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?What is a pulmonary embolism.

a. A type of fruit

b. A blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in your lungs

c. A method of transportation

d. A type of exercise

Which of the following can be a symptom of a pulmonary embolism.2

a. Headache

b. Chest pain

c. Healthy appetite

d. Bright yellow skin

How serious can a pulmonary embolism be.3

a. Not serious at all

b. Mildly serious

c. Very serious and life-threatening

d. Not affects older people

What can increase the risk of developing a pulmonary embolism.4

a. Eating vegetables

b. Regular exercise

c. Smoking and a sedentary lifestyle

d. Drinking water

How can pulmonary embolism be treated.5

a. with a special shampoo

b. by applying a bandage

c. with surgery or blood-thinning medications

d. by drinking herbal tea

What is the main function of our lungs.6

a. Pump blood
b. Help us see

c. Help us breathe

d. Help us walk

Which part of our body do we use to breathe.7

a. Ears

b. Lungs

c. Stomach

d. Feet

How can we keep our lungs healthy.8

a. Never exercise

b. Eat lots of junk food

c. Avoid smoking

d. Drink soda all day

Which of these is NOT a symptom of a pulmonary embolism.9

a. Shortness of breath

b. Chest pain

c. Coughing up blood

d. Happy feelings

Who can get a pulmonary embolism.10

a. Only astronauts

b. Only animals

c. Anyone, including kids

d. Only superheroes

How can a pulmonary embolism be diagnosed.11

a. By tasting your blood pressure

b. By doing a Spiral CT scan

c. By listening to your heartbeat

d. By checking your hair color

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for pulmonary embolisms.12

a. Smoking

b. Obesity

c. Regular physical activity

d. Inflammatory bowel disease

13.Which of the following activities can help prevent pulmonary embolisms

a. Eating fast food daily

b. Sitting for long periods without moving

c. Regular exercise

d. Watching TV all da

14.What should you do if you think someone has a pulmonary embolism

a. Ignore it

b. Call for help right away

c. Give them a big hug

d. Take a picture

15.Who can get a pulmonary embolism?

a. Only astronauts

b. Only animals

c. Anyone, including kids

d. Only superheroe


B . B . C . C. C . C . B . C . D . C . B . C . C . B . C

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