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Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Reading Assessment
Infant 2

Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Table of Contents
Assessment Guidelines for Teachers....................................................................................................3
Infant II Assessment (A) Guidelines for Teachers...............................................................................4
Reading of Words and Sentences.....................................................................................................4
Infant II Assessment (A) Guidelines for Teachers...............................................................................5
Dictated Sentence.............................................................................................................................5
Infant II Assessment (A)......................................................................................................................6
Word and Sentence Reading.............................................................................................................6
Directions and Scoring Form for Teachers.......................................................................................6
Infant II Assessment (B)......................................................................................................................7
Phonemic Awareness – Blending and Segmenting..........................................................................7
Directions and Scoring Form for Teachers.......................................................................................7
Infant II Assessment (C)......................................................................................................................8
Letter Sound Identification and Letter Name Identification............................................................8
Directions and Scoring Form for Teachers.......................................................................................8

Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Assessment Guidelines for Teachers

A. The Infant 2 Assessment is an individual assessment that measures a student’s competence
and readiness in Phonemic Awareness and ability to decode simple CVC, CCVC AND
CVCC words. Assessment A measures students’ competencies in the following three
categories and in the order of:
1. Word Reading
2. Sentence Reading
3. Dictated Sentence

B. If students DO NOT meet achievement benchmarks in ALL categories for Assessment A,

the teacher is advised to administer Assessment B: Blending and Segmenting

C. If students DO NOT meet the achievement benchmarks for Assessment B, the teacher is
advised to administer Assessment C: Letter Sound and Letter Name identification.

Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Infant II Assessment (A) Guidelines for Teachers

Reading of Words and Sentences

Face-to-Face Administration

This measure is NOT timed.

 Teacher tells the student “Now it’s time to read some words. Show me your best
 Teacher points to the first word:
“I will point to the word and you say the word. If you don’t know the word, that’s
okay. Give it your best try.”

 If the student does not respond within 5 seconds, move on to the next word and say,
“Try this word. Show me your best reading.”

Use the same procedure as stated above for reading of sentences.

Point to each word in every sentence.

 Place  for correctly read words.
 Write EXACTLY what the student says for any error.
 Write NR for no response if the student does not say the word within 5 seconds.


Reading of Words: Indicate what the student actually states for each word read incorrectly.

Word Student response Word Student response Word Student Response

am  run ran sit sat
Total words read correctly: 1

Reading of Sentences: Indicate what the student actually states for each word read incorrectly.
Sentence Student response
Six bugs are in the net. Six bags are on the net.
Total words read correctly: 4

Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Infant II Assessment (A) Guidelines for Teachers

Dictated Sentence
1. The teacher tells students: “We are going to write a sentence.”
2. The teacher reads the sentence fluently while students listen.
3. The teacher reads again, adjusting rate, to allow students to write what is being dictated.
4. Students write the sentence.

SCORING: Give 1 (ONE) mark for each word spelt correctly. Correct use of mechanics
(capitalisation and punctuation) is also assessed in this area.

Dictated Sentence Mechanics and spelling /7

We sat on the rug. 7

we sit on the rag. 3

Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Infant II Assessment (A)

Word and Sentence Reading
Directions and Scoring Form for Teachers

Reading of Words:
Indicate what the student actually states for each word read incorrectly.

Teacher says:
“Read the words as I point to them.”

Word Student’s response Word Student’s response Word Student’s Response

am run cot
pit hag ben
Total words read correctly: /6
Reading of Sentences:
Indicate what the student actually states for each word read incorrectly.
“Read the sentences as I point to each word.”
Sentence Student’s response
I see six bugs.

The pot is wet.

My dad is a man.

Total words read correctly: /13

Administration of the Dictated Sentence Assessment

Dictation Sentence
Teacher says:
1. “You are going to write a sentence.”
2. “First listen as I read the sentence. I will tell you when to write.”
3. “Ok, you can get ready to write now.”
“He can run to Jen.”
Total words, upper case letters and punctuation marks written correctly: /8

(Input scores, for the relevant assessment, on the Teacher’s Reporting Template provided.)

Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Infant II Assessment (B)

Phonemic Awareness – Blending and Segmenting
Directions and Scoring Form for Teachers
To be administered ONLY if students do not meet benchmarks in Assessment A
This is an auditory measure. Students DO NOT see this paper.

Teacher Guidelines Assessment Components Time for administration Total

Teacher says sounds Blending Not timed 9
Teacher says words Segmenting Not timed 9

School: Teacher:

Student Name: Date:

Directions: For this measure, the teacher MAKES the individual sound for each letter in the
word. The student responds by saying the whole word.

1. Teacher: “When I say the sound /r/ /a/ /n/, can you tell me the word?”
2. If the student does not respond say: “The sounds /r/ /a/ /n/ blend together to say ‘ran’. Now
you try one.”
3. Continue administering with the following set of letters below.

Teacher Says Student Response Sounds Correct (circle)
Example: /p/ /i/ /n/ pem 1 2 3

/w/ /a/ /g/ 1 2 3

/t/ /o/ /p/ 1 2 3

/n/ /i/ /b/ 1 2 3
Total Correct: /9

Directions: For this measure, the teacher SAYS the word and the student responds by giving the
individual sounds he/she hears in the word.

1. Teacher: When I say “sad” can you say each sound you hear in the word?
2. If the student does not respond, say: The sounds in word “sad” are /s/ /a/ /d/
3. Continue administering with the following set of words below.
Teacher Says Student Response Sounds Correct (circle)
Example: met /m/ /a/ /t/ 1 2 3

Lot 1 2 3
Fan 1 2 3
Hum 1 2 3
Total Correct: /9

(Input scores, for the relevant assessment, on the Teacher’s Reporting Template provided.)

Curriculum Planning and Development Division

Infant II Assessment (C)

Letter Sound Identification and Letter Name Identification
Directions and Scoring Form for Teachers
To be administered ONLY if students do not meet benchmarks in both Assessments A and B

Teacher Guidelines Assessment Components Time for administration Total

Teacher asks for: Letter-sound identification 1 minute 38
1st round – letter sounds (first column)
 for vowels both long and short sounds
must be given
 for c, g both soft and hard sounds
must be given

2nd round letter names (second column) Letter-name identification 1 minute 29

(qu) is Not Assessed (NA)

1.  for the correct responses
2. N.R. for no response
3. Write exactly what the student says if the response is incorrect.

Letter Sounds and Letter Name Knowledge Profile

k i q s g b

u p g a t v

c l y d z o

x r m h w f

e j d x n qu


Letter Sound Total correct: /38 Letter Name Total correct: /29

Adapted: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development State Government of Victoria, 2011

(Input scores, for the relevant assessment, on the Excel Teacher’s Reporting Template provided.)

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