: we, you, they
Which countries are they?
6A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
B Read the blog and check your answers. Use the blog to help you.

C Read the blog again. Are the statements True (T) [ are 're (x2) we aren't ]
or False (F)?
1 We ....................
in London, by Regent's Canal.
1 Francisca is married to Finn. T
2 This month..... ...are in the north of England, in
2 Francisca is from the UK.
the mountains. They beautiful.
3 Finn is from a big city.
3 People ask, '. cold?'
4 Finn and Francisca have a bike for two people.
4 No, we
5 The blog is about bike rides around the UK.
6 They're in a different country every week. B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.

D Complete the sentences with the words in bold in


the blog.
1 Tom is ninety-eight. He's very
2 I'm ..................
It's only 16 degrees in the classroom. SPEAKING
3 It's 3 a.m. I'm
4 Gina says 'hello' to everyone! She's very ......
. 7 Work in pairs. Practise giving information. Student
5 The cafe only has three tables. It's very A: Go to page 140. Student B: Go to page 143.

E Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary Bank.

page 127 VOCABULARYBANKcommon adjectives(1) I
family 4A Work in pairs. Look at the photo of Mark and Mia
and answer the questions.
1 Look at the photos (A-D) and find the people (1-5).
1 Who do you think is Mark's sister?
1 brother and sister
2 Who is his brother 1
2 husband and wife
3 parents and children B CD
2.05 I Listen and check.
4 father and daughter
2.05 I Listen again and complete the table.
5 mother and son
name age country now job or studies
PRONUNCIATION Mia a student at school
2 A Isyllables I Do the family words in Ex 1A have one
or two syllables? Jessica France has a restaurant
2 2
1 brother and sister (bro-ther, sis-ter} a writer for a
2.04 I Listen and check. Then listen again
Emma the UK
and repeat.

C Choose the correct word to complete the rule. David 38

In words with two syllables, the stress is usually
on syllable one / two. D Work in pairs and cover the table in Ex 4C. Look at
the photos again. What can you remember about
3 Work in pairs. Talk about your family. the people?
My father is John and my mother is Carol. I have Mia is eight. She's in Italy. She's a student at school.
two brothers, Alek and Jeremy.

feelings have short conversations

1A Work in pairs. Complete the table with 2 A CD

2.06 I Listen and match the conversations (1-3) with the
the words in the box. They answer the photos (A-C).
question How are you?
2.06 I Listen again. Match the topics in the box with the
gt,ed great not bad conversations (1-3).
really good not very good
[ car children teacher work 1
not very well
C Complete the conversations.
Dave: Hey, Jen, how 1
are you?
OK Jen: Hi, Dave. Not bad, thanks. Coffee?
Dave: Yes, 2... . Black 3
. .............sugar ... .
How ... work7
well Jen: It's OK. How 5
.......... your children?
. 99.Qd.. Dave: They're great, thanks .... Oh, look 6..................the time!
fine 7........... for the coffee.
Jen: 8
very well .................problem.

Nick: It's a beautiful 9

Katie: Yes, it is. How's your new car?

Nick: It's really good. We're very with it.
Katie: Great!
Nick I'm really hot and tired.
B Work in a different pair. Cover the
Katie: Me too. Ah, here's my street. See 11
words in Ex 1A. Student A: Ask How 12
Nick ............. you later! Say 'hello' to Greg!
are you? and point to a face. Student B:
Answer the question.
Susanna: How's your .................. teacher? Ms Brown?
A: How are you? :.: 14
Andy: She's really good and she's very
B: I'm OK. How are you?
A: Not very well. D CD
2.01 I Listen and check.


4A Work in pairs. Use the prompts to make a


Student A
Student B
Hi ... / How /you?
Hi, Zara. How are you?
I /OK/ thanks.
How /you?

I/ fine.
It/ beautiful/ day.
Yes/ it.
How /work?

Good. How/ your/

It/ not/ bad.
How/ your/ children?

They/ good.
Great. See/ later!

See/ later!

B Practise the conversation.

C Change five things in the conversation. Then

practise it again.
Hey, Zara. How are you?


5 A Complete the You column in the table. Use words

PRONUNCIATION or pictures from Ex 1A.
3 A Istress in phrases I Match the phrases (1-4) with the You(A) Student B Student C
stress patterns (a-d).
new job
1 It's a beautiful day.~ a OOo
2 No problem. b OoOO new car
3 How's your new car? c 00
4 Me too. d ooOooO apartment

B Cl 2.08 I Listen and check. new

C Read the Future Skills box and answer the question.
B Work in groups of three. Ask about the things in
FUTURE SKILLS Ex SA. Complete the rest of the table with pictures
Self-management or words.
A: How's your new job?
Have a notebook to write phrases. When you write
a phrase, write the stress pattern. B: It's great! I'm really happy with it. How's your
See you later. OoOo. new apartment?
A: It's not bad, but it's very small ...
What are the stress patterns for these phrases?
Thanks for the coffee. 6 Work in pairs. Ask about three of the things in the
How are the children? box. Give real answers.

work school children parents

D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. weather in your town English class
Speaklml!m Go to the interactive speaking practice Q 23

1A Work in pairs. Look at

the pictures and find:
1 a baker D 5 a presenter D ..t'/

2 a birthday cake 6 a manager

3 d compelilior1 7 dwirmer cf~~i
4 ajudge

B Read the BBC programme information. Are

the sentences (1-3) true (T) or false (F)?
1 Best Home Cook is a competition.
2 Five men and five women are in the
competition this week.
2A Go to page 150 and discuss the birthday cakes.
3 The programme information has the
names of the three winners. B ClWatch the BBC video clip. Who are the three winners?
C ClWork in pairs. Match the names (1-6) with the information
(a-f). Then watch again and check.
1 Robin c a is a model
2 Suzie b is fifty-two
3 Georgia c is from Bristol
4 Oli d is from Northern Ireland
5 Katie e is a restaurant manager
6 Elisabetta f is thirty-three

D ClWatch the BBC video clip again and choose the words
and phrases you hear.
BBC: Best Home Cook
1 This is Good/Best Home Cook.
BestHome Cookis a competition to find the best
2 Our presenter is Claudia/Clara Winkleman.
home baker. The people in the competition aren't
bakers - they have other jobs. Today is week four, 3 Suzie is 33/36.
and seven bakers are in the competition. The task 4 Oli is 34/44 and he's married.
is to make a children's birthday cake. Who are the 5 Elisabetta is from Spain/Italy, but now her home is in
three winners this week? London.
6 Sarah's 42 and has a son. They're from Manchester/Liverpool.

wh- questions + be
3 A Complete the questions for the sentences in Ex 2D.
Write Who, What, Where or How.
1 .. is the name of the programme?
2 ... is the presenter?
3 ............ old is Suzie1
old is Oli 1
4 ....................
is Elisabetta from 1
5 ....................
6 ... are Sarah and her son from?

B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.

write a message about a friend
SPEAKING 6A Read the message from Sonia.
Choose the correct alternative.
ask about three people
1 Martina is her friend/someone
4A Write the names of three people. in her family.
• someone in your family • a friend • someone from work or school 2 She's British/Argentinian.
3 Sonia/Martina is in Manchester.
B Work in pairs. Tell each other two or three things about each person.
Adriana is a good friend. She's from Romania. She's 33 years old. Hi Jen,

C DJ 2.09 I Listen to a woman

answer questions about her three How are you and the family? I'm
people. Match the names (1-3) with who they are (a-c). really well.
1 Judi a someone from work My friend Martina is in Manchester
2 Dennis b a friend now. She's a good friend from
3 Kenji c a brother or sister university. She's from Argentina
and she has a job with an
D DJ 2.09 I Listen again and tick the Key phrases you hear. Argentinian TV company. She's
really nice and very friendly.
KEY PHRASES Can I give Martina your phone
Who's Judi? Is he married? number? She's in Manchester for
Where's she from? He has a wife and two sons. two weeks.
She has a good job in a shop. Kenji is someone from work.
He's a good friend. What's his job? Sonia xxx
How old is he? He's really nice.
B Work in pairs. Write a message to
5 Work with another partner. Ask and answer questions about your your partner about one of your three
three people in Ex 4A. Use the Key phrases to help you. people in Ex 4A.


GRAMMAR 4A Look at the picture of a family. Who says the

sentences (1-4)?
1 Complete the conversation with the words in
the box. 1 My mother is Di. Guy or Hena
2 My son is Ed.

're are (x2) aren't (x2) her his
my their what where who
are they?

B: They're 2 .................. friends.

3 My husband is Andy.
4 My daughter is Hena.
Andy I Bella

A: 3 ..................are 4 ... ..... names?

B: s.... name's Mira and 6's Abdul.
Ed Fran
A: ...... you friends from university?

B: No, we 8................ We're friends from work.

A: 9................. are they from 1 Guy~
B: They 10.............. from Canada.
A: 11.................. they married 1 B Write three more sentences about the people in
B: No, they 12. . They're brother and sister.
Ex 4A. Use sentences 1-4 to help you.

C Work in pairs. Student A: Say one of your sentences.

Student B: Say the name of the person.
SA Work in pairs and take turns. Say the words. How do
2 A Write the answers. Use words. you say the underlined sounds?
1 Thirty-seven+ five= .for.ty~two six where
2 Seventy-five - fifteen =
sixteen what
3 Twenty-two+ sixteen=
good afternoon who
4 Ninety-two - fifty-two=
B Learn and practise. Go to Sounds and Spelling.
(+ plus, - minus)
page 152 SOUNDS AND SPELLING short and long
B Complete the questions with a number. sounds (1): /r/, /i:/, /u/, /u:/; /w/ and /h/ in question words
1 What's 11 +
2 What's 48 - 6A Choose the correct alternative.
3 What's 16 + ....?
4 What's 90 - ..?
A family
C Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in business
Burger24/7 is a
3 A Complete the adjectives with vowels (a, e, i, o, u). hamburger restaurant
1 b_g 8 fr__ ndly in Adelaide, Australia.
Tom, the manager,
2 h_t 9 t_r_d
says, 'We're all family here. 1My / Your mother is
3 n_w 10 b_d here from 10 o'clock in the morning. My son and
4 y__ ng 11 sm_ll daughter 2is / are at school, but 31:heir/ they're
5 g __ d 12 c_ld in the restaurant at weekends.'
6 b ___ t_f_l 13 _ld Tom's wife 4 is / are also in the family business.
7 f_v__ r_t_ 14 gr__ t She's Samantha, and she's the head chef. 'People
ask us, "5Why / Where are you open 24/7?"' says
B Work in groups and play a memory game. Cover the
Samantha. 'Well, 6we're / our open 24/7 because
words in Ex 3A. Student A: Say the number of letters
people are hungry 24/7.'
and the first letter. Other students: Say the adjective.
Samantha has a brother, but he's not in the
A: It has four letters. The first letter is 'g'. family business. 'He says we're crazy. He asks
B: Good! me, "Samantha, 'what/ who are your summer
holiday plans?"' Samantha says, 'What holiday?
C Take turns to say a sentence. Use one of the 8We're / Our restaurant is our life!'
adjectives from Ex 3A.
Good morning. Jack's a good student. My phone is
very good. B ClR2.01 I Listen and check.

VLOGS 3C HOW TO ... I shop for clothes: clothes
Q: What's your favourite thing? Pronunciation: intonation

1 Read the question. 3D BBC STREET INTERVIEWS I Understand street interviews

about people's shopping habits: shops
2 Watch the video. How many Ask and answer questions about buying online and in shops:
speakers say their bike? likes, dislikes and opinions
Write a personal profile

What's your favourite thing?
things WillReese
I .12 CJ13
1 A Work in pairs. Match the photos (A-H) with My Favourite thing is my car.
the words in the box. It's
' blue and it isn't very big,
but I love it. It's perfect For
bed bike camera car the town 1
coffee machine guitar ring watch

B Work in pairs. Look at the photos in Ex 1A.

Say the number of things you have. Grace Sneed
I have three of the things. .10 CJ13

My camera. It's my Father's

C Guess the things your partner has.
camera, but I have it in
A: I think you have a car. my apartment. It's From
B: That's right. I have a Kia. Germany. It's old but very
good For black and white
2 Work in pairs. What colour are the things in photos.
the photos in Ex 1A? Check your ideas in the
Vocabulary Bank.
Pat Lambert
CJpage 128 VOCABULARY BANK colours I I>' .12 CJ9

My Favourite thing is my
guitar. It's beautiful. It's old
READING and Spanish.

3 A Read the text about favourite things. Which

things have information about 1-4?
1 colour car 3 age
2 country or nationality 4 family Naomi Emmett
.15 CJ14
B Work in pairs. Student A: Close your book. My bed. It's good when I'm
Student B: Read one sentence from the text, tired. It's good when I'm
but don't say the thing. Student A: Say the happy or sad. It's my perfect
name of the thing. place. I love it!
A: It's old and Spanish.
B: The guitar. ..

5 A Cl3.01 I possessive 's I Listen to the sentences.
possessive 's Match the words in bold in (1-4) with the
sounds: /s/, z/ and /1z/.
4A Correct the sentences. Add 's. Use the text in Ex 3A to
1 my grandmother's ring /s/
help you.
2 Pat's guitar /z/ grandmother's
1 It's my father camera.
3 Alice's watch. /1z/
2 My favourite thing is my grandmother ring.
4 my father's camera
3 The watch is Swiss and it has my mother name, Alice,
on it.
B Work in pairs. Read the sentences. What is the
sound in bold in each sentence: /s/, /z/ or /1z/?
B Work in pairs. Complete the rule.
1 Susan's bag 4 lrmak's guitar
We use person + ..............
for the possessive.
2 Philip's phone 5 Darsh's bike
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. 3 Felix's camera 6 Carol's book

CJpage 100 GRAMMAR BANK I C Cl3.02 I Listen and check.

D Work in pairs. Student A: Say a thing in one of
the photos (A-H). Student B: Say the person
and their thing.
A: Coffee machine.
B: It's Theo's coffee machine.

My favourite thing is my SPEAKING

grandmother's ring. It's
about a hundred years old
and it's from her mother.
6 Work in pairs. Practise asking about pictures.
Student A: Go to page 144. Student B: Go to
It's beautiful and I love it!
page 147.

Theo Olsen WRITING

.13 CJ10

It's my coffee machine. I write about favourite things; use

have two big cups of coffee and, but
in the morning - perfect
cups of coffee from my 7 A Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with
Italian coffee machine. and or but. What are the sentences about?
Check your answers in the text in Ex 3A.
1 It's blue and it isn't very big, I love it.
David Fox 2 It's about a hundred years old... . it's
.14 CJ16 from her mother.
My favourite thing is my
bike. I don't have a car. My B Write an on line comment about your favourite
bike is green, my favourite things. Go to the Writing Bank.
colour, and it's very
important to me.
8 A Choose 3-5 of your favourite things. Make
notes about them.
Alicia Porta
My phone - new, from my parents, important
.11 CJ11
My watch is really
important to me. It's Swiss B Work in groups. Talk about your things. Use
and it has my mother's your notes to help you.
name, Alice, on it. She has
a new watch now, but I 9 Bring a photo of a favourite thing to the
love her old watch. next lesson. Prepare to talk about it.

desk objects 2 A Cl3.03 I Listen to two people talking about their
desks. Who talks about the desk in the photo,
1 A Workin pairs. Look at the photo. Which objects are
Sandy or Joe?
NOT on your desk or table at home?

B Work in pairs. Look at the photo again. Which

B Cl3.03 I Listen again. Tick the objects that Sandy
and Joe have on their desks.
objects in the box are in the photo?
Sandy Joe
bottle of water book computer cup of coffee
glasses headphones keyboard mouse
notebook pen pencil phone plant keyboard
scissors sticky notes tablet

C Work in pairs. Student A: Choose three objects from notebook

the photo and say the first letter. Student B: Guess pen
the objects.
A: p
B: Plant? sticky notes
A: No ... glasses

D Work in pairs. Close your books. Write ten objects headphones

you remember from the photo. plant


4A DJ3.05 I sentencestress I Underline the two or
three stressed words in each sentence. Then listen
and check.
1 A: Do you have ajQb?
B: Yes, I do.
2 A: Do you have a photo of your son?
B: No, I don't.

B DJ3.05 I Listen again. Choose the correct

pronunciation of Do in the questions in Ex 4A.
/d;}/ / /du:/

C DJ3.05 I Listen again and repeat.

5 A Work in pairs. Underline the main stressed words in
the questions. Then take turns to say the questions.
Pay attention to word stress and the pronunciation
of Do.
1 Do you have a camera?
2 Do you have any headphones with you?
4 Do you have any plants in your room?
5 Do you have a favourite coffee cup?
6 Do you have a favourite pen?

B Work in a different pair. Ask and answer the

questions in Ex SA.
A: Do you have a camera?
B: No, I don't, but I have a camera on my phone.


GRAMMAR 6A Read the Future Skills box and do the task.

present simple have + yes/no questions FUTURE SKILLS

(/, you, we, they) Collaboration
3A Choose the correct alternative. Sometimes you don't understand - that's normal!
1 I have/ has a computer and a keyboard. Use short phrases to check (e.g. Sorry? Can you
repeat that? I don't understand.). Use two of these
2 I have/ I'm have a cup of coffee.
phrases in Ex 6B.
3 I no have / don't have any pencils on my desk.
4 Joe, do you has/ have ajob7
5 Yes, I does/ do. B Work in pairs. Practise asking about objects.
6 Do you have/ Have you a photo of your son? Student A: Go to page 144. Student B: Go to
page 147.
7 No, I don't/ don't have.
8 I have / do have two notebooks. 7 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your desk or
workspace. What's different about the things on
B DJ3.04 I Listen and check. your desk? What's the same?
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. We both have pens, sticky notes ...




1A Work in pairs. Look at the photos (A-C) and
answer the questions.
1 Match the photos with the types of
shopping: in a market, online and in shops.
2 Which is your favourite type of shopping:
in a market, online or in shops? Why?
3 Do you have any big markets in your
4 Are they for clothes, food or something

B Look at the photos again. Which clothes in

the list are in the photos?
• a light green shirt
• white jeans
• a blue jacket
• a light brown jacket
• a dark blue coat
• a white T-shirt

C Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary


CJpage 129 VOCABULARY BANK clothes I



shop for clothes 4A Cl3.08 I intonation I Listen and match the
sentences (a and b) with the pictures (1 and 2).
2 A Cl3.06 I Listen to two conversations. Match the Which sounds friendly, 1 or 2?
conversations (1 and 2) with the correct photos

B Listen again. Tick the clothes that you hear.

1 a Excuse me. 1
b Excuse me.
2 a How much is this jacket?
b How much is this jacket?
3 a Can I try it on?
b Can I try it on?

B Cl3.08 I Listen again and repeat.


5 A Work in pairs. Look at the prompts for a

conversation in a shop. Use the prompts to make
the questions (1-5).

H%H::lii Shop assistant

Excuse me?
help / you?

C Cl3.06 I Listen again. What are the prices? 2

much / this shirt?
3A Work in pairs. Complete the conversations with the It/ ten dollars.
words in the box.
Can /try/ on?
[ is excuse m,w much size try ]
Of course. 4 size / you?
1 Ian: H9W much is it? I<
Becca: I don't know
Man: Can I help you? Here you are.
Becca: Yes, how ...................
is this jacket? ... 5Where / changing rooms?
Can I it on7
Man: Yes, of course. Over there.

2 Nia: What ......

are you? Medium? Thanks.
Ryan: No, large ....
Is it dark blue? B Practise saying the questions. Remember to sound
Nia: Yes, it is. friendly and use a wide voice range.
Ryan: Then blue. How much .................
C Roleplay the conversation.
B Cl3.07 I Listen and check. D Swap roles and change the words in bold.
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
6 Work in pairs. Practise shopping conversations.
CJpage 102 GRAMMAR BANK I Student A: Go to page 145. Student B: Go to
page 148.

Speak- Go to the interactive speaking practice Q 33

2 A Cl Watch the first part of the video. How many speakers buy
food online?

B Work in pairs. What do you remember? Complete the sentences.

1 Elijah: I buy things for the h ..................
on line.
2 Joe: Online I buy v.................
games and in shops I buy food.
3 Josh: Online I buy c ...............
and in shops I also buy food.
4 Nie: I buy c ........
food online. I buy clothes in shops.
5 Kirsty: I buy books on line and I buys ..................
in the shop.
6 Vincent: I buy t.......... online.
PREVIEW C Cl Watch again and check.
1A Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 3 A Cl Watch the second part of the video. Are the statements
True (T) or False (F)?
1 Where do you shop?
2 What do you buy in shops 1 1 Six speakers talk about clothes shops.

3 What do you buy online? 2 Two speakers talk about video game shops.

B What shops do you know? B Cl Watch again. Which shops in the box do the speakers
talk about?
C Check your ideas. Go to the Vocabulary
Bank. baker's bookshops butcher's cafes
clothes shops pet shops sports shops
CJpage 130 VOCABULARY BANK shops I
likes, dislikes and opinions
4A Look at the words in bold. Which are positive ::..::and which are
negative ;.-:?
1 I love clothes shops, I hate butchers and I love cafes.
2 I like sports shops, and I dislike clothes shops.
3 I like clothes shops. I don't like bookshops.

B Choose the correct alternative.

1 I think/ like computer shops are great.
2 I hate/ think food shops are OK.

01: What do you buy online? C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
02: What shops do you like? CJpage 103 GRAMMAR BANK I

ask and answer questions
SA Read the question prompts and the answers. Which
answers are true for you?
1 Favourite type of shop? chocolate shop
2 Favourite time of the day? evening
3 Favourite actor/actress? Timothee Chalamet
4 Favourite singer? Billie Eilish
5 Three favourite colours? black, yellow, pink
6 Two favourite apps 1 BBC, maps
7 Favourite city? Paris
8 Tennis or football? tennis
9 Electric cars or bikes? electric cars
10 E-books or books? books WRITING
11 Catsordogs? cats
12 Hot or cold weather? cold weather write a personal profile

B Work in pairs. Match the question phrases (a-d) 6A Read the personal profile. Match the information
with the question prompts (1-12) in Ex SA. that Alysha gives with 1-12 in Ex SA.
a What's your ... ? c Who's your ... ?
b What are your ... ? d Do you like ... ? GlobalAIITogether
1 a What's your favourite type of shop? Hi everybody!
C Work in a different pair. Ask and answer the I'm Alysha and I'm from Germany. I'm a college
questions in Ex SB. Use the Key phrases to help you. student in Sweden. I like cold weather, so Sweden
is perfect for me.
KEY PHRASES I love films, and my favourite actress is Zendaya.
I like food shops/sports shops. She's in the Spider-fvlan films.
I love Paris. I think it's really beautiful. I like sports, but I don't like football. Tennis is my
Ireally like tennis. favourite sport.
Ilike football a lot. Now tell me about you!
Ithink electric bikes are/Billie Eilish is great.
I like cold weather - 12
Idon't like cats.
B Choose three questions from Ex SA. Write your
personal profile. Give information about yourself
D Tell the class about two things that you and your
and answer the three questions.
partner like.
We both like Adele and we think football is great. C Swap profiles. Who likes the same things as you?


1A Complete the sentences. Use possessive 's. 4A Find six colours, six objects and six types of clothes.

David and Ruby p u R p L E w A T C H

I B X J 0 M J p I N K E
Rick Janette Max Tatiana L B E R E s w T z E A
A L A A s B H R I y D
"-friends_) "-friends_)
C L N N K I I 0 M B p
1 Ruby is payig's wife. K H s G I R T u 0 0 H
2 Janette is ...............
sister. w C R E R T E s B A 0
3 David is ...............
husband. V 0 H 0 T E D E N R N
4 Rick is friend. T A B L E T V R R D E
5 Max is F T s s C I s s 0 R s
6 Tatiana is ................
friend. s u I T G L A s s E s

B Write the names of six people (family or friends).

B R 0 w N A D R E s s
Work in pairs. Ask questions about the people. B Write seven objects and types of clothes that you
A: Who's Hesna? have. Add their colours. Make two items false.
B: She's my brother's friend. purple jeans

2A Use the prompts to make questions. C Work in pairs. Student A: Say your sentences.
1 you/ have/ bike? Student B: Guess the false sentences.
Do you have a bike? A: I have some purple jeans.
2 you/ have/ email address? B: False!
3 they/ have/ British friends? A: No, it's true!
4 we/ have/ Italian speaker/ in the office? B: Really? Do you have a photo?
5 Ramin and Vineeta /have/ apartment?
SA Work in pairs and take turns. Say the words. How do
6 you/ have/ cat?
you say the underlined sounds?
B Complete the short answers. Then match the g_encil ~ar :tablet
answers (a-f) with the questions (1-6) in Ex 2A. .b.ed 9.\-!itar dark
a Yes, I ... do ......It's black and it's really friendly. 6
B Learn and practise. Go to Sounds and Spelling.
b No, they ...................
- they have a beautiful house.
c Yes, we .................
Violetta is Italian. page 153 SOUNDS AND SPELLING
d No, they .....................
Their friends are all American. voiced and unvoiced consonants (1): /p/ and /b/,
/k/ and /g/, /t/ and /d/; sounds at the end of words
e No, I .................
, but I have a small car.
f Yes, I ....................
6A Complete the words (1-10) with vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
3A Add the words in brackets to the sentences.
1 I love hotels. (really)
A blogger's bag
I really love hotels.
I have a travel blog and every
2 I hate supermarkets. (really)
weekend I go to a new city. It's
3 I like big cities. (a lot) important for me to travel with a
4 I think the internet is great. (really) very small bag! I have extra clothes -
5 I think phones are bad. (really) two 1sh_rts, a 2j_mp_r for cold evenings and a
3j_ck_t for rain. I don't have my 4 l_pt_p - I love it,
6 I like red cars. (a lot)
but it's really big, so I have a 5 n_t_b __ k and a pen.
B Change the sentences in Ex 3A so they are true It's my favourite pen - a present from my parents.
for you. And I have 6 st_cky n_t_s in different colours -
7y _II_w for information about food, 8bl __ for hotels
C Work in pairs and ask questions. Use the sentences 9
and gr __ n for transport. And I have a phone with
in Ex 3A. How many things do you have in common?
a great 10c_m_r_ . That's it!
A: Do you love hotels?
B: No, I don't. I hate hotels.
A: Me too.
B ClR3.01 I Listen and check.
Q: What's your favourite meal
of the day - breakfast, lunch
or dinner?

1 Read the question.

2 Watch the video. How many

speakers say 'breakfast'?
Unit 4 I Lesson A ~

food and drink 3 A Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 Work in pairs. Which types of food in 1 In the week, do you have a small lunch or a big lunch?
the box are in the photos (A-C)? 2 What do you have for lunch every day7

apple banana chicken egg B Cl4.0Z I Listen and number the photos (A-C) in the order you
fish mushroom pasta rice hear about them.
sandwich steak tomato
C Look at the table. Tick the food you remember from the
conversations in Ex 3B.
PRONUNCIATION Isabel Miki Aiden Isabel Miki Aiden
2 A Cl4.01 Iword stress I Work in pairs.
Match the words in Ex 1 with the
syllable patterns (1-3). Then listen
and check.
1 0 egg
• ,

2 Oo
3 oOo

Cl4.01 I Listen again and repeat.

C Learn and practise. Go to the
- .

Vocabulary Bank. @~
food and drink D Cl4.0Z I Listen again and check.

adverbs of frequency
6A Complete the box with food and drink items. Use your own ideas.
4A Put the adverbs in bold in the correct
place on the line.
1 We usually have lunch together. sometimes three types of fruit:
2 I never drink coffee. I hate it. o-'ten
, ···········
, ····················
3 After lunch I always drink tea, green
have three vegetables:
tea, every day. always
4 I sometimes eat my sandwich at my
drink two drinks:
desk or I sometimes go to the park.
in the morning.
5 We often eat fruit, an apple or a
two other kinds in the afternoon.
of food:
in the evening.

one type of meat:

0% 1

B Work in pairs. Tell your partner five things about your

40% 2
eating habits.

60% 3 A: I often eat chicken in the evening.

B: Really? Me too. I never drink milk in the morning.
80% 4 l)SY~lly
C Work in a different pair. Close your books. Tell your partner
three more things.
100% 5 ...
7 1§1Bring a photo of your lunch to the next lesson. Prepare
to talk about the photo.
B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar

write an email to a friend

5 A Put the words in the correct order to
make sentences. SA Read the email and answer the questions.
1 fruit./ eat/ I/ often 1 What is Stacy's news?
I often eatfruit. 2 What are her questions?
2 eat/ I / home. / don't/ at/ often 3 What are your answers to her questions?
3 have/ vegetables/ dinner./
sometimes/ I/ for Hi Jade, ®
4 I / birthday. /eat/ always/ on/ How are you? We're all well and we have lots of news. Pete has
steak/ my a new job in the city. Susie has a new apartment!
5 drink/ with / I /tea/ usually/ milk. We're really happy about your visit next weekend. I have two
6 never/ eat/ chicken./ I questions about food. 1. What do you like for breakfast? 2.
7 lunch./ always/ coffee/ I/ have/ Do you eat meat and fish?
after See you soon,
8 for/ eggs / never/ I / breakfast. / Stacy x

B Work in pairs. Which sentences are true B Write an email to a friend. Go to the Writing Bank.
for you? Change the other sentences to
make them true. CJpage 89 WRITING BANK I

everyday activities (1)
1A Work in pairs. Match the pictures (A-I) with the
phrases in the box. Which phrase is not in the

finish work get home go to bed

go to work have lunch leave home
make dinner start work watch TV

B Complete the sentences with the phrases in Ex 1A.

1 1... g~tlJp . at 6 a.m. and have breakfast.
2 I about 8 a.m.
3 1.............................
by bus.
4 I .........
at 9.
5 I .......
at about 1 p.m.
6 I ......
at 5 p.m. READING
at 6.
7 1..............................
8 I ................................
at 7 and we eat together. 3A Look at the photos of MelseyPop and answer the
9 After dinner, we .... questions. Then read the text and check your answers.
101 at 11.
........ 1 What's her job?
2 How old is she?
C Change the sentences in Ex 1B so they are true for
3 Is she happy in her job?
you. Then work in pairs and compare your answers.
A: I get up at seven. What about you? B Read the text again. Are the statements True (T) or
B: I get up at six. False (F)?
1 'I get up at seven o'clock.' F
D Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary Bank. 2 'I have breakfast with my family.'
page 132 VOCABULARY BANK 3 'I work alone in the morning.'
telling the time
4 'I make videos about different things.'
5 'Two of my friends are YouTubers.'
2 Work in a different pair. Ask and answer questions
6 'I don't have dinner.'
about your daily routines. Use the phrases in Ex 1A
to help you. 7 'I watch videos in the evening.'

A: What time do you get up? C Work in pairs and look at the text again. Find two
B: Monday to Friday I get up at half past seven. At things that are the same and two things that are
the weekend I get up at nine. different about your day.


present simple: regular verbs {he, she, it) 6 A Talk to other students. Ask questions and complete
the table.
4A Work in pairs. Underline the verbs.
gets up at eight.
1 Nineteen-year-old MP gets up at six.
2 'Tom loves my videos.' goes on social media before
3 She goes to a cafe. breakfast.
4 She finishes her video. has breakfast in a cafe.
5 She doesn't have breakfast.
doesn't drink coffee.
B Complete the rules for regular verbs. Use Ex 3A to
makes sandwiches for lunch.
help you.
1 For the positive we use she/he + infinitive +. § doesn't work or study in the
2 With verbs ending -o and -sh we use she/he+
infinitive + .. watches YouTube or lnstagram
3 For the negative we use she/he + infinitive.
................ videos every day.

listens to the news every day.

C Look at the text again. Find eight more examples of
he, she+ the present simple.
A: Do you get up at eight, Fatima?
D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. B: No, I don't.

CJpage 105 GRAMMAR BANK I A: Do you get up at eight, Abdul?

C: Yes, I do.

PRONUNCIATION B Work in pairs. What information about other

students is the same for you?
5 A CD
4.03 Ithird person -s I Listen and write the verbs.
A: Abdul gets up at eight, but I get up at 7.30.
4.03 I What is the sound of the verb ending? B: I get up at 7.30, too. Fatima goes on social
Write/s/, /z/ or /1z/ for each verb in Ex 4A. Then media before breakfast. I go on social media
listen again and repeat. before breakfast, too.
makes-/s/ A: Me too.

C Work in pairs. Cover the text in Ex 2A. Use the verbs

in Ex 4A to talk about MP's day.
A: MP makes videos about her life.

A day in the life: a YouTuber

YouTuber MelseyPop - 'MP' is her nickname - talks about her day.
Nineteen-year-old YouTuber MP gets up at six and checks her emails and messages.
'I usually go on social media for about twenty minutes in the morning.' She doesn't have
breakfast, only a big cup of coffee. She starts work at seven. MP makes videos about her
everyday life: her clothes, her favourite music, food, football, her family, everything!
At twelve she goes to a cafe and has lunch with two friends. 'They make YouTube
videos too, and we watch our videos together.'
After lunch, MP gets home at about two and she finishes her video.
In the afternoon, she often does something new in her videos - for
example she makes something new for dinner.
'I always have dinner with my family. They're important to me
- my parents and my brother, Tom. Tom loves my videos!
He thinks they're great.' In the evening she usually
writes ideas for new videos, or she listens to music.
'I go to bed at 10.30 or 11. That's my day and I love it!'
--- .....

VOCABULARY Breakfast Specials
cafe words A

1A Work in pairs. Look at the photo above and discuss =£4.80

the questions.
1 Do you like the food in the photo?
2 Do you often go to cafes?
3 When do you go, in the morning or afternoon?
4 What's your favourite cafe? or =£5.50
5 What do you eat and drink there?

B Which things in the box are in the photo? C

[ cup fork pastry salt sugar toast

C Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary Bank.

CJpage 132 VOCABULARY BANK cafe words I

2A Match the phrases (1-8) with the pictures (A-H) +Oor =£4.50
in the menu.
1 eggs and toast with a coffee or a tea
2 tea
3 coffee: latte, espresso or Americano
4 a sandwich and a coffee or a tea Drinks
5 afruitjuice E
6 a pastry and a coffee or a tea
7 toast and a coffee or a tea or~or ' =£3.00
8 a mineral water

B Work in pairs and look at the menu again. F G

Student A: Order some food and drink. Student B:
Answer and point to the correct picture.
A: A pastry and a coffee, please.
B: Here you are. orange or apple still or sparkling
£2.50 £2.50 £2.00


order in a cafe 5 A Cl 4.06 Iintonation in or phrasesI Listen.
Which intonation do you hear, 1 or 2? Then
listen again and repeat.
3A Cl4.04 I Look at the menu again and listen to three
conversations. Match the conversations (1-3) with the food ~J' __p~
and drink (A-H). 1 Coffee or tea? 2 Coffee or tea?

B Read the conversations and choose the correct alternative. B Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.
W Can I/ I can help you? Use the words in the box.

C: Yes. Can I have a coffee, 2 please / thanks? apple/orange? still/sparkling?

W: OK, a coffee with milk. Here 3 1/ you go.
C: 4 What / How much is that? A: Can I have a fruit juice, please?
W: 5 Is / That's three pounds. B: Apple or orange?
A: Orange, please.
C: Can I have a tea and a pastry, please?
W: Yes,just a 6 moment / time. Here you 7 have / are.
W: 8 Anything / Everything else?
C: No, 9thank / thanks you. 6A Work in pairs. Student A: Look at the cafe
menu. You are the customer. Order food and
W: Coffee and / or tea? drink. Student B: Go to page 145.
C: Coffee, please.

W: Still or sparkling?
C: Oh, sparkling, please. How much is 11that / he?
W: Just a moment. Let me 12 check / watch.
C Cl4.05 I Listen and check.
4A Complete the table.
.................. I have a tea, please? $3.40
Coffee tea7

Still sparkling?
Sparkling, 3
...... , .........
B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.

Q $5.40

B: Can I help you?

A: Yes, can I have a cup of coffee, please?
B: Espresso, latte or Americano?

B The waiter brings the food and drink. Now ask

for two of the things in the pictures (A-D).


C Swap roles. Go to page 145.


1A Work in pairs. Do you have a favourite 2A Work in pairs. Match the words in the box with the parts of the
animal? What is it? programme (1-3).

B Read the BBC programme information breakfast forest lake rice rivers steps
and answer the questions.
1 Joseph Sekar and the parakeets
1 Where is each photo (A-C)?
2 Billy Ellis, the fire lookout
2 Who are the people in the photos?
3 Elvira and the manatee

B Cl Watch the BBC video clip and check your ideas.

C Cl Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in the box. Then watch again and check.

[ come get up live fft8:ke say see watch

1 He gets up at half past five every morning and m~k~!; . rice

for the parakeets.
2 Four thousand parakeets ...................
to his home every day.
3 I ....................
, have a cup of coffee and then I'm ready to go.
Earth From Space 4 Billy is a fire lookout. He ................
the forest for fires.
From space we can see colours and 5 No, not often, but when he . . . ... a fire, it's his job to call
shapes, water and land. Zoom in and we the firefighters.
can see many different lives. Thousands 6 Manatees usually. . ..........
in rivers.
of parakeets eat at the home of Joseph 7 Elvira watches the manatee and . goodbye.
Sekar in the middle of a big city in India.
A fire lookout named Billy Ellis stands on D Work in pairs and answer the questions.
a tower in the mountains of Colorado in
1 Which story do you like best?
the USA. And in a village in Peru a young
girl, Elvira, meets her favourite animal, a 2 Do you have forest fires in your country?
manatee, for the first time. 3 Which animal do you like best: the parakeets or the
manatee? Whf'

GRAMMAR 5 Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a person on page
10 or page 125. Student B: Ask questions and guess
present simple:yes/no questions {he, she, it) the job. Use these questions and the Key phrases to
help you.
3 A Work in pairs. Choose the correct question form
Does he/she work:
(a, b or c).
• indoors/outdoors/at home 1
a He sees many forest fires?
• in an office/a school/a hospital 1
b Does he see many forest fires?
• in the day/in the evening/at night/from 9 a.m.
c Is he see many forest fires? to 5 p.m./at the weekend 1
• with computers/with other people/alone?
B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
CJpage 107 GRAMMAR BANK I Does he/she:
• make things?
• travel?
• wear special clothes?
ask about someone's routine
4A Work in pairs and read the conversation. Who are
the speakers talking about, Joseph, Billy or Elvira? write a quiz
A: Does this person get up early?
6A Work in pairs. Read the quiz questions and choose
B: I don't know. the correct answers (a-c).
A: Does he or she have a job?
B: No.
A: Does he or she like animals? Quiz: Earth From Space
B: Yes. 1 Does Joseph Sekar live in:
a the USA?
B Cl4.07 I Look at the photos on page 125 and listen b India?
to the conversation. Which job is it? c Pakistan?
C C}J4.07 I Listen again and tick the Key phrases 2 Does he get up at:
you hear. a five o'clock?
b half past five?
KEY PHRASES c six o'clock?
OK, ask me questions. 3 Does he say:
Let me see. OK, is it a man or a woman? a he loves animals?
Does she drive in her job? b he loves all living things?
Yes, she does. c all living things are important?
Does she wear special clothes in her job?
So, who is it? B Check your answers in the videoscript on page 173.
You're right.
You're wrong. Guess again. C Work in pairs. Write a quiz about Billy Ellis and
Elvira. Use the videoscript to help you.
Now it's my turn.
D Swap questions with another pair.


1A Put the adverbs of frequency (a-f) in 3 A Correct the food and cafe words. Add one letter.
order (1-6). 1 bef beef 2 mushoom 3 sal 4 nife
a always 5 chiken 6 ornge 7 peper 8 frk
b never 1 9 met 10 bred 11 sugr 12 poon
c not often
B Complete the table with three food words in each column. Look
d often
at page 131 for more ideas.
e sometimes
f usually I Uke I'don'tlike I'nevec eat
B Make the sentences true for you. Add
an adverb of frequency.
C Work in pairs. Student A: Say one of your food words. Student B:
1 I go to a cafe for lunch. Guess which column the food word is in.
2 I eat toast for breakfast.
A: Chicken.
3 I have pastries in the morning.
B: You like it.
4 I use chopsticks.
A: Yes!
5 I drink tea from a glass.
6 I read a newspaper on line. 4A Complete the word webs.
7 I listen to music in English.
8 I go to bed after midnight.
C Work in pairs and compare your home
lunch, dinner
answers. Write your partner's answers.
2 ge 4 s 7 h
D Work in a different pair. Tell your new
partner about your old partner. How
B Work in pairs. Student A: Say three phrases from Ex 4A. Student
many things are the same?
B: Say the phrases in the order that you do them.
A: Cindy sometimes goes to a cafe for
A: have dinner, make breakfast, go to work
B: make breakfast, go to work, have dinner
B: Metoo!
A: Really? I always have lunch at home. 5 A Work in pairs and take turns. Say the words. How do you say the
underlined sounds?
2A Make a note of these things.
ngpkin l)dnch mQney breakfast
1 three apps on your phone
Does he understand 1 Yes, he does.
2 three places in your town
(supermarket, clothes shop, etc.) B Learn and practise. Go to Sounds and Spelling.
3 the name of a friend, and one thing
your friend eats, drinks, watches page 154 SOUNDS AND SPELLING
short vowels: /e/, /,.e./,/ A/; does: /dAz/ or /daz/?
B Work in pairs. Ask questions about one
of the topics (1-3) from Ex 2A. Use Does.
6A Complete the words in the text.
1 Does your phone have .. .
2 Does your town have .. .
What do you eat?
3 Does your friend eat .. .
I eat five times every day, not really five meals, sometimes
it's just a snack. In the morning at six, I have a 1ban ___ and
some chocolate and then I have training. For breakfast I
always have five 2eg__ and some 3fru __ . At 4 h ___ past ten,
I have breakfast number two, but nothing big, for example a
5b of 6 cer ___ with milk. I sometimes have a 7 sandw __ _
for lunch, or I have 8pas __ . Dinner is usually at 9 quar ___ to
seven. I often have a 10ste __ with 11ri __ , 12che ___ and two or
three 13vegetab ___ ,maybe a 14 pot ___ , some 15 carr ___ and
some 161:omat___ . I love ice cream, but I never eat it - not
before a race!

B ClR4.01 I Listen and check.

Pronunciation: can: weak and strong forms
SC HOW TO ... I make requests and offers: common adjectives (2)
Q: Tell me about your job.
Pronunciation: weak forms: could you
1 Read the question.
SD BBC STREET INTERVIEWS I Understand street interviews
2 Watch the video. How many about birthdays: months
speakers work for the BBC? Talk about your birthday: ordinal numbers; dates
Write about your birthday

VOCABULARY A good colleague ...
• starts work at nine o'clock and leaves
common verbs (1)
at five (in a 9-5 job).
1 A Work in pairs. Look at the photo above and answer the •
..... sgys ....'good morning' with a smile.
• ............. people with their work
1 Are they at home, at school or at work?
2 Are they friends, classmates or colleagues?
3 What are their jobs, do you think? • listens to their colleagues.
• sometimes ................... coffee for people.
B Work in pairs and complete the sentences.
A good colleague . . . A good colleague doesn't ... • doesn't . ...... important dates, for

example birthdays.
2 A Work in pairs. Complete the list with the correct form of
• doesn't 5
_ ................ friends in work time.
the verbs in the box.
• .......... people for their help.
[ call forget get help s-ay send take thank
• doesn't _ ............. a two-hour lunch break.
B Read the list and answer the questions. Which three • never _ .......... work emails at the weekend.
points are really important to you? Are any points not
important to you?

C Read the Future Skills box and answer the question.

It's important to remember prepositions after some verbs,
e.g. listens to their colleagues, helps people with problems.
Look at the text in Ex 2A again and complete the phrases.
1 gets coffee ....................
2 thanks people ....................
their help.
When you learn a new verb, write the verb and the
preposition that comes after it in your notebook.

D Work in pairs. Student A: Say a sentence from the list in

Ex 2A, but don't say the verb, say beep. Student B: Say the
complete sentence.
A: A good colleague BEEP 'good morning' with a smile.
B: A good colleague says 'good morning' with a smile.


5A Cl 5.01 I linking with object pronouns I Listen to
3A Work in pairs. Student A: Read the text. Which the sentences. Notice how the verbs and the object
points in the list in Ex 2A are true for Rene? Student pronouns link. Then listen and repeat.
B: Go to page 148.
1 CalLYstoday.
2 I really li~er
My colleague, Rene 3 Please thanl0m.
I work in a factory. The factory makes furniture.
Rene is my colleague - we work with four other B Cl5.02 I Listen and write the sentences.
people. He's a good colleague. In the morning,
C Cl5.02 I Listen again and repeat.
he always says 'good morning' with a smile and
asks me 'How are you?' He's a very good listener. D Work in pairs. Student A: Say one of the sentences
He listens to us, and he usually has good ideas. (1-4). Student B: Say the matching sentence from
He never sends us emails at the weekend. We all Ex SB.
like him very much.
1 Our new teacher is Mr Chung. We like him.
But Rene's not perfect. Every day one of us
2 Do you have your passport?
gets coffee for everyone. I get it on Tuesday.
3 She's very tired.
Wednesday is Rene's day but he never gets us
coffee. He usually says, 'Oh, I don't want a coffee 4 Suzie's from the USA.
today.' It's very strange. Why doesn't he want
coffee on Wednesday?
B Write five questions about Student B's colleague,
6A Work in pairs. Choose one of the people. Answer the
Claudia. Use the list in Ex 2A to help you.
question about that person.
Does she always say 'good morning'?

C Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions. manager

What c:l;:issm;:itf'
D Work in pairs and discussthe questions. does a
good parent
1 What is the same about Claudia and Rene? do?
brother or sister
2 Which person is the best colleague? Why?

GRAMMAR B Work in a different pair. Student A: Read out your

ideas. Student B: Which person is it from Ex 6A?
object pronouns A: This person answers their child's questions.

4A Choose the correct alternative.

B: Is it a parent?
A: Yes, it is!
1 Every day one of us gets coffee for everyone. I
get her/ it on Monday.
2 We all like him/ us. He listens to them/ us.
3 She's friendly and I really like him/ her.
4 She never forgets other people's birthdays and write about a good friend; use pronouns
she always gets it/ them something nice.
7 A Think of a good friend. Complete the sentences
B Work in pairs. Complete the table. about them.
subject he she it we they
pronouns His/Her name is ... and he's/she's a friend from ...
object me At the weekend he/she .. .
pronouns On my birthday he/she .. .
C Choose the correct word to complete the rules. I have a problem at work/school and he/she ...
1 Use a subject pronoun before/ after a verb.
2 Use an object pronoun before/ after a verb. B Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your friend.

D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. C Write about a good friend. Go to the Writing Bank.


verbs of ability 2A Cl5.03 I Listen to three conversations. Which one
matches the photo?
1 A Complete the word webs with the words in the box.
B Cl5.03 I Complete the table with a tick for can and
[ dance play read remember sleep use ] a cross for can't. Then listen again and check.
he she
the piano the guitar remember birthdays
sleep on buses
dance salsa
Japanese a map 2.

3. can for ability
3 A Read the sentences and look at the words in bold.
people's words in 4. Then complete the table with can and can't.
names English 1 Can you remember the date? Yes, I can.
2 I can sleep in hotels.
3 I can't sleep on buses.
s. 4 Can you dance salsa? No, I can't.

play the guitar.

use this new app. X
the tango
you read a map?
B Work in pairs. Student A: Close your book. Student
No, s
B: Say a verb from Ex 1A. Student A: Say the verb
B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
B: play
A: play the guitar, play the piano CJpage 109 GRAMMAR BANK [

4A Cl5.04 I can:weak and strong forms I Listen and
tick the sound you hear. 6A Read the quiz and answer the questions. Put two
ticks, one tick or a cross next to each item.
can /kren/ can /k;rn/ can't /ko:nt/
1 B Work in pairs. Ask and answer the quiz questions.
2 Give extra information.
3 A: Can you say 'thank you' in five different
B: No, I can't. Can you?
A: Yes, I can. I can say 'thank you' in seven
6 different languages!
8 C Work in pairs. Read the key and answer the
B Cl5.04 I Listen again and repeat. 1 Where do you have the best score (head/brain,
sport, arts or tech)?
C Choose the correct word(s) to complete the rule.
2 Is this true? Give more examples.
We use the weak form of can /kan/ in the positive/
negative and in questions/ short answers.
Key In one area you have ...
5 A Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Use the 5-6 ticks: you're very good in this area.
phrases in Ex 1A. Find three differences.
3-4 ticks: you're OK in this area.
A: Can you read a map?
1-2 ticks: you're not very good in this area.
B: No, I can't. Can you?

B Work in a different pair. What are three differences D Work in groups and discuss the question. What
between you and your old partner? other things can you do?
Sybil can't read a map, but I can. A: I can play the piano.
B: Can you? That's interesting. I can make clothes.
C Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary Bank.
C: Really? What type of clothes?
CJpage 133 VOCABULARY BANK verbs of ability I

Quiz: What can you do?

Answer questions about four different areas of life.
Yes, I can. II' Yes, I can but not very well. )( No, I can't.

Can you ... Can you ... Can you ... Can you ...
say 'thank you' in five swim 1,000 metres? draw a person? make a video call on
different languages? your phone?
play tennis? sing a song in English?
read a 250-page book in type with your eyes
one day? run five kilometres? take a good photo? closed?

remember people's use a phone from 1970?


common adjectives (2)
1A Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Where are the
people? Then match the sentences (1-4) with the
photos (A-D).
1 'I can't send this email.'
2 'I don't understand some words.'
3 'I don't have the shopping list.'
4 'I can't find my hotel.'

B Work in pairs. Match (1-8) with (a-h).

1 Steak is expensive! g
2 This pasta is cheap.
3 Is this sentence right?
4 That's the wrong answer.
5 Is the cafe open?
6 Oh no, the cafe is closed.
7 I'm early. It's quarter to nine.
8 I'm sorry I'm late.

a Yes, it is. Very good work.

b Oh, I see! The capital city of China isn't Shanghai,
it's Beijing!
c Yes, it's one euro for a kilogram - that's very good.
d Really? We can't get a coffee!
e Yes it is, and they have good coffee.
f Well, dinner is cold now.
g Yes, it is. It's thirty euros for two. It's a lot!
h Yes, the lesson starts at half past nine.

C Work in pairs. Underline the adjectives in the

sentences (1-8) in Ex 1B.
1 Steak is expensive!

D Work in pairs. Student A: Say one of the adjectives

from Ex 1B. Student B: Say the opposite.
A: expensive
B: cheap


How to ... SPEAKING

make requests and offers
4A Work in pairs. Look at the prompts for a conversation.
2 A Cl 5.05 I Listen to three conversations. Use the prompts to make the questions (1-4).
Match the conversations (1-3) with the
photos (A-D). There is one extra photo. Student A

B Cl 5.05 I Match (1-6) with the adjectives Student B

in the box. There are two extra adjectives. 1
Can / make / you / tea?
Then listen again and check.
No thanks.
cheap closed early expensive Could /make/ coffee/
Of/ course. 3Can
/ make please?
late open right wrong
/ you / sandwich?
1 the shop
2 the steaks No thanks, I/ fine.
3 the pasta Really?
4 Kayla
OK. 4 Could /have/ egg
5 the answer sandwich/ please?
6 the spelling of 'young' Yes! Just/ minute.

C Cl 5.06 I Complete the conversations.

Then listen and check. B Practise saying the questions.
A: 1 .................. you get three big steaks? C Roleplay the conversation.
B: All 2.
5 Work in pairs. Student A: Read the situations. Roleplay
A: Could 3 .................get some eggs? And also the conversations with Student B. Student B: Go to
some tomatoes? page 145.
B: 4 ......... . Eggs, pasta and tomatoes.
Is that everything? Situation 1
You are a manager. Student Bis on your
A: Susie, could you do it for ?
.................. team. Make requests.
B: Yes, no 6 Give me two minutes. • use/ computer Can I use your computer?
A: Thank you so 7................ • work/ Saturday
• finish / report
A: Can 18 ................... another question?
B: Of 9 Student B makes some offers. Give a polite answer.
• Yes, please.
D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar • Thank you so much.
Bank. • No thanks, I'm fine.
CJpage 11 OGRAMMAR BANK I • I'm OK, thanks.

3 A Cl 5.07 Iweak forms: couldyou I Listen You are a flight attendant on a plane.
and underline the stressed words in each Student B is a passenger and makes
sentence. Notice the pronunciation of could some requests. Give a polite answer.
you /k;}dj;}/. • Of course.
1 Could you get some eggs? • Sure.
2 Could you help me? • OK.
• All right.
B Cl 5.08 I Listen and write the requests. • No problem.
Underline the stressed words. Then listen
again and check. Make offers.
• get/ a cup of tea Can I get you a cup of tea?
C Work in pairs. Make and respond to
• get/ newspaper
the requests in Ex 3B. Remember the
pronunciation of could you.

SpeakmmD Go to the interactive speaking practice Q 53

1 A Work in pairs and answer the questions. 2 A Work in pairs. When are your birthdays? Write the months.
1 What day is it today7
B Cl Work in pairs. Watch the first part of the video. Do any
2 What month is it? speakers have their birthday in the same month as you?
3 How many other months do
you know? C Cl Watch again. Choose the correct alternative.
1 Arna: September/ December
B Learn and practise. Go to the
2 Ryan: March/ May
Vocabulary Bank.
3 Elijah: April/ August
CJpage 133 VOCABULARY BANK months I 4 Sautebh: January/ June
5 Anna: April / May
6 Kielan: October/ November
7 William: February/ December
8 Anna: March/ April
9 Joe: October/ November
10 Josh: March/ May
11 Tom: September/ October

3 A Cl Watch the second part of the video. How many speakers do

things with their friends?

B What do you remember? Complete the sentences.

1 Arna: I see family and eat nice Joo<:t.
2 Ryan: I meet my friends for a ..................
in London.
3 Sautebh: I go to a .............
with my friends.
4 Kielan: I meet my friends and family for ...................
, and my
01: When's your birthday? friends give me presents.
5 Anna: On my birthday I have a ...................
with my boyfriend.
02: What do you usually do on your 6 Josh: I go out for a meal with my friends and my
C Cl Watch again and check.


ordinal numbers; dates
4A Read the sentences and write the number for
the date.
1 My birthday is the fifteenth of September. 15
2 My birthday is on the ninth of June.
3 My birthday is today, the twenty-first of April.
4 My birthday is on the eighth of November.
5 My birthday is on the third of September.

B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.


talk about your birthday
SA Tell the class your birthday. Who has their birthday
first, second, etc.? WRITING
B Work in pairs and read the Key phrases. Which write about your birthday
things do you usually do on your birthday?
6A Read the description. What's different about your
KEY PHRASES birthday?

I usually have a big cake with my friends and

My friends give me presents.
My birthday
I often go for dinner with friends. My birthday is on the 10th of December. I like
parties and I usually have a party with my friends
I don't do anything special.
at my house. My friends give me presents, and we
It's a normal day. I never do anything different.
have a big birthday cake. On the 11th, I meet my
I sometimes have a party at my apartment. family for lunch at a nice restaurant and they give
I always go out for a meal with my family. me presents, too!

C Talk to other students. Tell them about your B Write about your birthday. Give the date, and write
birthday. Use the Key phrases to help you. about what you do and who you do it with.


1A Match the sentences (1-5) with the people/objects 3 A Complete each pair of verbs with the same letters.
(a-e). Use the pronouns in bold to help you. 1 play, say 5 c_tc_, t __ nk
1 She sends me messages.\a my friends 2 _riv_, _anc_ 6 pa_n_, l_s_en
2 I love it with coffee. b sugar 3 _yp_, _ak_ 7 __ member, __ ad
3 I don't know her. c Clara Bow 4 _w_m, __ ng 8 fo_ge_, _h_ow
4 I see them at the weekend. d free time
5 It's good for us. e my mother B Match the sentences (1-4) with the verbs in Ex 3A.
You do this ...
B Look at the sentences (1-5) in Ex 1A again. Write
1 with a car. drive 3 on a computer.
people and things that are true for you.
2 with music. 4 with a ball.
1 She sends me messages: my best friend.
C Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a verb from
C Work in pairs and take turns. Student A: Say one Ex 3A and make a sentence. Use Ex 3B to help you.
thing on your list. Student B: Guess the sentence Student B: Guess the verb.
from Ex 1A.
A: You do this with names and dates.
A: My best friend.
B: Remember!
B: She sends you messages.
A: That's right. 4A Correct the spelling of each word in bold.
1 I'm never rong.
2 A Look at the information in the table. Complete the
2 A good business is opin 24 hours a day.
3 I usually eat a lait dinner, at about 10 p.m.
Jenna Mehmet Anna and
4 I don't know the rite answer to number two.
5 I sometimes get to this lesson erly.
tell the time in X X
English 6 The shops here are dozed on Sunday.
understand TV X X B Work in pairs. Which sentences in Ex 4A are true
for you?
SA Work in pairs and take turns. Say the words. How do
say six adjectives X you say the underlined sounds?

say five words for X X phone never think mother bike time
things on a cafe
table B Learn and practise. Go to Sounds and Spelling.
start and finish an X X X page 155 SOUNDS AND SPELLING
voiced and unvoiced consonants (2): /f/ and /v/,
/0/ and /5/; silent e (1): /1/ to /a1/
Mehmet: Jenna, Can you 1.te.llthe.time in
Jenna: Yes, 2 ...... Can you? 6A Choose the correct alternative.
Mehmet: No, 3 ................... And Anna and Paulo?
My manager, Hana
Jenna: They .................. the time in English.
I work in a supermarket and my manager is Hana.
She's a great manager, and I really like 1her / him.
Anna: We 5. ........... 'knife' in English, but we
6 The supermarket is 2open / closed at 6 a.m., and
.... TV news.
Hana is the 3one / first person there every day (I'm
Paulo: Mehmet 7..................
six adjectives, but
the 4 second / two person - I'm there at 6.15). She
Jenna 8
always says 'hello' or 'good morning' to 5 our / us
with a big smile. When people have a problem, she
B Work in pairs. Student A: Choose one of the people
asks 6them / their about it. She 7 remembers / gets
in the table in Ex 2A. Student B: Ask questions and
us pastries on Friday- not from the supermarket,
find out who it is.
but from 8a cheap / an expensive baker's in town.
B: Can this person tell the time? They have the best pastries! One thing about Hana
A: No, he can't. ... She 9can / can't drive, so I sometimes drive her
home in the evening. That's fine, but she never
C Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the things in 1
°thanks / forgets me. Not a big problem, really.
Ex 2A. Use Canyou ... ?
B ClRS.01 I Listen and check.
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2"!(345 %

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+,,-."/01"23+0453+6 " 7" 4%!)'"**#'&-'&)5'
" 8" 4%!)'36"/&)6"+'$!/'7*6'-++5
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!"#$%!&"'''''(!)%"**#'''''(+,'''''(+,"**#'''''$%!&"''''',+-.''''' #! 4".5(-1($*-.03(:",(#*1;("')&.(,"./0(
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!"#$%&' '!#,,#!

(!"!"#$%!&'!()&$*!)'+!)'*,-$!./-!01-*.&#'*2 -./-01232041)05)-678/
) *) What things do you often lose?
) +) !"#$#%&'%(')%)*)+,,(%,''-%.'$%/"#01% ($-(#*&.&#'*!#8!(5)4-2!
) () Where do you usually find them? !""#$%&'()$*+($,"-./
#! 3##%!).!./-!)$.&45-!)'+!$-)+!./-!&'.$#+14.&#'2!6$-!)'7!#8!7#1$! #! 3-)$'!)'+!($)4.&*-2!I#!.#!./-!I$)99)$!
&+-)*!8$#9!:;!<6=!01-*.&#'!>!&'!./-!&'.$#+14.&#'?!! J)'%2
$! @-)+!./-!)$.&45-!)'+!9).4/!./-!(5)4-*!A>BCD!,&./!./-!)$$#,*! $0.1($223$&'"(("'!#")*

%! "#$%!&'!()&$*!)'+!+&*41**!./-!01-*.&#'*2 :!;&<&=%#>%;&
) *) 2''-%+/%/"#%,3*/%'.%/"345*%34%/"#%34/$'&)6/3'47%!"36"%/"345*% ?!" +,-.!K!/0120130!/240//!K!3&*.-'!)'+!
&'%(')%'-F-$%,'*#1 ,$&.-!./-!*-'.-'4-*2
) +) !"#$#%&'%(')%*'0#/30#*%,'*#%/"345*%')/*3&#%(')$%"'0#1
#! +,-.!K!!3&*.-'!)G)&'!)'+!1'+-$5&'-!./-!

How to find lost things 4*5,$%&'()$*+($6('/$

!"#$%&'(%)*'+#+),-./0+1)2/()#"#$%&'(%)*'+#+),-#)+23#) $! "#$%!&'!()&$*!)'+!5##%!).!./-!(/#.#!#8!
,-./0+4),-#.$)5#%+1),-#.$)6-'/#1),-#.$)0*2++#+1),-#)78) ./-!$##92!M.1+-'.!6N!6*%!!"#$#%&'
$#3',#1)2/)93&$#**21).36'$,2/,)626#$+)2/()(':93#/,+) ()'*'+!)'+!(#&'.!.#!)!(5)4-!A6BED2!
;<'$)#=236*#)2)62++6'$,>)2/():$#(.,):2$(+?) M.1+-'.!JN!6'*,-$2!

!"#$%&'()*+'$,-')./,01'2."3"'-*'4*5'5(5$##4'+5)'/)6'7('/)'/,').$)' 78$9+()(5,$:;$0+"&(<
+#$8"6'9*6':.",'/);(')/<"')*'#**01':34')."("'+#$8"(1 =8$4*5,$%&'()$*+($,"-./

! oo u de the so a. e o e lose s all thi gs u de

big thi gs.
" oo behi d u itu e. ost thi gs o e all i s all laces.
#' =**0'>")?"",')."'85(./*,('*,')."'(*@$1
B!! Work in pairs. elp find lost things.
$ o you have a bo o ‘thi gs’ oo i the bo . d loo M.1+-'.!6N!I#!.#!()G-!>O>2!M.1+-'.!JN!
agai it’s difficult to see eve ythi g. I#!.#!()G-!>OP2
%' =**0',"%)')*'+#$,)(1'
& oo o the shel loo o 2**')."'(."#A"(B
' oo o the oo ea you des o wo table.
#! "#$%!&'!()&$*2!M/#,!7#1$!()$.'-$!7#1$!
( d loo o you des o table but eally)*''51'C*<")/<"(''
the thi g is i o t o you, a d you do ’t see it
sho i g bag.



!"# #$%&'&#!(#)%*+,-*#&.#'%*#/'-**'(#0#'%1.2#
6"# #0#'%1.2#'%*+,-*#4-&'%*-#7.8#/1/'*-(

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6#;!,&>/7 &
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" 9" %#/$(%$#012-."'
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" 9" 3)"4'
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" 9" "$'5).")%5'()%&(/)!6'
" 9" -51$"(51#%0'

9:7<*/"#/59*-=7-2*' $

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0)-*1*!*(2!3'..$'4!56'-'!*-'!&6'17!56'-'! - /- B.00*#$!$"0<#8$#!<#:6=-!>6*+!*>/!-/;,$!?+6=@)%,
'! #$%&!"!!#$%&'(!*8*$(4!56$+6!9:*+'%!$(!
- 0- E.!-$*)&$1<!5#*$%*.01*>$#-58($!"#$)?10"-!+-$-0$/0C2$$
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- (- F00@$!-$-.#$;)!:"!?8$GC-$-."##$1<!5#*$+#!"$/0C"$.0?#$
!"#$#%&',-!"#$#%($#-- !+;$-."##$1<!5#*$HIJ$@)<0?#-"#*$!4!/8$
! (1!A+#*!*+6,$.!?#,!>%!";*!B,%#)!+/:%90
.!"!?)@9:'&'!&6'!%'(&'(+'%!/$&6!&6'!/)-2%! ! 31!2!*+6,C!#!.;"%):#)C%*!6.!6:"/)*#,*7
- .- GC-$K6!?)</,$!+;$K6")#+;*,$)+$-.#$;)!:"!?8$
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- 0- 3.#"#$ $-40$5!67*8
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3)4&5&6"*$"4& '! 5)-B!$(!8-)F9%4!J'::!1)F-!8-)F9!*.)F&!1)F-!9'-I'+&!&)/(4!

1!" #$%-!"!./01/02!3/45!!"#$#!"!#$%&'(!&)!&6'!
%'(&'(+'%!$(!;<!CD4!3-*/!&6'!:$(B%!.'&/''(! (1! 8+%)%9.!#!G!
!"#$#%)-!!"#$#&'!*(2!&6'!('<&!/)-24 31! A+-!6.!*+#*!6:"/)*#,*0
I1! J;)!#)%#!+#.!G
'! #$%-!"!!#$%&'(!*8*$(!*(2!-'9'*&4
6! #))B!*&!1)F-!8-)F9K%!2$*8-*@%!*(2!2$%+F%%!&6'!EF'%&$)(%4
6! 5)-B!$(!9*$-%4!D%B!*(2!*(%/'-!EF'%&$)(%! - /- E.!-$;0$/0C$<)@#$!D0C-$#!5.$-04+2
*.)F&!&6'!*-'*!/6'-'!1)F!:$,'4!G%'!('%!"#$#% - 0- L*$!+/-.)+:$-.#$*!?#$)+$!<<$-.#$;)!:"!?*2
(1! 2.!*+%)e a post office near you? 8)"$"&'
31! !4%.5!*+%)%!6.7!8+%)%9. a post office
*%,!:6,;*%.!<)/:!:%7 9:;<=->-?@A<->B@C<-D@C:->:=>E-CA=-F@GG>A
H!"! 5)-B!$(!9*$-%!*(2!-'*2!&6'!.'8$(($(8!)I!&6'!9)%&4!5-$&'!&/)!

A great place to live

live i ali g, i west o do . t’s a g eat lace to live
because it has eve ythi g. t’s a village i a city

'! !5-$&'!*!9)%&!*.)F&!1)F-!*-'*4!A)!&)!&6'!5-$&$(8!>*(B4



'"()*+,)-. /*0#1*#2
@#-!"#$%!&'!()&$*!)'+!,##%!)-!-./!(.#-#*!#0! >#-!@/)+!-./!A/**)B/*1!".)-C*!@#>C*!($#>,/A6
+#!4#3!-.&'%6 ((D.)- 7)$-)!E!@#>

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34#*((((()3.*((((()#'&((((()*/33* .# 7)-2.!-./!*/'-/'2/*!8K:J<!=&-.!-./!(,)2/*!)'+!-.&'B*!#'!-./!A)(1!
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$ D$ 5*6)(#&(8/+&*(+8(*13()",3/2./03*7
$ E$ It’s to the right of the post office.
$ F$ It’s to the left of the supermarket.

G H I "# L'+/$,&'/!-./!($/(#*&-&#'*!&'!M?!IN1!

D#- !345!O!!P&*-/'!-#!-=#!2#'Q/$*)-&#'*!)'+!,##%!)-!-./!A)(1!
$ @$ 913/3(#)(*13(),+/*)(-3&*/3:
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J ! 1

.# !346!O!!"#$%!&'!()&$*!)'+!2#A(,/-/!-./!*/'-/'2/*1!S./'!,&*-/'!
$ @$ <=((5)( (.(),+/*)(-3&*/3(&3./(13/3:
$ $ >=((?3)@(#* 6)( (*+(*13(-#&32.7
"# "#$%!&'!()&$*1!".&2.!-.&'B*!0$#A!M?!KN!
$ >$ A13(),+/*)(-3&*/3(#)(*+(*13( (+8(*13(-#&32.7(
$ D$ <=( (6)(*13()1+,,#&'(-3&*/3:
<# "#$%!&'!()&$*1!".)-!*&B'*!+#!4#3!%'#=6! $ $ >=((5* 6)( the post office.
D./2%!4#3$!&+/)*!&'!-./!U#2)>3,)$4!N)'%1 $ E$ B+(#&(*13(2.#&(3&*/.&-3@(.&%(*13(!++0)1+,(#)( (*13(/#'1*7
HI! B!%.0&!/'-$!$-5.@ $ F$ 562( the first oor. ou can the lift or there are
JI! B$!-/!)(8!#.8!&'-/(E )+23()*.#/)7(
HI! K($@!B/!:(#.$!L!M0.C/!50!-.@!
"# P/)$'!)'+!($)2-&*/1!T#!-#!-./!T$)AA)$!N)'%1
$-5.$!-.!67-+8-.5$ !*#5(!FFG!78-99-8#.-:;



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5! ,#)-.&*/%.2/%-"'@/#*).&"'+

6% .%&,+'%0.15
6% .%1'$".71.&"%

6% .%4.&5
a post office
6% .%2))8%+.39
"+,'-'.&$/&,' 5! !"#$%&'%()&#*+
0 " #$%#%A%&'()!*+,-.!&/01!!"2!"#!(34!!$%%A%B&*./'%)'6% 4.56/'.%78%:$5%.4)7"%)&'%)3%;)71%0<.+'$%31)-%
5'6/#3&'/%.2/%*.#/**/6%1"#6*%&'%/)-2%*/'./'-/+ =(%>:/%:$5%?*'1'%,"%,$/
1 21 !"#$%&'("%")%"*'%+,&'-./ 4.56/'.%<8%:&$?'1%.4)7"%.%1'.<%0<.+'%,&%;)71%
1 31 !"#$%)00)$,"'%"*'%$0)1"$%+'&"1'/% ")?&/%
1 41 It’s to the left of the supermarket. 4.56/'.%78%@,$"'&%")%"*'%8,1'+",)&$%.&8%81.?%
1 01 !"#$%)&%"*'%1,2*"/ .%-.0/%A*)?%"*'%0<.+'$%,&%")?&/
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5! #$%#%A%%B&*./'%)0)&'%)'6%'".&-/%.2/%1/)$%*"5'6%/ə/%&'%!"#C% 6! 4.56/'.%78%42"1%F"5#%()#.'/#%F"5#%?)(+%
!$%)'6%$%+%% G*%&.%-"##/-.H

6! #$%#%A%%B&*./'%)0)&'%)'6%#/(/).+

#C7#&7#&'(#,+&()*-&,D(#%.(*/,+6#.)*-&,-( BC

*+ 678./8097:.78

+,-..-, | !"#
7/#-:";+ | talk about si hours in a city
$,"0";+ | describe a city tour


#! E'#,!$&'!(()!/2-@2#AA'!+46-2A#$+-4!#4,!%&'%8!
%!" !!"#$%&!$&'!(()!*+,'-!%.+/0!"&+%&!$-12+3$!
$! E'#,!$&'!/2-@2#AA'!+46-2A#$+-4!#@#+40!"&+%&! #$$2#%$+-4!+3!5-12!6#*-12+$'7
#! "-28!+4!/#+230!9#$%&!$&'!3'4$'4%'3!:;<=>!?+$&!
& '& !-'#5$)#)';'"#5+.,)3 $&'!$-12+3$!#$$2#%$+-430
& %& F'#7+')#E9#%$,3 & '& !"#$"%&'"(#)*+,()#)($-&./0#"+1#$#*$,23#
& (& F'#5$)#)&@#*6$%')#(+#;&)&(3 !"# $%&'()*+,-%.()
& )& F&)#(+.,#7.&-'#&)#<,+/#G+/'3 & %& 4(#5$)#$"%&'"(#*$6$%')#$"-#7$,-'")3
& (& 8+.#*.(#9+.,#5$"-#&"#&(3
& )& :'+*6'#(5,+1#/+"'9#&"#&(3
& *& !-'#5$)#$#;',9#)5+,(#(&/'#(+#;&)&(#&(3

$! !!"#$%&!#@#+4!#4,!%&'%80

& '& !-'#7'()#(5'#5'6*#+<# ##6+%$6#(+.,#7.&-'0#
& %& His first stop is #?&,%.)#>$@&/.)3#4(A)#"+1#
012&034526&7189 #*$,23
33$*/&#)#4!#&*56#*56#/%!,4*%)*,!*78.#*5%&/8&!9*:%)* & (& B,';&#C+."($&"#&)#/$"9#(+.,&)()A#<$;+.,&('#
/;,4#*%)*)%-*"8(&)*;,!#9*<8=*"#*",)*)%-*"8(&)*!8*)##* *6$%'3
78.#*>*?@*?()9*A",!*',4*"#*)##*%4*)%-*"8(&)B*78.#*",)* & )& B5','A)#D.)(#(&/'#<+,# #*5+(+3#B5'"#&(A)#E$%2#
.,4@*!8(&%)!*,!!&,'!%84)C*!"#*$8;8))#(.=*!"#*$%&'()* (+# #$&,*+,(3
F&#G%*H8(4!,%49*A%!"*!"#*"#;/*8E*;8',;*!8(&*0(%6#*I)!"#&* #! B'#24!#4,!/2#%$+3'0!C-!$-!$&'!C2#AA#2!(#480


!"#$%&'( ;<&=&'(
)*+,-*./0)-123-4/051-26-*-72)8 >?1752.?-*-72)8-)/05
9!"!"#$%!&'!()&$*+!,-&'%!#.!)!/&01!1#2!3#0-!%'#4+!"-)0! @!"!J5)F!0-5!&'.#$@)0&#'!)3#20!)!0#2$!#.!>)$&*+!"-&/-!
/)'!)!0#2$&*0!*55!&'!*&6!-#2$*7 (<)/5*!)$5!'#0!#'!:;5005Q*!0#2$!&'!D6!MR7!

#! $%&'!8!!9&*05'!0#!:;5005!0)<%!)3#20!*&6!-#2$*!&'!-5$!
/&01=!>)$&*+!?2@35$!0-5!(<)/5*!&'!0-5!(-#0#*!ABCDE!&'! Paris by boat
!"#""! "#!$%&'%!&%!%(#!)*+%!,#-.!*+!%(#!/01#'!2#0+#3!
(! $%&'!8!!9&*05'!)G)&'!)'F!/-##*5!0-5!4#$F*!)'F! !"#!$ u fi st sto is the us e d’ say o the
(-$)*5*!1#2!-5)$+! le o the ive . e visit the useu o
!!#%" o ee o the boat.
!!#&$ u seco d sto is the i el owe . o
ti e to go u the towe , but you ca ta e
9/3#':first'6'*5/#'F stop is the Ei el Tower.
!#""! 6-+7(!&%!&!%8507&4!)&'0$!'#$%&-'&+%3
(-#0#*8 '#""! ,#9%:!;#!5&$$!%(#!<-04#'0#$!=&'>#+$!&+>!
?560'6'L&')<<1'%)1'23$'./1$'%/'%)1'@#7'01'A#"/<B)18 the ouv e useu .
A)1'.-#01*$'-#1'C<#;5<1'6'35)20&.2<'-%'-DD'%"<1$'/E' %#"" i ally, we co e bac to ou sta ti g oi t.
%)1'41-#8' ?<07@#%$!.*'!&44!&%%'&7%0*+$!&'#!0+74->#>!0+!%(#!5'07#3A
31!.)@#2*!)$0&*0*8 #! J5)F!0-5!&'.#$@)0&#'!)G)&'+!L&'F!.#2$!(-$)*5*!
ur first stop is
0-5!0#2$!#.!1#2$!/&01!.$#@!D6!MB+!>$)/0&*5!)'F!2*5! (! "#$%!&'!()&$*!)'F!4$&05!1#2$!/&01!0#2$+!S&;5!0-5!
0-5!H51!(-$)*5*!0#!-5<(!1#2+ 0&@5*=!(<)/5*!)'F!)/0&;&0&5*+!

#! "#$%!4&0-!#0-5$!()&$*+!,5<<!0-5@!)3#20!1#2$!0#2$+! )! K4)(!/&01!0#2$*!4&0-!#0-5$!()&$*+!"-&/-!0#2$!F#!
N0-5$!()&$*O!P-##*5!1#2$!.);#2$&05!(<)/5!#'!5)/-!0#2$+ 1#2!<&%5!35*07

B i er Seine
$ Arc de Triomphe
C Tuileries Gardens

A i el Tower # us e d’ rsay
0 /*4,*5

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Talk about your past: was, were
VLOGS Pronunciation: weak and strong forms: was, were
Q: Do you eat healthy food? 7C HOW TO ... I say you're not well: parts of the body
1 Read the question. Pronunciation: word stress

2 Watch the video. How many 7D BBC STREET INTERVIEWS I Understand street interviews
speakers like pizza? How many about keeping fit: sports and exercise
speakers like chocolate? Do a sport and exercise survey: imperatives
Write a Top Tips post

everyday activities (2) healthy and happy
1 A Work in pairs. Readthe question and look at the answers. Everybody is busy. Sometimes there's
Which answer istrue for you? no time for exercise, no time to do
healthy things. But it's important to
Do you have a healthy life?
be healthy and happy. In our podcast
Yes, very healthy. I don't know. No, I'm very we ask three people the same question.
Food, exercise, What is a busy, I don't What little things do you do every
sleep ... healthy life? have time. day to be healthy and happy?
B Complete the word webswith the phrasesin the box. A

the cat five minutes alone some friends hands

a room the shopping a shevveF my favourite food

a bath my apartment

have clean

a hot drink my kitchen

a meal my homework


some vegetables nothing

the birds the baby 6_


5_ an hour

a museum 7_ 8_

wash my

my grandmother car

C Work in pairs and discussthe questions.

1 Which activities in Ex 1B can you see in the photos (A-C)?
2 Which activities do you do every day?
3 Which activities do you never do?



2 A Work in pairs. Read the text and answer the question. 5A Match the questions (1-8) with the answers (a-h).
1 Do you listen to music? ...................
music do you
B Cl7.01 I Listen and number the photos (A-C) in the listen to?
order you hear about them.
2 Do you have any favourite food? ..................
do you
C What do you remember? Match the person (A-C) eat it?
with the activities in Ex 1B. 3 ....................
time do you go to bed? How many hours
person A: do nothing do you sleep 1
4 Do you watch films and programmes on TV or
D Cl7.01 I Listen again and check. on line? ....................
do you watch?
5 Do you read a lot? ...................
do you read?
do you read it?
GRAMMAR 6 Do you play video games with people? you play with?
present simple: wh- questions 7 ....................
do you feel at the end of the day?
8 Do you have a favourite app? ..................
do you like it?
3A Complete the questions with Who, What, Where,
When,How or Why.
a Yes, I do. Chocolate. In my car.
0: .... ....... does she live? b Online. The news and old films.
A: She lives very near me. c Yes, I do. The news, on line. Everywhere - in the
Q: 2 you talk about? kitchen, in bed.
A: About the family, life, everything. d 11 p.m. Seven or eight.
Q: 3 you get home? e Yes, I do. With my brother.
A: Oh, sometimes at seven or eight. f Yes, I do. Because it has some good podcasts.
0: 4 do you call? g Different every day. Usually tired but happy.
A: Different people ... my sister or a friend. h Yes. Rock, jazz.
Q: 5 . do you drink hot water with lemon?
B Complete the questions (1-8) with Who, What,
A: Because it's good for you. It's very healthy.
Where,How or Why.
0: 6 ..............
do you feel after that?
A: I feel really good. Really relaxed. C Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions (1-8).

B Put the parts of the wh- question in the correct order.

do/does WRITING
subject write an online post; punctuation
wh- question word L 6A Read the introduction and part of an answer to an
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. on line discussion. Answer the questions.

CJpage 116 GRAMMAR BANK I 1 How do you think the writer finishes his sentence?
2 What other things does he say, do you think?
4A CJ7.02 I sentence stress I Listen and write the The little things
sentences. What little things do you do to stay both happy
AND healthy? Write and tell us about four things.
B Cl7.02 I Listen again and underline the stressed Beni76
This is a difficult question, but I think I'm healthy
Who do you call? and I'm happy. What little things do I do? Well,
for me, the past is important. I go to antique shops
C Work in pairs. Choose a time (in the evening, on
and look at ...
Saturdays, etc.) and ask and answer the questions
in Ex 4A. Pay attention to sentence stress.
A: On Saturdays, who do you call? B Write about the things you do to stay happy and
B: I don't usually call anyone. I sometimes call healthy. Go to the Writing Bank.
my sister.
Unit 7 I Lesson B

7B Heroes

common adjectives (3)
1 A Work in groups. Make a list of six famous people
(three men and three women).

B Student A: Choose one of the people from Ex 1A.

Say two sentences about them. Other students:
CarlosCuba2020 When I was a boy, Carlos
Which person is it?
Acosta was my hero. We were both born in Cuba,
A: She's a singer. She lives in the USA, but she's and we are both from big families (Carlos was
from Barbados. the eleventh of eleven children, and I was the
B: Rihanna! seventh of seven) and, well, we weren't rich, but
we were happy. We have the same name and we
2A Work in pairs. Match 1-6 with a-f.
both love dance 1 We both love street dance, but
1 She's famous in my country. he's also a ballet dancer. I mean he was a ballet
2 He's the best (football player/actor/singer) dancer. He doesn't dance very much now, but
in the world. he's the director of a dance company in the UK.
3 He's rich. He lives in the UK with his wife and children.
4 She's a very positive person. I like him because he was an amazing dancer
5 She's very fast. and he was very good for Cuba. He's famous all
around the world.
6 He's amazing.

a She always thinks life, people and things

are good.
b He has a lot of money. READING
c I love his (music/films).
d Everyone knows her. 4A Work in pairs. Look at the people in the photos and
e She can run 100 metres in twelve seconds. answer the questions.
f He's number one. 1 Why are they famous?
B Work in pairs. Think of two people, one man and 2 Where are they from?
one woman, for each sentence (1-6) in Ex 2A. 3 What else do you know about them?

A: Neymar is famous. B Read the texts. What do the writer and the famous
B: Yes, he's a famous football player. person have in common?
A: Yes.
C Read the texts again. Are the statements True (T)
B: OK. And a famous woman?
or False (F)? Correct the false statements.
3 A Work in pairs. Find one adjective in each sentence 1 Carlos Acosta has eleven brothers and sisters.
(1-6) in Ex 2A. What other adjectives do you know? F - He has ten brothers and sisters.
famous, ... 2 He's married and has children.
3 He's now the director of a dance company in the USA.
B Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary Bank.
4 Aymar is a famous football player.
page 136 VOCABULARY BANK 5 She's the only famous person from her city.
common adjectives (3)
6 She's retired.

D Work with other students. Do you have a childhood

hero? Think about a famous person or a friend or
family member. Tell other students about the person.


6 A Cl7.03 I weak and strong forms: was, were I Listen
and underline the stressed words.
1 Where were you born?
2 I was born in England.
3 Were you a happy child?
4 Yes, I was. I was very happy.
5 Were your teachers at school good?
6 Yes, they were. They were amazing.

B Cl7.03 I Listen again. Find two examples of weak

/w~z/ and four examples of weak /w~/.

C Cl7.03 I Listen again and repeat.

Luciana Aymar
7 A Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Ex 6A.
Martina2000 I was born in 1990 in the city of B Read the Future Skills box and complete the question.
Rosario in Argentina. Two great sportspeople come
from Rosario: the footballer, Lionel Messi, and FUTURE SKILLS
the hockey player, Luciana Aymar. Messi was my
brother's favourite sportsperson and Aymar was Collaboration
mine. Between 2001 and 2010, she was the FIH When you don't understand, you can use question
(International Hockey Federation) player of the words to check.
year eight times. I was in my school hockey team A: Where were you born?
in 2006. I wasn't a very good player, but Aymar B: I was born in Sheffield.
was my hero. People say she was the best woman A: Sorry, where?
hockey player of all time. She was fast and strong What question word can you use in this situation?
and she was (and is) a very positive person. Now A: When were you born?
she's retired and works with Sport for Good to help B: I was born in 1998.
children all around the world. She's amazing! A: Sorry, .....?
Use question words to help you in Ex 8.

was, were
SA Work in pairs. Underline the verbs in the sentences. 8 Work in pairs. Practise asking about famous people.
Student A: Go to page 149. Student B: Go to page 146.
1 Who was your childhood hero?
2 She was fast and strong. 9A Look at the sentences. Ask other students questions
3 We weren't rich, but we were happy. and find a different person for each sentence.
4 I wasn't a very good player. Complete the sentences with their name.

5 I was born in 1990. 1 Were you born in a hospital?

was born in a hospital.

1 ....................
B Work in pairs and answer the questions.
2 ...was good at sports in school.
1 Are the sentences in Ex SA in the present or
3 ...was early to class today.
the past?
4 was at home yesterday at 1 p.m.
2 How do we make the negative?
wasn't on their computer yesterday.
5 ....................
3 How do we make a question?
was with friends yesterday evening.
6 ...............
C Complete the rules with /, you, he/she/it, we or they. 7 ............ wasn't in a shop on Saturday.
We use 1
.............. + was/wasn't. 8. .....was in a different country last summer.
We use 2 ..................+ were/weren't.
B Work in pairs. Talk about the other students.
D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. A: Patrizia was good at sports in school.

CJpage 117 GRAMMAR BANK I B: And she wasn't on her computer yesterday.

HOW TO ... I say you're not well
VOCABULARY I parts of the body

parts of the body
1 Work in pairs. How many ways can you
answer the question?
How are you today?
I'm fine thanks.
2 A Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. How
many parts of the body can you name?

B Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank.

parts of the body I t '1 I

F /,

How to ... L._ ii

say you're not well

3 Match the problems (1-8) with the

-I" (
pictures (A-H).
1 He's got backache.
2 She's got toothache.
3 He's got a stomachache. )/J0J
4 She's got earache. ::;,,~/'(
5 He's got a headache.
6 She's got a cold.
7 His eyes hurt.
8 Her arm hurts.


4A ca7.04 Iword stress I Listen and match
the stress patterns (a-d) with the words 6A Work in pairs. Use the prompts to make a conversation.
and phrases in bold in Ex 3. Then listen
Student A
again and repeat.
a Oo backache
Hi, it's/ (your name).
b oO ----; Hi, (name)./ How/ you?
c oOoo
d oOo I / not/ feel/ well.
What/ wrong?
B Work in pairs. Student A: Point to
a picture in Ex 3. Student B: Say I /got/ bad headache.
your problem. Pay attention to the Poor you!
word stress. And / eyes/ hurt.
B: I've got a cold. Oh, no.
5 A ca
7.05 I Listen to three conversations.
I/ sorry/ but I can't go to
the cinema tonight.
What are Alex's and Paola's problems?
I understand.
B ca7.06 I Work in pairs. Complete the I / really/ sorry.
conversations with the words in the No problem./ hope/
box. Then listen and check. you/ well soon.
eyes headache problem
well (x3) wrong you

Alex: Hi, Lucy. I'm really sorry, but B Practise the conversation. Then swap roles.
I can't come to the cinema
tonight. I don't feel very C Work in a different pair. Choose two health problems and a
1 place. Practise the conversation.

7A Complete the clauses. Then use them to write sentences.
Lucy: Hi, Alex. What's 7
Alex: I feel terrible. I've got a really
bad 3 ... When I've got
Lucy: Oh, no! Poor 4 When you've got
Alex: My 5....................hurt. I just want When my ....................
to sleep. stay at home.
When your ...................
Lucy: OK. Go to bed. Get 6
stay in bed.
soon. go to a doctor.
I (usually)
it's a good idea to call the doctor.
Nina: What's the 7
................... 7
8 ................... He's
go to the hospital.
Paola: My son isn't got
a cold. take aspirin.
put something cold on it.
C Learn and practise. Go to the
Grammar Bank.
CJpage 118 GRAMMAR BANK I When I've got a cold, I take aspirin.
When your foot hurts, it's a good idea to put something cold
on it.

B Work in pairs. Student A: Tell Student Bone of your ideas from

Ex 7A. Student B: What do you think?
A: When you've got a bad headache, it's a good idea to take
B: I think it's a good idea to stay in bed.

C Work in groups. Talk about other health problems. Use the

pictures in Ex 3 to help you.

SpeaklmD:m Go to the interactive speaking practice Q 73


1 A Work in pairs and answer the questions. 2 A DI Watch the first part of the video. How many speakers go
1 Do you do exercise or sport? to the gym?
2 What do you do? B DI Watch again. Choose the words you hear.
3 Is sport very important to you?
1 Gaia: I do yoga/ run and I go to the gym.
B Work in pairs. How many other sports 2 Lucy: I play tennis/ football.
do you know? 3 Eleanor: I play tennis and sometimes go for a walk/ run.
4 Rydn: I yo Lo Lhe yym mosl Jdys dr1J I erljoy walks/ basketball.
C Learn and practise. Go to the
5 Tracey: I run/ go for a walk twice a week.
Vocabulary Bank.
6 Vincent: I play football at the weekends/ every day.
sports and exercise 3 A DI Watch the second part of the video. How many speakers
talk about clothes?

B Work in pairs. Match the topics (1-6) with the people in the
photos. Some topics have more than one person.
1 good trousers 4 practise
2 water 5 good shoes
3 a good healthy meal 6 music

C DI Watch again and check.

4A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

[ be don't drink eat wear ]

1 ...................
lots of water. 4 Always ...................
a good healthy
2 ...................
good shoes. meal.
01: Tell us what sports or exercise 3 ......positive. 5 ...................
forget the tennis balls.
you do.
B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
02: What are your exercise tips?

do a sport and exercise survey write a Top Tips post
5 Work in pairs. Complete the questions with Who, 7A Read the Top Tips. Find two bad tips.
What, When or Where.
1 ....................
sport or exercise do you do? Do you want to run?
2 ....................
do you do it? On weekdays or only at the
Here are my Top Tips
3 you do if/ In the park 1 At the gym 1 • Go to a good sports shop.
Another place? • Buy good running shoes.
4 .................
do you do it with? • Don't wear jeans.
• Never eat a big meal before you run.
6A Match the questions (1-4) in Ex 5 with the
• Always warm up before you start.
Key phrases.
• Drink a lot of water.

KEY PHRASES • Clean your room first.

• Don't try and run 10 kilometres the first time.
I really like football/basketball ...
• Run with friends.
I don't do sport, but I exercise a lot. For
• Don't wash your hair.
example, I do yoga.
I don't do sport or exercise.
I go for a walk every day/every week/on Saturday.
I only have time at the weekend.
I walk near my apartment.
I run in the park.
I run with a friend.
I go to the gym alone.

B Look at the Key phrases again. Change them so they B Work in pairs. Choose a topic from the box. Write
are true for you. five or more Top Tips to help someone.
C Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Ex 5.
a sport or other exercise a video game
Use the Key phrases to help you. a type of dance a hobby (e.g. making clothes)
something else
D Work in a different pair. Say three things about your
old partner.
C Work with other students. Read out your tips. The
Kathy doesn't do sport, but she really likes yoga.
She does yoga every day at home. She ... other students guess the topic.


GRAMMAR SA Find fourteen parts of the body.

1A Read the text and look at the phrases in bold. A F A C E E y E H

Write questions. N 0 s E M 0 u T H
u E F 0 0 T R 0 E
I often have dinner 1with my best friend Paul
2at a restaurant on Saturday evening. We H A N D B T H 0 A
meet at 3 7 p.m. 4 at a cafe and then we go to w R T 0 E A A T D
the restaurant. We eat 5pizza 6because it's L E G V C R I H R
our favourite type of food. I know him 7 from E N E C K M R M M
school, so we often talk about 8 our school days
and we go home very late, at 9 12 midnight! B Work in pairs. Say a health problem for each part of
the body in Ex SA.

1 Who do you have dinner with on Saturday evening? A:My eyes hurt.
B: I've got a ...
B Work in pairs. Student A: Tell Student B about a
time you often have dinner or coffee with a friend. 6A Work in pairs and take turns. Say the words. How do
Student B: Ask questions. Use the questions from you say the underlined sounds?
Ex 1A to help you. .b.ack yisit when right leave headache late
2A Complete the questions with was, were,is or are. B Learn and practise. Go to Sounds and Spelling.
1 Who ...................
your best friend at school?
2 .you good students? page 157 SOUNDS AND SPELLING consonants:
/b/, /v/, /w/, /1/ and /r/; silent e (2): /a,,/ to /e1/
you always together?
3 ....................
4 Where ...................
he or she now?
5 . . .you friends now?
7A Choosethe correct option (A-C) to complete the text.

6 When ..................
you last together?
Do's and don'ts
B Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Ex 2A.
for studying English
.............your homework.
VOCABULARY • Learn ten new words every day.
2 ..................English-learning apps on
3A Put the verbs in bold in the correct sentence.
your phone.
1 I cook my room every day. clean
• 3 ... an English-language newspaper every day
2 I wash something special for my friends. 4
and in a dictionary for every new word.
3 I sometimes ¤leaR the birds in the park.
• 5 .................TV and videos in English.
4 I do a shower every evening.
• 6 .. speak your language in practice exercises.
5 I never feed time alone.
6 I have a museum every Sunday. • ............... for people to practise speaking with.
7 I never spend my car.
And finally, 8 ..................happy about your mistakes -
8 I visit the shopping on Saturday. you can learn from them!
B Work in pairs. Which sentences in Ex 3A are true for
you? Change the other sentences so they are true. 1 A Never do B Do always C Always do
2 A Use B Always C Call
4A Complete the adjectives. Add the vowels
(a, e, i, o, u).
3 A You read B Reading C Read
4 A looking B don't look C always find
1 He/She isn't p__ r, he/she's r_ch.
5 A See B Listen C Watch
2 She/He isn't w__ k, he's str_ng.
6 A Don't B Always C You
3 It isn't sl_w, it's f_st.
7 A Where B Find C Look
4 They aren't f_m __ s, but they're _m_z_ng.
8 A always be B never be C be always
B Work in pairs. Think of people or things for each
sentence in Ex 4A.
B ClR7.01 I Listen and check.
A: My sister isn't poor, she's rich. C Work in pairs. Which ideas in Ex 7A are good? Can
you think of other ideas?

Write a group chat; linkers: and, but, then
SC HOW TO ... I buy a travel ticket: transport and tickets
Q: How was your last holiday?
Pronunciation: word stress in prices
1 Read the question.
SD BBC PROGRAMME I Understand a show about two people
2 Watch the video. How many trying Kodo drumming
speakers talk about the weather? Talk about something you want to try: want, would like
Complete a questionnaire

VOCABULARY Weekend away!
commonverbs (2)
1A Read the adverts (1-3). Then work in 1 Glampingon a lake!
pairs and discuss the questions. Try a differentkind of
1 Which weekend away do you like weekendbreak!Arriveon
best? Why? Fridayand stayin a beautiful
2 Do you sometimes go away at the tent in Northumberland.
weekend 1 Where do you go? Cookand eat outside,but
sleep in a bed! A perfect
B Work in pairs. Complete the sentences home from home.
with the words in the box. Use the words
Qn CJ15
in bold in the adverts to help you.

arrive beek change

plan relax stay travel
try walk want
2 Villagebreak
Do you want a break from
1 I usually . pqqk room on line, city life? Booka hotel
not by phone. room for our VillageBreak
2 I ................
every minute of my holidays, weekend.Walk to the shops
and I never ....................
my plans. and restaurants,talk with
3 I.. a small hotel. friendlylocal people or just
4 I don't ..............
wifi in my room. I can relaxand do nothing! with no internet. Q12 CJ10
5 I leave home early so I can
6 On holiday, I never drive. I always
3 Justyou andthe sea
7 I never eat the same food twice. Travelto the sea and stay in
I always ..................
different types of this beautifulhouse.It is next
food. to the beachand has a perfect
8 I ..alone. I like it because I can view of the sea,the sky,
meet new people. and nothingelse.Don't plan
anything- just swim in the
C Work in pairs. Which sentences in Ex 18 sea and walk on the beach!
are true for you?
Q14 CJ13

•vou can changethe date of your booking48 hours before your visit.


4A Cl 8.02 I -ed endings I Listen to the -ed
verb endings. Write them next to the
correct sound.
/t/ walked /d/ arrived /1d/ wanted

B Cls.02 I Listen again and repeat.

C Cls.03I Listen and repeat.

D Work in pairs. Look at the phrases (1-6).

Can you remember the verbs? Say the
1 ... my hair
2 ... to class
3 ... at nine
4 ... late
5 ... a lot of questions
6 ... our questions
LISTENING 1 This morning I washed my hair.

2 A Cl 8.01 I Listen to a description of a weekend away. Match

the description with the correct advert in Ex 1A (1-3). What SPEAKING
was the problem?
SA Use the prompts to write five past
B Are the statements True (T) or False (F)?
sentences about yourself. Write three
1 The beach house was three hours by car. positive sentences and two negative
2 The area was beautiful. sentences.
3 The owner of the house wasn't there at the beginning.
4 The code for the door was wrong. Yesterday morning/afternoon/evening,
5 There was a problem with the house. Last summer/weekend/year,
6 House number one was the correct house.
call talk
C Cls.01 I Listen again and check. cook travel
play walk alone.
D Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
relax wash at home.
1 Do you sometimes book a holiday home or apartment?
stay watch in/to/at
2 Are there sometimes problems? Think of three.
with ...

Yesterday evening, I cooked dinner

GRAMMAR at home.
Last summer, I didn't travel to Spain.
past simple: regular verbs
B Work in pairs and compare your answers.
3A Work in pairs. Look at the verbs in bold in the sentences (1-3)
and complete the rules (a-d). C Work in pairs. Change two sentences so
1 We wanted a nice weekend by the sea. that they are false.
2 An email arrived on Friday with the address. Yesterday evening, I didn't cook dinner
3 I tried to phone the owner, but he didn't answer. at home.

a Most verbs: add D Work in groups with new students.

b Verbs ending: -e, add Student A: Read one of your sentences.
c Verbs ending with consonant + -y, change the -y to ....... Other students: Say if it's true or false.
and add A: Yesterday evening, I didn't cook
d We make the negative with ........ + infinitive. dinner at home.
B: False. I think you cooked dinner at
B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. home.
CJpage 120 GRAMMAR BANK I A: That's right!

Unit 8 I Lesson B

free-time activities 2A Read the group chat. Match the photos (A and B) with the correct writers.

1 A Work in pairs. At the weekend B Read the group chat again. Answer the questions.
do you usually go out or stay
1 Which writer's weekend was different from their typical/usual weekend?
at home? What activities do
2 Who was with other people?
you do?
3 Who wasn't very active?
B Work in pairs and discuss
the question.
Which free-time activities
(1-8) do people usually do:
It's the weekend! •••
Do you go out or stay in?

outdoors? indoors/at
Tell us about your last weekend.

I don't often go out at the weekend. I'm a nurse and on

Saturday I'm really tired. Last weekend? Well, I stayed in
on Saturday and I did nothing. On Sunday I went to the
home? shops and bought some food, but I didn't go out after that. I
Heather829 went online and bought some clothes. On Sunday evening I
2 days ago

played a video game on line with some friends from different


countries. It was a really good weekend.
Like Reply

I usually go out. Last Saturday I met some friends and in the

online? alone? afternoon we went to the cinema and saw a film. It wasn't
very good. In the evening we went to a restaurant and I got
1 have a barbecue home late. On Sunday I got up early (so I didn't sleep very
2 go to a party Sentry607 much!), played tennis and then we had a family barbecue in
3 weeks ago
3 play a game the park with my son and my brother and sisters. That was a
typical weekend for me. It was great.
4 see a film
Like Reply
5 meet a friend
6 buy clothes We don't usually stay in, but last weekend we didn't go out.
7 watch television
8 do a sport

C Work in pairs. Think of two

On Friday evening, I worked for two hours and my husband
Pete watched TV. On Saturday morning two of our friends
visited and Pete made lunch for all of us. The weather was
bad, so we didn't want to go out. We had a small party in the
2 months ago
other words that go with each evening with some other friends. Then yesterday morning,
verb in bold in Ex 1B. that was Sunday morning, we didn't get up early. We had a
have a party, have a bath late breakfast and cleaned the house all afternoon!
Like Reply


write a group chat; linkers: and, but, then
5A Read part of an answer to the group chat question
in Ex 2A. Choose the correct verb.

jovi2047K 1 hour ago

At the weekend I usually go out/ stay in, but first I relax

at home. For example, last Saturday I got up at half past
nine. I made a perfect coffee and I had a late breakfast.
At eleven o'clock I ...

B Write about your weekend. Go to the Writing Bank.


past simple: irregular verbs
3 A Complete the table with verbs in bold in the text.
6A Underline four time phrases in the sentences.
infinitive past simple
1 On Sunday evening I played a video game.
buy bought
2 Last Saturday I met some friends.
do 3 Yesterday morning we didn't get up early.
get 4 Alexa950 (2 months ago)
B Work in pairs. What other words can you use with
have on, last, yesterday and ago?
C Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank.
CJpage 138 VOCABULARY BANK time phrases I
B Look at the verbs in bold in the sentences. 7 A Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
Complete the rule. Use a time phrase in your answers.

1 I didn't sleep very much. When was the last time you ...
2 We didn't go out. • went to a really good party?
3 We didn't get up early. • met someone new?
• got up after 11 a.m.?
We make the negative of irregular verbs with ..
+ infinitive. • had your favourite meal?
• did nothing all day?
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
A: When was the last time you went to a really
CJpage 121 GRAMMAR BANK I good party?
B: Last year. I went to a friend's birthday party.
It was really good.
4A Cl 8.04 I silent letters: didn't I Listen to the B Read the Future Skills box. Then talk to other
sentences in Ex 38. Can you hear the tin didn't? students. Ask each student a different question
from Ex7A.
B Cls.04 I Listen again and repeat.

C Write three activities that you did last weekend, and FUTURE SKILLS
three activities that you didn't do. Communication

D Work in pairs. Student A: Choose an activity from It's OK to speak slowly, but don't just be silent.
Ex 4C. Student B: Say if you did the activity or not. Use short phrases, e.g. Erm ... Wait a second, I can't
remember, Let me think, Good question, to give
A: You went to the cinema.
yourself time.
B: No, I didn't go to the cinema.

Unit 8 I Lesson C

transport and tickets
1A Work in pairs and discussthe questions.
1 What's your favourite type of transport for a short
distance (five kilometres) and for a long distance
(200 kilometres)? Is it car, bus, train or plane 1
2 When was the last time you travelled by bus,
train or plane? How was it?

B Work in pairs. What other types of transport do you

know? Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank.
CJpage 139 VOCABULARY BANK transport I

2A Work in pairs. Look at the photos (A-D). Which

things in the box are in the photos?

gate monthly pass pa!!!!e1 ,ger platform

return single ticket machine ticket office

B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1 On a train or bus you're a P~SS~D.9~r.
2 In a station a train leaves from a ...
3 A bus and a plane leave from a
4 You buy a ...................
ticket to travel one way to a
5 You buy a ...................
ticket to travel to a place and
come back.
6 You travel every day for a month, so you buy
7 You can buy a ticket from a person at a
8 You can also buy a ticket from a .................

C Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1 Do you usually buy travel tickets on line, from a
ticket machine or from a ticket office?
2 Is there a train station or a bus station near you?
How many platforms or gates does it have?
3 Do you usually buy monthly, weekly or daily



4A CDs.07Iword stress in prices I Listen and write the prices.
buy a travel ticket
A: How much is it?
3 A CD8.05 I Listen to three conversations. B: That's forty-two pounds .....
Choose the correct alternative. A: Sorry1 Forty-two pounds... . 1

Conversation 1 B: t\Jo,.....................
Is that all?
1 The man wants a train ticket to
B CD8.07 I Listen again. Underline the stressed syllable in each
Manchester Airport/ Piccadilly.
2 He wants a single/ return.
fifteen fifty
3 He pays £9.60 / £19.60.
Conversation 2 C CDs.07I Work in pairs. Listen again and say the conversation
1 The train leaves at 11.45 / 12.15. with the speakers.

2 It leaves from platform six/ seven. SA Work in pairs. Look at the prices. Take turns to say each pair of
Conversation 3 prices. Pay attention to the word stress.
1 The woman wants a bus ticket to £38.15 / £38.50
Oxford/ Cambridge. ¤10.40 / ¤10.14
2 She wants a single/ return. $17.15 / $70.50
3 The buses go from gate six / ¤36.60 / ¤36.16
$15.90 / $50.19
B Complete the conversations.
B Practise the conversation in Ex 4A. Use the prices in Ex SA.
B: Do you ............. a single or a return?
A: How much is it?
A: A single.
B: That's .. .
A: Sorry? .. .
A: When's the 2 ..................train to
Cambridge? B: No ...
B: Let me check. ..................'s one at
quarter past twelve.
A: Oh, and when does it .................. in
Cambridge? 6 Work in pairs. Practise asking for travel information. Student A:
B: It ............ at half past one. Go to page 141. Student B: Go to page 142.
A: Thanks.
7 1§1Choose a nice place to visit in your country. Find travel
information about the place: how to travel, the price of tickets
A: 6 1 have a return ticket to

Oxford, please? and when to go. Tell the class in your next lesson.

B: For 7 ..................?
A: That's right.

A: What gate is it?

B: Oxford buses leave 8 ..................gate
A: Thanks.

C CDs.06I Listen and check.

D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar


1 A Work in pairs and look at the photo 2 A Cl Watch the BBC video clip. Are Nish and Joel good drummers
above. Where do you think it is? in the end?

B Read the BBC programme information B Work in pairs. Look at the list. Number the actions (a-g) in the
and choose the correct alternatives. correct order.
1 Nish and Joel are Kodo drummers/
BBC presenters. Learn taiko drumming
2 They want to be teachers / learn a go home
b make drumsticks
3 They have/ don't have a lot of time.
c exercise clean the floor run 10 km
d drum in front of seven Kodo teachers
(the BIG performance!)
e arrive at the Kodo school 1
f watch the drummers try the drums (first time!)
g practise drumming get special clothes

C Cl Watch again and check.

Kodo drummers
want, would like
Sado Island, Japan, is the home of the
world-famous Kodo drummers. BBC 3 A Work in pairs. Complete the sentences.
presenters Nish Kumar and Joel Dommett 1 They'd like ..................
learn taiko drumming from the Kodo
visit the Kodo drummers' school. They want teachers.
to learn taiko drumming from the Kodo
2 They want ....................
play the drums with all of the group, but
teachers and play with the group. Kodo they're not ready.
drummers usually have years of training.
Nish and Joel have just days to learn. Can B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
they do it?

complete a questionnaire
6A Read the questionnaire about a holiday park. Work
in pairs and discuss the questions.

Holiday Park for all ages
SPEAKING Try something new!

talk about something you want to try We have something for everyone in the
family. Answer the questionnaire and we
4A Think about something new that you want to try. can find something for you.
Answer the questions. Make notes.
1 What would you like to do every day?
1 What is the activity?
go for a run swim go to the gym
2 Why do you want to try it?
relax go for a bike ride
3 How and where can you try it?
4 When would you like to try it? 2 Do you want to learn something new?
Choose two classes and tell us why.
B Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Ex 4A. cook sing dance play tennis
play golf paint
C Cl8.08 I Listen to a woman talk about trying
something new. Answer the questions in Ex 4A. Other information
D Cl8.08 I Listen again and choose the phrases 3 People: Do you want to come alone,
you hear. with family or with friends? Please give
information about the other people.
KEY PHRASES 4 Room: What kind of room do you want to
stay in? There are rooms with one bed, two
I'd like to learn to 1play the piano/ dance
beds and four beds.
the tango.
I want to learn because 2 1love music / my 5 Food: Would you like to cook for yourself or
husband wants me to learn. eat in our restaurant?
I'm 3 not very good/ really bad/ a disaster! 6 Internet: Would you like to stay in the
There are some classes 4 near us/ in town. no-wifi zone?
They 5 start next month / are every week.
B Read the questionnaire again and write your answers
to the questions.
5 A Work in a different pair. Talk about the thing you I'd like to swim every morning and go for a bike ride
want to try. Use the Key phrases to help you. or a run in the evening.

B Work with other students. Ask and answer the C Swap answers with other students. Who wants to do
questions in Ex 4A. the same things as you?


GRAMMAR 4A Correct the transport words. Add the vowels

(a, e, i, o, u).
1A Use the prompts to make sentences. Use the past
1 ndrgrnd underground 7 sbwy
simple form of the verbs.
2 trm 8 pln
Yesterday ...
3 mtrbk 9 tckt mchn
1 I get up/ at 6 a.m. I got up at 6 a.m.
4 bt 10 mnthly pss
2 I write/ an email
5 trn 11 pssngr
3 I relax/ in the evening
6 bcycl 12 sngl
4 I read/ an English newspaper
5 I not/ sleep / well

B Work in groups. Student A: Draw, mime or describe

6 I try/ a new kind of food
a word in Ex 4A. Other students: Guess the word.
7 I meet / a friend
8 I not/ do the shopping A: It has two wheels.
It doesn't have a motor.
B Make the sentences true for you. Add information. B: A bicycle? 0 wheel
Yesterday I didn't get up at 6 a.m., I got up at 7.30. A: Yes!

C Work in pairs. Student A: Say one of your sentences. SA Work in pairs and take turns. Say the words. How do
Student B: Is your sentence the same? you say the underlined sounds?

A: Yesterday I didn't get up at 6 a.m., I got up at 7.30. planned car passenger worked got
B: Really? I got up at 6 a.m.
B Learn and practise. Go to Sounds and Spelling.


short and long sounds (2): /re/, /a:/, /D/, /:J:/, hi
2A Complete the phrases. Use the pictures to help you. and /3:/; silent e (3): /o/ to /au/

6A Complete the text with the past simple form of the

verbs in brackets.

1 go to a .......
. 2 play a ... 3 see a ...
My best holiday
All my life, my holidays were always the same.

4 buy ... 5 watch ..

6 do __
I 1 P99K~<:L (book) the same hotel next to the
sea in the same town and I 2 ............... (stay) for one
week, the first week of August. Every morning
I 3.... . ....... (walk) from my hotel to the beach,
arrived back at the hotel at 5 p.m. and then had
dinner. I never 4_ . . . ... (change) the date of my
B Work in pairs and answer the questions. holiday or my daily routine.
1 Which activities in Ex 2A do you often do? Then last year, I s (try) something different:
2 Which activities do you never do? Why? I 6............... (not plan) my holiday. I simply went to a
new place, a small village by the sea, and I looked
3A Today is 9th May. Match the time phrases (1-6) with for a hotel room.
the dates (a-f).
1 yesterday morning a 6th May
Well, there 7_ .................(be) no hotels and no
restaurants. No problem, I 8 _(want) to do
2 three days ago b 8th May at 11 a.m.
something new and different! So I 9............... (sleep)
3 last month c 9th March on the beach. I didn't sleep well, but it was
4 two months ago d 8th May at 3 p.m. beautiful. In the morning, I 10_.. . .....(meet)
5 last night e 8th May at 9 p.m. a fisherman. He had a lot of fish, so we 11
6 yesterday afternoon f April (have) a barbecue. The perfect breakfast.

B Work in pairs. Student A: Say today's date and a time I left the village that day and 12_ . . (go) home.
phrase (1-6) from Ex 3A. Student B: Say the date (and It was a short holiday, but really, it was the best
a time). holiday of my life. I'd like to do it again.
A: Today is the 20th of August. Yesterday morning.
B: The 19th of August at 10 a.m. B ClRS.01 I Listen and check.

A Work in groups and take turns. Student A: roll the dice and move your counter
to the correct square. Follow the instructions on the square.

B Follow the instructions (1-3). Use the sentences in the box to help you.

Is it my turn? It's your turn. I don't understand.

What does .................
mean? Let's ask the teacher. Can you repeat that?

1 You completed the task-+ go to the next square.

2 You didn't complete the task-+ go to the square above your square.
3 You rolled a number 1 -+ after you complete the task you can have another turn I


Talk for thirty seconds Say and spell three Put the words in the correct Say three phrases for
about this topic. words from this topic. order. Then ask the question. this situation.

2 3 4 5

a favourite jobs you/ Where/ meeting a good friend

thing from?/ are someone

10 9 8 7 6

family a conversation a favourite things on a desk bag?/ What/ in/
spell / you / do /
with a friend shop is/ your
How/ your

12 13 14 15 16 17

friends?/ you /
shopping for things you do clothes in a cafe where you live
Do / American /
clothes every day

23 22 21 20 19 18

restaurants?/ at/ eat / you /

food and drink at work things you rooms and
like/ fast food/ breakfast / Do /
can do furniture
you/ Do usually/ home?

24 25 26 27 28 29

guitar?/ the/
on a plane a favourite places in town giving directions a good
you/ piano / play/
famous person in the street colleague
Can/ or/ the

35 34 33 32 31 30

here?/ cafe /
parts of the checking into last weekend colours birthday?/ is/
there/ near / Is /
body a hotel your/ When
good/ a

36 37 38 39 40

flat?/ live/ you/

feeling ill your last countries buying a travel
or / house/ a /
holiday ticket
a I Do/ in


m write a chat message to

introduce yourself
write a description of a photo;
use and

Hi, I'm Berna Sadik. I'm Turkish.


Hi, Berna, I'm Carmen.

Are you in Turkey now?

No, I'm not. I'm in London.

Where are you from?

I'm from Madrid in Spain. Mei and Ken in the park

Cgarcia2002 Mei and Ken are friends from Kobe, Japan. Mei
is my friend from university. She's a teacher and
her husband Ken is a businessman. They have two
1A Read the chat. Match the rules (1-6) with the words
children, a daughter and a son, aged one and three.
in bold.
Their names are Sora and Aya. They're a lovely
We use capital letters for: family and we often have video calls with them.
1 the first word in a sentence.
2 /. 1A Look at the photo and read the description. What
3 the name of a person. are the people's names?
4 a city.
B Correct the sentences. Add and.Then check your
5 a country.
answers in the text in Ex 1A.
6 a nationality.
B Choose the correct words to complete the rules. 1 MeijKen are friends from Kobe, Japan.
1 We use a full stop (.) at the end / in the middle 2 She's a teacher her husband Ken is a businessman.
of a sentence.
2 We use a question mark(?) at the end of a 3 They have two children, a daughter a son ...
sentence/ question.
C Read the text in Ex 1A again. Find four more
C Correct eleven mistakes in the chat with capital examples of and.
letters and five mistakes with full stops or
2A Look at the photo of your friends. Complete the
question marks.

hi, i'm martin Names

Where are they in the
photo? _

where are you from Nationalities

Jobs or studies
Family relationships (son,
i'm from mexico daughter, etc.) _

are you american

B Write a description of the photo. Use your notes

yes, but i'm in australia now in Ex 2A. Add more information. Use and three or
four times.

C Swap descriptions with other students. Are they

2A Work in pairs. Write a chat message to your partner.
different from your description?
Hi,l'm ...
3 (§)Write descriptions of three more photos. Bring
B Swap messages. Reply to the message. them to the next lesson.


m write about favourite things;

use and, but
m write an email to a friend

Hi Jade,
1A Read the rule. Then match 1-3 with a-c to make
How are you? We're all well and we have lots of
sentences. Use and or but.
news. Pete has a new job in the city. Susie has a
new apartment!
+ ... + or - ... - use and
We're really happy about your visit next weekend. I
+ ... - or - ... + use but
have two questions about food. 1. What do you like
for breakfast? 2. Do you eat meat and fish?
See you soon,
1 She has a new a my bed is my
Stacy x
watch now, and favourite place.
2 My bike is green but b I love her old watch.
3 It's old and my c it's very important 1A Read the email from Stacy again. Then look at the
room is cold, to me. sentences (a-h) from Jade's reply. Put them in the
correct order.
a It's great news about Pete and Susie.
B Choose the correct option (a orb) to complete
the sentences. b You ask about breakfast.

1 My favourite chair isn't beautiful, but c See you on Saturday,

Jade xxx
a I love it. b it's in my bedroom.
d And yes, I eat meat, but I don't like fish.
2 My favourite colour is red and
e Hello Stacy,
a my bike is blue. b my favourite day is Monday.
I'm very well, thanks.
3 We have five dogs and
f I don't often eat a big breakfast, but cereal or
a three cats. b we don't have a garden. toast is good and I love coffee.
4 I'm from Mexico, but g What's Pete's new job, and where's Susie's new
a now I'm in b my parents are in Mexico apartment?
Colombia. City.
B Read sentences a-g again and find Jade's answers
5 English is great, but
to Stacy's questions.
a it's difficult. b it's easy.
C Look at your answers to Ex 1A. Put the topics (a-c)
C Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
in the correct order.
1 My ..................
is very old, but .. . a Answer the questions about the visit .
2 My __ new and ... b Answer the question How are you?
3 I have a beautiful .................
and .. . c Say something about the person's news.
4 My ...................
has ...................
, but .. .
D Complete the table with the phrases in the box.
My guitar is very old, but it's very good.
Hi Jeff See you soon Love
D Work in groups. One student: Read one of your
Hey Paola Speak soon Hello Ed
sentences from Ex 1C. Other students: Ask
How old is it? starting an
What colour is it?
Where is it from?
2A Read the description and answer the questions an email
in Ex 1D.

One of my favourite things is my rug. It's from 2 Write a reply to Stacy's email. Use your answers
Morocco and it's very old, about 100 years old. It's from Ex 1C to help you.
orange, blue and red. It has a hole in it, but it's really
beautiful and I love it.

B Choose one favourite thing and write about it. Use

the text in Ex 2A to help you .


m write about a good friend;

use pronouns
m write a post about your area;
use commas
1A Read the text about a good friend. Complete the 1A Read the post. Can you find answers to your two
sentences (1-4). questions about Ealing?
1 His name is.. and he's a friend from B Match the paragraphs in the post (1-4) with the
2 At the weekend he. topics in the box. There are two extra topics.
3 On my birthday he.
4 I have a problem with my work and he cafes people places to buy food
schools sport/exercise transport

My friend Dwayne
Dwayne is a friend from school. I don't often see A great place to live
Dwayne on weekdays because Dwayne works a I live in Ealing, in west London. It's a great place to
lot - Dwayne's job is very difficult - but Dwayne live because it has everything. It's a village in a city!
and I often send messages on WhatsApp. Dwayne 1
and I do things together. For example, every There are many food shops with food from other
countries. We have shops from Bulgaria, Japan,
Saturday Dwayne and I play football and have
lunch in a restaurant. Sometimes I have a problem Korea, Poland and Iran. There's also a farmer's
market on Saturday. There are some small cafes in
with my work and I phone Dwayne. Dwayne
always listens to me, asks questions and helps me. the centre. We also have a bookshop and a library.
Dwayne never forgets my birthday and Dwayne 2
There's a good swimming pool, and you can walk
always gives me a big present. Of course, I never or run in the park.
forget Dwayne's birthday! 3The people are really friendly and I know a lot of
But Dwayne isn't perfect. Dwayne's often tired people's names. I have two or three friends in my
because Dwayne goes to bed after 2 a.m. and gets street. We meet every weekend and go for a walk
up at 6 for work. It's not a big problem for me, but or go to one of the cafes.
I think it's not good for Dwayne. This is a small 4There are buses and trains from here to the city
thing. I really like Dwayne. Dwayne's a great friend.
centre. I don't go very much because I like my
village in a city. It's great!
B Read the text. How is it different from the text in
Ex 1A?
2A Read the pairs of sentences. How are they
Dwayne is a friend from school. I don't often see different? Which one is correct, a orb?
him on weekdays because he works a lot - his job 1 a We have shops from Bulgaria Japan Korea
is very difficult - but we often send messages on Poland and Iran.
WhatsApp. b We have shops from Bulgaria, Japan, Korea,
Poland and Iran.
2 Replace the words in bold with pronouns.
2 a It's a great place to live because it has everything.
1 b It's a great place to live, because it has
Dwayne and I We do things together. For example,
every Saturday 2 Dwayne and I play football and
have lunch in a restaurant. Sometimes I have a
B Choose the correct words to complete the rules.
problem with my work and I phone 3 Dwayne.
Dwayne always listens to me, asks questions and 1 We use/ don't use commas in a list.
helps me. 5Dwayne never forgets my birthday and 2 Usually, in a list we use/ don't use a comma
6 Dwayne always gives me a big present. Of course,
before and.
I never forget 7Dwayne's birthday! 3 Usually,we use/ don't use a comma before because.

3A Write a description of your friend. Use your ideas 3A Choose three topics from Ex 1B. Prepare to write
from Ex 7A on page 49 and the text in Ex 1A to help about your area now or your home town.
you. Pay attention to pronouns.
B Write your post. Start like this.
B Work in pairs and swap descriptions. Check your
I live in ...................
, in .....................
It's a great place to live
partner's use of pronouns.
because .. .
C Read other students' descriptions. What things are
C Work in pairs and swap posts. Ask questions about
the same about their friends and your friend?
your partner's area.


m write an online post; punctuation mlJ

write a group chat; linkers: and,
but, then
1 Read the on line post. Check your answers to Ex 6A.

Do you go out or stay in?

The little things
Tell us about your last weekend.
What little things do you do to stay both happy
AND healthy? Write and tell us about three
things. 1A Read the text. What activity did jovi2047K do
Beni76 outdoors?
This is a difficult question, but I think I'm healthy
and I'm happy. What little things do I do? Well, At the weekend I usually go out,
for me, the past is important. I go to antique ...................first I relax at home. For example,
shops and look at old things (and sometimes I last Saturday I got up at half past nine.
buy something!). My friends and I listen to our I made a perfect coffee 2. I had a
favourite music from our university days. I look at (1 hour ago) late breakfast.At eleven o'clock I went out
old photos, for example photos of my childhood, ................. played football with my friends.

photos of old buildings and photos of actors from Then at half past two I went home. I
old films. I'm in a film club and we watch old films called my grandfather,4 ... he was
together. My favourite is Casablanca. very tired and we didn't talk for long.
Then at five o'clock I went out again to a
friend's house 5.............. we watched some
2A Match the words (1-6) with the punctuation YouTube videos with a pizza.A typical
marks (a-f).
Saturday for me.
1 capital letter a? Like Reply
2 comma b,
3 exclamation mark C ! B Complete the text with and or but.
4 full stop d H
C Work in pairs. Complete the sentence. Then check
5 brackets e ()
your answer in the text in Ex 1A.
6 question mark f .
At eleven o'clock I went out and played football
B Find an example of each punctuation mark in the with my friends .....................
at half past two I went
text in Ex 1. home.

C Complete the text with punctuation marks. Change D Complete the sentences with and, but or then.
three letters to capital letters. 1 I went home ..................
made dinner ..................
1 went to
my brother's house, ..he wasn't home.
so, what things do I do 1 .................. well 2 .................. I'm 2 I usually study English in the morning. I have time
very busy on weekdays, but I can find five minutes in the evening, ....................
I'm tired, so the morning
for a simple exercise 3 . .. .. . I call it my 'five- is best. I usually study for an hour.. I have
minute break' (the name isn't my idea 4. . ........ I sit breakfast ....................
go to work.
at my desks close my eyes and count to 100 3 My friend Miguel went to university in London,
6. . ..... I do this three times a day. it's really great ..he didn't stay there. He went to New York
lived there for five years ................he
moved back to Portugal.

3 A Write your reply to the question in the on line 2 Write your answer to the group chat question. Use
discussion. and, but and then.
B Work in groups. Read other students' posts. Find at 3 Go to the Speaking task on page 81 to complete the
least one new idea to try. lesson.

C Tell the class about your favourite new ideas.


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*J$U 5%6$$L$5-$ in the office, with the other teachers.
2J$?9(.($"#$V'"%06)%$L$'"%-) office?
*J$KW 7'6$$L$7'$$"%$.33'$QKQ-

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!"J%K:$()+.,%I.*0 #$ (:=L$-)%.*%!A*"($ # J9#!0"*#+,"#'0"<?#

;% W(5")*;%#=)>? B: They’re very young, two and five.

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P#A"70+$8)G,#'87#.(,%/ P#(-+,#'87#.(,%/ ! 8N! a-2-#(47#@8"%%-'#7"#D#A"70+#8-)"#.-&-"%/#

!"#$%"#)"*+G#),-+G#."/01$),-+G#(21+#5-&3A 9!! H&+$+(,$#".A*$)7$+(,$'"..,'+$".A,.$+"$%-G,$

Y# +8$,(8#4'$4%/ '"7?,.*-+)"7*=
% =%3+F$%'(#.'A%G.$C%."*$%H/#%'(#)'A%% ! 8! @A# 5"")0#D#>'$,#D#7(>#D#W(L'$,-&"#D#&3"#D#'W#D#!3(&V%
% % % J."*>)%C+(-%K"F+(-/*$%8"C%+K%*.$%P$$ID
Y# &3"#4(2"%#'W#+"'+8"#(47#+8(."%/
! ! EA# P#D#b,-7(>%/#D#8-)"#D#,"(88>#
% =%3/I$%1?%;A?A%J$%3+F$%B)?;@A
! ! @A# &''/#D#a"
Y# 4'$4%#&3(&#7'4V&#3(L"#(#+8$,(8/Z ! ! EA# 3(&"#D#a'47(>%/#D#@47#D#P#D#,"(88>
% =%3+F$%*##%C?--A%7C%'./38-$0%8+0>*%3/I$%(#A.$#+<A
! 9! @A# #.'(&0#D#8-)"#D#2>#D#['4-(G#D#4"5#D#>'$#D#7'
Z#['2"#'&3",#4'$4%#&3(&#7'4V&#3(L"#(#+8$,(8#(,"A#%&3,'G# ! ! EA# #7'/#D#F"%G#D#P#D#-&V%#D#*"($&-W$8/#D#&3-4)#D#P#
%"/+4G#52,/G##21+5G##"5-G#1+//,3G#6")7G#,/7"5%21,"/G#1(+$,/1+5/+1/ ! ! @A# #4"5#D#>'$,#D#U'5V%#D#(+(,&2"4&0#
!"#$%"#5+2))4#*"W',"#),-+G#)"*+G#."/01$),-+G#(21+/# ! ! EA# #3(++>#D#!"V,"#D#5-&3#D#-&/#D#,"(88>#D#!"#D#8'&/#D#

!"#$%"#2$)"1 after ),-+#\#'*1".&/#=%3/I$%L"*%?!-#%A% :!! 6"..,'+$+(,$%)*+-G,$)7$,-'($*,7+,7',=$1#"$*,7+,7',*$

! 8! P#8'L"#.8'&3"%#%3'+/
% % =%3+F$%'3+*.$)%).+!)A%%%
! 9! !"#8-)"#,"(88>#*'')%3'+%/#

! :! oung people no like black and white films.

! H! !"#3(&"#*-6#.-&>/

! I! a(,)#(47#[3"-8(#8-)"#a"C-.'#(#8'&/
P#8'L"#-&/#P#+()7G#-&V%#*"($&-W$8/ P#7'4V&#8-)"#-&/#P#+()7G#-&V%#
,"(88>#*(7/ ! J! T3-4)#>'$#&3"#4"5#%$+",2(,)"&#-%#6''70

! K! P#4'&#&3-4)#c$8-(V%#,-46#-%#'87/
! L! @A#K'#>'$#8-)"#*(*-"%0#EA#F"%G#P#8-)"/
"(2/3/"-C%?!"@ )(HM$'* infiniti e +HM$'*%+-%!.-")$
P ! M! !"#7'4V&#8-)"#W''&*(88G#*$&#5"#8'L"#&"44-%/#
8-)" .3-87,"40
>'$ ! 8N! P#8-)"#>'$,#.'(&#8'&/#
&3-4) &3-%#(++#-%#6''70 ! 88! d-)"#T'2#(47#e(&"#P&(8-(4#,"%&($,(4&%0#
! 89! !"#8-)"#(#8'&#'$,#4"5#(+(,&2"4&/#
#$%4&" )(HM$'* "(2/3/"-C%?!"@
F"%G P 7'/
]'G &3"> 7'4V&/

N+O%=%8+0>*A%]^T N+O%=%8+0>*%3/I$A

!!012101341!! !"#$%&' :0>4?@41
!"#$%"#&'"#()"%"*&#%+,(-"#&.#&/-0#/1.$&2# A!! !"#$#%&$'()&*+,$-.$.*&/"&012$30$+*'14&#,$30$#%&$
3# (.%%"%%+.*%4#-+0"%4#5+%-+0"%#/*5#.(+*+.*%6 1-**&1#$56'1&7
% ($%5"$%%)*+%"!!,$)- ! A! D#5)+*0#&"/#<+&'#,+-06#M*"7")O##
% ./%01*,23$4%&%"66/!678%%!*55")-%%% % % 6%4$;$3%23*48%:$"%A*:1%H*,8-%
% 6%957-8 Sofia is a great restaurant. ! B! !"#'/7"#1)"/08/%&#/&#"+H'&6#M$%$/--;O
3# '/1+&%#/*5#).$&+*"%6#
! C! R;#(/)"*&%#"/&#5+**")#/&#*+*"6#M/-</;%O#
% 6%5"$%%73$"89"):%":%)$;$4-%%
% <=%/=>%%"9 fish e ery day? ! D! I have an umbrella in my bag. not often
!"#$%"#/57")1%#.8#8)"9$"*:;#&.#&/-0#/1.$&#'/1+&%#/*5# ! E! R;#:'+-5)"*#-+%&"*#&.#&'"#)/5+.6#M*"7")O
).$&+*"%6 ! F! I choose green apples. often
never not often sometimes often $%$/--;# /-</;% ! G! P.#;.$#<)+&"#+*#/#*.&"1..0Q#M/-</;%O
=># ?=># @=># A=># B=># C==> ! H! D#-..0#/&#.$)#.-5#8/,+-;#('.&.%6#M%.,"&+,"%O
:)(797$%! ! I! D#)"/5#*"<%(/(")%6#M*.&#$%$/--;O
)>7?$0: "2;$37%=9% ;$37 =7?$0:%=3%!13")$ ! AJ! Do Barry and Olivia speak Spanish? often
D B!! 8--4$'#$#%&$#'+6&7$9-:56&#&$#%&$1-0)&*,'#3-0$;3#%$
5)+*0# co ee at breakfast. #%&$1-**&1#$'()&*+,$-.$.*&/"&0127
E.$ /-</;%
!" *"7") .=4 I>$) ($2 I1>3) J3* K": K>4
"/& fish at lunch.
F'"; meat or fish ✓ ✓ ✓
;$#$:"7,$) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
93>*: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
:$" ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IJF 6%1";$%",A"/)%"4%$##%9=3%73$"89"):-%%
co ee
I often 5"$%%"%)"42A*01%"42%"%93>*:%?>*0$%9=3%,>401-% 01=0=,":$ ✓
G2# P.#;.$#"/&#'"/-&';#8..5Q
S2# #E"%4#H..5#8..5#+%#7");#+,(.)&/*&#&.#,"6#
)>7?$0: ">+*,*"3/% "2;$37%=9% ;$37 =7?$0:%=3% D#C%%",A"/)%%#'/7"#8)$+&#8.)#1)"/08/%&6#
B!"C 93$@>$40/ !13")$ A: Do you drink tea or co ee?
D S2# ##D#? #5)+*0#&"/4#1$&#D#T #5)+*0#
5)+*0 &"/#<+&'#,+-06
E.$ $%$/--; co ee.
!" often fish for G2# P.#;.$#-+0"#7"H"&/1-"%Q
F'"; 1)"/08/%&6 S2# #D#-+0"#7"H"&/1-"%#/*5#D#@ #"/&#H)""*#
G2# P.#;.$#"/&#,"/&Q
S2# #D#U eat meat or fish and I A
IJF ($%2=4D:%4$;$3%$":%*4%3$):">3"4:)- eat meat or fish at the weekend.
G2# #G*5#5.#;.$#/-</;%#"/&#'"/-&';#8..5Q
S2# #!"--4#D#-.7"#:'.:.-/&"4#1$&#D#5.*L&#V #"/&#
">+*,*"3/% )>7?$0: "2;$37%=9% ;$37 =7?$0:%=3% +&6#D#B #'/7"#+&#/&#&'"#<""0"*54#1$&#*.&#
B!"C 93$@>$40/ !13")$ /-</;%6#
;.$ $%$/--;
P. "/& )"5#,"/&Q
&'"; often
%&#''#&!$#() %$

!!012101341!! !"#$%LM :0>4?@41
:)(797$% A!! <*3#&$#%&$1-**&1#$5*&,&0#$,3:56&$.-*:$-.$#%&$)&*+,$
)>7?$0: infiniti e ( #F%N$#C =7?$0:%=3%!13")$ #$:)%>!
W" MP’s weekends are di erent. She usually C=&#$"5#/&
%&/)&%# /&#*+*"6#
finishes /&#%+Y6 C=4#/*5#%'"#?%')&#/#1+H#1)"/08/%&6#X'"#/-</;%#T1%&14
'")#",/+-%6#X'"#@ '0,;&*#+,(.)&/*&#",/+-%#/*5#&'"*#
H=):%;$37) /55#Z' )"/5,
the garden. On Saturday, MP often V:'4&#5+**")#8.)#
;$37)%$42*4#%N%&F% /55#Z$' finish&, her family. After dinner, MP’s brother B1%--,& a film
N#&F%N##F%N' </&:'&, /*5#'"#\;'#1%#+&#<+&'#R]6#X'"#C= =-#&.#1"5#"/)-;#^#/&#
!"%"42%(" /55#Z$' 5.&,
;$37)%$42*4#% :'/*H"#&.#Z($' %&$53&,
&)3&, B!! 9-:56&#&$#%&$,&0#&01&,$;3#%$#%&$1-**&1#$.-*:$-.$#%&$
&-.$ +))"H$-/) %',
! A! R;#1).&'")#F.,#2=$)4D:%23*48 not drink co ee,
1$&#'"# #M-.7"O#8)$+&#_$+:"6##
! B! R;#8/&'")# #M,/0"O#1)"/08/%&#8.)#"7");.*"#/&#
%"7"*#/*5#'"# #MH.O#&.#<.)0#/&#"+H'&6#
)>7?$0: ">+*,*"3/% infiniti e =7?$0:%=3% ! C! R;#%+%&")#`.)*/# M*.&#-+0"O#&'"#:.-.$)#)"54#1$&#
;$37%B!"C !13")$ %'"# #M'/7"O#.*"#)"5#FZ%'+)&6##
W" "/& ,"/&6 ! D! R;#8)+"*5#F"%%# #M$*5")%&/*5O#a*H-+%'4#1$&#
X'" 5."%*L& %'"# #M*.&#%("/0O#+&6#
D& '/7" 1)"/08/%&6 ! E! R;#,.&'")# #M*.&#"/&O#1)"/08/%&6#X'"#
black co ee.
K1$%,*8&)%9==:7",,-%%%%%%K1$%2=&,4D:%,*8$%9==:7",,-% ! F! R;#8)+"*5#`".#*"7")# #M<.)0O#+*#&'"#"7"*+*H4#
1$&#'"#%.,"&+,"%# #M%&$5;O#X(/*+%'6#
! G! R)%#!'+&"# #M*.&#0*.<O#,;#*/,"4#1$&#%'"#
/-</;%# #M%/;O#'"--.6
! H! R;#5.:&.)# M/%0O#/#-.&#.8#9$"%&+.*%#/*5#'"#
I.&+:"#&'/&#<"#$%"#/57")1%#.8#8)"9$"*:;#1"8.)"#/#7")16 /-</;%# M-+%&"*O#&.#,;#/*%<")%6#

G*08%()L%97L%(!<%9(!,K at half past fi e. C!! 9-**&1#$#%&$:3,#'4&$30$&'1%$,&0#&01&7$>;-$,&0#&01&,$

</,"4%-%$%&!5"(%73$"89"):- '*&$1-**&1#7
P"/4$% oesn t o en tc %IQ-% ! A! R/)0.#-+7"#+*#b+"**/6#
% % ."38=%,*;$)%*4%Q*$44"-
! B! P)#`$*5#5."%*L&#-+0"%#+&6

! C! c/:'"-#%&$5;%#+*#&'"#"7"*+*H6#

! D! My sister doesn’t often have lunch.

! E! R;#1).&'")#*.#'/&"%#:/&%6##

! F! R%#c.5)+H$"d#%&/)&%#<.)0#/-</;%#/&#"+H'&#.L:-.:06

! G! X/,#*"7")#5."%*L&#<)+&"#",/+-%6##

! H! F"%%/#5."%*L&#$%$/--;#-"/7"#'.,"#/&#*+*"6#

! I! R)#W/)&#&'+*0#('.*"%#/)"#1/5#+*#:-/%%6#

! AJ!!R;#%.*#H.%#&.#1"5#/&#*+*"#.L:-.:06


!!012101341!! !"#$%&' 60748941
!"#$%"#&'(%#)*+,$*,"#&-#-./".#0--/#*+/#/.(+1#(+#*#2*034 :!! 415$5&($)/67,$3#$5&($2/66(25$/67(6$5/$0"8($,(#5(#2(,9
*#&"*5# ! :! have / I / a / Can / co ee, / please?
*#6*%&.75 *+(",(- % % Can I ha e a co ee please?
two co ees, ! ;! (%#?#@$2'#?#(&9#?#A-:
! <! one / fift y. / It’s / pound
! =! @-@"+&4#?#B$%&#?#*
! >! 7-$#?#,-4#?#A"."
./)$012&$3, (&9#
! ?! C*+#?#6*%&.("%5#?#0-$.#?#:"#?#6)"*%"9#?#'*="
! @! 2'"214#?#@"#?#D"&
We often use )(*)#&-#*%1#*8-$&#&'"#6.(2"#-0#*))#&'"#0--/# ! A! 7-$#?#A"."#?#*."4
Can we ha e three co ees and an apple pastry please?
;!! !/0*+(5($5&($2/#'(6,"53/#$)35&$5&($)/67,$3#$5&($:/;9$

!"#$%"#&'"%"#6'.*%"%#&-#*+%:".#*8-$&#6.(2"4 *####2*+#####2-)/####")%"#####'")6####@$2'####
2340%3*)%$,5)06 -.####6)"*%"####+-####&'*&####&'*&E%####:"#
F<# C*+#G#H #7-$9
;'"#:*(&".#%*7%< I<# J"%5#K
#:"#'*="#&:-#",,#%*+/:(2'"%5#L #9
;"8%2%.$:!%<),1 F<##!'(&"# M
=8<3./8#%$:0$1 I<# I.-:+5#6)"*%"4
($5$%<),%"5$6% F<# F+7&'(+,#N #9
($5$%<),%#)6% I<# J"%5#2*+# O
>,03%"%+)+$836% F<# A-&#-.#P #@()19
>,03%"%+/8,3$6% I<# A-&5#6)"*%"4##A-:#@$2'#(%#Q #9
?$3%+$%-.$-@6 F<# B$%&#R #@(+$&"#S#HT nine pounds fift y.
<!! !/0*+(5($5&($2/#'(6,"53/#,9
A,$03/)8 "80*$5
! :! F<# C*+#G#H'$:!%%%%%#7-$9
>&()) %6*.1)(+,9 >&())5#6)"*%"4
-. ! ! I<# J"%5#2*+#G#'*="#*#K1 #*+/#L0 #5#6)"*%"9#
;"* co ee? ;"*5#6)"*%"4 ! ! F<# BM
! ! I<# ;'*+1#7-$4
! ! F<# GE@#%-..7#*8-$&#&'*&4
! ! I<# #U-#6.-8)"@4#C*+#:"#'*="#&:-#N@ #:*&".%5#
! ! F<# >&())#-.#O% #9
! ! I<# >&())5#6)"*%"4#

! ;! F<# VW2$%"#P@ #9#C*+#G#'*="#*#+*61(+5#6)"*%"9

! ! I<# X0#2-$.%"4#QA #7-$#*."4#
! ! F<# ;'*+1#7-$4#A-:# @R
! ! I<# ;'"7E."#&'.""#HT" #4
! ! F<# C*+#G#'*="#&:-5#6)"*%"9
! ! I<# F66)"#HH- #2'-2-)*&"9
! ! F<# F+#*66)"#HK6 #5#6)"*%"4#

%&'(('&!)'*+ %)

!!012101341!! !"#$%&B =!! !/0*+(5($5&($=1(,53/#,$)35&$!"#$A$!"A$%$$/6$&'#9$
! :! %D)$0%%#A(@*.(#/.(+1#@()19
)"#G*%!HI)C%*#+C ! ;! your children like fish?
! <! #B"..7E%#:*))"&#8)*219
C.$%$"3,%+$"36%%%%%%%%%%D)(,%0.$%$"3%+$"31 ! =! the class finish at eight o’clock?
! >! #A"++(+,#*+/#\(*#$+/".%&*+/#V+,)(%'9
",E/:/"5<% 0,GJ$-3 infiniti e )GJ$-3%)5%!.5"0$
F$5G%H!"#$I ! ?! #7-$.#%'-"%#0.-@#]".@*+79
)(=" (+#I.*Z()9 ! @! #^*%(*E%#%$.+*@"#%&*.&#:(&'#*#_!E#-.#*#_`E9
! A! #(&#'*)0#6*%&#+(+"#+-:9
Y-"% %'" )(1" *+(@*)%9
(& %&*.& *&#+(+"9 >!! B,($5&($*6/0*5,$5/$0"8($2/#'(6,"53/#,9$

D)$0%.$%:/F$%.$5$1% ! :! F<# I"#?#7-$.#8.-&'".#?#&"*2'".9

UX;#D)$0%.$%:/F$0%.$5$1 % % % 20%<),5%G5)3.$5%"%3$"-.$51
! ! I<# U-#?#'"#?#8"#?#+-&4#?#A"#?#8"#?#8$%(+"%%@*+4##
M5#'%!,+C$)'C!%#!!"#G$%!HI)C%*#+CN ! ! F<# '"#?#)(1"#?#'(%#[-89
%#$K&" 0,GJ$-3 ",E/:/"5<%F$5G%H!"I ! ! I<# U-5#?#'"#?#+-&4#
! ! F<# '"#?#:-.1#?#(+#&'"#2(&79
J"%5 '" /-"%4
! ! I<# J"%5#?#'"
U-5 (& /-"%+E&4
! ! F<# I"#?#'"#?#@*..("/9
L)M%/3%9)$08436% ! ! I<# U-#?#'"#?#+-&4#
UX;#L)M%/3%9)$0843%03"536 ! ;! F<# I"#?#7-$.#C'(+"%"#2)*%%"%#,--/9
! ! I<# J"%5#?#&'"7#?#8"4
! ! F<# 7-$.#&"*2'".#?#%6"*1#?#V+,)(%'9
60748941 ! ! I<# #J"%5#?#%'"#?#8$&#%'"#?#+"=".#?#%6"*1#?#V+,)(%'#(+#
:!! 415$5&($)/67,$3#$5&($2/66(25$/67(6$5/$0"8($=1(,53/#,9
! ! F<# I"#?#C'(+"%"#"*%79
! :! [-89#?#%-+#?#)(1"#?#7-$.#?#'(%#?#Y-"%
! ! I<# U-#?#(&#?#8"#?#+-&5#?#8$&#G#)-="#(&a
% % D)$0%<),5%0)8%:/@$%./0%J)G1
! ! F<# 7-$#?#$+/".%&*+/#?#"=".7&'(+,#(+#2)*%%9
! ;! 6*%&.("%9#?#\",*+#?#)(1"#?#Y-"%
! ! B: es, / I / but I / not understand / films in Chinese.
! <! \.%#!--/#?#G&*)(*+9#?#Y-"%#?#%6"*1
! =! ulia / Does / write /often / you? / to
! >! 2'()/."+9#?#*+7#?#\.#I*1".#?#Y-"%#?#'*="
! ?! '*="#?#7-$.#?#,--/#?#\*&&5#?#*#?#6'-+"#?#/-"%#?#
! @! D(Z5#?#7-$9#?#@-&'".#?#/-"%#?#)(="#?#7-$.#?#:(&'
! A! *&#?#)"%%-+#?#%&*.&#?#/-"%#?#&'"#?#;"%%*5#?#+(+"9

;!! Match the uestions in with the answers

a h.
! ,! ✓ es he does 4#A"#'*%#*#%-+#*+/#*#/*$,'&".4#B
! O! ✓ 4#>'"#:.(&"%#"=".7#:""14#
! -! ✗ 4#G&#%&*.&%#*&#&"+4#
! (! ✓ 4#A"#&'(+1%#'(%#[-8E%#,."*&4
! ) !✗ 4#I$&#%'"#%6"*1%#>6*+(%'4#
! .! ✓ 4#G&E%#."*))7#,--/4#
! P! ✗ 4#>'"#'*%#*+#*6*.&@"+&#(+#&-:+4#
! 5! ✓ 4#>'"#."*))7#)-="%#6*%&.("%4

<!! >635($5&($,&/65$"#,)(6,$3#$?;$@9

!!234323563!! !"#$%>? G!! hange the words in bold to subject or object pronouns.
!"#$%"#%$,^"8/#<+*'*$'%#,")*+"#?"+,%1## ! F! <&7%/ is a student in my class. I often work in pairs with <&7%/1
@A%8,%"%9-#-6"@%9$/-#.$80% % % She’s a student in my class. I often work in pairs with her.
N%!0/;%,%-.%A)*$0% ! G! =&,0+(/+4(>&0%#&+"#,+*/6"+%1#2#.-="#=&,0+(/+4(>&0%#&#.*/1#
!"#$%"#*,^"8/#<+*'*$'%G# ! H! 4*;9%#0*$+#'";#&<&+/:"'/D#F+"#0*$#6&<<0#;-/6#7"8-(+&1(
after verbs.
! I! ?%0*&(/+4(:#&+"#%-%/"+%1#Y%#_"a/"+#/"&86"%#?%0*&(/+4(#&1#
% (,$%5,-@98$.%0";%!A%)0%%
! J! 4"..*B#E-%6&#&'(#_-:-/+01#A&'#2#6".<#>0.)/(/+4(@0#0'-0D
% 1%&.00!A/9%$B$8C%D$$E0%
! K! _*#0*$#='*;#A-(B/-".D#A-(B/-".#-%#)+*:#U+""8"1#
after prepositions. ! L! A7(#"')&-#-%#&#/"&86"+1#76"#%/$("'/%#.-="##7(#"')&-1
% FC%G"6,$8%9)$/.=6%@-/6$.%'"!9%0% ! M! C&4#-%#:0#)&?*$+-/"#8*.*$+1#2#.-="#-&4#&#.*/1
I usually get co ee -")!'A%90%
H!! orrect the mistake in each sentence. se an object pronoun.
/234$56%!8).)2./ )34$56%!8).)2./
2 :"
! F! 3*$#'"?"+#.-%/"'#/*#21##*$
0*$ 0*$
! G! 5&+&69%#&#)+-"'(#)+*:#%86**.1#56"9%#>+"&/#&'(#2#.-="#6-:#&#.*/1
6" 6-:
! H! Y0#8*.."&>$"9%#'&:"#-%#Y+#5"*'>1#2#6&?"#.$'86#;-/6#6"#"?"+0#
-/ -/ X+-(&01
%6" 6"+ ! I! !"#.-?"#-'#Y&(+-(#&'(#:0#%-%/"+#.-?"%#;-/6#;"1#
;" $% ! J! Does your son often help you?
0*$ 0*$ ! K! 2#(*'9/#(+-'=#:-.=#,"8&$%"#2#(*'9/#.-="#/6":1#
/6"0 /6": ! L! Y0#86-.(+"'#>*#/*#,"(#&/#%"?"'#&'(#2#+"&(#/*#/6"0#)*+#6&.)#
! M! Y0#@'>.-%6#)+-"'(#%*:"/-:"%#8&..%#:"#&/#M#&1:K
:2C6DE63 ! O! !6*#-%#4&++0D#2#(*'9/#='*;#-/1##
! FP! !"#6".<#]"''-)"+#&#.*/#,$/#%6"#'"?"+#/6&'=%#/6":1#
F!! Match each uestion with two
answers a j . se the pronouns in bold !"--&*'(')&(#0.'/3&(0+(BD.($/-'("E(&/*)(*"+,&-./'0"+2(
'"()&%$(7"82 Add an object pronoun.
! F! _*#0*$#.-="#@(#56""+&'D##3H%G ! F! FG# !6"+"#&+"#:0#="0%D#
! G! _*#0*$#.-="#@::&#5/*'"D % % them
! H! 2%#/6-%#7`%6-+/#&#>**(#8*.*$+#)*+#:"D ! ! HG# 2#(*'9/#6&?"1#F+"#/6"0#-'#0*$+#,&>D
! I! Does your daughter often speak to you? ! G! FG# Y+#3*$'>#%<"&=%#?"+0#>**(#@'>.-%61
! J! !6"+"#&+"#:0#%&'(;-86"%D
! ! HG# 3"%B#,$/#2#(*'9/#&.;&0%#$'("+%/&'(1#
! .! 3"%B#.)&9%#>+"&/1# ! H! FG# 2%#0*$+#<-[[&#>**(D#
! #! 9&9%#?"+0#>**(1
! ! HG# 2#(*'9/#.-="#?"+0#:$861#
! &! 3"%B#1&#%<"&=#"?"+0#(&01##
! I! A: our computer is fine now.
! 7! 3"%B#-/#-%1#2#+"&..0#.-="#0'1#
! %! 3*$#6&?"#')&#1# ! ! HG# 76&'=#)*+#0*$+#6".<1##
! -! 3"%B#2#.-="#)0##&#.*/1 ! J! FG# _*"%#0*$+#:*/6"+#.-?"#;-/6#0*$D
! <! 2#(*'9/#='*;#)&-1#
! ! HG# E*B#%6"#(*"%'9/B#,$/#2#%<"&=#/*#"?"+0#(&01#
! A ! 3"%B#%6"#8&..%#8.#"?"+0#5&/$+(&01#
! K! FG# 76-%#<"'#-%#)*+#0*$1##
! /! :'9%#?"+0#'-8"1
! $! ;)&79+"#-'#0*$+#,&>1# ! ! HG# X*+D#O6B#-/9%#,"&$/-)$.1#76&'=%K
! L! FG# 2#+"&..0#.-="#*$+#'";#/"&86"+1##
! ! HG# Y"#/**B#%6"#&.;&0%#6".<%#;-/6#*$+#<+*,.":%1##
! M! FG# _*#0*$#.-="#:0#^"&'%D
! ! HG# 2#.*?"1#2#/6-'=#/6"09+"#>+"&/1#
%&#''#&!$#() %$

!"$! !"#!-")!.#/0/'1
!!234323563!! !"#$%&' :2C6DE63
!"#$%"#!"##&'(#!"#$%#)*+#&,-.-/01 F!! !"#$%&'&(')&(*"+,&-./'0"+(10')(!"#("-(!"#$%2(
FG# !6&/9%#/6"#<+*,.":D
HG# 2#I #%.""<1
:",/'/;%!.*7!*%<.'/;% FG# !60#'*/D
HG# J-%/"'K#L #0*$#6"&+#&#(*>D
/234$56 !"#7!"#$% infiniti e )34$56%
FG# E*B#2#M #1#
+":":,"+ '&:"%1# HG# !"..B#2#N #1
FG# OPB#Q #0*$#+"&(#0*$+#,**=D
8&' HG# E*B#2#R #1#2#(*'9/#6&?"#:0#>.&%%"%1
56"# (&'8" %&.%&1
8&'9/# FG# S #0*$#.-%/"'#/*#:$%-8D
HG# 3"%B#2#T #B#*'#:0#6"&(<6*'"%1#U**(#-("&1
%;-:1 FG# U+"&/1
HG# O6#'*K#2#V #%""#:0#6"&(<6*'"%1#
!"#$%"#/6"#8*'/+&8/-*'#!"#$%#-'#%<"&=-'>#&'(#;+-/-'>#-'# FG# 5*++0B#2#IW #6".<#0*$1#U**(#'->6/K#
G!! !"--&*'(')&(#0.'/3&(0+(&/*)(.&+'&+*&2(
! F! @::&#8&'#$'("+%/&'(%#U"+:&'1#
?"+!&.* read a map. 6.*!1"+%8$"9%"%*"!: % % ;**"%5".%2.9$8/6".9%<$8*".0
&"# /234$56 infiniti e )34$56 ! G! 4&'%B#(*#0*$#8&'#%.""<#-'#/6"#(&0/-:"D#2#8&'9/K
2B#0*$ %<"..# C>$-/&+9D ! H! 29:#%*++01#2#'*#8&'#+":":,"+#0*$+#'&:"1#
A&' 6"B#%6"B#-/
$'("+%/&'( @'>.-%6D ! I! 5$%&'#$'("+%/&'(%#X+"'86B#,$/#%6"#(*"%'9/#8&'#
;"B#/6"0 %<"&=#-/1

@A")'!.*,B%), ! J! Y&+0#8&'%#(&'8"#?"+0#;"..#Z#%6"9%#>**(K

'()7*+ /234$56 !"# ! K! A&'#:&="#2%&,"..&#&#>**(#<-[[&D

3"%B 2B#0*$## 8&'1 ! L! \6"'#&'(#Y"-#4$-#8&'#;+-/"#-'#@'>.-%6#,$/#'*#?"+0#

6"B#%6"B#-/ ;"..1
E*B ;"B#/6"0 8&'9/1
! M! A&'#A6.*"#%&0%#C6"..*9#-'#]&<&'"%"D#
H!! !"#$%&'&(')&(.&+'&+*&.(10')(!"#("-(!"#$%(/+4(')&(

! F! !6&/9%#]$&'9%#%$+'&:"D#2#5".=6%8$*$*3$8#-/1#
! G! 2# #/6"#<-&'*B#,$/#'*/#?"+0#;"..1
! H! #0*$# #&#'";%<&<"+#-'#F+&,-8D#
! I! 29:#%*++01#2# #0*$1#29:#'*/#)+*:#6"+"1##
! J! #0*$# in the afternoon? I can’t.
2#8&'#(&'8"1#✓✓ 2#8&'9/#(&'8"1#✗
! K! 2#8&'#+":":,"+#;*+(%#-'#@'>.-%6B#,$/#2#
! L! #0*$# #86*<%/-8=%D
! M! 5*++0B#2# #0*$#&'0#:*'"01#2#*'.0#6&?"#&#



!"#! o to e e uests n o e s
!!"#$#"#%&#!! !"#$%&' :!! !&<:(080$870$-&#E0./"85&#/$?587$870$?&.)/$5#$870$;&F1

'()*+,!-./0.121 "++%%%%A")%%%%A(-+5%%%%4$3%%%%@%%%%(0%%%%
infiniti e !()"*$
!"#$%$ !"#$% "%&'(()*%'+$"&$,% ! 9! >$"A!$/K% % /&-+"*%M can %@%!$+'%.(-%923!%
!&'()$% -&$ .(-/%'!()$%0(/%"%12)-3$, &(1$3!2)4,
! ! L/&-+"% %<(%3!")?%.(-*%D/&%N(&$7%@;1%
4$3 &(1$%$44&,%
!"#$*&' finished.
5(% 23%0(/%1$, ! ! >$"A!$/K% %O2)2&!$5,%B")%P %%+((?%"3%.(-/%
!$+' 1$, 6((?,
! ! L/&-+"K% %Q$&*%R %A(-/&$7
! ! >$"A!$/K% %<-16$/%0(-/%2&%9/()47%B")%S
In re uests, we often use "8"#%923!%&2)4-+"/%)(-)&%")5% A!$A?%.(-/%")&9$/%923!%N(+")5,
! ! L/&-+"K% %N(+")5*%T %.(-%!$+'%1$,%:!"3%
+,-./%0%("1$%(+%"!!.$2%!.$"*$3 5(%.(-%!"#$%0(/%)-16$/%0(-/,
! :! B-&3(1$/K% @%%+2?$%3!2&%>U&!2/37%B")%@%V %%23%(),
<=> +,-./%4,-%#$5%"74%5,6"5,$*3
! ! W!('%"&&2&3")3K% %X
:$%-&$%3!$&$%'!/"&$&%3(%&".%,+)%(/%#%7 ! ! B-&3(1$/K%% %@3;&%#$/.%&1"++7%B(-+5%.(-%[
8 9
! ! W!('%"&&2&3")3K% %\ %/24!37%E-&3%"%12)-3$7%Z$/$%
+,$-&'./01$ %=<$/&..*>$%$-"#=8$"8$870$<&<0#81 .(-%4(7
2'.01 %=<$/&..*>$%=<$;'/*1 ! ! B-&3(1$/K% %
+31 +3>$;'8$#&8$#&?1
4(($.56781 ;!! !&<:(080$870$-&#E0./"85&#/$?587$!>$"#$"#)$$%&1$
9&$:.&;(0<1 ! 9! FK% %@;1%+"3$7
! ! JK% %B")% %A"++%"%3"^2%0(/% %,
M n o e s ! :! FK% % %5();3%-)5$/&3")57%B(-+5% %/$'$"3%
infiniti e !()"*$ 3!"3*%'+$"&$,
!$+'% .(-, ! ! JK% %=I 7
! ;! FK% %@3;&%0(-/%(;A+(A?7%B")% %1"?$%"%3$"%0(/% %,
!"#$% 5( 23%0(/%.(-,
! ! JK% =I7
4$3 .(-%"%5/2)?,
! <! FK% % %A");3%5(%3!2&7%B(-+5% %5(%23%0(/%1$,
:$%-&$%3!$&$%'!/"&$&%3(%&".%,+)%(/%#%7 ! ! JK% %@;1%&(//.*%)(3%)(97
8 9 ! =! FK% %@%A");3%/$"5%3!2&_%@%5();3%!"#$%1.%4+"&&$&7
! ! JK% %B")% %/$"5%23%0(/% %,
@0/>$:(0"/01$ No thanks, m fine.
! >! FK% %>!2&%2&%9/()47%B")% %3$++%1$%3!$%/24!3%")&9$/,
A7"#B/1$ %=<$+3>$87"#B/1$
! ! JK% %@;1%&(//.*% %A");37
! ?! FK% %@3;&%321$%0(/%+-)A!7
! ! JK% %B")% %1"?$%"%&")592A!%0(/% %,
! ! FK% W-/$7
5"6&78&# ! @! FK% %:$%!"#$%"%+(3%(0%9(/?7%B(-+5% %9(/?%()%
9!! C'8$870$?&.)/$5#$870$-&..0-8$&.)0.$8&$<"B0$.0D'0/8/1 ! ! JK% %W(//.*% ;1%6-&.7
! 9! @%8%&A2&&(/&,%8%-&$%8%.(-/%8%B")
% % +"7%0%-*$%4,-)%*:;**,)*3
! :! (),%8%C"A?$3%8%3/.%8%B")%8%@%8%3!2&%8%
! ;! .(-%8%A")%8%!$+'%8%D$4")*%8%1$,%
! <! .(-%8%0(/%8%E-")%8%3!")?%8%B")%8%1$,
! =! !"#$%8%@%8%B(-+5%8%0(/?*%8%")(3!$/%8%'+$"&$,
! >! A"++%8%A")%8%.(-/%8%F)4$+"*%8%&2&3$/,%8%.(-%
! ?! .(-%8%1"?$%8%A")%8%+-)A!%8%G(/$)H(*%8%3(5".,
! @! A")%8%3!$%8%-&%8%.(-%8%5/2#$%8%I"/$)*%8%3(%8%
! A! @%8%B(-+5%8%!"#$%8%$&'/$&&(*%8%")%8%'+$"&$,
! 9B! +$"#$%8%@%8%3(1(//(9*%8%B(-+5%8%$"/+.%8%9(/?%8%

%&'(('&!)'*+ %)

!!"#$#"#%&#!! !"#$%&& 5"6&78&#
:$%-&$%(/52)"+%)-16$/&K% 9!! !&<:(080$870$/0#80#-0/$?587$870$-&..0-8$&.)5#"($
`% 2)%5"3$&7 #'<;0./1$G/0$870$5#,&.<"85&#$5#$;."-B08/1
% %<7/%="):(%>??@%A%5($%1.G3+C%,B%="):(%7;7$5$$7% ! 9! >(1(//(9%2&%c2A?.;&%twenty first%62/3!5".7%dPMe
! :! @%+2#$%()%3!$% oor.
% &5(%D-.4%<E<E%A%5($%fi %,B%D-.4%5F$754%5F$754 ! ;! f$A$16$/%2&%3!$% %1()3!%(0%3!$%.$"/7%dMPe%
`% 2)%6-2+52)4&7 ! <! Z(9%(+5%2&%.(-/% %A!2+5,%dRe
y office is on the H30-2I oor. ! =! @3;&%1.% %5".%2)%1.%)$9%C(67%dPe
`% 3(%3"+?%"6(-3%3!$%'(&232()%(0%&(1$3!2)47 ! >! :!"3;&%.(-/% %)"1$,%dMe%
!%;*%5($%1*J2I%.$55$)%,B%5($%".!("G$5H ! ?! D.%9"3A!%2&%"% %62/3!5".%'/$&$)37%dR]e
% I."/;6;)%;*%fi st%;7%J7#.;*(H ! @! %F#$)-$%2&%2)%<$9%Q(/?7%dTe%
% % "7$**"%;*%"%#)$"5%5$77;*%!."4$)H%K($%".F"4*%:,6$*%fi st
I ! A! >!2&%2&%(-/% %321$%2)%G()5()7%dVe
,)%1.G3+CH% ! 9B! J/-)(%&3"/3&%-)2#$/&23.%()%!2&% %62/3!5".7%dM\e
:!! H.580$870$#0F8$&.)5#"($#'<;0.1
! 9! first%%*$:,7/
:$%&(1$321$&%A!")4$%3!$%&'$++2)47% ! :! fifteenth
nine ninth fi e fifth twel e twelfth ! ;! )2)$3$$)3!
$;#(5%L%$;#(5(2%5F$754%L%5F$75;$5( ! <! twenty-first
W(1$%)-16$/&%"/$%2//$4-+"/7 ! =! 3!2/3$$)3!
one first two second three third ! >! twenty-fifth
! ?! &$#$)3$$)3!
st first % \3!%a%)2)3! ! @! )2)3!
P)5%a%&$A()5 % M]3!%a%3$)3!
R/5%a%3!2/5 % MM3!%a%$+$#$)3! ;!! I&?$)&$*&'$/"*$870$)"80/J$H.580$870$)"80/$5#$?&.)/1
S3!%a%0(-/3! th twelfth ! 9! \%F'/%P]MV
th fifth % MR3!%a%3!2/3$$)3! % % N($%7;75(%,B%O!);.%5F$754%*;C5$$7
V3!%a%&2^3! % MS3!%a%0(-/3$$)3! ! :! PS%=A3%M\[R
X3!%a%&$#$)3! % P]3!%a%39$)32$3! ! ;! P%E-)$%P]MP
[3!%a%$24!3! % R]3!%a%3!2/32$3! ! <! MM%F-4%P]]V
! =! RM%E")%P]PX
K(2.1 ! >! [%D"/A!%M[\\
We write and say dates in di erent ways. ! ?! O$6%P[%P]PR
% % P$G)-")4%5($%5F$7549$;#(5(%5F$754%5F$75495()$$
/"4 6,75( 4$")
! @! <(#%P%M\\S
F$%F);5$% M]3! D". P]MT
! A! f$A%PT%P]M\
F$%*"4 b>!$%3$)3! (0%D". twenty fifteen.’
! 9B! W$'%T%P]]]
6,75( /"4 4$") ! 99! D".%PR%P]]V
F$%F);5$% E")-"/. M&3 M\\X ! 9:! E-+.%S%M\XS
F$%*"4 bE")-"/. the first )2)$3$$)%)2)$3.U

eighteen fift y four


twenty twenty fi e


!!./0/./12/!! !"#$%&' ?.32@A2/
!"#$%"#&'"&(%)*)(+%#(,#&-./"#*(#%.0#12"'"#%(3"*2)+4#)%5# B!! $%!!&'()%'(*!++'*)(,-)'+",)#.'/
! B! ?.+#0($#%""#@"*"A#B"C%##"#D#0')1''"#E'"4#.+6#
! ;! F'.+/"%/.#1('G%##"#D#!" an office.
! :! @-".%"#6(+C*#%*.+6##"(2+!")(!2#D#0'%#"3#3"5#H#/.+C*#
3 in 4 on 2 under ! C! =$'#.&.'*3"+*#)%#"'4)()!#D#"',+#J"+)KC%#%/2((-5#H*C%#
! D! L0#2".6&2(+"%#.'"#!"#D##"#*2"#%2"-,5##
! E! M#3"6)$3#%)K"#>N%2)'*#)%##"(2+!")(!2#D#0')1''"#.#
! F! HC3#+(*#/(-6I#H#2.O"#*1(#>N%2)'*%#.+6#.#<$3&"'#
! G! ?($-6#0($#%)*#"',+#D#"'4)()!#3"#.+6#/2"/G#30#
5 behind / in front of 0 between .+%1"'%#*(#PQ"'/)%"#RA#
! H! My eight-year-old daughter often stands 0'%#"3#D#
! BI!!H#2.O"#*1"+*0#"$'(%#!"#D##"#30#1.--"*5

;!! $!67-')'()%'(*!".'+&,)#!"&(1#)%()%'(1!+3&(#"()%'(0!4/(
6 near 7 next to

!"#.-%(#$%"#!"#.+6##"#)+#*2"%"#$%",$-#&2'.%"%7 M7# B)9#?(++)"5#

8# !" a oor, a wall, a page. V7# #H C3#W in #.#*.Q)#.+6#1"C'"#T #*2"#2(*"-5#X""#
()*%+,"--*../%0-%on t e fi st oo 1% you in fifteen minutes.
2$%3"4$%!0+5)*$-%%)%.)*%8,++1 M7# =Y5#X""#0($#%((+5
6,$"-$%7.%$8$*+0-$%&9%%)!",9$!:;1% V7# !2.*C%#($'#'((3#+$3;"'A
M7# !"C'"#Z #'((3#R[T#\ the fifth oor.
8# #"#.#/)*0#('#.#*(1+9#.#/($+*'09#.#&2(*(#('#.#&)/*$'"5
:;/%')%<*#$=50="1% ;"2)+6####,'(+*####+"Q*####(+####$+6"'
M7# :)/"#'((3I#!2"'"C%#30#;"6A
:(*)/"#*2.*#1"#$%"#&'"&(%)*)(+%#.+6#(;<"/*#&'(+($+%5 V7##B"'"9#R #*(#*2"#1)+6(15
@30-%0-%A",)/%"=7%.)*%7")#35$*%B0+C?%0-%D$30=7%='>1% M7# #M+6#1"#2.O"#.#>]#^ #*2"#1.--I#!2"'"C%#*2"#>]#
:=> D$30=7%3$ '"3(*"A#
E"30*"%,04$-%=$85%5.%)-1 V7# H*C%#_ #*2"#*.;-"5
:=> =$85%5.%F$1 M7# H#/.+C*#%""#)*5
V7# =29#%(''09#)*C%#2"'"9#` #30#;((G5


M7# !2"'"#.'"#30#4-.%%"%A
V7# >2"0C'"#a #*2"#*.;-"#W[ #*2"#*1(#;"6%5#
M7# H#6(+C*#-)G"#*2"#'"%*.$'.+*#3"+$5#?.+#1"#4(#($*A
V7# #b"%5#H#G+(1#.#4((6#H*.-).+#'"%*.$'.+*#WW #*2"#
M7# H#6(+C*#G+(1#)*5#!2"'"#)%#)*A
V7# H*C%#)+#WT #(,#*2"#;)4#%&('*%#/"+*'"5#

%&#''#&!$#() %$

!"$! !"#$#%&'J!!"#$#%($#
!!./0/./12/!! !"#$%GH ?.32@A2/
!"#$%"#$%&'&(#)#.+6#$%&'&(*'&#*(#%.0#%(3"*2)+4#"Q)%*%5# B!! $!67-')'()%'(*!".'+&,)#!"&(1#)%()%'(1!+3&(#"()%'(0!4/((

?%&'('K$!,)L!)$9,('K$! *2"'"C%#SQTU####*2"'"#)%+C*####)%#*2"'"#SQZU####
C% . post office in town. *2"'"#.'"####*2"'"#.'"+C*####.'"#*2"'"####)%
)% .+ (-6#/)+"3.5 ! B! M7# f(6)"9#W #.#;((G#(+#30#6"%GA
. %$&"'3.'G"*5 ! ! V7# :(9#T #5
>2"'" )%+C*
.+ .)'&('*5 ! ! M7# ?.+#0($#-((G#(+#30#;"6A#
.'" %(3"# 4((6#%/2((-%#+".'#$%5 ! ! V7# #=2#0"%9#Z #.#;((G#$+6"'#0($'#/-(*2"%5#
.'"+C* .+0 %2(&%5#
! ! M7# b"%9#*2.*C%#')42*5#>2.+G%5
! ;! M7# #B"0#?2')%9#\ #.+0#"44%#)+#*2"#,')64"A#
! ! V7# :(9#R #5
! ! M7# M+6# ^
H+#*2"#&(%)*)O"#1"#$%"#*D*"9#+$3;"'%9#)!-&9#*(.!$(!/5 ! ! V7# b"%9#_ #*2'""#;(**-"%5#

! :! M7# PQ/$%"#3"A
! ! V7# b"%#%)'9#` #.#&'(;-"3A
! ! M7# b"%9#H#6(+C*#2.O"#.#G+),"5
! ! V7# H#*2)+G#a #.#G+),"#$+6"'#0($'#+.&G)+5
! ! M7# #=2#0"%9#0($C'"#')42*5#b"%9#*2"'"#W[ #5#
>2"'"C%#.#/.'#)+#*2"#/.'#&.'G5 >2"'"#.'"#*2'""#/.'%#)+#*2"#
/.'#&.'G5 ;!! 9!!:(,)(;",<&(&%'-2(,"3(+',3()%'(&'")'"*'&/(=+#)'(



>2"'"#.'"#%(3"#/.'%#)+#*2"# >2"'"#.'"#.#-(*#(,#/.'%#)+#*2"#
/.'#&.'G5# /.'#&.'G5

/.'#&.'G5 ! B! L.0;"#%2"#-)G"%#3(O)"%5
! ! There are some cinema tickets.
! ;! H#*2)+G#%2"C%#3.'')"65
! !% %
! :! X2"#2.%#/2)-6'"+5
@=$#$P& a hotel. A&!(=$#$%"%3.5$,I
! !% %
H+#d$"%*)(+%#1"#$%"#*D*"#('#*"05 ! C! X2"#6("%+C*#2.O"#4((6#"0"%5
. 2(*"-A ! !% %
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M'" .+0 /.,e%A
! E! X2"#&-.0%#*2"#&).+(5
Q=%#(!,)&8$#& ! !% %
! F! X2"#%&".G%#X&.+)%25
b"%9 ! !% %
*2"'" ! G! L.0;"#%2"#2.%#2"'#&2(+"#1)*2#2"'#+(15
:(9 ! !% %
:-%53$*$%"%3.-!05",I%>$-J%53$*$%'&1%:=> >$-J%53$*$;-1


!!123212452!! !"#$%&F 61758952
!"#$%"#,+"%"#6+-5%"%#,(#5%=#9(-#4.-"7,.('%) :!! <!!=)3()(*#)%3&1)$*!!+#)(*#),!00#,()3'(#0"3(.2#1
J*+,+K( the lift?

"#$ H+',!0(%./0% CINEMA
"#$ N',!0(%./0%%

9%K( fi e!F0HE%+(!N,#F!*+,+<% BAKER'S SHOE SHOP

%(8",+.'1#.%) PHARMACY BUTCHER'S

6*#0#7+)3#%$6"-85-=", !&&!+.(##,+"#@5'=)
8(7+ to the le of#,+"#75-#65-=)
!")(*#)0.:*(1 ! :! H+"-":%#5#759V#('#,+"#0.:*(#U#le )
! ;! There’s a post office on the 0.:*(#U#le )
O 7 O ! <! H+"#85'#.%#"#30#U#"#9()(!#,+"#@$%#%,(6)
7 ! =! H+"-":%#5#@5="-:%#.");0!"()!;#U#!&&!+.(##,+"#%+("#%+(6)
! >! H+"#759V#.%#.");0!"()!;#U#!&&!+.(##,+"#65-=)
! ?! H+"-":%#5#@$%#%,(6#"#30#U#"#9()(!#,+"#7.'"85)
! @! H+"#759V#.%#.");0!"()!;#U#!&&!+.(# the post office.
! A! H+"-":%#5#6+5-8570#"#30#U#"#9()(!#,+"#%+("#%+(6)
! B! H+"#@5="-:%#.%#,(#,+"#0.:*(#U#le #(9#,+"#6+5-8570)
! :C! H+"-":%#5#@$%#%,(6#.");0!"()!;#U#!&&!+.(##,+"#%+("#%+(6)
! ::! H+"#85'#.%#"#30#U#"#9()(!#,+"#@$,7+"-:%)#
! :;! H+"#%$6"-85-=",#.%#,(#,+"#le #U#0.:*( of the post office.
N#.%#.");0!"()!;#O) N#.%#!&&!+.(##O)

;!! $!00#,();!>0)%.+(3=#+).")#3,*),!"2#0+3(.!"1
Is there
! :! N2# FW7$%"#8")#H+"-"#.% a post office near here?

! ! O2# Q"%D#,+"-"#.%)

! ! N2# A(*#95-#.%;

! ! B: It’s five minutes from here.

! ! N2# H+5'=%)

! ! O2# <,:%#'"W,#,+"#@5'=#5'4#.,:%#(66(%.,"#,(#,+"#7.'"85)

! ;! N2# #F W7$%"#8")#N-"#5'0#,+"-"#,(./",%#.'#,+"#%+(66.'1#

! ! B: es. There near the lift.

! ! A: How I get to the lift?

! ! O2# <#,:%#'"5-#,+"#@.1#@((=%+(6D#(-#0($#75'#,5="#,+"#%,5.-%)

! ! N2# !+"-"#,+"#%,5.-%;

! ! B: They’re to the left of the shoe shop.

%&'(('&!)'*+ %)

!"$! !"#
!!123212452!! !"#$%&' 61758952
!"#$%"#!"##&#'($') :!! $!%&'#(#)(*#)+#"(#",#+)-.(*)!/)!")!0)#$%1
()$*$+,%%*+%$-./0 ! :! !+"-":%#80#6+('";
!"#$%"#!"##*+"'#,+"-"#.%#('/0#!"##,+.'12 ! ! <,:%#.'# the #=.,7+"')
3# .'#,+"#*(-/4) ! ;! !+5,:%#>$5':%#?(@;
! %*+%1232,,$45 ! ! A":%# #57,(-)
! %*+%6*$"/%("33%27%1).8"% ! <! !+5,:%#,+"#,.8"#.'#B04'"0;
! %*+%9*$,.:$8/%27%12325;."< ! ! <,:%#,+-""#(:7/(7=#.'# afternoon.
! =! !+"-"#.%# Ei el Tower?
3# .'#5#6/57")#
! ! <,:%#.'#C5-.%D#.'#E-5'7")
! %*+%$8/*"8=$ ! !>! !+5,:%#,+.%#.'#F'1/.%+;
! %*+%>"?%24/ ! ! <,:%# #566/")#
! %*+%:22* ! ?! #!+"':%#0($-#@.-,+450;
! %*+%,27" ! ! <,:%#('# #,"',+#(9#G"7"8@"-)
! %*+%=.8$5" ! @! !+"-"#75'#<#7+5'1"#80#8('"0;#
! %*+ post office ! ! H+"-":%# #@5'=#'"5-#+"-")
! %*+%=./?%=$8/*$ ! A! !+"-":%#%+"#9-(8;
! ! B+":%#9-(8# #IJ)
M5'#<#+5K"#3 ! B! G(#0($#+5K"# #@-(,+"-;
@5'5'5D#6/"5%"; ! ! L(D#@$,#<#+5K"#,*(#%.%,"-%)
! :C! !+5,:%# #'58"#(9#0($-#%,-"",;
! ! <,:%#M(//"1"#B,-"",)

;!! $!00#,()(*#),!"2#0+3(.!"+1)455)!/)!")!0)#$%)(*0##)(.%#+)
! :! N2# !+"-"#4(#0($#*(-=;
! ! O2# <#*(-=#.'#%$6"-85-=",#.'#N''56(/.%)#

! ! N2# !+"-":%#N''56(/.%;
@5'5'5D#6/"5%"; ! ! O2# <,:%#(/4#,(*'#.'#P5-0/5'4#.'#IBN)#

! ;! A: Can we meet on fifth of une?

! ! O2# #Q"%D#<:8#9-"")#<#%,5-,#*(-=#5,#R)SS#.'#8(-'.'1#5'4#
finish at . in evening.

! <! N2# <%#,+"-"#@((=%+(6#'"5-#+"-";

! ! B: es it’s to left of exit.

! =! A: I can’t find my phone.
3# 45,"%)
! %*+ first of une ! ! O2# <%#.,#.'#=.,7+"';
! %*+%,$=28:%27%@4#4,/ ! ! N2# L(D#.,#.%':,)
3# ,.8"%#(9#450) ! ! O2# T((=#.'#/.K.'1#-((8)
% .8%%*+%52*8.8#
! ! N2# N+D#.,:%#+"-"D#.'#9-(',#(9#,"/"K.%.(')#
% .8%%*+ afternoon
% .8%%*+%$A$8.8#

3# %(8"#7($',-."%)
! %*+%BC%%%%%%*+%BD@

3# 6-"6(%.,.('%)
% E/+,%28%%*+ left.
% E/+,%/2%%*+%*.#)/%27%/)$%=.8$5"<


!!012101341!! !"#$%&' ?0@4AB41
C!! !"#$#%&$'()*+$,-$#%&$.())&.#$()*&)$#($/01&$2"&+#,(-+3$$
! C! /,0"+(%#@#2)>";#@#!."0"#@#:*$0#@#-*
% % F-$0$%()%5)10%!"0$28*%,6.$4
! D! -*"%#@#A,($0-,:;#@#-*#@#B2)#@#!.,(#@#*+
! E! -*"%#@#%(,0(;#@#2"%%*+#@#*$0#@#()1"#@#!.,(
! F! C,0)+,#@#!.:#@#4)0-%;#@#(."#@#-*"%#@#?""-
! G! 9.)2-0"+#@#(.")0#@#!."+#@#70,+-/,0"+(%;#@#(."#@#-*#@#
! H! :*$#@#-*#@#/2,:#@#!.*#@#<)(.;#@#?**(4,22
! I! /0*+*$+9"#@#D*<#@#E)+("0+,()*+,2F#@#:*$#@#G+72)%.;#@#
! J! %/",3;#@#-*#@#2,+7$,7"%#@#!.,(#@#:*$
! K! -*"%#@#H.)2)//,#@#4$:#@#I",+%;#@#!."0"#@#."0
! CL! #:*$#@#D*<#@#+,1"%;#@#-*#@#0"1"14"0#@#/"*/2"F%
6# ,#(.)+78
! 567'%()$*%+"),)%-".$%/)0%,123-4 D!! 4&0*$#%&$0-+'&)+$0-*$5((1$0#$#%&$'()*+$,-$6(5*3$7%&-$
6# ,#/"0%*+8 "+&$#%&$'()*+$,-$#%&$6(8$#($'),#&$2"&+#,(-+3
! 56/%()%5)1%,6.$%768-4
6# ,#/2,9"8
! 56$#$%()%9"88%"2(%:$6;)%*81(54
6# ,#()1"8 ! C! F-"8%86K$%()%5)1%*8"08%7)0;4%
! 56$& does the film finish? ! ! N#%(,0(#<*03#0#$-,-&8
! 567'!'()$%()%5)10%3-6,(0$2%#)%8)%<$(4 ! D! % %
6# ,#0",%*+8 ! ! O:#40*(."0#<*03%#0#$#%&$0,)9()#8
! 568 does Tina get up at fi e o’clock? ! E! % %
6# 1,++"08 ! ! P*0#40",3?,%(#N#.,>"#0-$&::$0-*$#(0+#$0-*$0$."9$
! 9/:%()%5)1%*"5%=!$0/$38>%62%?!"26*-4 of coffee8
! F! % %
5/#;!/#;$# ! ! Q*$#%/"22#)(#;<=<><?<@<><A<B8#
!"@%A1$*86)2% "1B6,6"05% *1<E$38 infiniti e )<E$38%)0% ! G! % %
7)0( .$0<%C#$D !-0"*$ ! ! We finish work 0#$five$(C.5(.18##
!.,( -* :*$ -*; ! H! % %
!.: -* (.": <*03 ,(#(."# ! ! A*?R,#2)>"%#<)(.#%&)$90)&-#+8##
<""3"+-; ! I! % %
!."0" -*"% =*%.$, 2)>"; ! ! N#,2<,:%#<,23#(*#<*03#6&.0"+&$,#C+$:((*$D()$/&8#
!."+ -*"% %." .,>" 2$+9.; ! J! % %
! ! N#2)3"#ja #1$%)98##
!"#9,+#$%"#,->"04%#*?#?0"'$"+9:#)+#(."#'$"%()*+%8# ! K! % %
F-$0$%()%5)1%.%.7**8%-".$%,123-4% ! ! N+#92,%%S#N#3+*<#E,/0),$0-*$F"/08
F-5%()$*%G,$2"%%/)$'()$%%,$".$%7)0;%$"0,54% ! CL! % %
We often ask uestions with #"$%&%!'(")#,+-##"$%&%*$+) ! ! N#$%$,22:#1,3"#5"-.%$(-$G"-*0H8###


!"#$%"##",( noun to ask uestions about specific

t fi s%()%5)1%,6;$4%

%&#''#&!$#() %$

!"$! !#$M!!%&%
!!012101341!! !"#$%OP ?0@4AB41
!"#$%"#,-S#'.#,+-#,+/#(*#(,23#,4*$(#(."# C!! I%((+&$#%&$.())&.#$05#&)-0#,J&3$
! C! [.,+7&<")#,+-C##@#'0+-C##)+#92,%%#+*<S#4$(#."#,+#@#'0+#)+#92,%%#
JN) twenty fi e. :"%("0-,:8
J8>%%-)8%8)("5M% ! D! N(#,+-C##@#'0+-C##9*2-#*+#O*+-,:S#4$(#)($,+#@#'0+#>"0:#9*2-#(*-,:8#
L-$%-$"(!-)2$*%7#$ twenty fi e euros. ! E! >C/#@#>$'0+#()0"-#:"%("0-,:S#4$(#(*-,:#>C/#@#>$'0+ fine.
! F! !"#0)&-C##@#'&)&-C##)+#\*1"#*+#P0)-,:S#4$(#'&C)&#@#'&)&#)+#
J%:7% twenty fi e.
! G! Rosa and osefina 0)&#@#'&)&#.,//:#(*-,:S#4$(#(.":#0)&-C##@#
J8%:7%%-)8%5$*8$0("5M% '&)&-C##.,//:#*+#A$+-,:8
L-$%-$"(!-)2$*%:$#$ twenty fi e euros. ! H! W."#%$/"01,03"(#,+-C##@#'0+-C##*/"+#(*-,:#,+-#)(#,+-C##@#'0+-C#
! I! N(F%#XY8#Q*$#0)&#@#'&)&#2,("#(*#92,%%#:"%("0-,:S#4$(#:*$#0)&-C##@#
Q)*$/%:7%!O/#&%62%RSPTM% '&)&-C##2,("#(*-,:8
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*1<E$38 %& !-0"*$
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N <,% ! C! :*$0#2$+9.#@#7**-;#
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A." J<,%#+*(M ! D! :*$0#%,+-<)9."%#@#+)9";#
!"# <"0"# .,//:8 ! E! :*$0#I,93"(#@#"K/"+%)>";#
W.": <"0"+F( )+#92,%%#:"%("0-,:8 ! F! :*$#@#,(#.*1"#@#:"%("0-,:;##
Q*$ J<"0"#+*(M ?0)"+-2:8 ! G! :*$0#/,0"+(%#@#4*0+#@#(."#]AB;
! H! O0%#^0""+#@#,(#%9.**2#@#:"%("0-,:;#
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%/",3)+7#,+-#)+#"1,)2%#,+-#("K(%#(*#?0)"+-%8## ! J! (."#%.*/%#@#92*%"-#@#:"%("0-,:;#
L-$%.$#$8"<,$*%:$#$&N'%#))(M% E!! Write the short answers to the uestions in .
! C! ✓ W$*X%68%7"*M% ! G! ✗
'%$R()!-.$%'(/&% ! D! ✓ ! H! ✗
U$%:7% late. 57%!6$%,"8$4 ! E! ✗ ! I! ✓
! F! ✓ ! J! ✗
%& *1<E$38 !-0"*$
!,% (."#%$/"01,03"( */"+; F!! 4&0*$#%&$0-+'&)+$0-*$5((1$0#$#%&$'()*+$,-$6(5*3$7%&-$"+&$#%&$'()*+$
!"0" :*$0#?0)"+-% XY; ,-$#%&$6(8$#($'),#&$2"&+#,(-+3$7%&)&$,+$(-&$&8#)0$'()*3$

'&(V)$ *1<E$38 %& ! C! F-$0$%7$0$%5)1%<)024%
Q"%S )( <,%8# ! ! N#<,%#4*0+#)+#KH,J8#
(.": <"0"8 ! D! % %
! ! N#<,%#4*0+#,-$LMML8
Z*S )( <,%+F(8
! E! % %
(.": <"0"+F(8
! ! O:#?,1)2:#.*1"#<,%#-&0)$KH,J8
*",!-.$%'(/&% ! F! % %
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!"@%A1$*86)2% %& *1<E$38 !-0"*$
7)0( ! G! % %
! ! A."#<,%#1:#?,>*$0)("#/"0%*+#6&.0"+&$+%&$'0+$%099H$0-*$J&)H$
!."+ <,% O"7,+F% 4)0(.-,:;
!."0" <"0" :*$ :"%("0-,:; ! H! % %
! ! W."#+,1"%#*?#1:#4"%(#?0)"+-%#<"0"#F01,J$0-*$70)0+8


!!012101341!! !"#$%&' :0;4<=41
!"#$%"#&$"%'()*%#')#+%,#+-)$'#.")./"0%#1"+/'12 >!! 1#++-$"*#$"&+,,$&*"!/*$,2!*34$'
FG# !1+'0%#H5,+(/$.#I#6,+27J
KG# 907#L&+/%#I#!"&+/%#+*?#907#'(3"?2#

!"#$%"#'1"%"#.13+%"%#')#%+4#5"03"#*)'#5"//2 FG# E)5#+3"#4)$J

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FG# A1#N5++,#I#*#$"5++,#4)$2
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(!&)!&#$' $!,!&#$' !"&+/%'
FG# O:-#I#;,$#4)$3#-+-4#APJ
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#0,*-2 FG# !1+'0%#S6,+27#I#*#$"6,+27#5('1#T(U1)J
"4"% #0,*2 KG# E(%#V9++*#I#9$$*#1$3'2#

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5"//2 KG# 90:"#6)'#HX (!%"#$!%!&#$#I#!"(!%"#$!%!&#$2#

!"#$%&'(#89#1+:"#6)';#<#!%)*#$ ?!! 1+.5/$*$"*#$"-$2*$2&$-"63*#"*#$"6+,%-"32"*#$"(+<'"

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! >! F3"#4)$# J
! ?! 5"//#%))*2#
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!"#=+*#+/%)#%+4#,('1*.)*.)$2 ! B! 90:"#6)'#+*# 2
C)$+,%#/*%'%#7(65(65-B ! C! Y4# 1$3'2
! D! Y4# 1$3'%2
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@AB :+;$%#/*%)$"="@)$B%C)$+,%#/*%@/3=B
! F! !1+'0%# J
C)3#+//#.+3'%#)D#'1"#-)?4#5"#=+*#%+4#45%6%)70(,2 ! >G! Z))3# 2
<6%9(68!5*,%'B @!! 1+,,$&*"-3<".3-*!)$-"32"*#$"&+24$,-!*3+2'
FG# E"//)>#P3(%2
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:+4%,/%,/..6B FG# !1+'#?)"%#'1"#.3)-/"7J
KG# 9#*)'#D""/#5"//2#
Notice the di erence:
FG# !1+'0%#53)*6J#

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FG# 907#%)#%)2#

KG# 907#3"+//4#%)334#+-)$'#?(**"32

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FG# K4"2##

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>!! 1+.5/$*$"*#$"3.5$,!*34$-"63*#"*#$"6+,%-"32"*#$"(+<'


! >! Z/"+%"# do #bc"3=(%"#OK#D)3#1)7"5)3,2

! ?! #+#-/+=,#."*2
! @! #9'+/(+*#(*#'1"#b*6/(%1#/"%%)*>#./"+%"2##
! A! #(*#'1"#%"+2##
! B! #'1"#-+//#')#7"2#
])7"#1"3"^ ]1"=,#4)$3#+*%5"3%2
! C! Z/"+%"# #'1"#-(3?%2#
!"#$%"#(7."3+'(:"%G# ! D! #D))'-+//#(*#'1"#=+3#.+3,2#
_# ')#6(:"#)3?"3%2 ! E! #'1"#.)/(="^#
4#7-%)$.$G% ! F! Z/"+%"# #(*#+*?#1+:"#+#%"+'2#
K-%H7I$*G% ! >G! #4)$3#,"4%#(*#4)$3#=+32#

_# ')#6(:"#(*%'3$='()*%2 ?!! orrect five mistakes in each te t.


In the positive we use the infinitive.

0-7-79-,%="=+,%2I.*)="6G !" #$%&"'()"&$*+%",-.(/-"0-$1%2
9*#'1"#*"6+'(:"#5"#$%"#8'/"( infinitive.
3" 4(*56"%$'"71-$%-"$*+"6&$*8"'()2
9" :-;-/"+(*56"1((8"$6"'()/"7&(*-"$6"+<**-/"6<0-2""
We can use an exclamation mark after an imperative to
%1)5#+#%'3)*6#D""/(*62 =" >-"$1?$'%"*<@-"6("'()/"%<%6-/2
C*/!%)I4G%?$3!G A" 4(*56",-"1$6-".(/"+<**-/2
!"#=+*#+/%)#$%"#*39*5,#+*?#/$#$0#5('1#(7."3+'(:"%2#:39*5, B" C1?$'%"D("6("'()/"/((0E":(?E
3-J-, phone me after p.m. 2$'(",'*0)$,'
`"7"7-"3>#5"#$%"#/$#$0#a#.)%('(:"#:"3-2 !" 4(*56"/-0-0,-/"'()/"7$%%7(/62
!"#=+*#$%"#'1"#(7."3+'(:"#a#<3$*,$#')#-"#.)/('"2 3" F$8-"$"%0$11",$D2
9" C1?$'%"6("+/<*8"$"1(6"(."?$6-/2"
:/-('-%=/0+*%.70B =" :(6"-$6"$"1(62
N/0+*%.70M!I/-('-B A" G&$*D-"'()"'()/"?$6@&"(*"6&-"71$*-2

C)3#3"&$"%'%>#5"#$%$+//4#$%"#.'732#)3#.*/2# B" :-;-/"/)**<*D"6("6&-"6(<1-62


ite lease you fi st a e.
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9" C*%?-/"'()"$11"6&-"H)-%6<(*%2
=" G&-@8"$1?$'%"'()/"$*%?-/%2
A" 4(*56"6("%7-$8"<*"6&-"6-%62
B" I1-$%-"%6$/6"*(?2


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(")*%)+,,$-%.$%/556)7%"%-//,%01%"%),"22%3/*$2%1$"-%*3$% )+!*3!24,*#-*420.5!),6
! A! @"%&"36)5#&'"#/)9.#/!$1$C#>-("9D#)&#H#)0+0#)96#
We usually make the positive with the infinitive -!"0 >;,-%"D#)&#I#(0+0
71%89:;%.$%$%#8)7%01%"1%"!"-*,$1*%1$"-%*3$%50*<%5$1*-$6 ! B! J)%&#=""."96#?# #>;,")9D#&'"#'-$%"#)96#
1'"#()%&#%*+(,"#*%#&'"#%)+"#2-3##4#$%&4#'!4#('!4#)*4#+!4#*'!$0 ! C! J)%&#!"69"%6)5#K-36)9#)96#L*."# #>%&)3&D#
9!(&.)7 in at A :-#; (&.)7 in at B and <+!#;7!<+$! =-3.#)&#M#)0+0#)96#&'"5# finish at p.m.
1$%)/#;!(&.)7 in at C. ! D! @"%&"36)5#"8"9*9:#?# #>;')9:"D#+5#;,-&'"%4#/$&#
?# #>9-&#=)%'D#+5#')*30
=5$&%&.) ! E! N)3-,*9"# #>,*."D#'"3#-,6#)()3&+"9&#)96#%'"#
infiniti e !")*%)0,!2$ )!$2201#%-+2$ >,-8"D#&'"#/*:#.*&;'"90#A"3#9"=#)()3&+"9&#*%#9*;"4#
)%. )%.!" )66#7!"
! F! L5#2)&'"3# #>%&$65D#O9:,*%'#)&#%;'--,4#/$&#'"#
%&)3& %&)3&!" >9-&#,*."D#*&0#
%&)5 %&)5!" ! G! ?# #>)%.D#&'"#6-;&-3#)#P$"%&*-9#)/-$&#+5#
)33*8" )33*8"" 8"3/%#"96*9:#7!4#)66#7" %&-+);');'"4#/$&#%'"# #>9-&#)9%="3D0
&35 &3#!" 8"3/%#"96*9:#;-9%-9)9&#<#7$4# ! H! Q9*&)# #>;),,D#5"%&"36)5#"8"9*9:#)96#
;')9:"#&'"#7$#&-#7)4#)66#7!" >&')9.D#$%#2-3#'"3#/*3&'6)5#(3"%"9&0
%&-( %&-($!" 8"3/%#"96*9:#;-9%-9)9&#<# ! I! !"# #>(,)5D#2--&/),,#,)%&#B)&$36)54#/$&#="#
8-=",#<#;-9%-9)9&4#6-$/,"# >%&-(D#")3,5#/";)$%"#&'"#=")&'"3#=)%#/)60
the final consonant, add -!" ! AJ! ?# #>()*9&D#+5#3--+#-9#1$"%6)50#L5#/3-&'"3#
=)%#&'"3"4#/$&#'"# #>9-&#'",(D#+"0
B!! %&'$(!)!*)+!*)!7)*/#)+*)+!*$0,)*,#'$(!*1&2'*&1*)+!*
!"#$%"#")",-*#>&'"#()%&#-2#"%,-* the infinitive to make 3!24,*#-*)+!*4&76*
7%75;>% +)')'/)+%3$-%1",$6%%
7%7&7;>% +)')'/)+%3$-%1",$6%
)+4=$5* "+>020"-<% infiniti e /4=$5*%/-% =""."96#/3").#*9#S$*&-0#!"#T #)#'-&",#*9#&'"#
?$-4%@!"!A !3-")$
;"9&3"#-2#S$*&-0#!"# I
'-&",#=)%#9*;"0#F$3#3--+%#U #/*:4#/$&#&'"5#="3"#
FV0#?9#&'"#"8"9*9:#="# W
6*69C& &3)8", 5"%&"36)50# 9")3#&'"#'-&",0#!"#X #&'"#-,6#/$*,6*9:%#)96#="#M
>6*6#9-&D )33*8" at five. %-+"#&5(*;),#2--6#*9#)#%+),,#3"%&)$3)9&0#!"#Y #*9#
S$*&-#2-3#&=-#6)5%0#1'"#;*&5# H

!'"9#="#%(").4#)96#*9#*92-3+),#+"%%):"%#)96#"+)*,%4#="# C!! 8,!*)+!*$2&'$),*)&*'05!*0*.&-3!2,0)#&-*04&9)*

$%"#&'"#;-9&3);&*-9#")",-*0 )+!*$0,)6
B/4%7&7;>% $%#8%.0*3%+)6% QG# A-=#]#/"#]#5-$3#6)5^
_G# #?&#]#/"#]#/$%5\#]#?#]#%&)3&#]#=-3.#]#&"9#)96#?#]#=-3.#]#
Notice that the second verb is always in the infinitive
I / finish / six o’clock / and / cook / dinner.
# ?#]#9-&#%&-(#]#),,#6)5\#
EF1 7%C0C1D*%20E$C%/+-%3/*$26
# A-=#]#/"#]#5-$3#6)5^
!"#$%"#&'"#()%&#%*+(,"#=*&'#&'"%"#('3)%"%G QG# ?&#]#/"#9-&#]#/)60#
$!(*!."/$4#$!(*!."/$01%.,),24#yesterday afternoon4# # ?#9#]#+-39*9:#]#?#]#;'";.#]#;'*,63"9C%#]#'-+"=-3.#)96#
$!(*!."/$0!3!,),24#4/(*0(&11!.4#4/(*0+!!5!,"4#4/(*0$!/. ?#]#,*%&"9#]#&'"+#3")60#
In / afternoon / we / study / spelling and / we /

&'#((#'!$#)* &$


!!012101341!! !"#$%F: =0?4@941

L)95#;-++-9#8"3/%#')8"#*33":$,)3#()%&# %! %&'$(!)!*)+!*,!-)!-.!,*/#)+*)+!*$0,)*,#'$(!*1&2'*&1*)+!*3!24,*#-*
%*+(,"#2-3+%0 )+!*4&76*:+!2!*02!*)/&*!7)20*3!24,6*
infiniti e !")*%)0,!2$
/$5 /-$:'&
;-+" ;)+" ! A! !"#%%C-"1E%% four cups of co ee yesterday evening.
6- 6*6 ! B! ?# my mother some owers on her birthday last week.
63*9. 63)9. ! C! 1'"#%&$6"9&%# #)#,-&#-2#'-+"=-3.#,)%&#+-9&'0
")& )&" ! D! B)+# #%-+"#:--6#('-&-%#-2#&'"#)()3&+"9&#-9#1'$3%6)50
:"& :-& ! E! !"# #)#,-&#-2#("-(,"#)&#&'"#()3&50
:*8" :)8" ! F! J)%&#=""."96#="# #)#/*:#+"),#*9#)9#)+)Z*9:#N'*9"%"#
:- ="9& 3"%&)$3)9&0
')8" ')6
.9-= .9"=#
B!! %&'$(!)!*)+!*,!-)!-.!,6*8,!*!"#*0-"*)+!*/&2",*#-*420.5!),6*
! A! ?#$%$),,5#:"&#$(#)&#%"8"9#-C;,-;.4#>5"%&"36)5#]#:"&#$(#]#9*9"#
,")8" left
-C;,-;.D##4+*%<$)*$-C"<%7%#/*%+!%"*%101$%/D52/5E% #0
+)." +)6"
! B! !"#$%$),,5#/$5#-$3#2--6#*9#&'"#%$("3+)3."&4#>,)%&#="".#]#/$5#]#
+""& +"& -$3#2--6#-9,*9"D## #0
3")6 3")6` ! C! L5#=*2"#),=)5%#,")8"%#'-+"#)&#"*:'&#-C;,-;.4#>-9#1'$3%6)5#
%"" %)= +-39*9:#]#,")8"#'-+"#]#&"9D#
%,""( %,"(& ! !% % #0
&)." &--. ! D! I usually have lunch in the office, yesterday / have lunch / a
=3*&" =3-&" 3"%&)$3)9&D## #0
! E! ?#),=)5%#+""&#23*"96%#*9#&'"#"8"9*9:4#>,)%&#!"69"%6)5#]#+""&#]#
the pronunciation of the infinitive and the some friends / the afternoon
past is di erent: ! !% % #0
infinitive: read / iː / ! F! I often write emails in the evening, yesterday / not write / any
a# ()%&G 3")6#/ e / "+)*,%D## #0
! G! We don’t often go out in the evening, go / cinema / yesterday
1'"#()%&#%*+(,"#*%#&'"#%)+"#2-3##4#$%&4#'!4#('!4# "8"9*9:D## #0
! H! b);'",#9"8"3#:-"%#&-#/"6#")3,54#>5"%&"36)5#]#:-#]#'),2#()%&#9*9"D
! !% % #0
! I! ?#6-9C&#$%$),,5#%,""(#)#,-&4#>,)%&#B$96)5#]#%,""(#]#2-3#&"9#'-$3%D
3),#%&.) ! !% % #0
! AJ! c3"66*"#$%$),,5#6-"%#'*%#%;'--,#'-+"=-3.4#>5"%&"36)5#]#9-&#6-#]#
E":)&*8"%#)3"#&'"#%)+"#)%#2-3#3":$,)3#8"3/%0## '*%#'-+"=-3.D## #0
)+4=$5* "+>020"-<% infiniti e /4=$5*%/-%
?$-4%@!"!A !3-")$ C!! %+0-;!*)+!*$&,#)#3!*3!24,*)&*-!;0)#3!*3!24,6
?# 6*69C& :- '-+"0 ! A! !"#:-&#'-+"#)&#%"8"90##H$%C0C1D*%#$*%3/,$%"*%)$?$16
B'"# 6*6#9-& ')8" /3").2)%&0 ! B! ?#3")6#)#9"=%()("3#,)%&#B$96)50
! C! B&"2)9#.9"=#+"0#
E-&*;"#&')&#&'"#%";-96#8"3/#*%#),=)5%#*9#&'"# ! D! !)%*+#="9&#&-#=-3.#-9#L-96)50#
infinitive without *%D0
! E! !"#;)+"#&-#&'*%#;*&5#*9#RHHY0
a% 7%C0C1D*%#/%*/%*3$%)+!$-,"-E$*6%
EF1 7%C0C1D*%.$1*%*/%*3$%)+!$-,"-E$*6 D!! %+0-;!*)+!*-!;0)#3!*3!24,*)&*$&,#)#3!*3!24,6

a# 6! is di erent. ! A! F$3#6)$:'&"3#6*69C&#+)."#)#3"),,5#9*;"#+"),#2-3#$%0#
% B<"1%K#$;>%%.$226% ! ! K+-%C"+#3*$-%,"C$%"%-$"22<%105$%,$"2%I/-%+)6
! B! V*+#6*69C&#,")8"#$9*8"3%*&5#*9#T[[U0
% H$%K)+);>%%3"!!<6
! C! ?#6*69C&#=3*&"#+"%%):"%#&-#),,#+5#23*"96%0
! D! I didn’t see a good film last week.
! E! ?#6*69C&#')8"#&=-#%'-="3%#5"%&"36)50


!!234323563!! !"#$%&' =!!)156'(/("/,(";1%-(.#*/$1%"=$/,"/,("=1.2#"$%"/,("31>9
!"#$%&#"#$'&()"#"$%*$+,-$)$%./0#%1 does first good much platform
!"#$%&'(" %*$2,+3.45$'3#)"#1 ".4=3#$$$$%*8*((*9$$$$-*,
)*%"+",*-("*".(/0.% @B$ @$K single $%*$I.?#('**35$'3#)"#1
6B$ E*($%*>)-:
)10'2"+"304"*"51%/,'4"6*## 7*($%&#$/.%-5$'3#)"#:
@B$ L*5$7*($M $1$
@B$ G&)%$%.8#;"$%&#$N $%().4:
6B$ I#%$8#$/&#/01$D%$3#)?#"$)%$O1NP$.4$%&#$8*(4.4=1
7,(% ’s the first train?
@B$ @4>$9&#4$Q $.%$)((.?#:
7,*/"/$5( ;"$%&#$3)"%$+,"$%*4.=&%:
6B$ D%$)((.?#"$)%$R1SO1
@B$ TU1$A&)%;"$O $1$T4#$%./0#%5$'3#)"#1
."$.%: 6B$ $V,"%$)$8.4,%#1$A&)%;"$*4#$".4=3#$%*$I.?#('**3$
@B$ H*9$W $."$.%:
B: It’s . .
A&#$4#<%$%().4$."$ @B$ A&)40$-*,1$G&)%$P $>*#"$.%$3#)?#$7(*8:
*/",*'8"6*#/"('(-(%9" 6B$ $A&#$I.?#('**3$%().4"$,",)33-$3#)?#$7(*8$'3)%7*(8$
A&#(#;"$)$+,"$ KX5$+,%$/&#/0$%*8*((*91
A&#(#;"$*4# @B$ A&)40$R $1
platform five.
=)%#$#3#?#41 >!! ?#("/,("6.156/#"/1"5*<("*";1%-(.#*/$1%9
on platform five. @B$ H.1$Y$&)?#$Y$(#%,(4$Y$I."+*45$'3#)"#:$
)%$=)%#$#3#?#41 % 567%()*+,%-%8"9$%"%.$/*.0%/)%:612)03%!+$"1$4
6B$ %*>)-:
@B$ F#"1$Y$8,/&:
72869:63 6B$ D%$Y$%9*$#,(*"1
@B$ G&#4$Y$4#<%$Y$+,":
;!! )1..(;/"/,.(("5$#/*<(#"$%"(*;,";1%-(.#*/$1%9
6B$ A&#(#$Y$*4#$Y$&)37$')"%$%9*1
! ;! @B$ C*,3>$D$)$(#%,(4$%*$D"%)4+,35$'3#)"#:
@B$ G&#4$Y$)((.?#$Y$I."+*4:
% % % ()*+,%-%<*,-%"%.$/*.0%/)%-1/"02*+3%!+$"1$4
6B$ @%$Z,)(%#($Y$7*,(1
! ! 6B$ E*($%*>)-:
@B$ A&)40"1$Y$G&)%$=)%#$Y$.%:
! ! @B$ F#"1$G&)%$'3)%7*(8$.":$ 6B$ J)%#$MM1
! ! 6B$ D%$'3)%7*(8$"#?#41

! =! @B$ $C)4$D$+,-$8*4%&3-$')""$7*($%&#$

! ! 6B$ H#(#$-*,$)(#1

! ! @B$ A&)40"1$H*9$8,/&$.":

! ! B: Is fift y euros.

! >! @B$ G&)%$=)%#"$."$%&#$+,"$%*$I.8):

! ! 6B$ J)%#$7*,(%##41

! ! @B$ G&#(#;"$%&#$4#<%$+,":

! ! 6B$ D%;"$)%$%#4$*;/3*/01$

! ! @B$ @4>$9&)%$%.8#$)((.?#"$.4$I.8):

! ! 6B$ @%$&)37$')"%$%9*1$

%&'(('&!)'*+ %)

!"$! !"#$?!!%&'( ')*+

!!234323563!! !"#$%&; G#$8)0#$Z,#"%.*4"$9.%&B$
\$ !%&'($]$",+[#/%$]$4*,41
!"#$ ! G#(.C!)#(!./1-!*!I.*BB%)?%<"/$.4%%
G#$,"#$!"#$$%*$%)30$)+*,%$*,($9."&#"1 \$ !%&'( subject infinitive with $%1
G#$,"#$!"#$$9.%&$)$4*,41$ ! G#(.C!)#(!./1-!%#!BA-*1%/)%@1%56++4
\$ 9#$,"#$'*+,$%*$%)30$)+*,%$%&.4="$%&)%$)(#$)39)-"$%(,#1
G#$/)4$)3"*$,"#$!"#$ with a verb. We use the infinitive % -%./1-%"!!+$17%G)%>)*%./1-%?))/2"++4
9.%&$$%1 \$ 9#$,"#$!%&'()'*+,$%*$%)30$)+*,%$"*8#*4#;"$9."&#"$4*91$
-%$*@%!%#!%+*,-.%/)%-0,6"7%@".A*1%$*@%-C!%#!'-%"0%"A/).7 ! !:DC!./1-%"0%"!!+$7%G#(.C!)#(!./1$%/)%<"/A8%/8$%?))/2"++%
C6"0A"%C#-B@D%!$*@% to see a film.

;!! A0/"/,("=1.2#"$%"/,(";1..(;/"1.2(."/1"5*<("*"
E#!)#(!$*@% a co ee?
@B$ -*,:$Y$)(#$Y$H*9
6B$ 3.0#$Y$D$Y$&*3.>)-1$Y$;>$Y$)$
@B$ -*,$Y$G&#(#$Y$=*:$Y$%*$Y$3.0#$Y$9*,3>
!%&'(,')*+ 6B$ ^*,%&$@7(./)1$Y$%*$Y$3.0#$Y$D$Y$=*$Y$;>$Y$%*
@B$ =*$Y$%&#(#:$Y$%*$Y$G&-$Y$9)4%$Y$-*,$Y$>*
"%(*4=$)"$!"#$1$ @B$ ."1$Y$.%$Y$F#"5
6B$ )4.8)3"1$Y$"##$Y$9)4%$Y$%*$Y$D$Y$%&#$Y$@4>
@B$ J*_

=!! ),11#("/,(";1..(;/"*'/(.%*/$-(9
! ;! D$'$<($Y$:2"'$<($/)%"$+,%$D$21%:/"'$<($Y$=10'2%:/"'$<(
! =! D$:2"'$<($Y$'$<($)$4#9$/)(1
! >! 710'2"410"'$<($Y$B1"410"'$<($)$4#9$'&*4#$7*($-*,($
! J! D$21%:/"=*%/$Y$21%:/"'$<($%*$=*$%*$%&#$')(%-1
D$9)4%$)4$./#$/(#)81 D$9*,3>$3.0#$)4$./#$/(#)85$
'3#)"#1 ! K! B1(#"C/(8*%"'$<($Y$710'2"C/(8*%"'$<($&."$
We often use the contraction .()'*+,$.4$"'#)0.4=$)4>$ ! L! D$%1"=*%/"Y$21%:/"=*%/")4$*()4=#1
.47*(8)3$9(.%.4=1$G#$,",)33-$,"#$.%$9.%&$",+[#/%$'(*4*,4"B$ ! M! G*,3>$-*,$3.0#$&1$Y$/1"&1$%*$J(##/#:
/5$0%&5$1,5$21,5$*$5$!,5$$1,01 ! N! B1$Y$710'2$-*,$9)4%$%*$"##$)$'&*%*$*7$*,($&*%#3:$$
>!! )156'(/("/,(";1%-(.#*/$1%#"=$/,"/,("=1.2#"$%"/,("31>9"
-EC!./1-%"%H/@-+*.!$*%-+3%!+$"1$7%% ;>$$$$$>*$$$$&#3'$$$$3.0#$$$$9)4%$$$$9*,3>
! ;! @B$ J**>$8*(4.4=1$G&)%$K $-*,$3.0#$%*$>(.40:
G#$/)4$)3"*$,"#$!%&'()'*+, with a verb. We use the infinitive ! ! 6B$ D;>$M a cup of co ee, please.
9.%&$$%1 ! ! @B$ 2*$-*,$N $8.30$*($",=)(:
-EC!./1-!%#!0<*@I-%B>%.))B3%!+$"1$7%% ! ! 6B$ L*$%&)40"1
! =! @B$ C)4$D$Q $-*,:
A&#$4#=)%.?#$."$(#=,3)(1$G#$,",)33-$,"#$%&#$4#=)%.?#$%*$%)30$ ! ! 6B$ F#"1$D$O $3.0#$%*$%(-$*4$%&."$[,8'#(1
! ! @B$ $T 7$/*,("#1$W $-*,$9)4%$%*$,"#$%&#$/&)4=.4=$
-%$#(.C@D%!./1-%"%.$"++>%26#%8)*1$7 (**8:
-%$#(.C@D%!./1-%/)%2$%?"B)*17 ! ! 6B$ F#"5$'3#)"#1


012341520#156!7#48%! 965%%4##;!651<:5<3
!"#$%!4 !"#$%!4

&!$! "#$%&!$&'!1)=<+!,-.-/0!12$&!$&'!3&)$)+!,4.506 &!$! "#$%&!$&'!K'=*+!#;<!3&=#+'+!,-.-/0!12$&!$&'!32%$A='+!

! &! a bank ! +! !*!0*$$0-&,
! '! !*!+*1)&* ! ,! !*!0/-.) ! &! answer ! ,! !1*,+/
! (! !*!+-10#,)& ! -! a supermarket ! '! ask ! -! !&)*%
! )! !*!1).# ! .! !*!,*A' ! (! check your answers ! .! write
! *! !*!/-,)4 ! &/! !*!#.'()&$',6 ! )! !+/--$) ! &/! !$*6!B/)44-8
! *! !4'$,). ! &&! work alone
= > ! +! look at ! &'! work in pairs

= >

A ?
A ?

4+5=? 4+5=9

B @
B @


C D house sun tree


I E ,-.%$"%&
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F G Answer

d e
b c
1 a
d e
b c
2 a
d e
b c
3 a
d e
b c
4 a
d e
b c
5 a

#! %#&,&'"!7!!8))9!#$!$&'!3&)$)+!#:#2;6!82+$';!#;<!
='3'#$6!! #! %#&,&'(!7!!8))9!#$!$&'!32%$A='+!#:#2;6!82+$';!
)! E)=9!2;!3#2=+6!F$A<';$!4G!P)2;$!$)!#!3&)$)6!F$A<';$!HG!
F#D!$&'!1)=<6! )! E)=9!2;!:=)A3+6!F$A<';$!4G!F#D!#!%@#++=))?!

%-)$#.,$/0!#$12 %#

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%)=='%$!;#$2);#@2$2'+6! C&3).,'.* C&3).,'.'*. T-4*.% T-4'$/
C#$,&*4'* K! I0*'. KU!
#! %#"&'"!7!!82+$';!#;<!A;<'=@2;'!$&'!+$='++'<! D&*E'4 L! Turkey KK!
+D@@#*@'!2;!'#%&!%)A;$=D!)=!;#$2);#@2$D6 F-4-1"'* M! ,/)!HJ KL!
7.%'* N! L&$&
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7,*46 O! F/'.*! F/'.)$)
+! E)=9!2;!3#2=+6!F$A<';$!4G!F#D!#!%)A;$=D! G)A'+- P! V'),.*1 KM!
F$A<';$!HG!F#D!$&'!;#$2);#@2$D6 ,/)!HI;,/)!HIC Q! W*0*. KN!
67! 82#9:;!!!!! I-#,/!C5&'+* R! )$&'=
<7! 82#9-#0; I-#,/!J-&)*!! S!
X&*.+) X&).+/
Y)&1*.6 Y)&1*.
Swit erland Swiss

&!$! "#$%&!$&'!()*+!,-.-/0!12$&! = > A

! &!
! '!
! (!
! )!police officer
! *!
! +!office worker
? B
! ,!
! -! !%'3',*4!%)$'3.)&
! .! !5--,"*44!04*6)&
! &/! !*&,'$,

#! %#"&'(!7!!8))9!#$!$&'!3&)$)+!#:#2;6!
82+$';!#;<!='3'#$6 @ C D

'!$! 8))9!#$!$&'!+';$';%'+6!>&))+'!$&'!%)=='%$!1)=<!
! &! :)!#$)!#,;0!;!;)$&2;:!<!=-"$9!
! '! :)!#$)!#!;!#; jobs beginning with a consonant
! (! :)!#$)!#!;!#; jobs beginning with a vowel

#! 4<<!!!)=!!"!$)!$&'!()*+!2;!BC!-46!
&! #!()*!+,-.%,!!!/!!#0!#123,

)! %#"&'*!7!!82+$';!#;<!A;<'=@2;'!$&'!+$='++'<!
#!()* +,-.%,

(!$! E)=9!2;!3#2=+6!F$A<';$!4G!"2?'!#!()*!2;!BC!-46!F$A<';$!HG!IA'++!$&'!()*6
#! >)?3@'$'!$&'!+';$';%'!12$&!D)A=!()*6
781!*;*.! !9



+!$! "#$%&!$&'!()*+,!-./.01!(2$&!$&'!
3&)$),!-4/"15 =
! +! !"#$
! ,! !"#%#%#
! -! book
! .! bottle of water
! /! key
! 0! !&#'()'
! 1! make-up
! 2! !*)"+&,!'-)%,
! 3! notebook
! +4! !'./0,
! ++! sandwich ;
! +,! !.*"/,&&#
! +-! wallet

%! &%"'()!6!!72,$'8!#8+!%&'%95

*! :)*9!28!3#2*,5!;$<+'8$!4=!>)28$!$)!#!

> 7


? 9

&-*$%./$01!%$23 &%

!+$!!"#$$#%!AB'(")CD(*!E+F !+%!!G(#GH(
!"#$%!&( !"#$%!)&

+!$! "#$%&!$&'!#+A'%$2B',!-./..1!(2$&!$&'!32%$<*',!-4/C15 +!$! "#$%&!$&'!3')3F'!-./M1!(2$&!$&'!3&)$),!-4/N15

! +! !",#.(+1.& ! 1! !-#''4!#%2!0#2 ! +! !*#%! / !$+/&
! ,! !"+$!#%2!0*#&& ! 2! !-)(!#%2!5)&2 ! ,! woman 0 !")4
! -! easy and difficult ! 3! new and old ! -! !5-+&2! 1 !1/+,%2
! .! !1#3)./+(, ! +4! !(+/,2 ! .! !"#"4! 2 !',/0)%
! /! !1/+,%2&4 ! ++! !4).%$!#%2!)&2
! 0! !$))2!#%2!"#2 5 =

5 = :

; < 6 : ;

> 7 I
< 6

8 ?

> 7

%! &%+'("!6!!7))9!#$!$&'!32%$<*',!#D#285!72,$'8!#8+!

*! :)*9!28!3#2*,!#8+!$',$!'#%&!)$&'*5!E&'8!,(#3!*)F',5
! +! 6(.2,%(!78!9)+%(!()!#!'+5(./,!+%!:;!<7=!6(.2,%(!>8!
Say the word or words.
%! &%+'(+!6!!7))9!#$!$&'!3&)$),!#D#285!72,$'8!#8+!*'3'#$5
! ,! Student A: Say one word in a word pair. Student B:
Say the other word. ,!$! :*2$'!$&'!,28D<F#*!H)*I5!
#! :)*9!28!3#2*,5!;$<+'8$!4=!G&)),'!#8!#+A'%$2B'!H*)I! ! +! ',)'&,! "%*+,-!!!!!!!!!!!
JK!.4!#8+!,#@!#!8)<8!$&#$!D)',!(2$&!2$5!;$<+'8$!?=! ! ,! *,%!
L<',,!$&'!#+A'%$2B'!#8+!,#@!$&'!3&*#,'5 ! -! women
A: a co ee ! .! 5-+&2/,%!
B: a hot co ee %! &%+'(,!6!!72,$'8!#8+!*'3'#$5

-!! :)*9!28!3#2*,!#8+!$',$!'#%&!)$&'*5!;$<+'8$!4=!>)28$!$)!



)!$! "#$%&!$&'!%)()67*!+,-,8/!01$&!$&'!21%$67'*!+3-9/5
! )! black
! *! !12,(
! +! brown
! ,! !3'((+
! -! !#'$+3(
! .! pink
! /! !.,'.2(
! 0! !'(&
! 1! white
! )2! yellow

%! &%"'()!:!!4));!#$!$&'!21%$67'*!#<#1=5!41*$'=!#=>!7'2'#$5

#! "#$%&!$&'!%)()67*!+,-./!01$&!$&'!21%$67'*!+3-?/5
! )! (1<&$!3'((+
! *! >#7;!3'((+

*! &%"'(+!:!!41*$'=!#=>!@#$%&!$&'!2&7#*'*!+,-A/!01$&!$&'!2&)$)*!+3-B/5

5 7

9 ;

*!$! C)7;!1=!2#17*5!D$6>'=$!3E!F)1=$!$)!#!%)()67!1=!GH!,35!D$6>'=$!?E!D#I!$&'!%)()675!
%! C)7;!1=!2#17*!#=>!$#;'!$67=*5!D$6>'=$!3E!J&))*'!#=!)KL'%$!1=!$&'!%(#**7))@5!
)*! +%,,-.
/*! 01!23!4#52#61!7#$8

&,#$%-.$/0!%$12 &%

!"#!!"#$%&'( 7

)!$! "#$%&!$&'!%()$&'*!+,-,./!
! )! !"#$%
! *! !&'())
! +! jacket
! ,! !*($+)
! -! !*,-.('
! .! !)/0'%
! /! skirt
! 0! !),0% 6
! 1! !%#.
! )2! !%'#,)(')
! ))! T-shirt
! )*! !)/#()!


> ?

%! &%"'("!:!!4));!#$!$&'!2&)$)*!#<#1=5!41*$'=!#=>!7'2'#$5

#! C)7;!1=!2#17*5!J()*'!I)67!K));*!#=>!());!#$!$&'!%(#**5!C71$'!$&'!%()$&'*!I)6!*''5!

*! "#$%&!$&'!*1O'*!+,-P/!01$&!$&'!2&)$)*!+3-J/5
! )! )-$22
! *! -(&0,- 5 7 9
! +! 2$'3(


!0/! FG#HF

*!#! "#$%&!$&'!5),*7!/01034!5-$&!$&'!6&)$)7!/81O4:
! *! baker’s ! ,! !&.,+0%)</ ! .! !+(-#.,%)!/0(# ! 0! !/0(%!/0(# ! 2! supermarket
! +! bookshop ! -! !+$(,0%/!/0(# ! /! !#%,!/0(# ! 1! !/#(),/!/0(# ! *3! !=24%(!*"-%!/0(#

4 ; @

5 <

A 6 =

I 7

$! %$0&'"!C!!D-7$'+!#+*!%&'%.:

)! E),.!-+!6#-,7:!P$<*'+$!8Q!R)-+$!$)!#!6&)$)!-+!IJ!08:!P$<*'+$!SQ!P#M!$&'!5),*:!

%+)#$12#34!$#*5 %$


*!#! "#$%&!$&'!())*!#+*!*,-+.!/01234!5-$&!$&'!6&)$)7!/8194:
! ! ;,<-$
! *! !"##$%! 4 ; 5
! +! !&"'"'"
! ,! !()"'*%

! ! ='>'$#?@'7
! -! !+"))(, =
< A
! .! !-./0)((- 6
! /! !#(,",(
! 0! !,(-",(

! ! "'#$
! 1! steak I 7 B
! 2! !&%%1
! *3!! chicken

! ! A,-+.7!
! **! milk
8 N
! *+! !1).2,!3.2+%! C

! ! B$&',
! *,! !#"/,"!
! *-! fish
! *.! !&)%"4
! */! !+%)%"$ :
> D ?
! *0! !)2+% 9
! *1! !+0%%/%
! *2! !%**!
! +3! sandwich

$! %$"&'(!C!!D-7$'+!#+*!,'6'#$:!

)! E,-$'!$&'!6@<,#@!(),F!)(!$&'!5),*7!(),!01G!#+*!0H123!-+!IJ!08:

!*+,-).! ood and drink words don’t have plural forms,

!%5*5!!""#6!$%&'%6! s 6!()*"!789!!""#&6!$%&'%&6!()*"&5

/! E),.!-+!6#-,7:!K&))7'!$&'!5,)+>!-$'F!-+!'#%&!>,)<6:
! *! apple orange fish banana ()*+!)*,-.!#!/01).2
! +! +"))(,! -./0)((-!! &"'"'"!! #(,",(
! ,! milk sandwich fruit juice water
! -! #"/,"!! 1).2,!3.2+%! )2+%! #(,",(%/!
! .! steak chicken orange beef
! /! banana milk potato tomato

+!#! K,)77!)<$!$&'!#@$',+#$-L'!$&#$!-7!5,)+>:
! *! :!&#L'!;!'#$!;!*,-+. fruit juice for breakfast.
! +! :!&#L'!;!'#$!;!*,-+. eggs for breakfast.

$! E),.!-+!6#-,7:!E&#$!M)<!'#$!#+*!*,-+.!(),!?,'#.(#7$N
34! 5!%#.!#,!%$$!#,6!5!60),7!.%#2!8+#.!69!:91!+#;%<


!&$!!%)//.$J!%&)!%.") !&'!!9-,:!;#*<'
!"#$%!'* !"#$%!')

1!% ($&)*+!=!!<2+$';!$4!$&'!$2:'+7!>&';! 1!%! "#$%&!$&'!14)8+!,-.-90!12$&!$&'!2$':+!2;!$&'!3&4$4+!,5.<07

! 1! knife ! 7! !+2#$*
G 12121 1 1 12121 1 1
H 12121 1 1
!121 1 1 2! fork 12121 1 1 ! 8! bowl
11111112 11111112 11111112 11111112
12 11111112
1010 222 1010 222 1010 222 1010 222 1010 222
10 10 10 10
! 3333! !.+11,
! =! !+*++*'

99 9 333 99 9 333 99 9 333 99 9 99 9 333

88 8
77 7666 555
44 4 88 8
77 7666 555
44 4 88 8
77 7666 555
44 4 88 8
! 444 4!
77 7666 555
88 8
77 7666 555
! 1>! !.#2$!
! 5! !"-+! ! 11! !.-/#'
ten o’clock 3-#'$*'!+#.$!$*, %#24!+#.$!$*,
! 6! !/2#.. ! 12! napkin
@ ? 12121 1 1
11111112 12121 1 1
11111112 12121 1 1
11 111212 1 1 11 111212 1 1 11 111212 1 1 2

22 22 22

1010 T I M E ST TI M
1010 T I M E ST TI M

99 9 333 99 9 333 99 9 333

33 99 33 99 33
88 8 444 888 444 888 444
8 44 88 44 88 7 454
77 6 55 77 7666 555 77 7666 555
7 766 55 7 766 55 7 7 666 6 55

11 12 1
eleven o’clock.
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12
2 H
10 10 10 10 10
*2*)*, 3

9 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
11 111212 1 1 811 11
1212 1 1
4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
0 22 1010 7 52 2 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
$! 9B4)@!2;!3#2)+7!5+@!#;8!+#D!$&'!$2:'!C4)!
6 6 6 6 6

33 9 33
7 766 55
7 766 55

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
0 2

2 3 10 12 1

3 9 3 9 11 1 3 9 11 3 9 11 1 3
10 2 10 2 10 2

07.30 08.45

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 9 7
6 5 3 9 7
6 5
3 9 7
6 5 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
2 2 2
4 10
5910 6

3 9 11 12 1 3 11 12 1 3 11 12 1
4 810 42 810 42 10 2

09.00 11.45

7 6 5 97 6 5 3 97 6 5 3 9 3 @
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

I ? E
7 8
11 12 1 11 12 1
2 10 2


3 9 3
4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

<=! B5#4!C.!45%!401%!0-!-917%;!8-%D
@=! !+43.!5#EF!"#.4!.%G%-2!B5#43.!45%!401%!

2!%! K&44+'!$&'!%4))'%$!#?$');#$2('7!
! 1! #7:7!5!37:7!6!(,!$%*!71',(,/!4'17!
! 2! #7:7!5!37:7 in the afternoon and I

$! B)2$'!+2L!$2:'+7!M+'!!"#"!4)!$"#"
! )!"212>!'2I*!#212>!J2'&!"212!

'! B4)@!2;!3#2)+7!5+@!#;8!#;+1')!#*4E$!$&'!
$2:'+!2;!NL!9O7!B)2$'!$&'!$2:'+!$&#$!D4E)! D

#! B4)@!2;!3#2)+7!5+@!#;8!#;+1')!$&'!
$! ($&)*-!=!!<44@!#$!$&'!3&4$4+!#A#2;7!<2+$';!#;8!)'3'#$7
! 1! What time is it now?
! 2! What time is the English lesson? '! B4)@!2;!3#2)+7!K4(')!$&'!14)8+!2;!NL!-O!#;8!82+%E++!$&'!PE'+$24;+7!
! 3! :%*,!&1!+*1+2*!%#)*!&(,,*'!(,!01-'! ! 1! What things in the photos are always on your table at breakfast?
country? ! 2! What things do you have, but not on your table at home?
! 4! When are the shops open in your town ! 3! What things do you NOT have at home?
or city?

(.'%$/0%12!$%34 ($

!"$!!()*+'!#,!-+./.%0 !"#!!"#$%&'
!"#$%!&( !"#$%!&'

1!%! "#$%&!$&'!(')*+!,-./0!12$&!$&'!3&4$4+!,5.607
! 1! !"#$"%! ! 5! !.(,/
! 2! !&'()* ! 6! swim
! 3! !+#(,$ ! 7! throw
! 4! !'-, ! 8! !$0+*


1!%! QE:*')!$&'!:4;$&+!

I @ !;*+$*7<*'
? E !A*<'-#'0

$! ($")*+!=!!<2+$';!#;8!%&'%@7!>&';!

'! B4)@!2;!3#2)+7!H$E8';$!5R!H#D!#!:4;$&7!
<=! K%7;9#;?2
@=! L#;,52!

$! ($")*,!=!!<44@!#$!$&'!3&4$4+!#A#2;7!<2+$';!#;8!)'3'#$7

2!%! B4)@!2;!3#2)+7!B)2$'!#!?2+$!4C!'2A&$!$&2;A+!'#%&!4C!D4E!
(! +!,#-!./012
)! +!,#-34!"#0-42

$! H1#3!+';$';%'+!12$&!#;4$&')!3#2)7!I'#8!$&'2)!+';$';%'+7!JE'++!1&2%&!

'! K&'%@!D4E)!28'#+7
<=! :1#;>!/%!450-6!?89!,#-!./012
@=! A893;%!/;8-$2!+!,#-34!./012!



.!$! "#$%&!$&'!<22A*!#:;!()#%'*!+,-B/!01$&!$&'!(&2$2*!+3-=/5
! .! bathroom 0 bedroom 1 garden 2 kitchen 3 !0#=#+2!$&&.

3 K

< A

( ?
; @



: )


+ 9

#! "#$%&!$&'!CD<:1$D<'!#:;!(#<$*!2C!<22A*!+,-,E/!
! .! !"$.,/"#$ ! .8! !%0"+'
! 0! !("'/ ! ..! !*/-0>
! 1! !(-5 ! .0! shower
! 2! !,/"#$ ! .1! !*&>"
! 3! cooker ! .2! !'"(0-
! 4! !5&&$ ! .3! !'-0-=#*#&+
! 5! oor ! .4! !'&#0-'
! 6! !>$#52- ! .5! wall
! 7! !0".% ! .6! window

)! %#"&',!6!!7228!#$!$&'!(&2$2*!#9#1:5!71*$':!#:;!<'('#$5

*! %#"&'-!6!!71*$':!$2!$&'!CD<:1$D<'!#:;!*#H!$&'!%2<<'%$!<22A5!

0!$! @2<8!1:!(#1<*5!I$D;':$!3J!I#H!#!%2)2D<5!I$D;':$!KJ!7228!#$!$&'!(&2$2*!1:!=>!,35!
A: Green. B: A plant in the li ing room.

#! @2<8!1:!(#1<*5!I$D;':$!3J!M&22*'!#!<22A!1:!H2D<!&2A'5!I#H!$&'!CD<:1$D<'!1:!$&'!<22A5!



.!$! "#$%&!$&'!()#%'*!+,-,./!01$&!$&'!(&2$2*!+3-45/
! .! !"#$%&$'
! 0! !()*!*'"'#&+!
! 1! !,#+-."
! 2! !/&*%#'"0
! 3! !/&'-0
! 4! !0#($"$1
! 5! !.)*-).
! 6! post office
! 7! !*,/&&0 F G
! .8! !*/&%%#+2!,-+'$-
! ..! !*%&$'*!,-+'$-
! .0! supermarket
! .1! swimming pool
! .2!! !'$"#+!*'"'#&+




#! %#"&'(!6!!7228!#$!$&'!(&2$2*!#9#1:5!71*$':!#:;!<'('#$5

)! "#$%&!$&'!02<;*!1:!=>!,3!01$&!$&'!*$<'**!(#$$'<:*!+,-?/5
! .! 3!!school 0 Oo airport 1 oO 2 Ooo oOo 4 Oooo

*! %#"&'+!6!!71*$':!#:;!%&'%85

0!$! @2<8!1:!(#1<*5!
Student B: Say the place, then point to two photos.
Student A: Say the two places, then point to three places, etc.

#! Work in pairs. Which five places do you o en go to Which places do you never go to


!*#!!&89:&!8:!+;8<,8:9& !"%!!F'GG':!#,H*F%8I*&!J0K
!"#$%!(' !"#$%!&)

.!$! ?+)<!6>!(#6)*!#>.!E++<!#$!$&'!*6=>*!072F49! .!$! "#$%&!$&'!#.K'%$6L'*!0121I4!56$&!$&'!(&+$+*!072F49

?&#$!.+!$&'/!G'#>H ! .! !"$"7/-1! ! 3! !4)2/*/;%!
%! "#$%&!$&'!5+).*!#>.!(&)#*'*!0121I4!56$&! ! /! !8*,%9!:%2* ! 4! !#/(,
$&'!*6=>*9 ! 0! !'"$)32! ! 5! slow
! .! !%-*#"-(%! ! 3! lift ! 1! !'"2* ! 6! !2*#)-1!
! /! exit/way out ! 4! parking area ! 2! !4))#! ! .7! weak
! 0! fire exit ! 5! !2(,))0
! 1! !,)24/*"0 ! 6! !2*"/#2
! 2! !!/-')#$"*/)-! ! .7! the first A > B
desk oor

= A

? C @

> B


? C

%! &%"'(-!:!!;++<!#$!$&'!(&+$+*!#=#6>9!;6*$'>!#>.!)'('#$9

@ D #! ?+)<!6>!(#6)*9!M6>.!$&)''!(#6)*!+,!+((+*6$'!#.K'%$6L'*!6>!NO!179

/!! ?+)<!6>!(#6)*9!?&6%&!#.K'%$6L'*!6>!NO!17!%#>!.'*%)6-'!$&'*'!$&6>=*H
! L! "!2)-1 ! L! "-!"-/$"0
! L! "!("# ! L! co ee
! L! "!()3-*#& ! L! "-!"(*)#
! L! a wifi signal

0!$! P&6><!+,!#>!'O#G(E'!+,!'#%&!$&6>=9
! L! the best restaurant or caf in town
! L! a fast song and a slow song
! L! a strong and a weak password
#! &%*'(+!:!!;++<!#$!$&'!*6=>*!#=#6>9! ! L! "!'"$)32!#/(,!4%#2)-
;6*$'>!#>.!)'('#$9 ! L! "-!"$"7/-1!40"(%
! L! "!'"$)32!2/-1%#
,! ?+)<!6>!(#6)*!#>.!#>*5')!$&'!JA'*$6+>9!
! L! "!4)2/*/;%!'#/%-.
! 5,/(,!2/1-2!("-!&)3!2%%6
! .! outside? %! ?+)<!6>!(#6)*!#>.!%+G(#)'!/+A)!6.'#*9
! /! in an apartment building? A: The Co ee Club is the best caf in town.
! 0! in an office building? B: eally? I think Caf ouis is the best.
! 1! in a shopping centre? 12! 3!4/56,!75/0!8,9!:;%<%!8+!8,=


= A
.!$! "#$%&!$&'!(#)$*!+,!$&'!
! .! !"#$
! /! back
! 0! %"#
! 1! %&%
! 2! '"(%
! 3! '))*+ >
! 4! ,"-.
! 5! ,%".
! 6! ,"/#
! .7! 0%1
! ..! neck B ?
! ./! -)2%
! .0! $)3*,
! .1! 2*)$"(,
! .2! *))*,++

C @



%! &%"'()!:!!;++<!#$!$&'!(&+$+*!#=#6>9!;6*$'>!#>.!)'('#$9

#! ?+)<!6>!(#6)*9!@$A.'>$!7B!C+6>$!$+!#!(&+$+9!@$A.'>$!DB!@#/!$&'!5+).9!


!+*! &'(#"&!$%8!696#:4&6 !"%!!"456!'7#$&6&

!"#$%!<= !"#$%!&(

)!$! "#$%&!$&'!#%$5J5$5'*!/01K3!45$&!$&'!)&+$+*!/61L38 )!$! E+F)G'$'!$&'!4+-=!4'H*!45$&!$&'!4+-=*!5.!$&'!H+I8!

! )! !5#!6#3$
! +! !3#!%#!%:-!360
two years !!!!4)/5$6!7.89 !!!!0#,%:!!!!!;<=<!!!!!
! -! play basketball night a week Saturday x weekend
! /! play cricket 6-$)!!!!!%:)--!5$6'!!!!!8>8>
! 1! !*+$6!?##%"$++
! *! !*+$6!%-,,/'
! ,! !)&,@3#!?#)!$!)&, afternoon
! .! go for a walk
6-'%-)5$6 ! !! !
; >

! !! !

)".3;! !

! !! !

3 ? ! !! !

+$'% ! !! !

! !! !

! !! !

! !! !
< @

8.3/#0! !
! !! !

(9:9! !
= A /,
! !! !


! !! ! $3#

%! &%+'(,!9!!:5*$'.!#.=!%&'%;8 ! !! !

#! >+-;!5.!)#5-*8!6*;!#.=!#.*4'-!D@'*$5+.*!#H+@$!
)*! >6!06?!";#0!@66-A#;;B %! >+-;!5.!)#5-*8!?$@='.$!6A!?#(!$4+!$5F'!)&-#*'*!,-+F!
A. Student B: Which phrase comes first in time
C*! +%,4!D!/67!>6!06?B
)*! E64!D!/62F-7 )*! +%,-%./#0!%1%232$4!-56!0%#.,!#$67
B: Two years ago comes first.



)!$! "#$%&!$&'!$()'*!+,!$-#.*)+-$!/01023!45$&!$&'!)&+$+*!/61738!
! )! bike bicycle ! +! !"&' ! -! motorbike ! /! !%$./ ! 1! !%)$0
! *! !"#$% ! ,! !($) .! !*+$,- ! 0! !%)$/, ! )2! underground/subway

; > 3

? <

@ = A


%! &%"'()!9!!:++;!#$!$&'!)&+$+*!#<#5.8!:5*$'.!#.=!-')'#$8

#! >+-;!5.!)#5-*8!?$@='.$!6A!B+5.$!$+!#!)&+$+8!?$@='.$!CA!?#(!$&'!4+-=8!

*! >+-;!5.!)#5-*!#.=!=5*%@**!$&'!D@'*$5+.*8
! )! What types of transport do you use a lot? Why?
! +! What types of transport do you never use? Why not?

-&('7-"#'7"-$233*'4 --8

! !"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- | syllables stress and /ə/

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*. | !"! !#! /ɪz/ in plurals

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- ;"#! "#$%!&'!()&$*+!;##%!)/!/0-!6#$.*!&'!>7!B!)<)&'!)'.!

-"#! "#$%!&'!()&$*+!,-).!/0-!/&(+!10-'!2#3(4-/-!/0-!/)54-! -$233*'4"+*$
6&/0!/0-!6#$.*!&'!/0-!5#7+! In words we often spell /ə/!
- er
$%&'(')*#+*&'"+*$ .
ords ha e parts called syllables. A syllable has :
one owel sound. !"# has one syllable $%&'%( has ;
two syllables &%)*"'+( has three syllables.

," "#$%!&'!()&$*+!C#3(4-/-!/0-!6#$.*+!
afternoon digital four internet night
number pi a sandwich singer Spain * -* He’s a waiter .
* .* She’s sev n.
#'-!*844)54- /6#!*844)54-* /0$--!*844)54-* * :* It’s in Pol nd.
59* doctor computer * ;* Good aft noon.
afternoon * <* Answ the uestion.
* =* ust mom nt.
," -!./!!:!!;&*/-'!)'.!20-2%+!10-'!4&*/-'!)<)&'!)'.! * >* It’s from Br il.
* ?* I’m a sing .
."" -!./0!:!!,-).!/0-!/&(+!10-'!4&*/-'!/#!6#$.*!=$#3! * @* No probl m.
>7!?@+!A'.-$4&'-!/0-!*/$-**-.!*844)54-+ * -A* He’s n act .
* --* It’s in Chin .
$%&'(')*#+*&'"+*$ * -.* I don’t und stand.
ne syllable in the word is stressed.
)" -!./5!:!!;&*/-'!)'.!$-(-)/+
It is l o n g and .
doctor computer
!"!5*!#!5*/ z/*B8*C1D721/
:"" -!./1!:!!,-).!/0-!/&(+!10-'!4&*/-'!)'.!$-(-)/!/0-!
<"#! "#$%!&'!()&$*+!"0)/!)$-!/0-!(49$)4!=#$3*!#=!/0-!6#$.*!
The schwa /ə/ sound is weak and is in ( !$$$! E !$$$! & !$$$!
unstressed syllables. name book box
teach-$ doct#$ @meric) email passport bus
/ə/ /ə/ /ə/ /ə/ key shop sandwich

* -* teach-$, comput-$
* .* doct#$, inf#$mation ," -!./6!:!!;&*/-'!)'.!3)/20!/0-!(49$)4!-'.&'<*!E@FCG
* :* @meric), shop )ssist)nt &'!>7!H@!6&/0!/0-!*#9'.*I!!"!J!!#!!)'.!/ z/+
* ;* list-n, stud-nt )" -!./6!:!!;&*/-'!)<)&'!)'.!$-(-)/+


!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- | short and long sounds ( ): /ɪ/ /iː/ /ʊ/ /uː/

* !"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*. | !'! and !(! in uestion words
* ,!/00'$1 | special spellings /ɪ/ /iː/ /ʊ/ and /uː/

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- ,!/&'(0*,!/00'$1,
23456*789*:48;*24<892*=->?*/ /@*/ /@* .#$! B106!)-!*%)0/!%-&!<1=*.$'$!'($!310&/+!
/ /@*/ / * -* a I2/)-$//=%- / / G 'J!J sisters
* .* three *J!J*.$ H a 3J=%-
-#$ %"&'(!"!!#$%&!'($!')*+!,($-!.)/'$-!%-&!0$*$%'!
* A* just a =)-J'$ I six 3J=J-
* J* How are >J!J ? K a -J!J car
* L* a *1.J<$ officer -M It’s IJ!J!J!')E2.%
nglish owel sounds are short or :*4*8*;. 1# B106!)-!*%)0/+!K%'<(!'($!/*$..)-;/!?9@9LA!)-!78!M:!3)'(!'($!
/ / and / / are short; / / and / / are long. /12-&/D!/ /N!/ /N!/ /!%-&!/ /+

.# %"&'!!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!<($<6+!,($-!.)/'$-!%;%)-!%-&!0$*$%'+!!
/ɪ/ it, six, children, !nglish, eleven
/ / eight$$n, ninet$$n, $%sy, t$%cher, $mail A## ead the tip. Then choose five words in bold from A
/ʊ/ good, book, football, look, difficult and write the correct sound under each di cult spelling.
/ / aftern11n, ch11se, 4K, 2niversity, tr2$

1# 5116!%'!'($!310&/!)-!78!9:!%;%)-!%-&!<1=*.$'$! )*+,-,./$0/+,#0/)
'($!')*+ Some nglish spellings are difficult to pronounce.
rite the sound under a difficult spelling to help you
%)233/,4#0/) remember the pronunciation.
In words we often spell: b2sinessman
/ɪ/ - i . //
/iː/ - . A
/ʊ/ - . )) J## %"&'6 Listen and find two e amples of each sound in the
/uː/ - . A /$-'$-<$/+!
* -* I’m Kim. I’m twenty-three. I’m a police officer.
* * /ɪ/ im
.# %"&'"!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!=%'<(!3(%'!>12!($%0!
* * /iː/
* .* I’m forty-two. I’m a bus driver in the UK. It’s a difficult job,
but it’s good.

7 bin B bean
L#$! F1=*.$'$!'($!O2$/')1-!310&/+
* -* at’s your name? J o’s your teacher?
* .* ere are you from? L ow do you spell your name?
* A* en is your English class?

1# F1=*.$'$!'($!'%I.$!3)'(!'($!O2$/')1-!310&/!)-!78!P:+!

!'! !(!

C foot 9 food hat *** *** ****

5# B106!)-!*%)0/+!C'2&$-'!:D!C%>!%!310&!E01=! .# %"&'7!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!<($<6+!,($-!.)/'$-!%;%)-!%-&!0$*$%'+!
5# B106!)-!*%)0/+!:/6!%-&!%-/3$0!'($!O2$/')1-/!)-!78!P:+

%+-,5%#$,5#%)233/,4 %%8

! !"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- | oiced and un oiced consonants ( ): !"! and !#! !$! and / / !%! and !&!
!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*. | sounds at the end of words

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- .#$ %!&'"!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!=%'<(!3)'(!'($!<100$<'!310&!10!

!"!*789*!#!@*!$!*789*/ /@*!%!*789*!&!
-#$ %!&'(!"!!#$%&!'($!')*+!,($-!.)/'$-!%-&!0$*$%'!'($!
% It’s a pea. I It’s a bee.
e use our oice for some consonants
e.g. !#! / / and !&!.
e don’t use our oice for other consonants
< It’s cold. & It’s gold.
e.g. !"! !$! and !%!.

!"! pen, people, happy, cup, shop

!#! Iank, Ied, I"Iy, weIsite, joI
!$! camera, co ee, jacket, black, thin#
/ / ;irl, ;oodbye, ;2itar, bi;, ba; $ town E down
!%! $-shirt, waiter, letter, suit, what
1# B106!)-!*%)0/+!C'2&$-'!:D!C%>!%!310&!10!*(0%/$!E01=!
!&! &octor, &ark, a&&ress, re&, ba& 78!M:+!C'2&$-'!GD!H1)-'!'1!'($!<100$<'!*(1'1+

1# 5116!%'!'($!310&/!)-!78!9:!%;%)-!%-&!<1=*.$'$!
%)233/,4#0/) 24<892*76*63F*F89*4P*O4592
In words we spell:
A#$ %!&'!!"!!#$%&!'($!')*+!,($-!.)/'$-!%-&!0$*$%'!'($!
!"! - p . *(0%/$/!%-&!/$-'$-<$/!?9@QA+!
!#! -
!$! - . A )*+,-,./$0/+,#0/)
/ / - . e link a word ending with a consonant sound
!%! - . (cup what) to a word beginning with a owel
!&! - . sound (of are). It’s important to pronounce the
final consonant: cup of what are.
e pronounce a double letter (!! "") the
same as a single letter (! ").
* -* cup cup of a cup of co ee
* .* job job in a job in town
* A* think think it’s I think it’s great.
* J* bag bag of a bag of bananas
* L* what What are What are your names?
* G* good good answer a good answer
* H* love love it I love it.
* I* like like it I don’t like it.

1# B106!)-!*%)0/+!H0%<')/$!/%>)-;!'($!*(0%/$/!%-&!/$-'$-<$/+


!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- | short owels: !&! !'! / /

* !"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*. | "#!$: / z/ or / əz/!
* ,!/00'$1 | special spellings / / and !&!

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*-* ,!/&'(0*,!/00'$1,
23456*7489:2;*!"!<*!#!<*/ /
=#$% I2;/)(,(%,'(%62.#+$%
-#$ %"&'( Listen to the short vowels !&!(#!'!#!"# / /$% * -* We have J.K%K4B!+, at seven.
&'("%)*+,("%!-!*"%!"#%.(/(!,$ * .* Nate is very AK%K"-, only two years old.
!&! (gg, p(pper, g(t, n(ver, tw(lve * =* Where are my 'K%K#/'2"(+?
!'! !pple, c!rrot, n!pkin, h!t, 0frica * F* That’s my B.K%K"# Amy.
/ / m1shroom, l1nch, s2metimes, l2ve, m2ther * G* It’s K"K o’clock.
* H* Do you have K"A eggs?
)# 32.4%*"%/!*.+$%5224%!,%,'(%62.#+%*"%78%90%!-!*"%!"#% * I* Can you say it !-K%K", please?
:2;/)(,(%,'(%,*/$ * J* In my :K%K",.A, we speak Spanish.

%*+,,-./#0-* )# %"&'"%<%%5*+,("%,2%,'(%62.#+%!"#%+(",(":(+%*"%
In words we usually spell:
!&! - e 3# 3.*,(%,'(%62.#+%*"%J2)#%*"%78%H0%!"#%,'(%:2..(:,%
!'! - sound under each di cult spelling.
/ / - . br(!kfast
/ /

.#$ %"&'1%<%%5224%!,%,'(%/'2,2+%!"#%)*+,("%,2%,'(%62.#+$%
!"#$;*/ z/*45*/ əz/K*
F#$ nderline the stressed words in the conversation.
- :!/ !'! :1/%/ / A: Does your classroom have a computer?
B: es, it does.
A: Does it have a blackboard?
B: No, it doesn’t. It has a whiteboard.

. '!, !'! '1,%/ / )# %"&'!%<%%32.4%*"%/!*.+$%L!,:'%!"#$%*"%78%M0%6*,'%,'(%

:2..(:,%+21"#@%/ z/%2.%/ əz/$%&'("%)*+,("%!"#%:'(:4$%

3# 32.4%*"%/!*.+$%I'22+(%,'(%:2..(:,%62.#+%,2%:2;/)(,(%

= ;!"%!'!# ;("%!&! *45.6.3-$0-5.#0-*

)# %"&'2 Listen and find the words. o up M=%2.% hen we 265922 @4BL6*265922 "#!$ it’s / əz/.
#26"%>N , le J=%2.%.*-',%>Q=$% hen we 265922 @4BL6*265922 "#!$ it’s / z/.
'#!$()* is always / zə /.
cap cap cup
G#$% 3.*,(%,62%:2)21.+N%,62%,A/(+%2B%:)2,'(+%!"#%,62%,A/(+%
cup hat men 2B%B22#%2.%#.*"4$
hut cup man
)# 32.4%*"%/!*.+%!"#%,!4(%,1."+$%0+4%,'(%O1(+,*2"+%>9GH=%
hat men cap about spelling. uess your partner s words.
man hut hut * -* Does it start with … ?
* .* Does it finish with … ?
men hat hat
* =* Does it have … letters?
A: It’s a colour.
3# 32.4%*"%/!*.+$%?,1#(",%0@%?!A%!%62.#%B.2;%78%C0$% B: oes it start with ?
?,1#(",%D@%E2*",%,2%,'(%:2..(:,%62.#$% A: o it doesn’t.

%56.7%#$.7#%*+,,-./ %%8

! !"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- | oiced and un oiced consonants ( ): !"!#and !$! / / and !%!

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*. | silent ! ( ): /ɪ/ to /aɪ/

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*-* =#$ Work in pairs. ead the conversation. ind four

/ / AB@*!$!<*/ /*AB@*!%! A: iona, what’s the date today?
B: It’s Thursday, the fourth of November.
-$# %!&'(%<%%F(!#%,'(%,*/$%&'("%)*+,("%!"#%.(/(!,%,'(% A: Thanks.
+21"#+%!"#%,'(%62.#+$% B: It’s my mother’s birthday.
A: Do you have a photo?
*45.6.3-$0-5.#0-* B: es, I do. This is her on my phone.
The consonants !$! and !%! are oiced. A: She looks very nice.
The consonants !"! and / / are un oiced.
!"! iona , , ,
!"! first, !ebruary, office, photo, phone !$! of , , ,
!$! very, seventh, never, expensive, leave / / , , ,
/ / third, think, birthday, fourth, tenth !%! , , ,
!%! ,'ey, ,'em, fa,'er, bro,'er, wi,'
)# %!&'1%<%%5*+,("%!"#%:'(:4$%&'("%)*+,("%!-!*"%
)# 5224%!,%,'(%62.#+%*"%78%90%!-!*"%!"#%:2;/)(,(% !"#%.(/(!,$%

In words we spell: 2>:9B6*#*D-E;*/ /*64*/ /
!"! - f . =
F#$% F(!#%,'(%,*/$%&'("%+/())%,'(%62.#+%>9GM=$%
!$! -
/ / - *45.6.3-$0-5.#0-*
!%! -
e often spell words with a silent !. This
sometimes changes the pronunciation.
.## F(!#%,'(%,*/$%&'("%+!A%,'(%#!,(+%>9GH=$ Tim !)ɪ*!
time )aɪ*!
* -* !+aɪ / . / aɪ / = / aɪz/ F / aɪ,!
In dates we usually pronounce #%&as /ə /.
the se enth of une )# Work in pairs. omplete the words. They all have the
/ ə e ə ə / +21"#%/ /$

erbs like dr e, w te
* -* the first of April
numbers f e, n e
* .* the second of uly
a colour wh e
* =* the third of August
a type of food r e
a person in a family w e
an ad ecti e f e

3# %!&'2%<%%5*+,("%!"#%:'(:4$%&'("%)*+,("%!-!*"%

G#$ %!&'"%<%%5*+,("%!"#%6.*,(%,'(%O1(+,*2"+$%

)# 32.4%*"%/!*.+$%0+4%!"#%!"+6(.%,'(%O1(+,*2"+%*"%78%P0$%%


"#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!- | oiced and un oiced consonants ( ): !'! and !(! / / and / /

! "#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!. | / / and / /
! ,"/00(%1 | special spellings !'! !(! and / /

"#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!-! "#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!.!!
234567!897!:9234567!539;3989<;!=>?@! / /!897!/ /
!"!897!!#!A!/ /!897!/ /
B#$! #$%&!'($!')*!%-&!%-/3$0!'($!>2$/')1-+!
-#$ %"&'(!"!!#$%&!'($!')*+!,($-!.)/'$-!%-&!0$*$%'!'($!
/12-&/!%-&!'($!310&/+! )*+,-,./$0/+,#0/)
e sometimes make a sound from two sounds.
)*+,-,./$0/+,#0/) Say !*! and / / together. Say !+! and / /
The sounds !'! and / / are un oiced. together. hat sounds do you make?
The sounds !#! and / / are oiced.
1 %"&'6 Listen and repeat the unvoiced and voiced
!'! sofa, school, pharmacy, address, parks /12-&/!%-&!310&/+
!#! Bra4il, mu/eum, clo/ed, oppo/ite, stair/ / / chair, kitchen, catch, March, lunch
/ / shelf, shower, station, information, fish / / Lanuary, Lune, Luly, oran;e, pa;e
/ / u/ually, televi/)on
.# 5116!%'!'($!310&/!)-!78!MJ!%;%)-!%-&!<1=*.$'$!'($!')*+!
1# 5116!%'!'($!310&/!)-!78!9:!%;%)-!%-&!<1=*.$'$!'($!')*+
%)233/,4#0/) In words we often spell:
In words we often spell: / / - .
!'! - s . > / / - .
!#! - .
// - .
/ / - . C#$! A1=*.$'$!'($!'%C.$!3)'(!'($!310&/!)-!'($!.)/'/+!N%'<(!
! E! nationalities: 'Finese, 1erman, ,wiss, Turki;FA!
.#$ %"&'5!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!30)'$!'($!>2$/')1-/+ ietname;e
! E! jobs: bu;inesswoman, diGital designer, poli5e offi5er,
1# ind two e amples of each sound in the uestions ;Fop assistant, tea5Fer
! E! favourite clothes: ren5F clothes, Hackets, ;Firts,
! -! !'! hat’s? ;uit;A!trou;er;

.# @106!)-!*%)0/+!:/6!%-&!%-/3$0!'($!>2$/')1-/!)-!78!?:+! nationality ob fa ourite clothes

Fam !'! suits
,"/'()0!,"/00(%1, Oena !(!
>#$! A1=*.$'$!'($!310&/+! F(aun / / Turkish
! -! What /)B$ are you? Lenny / /
! .! Do you have B2;%0 in your tea? A(arlie / / teacher
! >! What’s the %-B!B$0 to uestion ?
1# %"&'7!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!<($<6+!,($-!.)/'$-!%;%)-!%-&!0$*$%'+
! B! Is there a cash =%B!B)-$ near here?
! C! ou never .)B!B$- to me .# Work in pairs. or each person in B, think of two
1# @0)'$!'($!310&/!)-!C1.&!)-!78!D:!%-&!
the correct sound under each di cult clothes food furniture months
/*$..)-;+ objects places
!!/ i 4 e
!'!!(! Sam likes supermarkets and sofas. ena lo es

8# Work in a different pair. Student A: Talk about a person

from B. Student B: uess the person.
A: This person likes supermarkets and sofas.
B: Is it Sam?

%+-,8%#$,8#%)233/,4 %%:

! ! "#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!- | consonants: !"! !#! !$! !%! and / /
"#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!. | silent ! ( ): !&! to /eɪ/

"#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!- B#$! @106!)-!*%)0/+!A(11/$!%!/$-'$-<$!P9QDR+!K0%<')/$!

! -! October in my village is very beautiful.
-#$ %!&'(!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!0$*$%'!'($!/12-&/!%-&!'($!310&/+ ! .! The world wide web, videos and D Ds were great
!"! back, bath, building, baby, library
! >! Can you clean the bedroom really well, please?
!#! visit, evening, university, positive, leave
!$!)wash, were, why, homework, between 1# %!&'9!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!<($<6+!,($-!.)/'$-!%;%)-!%-&!/%E!
!%! lunch, leg, television, online, well '($!/$-'$-<$!3)'(!'($!/*$%6$0+!
/ / rich, remember, right, wrong, married
.# @106!)-!*%)0/!%-&!30)'$!%!/$-'$-<$!3)'(!'($!/12-&/!
1# 5116!%'!'($!310&/!)-!78!9:!%;%)-!%-&!<1=*.$'$!'($!')*+!! b , v , w , l and r .

8# Swap sentences with a different pair. ractise saying

%)233/,4#0/) '($!/$-'$-<$+!
In words we usually spell:
!"! - b
!#! - "#$%&%'()*($%!+$'&,!.
!$! - . ;4I69<!!!=.?@!!)!!<3!/ /
!%! - .
// - . > C#$! #$%&!'($!')*!%-&!%-/3$0!'($!>2$/')1-+!
.#$! @106!)-!*%)0/!%-&!/%E!'($!$8%=*.$/+!,($-!%-/3$0!'($! ook at the words. How does a silent ! change
the pronunciation?
! -! How are !"! and !#! di erent? be
hat !,&*!
! .! How are !#! and !$! di erent? we
hate !,eɪ*!
! >! How are !%! and / / di erent? long wrong

1# Which sounds in A are di cult for you Why 1# Work in pairs. omplete the words. They all have the
/12-&!/ /+
>#$ %!&'5!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!<(11/$!'($!310&!E12!($%0+
- berry / very B berry / very 1
N___: Justin Cotter
. berry / very C berry / very 2
D_ _ _ of birth: 27.4.2005
> berry / very D berry / very
A_ _ : 22
berry very
Health problems: 4
head_ _ _ _ ,
1# %!&'6!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!<(11/$!'($!310&!E12!($%0+
stomacha _ _ _ ,
back_ _ _ _
- vest / west B vest / west
. vest / west C vest / west D#$

> vest / west D vest / west
1# S-&$0.)-$!'($!310&/!3)'(!'($!/12-&!/ /+

vest west
.# @106!)-!*%)0/+!:/6!%-&!%-/3$0!'($!>2$/')1-/!)-!78!T:+!!
.# %!&'7!"!!5)/'$-!%-&!<(11/$!'($!310&!E12!($%0+
- light / right B light / right
. light / right C light / right
> light / right D light / right
light right

8# @106!)-!*%)0/+!F'2&$-'!:G!F%E!%!310&!H01=!78/!D:I!DJ!


!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- | short and long sounds ( ): !"! /ɑː/ / / / ː/ /ə/ and / ː/

$ !"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*: | silent ! ( ): / / to /əʊ/

,!@AA'$B | special spellings /ə/ / ː/ and / ː/

!"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*- >!" ead the poems. Match the final syllable in each line
0$&-!&-'!%./(*%C!!"!D!/ /D!/ə/D!/ /D!/ /!)(*!/ /1
./012*345*6047*.0845.*9:;<*!"!=*/ /=*/ /=*
/ /=*/ə/*345*/ /
-!" #$%&'!"!!#$%&'(!)(*!+',')&!&-'!%./(*%!)(*!&-'!0.+*%1
!"! pl!n, tr!m, t!xi, tr!vel, h!nd
/ / p)+ty, b)+becue, ap)+tment, )fternoon, l)st
/ / office, online, w!tch, w!nt, s!lt uly, a fi efighte .
/ / airp.+t, platf.+m, p..+, f./+, 2/gust ugust ’ hot.
/ə/ !go, m!chine, passenger, motorbike ece be ’ ot.
/ / ret/+n, p'+son, T-sh$+t, th$+ty, ')+ly

(! #..3!)&!&-'!0.+*%!$(!45!62!)7)$(!)(*!8.9,:'&'!&-'!&$,1!!

o day wal .
uesday tal .
In words we usually spell:
!"! - a ed esday ’ ast.
/ɑː/ - : hu sday ’ last.
/ / - : iday it’s s i ts.
/ ː/ - : > ?
atu day, old shi ts.
/ə/ - : > ?
/ ː/ - : > ?

(! #$%&4!"!!#$%&'(!)(*!8-'831!G-'(!:$%&'(!)7)$(!)(*!%)?!
Remember, the schwa /ə/ is always unstressed. &-'!,.'9%!0$&-!&-'!%,')3'+%1

0! #$%&1!"!!#$%&'(!)(*!0+$&'!&-'!%'(&'(8'%1!!

2! ;.+3!$(!,)$+%1!<)3'!&-'!%'(&'(8'%!$(!45!6=!&+/'!>.+!?./1 !"#$%$&'()'#$*+#&%,*:
.H6I42*!*9>;<*/ /*20*/ə /
:!"! =.9,:'&'!&-'!0.+*%1! ?!"! H')*!&-'!&$,!)(*!)(%0'+!&-'!I/'%&$.(1!
* -* I 0! r3 best with other people.
* :* Last week I @A!A!A!A& some new jeans.
* >* I often 0A!A3 and &A!A3!on my phone at the ook at the words. How does a silent !"
same time. change the pronunciation?
* ?* I usually buy %$(7A!A tickets for buses. not / $!
* C* My home is near the town 8'(&A!A " note / əʊ$!
* D* Last month I %A!A two good films.
(! Work in pairs and complete the words. They all have a
(! ;+$&'!&-'!0.+*%!$(!@.:*!$(!45!B2!)(*!&-'!8.++'8&!
sound under each di cult spelling.
* -* What time do you get home ?
/ / * :* Are the shops open or cl now?
* >* Where do you buy shirts and other cl ?
0! #$%&3!"!!#$%&'(!)(*!8-'831
* ?* Where’s your ph ?
2! ;.+3!$(!,)$+%1!<)3'!&-'!%'(&'(8'%!$(!45!B2!&+/'! * C* Do you live al ?
0! ;.+3!$(!,)$+%1!2%3!)(*!)(%0'+!&-'!I/'%&$.(%!$(!45!JK1


short vowels long vowels diphthongs

doct.+ sh$+t f$sh b''
/ ə/ / ː/ /ɪ/ / iː/

b..k sh.' m)tch c)+
/ ʊ / / uː/ / / / ɑː/

# h.+se 'gg c/p
/ / / ː/ /e / / /

ə ə
b$ke c)ke c.)t ch)$+
/ aɪ / / eɪ / / əʊ / / eə/

ə ə
')+ring b.y c.0 t./rist
/ ɪə ɪ / / ɪ/ / aʊ/ / ʊə ɪ /

unvoiced voiced

$ % & '
,en @ook &ea *og
/ e / / ʊ / / iː/ / /

( ) *
8at 7irl %un Eebra
!#"$! / ː/ / / / ze ə/

ear&- mo&-er %-eep tele i%$on
/ ː / / ə/ / iː / / eɪ ɪ ə /

, -
>lower van 8-eese Feans
/ aʊə/ / / / iːz/ iː z

. / 0
9an (ut ki(7 -at
/ / / / / ɪ / !%"$!

1 2 3 4
:amp +ing 0oman ?acht
!&"'(! /ɪ / / ʊ ə / / /


LEAD IN UNIT *@" HN-5%)"9%)0/%I

!@" P-7":-";-("&+%DD";-($"&($)#N%G
Au o L Au o *@" 9`F`R`\`H`F
!" #"$%&'#($#)' ames S Sonia !@" LM6",%$%"/'"/&I"3/$&'")#N%"HN-5%)G
*" #"+,-'- Conversation *@" <,#'B&"$/5,'I"H`9`L`O`F`RI
." #"+/00# J@" F$N6",/I !@" P%$%B&";-($")#N%"A#$:I"<,%"A-)8%$%)A%"/&"
1" #"+#$2 >@" P%DD-I in room .
E a co ee J@"" !$%";-("#"&'(:%)'G B: Thank you. Oh wait, there’s a mistake …
3" #"4(& >@" Q%&6"H"#NI"!$%";-(G
J@" Q%&6"H"#NI"=,#'B&";-($")#N%G Conversation
Au o L
>@" HBN">-)/#I .@" P%DD-I"
ero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
J@" HBN"J#N%&I"R/A%"'-"N%%'";-(I 1@" P%DD-I"HBN"#")%7"&'(:%)'I"
>@" R/A%"'-"N%%'";-(6"'--I"=,%$%"#$%";-(" .@" LMI"=,#'B&";-($")#N%G
Au o L 8$-N6"J#N%&G 1@" F:(#$:-"?-+%0I
five, nine, one, seven, ten, ero, six, three, J@" HBN"8$-N".#)#:#I" .@" P-7":-";-("&+%DD";-($"&($)#N%G
%/5,'6"'7-6"8-($ >@" L,6"7,%$%"/)".#)#:#G 1@" ?`L`W`F`\I
: rom ancouver. And you, Sonia? .@" J(&'"#"N-N%)'I"?`L`W`!`\G
Au o L
>@" HBN"8$-N"',%"SM6"8$-N"9#)A,%&'%$I 1@" R-6"?`L`W`F`\I"
3$/:#;6">#'($:#;6">():#; .@" >-$$;6"?`L`W`F`\G
A Anna ack 1@" W%$8%A'I
Au o L Conversation C: And your first name … E-D-U-A-R-"
L Lin ranco o S Stefan A: Good morning, everyone. Today, ack D-O… ?
?@"" 3$#)A-6"7,#'B&"CDE+/0B"/)"F)5D/&,G *$-7)"/&"7/',"(&I"J#A2G 1@" <,#'B&"$/5,'I
3@"" H":-)B'"2)-7I : Hi, everyone. I’m ack, ack Brown. .@" O$%#'I"!):"7,#'B&";-($"+,-)%")(N4%$G
?@"" J-6"7,#'B&"CDE+/0B"/)"F)5D/&,G !@" O--:"N-$)/)56"J#A2I" D: It’s - - - - - - - - .
J@"" H'B&"#"+%)A/DI J@" HBN"/)".,/)#I">-"8-$"N%"/'B&"C5--:" .@" >-$$;6"A#)";-("$%+%#'"',#'6"+D%#&%G
?@"" <,#)2";-(K afternoon’. D: - - - - - - - - .
!@" !$%";-("/)"*%/T/)5G" .@" LM6"F:(#$:-I"P%$%B&";-($"&'(:%)'"A#$:I
J@"" H'B&"-)"+#5%")/)%I J@" R-6"'-:#;"HBN"/)">,#)5,#/I" 1@" <,#)2";-(K
>@"" "H":-)B'"():%$&'#):I".#)";-("$%+%#'"',#'6" A: So, let’s go round the table and … .@" R-"+$-4D%NI
Au o
: es. Page nine. The page in the book. Six, Conversation
seven, eight, nine … S Shanaya B Ben
>@" P%DD-6"HBN">,#)#;#I F@" =,#'B&";-($"&($)#N%G
>@"" LM6"H"():%$&'#):I"<,#)2";-(I"
*@" P/6">,#)#;#6"HBN"*%)I"R/A%"'-"N%%'";-(I 3@" H'B&".D#$2%I
>@"" Q-("'--I"=,%$%"#$%";-("8$-N6"*%)G E: Clarke … Hmm … How do you spell
LEAD IN!"#$%&'(%)*!&%+, ',#'G
*@" HBN"8$-N"O%$N#);I
3@" .`?`!`Y`M`FI
Au o VB L >@" L,6"7,%$%"/)"O%$N#);G
F@" Q-($")#N%"/&)B'",%$%I
!" #"+,-)% *@" 3$-N"*%$D/)I
3@" Y%#DD;G"
*" #"A#N%$#" >@" !$%";-("#"&'(:%)'",%$%G
E: What’s your first name?
." #"+#&&+-$' *@" Q%&6"H"#NI"!$%";-("8$-N"',%"SM6">,#)#;#G
3@" !N%D/#I
1" #"N%)( >@" R-6"HBN")-'I"HBN"8$-N"H):/#I
E: Amelia Clarke. ust a moment … Ah,
E a taxi
Au o ,%$%"/'"/&I
3" #",-'%D
!@" P%DD-6"HBN">-)/#I 3@" L,"5--:I
O" #"A-N+('%$
*@" P/6">-)/#I"HBN"J#N%&I"R/A%"'-"N%%'";-(I F@" F$N6"7,#'B&";-($"+,-)%")(N4%$G
H a university
: It’s - - - - - - .
H" #"4#)2 Au o E: Sorry, - - - - - - ?
J" #"&(+%$N#$2%' a doctor
: - .
a teacher
Au o VB L E: OK, - - - - - - .
U" #"7#/'%$
!" D/&'%) 3@" Q%&I
a taxi driver
*" D--2"#' F@" LM6"5$%#'6"',#)2";-(I"P%$%B&";-($"2%;"
V" #"&/)5%$ card. ou’re in room .
." #&2
1" #)&7%$ Au o : Thank you. Oh wait, there’s a mistake …
F" 7-$2"#D-)% !6"*6".6"16"F6"36"O6"P6"H6"J6"M6"?6"96"R6"L6"W6"X6"Y6" Au o
3" &#;"C,%DD-B >6"<6"S6"Z6"=6"[6"Q6"\"
A: What’s your name?
O" $%#: " *@" "HN-5%)"9%)0/%I
Au o
P" N#'A, A: How do you spell your surname?
H" 7-$2"/)"+#/$& " *@" "9`F`R`\`H`FI
J" 7$/'% U" !@" "O$%#'I"!):"7,#'B&";-($"+,-)%"
U"" 3"?"9"R">"["\
M" A,--&% )(N4%$G
]"" H"Q
?" A,%A2";-($"#)&7%$& B: It’s - - - - - - - - .
V"" L
^"" X"S"= " !@" ">-$$;6"A#)";-("$%+%#'"',#'6"+D%#&%G
_"" Y ]" !@" "=,#'B&";-($"&($)#N%G
" *@" H"'B&".D#$2%I
Au o A: What’s your first name?
Conversation *@" !
" N%D/#I
!@" .#)"H",%D+";-(G
*@" Q%&I"HBN",%$%"8-$"',%"A-)8%$%)A%I
!@" =,#'B&";-($")#N%G

UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+, 2(%6*E1"5,*;"12*1&7$"*-(%#+(#$,R*PS$"1Q* Au o

',*;"12*!"(3':)*P#+'&("Q*',*;"12*9>(%',7*(%5* 3"1&7$")*3"1&7$"*
Au o VB P,7(2>11Q*',*;"12*&7$*4%5'(%*-(%#+(#$*L'%5'R* ,',&$")*,',&$"
!"#$%&'%()*!"#$%&'%'(% P0(;TQ*(%5*P("&Q*("$*;"12*C"$%:7R
!+,&"(-'()*!+,&"(-'(% English numbers have difficult spellings ’
."(/'-)*."(/'-'(% isn’t wun’, it’s one’ ’ isn’t too’, it’s two’
and ’ is eight’. Cra y >("$%&,)*>("$%&,
01-123'()*01-123'(% :7'-5"$%)*:7'-5"$%
4%5'()*4%5'(% ;(&7$")*;(&7$"
4&(-6)*4&(-'(% UNIT !0#'+10!%+1!02-((.+3
Mexico, Mexican Au o S 21&7$")*21&7$"
&7$*89)*&7$*89!)*!2$"':(% 1%$*,6--(3-$U*3+,)*;1+")*%'#7&)*9>('% ,1%)*,1%
91+&7*!;"':()*91+&7*!;"':(% &E1*,6--(3-$,U*51:&1")*%+23$")*>'//()*
91+&7*<1"$()*91+&7*<1"$(% ,(%5E':7)*,'%#$" Au o
=1-(%5)*=1-',7 three syllables: computer, afternoon, digital, O6*%(2$Q,*O("@R*4Q2*!2$"':(%)*(%5*4Q2*;"12*
9>('%)*9>(%',7 '%&$"%$& New ork City, and my family … Well, it’s
a very international family. I have a sister
Au o S '%*C"(%:$)*(*3"1&7$"*'%*01-123'()*(%5*1+"*
&7$*8<)*."'&',7 >("$%&,*("$*'%*Y$E*Z1"@R*4Q2*'%*4&(-6)*(%5*4*
07'%()*07'%$,$ have a beautiful daughter, Mia. She’s eight
A'$&%(2)*A'$&%(2$,$ (%5*,7$Q,*(*,&+5$%&*(&*,:711-*7$"$R*
H* >'//(
B(>(%)*B(>(%$,$ O6*,',&$"*B$,,':(*(%5*7$"*7+,3(%5*?712(,*
V* ,'%#$" are in rance. They have a restaurant in
I* :12>+&$" Paris. essica’s forty-five. She’s a good
afternoon 21&7$")*(%5*,7$Q,*(*#"$(&*,',&$"*&1*2$R*?7$'"*
J* 5'#'&(- :7'-5"$%*("$*'%*&7$*8<)*'%*M1%51%R*?7$'"*,1%)*
Au o VB internet B+,&'%)*',*&E$%&6N1%$*%1ER*L$Q,*(*E"'&$"*;1"*(*
!* ;11&3(--*>-(6$" 2(#(/'%$R*4*51%Q&*"$2$23$"*'&,*%(2$R*?7$'"*
Au o S 5(+#7&$"*G22(*',*$'#7&$$%*(%5*,7$Q,*(*
B bus driver
/ə/)*/ə/ student at university.
0* 3+,'%$,,2(%)*3+,'%$,,E12(%
teacher, computer My brother David and his family are in
F* ("&',& Colombia. David’s thirty-eight. His wife,
doctor, information
G* ,71>*(,,',&(%& Mariana, is Colombian. They have two young
H* !2$"':()*,71>*(,,',&(%&
C* %+",$ children, Antonella and Mat as. David’s a
V* -',&$%)*,&+5$%& doctor. He often says Come and visit It’s
D* (:&1"
H police officer Au o S >$";$:&*;1"*61+"*71-'5(6[Q*.+&*&7$6Q"$*'%*
I office worker Colombia and I’m in Italy We’re very happy
He’s a waiter.
B* 5'#'&(-*5$,'#%$" She’s seven. ;(2'-6[
* H* 4&Q,*'%*=1-(%5R
Au o VB Au o
Good afternoon.
a bus driver
* I* !%,E$"*&7$*W+$,&'1%R ave en atie
an actor N Nick A Andy S Susanna
* X* B+,&*(*212$%&R
* H* (*%+",$ Conversation
* J* 4&Q,*;"12*."(/'-R
a police officer FU* L$6)*B$%)*71E*("$*61+\
I’m a singer.
* I* (*,71>*(,,',&(%& : Hi, Dave. Not bad, thanks. Co ee?
* K* Y1*>"13-$2R
an office worker FU* Z$,)*>-$(,$R*.-(:@*E'&7*,+#("R
He’s an actor.
* J* (*3+,'%$,,2(%)*(*3+,'%$,,E12(% BU* L$"$R*
It’s in China.
a digital designer FU* ?7(%@,R*
I don’t understand.
* K* (*;11&3(--*>-(6$" BU* L1E*("$*61+\*
an artist Au o S FU* D115)*&7(%@,R*L1EQ,*E1"@\
%(2$,)*$2('-,)*@$6, BU** 4&Q,*]<R*L1E*("$*61+"*:7'-5"$%\
Au o VB
311@,)*>(,,>1"&,)*,71>, FU* ?7$6Q"$*#"$(&)*&7(%@,R*M$%(Q,*&7"$$*%1E*
!* ,(%5E':7
boxes, buses, sandwiches and Stella’s six. I have a photo.
.* 3(#
: Aw … They’re beautiful
0* 31&&-$*1;*E(&$"
D: es … Oh, look at the time Thanks for
F* >+",$ UNIT the co ee.
G* @$6
BU* Y1*>"13-$2R*
C* -(>&1> Au o
D* %1&$311@ eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, Conversation
L* 3(%(%(
&E$%&6 <U* L')*Y':@R*
4* 213'-$*>71%$
YU* L$6)*<(&'$R*!"$*61+*]<\*
B* +23"$--( Au o <U* Z$,)*#"$(&R*Z1+\*
<* E(--$& thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, YU* D115)*&7(%@,R*4&Q,*(*3$(+&';+-*5(6R*
M* 2(@$N+> %'%$&6)*(*7+%5"$5
<U* Z$,)*'&*',R*L1EQ,*61+"*%$E*:("\
O* 311@
Au o N: It’s really good. We’re very happy with it.
&* 7'"&$$%)*&7'"&6 <U* D"$(&[*
UNIT !)-".-/ N: I’m really hot … and tired.
Au o R fifteen, fifty <U* O$*&11R*!7*7$"$Q,*26*,&"$$&R*9$$*61+R
nglish fun facts sixteen, sixty YU* 9$$*61+*-(&$"[*9(6*P7$--1Q*&1*D"$#[
The top number letter in English is e’. seventeen, seventy
The top adjective is good’ and the top noun $'#7&$$%)*$'#7&6 Conversation
',*P&'2$QR*?7$*&1>*E1"5,*("$*P4Q*(%5*P61+QR* %'%$&$$%)*%'%$&6 !U* L$6)*9+,(%%([*^7$"$Q,*1+"*:-(,,\
The English alphabet has five vowels: a, e, S: Hi Er … Anthony?
i, o and u. Greek has seven vowels and the !U* !%56R
Polish alphabet has nine vowels. English has

!"# !$%%&'#()*&+#,-%#./0112#3-14#0#5$56)4+# S# @$$*'#H0* Au o S

It’s . eah, room . G favourite a businessman
("# 7$8#0%6#&$-2 7# 4?%6* three people
!"# 96%&#86//'#4:0);1+#<$-2 E# :0DD&'#10* # M# P-14#0#5?)-46
A: I’m fine. 3# H?@'#150// # N# 7$8#0%6#&$-2
S: Hey, Andy, you have art classes, right? K easy, difficult a police officer
("# =:04>1#%?@:4+### # X# 48$#1?146%1#
!"# 7$8>1#&$-%#)68#460.:6%2#A1#B%$8)2 Au o VB
# Y# 0#8$50)
A: She’s really good and she’s very friendly. (## @?%/
six women
!"# ,:#4:04>1#@$$*+#(:'#:6%6#86#0%6'#%$$5# B# I%?6)*
# Z# 0#)68#.0%
. Q# 50)
It’s beautiful.
C# D6%1$)
Au o R# H0H& Au o S
ave en N Nick atie! S# .:?/* I’m Kim. I’m twenty-three. I’m a police
S Susanna A Andy officer.
J# H$&
Conversation I’m forty-two. I’m a bus driver in the UK.
7# 8$50)
C"# 76&'#36)'#:$8#0%6#&$-2 It’s a difficult job, but it’s good.
: Hi, Dave. Not bad, thanks. Co ee? Au o VB
C"# <61'#D/6016+#B/0.;#8?4:#1-@0%+#7$8>1# people, person Au o S
8$%;2 men, man !"!
3"## E4>1#,F+#7$8#0%6#&$-%#.:?/*%6)2 M# 8$56)'#8$50) O:04'#O:04
C"# =:6&>%6#@%604'#4:0);1+#,:'#/$$;#04#4:6# N# .:?/*%6)'#.:?/* O:04>1#&$-%#)0562
time Thanks for the co ee. O:6%6'#O:6%6
3"# G$#D%$H/65+# UNIT !)-".-/ O:6%6#0%6#&$-#I%$52
Conversation Au o R O:6)#?1#&$-%#R)@/?1:#./0112
G"# E4>1#0#H60-4?I-/#*0&+# (#I05?/&#H-1?)611 !#!
F"# <61'#?4#?1+#7$8>1#&$-%#)68#.0%2 Burger / is a hamburger restaurant in O:$'#O:$
N: It’s really good. We’re very happy with it. (*6/0?*6'#(-14%0/?0+#=$5'#4:6#50)0@6%'#10&1'# O:$>1#&$-%#460.:6%2
F"# J%604K LO6>%6#0//#I05?/&#:6%6+#A&#5$4:6%#?1#:6%6# 7$8'#7$8
from o’clock in the morning. My son and
N: I’m really hot … and tired. 7$8#*$#&$-#1D6//#&$-%#)0562
F"# A6#4$$+#(:'#:6%6>1#5&#14%664+#!66#&$-+# %6140-%0)4#04#866;6)*1+>#=$5>1#8?I6#?1#0/1$#
G"# !66#&$-#/046%K#!0&#L:6//$>#4$#J%6@K ?)#4:6#I05?/&#H-1?)611+#!:6>1#!050)4:0'#0)*#
Conversation are you open / ? ’ says Samantha. Well, Au o
!"# 7$8>1#&$-%#)68#460.:6%2#A1#B%$8)2 we’re open / because people are hungry
/ .’ Samantha has a brother, but he’s my grandmother’s ring
A: She’s really good and she’s very friendly. Pat’s guitar
Au o .%0V&+#76#01;1#56'#U!050)4:0'#8:04#0%6#&$-%# M# (/?.6>1#804.:
It’s a beautiful day. 1-556%#:$/?*0&#D/0)12>>>#!050)4:0#10&1'# N# 5&#I04:6%>1#.056%0
No problem. Au o
M# 7$8>1#&$-%#)68#.0%2 !$!# T:?/?D>1#D:$)6'#E%50;>1#@-?40%
N# A6#4$$+#
UNIT !0#'+10!%+1!02-((.+3
!%!# !-10)>1#H0@'#Q0%$/>1#H$$;
Au o Au o S /ɪz/ elix’s camera, Darsh’s bike
("##O:$>1#3-*?2 /ɪ/ it, six, children, English, eleven
Au o
B: udi’s my sister. I have a photo. /iː/# #6?@:466)'#)?)6466)'#601&'#460.:6%'#650?/
TW Toni White S Sandy oe
("# G?.6#D:$4$K#7$8#$/*#?1#1:62# /ʊ/ good, book, football, look, difficult
B"# !:6>1#4:?%4&+# /uː/ afternoon, choose, UK, university, true … e re a erent #=$*0&#?1#0H$-4#
("# ()*#8:$>1#C6))?12# Au o S D6$D/6#0)*#4:6?%#*61;1+#O:04#*$#D6$D/6#
B"# 76>1#0#@$$*#I%?6)*+# have on their desks? How are the desks
("# O:6%6>1#:6#I%$52# di erent? irst of all, Sandy. Are you
bean 4:6%62
B"# 76>1#I%$5#!?)@0D$%6+# # M# H?) !"# # #7?'#&61'#E>5#:6%6+
("# E1#:6#50%%?6*2# # N# H?) TW: Sandy, do you have a job?
B"# <61'#:6#?1+#76#:01#0#8?I6#0)*#0#*0-@:46%+# # W# H60) !"# # #G$'#E#*$)>4+#E>5#0#14-*6)4#04#.$//6@6+#E>5#
("# O:$>1#F6)P?2 # X# H60) 0)#0%4#14-*6)4+
B"# F6)P?#?1#1$56$)6#I%$5#8$%;+ # Y# H60) =O"##,F'#1$#!0)*&'#8:04>1#$)#&$-%#*61;2##
("# O:6%6>1#F6)P?#I%$52 bin S: Well, my desk is small and I have a
B"# 76>1#30D0)616+#76>1#I%$5#=$;&$+ # Z# H?) lot of things on it. I have a computer
("# O:04>1#:?1#P$H2 bean and a keyboard … a mouse … and …
B"# 76>1#0#10/61#011?140)4#?)#$-%#1:$D+#76>1# foot a notebook and a pen. I have a cup of
food co ee. I also have some sticky notes …
scissors … my glasses …
UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+, TW: Do you have any pencils? or your
foot 0%48$%;2
Au o VB foot S: No, I don’t have any pencils on my desk.
(# &$-)@'#$/* foot TW: So, what’s di erent about your desk?
B# :$4'#.$/* food S: Di erent?
Q# I%?6)*/& food TW: es, di erent. I mean, everybody has a
C# )68'#$/* foot computer, a mouse, scissors …
R# H60-4?I-/ food

S: Oh, I see. OK. Well, I have three plants. N: Large, OK. What colour? They have Au o VB
!"#$%&'$()$*+",$-.+$/"$-$01*'$-$231+$ C.++"'$231+$-"#$23-0;6$$ !$ ,&%+$,&%*
01*$4.%($5-./,6$ R: Blue … Is it dark blue? J$ 2%%;,&%*
789$$:+.)$"/0+6$7&-";$)%1'$<-"#)= F9$ >+,'$/D$/,6 M$ ,*%.D,$,&%*
<9$ $ $>%1?.+$@+30%(+6 N9$ 7&+"$231+6$K%@$(10&$/,$/DE W$ 03%D&+,$,&%*
TW: And next is oe. oe, do you have a job? F9$ T%.D)U"/"+$*%1"#,6 X$ ,1*+.(-.;+D
A9$ $ >$ +,'$B$#%6$B?($-$#/C/D-3$#+,/C"+.6$ N9$ OP6$T/"+6 T$ 2-;+.?,
TW: And what do you have on your desk, N: Anything else? I have your jumper and a Q$ 21D0&+.?,
A%+E D%*$4%.$(+6 K$ *+D$,&%*
: Well, of course I have a computer R: That’s fine. I video game shop
and a keyboard. What else? I have a F9$ OP6$8&+.+?,$)%1.$0.+#/D$0-.#E
notebook. or my ideas. And … my A$ 0%(*1D+.$,&%*
N9$ G)$0.+#/D$0-.#E
glasses … and some headphones from
my son. He’s sixteen years old. F9$ >+-&6$G)$0.+#/D$0-.#$/,$/"$D&+$2+#.%%(6 UNIT !)-".-/
TW: Do you have a photo? A photo of your N9$ O&'$OP6$G)$0.+#/D$0-.#$/,$%"$D&+$D-23+6
,%"E$ F9$ Q%D$/D'$D&-";,6 Au o R
A9$ $ F$ %'$B$#%"?D6$G)$4-(/3)$*&%D%,$-.+$/"$D&+$ I have a travel blog and every weekend I go
Au o to a new city. It’s important for me to travel
living room. What else is on my desk?
an B Becca M Man with a very small bag I have extra clothes
A plant, and … a cup of co ee. An
yan N Nia two shirts, a jumper for cold evenings and a
apple …
I: How much is it? jacket for rain. I don’t have my laptop I love
TW: So what’s di erent about your desk?
B: I don’t know. Excuse me? it, but it’s really big, so I have a notebook
: Well, I have two notebooks. A big
$ G9$M-"$B$&+3*$)%1E and a pen. It’s my favourite pen a present
$ J9$ >$+,'$&%@$(10&$/,$D&/,$L-0;+DE$666$ from my parents. And I have sticky notes in
Di erent notebooks for di erent
di erent colours yellow for information
D&/"C,6 $ $ $ M-"$B$D.)$/D$%"E
TW: OK, thank you oe. And next is … $ G9$>+,'$%4$0%1.,+6$ transport. And I have a phone with a great
N: What si e are you? Medium? 0-(+.-6$7&-D?,$/D=
Au o
$ N9$$F%'$3-.C+6$666$
I have a computer and a keyboard.
$ $ $ B,$/D$#-.;$231+E UNIT !0#'+10!%+1!02-((.+3
I have a cup of co ee.
$ F9$ >+,'$/D$/,6
I don’t have any pencils on my desk. Au o S
$ N9$ 7&+"$231+6$K%@$(10&$/,$/DE
oe, do you have a job? !"!$ *$ +"'$*+%*3+'$&-**)'$01*'$,&%*$
H$ >+,'$B$#%6 Au o !#!$ 2$ -";'$2+#'$2-2)'$@+2,/D+'$L%2
Do you have a photo of your son? a Excuse me. !$! camera, co ee, jacket, black, think
I$ F%'$B$#%"?D6$$ b Excuse me. / /$ C$ /.3'$C%%#2)+'$C1/D-.'$2/C'$2-C
I have two notebooks. a How much is this jacket? !%!&$ $7U,&/.D'$@-/D+.'$3+DD+.'$,1/D'$@&-D
b How much is this jacket? !'!$ #
$ %0D%.'$#-.;'$-##.+,,'$.+#'$2-#
Au o
Toni: Do you have a job? Au o S
$ A%+9$$ >+,'$B$#%6$ It’s a pea.
Toni: Do you have a photo of your son? It’s a bee.
UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+,
$ A%+9$$ F%'$B$#%"?D6$ $ V$ BD?,$-$2++6
Au o Au o VB $ Y$$ BD?,$-$*+-6
B Becca an M Man yan !$ .+# $ H$$ BD?,$-$2++6
N Nia J$ )+33%@ $ [$$ BD?,$-$*+-6
Conversation M$ 231+ $ I$ BD?,$0%3#6
J9$ K+)$B-"'$3%%;$-D$D&/,$L-0;+D6$ W$ C.++" It’s gold.
B9$ F/0+=$J.%@"?,$-$C%%#$0%3%1.$4%.$)%16$K%@$ X$ @&/D+ $ \$ BD?,$0%3#6
(10&$/,$/DE T$ 23-0; It’s cold.
B: I don’t know. Excuse me? Q$ 2.%@" It’s gold.
G9$M-"$B$&+3*$)%1E K$ %.-"C+ It’s gold.
J9$ >+,'$&%@$(10&$/,$D&/,$L-0;+DE B$ *1.*3+ town
G9$BD?,$D&/.D)$*%1"#,6$ A$ */"; down
J9$ M-"$B$D.)$/D$%"E town
Au o VB
G9$>+,'$%4$0%1.,+6$ down
It’s a dark blue bus.
B: Thanks. It’s … big. Do you have a small? down
It’s a light blue bus.
G9$F%'$B$#%"?D6 town
V$ 7&+)?.+$3/C&D$2.%@"6
B9$ BD?,$C.+-D'$J+00-6$BD?,$C%%#$%"$)%16$N+-33)6
Y$ BD?,$#-.;$.+#6 Au o S
B: OK. How about twenty-five pounds?
G9$F%'$/D?,$D&/.D)6$ Au o VB cup, cup of, a cup of co ee
J9$ OP'$D&/.D)$*%1"#,6 !$ D%* job, job in, a job in town
J$ D.%1,+., V$ D&/";'$D&/";$/D?,'$B$D&/";$/D?,$C.+-D6
Conversation M$ ,;/.D Y$ 2-C'$2-C$%4'$-$2-C$%4$2-"-"-,
N9$ !.+$)%1$%"3/"+E W$ ,1/D H$ @&-D'$@&-D$-.+'$8&-D$-.+$)%1.$"-(+,E
N: eah, I’m on sportsclub .com. X$ ,&%+, [$ C%%#'$C%%#$-",@+.'$-$C%%#$-",@+.
R: Do they have jumpers? T$ L-0;+D love, love it, I love it.
F9$ F%'$/D?,$-33$,*%.D,$03%D&+,6$O&$@-/D'$)+,'$ Q$ 0%-D like, like it, I don’t like it.
they have jumpers. K$ 7U,&/.D
N9$ Q.+-D6$ B$ L1(*+.
F9$ R('$)+-&6$$8&-D$,/S+$-.+$)%1E$G+#/1(E A$ #.+,,
N9$ F%'$3-.C+6 P$ ,&/.D
Z$ L+-",

UNIT Conversation Au o VB
C: Excuse me. What’s the breakfast special I* -7#*.9'5.'>
Au o -.$"3B Q* P4"8-78*<"!-*-7#
egg, fish, rice, steak :1*E(7*+87">="!-*!<7'&"5!*"87*(787,*.#*-(7* A* ("5=*<"!-*-7#
apple, chicken, mushroom, pasta, /7#46 D uarter to eleven
!"#$%&'( C: OK … So a sandwich and a co ee is five E eleven o’clock
)* +"#"#",*-./"-. pounds fifty?
W: es, a sandwich and a co ee … or a tea. Au o VB
Au o C: Great. Can I have the sandwich breakfast I* '4<*
sabel M Miki A Aiden !<7'&"5,*<57"!7B Q* ;5"!!*
01* 23*(4!+"#$*&!*0-"5&"#6*0#*0-"53,*%7*4!4"553* W: Co ee or tea? A* =.8>
have lunch together in our apartment: C: Co ee, please. R* <5"-7*
W: Co ee. Anything else? K* >#&=7*
always have pasta for lunch. Pasta and C: Oh, can I have a mineral water, please? L* !<..#*
-./"-.7!*.8*<"!-"*"#$*/4!(8../!*"#$* :1*M-&55*.8*!<"8>5&#;B T* +.%5
cheese. After the pasta we have meat or A1* H(,*!<"8>5&#;,*<57"!76*D.%*/4'(*&!*-("-B D* '(.<!-&'>!
fish. ish is our favourite. Then we often :1*C4!-*"*/./7#-6*N7-*/7*'(7'>6*H#7* 0* #"<>&#*
7"-*=84&-,*"#*"<<57*.8*"*+"#"#"6*:7*$8&#>* sandwich breakfast special with a co ee, C* !4;"8*
water with lunch and after lunch, we "#$*"*!<"8>5&#;*/&#78"5*%"-786* O* !"5-
drink co ee. I love co ee. A1* F7!6*** N* <7<<78
M: or lunch I have a bento’ box, or W: That’s … seven pounds fifty.
apanese lunch box. I make di erent
food every day. I usually have rice, fish or Au o UNIT !)-".-/
chicken and vegetables. What do I have W waiter customer
in my box today? My box has rice, an egg, Au o R
tomatoes and other vegetables. After :("-*$.*3.4*7"-B
C: es. Can I have a co ee, please?
lunch I always drink tea, green tea, every I eat five times every day, not really five
$"36 W: OK, a co ee with milk. Here you go.
A: Lunch? Well, I don’t often eat a big A1* D.%*/4'(*&!*-("-B* morning at six, I have a banana and some
54#'(6*0#*-(7*/.8#&#;*0*/">7*"*!"#$%&'(6* :1*E("-9!*-(877*<.4#$!6* chocolate and then I have training. or
0*87"553*5&>7*'(77!7*!"#$%&'(7!*.8* C: Can I have a tea and a pastry, please? breakfast I always have five eggs and some
7;;*!"#$%&'(7!6*0*!./7-&/7!*7"-*/3* :1*F7!,*G4!-*"*/./7#-6*D787*3.4*"876 fruit. At half past ten, I have breakfast
!"#$%&'(*"-*/3*$7!>*.8*0*!./7-&/7!*;.* :1*I#3-(&#;*75!7B* number two, but nothing big, for example a
to the park. Then I have an apple. I love bowl of cereal with milk. I sometimes have a
A1* J.,*-("#>*3.46**
apples. After lunch I drink a cup of tea. sandwich for lunch, or I have pasta. Dinner
Always tea. I never drink co ee. I hate it. W: Co ee or tea? is usually at uarter to seven. I often have
C: Co ee, please. "*!-7">*%&-(*8&'7,*'(77!7*"#$*-%.*.8*-(877*
Au o :1*M-&55*.8*!<"8>5&#;B vegetables, maybe a potato, some carrots
makes A1* H(,*!<"8>5&#;,*<57"!76*D.%*/4'(*&!*-("-B and some tomatoes. I love ice cream, but I
gets up :1*C4!-*"*/./7#-6*N7-*/7*'(7'>6 never eat it not before a race
)* %8&-7!
leaves Au o UNIT !0#'+10!%+1!02-((.+3
?* ;.7! Co ee or tea?
@* 5&!-7#! Au o S
Au o
finishes !"! egg, pepper, get, never, twelve
I1* HO,*"!>*/7*P47!-&.#!6
watches !#!* "
* <<57,*'"88.-,*#"<>&#,*("-,*I=8&'"*
Q1* N7-*/7*!776*HO,*&!*&-*"*/"#*.8*"*%./"#B
/ / mushroom, lunch, sometimes, love,
Au o I1* I*%./"#6*I#$*#.%*&-9!*7"!3*=.8*3.46 /.-(78
W waiter customer Q1* J.-*!.*7"!36*R.7!*!(7*%.8>*&#*"*(.!<&-"5B
I1* J.,*!(7*$.7!#9-6 Au o S
Q1* R.7!*!(7*%.8>*.4-$..8!B cap, cup
I1* F7!,*!./7-&/7!6 hat, hut
C: es. Can I have a co ee, please?
B: Does she drive in her job? )* /"#,*/7#
I1* F7!,*!(7*$.7!6
A1* C4!-*/&5>,*-("#>*3.46 Au o S
W: OK, a co ee with milk. Here you go. Q1* HO,*!(7*$.7!#9-*%.8>*&#*"*(.!<&-"5,*!.*
A1* D.%*/4'(*&!*-("-B* ("-,*/"#,*/7#,*("-,*(4-,*(4-,*("-
outdoors and she drives in her job.
I1* M.,*%(.*&!*&-B Au o S
A1* E("#>!6
B: Hmm. The bus driver in the photo is a breakfast, We have breakfast at seven.
man, so I think she’s the police officer. young, Nate is very young, only two years
Conversation I1* F.4987*8&;(-6*J.%*&-9!*/3*-48#6 .5$6
A1* D&6 )* (7"$<(.#7!,*:(787*"87*/3*(7"$<(.#7!B
:1*D&6 UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+, U* =8&7#$,*E("-9!*/3*=8&7#$*I/36
C: Can I have a tea and a pastry, please? ?* .#7,*0-9!*.#7*.9'5.'>6
:1*F7!,*G4!-*"*/./7#-6*D787*3.4*"876 Au o VB any, Do you have any eggs?
C: Thank you. Oh, can I have a fork, please? L84&-1*"<<57,*+"#"#",*.8"#;7 V* ";"&#,*A"#*3.4*!"3*&-*";"&#,*<57"!7B
:1*0-9!*.#*-(7*-"+576 S7;7-"+57!1*'"88.-,*/4!(8../,*<.-"-.,* country, In my country we speak Spanish.
A1* H(*37!6*E("#>*3.46* -./"-.
:1*I#3-(&#;*75!7B* 27"-1*!-7">,*+77=,*'(&'>7# Au o S
A1* J.,*-("#>*3.46*D.%*/4'(*&!*-("-B R8&#>!1*/&5>,*=84&-*G4&'7 A: Does your classroom have a computer?
:1*K8/,*-("-9!*=.48*<.4#$!*7&;(-36* Other: pasta, fish, bread, cereal, rice, cheese, Q1* F7!,*&-*$.7!6*
A1**L.48*<.4#$!*7&;(-36* 7;;,*!"#$%&'( A: Does it have a blackboard?
:1*E("#>*3.46* Q1* J.,*&-*$.7!#9-6*0-*("!*"*%(&-7+."8$6

UNIT ?8" =2-",*"()%"')1N. Au o

78" L1",(2'"1N%*."J116. Could you get some eggs?
Au o B: es, it’s open. But I don’t have the Could you help me?
Call us today. ')1NN,*F"$,'(."
I really like her. A: OK … Ah, it’s here. What do you have? Au o
!" #$%&'%"()&*+"),-. B: I have … milk, cereal and apples. I can’t Could you get me a co ee?
4%-%-B%4"&*<(),*F"%$'%." Could you say that again?
Au o 78" D%':"()&(2'"4,F)(:"&*6"N&'(&.";&*"<1G"F%(" Could you call me in the evening?
We like him. ()4%%"B,F"'(%&+'C" /" ;1G$6"<1G"-&+%"B4%&+E&'(C
She helps us with our English. ?8" 7$$"4,F)(."UG'("&"-1-%*(."Q4-."K)%<24%"
I don’t have it with me. expensive. UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+,
/" 01*2("3&$$")%4"&("()%"5%%+%*6. 78" 915"-G3)"&4%"()%<C
?8" K),4(<H*,*%"%G41'"E14"()4%%."7*6"()%<24%" Au o VB
Au o '-&$$. 7" '5,-
A: eah, that is expensive. OK, don’t get the ?" 4G*
78" 9,:";,*6<."=(2'">%,$"... '(%&+'. ;" ',*F
?8" @)"),:">%,$." ?8" @M:"*1"'(%&+'. 0" 3&(3)
78" A,'(%*:",'",("7*6<2'"B,4()6&<"(),'"-1*()C 78" UG'("F%("()%"N&'(&."#&'(&2'"3)%&N."" Q" ()415
?8" D%':",(",'."" B: Do we have any eggs at home? R" N&,*(
78" ="&$5&<'"E14F%("B,4()6&<'.";&*"<1G" 78""@):"*1"5%"61*2(.";1G$6"<1G"F%("'1-%" J" (<N%
4%-%-B%4"()%"6&(%C" %FF'C"7*6"&$'1"'1-%"(1-&(1%'C H drive
?8" D%':"="3&*."9,'"B,4()6&<2'"1*"()%"(5%*(<H ?8" @M."QFF':"N&'(&"&*6"(1-&(1%'."='"()&("
'%31*6"1E"I&43)." everything? Au o VB
78" J4%&(."K)&*+"<1G." 78" D%'."J4%&(. anuary
?8" ="54,(%"615*"B,4()6&<'."L1"="4%-%-B%4"()%-. ?8" @M."L%%"<1G"'11*. ebruary
78" 7*6")15"1$6",'")%C " !" I&43)
B: Oh I can’t remember. Maybe thirty-five? Conversation " /" 7N4,$
78" @M:"()&*+'." ;8" ="3&*2("61"(),'O"=")&(%"31-NG(%4'O"@)" " S" I&<
?8" K)&(2'"&$$"4,F)(."" LG',%O";1G$6"<1G")%$N"-%C " T" UG*%
78" LN%&+"'11*."?<%. 08" LG4%"5)&(2'"()%"N41B$%-:"M&<$&C " V" UG$<
?8" ?<%." C: I can’t send this email. It has a video in it, August
&*6"="3&*2("'%*6",(. " Y" L%N(%-B%4
Conversation 08" ;&*"="61",("E14"<1GC October
;8" A11+:"5%24%"*%&4$<"()%4%O" ;8" D%':"N$%&'%. November
08""74%"5%C" 08" ;&*"="$11+C December
;8" P)&(2'"()%"N41B$%-C"74%"<1G"@MC ;8" @)"<%'."9%4%.""
08" =2-"4%&$$<"(,4%6."="3&*2("'$%%N"1*"BG'%'. D: OK. The problem is the video. It’s really UNIT !)-".-/
C: Really? I can sleep everywhere. I can big. Send this link, not the video.
sleep on buses, in cars, in hotels … ;8" K),'"$,*+C Au o R
08" 91(%$'O"="3&*"'$%%N",*")1(%$'."?G("*1("1*" D: No, Kayla. Here, just click here and … ="514+",*"&"'GN%4-&4+%("&*6"-<"-&*&F%4"
BG'%'. ;8" @):"*1:",(2'"(%*"123$13+."=2-"$&(%."LG',%:" ,'"9&*&."L)%2'"&"F4%&("-&*&F%4:"&*6"="4%&$$<"
C: Here, I have some chocolate in my bag. 31G$6"<1G"61",("E14"-%C $,+%")%4."K)%"'GN%4-&4+%(",'"1N%*"&("T"&.-.:"
08" @)"N%4E%3(O"K)&*+'. D: es, no problem. Give me two minutes. and Hana is the first person there every day
;8" K)&*+"<1G"'1"-G3)O" I’m the second person I’m there at . .
Conversation 08" >1"N41B$%-."J1O to us with a big smile. When people have
Q8" 7'):"3&*"<1G"6&*3%"'&$'&C &"N41B$%-:"')%"&'+'"()%-"&B1G(",(."L)%"
R8" D%':"="3&*."7"$,(($%."P)<C Conversation gets us pastries on riday not from the
E: Look. A salsa class on Wednesday and … E: Do you have a problem, Nancy? supermarket, but from an expensive baker’s
it’s for six weeks. R8" D%':"I4"L&*(1'."="61*2("G*6%4'(&*6"'1-%" in town. They have the best pastries One
R8" P)&("(,-%"61%'",("'(&4(C 5146'",*"(),'"4%&6,*F. thing about Hana … She can’t drive, so I
E: Er … it starts at half past seven and Q8" ;&*"=")%$NC sometimes drive her home in the evening.
finishes at ten. That’s fine, but she never thanks me. Not a
R8" D%':"5)&("61%'"W%&'<2"-%&*C
R8" 9--"..."P)&("&B1G("<1GC";&*"<1G"6&*3%" E: Easy. Not difficult. ou can do it.
'&$'&C R8" @):"<%&):"="4%-%-B%4."K)&*+"<1G.";&*"="
E: No, I can’t. But I love the music &'+"&*1()%4"XG%'(,1*C UNIT !0#'+10!%+1!02-((.+3
: OK … let’s do it Q8" @E"31G4'%. Au o S
Q8" J4%&(O R8" @*"(),'"1*%:",'"()%"&*'5%4"4,F)(C"" !(!) first, ebruary, office, photo, phone
Q8" ;&*"="'%%",(C"D%':"()%"&*'5%4",'"4,F)(:"BG(" !*! very, seventh, never, expensive, leave
Au o
!"#$! / /" "(),46:"(),*+:"B,4()6&<:"E1G4():"(%*()
/ ə / !+!" "()%<:"()%-:"E&()%4:"B41()%4:"5,()
!" !"%&$'! Au o
Au o S
/" ;&*"<1G"-&+%"&"3&+%C" A: Can you get three big steaks?
78" R,1*&:"5)&(2'"()%"6&(%"(16&<C
S" >1:"="3&*2(. B: All right. ust a moment. Erm …
They’re expensive. B: It’s Thursday, the fourth of November.
T" ="3&*2("4%&6"U&N&*%'%"54,(,*F.
A: Could you get some eggs? And also 78" K)&*+'.
V" ="3&*"N$&<"()%"FG,(&4."
'1-%"(1-&(1%'C ?8" =(2'"-<"-1()%42'"B,4()6&<."
es, I can.
" ?8" "@M."QFF':"N&'(&"&*6"(1-&(1%'."='"()&(" A: Do you have a photo?
Au o everything? ?8" D%':"="61."K),'",'")%4"1*"-<"N)1*%."
Conversation !" 78" "LG',%:"31G$6"<1G"61",("E14"-%C A: She looks very nice.
78" 9%$$1C B: es, no problem. Give me two minutes.
?8" 9,:",(2'"-%." " 78" "K)&*+"<1G"'1"-G3)O"
78" P)%4%"&4%"<1GC /" 78" ";&*"="&'+"&*1()%4"XG%'(,1*C
" ?8" "@E"31G4'%.

Au o S Au o Next you can take the bus again and go over

like, drive, write ob W woman M Marta the River Seine. The Seine is my favourite
five, nine Conversation river in the world. It’s really beautiful.
!"#$% R: Excuse me? Next the bus goes to the Arc de Triomphe.
The Arc is a very famous monument in the
&#'% +?*A%.0
centre of Paris. ou don’t have time to stop
!#(% P?* 2-/*96.$7*2.*$"%&%*,*.C6&$.*'%4$&%*4%,&* "%&%B*3;$*:6;*',4*.$6C*4%,&*$"%*L;#9%&#%.*
fine "%&%0 Gardens. The gardens are lovely at all times
W: es, it’s next to the cinema. Can you see of the year and you can have a co ee or
Au o S the cinema? Over there? 9;4'"*#4*,*',(M*#4*$"%*C,&I7**
Do you like rice? P?* F"*:%.7*2*',4*.%%*#$7* A6;*',4*!,9I*(&6/*$"%*<,&5%4.*$6*/:*
Can you drive a bus? W: The sports centre is to the left of the favourite museum, the Mus e d’Orsay. The
Do you have any white T-shirts? '#4%/,7*2$-.*,*3#<*3;#95#4<7*A6;*',4-$** Mus e d’Orsay is a very famous museum.
Do you have a bike? /#..*#$7* @%&%*:6;*',4*.%%*C#'$;&%.*3:*(,/6;.*,&$#.$.B*
)* +",$-.*$"%*$#/%0 P?* L",4I.*,*96$7 for example incent van Gogh and Claude
What’s ninety-five plus five? +?*E6*C&639%/7* Q64%$7*
Conversation but you only have six hours
UNIT Q?*@#*P63B*!"%&%*,&%*:6;0
P?* 2-/*#4*(&64$*6(*$"%*366I."6C7*2$-.*'96.%57 UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+,
Au o
It’s under the bed. M: es, sorry. It closes at five. Au o VB
It’s near the window P?* +"%&%*,&%*you0 K** C9,4$
1* 2$-.*3%"#45*$"%*566&7 Q?**2-/*#4*,46$"%&*366I."6C*#4*$"%*."6CC#4<* T* !,99
8* 2.*#$*64*$"%*$,39%0 C television
P?* +"%&%-.*$"%*."6CC#4<*'%4$&%0
)* 2.*#$*#4*:6;&*3,<0 >* ,&/'",#&
M: It’s opposite the post office.
=* 2.*#$*3%$!%%4*$"%*3%5.0 U* .6(,
P?* F"B*:%.B*2*',4*.%%*$"%*%4$&,4'%7
Is it next to the sofa? S* (&#5<%
It’s in front of you. N* ."%9(
P?* F4*$"%*&#<"$7 @* '",#&
Au o
Q?*A%.B*#$-.*6CC6.#$%*$"%*."6%*."6C7 2* $,39%
S Soraya ebbie
P?* FO7*D%%*:6;*#4*,*/#4;$%7 V* '66I%&
S: Excuse me.
M: Wait. I’m on the first oor. K oor
>?* @#7*A%.B*',4*2*"%9C0
P?* FO7* W* 566&
D?* A%.B*2-/*4%!*"%&%7
M: ou can take the lift or there are some Q* !#456!
>?* E%!0
.$,#&.7* E* 9,/C
S: es, I have a new job in the area. I live in
,4*,C,&$/%4$*#4*$"#.*3;#95#4<7 P?* FOB*.%%*:6;*#4*,*/#4;$%G F* 3%5
>?* F"B*.6*!%-&%*4%#<"36;&.G*2-/*>%33#%7 Q?*FO7*D%%*:6;7 R* ."6!%&
D?* 2-/*D6&,:,7*E#'%*$6*/%%$*:6;7* X* $6#9%$
Au o P* 3,$"
>?* E#'%*$6*/%%$*:6;G
A: Is there a sports centre near here?
D?* H,4*2*,.I*:6;*.6/%*J;%.$#64.*,36;$*$"%* Au o VB
B: es, it’s next to the cinema.
,&%,0 armchair, sofa, television
The sports centre is to the left of the
>?* D;&%7* cooker, fridge, chair, table, shelf
D?* K&%*$"%&%*,4:*."6C.*4%,&*"%&%0 1* 3%5B*9,/CB*!#456!
1* K?* +* "%&%-.*$"%*."6CC#4<*'%4$&%0
>?* A%.B*$"%&%*,&%*.6/%*<&%,$*."6C.7*L"%&%-.* 8* 3,$"B*."6!%&B*$6#9%$
B: It’s opposite the post office.
K45*,*4#'%*2$,9#,4*&%.$,;&,4$7 8** N6*#4*$"%*/,#4*%4$&,4'%B*,45*$"%*
Au o VB
D?* L",$-.*<6657 A post office
I’m on the first oor. ou can take the lift
D: And there’s a very good school. But T* ."6CC#4<*'%4$&%
$",$-.*46$*#/C6&$,4$*(6&*:6;7 H* $&,#4*.$,$#64
D?* E6B*3;$*#$-.*#4$%&%.$#4<7*N665*(6&*,*(,/#9:B* Au o >* 9#3&,&:
I mean. Erm, can I ask … Is there a It’s next to the cinema. U* "6.C#$,9
swimming pool? I swim every day. It’s opposite the sports centre. S* ,#&C6&$
>?* E6B*$"%&%*#.4-$*,*.!#//#4<*C669*#4*$"%* It’s to the left of the supermarket.
area … but there’s one about three N* 3;.*.$,$#64
8* 2$-.*64*$"%*&#<"$7* @* .;C%&/,&I%$
)* 2-/*#4*(&64$*6(*$"%*366I."6C7 2* /;.%;/
D?* L",$-.*FO7*K45*#.*$"%&%*,*C,&I0*2*&;4*,$*
$"%*!%%I%45.7 Au o V* '#4%/,
>?* A%.B*$"%&%*#.7* OK, so you have six hours to see Paris. O* "6$%9
D?* L",$-.*<&%,$7*+%99B*$",4I*:6;*(6&*,99*$",$7 +"%&%*',4*:6;*<60*+%99B*$"%&%*,&%*,*96$*6(* W* .'"669
>?* E6*C&639%/7*K&%*:6;*(&%%*46!0 3%,;$#(;9*C9,'%.*#4*R,&#.B*3;$*:6;*',4-$*<6*$6* Q* .C6&$.*'%4$&%
D?* A%.7 all of them. Not in six hours. E* .!#//#4<*C669
D: Come and have a co ee. I live in S#&.$B*2*$"#4I*#$-.*,*<665*#5%,*$6*3;:*,*3;.*
$#'I%$7*L"%&%*,&%*$6;&#.$*3;.%.7*L"%:*<6*$6* Au o VB
apartment seventeen.
$"%*#/C6&$,4$*$6;&#.$*,$$&,'$#64.7* school
D?* FOB*<&%,$7*L",4I.7
So here is my plan for Paris in six hours. our airport
Au o first stop is the Ei el Tower. The Ei el Tower 1* "6$%9
Are there any shops near here? is over a hundred and thirty years old. ou 8* 3;.*.$,$#64B*'#4%/,B*"6.C#$,9B*9#3&,&:B*C6.$*
There are two caf s. don’t have time to climb it, but you can take office, sports centre, swimming pool,
There’s a very good school. .6/%*<&%,$*C"6$6.7 $&,#4*.$,$#64
8* E6B*$"%&%*#.4-$*,*.!#//#4<*C669*#4*$"%*,&%,7* )* /;.%;/
)* 2.*$"%&%*,*C,&I0 =* ."6CC#4<*'%4$&%B*.;C%&/,&I%$*
=* A%.B*$"%&%*#.7

Au o VB : That’s right. I like my job, but I’m often T" K%./"0&"<&:"0,)*2C

!" #$%&&' very tired. U" K%<"0&"<&:"0,)*2")/C
(" )*+&,-./)&*"01#2 I: So, what little things do you do to … to V" K%1,1"0&"<&:"8&C
C exit/way out ;1"%1.'/%<".*0"%.66<C W" K%1*"0&"<&:"1./C
D the first oor : Well, in the afternoon I sometimes visit
-<"8,.*0-&/%1,>" Au o
E fire exit
I: Where does she live? Where were you born?
3" #/.),#
: She lives very near me. We spend an hour I was born in England.
4" 1*/,.*$1
/&81/%1,".*0"?1"/.'2"."'&/>" T" K1,1"<&:"."%.66<"$%)'0C
H lift
5L"" K%./"0&"<&:"/.'2".;&:/C es, I was. I was very happy.
5" %&#6)/.'
: About the family, life, everything. V" K1,1"<&:,"/1.$%1,#"./"#$%&&'"8&&0C
7" 6.,2)*8".,1.
5L" =%./G#"8,1./>"M1.''<"*)$1"+&,"%1,> W" A1#@"/%1<"?1,1>"=%1<"?1,1".-.B)*8>
7L" !*0"*)$1"+&,"-1N
UNIT !"#$%#& 5L" OP@".*0"0&"<&:"0&".*</%)*8"1'#1C"
Au o
Au o R : Well, let me think. Every week I clean
.",&&->"7:#/"one",&&-@",1.''<"?1''>"3&," toothache
9:--1,"%&:#1";<"/%1"#1. T"."#/&-.$%.$%1
example, I clean my kitchen. Or the
=%)#";1.:/)+:'"%&:#1")#"61,+1$/"+&,"<&:," ;./%,&&-> U"1.,.$%1"
I: es, I often do that. It’s a good feeling. V"."%1.0.$%1
=%.*2#N W"."$&'0"
fridge and cooker, and a big table with six
chairs dinner for six There’s a big living 7L" Q&"6,&;'1->
5L" !*<.")#"."0)8)/.'"01#)8*1,>"9%1"?&,2#")*" Au o
television. There’s a garden behind the /%1"$)/<"$1*/,1>"H)@"!*<.> A Ale L Lucy N Nina aola
house great for kids and all the shops !L" H)> Conversation
.,1"*1.,"/%1"%&:#1>"A&:"$.*"?.'2"/&"/%1"6&#/" 5L" K%./"')//'1"/%)*8#"0&"<&:"0&C"R)//'1" !L" "H)@"R:$<>"5G-",1.''<"#&,,<@";:/"5"$.*G/"$&-1"
office, the supermarket fresh fish yum , /%)*8#"/&"-.21"<&:"%1.'/%<".*0"%.66<C to the cinema tonight. I don’t feel very
/%1"$)*1-.@"/%1"-:#1:-".*0"/%1"');,.,<>" !L" K1''@"5":#:.''<"81/"%&-1"'./1>"!*0"5G-" ?1''>"I.''"-1>"(<1>
And the water is metres from your front often very tired.
door Price: euros per week. 5L" K%1*"0&"<&:"81/"%&-1C Conversation
A: Oh, sometimes at seven or eight. RL" H1''&C
UNIT !'()*+'!,*+!'-#..%*/ 5L" 9&"?%./"0&"<&:"0&C !L" H1''&@"R:$<>
!L" K1''@"5":#:.''<"#)/"&:/#)01".*0"0&" L: Hi, Alex. What’s wrong?
Au o S
nothing for half an hour. ust relax. Or I A: I feel terrible. I’ve got a really bad
!"!#" #" &+.@"#$%&&'@"6%.,-.$<@".00,1##@"6.,2# sometimes have a long bath, a really long %1.0.$%1>
!$!" "(,.B)'@"-:#1:-@"$'&#10@"&66&#)/1@"#/.),# ;./%@".*0"5"?.#%"-<"%.),> RL" O%@"*&N"X&&,"<&:>"
// shelf, shower, station, information, fish I: Oh, yeah … Do you do anything else? !L" 5G-"#&"#&,,<".;&:/"/%1"$)*1-.>
/ / usually, television A: I often call someone and we talk for an RL" Q&"6,&;'1->"5"$.*".#2"7&>"A&:"8&"/&";10"
%&:,"&,"/?&> and maybe watch a film on your laptop.
Au o S
5L" K%&"0&"<&:"$.''C !L" O&%"*&>"D<"1<1#"%:,/>"5"Y:#/"?.*/"/&"
What’s your address?
A: Di erent people … my sister or a friend. #'116>""
Who lives opposite you?
=%./G#".'?.<#"8&&0> RL" OP>"4&"/&";10>"41/"?1''"#&&*>
How do I find information about
5L" 5G-"%1,1"?)/%"9.*0,.>"9.*0,.G#"."-:-" A: Thanks. Enjoy the film. Bye.
with two children and … you work, too, is RL" (<1>""
Where do you usually watch television? /%./",)8%/@"9.*0,.C
Au o S 9L" A1#@"5"?&,2"./"/%1"');,.,<>" Conversation
/ / " $" %.),@"2)/$%1*@"$./$%@"D.,$%@"':*$%" I: So you’re very busy, but are you happy? QL" H1''&@"I1*/,.'"I&''181>"I.*"5"%1'6"<&:C
/ /" "7.*:.,<@"7:*1@"7:'<@"&,.*81@"6.81" 9L" A1#@"5"/%)*2"#&> XL" A1#@"/%)#")#"X.&'.>"5G-",1.''<"#&,,<@";:/"5"
5L" !*0"%1.'/%<C $.*G/"$&-1"/&"?&,2"/&0.<>"I.*"<&:"/1''"
Au o S 9L" A1#>" I%,)#C
Sam is Swiss. He’s a police officer. He likes 5L" K%./"0&"<&:"0&"/&";1"%1.'/%<".*0" QL" H)@"X.&'.>"K%./G#"/%1"6,&;'1-C"
#:)/#> %.66<C"K%./"')//'1"/%)*8#C XL" D<"#&*")#*G/"?1''>"H1G#"8&/"."$&'0>"!",1.''<"
E1*.")#"F)1/*.-1#1>"9%1G#".";:#)*1##?&-.*>" 9L" K1''@")*"/%1"-&,*)*8"5"0&*G/"1./".*</%)*8>" ;.0"$&'0".*0"%1"$.*G/"8&"/&"#$%&&'>"
She loves trousers. I have a hot drink. Hot water with lemon. QL" OP>"5"%&61"%1"81/#"?1''"#&&*>"X%&*1":#"
9%.:*")#"=:,2)#%>"H1G#"."#%&6".##)#/.*/>"H1" 5L" K)/%"'1-&*C"K%<"0&"<&:"0,)*2"?./1," this afternoon.
')21#"#%),/#> ?)/%"'1-&*C XL" OP>"=%.*2#@"Q)*.>"4&&0;<1>
71**<")#"41,-.*>"9%1G#"."0)8)/.'"01#)8*1,>" S: Because it’s good for you. It’s very QL" (<1@"X.&'.>"
She loves jackets. %1.'/%<>"
I%.,')1")#"I%)*1#1>"H1G#"."/1.$%1,>"H1"')21#" I: OK … Au o
3,1*$%"$'&/%1#> 9L" 3&&0")#")-6&,/.*/"/&"-1>"5"1./"."'&/"&+" A Ale L Lucy N Nina aola
fruit and vegetables. In the evening we !L" H)@"R:$<>"5G-",1.''<"#&,,<@";:/"5"$.*G/"$&-1"
:#:.''<"$&&2"."-1.'@"?1"$&&2"0)**1," to the cinema tonight. I don’t feel very
UNIT together me, my husband and the ?1''>
Au o
5L" Q)$1N"S&"<&:"0&".*</%)*8"1'#1C L: Hi, Alex. What’s wrong?
interviewer im A Anya
S Sandra 9L" R1/"-1"/%)*2>"O%@"':*$%/)-1")#",1.''<" A: I feel terrible. I’ve got a really bad
special for me. I sometimes have lunch in %1.0.$%1>
I: Everybody is busy. Sometimes there’s no
/%1"6.,2".*0"5"+110"/%1";),0#> RL" O%@"*&N"X&&,"<&:>"
time for exercise, no time to do healthy
/%)*8#>"(:/")/G#")-6&,/.*/"/&";1"%1.'/%<" I: How do you feel after that?
.*0"%.66<>"5*"&:,"6&0$.#/"?1".#2"/%,11" S: I feel really good. Really relaxed. !L" D<"1<1#"%:,/>"5"Y:#/"?.*/"/&"#'116>""
61&6'1"/%1"#.-1"J:1#/)&*>"K%./"')//'1" RL" OP>"4&"/&";10>"41/"?1''"#&&*>"
things do you do every day to be healthy Au o
.*0"%.66<C Who do you call?
What do you talk about? QL" K%./G#"/%1"6,&;'1-C"
So im, you’re a taxi driver, right?
XL" D<"#&*")#*G/"?1''>"H1G#"8&/"."$&'0>

UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+, Au o S Au o
vest This morning I washed my hair.
Au o VB west I walked to class.
!" #$%& vest Q" T+2"<2%%.6"%&$(&2?"$&"6)62J
'" ()*+ vest I arrived late.
," #$-./% P" 12%& P" S2"$%32?"$"<.&".#"X/2%&).6%J
0" 12$3 O" 12%& O" T+2"&2$*+2("$6%12(2?"./("X/2%&).6%J
4" $-$5)67
8" %&(.67 Au o S Au o
9" &+2":2%& light I didn’t sleep very much.
H positive right We didn’t go out.
;" %<.1 Q" <)7+& Q" S2"?)?6H&"72&"/>"2$(<BJ
=" >..( N" <)7+&
Au o
P" ()7+&
Au o VB Conversation
O" ()7+&
!" #$*2 A: Excuse me. Can you help me?
'" :$*3 Au o S 'Y" W2%J"S+$&H%"&+2">(.:<2-R
," $(- October in my village is very beautiful. !Y" ;"?.6H&"/6?2(%&$6?"&+)%"&)*32&"-$*+)62J
0" 62*3 The world wide web, videos and D Ds 'Y" S+2(2"?."B./"1$6&"&."7.R
4" +2$? 12(2"7(2$&")?2$%J"" !Y" E$6*+2%&2("!)(>.(&J"
8" &..&+@"&22&+ Q" ,$6"B./"*<2$6"&+2":2?(..-"(2$<<B"12<<@" 'Y" T.?$BR
><2$%2R" !Y" W2%J"
9" %&.-$*+
A" 2B2 Au o S 'Y" 0."B./"1$6&"$"%)67<2".("$"(2&/(6R
;" #..&@"#22& Can you make a cake? !Y" !"%)67<2J"
=" +$6? Do you like grapes? B: OK, first choose the station. Manchester
C" 6.%2 !)(>.(&R
Do you take sugar in your co ee?
D" +$)( !Y""T+$&H%"()7+&J
Are you often late?
E" -./&+ 'Y" GC">(2%%"&+2(2J"!6?"&+2(2J
P" 0."B./"36.1"$6B.62"1)&+"&+2"%$-2"
F" 2$( :)(&+?$B"$%"B./R A: OK … ?
G"" <27 Do you often change your passwords? 'Y""!6?"*+..%2"V&.?$BHJ
Au o VB 'Y""!6?"&+26"*+..%2"V%)67<2HJ"
!" ><$B"#..&:$<< UNIT !Y""VZ)67<2"&)*32&HJ
'" (/6@"7."#.("$"(/6 'Y" !6?">$BJ"
," ?."B.7$ Au o
A: OK, that’s nineteen pounds sixty. OK.
0" 7."&."&+2"7B- EB"1)#2"$6?";"1$6&2?"$"122326?":(2$3J" T+$63%"$"<.&J"
4" ><$B"&266)% 'Y" F.">(.:<2-J
8" 7."#.("$"1$<3 #..?J"""
9" ><$B"*()*32& S2"<..32?".6<)62J"T+2(2"1$%"$"><$*2"$:./&" Conversation
A" ><$B":$%32&:$<< &1."+./(%"#(.-"/%":B"*$(J";&"1$%">2(#2*&J";&" A: Excuse me.
was a white beach house next to the sea. We 'Y" W2%J
UNIT !)-".-/ :..32?"&+2"+./%2".6"T+/(%?$BJ"!6"2-$)<" A: When’s the next train to Cambridge?
arrived on riday with the address and the 'Y" D2&"-2"*+2*3J"T+2(2H%".62"$&"X/$(&2("
Au o R code for the door. An easy code, - - - . past twelve.
0.H%"$6?"?.6H&%"#.("%&/?B)67"467<)%+ We arrived on riday evening. It was a A: It’s twelve now. ifteen minutes, good.
I" !<1$B%"?."B./("+.-21.(3J :2$/&)#/<"><$*2@":/&"&+2(2"1$%"$">(.:<2-J" S+$&"><$&#.(-")%")&R
Learn ten new words every day. T+2(2"12(2"two"+./%2%"$&"&+2"$??(2%%J"T1."
B: Platform seven.
I" K%2"467<)%+L<2$(6)67"$>>%".6"B./(" $6?"+./%2"6/-:2("&1.J";"?)?6H&"(2-2-:2(" A: Oh, and when does it arrive in
>+.62J our house number, but the code, - - - , ,$-:()?72R
I" M2$?"$6"467<)%+L<$67/$72"621%>$>2(" .>262?"&+2"?..(".#"+./%2"6/-:2(".62@"%." B: It arrives at half past one.
every day and don’t look in a dictionary &+2(2"1$%6H&"$">(.:<2-J"M)7+&R !Y" T+$63%J
for every new word. S(.67U"E$()$@"-B"1)#2@"1$<32?")6&."&+2"
Watch T and videos in English. house. Oh no … ,’ she said. It was really bad. Conversation
I" 0.6H&"%>2$3"B./("<$67/$72")6">($*&)*2" T+2(2"1$%"#..?".6"&+2"3)&*+26"&$:<2@"&+2" A: Hello. Could I have a return ticket to
exercises. oor was dirty and the bathroom I tried to Oxford, please?
I" D..3"#.(">2.><2"&.">($*&)%2"%>2$3)67" >+.62"&+2".162(@":/&"+2"?)?6H&"$6%12(J"S2" 'Y" 8.("&.?$BR
1)&+J 1$%+2?"%.-2"*/>%"#.("$"*/>".#"&2$"$6?"&+26"
!Y" T+$&H%"()7+&J
And finally, always be happy about your 12"1$<32?".6"&+2":2$*+"#.("$6"+./(J
'Y" !6?"&+2"(2&/(6R
mistakes you can learn from them !&"&26".H*<.*3";"*$<<2?"&+2".162("$7$)6J"T+)%"
time he answered the phone. He was very !Y" T.?$BJ
%/(>()%2?"$:./&"&+2">(.:<2-@"$6?"+2"%$)?" B: So that’s a return ticket to Oxford, going
UNIT !0#'+10!%+1!02-((.+3 $6?"*.-)67":$*3"&.?$BR
I’m sorry’ five times. He lived about thirty
Au o S minutes away. He arrived and walked … to !Y" T+$&H%"()7+&J"A.1"-/*+")%")&R
+./%2"6/-:2("&1.U"A2"<..32?"$&"-2"$6?" B: That’s forty-two pounds fifteen.
!"!" ":$*3@":$&+@":/)<?)67@":$:B@"<):($(B
$%32?@"VS+B"$(2"B./"$&"6/-:2(".62R"This")%" A: Sorry? orty-two pounds fifty?
!#! visit, evening, university, positive, leave your house house number two. But the
!$!" "1$%+@"12(2@"1+B@"+.-21.(3@":2&1226" B: No, fifteen.
!%! lunch, leg, television, online, well they have the same code, - - - . And !Y" S+$&"7$&2")%")&R"
!&!"" (" )*+@"(2-2-:2(@"()7+&@"1(.67@"-$(()2?" B./H(2")6"&+2"1(.67"+./%2UH" B: Oxford buses leave from gate twenty-six.
A: And when’s the next bus?
Au o S Au o B: ust a second. Ah … It leaves in five
berry N" :2((B walked, arrived, wanted, changed, travelled, -)6/&2%J"
very very washed, asked, looked, started, finished, !Y" T+$63%U
very O" :2((B lived, liked, hated, stopped, texted

Au o UNIT !"#$%&'(%)*!&%+, UNIT !0#'+10!%+1!02-((.+3

!"# $%#&%'#()*+#)#,-*./0#%1#)#10+'1*2
3"# 3#,-*./04 Au o VB Au o S
3# 6%+%1>-90 !"! plan, tram, taxi, travel, hand
A: When’s the next train to Cambridge? !# +1)6 /ɑː/ party, barbecue, apartment, afternoon,
=# >-90G#>-7&7/0 /),+
!"# 50+#60#780794#:8010;,#%*0#)+#<')1+01#
past twelve. $# @/)*0 / / office, online, watch, want, salt
H# '*?01.1%'*?G#,'>()& / ː/# )# -1@%1+G#@/)+E%16G#@%%1G#E%'1G#3'.',+
A: Oh, and when does it arrive in taxi /ə/# ) # .%G#6)78-*0G#@),,0*.01G#6%+%1>-90#
=)6>1-?.02 I# >', / ː/# 1# 0+'1*G#@01,%*G#:M,8-1+G#+8-1+&G#0)1/&
B: It arrives at half past one. C# 7)1
Au o S
3"# :8)*9,4 D# +1)-*#
I often travel by tram.
J# >%)+
I love parties and barbecues.
A: Could I have a return ticket to Oxford, I want to watch a film tonight.
@/0),02 UNIT !)-".-/ We have four airports in my country.
!"# A%1#+%?)&2
Au o R I like machines. I love motorbikes.
3"# :8)+;,#1-.8+4
K&#>0,+#8%/-?)& I get up early, at six thirty.

3"##B8)+#.)+0#-,#-+2 3//#6&#/-E0G#6&#8%/-?)&,#(010#)/()&,#+80# Au o S
B: Oxford buses leave from gate twenty-six. same. I booked the same hotel next to I work best with other people.
3"# :8)*9,4# Last week I bought some new jeans.
one week, the first week of August. Every
6%1*-*.#D#()/90?#E1%6#6&#8%+0/#+%#+80# I often walk and talk on my phone at the
Au o ,)60#+-604#
3"# C%(#6'78#-,#-+2 beach, arrived back at the hotel at p.m.
and then had dinner. I never changed the N# D#',')//&#>'&#,-*./0#+-790+,#E%1#>',0,4
B: That’s forty-two pounds fifteen. ?)+0#%E#6&#8%/-?)&#%1#6&#?)-/&#1%'+-*04# O# K&#8%60#-,#*0)1#+80#+%(*#70*+104#
A: Sorry? orty-two pounds fifty? Then last year I tried something di erent: Last month I saw two good films.
B: No, fifteen. Is that all? D#?-?*;+#@/)*#6&#8%/-?)&4#D#,-6@/&#(0*+#+%#)#
new place, a small village by the sea, and I Au o S
Au o D*#3@1-/#D#@/)*4
D;?#/-90#+%#/0)1*#+%#?)*70#+80#+)*.%4#D#()*+#+%# D*#K)&#D;6#-*#J)@)*F
learn because I love music. I got married last
10,+)'1)*+,4#L%#@1%>/06G#D#()*+0?#+%#?%# D*#J'*0#D;6#)#(1-+014
something new and di erent So I slept In uly, a firefighter.
and he loves the tango. We went to a tango
%*#+80#>0)784#D#?-?*;+#,/00@#(0//G#>'+#-+#(),# D*#3'.',+#D;6#8%+4
beautiful. In the morning, I met a fisherman.
me because everybody danced really well, D*#$0706>01#D;6#*%+4
He had a lot of fish, so we had a barbecue.
B0//G#+8010#)10#,%60#7/),,0,#*0)1#',4#:80&# P*#K%*?)&#D#()/94
start next month and I’d like to go. I left the village that day and went home.
D+#(),#)#,8%1+#8%/-?)&G#>'+#10)//&G#-+#(),#+80# P*#:'0,?)&#D#+)/94
>0,+#8%/-?)&#%E#6&#/-E04#D;?#/-90#+%#?%#-+#).)-*4 P*#B0?*0,?)&#D;6#E),+4

!"#$%& LT! &,':!,$(*!12-!,20+9':!,+:\7!

=6T! Y24!>+Z*!,>-**!>24-:!,2!(+\*!,>*!46,$(+,*!P$-,>0+9!<+\*7!R*,':!527
'()*)+,%--.%/0123 LT! X>*!,+:\!$:!+!<>$60-*/':!P$-,>0+9!<+\*7!V2P$/!$:!I?7!#*':!+!
! "! #$%!&'(!)*+,-$.!+/0!&'(!1-2(!32-,45+67 (+/+5*-!1-2(!)-$:,26!$/!,>*!CF7!#*!>+:!+![$1*!+/0!+!0+45>,*-7!
! 8! #*662%!(9!/+(*!$:!;27!&!<2(*!1-2(!=>$/+7 D4.$*!$:!?I7!D>*!>+:!,[2!<>$60-*/!+/0!:>*':!1-2(!L2-,>*-/!
! ?! #$%!(9!/+(*':!@//+7!&'(!1-2(!A4**/:6+/0%!@4:,-+6$+7 &-*6+/07!_*2-5$+!$:!8B!9*+-:!260!+/0!:>*':!1-2(!R2/02/7!D>*':!
! B! #$7!;9!/+(*':!)-$+/7!&'(!1-2(!,>*!C/$,*0!D,+,*:7
! E! ;9!/+(*':!F+927!&'(!1-2(!G+H+/7 (+--$*0!+/0!:>*![2-\:!$/!+!:4H*-(+-\*,7!J6$:+P*,,+!$:!E87!D>*':!
! I! #$%!&'(!3>$67!&'(!1-2(!J/56+/07 1-2(!&,+69%!P4,!/2[!>*-!>2(*!$:!$/!R2/02/7!D+-+>':!B8!+/0!>+:!+!
! K! #$%!&'(!#2669!+/0!&'(!1-2(!L2,,$/5>+(!$/!J/56+/07 :2/7!X>*9'-*!1-2(!;+/<>*:,*-7!
! M! #$7!;9!/+(*!$:!N+/$*67!&'(!1-2(!326+/07 Cl: ifteen minutes One minute, cooks. And that’s it, time’s up.
! O! #*6627!;9!/+(*!$:!D2/$+!+/0!&'(!1-2(!D*-P$+7 N: inally, the cakes are finished. But are they good? So, who are
!"Q!! ;9!/+(*':!R4<$+7!&'(!1-2(!DH+$/7 ,>*!,>-**![$//*-:a!!!
&4,%--.%56+))6%#*6)+78)93% ;T! X>*!2/*!,>+,!:,220!24,!12-!(*d!&,![+:!V2P$/':7
@T! F+,$*%![*66!02/*7
S$66$+(T! ;9!/+(*!$:!S$66$+(!+/0!$,':!:H*6,!SU&URURU&U@U;7
LT! @/0!/2[!$,':!,$(*!,2!-*:,!P*12-*!/*b,![**\7
V+<>+*6T! ;9!/+(*!$:!V+<>+*67!VU@U=U#U@UJUR7
=>-$:T! ;9!/+(*!$:!=>-$:7!=U#UVU&UD7
D>+--2/T! D>+--2/7!@/0!,>+,':!DU#U@%!024P6*UV%!WUL7 !"#$%@
&+/T! ;9!/+(*':!&+/7!X>+,!$:!:H*6,!&U@UL7
D$(/$,T! D$(/$,%!+/0!$,':!:H*6,!DU&U;ULU&UX7 '()*)+,%--.%/0123
Biba: My first name is Biba, and I spell it B-I-B-A. "! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!,>$/5!$:!(9!5+-0*/7!&/!,>*!:4((*-%!$,':!P*+4,$1467!
R+9+/T! D2!$,':!R+9+/%!+/0!$,':!RU@UYU@UL7 8! ;9!0257!#$:!/+(*!$:!G+:H*-7!#*!$:!+!6+P-+02206*7
X2(T! ;9!/+(*!$:!X2(7!X>+,':!XUWU;7 ?! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!,>$/5!$:!(9!P$\*7!&,':!/*[7!&!62Z*!$,!P*<+4:*!$,':!5-**/!
:;3%@=%>*?%@. B! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!,>$/5!$:!(9!,*009!P*+-7!#$:!/+(*!$:!^-*07
S$66$+(T! &!>+Z*!+!:+/0[$<>!$/!(9!P+57 E! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!,>$/5!$:!,>$:!H+$/,$/5!21!e*/$<*!$/!&,+697!
V+<>+*6T! &!>+Z*!+!P2,,6*!21![+,*-7!&!>+Z*!(9!H4-:*%!(9!\*9:7 I! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!,>$/5!$:!(9!<+(*-+7!X>$:!$:!+!=+/2/!0$5$,+6!<+(*-+7
=>-$:T! &!>+Z*!+!6+H,2H!+/0!+!/2,*P22\7 K! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!,>$/5!$:!(9!P$<9<6*7
D>+--2/T! &!>+Z*!+!P2,,6*!21![+,*-%!+!/2,*P22\!+/0!+!P+/+/+7 M! ;9!/*[!-*0!<+-7!&,':!5-*+,c
&+/T! &!>+Z*!+!6+H,2H!+/0!+!(2P$6*7
D$(/$,T! &!>+Z*!+/!4(P-*66+%!(9!(2P$6*!H>2/*!+/0!(9!H4-:*7 @4,%--.%56+))6%#*6)+78)93%
)$P+T! &/!(9!P+5!&!>+Z*!(9!H>2/*!+/0!(9![+66*,7
V+<>+*6T! &!P49!1220!2/6$/*!+/0!&!P49!(+\*U4H!+/0!<62,>*:!$/!:>2H:7
R+9+/T! D2!&!>+Z*!(9![+66*,!+/0!:2(*!(+\*U4H7
J6$`+>T! &!P49!,>$/5:!12-!,>*!>24:*!2/6$/*7
X2(T! &!>+Z*!(9!6+H,2H!+/0!,[2!P22\:7!
_62-$+T! &!P49!<62,>*:!2/6$/*!+/0!&!P49!1220!$/!:>2H:7
G2*T! W/6$/*!&!P49!Z$0*2!5+(*:!+/0!$/!:>2H:!&!P49!12207
!"#$%< G2:>T! W/6$/*!&!P49!<62,>*:!+/0!$/!:>2H:!&!+6:2!P49!12207
#2669T! &!P49!(+\*U4H!2/6$/*!+/0!&!P49!1220!$/!:>2H:7!
'()*)+,%--.%/0123 L$<T! &!P49!<+,!1220!2/6$/*7!&!P49!<62,>*:!$/!:>2H:7!
"! #*6627!;9!/+(*!$:!G2-5*7!&'(!1-2(!=262(P$+7!X20+9%!&!+(!$/! F$-:,9T! &!P49!P22\:!2/6$/*!+/0!&!P49!:>2*:!$/!,>*!:>2H7
e$/<*/,T! !&!P49!,-+$/*-:!2/6$/*7
8! #$%!&'(!D>*--$7!&'(!1-2(!=+6$12-/$+7!L2[%!&'(!$/!L*[!Y2-\7
?! #$%!&'(!@6$:2/7!&'(!1-2(!D<2,6+/0%!P4,!/2[!&'(!$/!&,+697 :;3%@=%>*?%@-
B! #*6627!;9!/+(*!$:!@/+:,+:$+7!&'(!@(*-$<+/!+/0!V4::$+/7!X20+9! V+<>+*6T! &!62Z*!<62,>*:!:>2H:%!&!>+,*!P4,<>*-:!+/0!&!62Z*!<+1f:7
&'(!$/!R2/02/7 J6$`+>T! &!6$\*!-*:,+4-+/,:%!&!6$\*!<+1f:%!+/0!&!6$\*!:4H*-(+-\*,:7
E! #*6627!;9!/+(*':!&466$+!+/0!&'(!1-2(!V4::$+7!&!6$Z*!$/!&,+69%!$/! _62-$+T! &!62Z*!<62,>*:!:>2H:%!+/0!&!>+,*!:H2-,:!:>2H:7!
V2(*7 G2*T! &!6$\*!:H2-,:!:>2H:%!+/0!&!0$:6$\*!<62,>*:!:>2H:7!
I! #*6627!&'(!V2-97!&'(!1-2(!J/56+/07!&'(!/2[!$/!&-*6+/07 G2:>T! &!6$\*!1220!:>2H:%!P*<+4:*!&!6$\*!1220%!+/0!&!02/',!6$\*!H*,!
K! #*6627!;9!/+(*!$:!#+/+/!@6$7!&'(!1-2(!;2(P+:+%!F*/9+%!+/0!&'(! :>2H:7!
<4--*/,69!$/!=264(P4:%!W>$27 #2669T! &!6$\*!<62,>*:!:>2H:7!&!02/',!6$\*!P22\:>2H:7!
M! #$7!&'(!G*//$1*-7!&'(!1-2(!@4:,-+6$+%!P4,!/2[!&'(!$/!^62-*/<*!$/! L$<T! &!6$\*!1220!:>2H:7!&!02!/2,!6$\*!<62,>*:!:>2H:7!
&,+697 F$-:,9T! &!6$\*!<62,>*:!:>2H:!+/0!:>2*!:>2H:%!+/0!&!0$:6$\*!
O! #$7!&'(!^2,$:7!&'(!1-2(!_-**<*7!&'(!/2[!$/!;+0-$0%!DH+$/7 <2(H4,*-!:>2H:7!
<4,%--.%A11?% e$/<*/,T! &!6$\*!Z$0*2!5+(*!:>2H:7
N Narrator l laudia obin lisabetta !
h hris M Mary A Angela
LT! X*/!>2(*!<22\:7!J$5>,![**\:7!X[*/,9U124-!,+:\:7!X>-**!`405*:7! '()*)+,%--.%/0123
X>$:!$:!!"#$%&'("%)''*7!&,':!S**\!124-7!X>*!>2(*!<22\:!+--$Z*7 "! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!(*+6!$:!64/<>7!&!+6[+9:!>+Z*!,4/+!:+6+07
=6T! #$7!#*6627 My favourite meal is dinner. I love fish.
VT! #$%!=6+40$+7 Breakfast is my favourite meal. I always have co ee and fruit.
JT!! _220!(2-/$/57 B! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!(*+6!$:!0$//*-7!&!*+,!+!62,!21!H+:,+![$,>!<>**:*7
LT! W4-!H-*:*/,*-!$:!=6+40$+!S$/\6*(+/7 E! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!(*+6!21!,>*!0+9!$:!P-*+\1+:,7!&!>+Z*!+/!2(*6*,,*!
=6T! #2[!+-*![*!+66a [$,>!+!<4H!21!,*+7
@66T!_220%!52207 I! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!(*+6!$:!P-*+\1+:,7!&!>+Z*!<*-*+6![$,>!($6\%!+/0!
LT! L*b,%!,>*!`405*:!+--$Z*7 2-+/5*!`4$<*7
=6T! G405*:c K! R4/<>7!;9!1+Z24-$,*%!*-%!1220!$:!H+:,+7!&!62Z*!&,+6$+/!12207
GT! ;2-/$/5c M! ;9!1+Z24-$,*!(*+6!$:!P-*+\1+:,7!&!>+Z*!P-*+\1+:,!+,!(9!0*:\7!&!
@66T!;2-/$/57 have eggs and two cups of co ee.


!"#$%%&$"'()*+,-./0 6789$F
N Narrator B Billy lvira ;<+,+/#$%%&$=>'?3
!"# $%&'#()*+,#-,#+*.#(,,#+&/&0%(#*.1#(2*),(#3#-*4,%#3#*.1#/*.15# O# 6A'#&04(71,5#6#+*.#(,,#4%,,(#*.1#42,#(<8;#*.1#'8#2&0(,5
Zoom in and we can see many di erent lives. I am at my office and I can see a lot of books.
# 6.#42,#+748#&9#:2,..*7#7.#6.17*;#42&0(*.1(#&9#)*%*<,,4(#,*4# I’m in the garden and I can see my house, some owers and
=%,*<9*(45#>27(#7(#?&(,)2#@,<*%A(#2&0(,5##B,#C,4(#0)#*4#2*/9#)*(4# (&',#%*==74(5
five every morning and makes rice for the parakeets. He puts U# !&-#6#*'#7.#'8#/7D7.C#%&&'#*.1#6#+*.#(,,#*#=&44/,#&9#-*4,%;#'8#
the rice out and waits. The first parakeet comes at six o’clock in +*4#*.1#*#(&9*5
42,#'&%.7.C5#$&0%#42&0(*.1#)*%*<,,4(#+&',#4&#27(#2&',#,D,%8# S# 6A'#7.#'8#<74+2,.;#*4#'8#1,(<;#*.1#6#+*.#(,,#'8#/*)4&);#*#4*=/,4;#
1*85#?&(,)2#/&D,(#42,#)*%*<,,4(5#B,#(*8(;#EF//#/7D7.C#427.C(#*%,# '8#+*%#<,8(;#(+7((&%(;#4-&#=&&<(;#*#),.+7/#*.1#*#+0)#&9#4,*5
X# 6A'#7.#42,#C*%1,.#.&-5#6#+*.#(,,#(&',#4%,,(;#)/*.4(#*.1#*#4*=/,#
# 6.#:&/&%*1&;#7.#42,#G@F;#H7//8#I//7(#C,4(#0)#,*%/85# *.1#+2*7%5
B: I get up, have a cup of co ee and then I’m ready to go.
N: He climbs steps … to his office. orest fires are a big F"#$%%&$"'()*+,-./0$
problem in Colorado. Billy is a fire lookout. He watches the 123$4E$.,5$4&
forest for fires. It’s a difficult job. Does he see many forest fires? !"#"!$%%$&'%
No, not often, but when he sees a fire, it’s his job to call the !"# HH:#)%,(,.4,%;#F1,#F1,)74*.;#7(#*4#Z&',#F7%)&%45#H04#2,#2*(#*#
firefighters. )%&=/,'#_#27(#)/*.,#7(#/*4,5#@7[#2&0%(#/*4,5#@&;#2,#2*(#(7[#2&0%(#4&#
# 6.#42,#.&%42#&9#J,%0;#7.#*#.*47&.*/#)*%<;#-,#+*.#(,,#K*<,#I/# (,,#Z&',5#]2,%,#+*.#2,#C&V
L&%*1&5#I/D7%*#7(#.7.,#8,*%(#&/15#@2,#/7D,(#7.#*#('*//#D7//*C,#.,*%# # F1,#C,4(#42,#2,/)#&9#*#/&+*/#4&0%#C071,;#I(42,%#M*0%7.75#B,#2*(#
K*<,#I/#L&%*1&5#@2,#C&,(#4&#(+2&&/#42,%,5#I/D7%*#/&D,(#*.7'*/(5# =7C#)/*.(#9&%#27(#D7(74N#F1,#-*.4(#4&#(,,#3#42,#:&/&((,0';#42,#
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%7D,%(5#H04#(&',47',(#42,8#.,,1#*#.,-#2&',5#>&1*8#7(#*#(),+7*/# >%,D7#$&0.4*7.5#ID,%8427.C#7.#(7[#2&0%(#*.1#,D,%8427.C#=8#=0(N#64#
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manatee for the first time. She’s really happy. The men put the His first stop is the Circus Maximus. It’s an ancient sports
'*.*4,,#7.4&#42,#/*<,5#64#2*(#*#.,-#2&',5#I/D7%*#-*4+2,(#42,# (4*170'5#F#)/*+,#9&%#&D,%#PS`;```#),&)/,#4&#-*4+2#3#+2*%7&4#
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I"# :2*0#'*.*4,,N (&',47',(#42,8#2*D,#'0(7+#+&.+,%4(#2,%,5#
# !,*%#42,#:7%+0(#M*[7'0(#7(#42,#J*/*47.,#B7//5#B,%,#8&0#+*.#(,,#
6789$: 8,*%(#&/1;#9%&'#42,#(4*%4#&9#42,#+748#&9#Z&',5
;<+,+/#$%%&$=>'?3 # F1,A(#.,[4#(4&)#7(#42,#M&042#&9#>%0425#@&#-2*4#is#42,#M&042#&9#
O# B,//&5#M8#.*',A(#?01,5#6A'#*#(401,.4#1&+4&%5#6#-&%<#7.#*#2&()74*/# &9#*#),%(&.#42*4#1&,(.A4#(),*<#42,#4%0425
# !,[4;#F1,#D7(74(#42,#>%,D7#$&0.4*7.5#>2,#>%,D7#$&0.4*7.#7(#'*.8#
P# 6#-&%<#7.#6>#*.1#6#-&%<#9%&'#2&',5 4&0%7(4(A#9*D&0%74,#)/*+,5#64A(#D,%8#=,*04790/5#F.1#),&)/,#42%&-#
Q# 6A'#*#4,*+2,%5#6#-&%<#*4#*#(+2&&/#7.#F.<*%*5#6#-&%<#9%&'#R#*5'5#4&# '&.,8#7.#42,#9&0.4*7.#3#*=&04#Q;```#,0%&(#,D,%8#1*85#>2*4A(#
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'8#T&=5 And finally, Ade’s last stop … the Colosseum. There’s just time
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