Super Elf Less Plot of The Sun

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Super Elf less Plot of the Sun

By Theo Roumanis

Chapter 1 – The Naming

Once upon a time in a far, far, far away dark and destroyed universe there was a being called

Super Elf less. Super Elf less has huge purple and white ears that help him fly even though he

has the power of teleportation. His eyes have an obliteration beam that destroys everything in

his path. He also carries around the diamond trident spear of Elf less. The trident helps create

portals into new universes. He was in the background for too long and now he had to figure out

what to do next. Super Elf less had a plan to gain as many universes as possible for his people.

His new plan is to take the suns from superhero universe and give them to all the Elf less

people. The problem is that the Worst Superhero Ever is trying to always stop him, except this

time it will not work.

Chapter 2 – Chaos

Super Elfless makes a portal using his trident and takes the portal to the sun. He is starting to

absorb the power of the sun with his trident. But then the Worst Superhero Ever comes in a

rocket ship because he can’t fly to try to defeat Super Elfless. The Worst Superhero Ever jumps

outside the ship to try to tackle Super Elfless. But he needs oxygen for the fight, and he only

has 2 minutes to fight. It’s an easy fight for Super Elfless because The Worst Superhero lost all

his oxygen. The Worst Superhero Ever was defeated and turned into a lamp post and floated

back down to earth. Super Elfless now had taken possession of all the suns in the universe.
Chapter 3 – Mystery Character

The Worst Superhero Ever was falling back down to earth. He was such a horrible Superhero

that he made it past atmosphere back down to earth. When he made it back down to earth

everyone was freaking out because there was a moving lamp post on the road. Back in the

deep, dark parts of the universe Super Elfless was trapping the power of the sun and handing to

a mystery character. Will the Worst Superhero Ever change back from. Lamp post and learn to

fly? Or will Super Elfless dominate the world? And who is the mystery character with Super

Elfless? Only time will tell.

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