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By Violet Webster

Once upon a time there was a dinosaur named Crunch. Crunch is a glum but goofy

Tyrannosaurus Rex. He loves the beach and making and making sand angles and loves coconuts.

Crunch lives in a small city called Chomp Ville. Chomp Ville is cozy town mostly sunny and

bright, but sometimes rains. Crunch lives here with all his dinosaur friends and one small cat.

The cat’s name is purr.

One afternoon Crunch was on his way to the Dollar store to buy new sunglasses because so

bright in Chomp Ville. As he was driving, he noticed a massive wave towering over his car. He

drove as fast as he could outrun the wave that was about to hit the city, but he was not fast

enough as the wave hit his car and washed him away into the sea.
Crunch got swept away to a very small, deserted island in the middle of the sea. The island only

had a tree, and it was full of coconuts. After what felt like forever, which was only 10 days,

Crunch noticed 2 dinosaurs in a boat paddling in the distance far from the island. Crunch put a

message in a bottle and hoped it would reach the boat.

On the way there the bottle sunk under the sea and then the dinosaurs paddled away because they

didn’t see Crunch on the island. Crunch had lost hope when he noticed he was getting closer to

land. Then noticed he was never on an island he was on a gigantic sea turtle back the whole

time. Crunch was so happy to be on land, but he wasn’t home.

He walked through the beach to town and found that he was surrounded by cats millions of cats.

This time it was a big city full of cats. The cats gave Crunch a home to live in and they all lived

happily ever after.

The End

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