Adachi Et Al. (2012) - Interictal Psychotic Episodes in Epilepsy, Duration and Associated Clinical Factors

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Epilepsia, 53(6):1088–1094, 2012

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2012.03438.x


Interictal psychotic episodes in epilepsy: Duration and

associated clinical factors
*yNaoto Adachi, yzNozomi Akanuma, yxMasumi Ito, yMitsutoshi Okazaki, y{Masaaki Kato,
and y{Teiichi Onuma

*Adachi Mental Clinic, Sapporo, Japan; yNational Center Hospital for Mental, Nervous, and Muscular Disorders, N.C.N.P., Tokyo,
Japan; zSouth London and Maudley NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; xDepartment of Neuropsychiatry, Tenshi
Hospital, Sapporo, Japan; and {Musashino Kokubunji Clinic, Kokubunji, Japan

150.1 weeks. During the follow-up period, 17 patients

(11.0%) showed all episodes remitting within a month and
Purpose: There have been few reports showing the distri- 54 (34.8%) showed all episodes lasting for 6 months or
bution of the duration of interictal psychosis (IIP) episodes longer. The IIP episodes that occurred at a younger age
and their association with clinical characteristics. To clar- were often prolonged. Patients with a family history of
ify the nature of IIP, we studied the duration of IIP psychosis or with early onset of psychosis tended to have
episodes and their related factors. more prolonged IIP episodes. Among the episodes
Methods: One hundred fifty-five patients with epilepsy treated with APDs, early administration of APDs was
exhibited 320 IIP episodes during our follow-up period significantly associated with shorter IIP duration.
(mean 16.9 years). The duration of all the episodes and Significance: The distribution of the duration of IIP epi-
the longest episode in each patient during the follow-up sodes indicated the broad spectrum and heterogeneity of
periods were studied. Characteristics of the patients (e.g., the IIP phenomena. The individual vulnerability to psy-
epilepsy type, age of onset, and family history of psychosis) chosis may be associated with prolonged episodes.
and episode-specific factors (e.g., age of the episode, sei- Administration of APDs soon after onset of the episodes
zure frequency, administrations of antiepileptic drugs appeared to be effective in controlling them. These find-
[AEDs] and antipsychotic drugs [APDs]) were analyzed in ings support empirical treatment principles for IIP to
association with the duration of the episodes. administer APDs at an early stage of its development.
Key Findings: Mean duration of the 320 IIP episodes was KEY WORDS: Epilepsy, Psychosis, Interictal psychosis,
82.7 weeks and that of the longest IIP episodes was Duration of psychotic episodes, Treatment.

Psychotic episodes in patients with epilepsy that occur IIP has often been categorized into two subclassifications,
without direct relation to seizures have been diagnosed as that is, acute/transient/brief (called ‘‘acute’’ hereafter and
interictal psychosis (IIP) (Mellers et al., 1998; Adachi et al., chronic, which may facilitate further clinical and patho-
2000, 2002). In patients with IIP, their psychotic episodes physiologic investigations (Sachdev, 1998; Adachi, 2006).
negatively affect their quality of life as much as do their sei- No standard criteria, however, have been established. Con-
zures per se. Whereas IIP often causes serious conse- ventional criteria defined episodes lasting days or weeks as
quences, its nature remains uncertain. In general, as seen in acute-episodic IIPs and those lasting for months or years as
functional psychoses, the duration of psychotic episodes is chronic IIPs (Bruens, 1974; Sachdev, 1998). Some Japanese
associated with multiple issues, for example, individual and studies regarded psychotic episodes for 3 months (Kanemoto
environmental characteristics and treatment strategies (Hafner et al., 1996) or longer (Onuma et al., 1991; Matsuura et al.,
& an der Heiden, 2003). Despite the long history of clinical 1993) as chronic psychosis. More recent studies used the
studies of epilepsy psychosis, there has been little evidence criteria set for diagnosis of schizophrenia in the Diagnostic
showing associations between the duration of IIPs and and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV
clinical characteristics. (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) for chronic IIPs
in patients with epilepsy (Mellers et al., 1998). These crite-
ria were set arbitrarily without any examination of validity
Accepted January 30, 2012; Early View publication March 16, 2012. and clinical relevance of the cutoff timing. Furthermore, the
Address correspondence to Dr. Naoto Adachi, Adachi Mental Clinic,
Kitano 7-5-12, Kiyota, Sapporo 004-0867, Japan. E-mail: adacchan@
current diagnostic schemes for IIP do not address cases with multiple episodes with varying durations.
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. In the current study with a large number of IIP episodes,
ª 2012 International League Against Epilepsy we reported the distribution of the duration of IIP and its

Duration of Interictal Psychosis

relation to various clinical characteristics in view of disclos- et al., 2010). All IIP episodes were assessed and treated by
ing the nature of IIP. consultant psychiatrists qualified in clinical psychiatry and
epileptology. Patients with progressive brain diseases,
dementing process, or substance misuse were excluded. The
Methods study was approved by the relevant ethics committees of the
Definitions institutions that participated.
IIP episodes were defined as the presence of hallucina-
tions, delusions, or a limited number of severe behavioral Duration of IIP episode
abnormalities in accordance with the International Classifi- Psychotic symptoms that lasted for 12 h or longer were
cation of Diseases (ICD)-10 Classification of Mental and assessed. Episodes of duration of 12–36 h were counted as
Behavioral Disorders (World Health Organization, 1992). 1 day. Episodes lasting longer than a week were measured
The definition of interictal psychosis is as follows in accor- by weeks. In most cases, the timing of the end of IIP epi-
dance with Slater and Roth (1969) description and subse- sodes was specified. In the remaining cases, when the dis-
quent studies: the first psychosis occurs after the tinct timing of the remission was unclear, the day of
development of epilepsy; their psychotic episodes occur consultation on which the last description of psychotic
without a decisive antecedent seizure or cluster of anteced- symptoms was recorded was regarded as the timing of its
ent seizures; and the episodes occur under clear conscious- remission. Episodes during which patients showed excite-
ness. Although some episodic manifestations of IIP can be ment, disinhibition, or displeasure without distinct psy-
as short as a few hours or even minutes, the present study chotic symptoms were not included. In some cases where
focused on patients who had episodes lasting at least 12 h the termination of IIP episodes could not be confirmed when
for the reliability of evaluation. the patients were transferred to another institution or their
episodes were still ongoing at the study endpoint, the period
Subject selection between the onset of IIP and the last assessment was opera-
IIP episodes have been registered consecutively into our tively regarded as the duration of the episode. For analysis,
study database in a series of multicenter studies involving we used two sets of data: the duration of the all IIP episodes
neuropsychiatric wards for epilepsy or epilepsy outpatient and each individual’s longest episode during the follow-up
clinics of National Centre Hospital for Mental, Nervous and period.
Muscular Disorders, Musashino Kokubunji Clinic, Tenshi
Hospital, or Adachi Mental Clinic since January 1980. Our Investigation items
epilepsy patients with psychosis attended their clinics every As for patient’s characteristics, the following items were
2–4 weeks in accordance with the national healthcare recorded: (1) age at onset of epilepsy (the age of the first
guidelines. The decision-making process for the treatment afebrile seizures); (2) years of follow-up, from the first visit
for IIP episodes was described in detail in our previous arti- to the institutes after the development of interictal psychosis
cles (Onuma, 1987; Adachi, 2005). In brief, our treatment until December 31, 2006; (3) type of epilepsy, based on ictal
strategies are as follows: (1) establishing a diagnosis of IIP semiology, electroencephalography (EEG), and neuroimag-
episodes by excluding ictal/perictal/postictal psychotic phe- ing in accordance with the International Classification of
nomena, and evaluating the level of their disturbances; (2) Epilepsies (Commission on Classification and Terminology
assessing the patient’s capacity to give the clinician’s con- of the International League Against Epilepsy, 1989); (4)
sent to treatment and/or to participate in the decision- cause of epilepsy: presence of known cause for epilepsy as
making process, and seeking views from family members symptomatic and absence as cryptogenic; (5) lateralization
when necessary; (3) deciding treatment strategy, that is, of epileptiform discharges (spikes and sharp wave variants),
psychotherapy or watchful wait in outpatient clinics, or divided into four categories: left, right, bilateral, and none.
pharmacologic treatment (with or without other treatment Our criteria for lateralization are detailed elsewhere
options) in outpatient clinics, or in neuropsychiatric wards; (Adachi et al., 1998); (6) the presence of mesial temporal
(4) optimizing antiepileptic drug (AED) regimens where sclerosis (MTS) in brain magnetic resonance imaging
possible by reducing polypharmacy and adjusting the dose (MRI) scans: MTS was assessed qualitatively and MRI was
to aim for therapeutic serum levels; and (5) when adminis- performed in accordance with our routine protocol (Adachi
tration of neuroleptics is decided, butyrophenones and ben- et al., 2005); (7) family history of psychosis or any psy-
zamides can be used as first-line antipsychotic drugs for IIP chotic disorders in their first-degree relatives (Kitamura
episodes. However, for serious psychomotor excitement, et al., 1984); and (8) intellectual function: mental retarda-
any neuroleptics can be used to control them rapidly. When tion (full scale Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised
nonpsychotic symptoms are evident, other psychotropics, IQ [FIQ] 70 or below); borderline intellectual functioning
for example, mood stabilizers, benzodiazepines, or antide- (FIQ 71–84); or normal (FIQ 85 or above) in accordance
pressants, may also be used. More detailed clinical settings with the DSM IV (American Psychiatric Association,
of these institutions were described elsewhere (Adachi 1994).
Epilepsia, 53(6):1088–1094, 2012
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2012.03438.x
N. Adachi et al.

As for episode-specific factors of each IIP episode, the was mean 2.2 (SD 1.3, median 2, range 0–7). In 47 IIP epi-
following were recorded. sodes (14.7%), AED regimen was changed within 1 month
1 Age at IIP episode before episode onset (increased in 20, decreased in 20, and
2 Frequency of habitual seizures around the episode, classi- multiply changed in 7), whereas 273 episodes occurred on
fied into six categories, that is, daily, weekly, monthly, the same AED regimen. Of the 320 IIP episodes, 48 epi-
yearly, less than yearly, seizure free for more than 3 years sodes were treated without any APD throughout the episode
(Adachi et al., 1998) (non-APD group). The remaining 272 episodes were treated
3 The number of AEDs taken; with some APDs during the course of episodes (APD
4 AED regimen (the number of AEDs or dosage) within group): 118 episodes occurred when the patients were on
1 month before onset of the IIP episode, categorized into prophylactic treatment with APDs and continued the treat-
increased, decreased, changed in multiple ways (some ment throughout the episode (prophylactic APD group) and
increased and others decreased), or unchanged 154 episodes were treated with some APDs after their onset
5 Treatment with antipsychotic drugs (APDs), any APDs (APD add-on group). Of the APD group, APD time-lag
taken before or after the beginning of the IIP episodes between onset at the IIP episode and the time APDs were
were noted. Prescribing of APDs (timing, kinds, dosages) started was mean 9.7 weeks (SD 25.9, median 0.6, range
was left to the patient’s consultant who made a decision 0–221).
based on clinical demand in accordance with the treat- Of the 155 patients, age at onset of epilepsy was mean
ment strategy for IIP described above (Onuma, 1987; Ad- 12.4 years (SD 8.6, range 0–49) and age of onset of psycho-
achi, 2005) sis was mean 28.5 years (SD 10.5, range 14–66). One hun-
6 APD time-lag, the duration between onset of the IIP epi- dred thirty patients had partial epilepsies (PE): temporal
sode and start of APD administration was noted. lobe epilepsy in 69, frontal lobe epilepsy in 31, parietal lobe
epilepsy in 7, occipital lobe epilepies in 6, multilobe/unde-
Analysis termined lobe epilepsy in 14, and benign epilepsy of child-
Differences in duration of the IIP episodes by each condi- hood with centrotemporal foci in 3. Twenty-five patients
tion were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). had generalized epilepsies (GE) idiopathic generalized epi-
The relation between duration of the IIP episode and liner/ lepsy (IGE) in 17, symptomatic generalized epilepsy (SGE)
rank-ordered clinical factors was analyzed with Pearson’s or in 3, and special epilepsy syndromes (e.g., progressive
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Significant level myoclonus epilepsy) in 5. In addition to IIP episodes, seven
was set <0.05. Bonferroni correction was used to avoid risk patients had separate postictal psychosis during their course
of multiple comparisons: that is, 0.05/8 (approximately of illness (bimodal psychosis). The lateralization of scalp
0.0063) patient’s characteristics and 0.05/6 (approximately EEG abnormalities was left in 60 patients, right in 60, and
0.0083) for episode-specific factors of each IIP episode. bilateral in 35. MTS was found on the left in 19 patients, on
SPSS version 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, U.S.A.) was the right in 14, bilaterally in 4, and unremarkable in 118.
used for all statistical analyses. Intellectual functioning was normal in 61 patients, border-
line in 34, and in the range of mental retardation in 60.
Results The duration of the IIP episodes observed
Episodes and patients profiles The duration of all the 320 IIP episodes from the 155
In 155 patients with epilepsy (89 men and 66 women), patients was mean 82.7 weeks (SD 194.3, median 17, mode
320 IIP episodes were observed in our institutions. The total 2, range 0.2–1,874). The distribution of the duration of all
follow-up period of the 155 patients was mean 15.9 years the IIP episodes was shown in Fig. 1: IIP episodes subsided
(standard deviation [SD] 10.6, median 13, range 1–55). The within 1 month in 82 episodes (25.6%), over 1 month
duration between the initial IIP episode and the endpoint within 3 months (1–3 months) in 63 episodes (19.7%),
was mean 12.2 years (SD 8.7, median 10, range 1–40). The 3–6 months in 43 (13.4%), 6–12 months in 39 (12.2%),
patients had mean 2.1 IIP episodes (SD 1.4, median 2, range 12–24 months in 36 (11.3%), 24–60 months in 25 (7.8%),
1–8); 68 patients had single IIP episodes and 87 patients had and 60 months or longer in 32 (10.0%). Thirty patients still
multiple IIP episodes (12 patients developed IIP episodes had IIP episodes at the last follow-up consultation: 12
five times or more). patients continued experiencing IIP episodes at the study
Age of onset of the IIP episode was mean 30.9 years (SD endpoint, 8 were transferred to another institution, 5 discon-
10.5, median 28, range 14–66) and interval between onset tinued attending the clinic without notices, 2 had a sudden
of epilepsy and that of the IIP episode was mean 18.3 years unexpected death, and 3 committed suicide.
(SD 9.0, median 17, range 0–55). Seizure frequencies at The duration of the longest IIP episodes of each patient
onset of the IIP episode were as follows: seizure free in 68 during the follow-up period was mean 150.1 weeks (SD
patients, less than yearly in 26, yearly in 77, monthly in 68, 260.9, median 52, mode 4, range 0.6–1,874). The longest
weekly in 63, and daily in 18. The number of AEDs taken IIP episodes were for 1 month or less in 17 patients
Epilepsia, 53(6):1088–1094, 2012
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2012.03438.x
Duration of Interictal Psychosis

Table 1. Relations between episode-specific factors

and the duration (weeks) of each IIP episode
Duration (weeks)
Temporal factors (n) Mean, SD, median, range Statistics
Age at onset of IIP r = )0.186,
episodes (320) p = 0.001
Interval from onset r = )0.107,
of epilepsy (320) p = 0.056
Seizure frequency r = 0.026,
p = 0.647
Free (68) 65, 136.3, 13.5, 1–810
Less than yearly (26) 81.6, 159.7, 23.5, 2–754
Yearly (77) 77.1, 221.3, 17, 0.2–1,794
Monthly (68) 71.3, 114.6, 17.5, 0.2–546
Weekly (63) 129.1, 291.2, 15, 0.3–1,874
Daily (18) 56.0, 85.2, 21.5, 0.4–286
Antiepileptic drugs r = 0.099,
Figure 1. (AEDs): number (320) p = 0.079
IIP episodes subsided within 1 month (4 weeks) in 82 episodes Changes of AED regimens F = 1.51,
(25.6%), over 1 month within 3 months (5–13 weeks) in 63 p = 0.213
episodes (19.7%), 3–6 months (14–26 weeks) in 43 (13.4%), Increased (20) 39.5, 79.5, 10, 0.2–323
6–12 months (27–52 weeks) in 39 (12.2%), 12–24 months Decreased (20) 22.3, 28.1, 9.5, 0.4–95
Multiply changed (7) 168.4, 124.7, 4, 2–897
(53–104 weeks) in 36 (11.3%), 24–60 months (105–260 weeks)
Unchanged (273) 88.1, 201.7, 18, 0.2–1,874
in 25 (7.8%), and 60 months or longer (260 weeks+) in 32 Antipsychotic F = 4.38,
(10.0%). drugs (APDs) p = 0.037
Epilepsia ILAE Non-APD (48) 28.9, 38.0, 10.5, 0.2–173
APD (272) 92.2, 208.8, 17, 0.2–1,874
(11.0%), over 1 month to 3 months (1–3 months) in Timing of APD F = 5.32,
18 (11.6%), 3–6 months in 19 (12.3%), 6–12 months in 24 administration p = 0.022
APD prophylactic (118) 59.1, 195.0, 10, 0.2–1,874
(15.5%), 12–24 months in 25 (16.1%), 24–60 months in 21 APD add-on (154) 117.6, 216.0, 34, 1–1,794
(13.5%), and 60 months or longer in 31 (20.0%). APD time lag (272) r = 0.43,
p = 0.000
A longitudinal aspect of the duration of IIP episodes
Provided that the period of acute-episodic psychosis is
defined as a duration of 1 month or shorter, 17 (11.0%) of of the episode. The number of AEDs taken correlated
the 155 patients showed all episodes acute, 102 (65.8%) slightly with the IIP duration, although it did not reach a sta-
showed all episodes chronic, and 36 (23.2%) showed both tistically significant level. Changes of the AED regimen
acute and chronic episodes. When the maximum duration were not associated with the IIP duration. The IIP duration
for acute psychoses is set at 3 months, 35 (22.6%) of the differed significantly between the groups regarding APD
patients showed all episodes acute, 75 (48.4%) showed all treatment: the APD group had a longer duration than did the
episodes chronic, and 45 (29.0%) showed both acute and non-APD group. Among the 272 episodes with APD treat-
chronic episodes. When the maximum duration is set at ments, the prophylactic APD group had shorter duration
6 months or less, 54 (34.8%) of the patients showed all epi- than the APD add-on group. As APD time-lag prolonged,
sodes acute, 54 (34.8%) showed all episodes chronic, and 47 the IIP duration became longer significantly.
(30.3%) showed both acute and chronic episodes.
Relation between patients’ characteristics and the
Relation between episode-specific factors and the duration of the longest IIP episode
duration of each IIP episode Relations between individual characteristics and the lon-
Relations between episode-specific factors and the IIP gest duration were shown in Table 2. The duration of the
duration were shown in Table 1. Two age-related factors longest IIP episode showed a slight inverse correlation with
showed weak associations with the IIP duration. As age of age of onset of psychosis, whereas age of onset of epilepsy
onset of IIP episode advanced, the duration of the episode and the duration between onset of epilepsy and that of psy-
became shorter. When the interval between onset of epi- chosis were not correlated with each other. The IIP patients
lepsy and that of the IIP episode was longer, the duration of with a family history of psychosis showed a slightly longer
the episode tended to be slightly shorter, although it did not duration of the longest IIP episodes than did those without,
reach a significant level. Seizure frequency at onset of the although there was no significant difference. There was no
IIP episode did not correlate significantly with the duration difference in the longest duration between IIP patients with

Epilepsia, 53(6):1088–1094, 2012

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2012.03438.x
N. Adachi et al.

Table 2. Relation between patients’ characteristics and the duration (weeks) of the longest IIP episode
Duration of the longest IIP
Clinical characteristics (n) Mean, SD, median, Range Statistics
Age of onset of epilepsy r = )0.04, p = 0.613
Age of onset of psychosis r = )0.15, p = 0.058
Duration between epilepsy-psychosis r = )0.03, p = 0.673
Family history of epilepsy F = 0.30, p = 0.586
Presence (12) 189.6, 506.0, 53, 4–1,794
Absence (143) 146.7, 232.0, 52, 0.6–1,874
Family history of psychosis F = 3.16, p = 0.077
Presence (14) 267.5, 464.2, 122, 1–1,794
Absence (141) 138.4, 231.0, 48, 0.6–1,874
Postictal psychotic episode F = 2.10, p = 0.150
Presence (7) 11.0, 8.7, 13, 1–23
Absence (148) 156.6, 265.3, 59, 0.6–1,874
Epilepsy type F = 3.14, p = 0.078
Partial epilepsies (130) 165.6, 279.5, 58, 1–1,874
Generalized epilepsies (25) 65.5, 82.0, 30, 0.6–334
Subtypes of partial epilepsies F = 1.98, p = 0.087
Temporal lobe epilepsy (69) 193.6, 348.2, 61, 1–1,874
Frontal lobe epilepsy (31) 83.1, 102.5, 38, 1–364
Parietal lobe epilepsy (7) 322.7, 207.5, 268, 36–650
Occipital lobe epilepsy (6) 242.7, 166.7, 245, 32–432
Multilobular/undetermined lobe epilepsy (14) 62.2, 88.5, 30, 6–320
BECCT (3) 368.0, 392.5, 234, 60–810
Subtypes of generalized epilepsies F = 0.46, p = 0.635
Idiopathic generalized epilepsies (17) 67.9, 67.5, 56, 0.6–238
Symptomatic generalized epilepsies (3) 24.3, 29.3, 11, 4–58
Progressive myoclonus epilepsies (5) 82.0, 141.8, 30, 3–334
Cause of epilepsy F = 0.02, p = 0.901
Symptomatic (57) 153.5, 289.6, 39, 2–1,794
Cryptogenic (98) 148.0, 244.3, 60.5, 0.6–1,874
EEG; lateralization of abnormalities F = 1.09, p = 0.339
Left (60) 172.4, 296.3, 54, 1–1,874
Right (60) 159.2, 270.3, 60.5, 1–1,794
Bilateral (35) 93.3, 154.7, 34, 0.6–810
MRI; mesial temporal sclerosis F = 0.04, p = 0.848
Presence (37) 156.6, 311.6, 52, 2–1,794
Absence (118) 147.2, 243.8, 53, 0.6–1,874
Intellectual functioning r = )0.02, p = 0.835
Normal (61) 136.7, 254.3, 60, 0.6–1,794
Borderline (34) 108.3, 163.6, 3–650
Mental retardation (60) 185.6, 306.5, 1–1,874

a family history of epilepsy and those without. There was no IIPs. Although the duration of IIP episodes tended to be
difference in the longest duration between IIP patients with prolonged, the timing of APD treatment was strongly asso-
a history of postictal psychosis and those without. Patients ciated with their duration. Because evidence on these issues
with partial epilepsy tended to have a slightly longer duration is scarce, the findings may provide invaluable information
than patients with GE, although the difference was not sta- from clinical and pathophysiologic perspectives.
tistically significant. There was no significant difference in
the lateralization of EEG abnormalities, MTS on MRI, or The duration of each IIP episode
intellectual functioning. Mean duration of the episode was approximately
80 weeks, and one half of the IIP episodes lasted for
4 months or more, whereas their duration was distributed
Discussion widely from a day to more than 30 years (Fig. 1). This
The current study demonstrated that the duration and broad distribution of the episode duration, one of the core
related factors of a large number of IIP episodes showed a elements in the diagnostic process, can lead to difficulty in
broad spectrum, suggesting heterogeneous characteristics of understanding IIP by looking into the duration solely. This

Epilepsia, 53(6):1088–1094, 2012

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2012.03438.x
Duration of Interictal Psychosis

contrasts strikingly with the duration of postictal psychosis APDs was a consequence of psychopathologic as well as
(PIP), almost all of whose episodes end within a month psychosocial aspects of each episode, the use of APDs defi-
(Adachi et al., 2007). nitely reflects acuity and severity of the episodes (Adachi
This study considered only psychotic symptoms in accor- et al., 2007). Among the episodes treated with APDs, earlier
dance with the conventional definition of IIP. Psychiatric APD administration shortened the IIP duration signifi-
negative symptoms, for example, psychomotor retardations, cantly. This is similar to findings in functional psychosis
blunted affects, and emotional withdrawal in epilepsy where prognosis is poorer if the first-episode psychosis
patients with psychosis have long been ignored. In his landmark becomes prolonged without appropriate treatment (White
study, Slater et al. (1963) observed that a significant number et al., 2009). These findings support empirical treatment
(40%) of IIP patients showed negative symptoms. These principles for IIP to administer APDs at an early stage of its
findings were, however, not noticed for a long time until we development (Onuma, 1987).
revisited this issue and reported the presence of psychiatric There were some aging effects on the duration of the
negative symptoms in some patients with IIP (Adachi et al., episodes: the younger the patient was at the onset of the IIP
2000; Adachi, 2006). Negative symptoms generally outlast episode, the longer was the duration. This is in line with
positive symptoms in patients with functional psychosis findings in studies of functional psychosis (Borga et al.,
(Lenzenweger & Dworkin, 1996). Furthermore, thought 1991; Haro et al., 1994), in that those who developed psy-
disorders in patients with epilepsy with psychosis have not choses at a younger age showed more chronic and poorer
been systematically studied. Among various thought disor- outcome. Likewise, IIP episodes tended to be shorter when
der symptoms, delusions were clarified as disordered con- occurring after a long period since onset of epilepsy. This
tent (Cutting & Murphy, 1988); therefore, we were able to may be another age-related finding, mirroring that the
assess them in this study. In contrast, the other symptoms of duration became shorter as age advanced.
thought disorder, that is, disordered forms, including disor-
der of the mechanisms of thinking and disorder of language The relation between patients’ characteristics
and speech (Cutting & Murphy, 1988), were not well evalu- and the longest duration of IIP
ated. If the duration of negative symptoms and/or thought Although none of the clinical characteristics were signifi-
disorders was also measured, their duration of illness should cantly associated with the longest duration of the IIP,
be prolonged. patients with a family history of psychosis or with onset of
psychosis at a younger age tended to have longer duration of
A longitudinal aspect of IIP episodes psychosis. These factors likely reflect individual vulnerabil-
During the follow-up period (mean 10 years), approxi- ities to psychosis. People with a family history of psychosis
mately 90% of the patients had IIP lasting for more than tend to have an increased risk of psychosis and to exhibit
1 month. If the conventional duration-related classification their first psychotic symptoms earlier than do those without
(Bruens, 1974; Sachdev, 1998) was used, the majority of IIP (Nicholson & Neufeld, 1992; Albus & Maier, 1995).
episodes were classified into ‘‘chronic’’ psychosis. Two Patients with early onset of psychosis are also known to
thirds of the IIP patients had psychoses lasting more than show poor outcome (Sato et al., 2004; Malla & Payne,
6 month, which fulfilled the DSM IV criteria for schizo- 2005). In contrast, slightly longer IIP duration in patients
phrenia regardless of the presence of negative symptoms. with partial epilepsy may be associated with brain damage
Previous studies have also shown long-lasting psychosis in or epilepsy-related adversities (e.g., intractable seizures and
many patients with epilepsy (Slater et al., 1963; Bruens, multiple AED administrations) (Adachi et al., 2010).
1971; Onuma et al., 1991). Therefore, IIP tends to take a
long-lasting course, which is similar to other functional psy- Limitation of the study
choses (White et al., 2009). On the other hand, the preva- The current study had several limitations. First, whereas
lence (10%) of brief psychotic disorder among the patients most information used for analysis in this study was
with IIP appeared to be a little higher in comparison with retrieved from the database in that data were entered in a
the reported figures of brief psychotic disorders, accounting prospective manner, some additional data were collected
for 1–6% of all psychotic disorders (Susser & Wanderling, retrospectively. Diagnosis and descriptions of psychopa-
1994; Perala et al., 2007). These findings may indicate the thologies were recorded by qualified neuropsychiatrists,
heterogeneous nature of IIP phenomena. who were proven reliable in our previous studies (Adachi
et al., 2000; Adachi, 2006); however, data collected retro-
The relation between episode-specific factors spectively might have inconsistencies. Even if this was the
and the duration of IIP case, minor assessment instabilities cannot account for the
The use of APDs was significantly associated with the findings because data entry had been completed before
duration of IIP. Particularly, those patients who were treated study-specific hypotheses were formulated or data analyses
with APDs during their IIP episodes (the APD add-on were carried out, and the findings were obtained from our
group) showed the longest duration. Although the use of large cohort of patients. Second, the duration of IIP episodes
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